#trying to write from sanji's pov is like. how can i show that this man is absolutely on his knees all the time for reader
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paperultra · 1 year ago
aries and the turtle.
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1,169 words Warnings: None
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asterism (noun): a group of stars; a constellation; a cluster of stars
The first thought that comes to Sanji’s mind when he sees you curled up on the kitchen floor, rummaging through the box of herbs and spices, is that you’re the single most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on.
“Darling,” he says softly, leaning against the doorframe and smiling a bit when you startle, “you could’ve woken me up if you wanted a midnight snack.”
“O-Oh! Um.” Your voice colors the gentle calm of night into something warmer – and like always, he’s drawn to it like a moth to a flame, walking over and squatting down next to you as you scramble to put back a jar of paprika. “I’m sorry, Sanji, I – er, well, um …”
“What are you looking for? I’ll help you.”
Under the yellow glow of the lantern, you seem to shrink. You duck your head and mumble into the collar of your pretty nightshirt. “That chamomile and lavender tea you made a couple nights ago …” you begin hesitantly. “I wanted to make some.” Your voice quiets further. “I can’t sleep.”
Sanji frowns, angling his head to catch a glimpse of your face. You do look a little more haggard than normal, your eyelids heavy, your shoulders burdened. His heart aches. How long had you laid in your hammock, tossing and turning, until you couldn’t stand it anymore?
“I see,” he murmurs. “Let’s make that tea right away, then, shall we?”
Sanji quickly finds the flowers and some lemon rinds he had sun-dried last week. You insist on helping at least a little bit despite his protests for you to just relax, fetching two teacups and setting some water on the stove to boil as he measures the right amount of each ingredient to put into the infuser.
Once the water is ready, steam billowing up past your heads and to the ceiling, he pours it into the teapot and covers it to steep.
(You don’t say anything while the two of you wait, and although Sanji yearns to coax a smile and a sweet conversation from you, he contents himself with the silence as well, which is just as sweet. You sneak glances at him every once in a while, though. He knows because he does the same, and the attention sends a thrill through his chest.)
Time passes. He pours the tea – first for you, then for him.
“Tell me when.” The silence breaks once more as Sanji spoons some honey into your cup.
“That’s good.”
He stirs the tea up, hands it to you. You blow across the top of it and then take a sip as he watches attentively.
“How does the madam like it?” he asks.
You exhale and meet his eyes for a split second before quickly looking away. A small smile touches your lips. “It’s perfect,” you reply from behind the cup. “Thank you, Sanji.”
Warmth stains his cheeks a gentle pink.
“The sky is clear tonight,” he ventures hopefully as he adds two teaspoons of honey for himself. He picks up his cup and gestures at the open door. “Stars and tea pair well together, if you have an appetite for it.”
You bite your bottom lip. His gaze immediately darts down to it, and he swallows, throat suddenly dry.
“Sure,” you whisper.
And so Sanji gains another precious sliver of time with you. Elbows resting on the railing, hot tea and your presence protecting him from the cold, he stands out on the deck of the Going Merry and tilts his head back to look up at the sky.
He knows how much you love the stars. They are one of the few topics you can talk about without your usual shyness, and he thinks of you every time he sees them, pinpricks of pure light shining through the darkness, guiding weary sailors home. Sometimes he thinks you must have been one yourself, carried down from the heavens. Ethereal. Out of reach.
“This time of year,” you say, and Sanji turns his attention over to the stars reflected in your eyes, “you can see my constellation.”
“Yours?” he questions.
“Yes. Those three stars over there.” Your arm stretches out to point at something on the left, your finger tracing an arc in the sky. “In my home village, parents dedicate their newborns to a constellation three days after birth. Mine dedicated me to the turtle.”
A turtle. That fits you incredibly well, he thinks to himself fondly, considering your quiet tenacity. “How come?”
“Turtles represent good luck and a long life.”
“I see. Well, do you think you’ve had good luck so far in life?”
You hum thoughtfully, looking down into your tea.
“I think so,” you say after some time, hushed. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
A chuckle escapes him. “I would argue that you’re the one who’s brought good luck to us, sweetheart.”
You bite back a smile and whisper a small ‘oh’ as he gently bumps your shoulder with his own. Even now, you’re unused to compliments, but no matter; he’ll praise you at every turn until you finally realize you deserve every word of it.
There’s a brief period of silence before he asks, “What do you think my constellation would be?”
“Your constellation?” It doesn’t take long at all before you reply, pointing upward into a spread of stars that he could never even begin to puzzle out, “The ram. Some call it Aries.”
“What does it mean?”
This question seems to fluster you. You cough and stammer for a few seconds. He sips his tea, the beverage sweet and floral on his tongue as he waits.
“Rams … are artists at heart,” you finally say, glancing over at him. Your eyes, normally wary and somber, glitter. “They’re strong and passionate, but also gentle and kind.”
Sanji can feel a blush creeping up his neck to his cheeks. God. Surely, you’ll be the death of him, saying something like that so honestly and with eyes that look like that. He’d move heaven and earth for you if you asked.
“I’ll dedicate my life to living up to those qualities,” he breathes once he can speak again. “Just as much as you’ll live up to yours.”
You take a sharp breath.
“You already do,” he hears you whisper.
And Sanji truly, truly cannot resist anymore.
Your name leaves his lips. He reaches out, hand departing from the dying heat of the teacup and seeking out yours.
You do not pull away when his fingertips brush your cool skin over the railing; instead, you let him turn your hand over until palm touches palm, until the spaces between his fingers are filled with your own and his heart beats to the rhythm of yours.
Sanji squeezes your hand, and every cell in his body begs to falter and fall at your feet.
You rest your head on his shoulder.
The tea cools. But the stars remain as brilliant as ever, and your hand stays warm in his, and everything – everything is beautiful.
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lex-munro · 4 months ago
[More Like Grand-Ish: Part 7] Cake
OPLA ZoSan randomness continues; Sanji’s POV and speech use UK English.
A teeny little flangsty tidbit as a treat for morale.
Timeline is shortly after Alabasta, in that nebulous pre-Water-7 period that’s ripe for filler arcs—let’s call it about two weeks after Reverie. Yes, they will go to Skypeia. No, I don't know if I'll write anything set there.
The layout of the Merry is kind of a hybrid—her upper decks are set up like OPLA, with the tangerines on the poop deck and the helm on the quarterdeck instead of in the galley, but her lower decks are set up like the official blueprint from the manga/anime.
Canon divergent/universe alterations, gay!Zoro and anything-that’s-pretty-enough!Sanji, Zoro still hasn’t warmed up to Miss All-Sunday (but she’s used to being stoned out of town so his relatively gentle grumpiness is a Nice Change), Sanji tends not to think about how his actions make men (especially Zoro) feel, Zoro thinks if he says it enough times he’ll stop being upset, ubiquitous bad language.  Recognizeable characters belong to Netflix, Oda, Jump, etc.
  Sanji was only trying to be nice.  Really.  Miss Robin had turned a new leaf, was no longer the dastardly ‘Miss All-Sunday.’  She’d needed somewhere to belong, and the Going Merry was a place for all kinds of misfits.  The world’s greatest archeologist, wanted from childhood for the crime of surviving genocide, seemed like a fine fit (certainly most of them had come to value her company and expertise).
And also, she was beautiful and had very nice breasts.
(Which was unrelated to her value as a human being and how much she genuinely deserved compassion after her ordeals, of course.  It was just a bonus…a pair of very nice bonuses.)
He needed to test his recipe if it was ever going to be a staple in his fantasy-restaurant, after all, and a refined lady like Miss Robin would be able to give constructive feedback (Vivi would’ve been ideal, obviously, but Alabasta was far behind them now).
But Zoro, it seemed, was taking the whole thing the wrong way, and was extremely…something.  Pissed off?  Jealous?  Hurt?  Sanji couldn’t quite tell, but it was bad.
“I know I haven’t won him over just yet,” Robin said kindly.  “I’ll have to wait for a chance to prove myself, that’s all.”
Sanji, staring at the door of the galley (recently slammed after dark, assessing eyes went from Sanji to Robin to the cake), grimaced.  “I don’t think it’s necessarily a case of winning the mosshead over.”
She looked at him, ate another bite of cake, and casually said, “I don’t think much of a man who upsets his lover and doesn’t go after him.”
That flustered him slightly, because for the first three days she was on the ship, she didn’t seem to have noticed that he and Zoro were an item (possibly because of the low-level bickering that had gone on about her general presence and whether they should dump her in the sea to drown), and even after public affection and a week of bedrest and doting, she had never even referred obliquely to their relationship.
Robin set her fork down and sighed.  “Mister Cook, please don’t take this the wrong way—only a damn fool wouldn’t run after him when he looked like that over you serving me a slice of cake.  You clearly have some things to sort out, or perhaps his needs aren’t being met—I’m sure I don’t know.  But you should go.  Now.”
Sanji grunted, but went out to follow her frankly good advice.
Would Zoro be in the men’s cabin, pretending to sleep?  Sulking in the crow’s nest?  Sunning himself on the deck?  A glance up the mast showed Usopp surveying the horizon with the spyglass.  At the helm, Miss Nami made a face and pointed.
Sanji went behind and below as directed, and found Zoro stretched out beside the tangerines on the poop deck with his eyes closed.
“I know you’re not asleep,” Sanji said carefully.  “Your jaw’s clenched too tight.  I can hear your teeth grinding.”
“Then go somewhere else,” Zoro said bluntly.
“Okay, you’re upset, I get that—”
“I’m not upset.”
“Yeah, sure, ‘cos you always stomp away in a huff and then tell me to piss off afterward when you’re not upset.”
“Why would I be upset?” Zoro asked without opening his eyes.  “You’ve always liked pretty girls, and I’ve never liked sweets, so of course you’d give some pretty woman who tried to kill us and destroy a whole country the first taste of the cake you’re gonna make at your restaurant someday.”
Sanji pinched the bridge of his nose and swallowed a frustrated growl before it could fully escape.  “Exactly.  Even leaving aside that unfair oversimplification of what happened in Alabasta, why would I make you test something you probably won’t like?”
“For the restaurant you keep saying would be on our ship,” Zoro added.
“But you don’t like—” Sanji said, and had to stop himself before he went from frustrated to angry.
“I said I’m not upset,” Zoro insisted.  “I went a month without you, back at Tuni; I can wait however long it takes you to either get bored with her or decide I’m not worth the bother.”
“That is fucking bullshit, and you’re being completely unfair.”
“Right, because your track record with shiny new girls is great.  Currently, the longest is two weeks, because we almost never stay in one place for more than a week, and Vivi had to stay in Alabasta.  I still don’t know who should be more insulted by your fawning:  them or me.”
And Sanji had no argument for that.  It was true, he would absolutely neglect Zoro if there was a lovely young lady present.  He suddenly felt ashamed of making Zoro doubt him.  His boyfriend, his lover, the man he came home to every night and wanted to grow old with, was still waiting for the time Sanji looked away at some girl and never looked back.
“I understand,” Zoro said earnestly.  “They’re fancy, and delicate, and graceful.  They’re clean, and polite, and…and they’re not boring, obsessive wet blankets.  Of course you’d rather spend time with them.  Just don’t fucking lie about it.  Don’t pretend like I’m fun to be around, or whatever.”
“You are, though,” Sanji said.  “I mean—not fun, exactly, but I like being around you.  Wanting to be around them doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you.  You can want more than one thing, and so can I.”
Zoro flashed a thin smile, but still didn’t open his eyes.  “Yeah.  Because I’m too much and not enough at the same time.  Story of my fuckin’ life.”
“You’re not—will you please stand up and have a fucking conversation with me?”
“Why should I have to stand up while you lecture me about being clingy and selfish and obsessive and insecure?” Zoro retorted.
“Why the hell would I lecture you about—God, you don’t make any damn sense!”
But wait…
“Exactly,” Zoro huffed.  “I don’t make sense to you.  Why would I be insecure?  It’s not like you flirt with everything in a skirt, right?  It’s not like you constantly complain about my snoring, or my table manners, or how I don’t spend my water ration smelling nice for you.  It’s not like I’m such a loser you had to learn advanced first aid to take care of my dumb ass.  It’s not like I have recurring dreams about the whole crew being replaced without me noticing, or dreams where I’m so sure you were replaced, but it turns out you really did just get sick of me.  And even if any of that’s true, it’s my shit, for me to deal with instead of trying to make it somebody else’s problem, so will you please just fucking leave me alone to be pathetic in peace?”
Sanji immediately stretched out on the warm deck and said, “Never, darling.  If you couldn’t see through Corrin’s disguise, that’s because I didn’t give you any reason to doubt I might suddenly turn you away, and that’s my shit, for me to deal with.”
Zoro covered his face with his hands.
But Sanji remembered him sobbing his heart out in the galley, so lonely and so relieved that even he couldn’t remain stoic any longer.  So Sanji gathered him close and said, “I’m sorry.  I love you so much, and I don’t want you to have to doubt that.  I meant it when I said I can’t wait to grow old with you…reckon we could find someone willing to register a marriage license for us?”
Zoro made a muffled choking noise and peered at him with just one eye uncovered.  Then he bolted up into a sitting position, tear-tracks gleaming on his startled face, and said, “If this is a joke, I will replace all your seasonings with oregano.  And then I’ll kick your fucking ass.”
Sanji sat up as well, serious and attentive.  “It’s not a joke, precious.  I’d love to be your husband.”
“You’re not just doing it to make me feel better?” Zoro checked.  “You actually want to?”
“Mm.  And then I can tell all the lovely ladies that I’m an honest man, taken by a lovely fellow who needs all my care and attention.  You know, ‘Roronoa Sanji’ has a nice rhythm to it.”  It did, and it would let him cast off his last ties to his shitty family.
“We can’t get married just because of a fight!” yelped Zoro, and he looked genuinely panicked.
“We’re not.  We’re getting married because I love you and I don’t want you to constantly wonder whether I’ll forget that.  So.  We’re gonna get married, we’re gonna have a marriage license from the shitty World Government because I think it’d be hilarious, I’m gonna wear a ring so that nobody—especially me—forgets that I’ve got someone amazing to call home, we’re gonna chase after our dreams, and we’re gonna have our own ship with a world-famous galley where I will serve chiffon cake that tastes like a barrel of oregano, if that’s what makes my sweetheart happy.”
Zoro covered his face again, but his ears were turning redder by the second, so Sanji reeled him in and stroked his back (and didn’t mention the damp patch on his shoulder).
Chopper and Usopp peered down at them from the quarterdeck.  “So,” said Usopp.  “We need to find a port with a governmental office so we can get a marriage license.”
“We’ll be in range of a Newscoo by tonight,” Nami called.  “We could send off for one.”
Zoro flipped them all off without lifting his head.
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vemuabhi · 4 years ago
One Piece Boys Valentines Special!
Soulmate + One Piece AU where whatever happens to your soulmate will appear on your wrist.
Pairing : One Piece Boys X GN! Reader
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
A/N : I was listening to I need you by BTS (Clickable). It gives the love vibes. Do listen to it if you want to! You wont regret it. the feels are just everyting!
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Note: in this Story it can be with any one piece boy you wish for. It can be Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Law, Sabo, Ace, Killer, Kidd, anyone you admire. anyone you like. for some charecters it maybe OOc but, I tried to make it as close to them as possible. It will be in his POV
“This is in His POV”
As the sun rays hit my eyes, I slowly open my eyes. I grunt as I rolled to the other side of the bed. I took a deep breath and as the usual morning routine I bring my wrist close to my eyes and see what is going to happen to my soulmate today. It said, “Falls down while taking a walk and takes the attention of the complete crowd”.
Most of the times it is small normal everyday life stuff. Once it was, “Studying for Test all night”, for which I felt Super proud and other time it was “Crying because messed the exam”, on that day I was also sad because they were crying and did hard work. Once it was “being called names” and other time was, “Moving away from that place”. Not gonna lie, I was furious because they had to go through bullying.
Most of my mood depends on how my soulmate is doing that day. If I see that they are happy and cosy, I feel happy. If they are sad because of someone, I get super angry. If they are depressed, I feel sad. But yes… I fell in love with them without even noticing. I know neither their name nor face. But I do know one thing for sure. I got one hell of a person. They are amazing and I’d love them no matter what. I’m pretty sure they also like me. Because sometimes I read that they were depressed and crying because of the injuries and problems I was having. Well they could also read what was happening to me because it’s how the world is. In those times I do feel relieved and happy because they do care about me and my heart fills with that fuzzy feeling.
I let out a chuckle as I read todays happening. I know it’s wrong to laugh when someone falls down but… I couldn’t help it. “So adorable”, I say to myself as I looked at my wrist and kiss the sentence. Then I lazily woke up from the bed and continued my routine for the day.
After lunch my buddy asked me, “Man… you sure are smiling today. Something happened?” I nodded and said, “It’s just that my soulmate will be super embarrassed today, so I can’t help but laugh”. He chuckled and we talk about the upcoming works to do. That night I go to my bed and plop myself on it. I think about how my soulmate is as I smile and sleep.
The next day I see that, “Getting a crush on the new boy next door”…. ‘Wait what? Did I read it correctly?’ I thought to myself as I reread the sentence for at least 10 times. ‘Oh lord… Imma kill that jerk’, I say to myself.
I know that crushes don’t last long and yeah I know that my soulmate loves me but…. what the hell?! I can’t allow that! “IF I SEE THAT JERK IMMA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM”, I scream out loud making the people around me give me the weird look. I am so much pissed today that even the smallest things are pissing me off… ‘Is he that handsome?’, I thought to myself as I run my fingers through my hair. ‘Oh lord this jealousy doesn’t suit me. I hate this feeing’, I thought as I continued being moody for the rest of the day. I couldn’t sleep properly that night so I just stare at the night sky and keep thinking about them as I pout. I look at my wrist and whisper, “I am the only one for you. Get it to your head you idiot”.
I kept looking at my wrist and then I feel a slight sting on my wrist and I continued looking at it. Then I see that a new sentence was being formed. I have seen it many times but every time this happens it makes me so excited like a small baby. It is so magical. I read the new sentence on the wrist and blush hard. ‘Damn it’, I think to myself as I cover my face with my hand. I then again open my eyes and look at my wrist and read the sentence. ‘Continuing to be super happy because Soulmate is jealous’. I chuckle reading that sentence as my cheeks still remained pink. ‘So happy that Im jealous huh.. you little... tsk... still cute though.... Well at least now I know that you are smiling because of me’. I say and plop onto my sheets and close my eyes with a smile still lingering on my face.
After some days of normal peaceful happy days, with me and my soulmate being cheerful, I go to a new island with my buddies. It was a bright beautiful day. We explore the island, eat food and drink alcohol. Just like that the day was close to over and I was alone, walking in a park with the night sky beautifully lit with stars. Then I felt a slight sting on my wrist. I look at it waiting for the words to appear. Then, I see the words that I never expected but was waiting for the most to show up on my skin. I almost forget to breathe when I look at those words. My eyes wide open and heart beating faster than ever.
‘Meeting Soulmate’, was written on it. My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. I take deep breaths and sit on the bench beside me. I was speechless. I was amazed by this. ‘but.. how am I going to recognise them? how are they going to react when they see me? Would they even like a person like me, who always gets into fights? who has lots of scars.. would they accept me? what if they reject me?’, insecurities build up with in my heart. ‘Or worst… what would happen if we don’t even recognise each other?’, I couldn’t keep my thoughts in control. the only thing Mattered was them. ‘I'll search for you. I'll confess to you. no matter how you look, no matter what your gender or pronouns are, I will try my best to find you’, I say to myself and run around the island. That was a sleepless night. I ran around all the places to find them. Asked many peoples if they were meeting their soulmate that day, but every single time I got the same response.
“No, I’m sorry”, said the person whom I just asked.
‘Where are you?’, I thought and continue to search for them. it was already evening, but I couldn’t find them. The complete day, I didn’t feel like stopping for even a second. But now…. I got to the same park again after running around the island. I had no luck finding them. ‘Where are you?’, I thought as I again sit on the same bench as yesterday… all alone still... ‘Did you see me but didn’t like me? Do you like someone else? If you did I’d know by now… where can I find you? Where are you?’, I placed my hand on my head and my elbow on my knees. ‘Did I not notice you even though we met?’, I thought some of the worst case scenarios as my tears began to fall down my cheek. I couldn’t help but sob silently. I was immersed in my thoughts then I saw a person crouch down before me with a kerchief in their hand. “Sorry to ask this when you are crying but, are you by any chance looking for your soulmate?”, they asked. I.. I was speechless so, I just showed my wrist to them, and they smiled and showed me theirs, it said, ‘Meeting your fated in the park’.
I didn’t know what to say. It was the first time I saw those shiny bright eyes and beautiful face. That was my soulmate. They got up and wiped my tears then, they said, “I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time.”
That moment, I lost my control. I swiftly got up and pulled them into my arms. I buried my head in the crook of their neck and nodded. I felt their arms wrap around me as they rubbed soothing circles on my back. “I love you”, I confessed as they gasped.
I continued, “I know… I don’t even know your name. But… I love you. I love every single thing about you. Your kindness, your nature, your behaviour. I love how you are passionate about small things. The way you jam to the music everyone thinks is weird. The way you still be strong even after being bullied. I admire them so much. Those little traits of yours are mesmerising.", I stop and snif, then continue, "I never saw the guy who lives next door to you but I hate him with all my heart”. Then for the first time, they let out a very adorable giggle. ‘Oh... music to my ears when you laugh’, I thought.
Then we slowly pull apart. I see that their cheeks are flushed pink which was also too cute. They slowly reach up to my hand and kiss the place where the writing was making me blush. Because.. I do that many times and now, they kisses my wrist. They look into my eyes and said, “I also love you”. this made my heart flutter with happiness.
They sat down on the bench and I too obliged. We talked about all the things that we wanted to talk about and trust me my heart was about to burst when they leaned on my shoulder and continued talking with me. Thank you for being my soulmate, Y/N.
I hope you enjoyed it! Happy Valentines Day! Celebrate your valentine's day with One piece boys!
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