#trying to read everything he's saying/thinking aloud in the way it's said/thought is literally taking my breath away 😂
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belovedstill ¡ 4 months ago
patient confidentiality (ao3) svsss, mushang | T | 2.5k, pre-canon, hurt & comfort, wound treatment, shang qinghua's brand of rambling and humor, feelings realisation (more on ao3)
“Shang-shixiong.” Mu Qingfang’s hand on his shoulder kept him from getting up. When the frantic words finally stopped, he asked, “What happened?” What exactly was he supposed to say? (After an unexpectedly long and painful reporting session in the demon realm, bruised and exhausted, Shang Qinghua returns to the sect and passes out on one of Qian Cao's patient beds. Mu Qingfang treats his wounds and encourages him to confide in him. If only he could…)
written for @ficwip's all-ships ship week event, for day 2's prompt of "Who did this to you?". check the event out and join us in celebrating your ship 💕
Full fic on ao3 & under the cut
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Shang Qinghua had no idea how he found himself in this position.
Normally, whenever he came back from the northern part of the demon realm, reporting to Mobei-jun, he returned in the middle of the night, out of a portal in his personal office, and dropped on his bed like a sack of potatoes after a long and tight travel to the morning farmer’s market — dirty, exhausted, and covered in bruises. Bath could wait till morning—or whenever he had to wake up.
Rarely did the reports last straight through the night. This time, they did.
Shang Qinghua was dead on his feet as he stumbled out of the portal into his—
Those were not his quarters.
A cursory look around showed him a row of simple beds with neatly prepared bedding and pillows. Next to each bed was a small stool perfect for temporarily storing one’s belongings.
The calming scent of herbs hung in the air. His heart didn’t even attempt to beat faster at such an unexpected change in scenery.
Nobody was around to have noticed his unexpected arrival—through a demonic portal, no less—so everything was totally fine. And if he stumbled towards one of the beds and sat on its edge—and leaned to the side and dropped onto the bedding and rubbed his cheek against the pillow—really, nobody needed to know. It had to be ungodly early still… he could maybe… close his eyes… just for a… a moment…
—or not!
He jerked awake and sat up on the bed ramrod straight. In his hurry, he almost headbutted Mu Qingfang.
The room was definitely brighter now and his body wasn’t dead-heavy, even if he still ached all over.
Mu Qingfang was frowning at him in displeasure.
And for a good reason… Shang Qinghua only now realised just how dirty he was, covered in sweat, dirt, and blood that had long stopped oozing from his cuts. And all that grime—he rubbed off—on the sheets—
“Ah, Mu-shidi, I’m really sor—”
“Who did this to you?”
His mouth snapped shut and he nearly broke his neck with how fast he turned to stare at Mu Qingfang.
Who was… Not glaring at him, but… Looking, with a frown?
…angry frown? Frustrated frown? A now I’ll need to have these sheets washed frown or I’ve only just woken up, it’s too early for this frown or Why didn’t you call ahead? frown?
Which one was it?
Wait. He’d asked a question, hadn’t he? Fuck, and he was still talking.
Focus, Qinghua! Time to de-escalate the conflict, soothe the ruffled feathers, and get the hell out of there.
“This one really is sorry—I’ll put away some funds immediately for a new bedding,” he blabbered. “Did Mu-shidi need to restock his herbs? I’ll have disciples sent to pick up some—”
“Shang-shixiong.” Mu Qingfang’s hand on his shoulder kept him from getting up. When the frantic words finally stopped, he asked, “What happened?”
What exactly was he supposed to say?
Oh, he’s been tossed a bit by a demon lord of the ice region of the demon realm, he has a bit of a temper and treats violence as a language Shang Qinghua should be fluent in. He’s not very happy that Shang Qinghua’s recent reports have been lackluster because nothing much is happening in the sect! Oh, right—also, he’s a spy! He’s spying on the sect matters and reports directly to Mobei-jun, his king, a demon whom he saved years ago and who could very well crush him like a bug under his boot! Shang Qinghua’s measly cultivation level has nothing on his king, after all! But don’t worry, Mu-shidi, this Shang Qinghua has already gotten used to the beatings, they only bother him most of the time and not every time, his core helps him heal the worst of the damage in quite a short time!
…yeah, right, forget about it! Shang Qinghua was a master of weaving lies into his stories.
“I—I tripped.”
…he was a master of weaving lies into his stories when he had enough time to think them through!
Don’t judge.
Mu Qingfang blinked and looked him over again—to be fair, Shang Qinghua did feel battered enough to have indeed fallen to the ground, and been run over by a carriage or two—then made a small noise and took Shang Qinghua’s face into his hands.
And leaned in.
Shang Qinghua froze.
Mu Qingfang looked closely into his eyes—first into his right one, then the left one—then frowned and touched the pads of his index and middle fingers to Shang Qinghua‘s temple and just. Kept watching him.
And Shang Qinghua had only now realised how sensitive one's temples were.
A cool, soothing stream of qi flowed in through his skin into his veins and soon his whole being seemed to be overflowing with it.
He'd never written a qi examination through this channel. Now, he almost… almost regretted it… his readers would have gone wild for how intimate it was…
“Shixiong,” Mu Qingfang repeated. Shang Qinghua's mind centered on him in an instant. “Who did this to you? Simply tripping would not give you such bruises.”
Shang Qinghua winced. What could he say, Mu-shidi? It was much too complicated to explain, and would have him tried for treason and ejected from the sect in the best case scenario and sentenced to torture and death in the worst. Shen Qingqiu would probably enjoy banding with his other martial siblings for the first time ever, just to watch him squirm!
Mu Qingfang hummed in realisation.
…what? What did you figure out??
…He was still touching his temple. Shit! Was reading thoughts possible like that?
“Shixiong should know that whatever he says will remain in confidence—”
Shixiong dares to doubt it!
“—Even if he were to report on one of his fellow peak lord’s mistreatment.”
Shang Qinghua blanched, not because Mu Qingfang was very off-track (thankfully so!) but because the answer he was looking for wasn't even as narrowing as he expected! It was a very good out, however, so instead of lying his way out of this situation, Shang Qinghua leaned into the borrowed truth of it.
He snorted and said, “Which one?”
And based on the very interesting look on Mu Qingfang’s face, it was the correct thing to do.
“This one was willing to bet on Liu-shixiong.”
Huh. Well, that made sense. Liu Qingge did make it a habit to challenge to a fight anybody who crossed his path. You couldn't get him to sign any documents without having to cross swords with him first! Shang Qinghua routinely gained bruises and cuts out of these encounters.
Let nobody say that administrative work wasn't full of hazards! Even an office job was lethal with Liu Qingge somewhere in the equation.
The healing qi trickled again through the delicate veins of his head, then withdrew. When Mu Qingfang procured a wet cloth and—gently—pressed it to the place under his nose, Shang Qinghua saw that it did not come back bloody but rather held the dried flakes of leftover blood.
Mu Qingfang really was a good healer!
“Is Shixiong met with mistreatment from anybody else?” Mu Qingfang asked as he pulled out some ointment from one of his sleeves and started gently brushing it over Shang Qinghua’s cheekbone. It almost sounded like small talk at a hair salon.
Shang Qinghua debated with himself for just a couple of seconds until he decided that, no, actually, he deserved to let out some steam!
So he ranted. About Liu Qingge making his work so much harder by challenging him into spars and not taking a no for an answer. Sometimes outright ambushing him whenever he visited his peak—and sometimes even involving his disciples in it, too!
About Shen Qingqiu and his constant vigilant stare and cutting questions and sending him on goose chase after the data he needed, and demanding books and instruments and supplies he had to know were impossible or extremely difficult to obtain. And whenever he did not deliver, Shen Qingqiu made it all about how inefficient An Ding was. ‘Could Shang Qinghua even be called a peak lord? Maybe somebody else should take over the cushion-seated administrative duties, hmm, Shang-shidi?’.
About the weapons peak supplying Liu Qingge with more ammo to bother Shang Qinghua with and finding joy in hearing how much damage they've caused. ‘It's just for testing purposes’ and ’who better to test it than Liu-shidi?’.
Yeah, right. You meant to say, ‘who better to test it on than Shang Qinghua?’.
And as much as he liked Yue Qingyuan, the man had a one-track mind. If he were to scold literally anybody for treating Shang Qinghua like their personal lab rat, he would have to keep Shen Qingqiu accountable, too. Airplane knew his characters too well to hope Yue Qingyuan would ever do that. There was too much guilt and trauma there. In a way, it was his own fault and he was reaping the fruits of his own crimes.
Karma truly is a fickle mistress, ah.
Anyway, this didn't even count Qi Qingqi’s distaste of him made obvious every time he bothered her at her peak to get her reports. She tended to be good at keeping up with her paperwork, but somehow always forgot it on her desk. For weeks at a time. Truly, she was one of the only women he’d written with an actual backstory in mind and that was how she treated him?
Qi-shimei, you were one sentence away from falling for Bingge’s charms and becoming the proverbial older woman! It wasn't as if some readers didn't ask for it!
When he came out of his rant, he was sat on the top of Mu Qingfang's desk, void of all the upper layers of his clothing. On the desk next to him were prepared some clean cloths, a small plate with a herb mixture, a bowl of fresh water, and a jar of more ointment.
Mu Qingfang was washing his chest. Which was bare and bruised and inexplicably also covered in grime. Which was probably why he was washing it in the first place. He looked up when he noticed the silence.
“Anything else Shixiong wishes to get off his chest while we get him patched up?”
Normally, Shang Qinghua would very much take him up on his offer. Words and talking were something he was good at; he could talk an ear off a petitioner or a self-proclaimed demonic advisor and have them back off without even implying that he was a threat capable of destroying their lives. Hell, he talked his own ear off sometimes, mostly because it made thinking and memorising things easier. Sometimes, for things to sound logical, they needed to sound in the first place.
Say what you want about the administrative peak, but the responsibilities far outweighed the rewards. Original Shang Qinghua stuck around for spying purposes—and also maybe because he had nowhere else to go. Having his own quarters, a stable job and access to funds and a small community of people who respected what you had to say, on top of the protection of a demonic lord—it only made sense to stay on An Ding no matter what, as long as the circumstances allowed for it.
Until the original goods had made his betrayal known, Cang Qiong really had been ready to back him up when faced with outsider disputes. Only a fool would have left prematurely.
The current Shang Qinghua was not a fool, either.
And he never did anything prematurely. Wink. Nudge. Haha.
So maybe he had some things in common with the original flavour. What about it? The only real difference was that he knew what was coming for the sect and he could do nothing to avoid it, no matter how much he wanted to. His System had long learned to distinguish just by the tone of his voice when he was going to vent about this particular hurdle and refused to even show up and pretend to listen. He only ranted about it when he felt the boulder-like weight of his purpose in this world grow too heavy and too unfair—so what if it was frequent?. It was too cruel to throw him into the world of his own creation and not allow him to change a thing or two!
This… all of this wasn’t what he’d originally planned. If only the System had implemented him into the Proud Immortal Demon Way the way it had been written in his very first outline, everything would have been different. The plot would have already happened and ended!
At least, by now, he’d stopped mentally face-palming every time he encountered something incredibly embarrassing.
Mu-shidi asking him if he wanted to vent was hilarious. He'd make a good therapist!
…Who took the role of a therapist in this world, thinking about it? It had to be the healers, right? Mu Qingfang specialised mostly in herbs and spiritual healing, but Airplane had written him to be inquisitive, after all.
Anyway. Yes, he had things he'd like to let out, thank you very much! But with Mu Qingfang washing his chest, then patting it dry and rubbing herbal ointment into his skin, remembering that he had a tongue was quite… difficult.
And what was worse, Mu Qingfang had noticed! He frowned, dried his hands, and took Shang Qinghua’s wrist, then pressed two fingers on the inside of it. He felt the qi immediately.
The skin there was very sensitive, too.
No wonder it was one of the erogenous zones.
“Everything seems to be alright,” Mu Qingfang muttered to himself, then leaned in and looked into his eyes again. “Shang-shixiong, is anything bothering you right now?*
Yes! His heart is picking up at how close you are, Shidi!
Outwardly, he shook his head. “This one is simply surprised.”
He laughed awkwardly. “I'm not used to…”
To being taken care of.
As soon as the thought appeared, he shut his mouth and his body involuntarily tensed.
Being cared for wasn't one of the objectives in his transmigration.
And with everything that was going to happen in the future—Luo Bing-ge coming to the sect, being pushed into the Abyss, then returning to level the mountain with the ground and murder everybody in his wake—did he even deserve…? Was it even allowed for him to want…?
“Ah. This shidi understands.” Mu Qingfang patted his wrist and removed his hand. Soon, any touch disappeared. “Shixiong needs to only bear with him dressing up the injuries and he can cover himself up again.”
True to his words, Mu Qingfang wrapped the fresh cloths around his midsection with quick precision, and soon held out Shang Qinghua’s thin under-tunic. When he reached for it, Mu Qingfang simply helped him put it on and fastened the laces.
“If Shixiong ever needs help with anything, be it health or company,” he said and gave him a small, secretive smile, “or somebody to report certain unruly sect siblings to Zhangmen-shixiong—all he needs to do is ask. Shidi will answer.”
Shang Qinghua left the peak with a clenched throat and burning eyes.
And if he ever took Mu Qingfang up for his offer—well. Nobody needed to know.
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collidescopeeyes ¡ 11 months ago
Time is Roulette Whee: Swain WIP Pt3
“I'm not allowed to make deals with you anymore,” you tell the raven sternly on your next outing. “Also, that was very rude. It's not like dying is new to me, but some warning would have been nice. Not that I think you can talk, per se. I mean, you have those creepy whispers, but I don't know the demonic language. I can probably guess what you're trying to get at, though, and no. I'm not letting you rip my head open for juicy tidbits, and also, I'm not making any bargains to free you from Swain's control. Anything you know he knows anyway, and he's less likely to fuck me over than a literal demon. Especially one that very rudely let's me get my throat shrapneled from the inside.”
The raven caws from your shoulder. “Yeah, that's what I thought,” you grouch.
You don't do much over the next month, honestly. Once every few days or so, a raven arrives with an envelope clutched it's beak, and inside is a time you're to arrive at Swain's office, wrangle Raum under control, and chat. He seems to like talking to you, or at least you assume that's why he keeps doing it. You do occasionally feel like you're on the business end of a reconnaissance mission, but you can't imagine knowing your opinion on yordles somehow gives Noxus an edge on their many conquests. No, at this point you figure that Swain just has an intense demeanor that makes him seem like he's always doing something important, even when he's just asking you how your days been, or how you're settling in, or your thoughts on the book you were reading. That last one might be a reminder that you're under constant surveillance, actually, but it's not like you particularly care. Spending years in a nightmarish hellscape completely isolated save for the inhuman monsters trying to kill you kind of maxed out your lifetime requirement for alone time. Besides, you're pretty sure the birds can't open doors or unbar windows, and if you really wanted privacy you could always rewind yourself to Piltover or something. Still, you leave your window open for the birds most days.
The bird on your windowsill caws to get your attention. You wave it over without looking, focused on your book and your breakfast. Noxus probably would've been higher on your list of leads if you knew their food was so good, honestly. Who knew artisanal bread and cheese could elevate a grilled cheese sandwich so much?
The bird lands on your table, Swain's fancy envelope in beak. You wedge your bookmark in place and take it with your clean hand, breaking the crimson red seal and fishing the card out one handed. “Three pm,” you read aloud, tossing the card back on the table. “Standard Raum wrangling duty, it seems.”
The bird croaks at you. You shrug. “I don't make the rules.” You rip off a piece of crust to feed to it, then frown. “Come to think of it, how do you work, anyway? Does Swain see everything you see, or do you just report the important stuff to him?” You frown. “That would be awkward. He is technically my boss. That being said, respect for authority was never my strong suit.” You consider the bird a moment, then turn back to your meal. “Ah, whatever. He has like a hundred of you running around. I'm sure he's not paying attention to me telling you about embarrassing things I did in primary school. Hell, maybe it'll convince him to stop having you follow me around.”
“I can hear everything you say, and no, the inanity of your conversation is not going to convince me to leave a mage of your caliber unchecked,” he says by way of introduction that afternoon.
You blink, shutting the door behind you. “I’m not a mage.”
He raises a brow. “Oh? How does one traverse the Void without magic, then?”
You shrug as you seat yourself across from him. He changed the chair out shortly after your first visit–it’s nicer now, with actual padding. You wonder if that's for your benefit, or if someone got the other one broken over their head. “It's a secret. Hand,” you wiggle your fingers at where his left arm lies hidden inside his imposing military coat.
“Would you tell me in exchange for a recommendation to a cake shop?” He asks, placing his red-lit palm in yours. His tone is dry, but there's an edge of sincerety there that makes you think he's not entirely joking. “They make a lovely lemon meringue.”
You click your tongue. “Sorry, no dice. Besides, I'm sure you can figure it out from the tidbit your birdie already got out of me.”
“I understand it was a Voidspawn that took you from your world, and I take it your powers are a result of harnessing whatever you found there,” he says offhandedly. “What I don't understand is how you came to be here.”
You glance up at him. He has that look again, the one that makes you feel vaguely like a butterfly pinned to a board, like he wants to peel you open and see what's inside. “If I knew that, I probably wouldn't still be here.”
“Hm. I hope you know I won't be opening any Void Rifts on your behalf,” he says casually. “Far too much cleanup.”
“If you can find me a trajectory through a hellish nightmare void that defies time, space and euclidean geometry, I will personally slaughter every Voidspawn from here to the nearest Shuriman Rift,” you say cheerfully.
He raises a brow. “Not overselling yourself, I hope?”
You shrug. “I don't die. Don't strictly need to eat or sleep because of that, either. And believe me, I know how to kill Voidspawn.”
“You also take several hours to revive,” he points out. “Hardly time efficient.”
You shake your head. “Reality is…rigid, here. Inflexible. Not the Void. Those things bring a little bit of nothingness with them. Makes it easy to change things, change me.” You frown at his hand, trying to find your way around your curse. “First time I died after coming here, it was morning by the time I woke up, and I was not happy about it.”
“Hm. How fast would you say, with exposure to Void energy? Minutes?” He peers intently at your expression. His brow hitches. “Seconds?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny,” you say breezily. “And if you don't mind, I'd rather change the subject, before I say something I shouldn't and end up spitting blood in your face.”
He grimaces. “Very well. What would you like to speak about, then?”
You blink. “Yknow, you're different from what I was expecting.”
He raises a brow. “Oh? And what did you know of me, before you met me?”
You open your mouth, except you have no idea how to answer that question. “I don't think I can fully answer that,” you say slowly.
“Partially, then,” he says.
You frown at him. “Hey, you were following me for weeks before we met, and you don't see me interrogating you about what you know about me, other than that I like lemon meringues.”
He blinks. “I did not know you liked lemon meringues, just sweets. And putting aside what you have willingly divulged to my birds, I know that you're stubborn, intelligent, pragmatic, and more ruthless than you like to pretend you are. You go out of your way to help others, but pain doesn't seem to phase you anymore and without that nothing in this world seems to pose any real threat to you, so the life-threatening risks you take aren't particularly high-stakes for you. You subject yourself to the mundanities of human life your powers could erase the need for–food, water, rest, walking to places you've been or practicing a knife when you could unmake a city. You don't shy away from your powers, so you must not think they pose any threat, but you don't use them as a crutch either–that leads me to believe you mistrust them, perhaps that they'd desert you once you return to your world. Please, correct me if I'm wrong on any of those counts,” he says, spreading his free hand invitingly. You don't. “There. I've told you all I know about you.”
You raise a brow at him. “I know you didn't tell me all that just to hear about yourself,” you say dryly, and release his hand. “But if you really must…I know you get kick out of getting under people's skin.”
He smirks. Whatever answer he was looking for, that was apparently good enough. He's handsome when he smiles–well, he's handsome all the time, but in the same way a classical statue is, a cold and untouchable sort of beauty. When he smiles, that wicked little twist on his lips, it makes him look human. Not quite approachable, but at least like someone that lives on the same plane of existence as you. “I can neither confirm nor deny. You may restore the walls of Bitharix tomorrow at your convenience. That will be all.”
“Yes, sir,” you say with a mock salute, rising from your seat as he returns to his work.
“The shop is called Halcyon, and it's near the war memorials,” he says as you turn to leave. You look back to him, taken aback.
“Are you just telling me that because I wasn't expecting you to, and you like throwing me off?” You ask skeptically, though there's mirth in your voice.
“I decided I should reward you for your rare approximation of respect,” he drawls.
“If I'd known I got a reward for being a good girl I'd have done it sooner, sir,” You say teasingly, because spending years in the Void talking to yourself just to stay sane has really done nothing good for your already tenuous brain-mouth connection. Swain looks up at you, brow raised, and the satisfaction you derive from his taken aback expression is almost enough to cancel out the fact that you just hit on your boss.
…Your boss, Jericho Swain, Grand General of Noxus, who you have to look in the eye in a scant few days. Who, judging by the smirk curling on the edge of his lips, has no doubt cottoned on from your deer in headlights that you weren't just fucking with him, and you've completely lost why opportunity to play that off as a joke.
Welp. He might think you don't use your powers as a crutch, but you've never left somewhere so quickly in your life. You make your escape before he has the chance to say anything.
He doesn't call on you for a few days after, and you almost, almost put the incident out of your mind. You've had more embarrassing fuck-ups, you're sure, and honestly everything you've been through kind of puts social blunders into perspective on an odd way. You decide not to worry about it.
“What is that?” Swain asks, squinting at the paper bag you've deposited on his desk.
“A lemon meringue?” You say, plopping into your seat and wiggling your fingers at him.
“Why is it here?” He says. He doesn't even look at you when he puts his hand in yours, busy opening the packet to peer inside, as if you've somehow put a bomb in a clearly labeled baked goods bag.
You blink at him. “It's for you?” He gives you a blank look. “I figured you liked them, since you didn't know I did and you brought them up anyway. If you don't want it I'll take it. You were right, though, they're amazing.”
“Hm. No, I'll take it. My thanks,” he says. There's a strange look in his eye when he regards you. “Is there something you want?”
You consider him. “People don't often just do nice things for you without wanting something in return, do they?”
“Implying you don't want something from me?” He asks.
You pointedly do not think about your last encounter. “Well, sure, but you know what I want.”
“Do I?” He says, his voice low and considering. His palm is warm in yours. You're so fucking made.
You resist the urge to squirm. You've spent years in the Void, whatever this is can't be worse. “Look, if this is about what I said last time–”
“It's not,” he says easily, completely derailing what was about to be a very awkward apology about your lack of professionalism. Not that you'd ever had much of that. Before you can ask what the fuck that means, he hands you a sheet of paper. “In any case, your services are required in Ionia. We will be departing tomorrow morning. The details are there.”
You scan the piece of paper, which is part mission detail and part itinerary. “We?” You ask, flipping the page over. “Wait, you got the Leviathan back? Didn't Gangplank steal that?”
He grimaces. “Yes. Captain Fortune returned it after she deposed her predecessor, as a gesture of peace towards Noxus.”
You glance up at him. “Did it work?”
A smirk pulls at his lips. “For now. Bilgewater is more useful to me as it is now. Besides, bringing that mis-managed shantytown to heel would be far more effort than it's worth.”
“Would be useful to have serpent callers on staff, though,” you point out idly. “If there's one thing I'm not going to miss about this world, it's the sea monsters.”
“A fair point,” he says thoughtfully. “Though I must say that relying on the favor of a god sits ill with me.”
You shrug. “Can't say I know much about Nagakaborous, but gods can be brought to heel like anything else. Look at Aurelion Sol.”
He gives you a sharp look. “The celestial dragon? What about it?”
You blink. “Oh. I suppose that would predate your demon. The Aspects enslaved it using a magic crown and bent it to the will of the Ancient Shuriman’s, creating the god warriors which ultimately led to the civilizations downfall. As far as I know he's still floating around Targon doing their bidding. When I tracked him down, he refused to help without the crown being removed, and putting aside how long I'd be comatose for if I tried to undo however many thousands of years, I'm pretty sure he intends to blow up the planet if he gets free.”
There's a predatory gleam in his eye. “I see. What else do you know, about the Aspects?”
You raise a brow. “If you're expecting me to sit here and lay out the secret history of Runeterra, you're at least buying me dinner.” Shit. Wait. You've done it again.
He laughs, rich and dark. He turns his hand in yours, his clawed fingertips brushing over the inside of your wrist, where your pulse is currently thundering through your veins. “I can give you so much more than that, dear girl. Tell me, what is it you're craving today?”
…You're so fucked, and what's worse, he knows it.
Once you scraped your brain into your head, the first thing that came to mind to request for dinner that didn't involve clothes coming off was steak. You spend an hour comparing your understandings of the Aspects, Mount Targons general political landscape and possible resources, and you go into a impassioned aside about how the cosmic dragon that created the stars in your sky was a pretentious prick. He does, in fact, get you dinner–which is to say, the tower has its own kitchen staff, and he invites you to dine with him. He's actually very cordial–for all that talking to him sort of feels like you're somehow being played, he also holds open the door and pulls out your chair. You notice he only uses his demonic arm in front of you–in the hall, he keeps it tucked away in his coat when you're walking, but as soon as the serving staff have filed out of the room he's back to normal.
“How many people know about Raum?” You ask, cutting into your food. It is, of course, excellent.
“Only the Trifarix, Katarina Du Couteau, and you,” he says. “More convenient to have our enemies underestimate me as a cripple, and those who witness my powers firsthand don't tend to survive the experience.”
You glance at him. “Is it really that bad, that you lost an arm?” He raises a brow at you, and you wave a hand. “Not as in–look, I've been dismembered before and it fucking sucks, but what I mean is…I don't think having two arms is what makes you dangerous.”
For a moment a bittersweet smile pulls at his lip. “Things were different under Darkwill. Martial strength was all that Noxus valued, and that is one of the many reasons it was rotting from the inside. It's a mentality some still share, inside Noxus and out.”
You snort. “Like it matters how good someone is in a fistfight when they have a fortress and an army?”
“Some would describe that as cowardice,” he points out mildly.
“I'd call it pragmatism,” you retort. “Do you frequently say the opposite of what you mean just to see if people will agree with you?”
He smirks. “No. But I don't particularly care for most people's opinions.” Implying he cares about yours? “Wine?” He offers.
(The wine is, of course, as excellent as the food.)
“When you said morning, you did not say pre-sunrise,” you grouch, huddling under your new coat. The wind is bitingly cold in the harbor; Swain seemed unbothered by it, though it sends his coat flaring dramatically around him. The upper deck has a balcony that leads directly to his quarters, and he cuts an imperious figure overseeing the Leviathan's launch.
“Not a morning person, I take it?” He drawls, as if he doesn't know damn well from his birds.
“There are three things that wake me up in a good mood–sex, food, and coffee, in that order,” you say archly. “And I don't imagine you have an eggs benedict and a vanilla latte under that coat.”
He raises a brow. “Unfortunately, no.”
Hm. That's a surprisingly lukewarm response. You pause, finally taking a good look at him. “You look tired,” you say, noting the shadows under his eyes. Exhausted would probably be the better term.
“Yes,” he agrees. “There was much to do before we left, and I hadn't planned on our talk being quite so engaging.”
You hold out your hand and wiggle your fingers at him. He glances at you curiously, but places his gloved hand in yours. You rewind him back to rested, and his brows hitch. “Convenient,” he notes.
“I'm not doing that on the regular, and I don't care how efficient you'd be if you didn't need to sleep,” you tell him bluntly, releasing his hand. “Even without the physiological side effects, there are deep-seated psychological ramifications to not sleeping you really do not want to mess with.”
“I'll take your word for it,” he says. “I appreciate the assistance, but the reason I called you here is because there's been a slight change of plans. You'll be serving as my primary bodyguard for the duration of this trip, not just part of my entourage.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Do you need a bodyguard?”
“No, but the Ionians’ don't know that, and I'd prefer it to stay that way,” he allows. “That does however mean that I expect you to stay by my side, unless I explicitly order otherwise.”
You nod. Internally, your head is in your hands. You're sure that being next to him all day will have only positive effects on whatever bizarre game of cat and mouse you're in with the man. Which, now that you think of it, you're not entirely sure if he's trying to seduce you, use you for the good of Noxus, or just enjoys fucking with you. Probably all of them, to some extent or another.
He turns to look at you, considering. Then he looks back over the still-grey horizon. “Your quarters are there. I suppose I won't take issue if you chose to return to bed. We are still in Noxian waters, after all.”
And little acts of kindness like that are doing nothing to help you make up your mind.
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mistydeyes ¡ 2 years ago
Hiii this is for your COD pairing!
- 5’7
- brown eyes
- shoulder length black curly hair
- I have 2 nose piercings and a few tattoos
- She/her
Personality / interests
- infp :)
- I am a big homebody, I love to cook, bake and read
- I’m obsessed with the ocean. I love the beach and jellyfish
- I would say I’m pretty quiet at first but once I get comfortable I literally don’t shut up
- I love to do things for people i know like giving small gifts or doing little things to make their day better
- im a biochemist and I work in a research lab currently.
- I work with proteins
- I’m looking into getting my MSC
Partner type
- someone who likes to banter with me
- Will listen to my random thoughts and be chaotic with me
- Someone who will be honest and straight up with me
Tyyyyy :)))
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (a/n WE LOVE WOMEN IN STEM!! y'all working in the lab are really the backbone to everything in health)
How you met: Civilian You loved visiting the aquarium, especially ones that had the tanks that formed a tunnel where you could marvel at the sea creatures as they swam over you. Makes sense why you were sitting in the tunnel in the London Aquarium. "Gorgeous, innit?' a young man replied as he entered the tunnel. You smiled as he took a similar sitting position to marvel at the animals. "It's my favorite place here, something about it is so peaceful," you replied as you pulled your knees in to let other guests pass. "Wonder what they think?" he postulated as he stared upwards, "'time to swim over the canyon, make sure not to fall in'" he joked and you laughed at his terrible observation. "I guess, maybe it's like when you try to avoid a body of water and try not to drown," you spoke aloud and he nodded in response. After some time making conversation and telling some bad fish puns (along the lines of Q: Where do sick fish go? A: To see a sturgeon.), Kyle helped you up. "Want to come to the touch tank with me?" he asked and as you both looked into each other's eyes, you took this opportunity to take a running start as he followed you, laughing.
A peek into your relationship: You rubbed your eyes as you examined the quaternary structure of a protein you were working on. You strained as you tabbed over from the 3D model to the results from your circular dichroism spectrometry. You had a proposal due by the end of this week and needed to quantify your results into a paper. By now, the lab was empty and everyone had gone home. Even your PI left you in the cold lab to look over your results. As you tried to label your figures, your phone buzzed. "Come down to the third floor for dinner :)" Kyle texted and you smiled. You might as well take a break. You took off your coat and quickly made your way down the stairs. As you approached the table, Kyle sat there with some of your favorite takeout. "Hey you," he smiled and motioned for you to sit next to him. "Hey, Love," you replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How's the lab work going?" he asked as he watched you scarf down the second meal you've had today. "Stressful," you sighed, "my PI wants the proposal by the end of this week for my new research and I have a poster presentation on Wednesday." You rubbed your temples and Kyle massaged your shoulders. "Well I'm always here to present to, I'll be sure to have questions for you," he said and you gave a soft smile in response. "Might have to take you up on that offer," you replied. That's how at 11pm, you were presenting your research to your boyfriend as he furiously wrote down notes to ask you "very important" questions.
"Kyle, asking 'How can someone be so sexy and so smart?' is not a question I'm going to be asked on Wednesday" "Just trying to prep you, my scientist!"
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kitsune-ichika ¡ 1 year ago
Chapter 6: Dinner
[November 15, 2006] 20:04 pm
“Hello I’d like to get a table for two please,” Mai said to the host. She gave a Mai a warm smile,”Please follow me, I’ll take you to your table,” she said, her voice soft and full of excitement.
“Is today your first day working here?” Sergey asked. The young woman looked at him and gave him a pleasant smile,”Yes! How did you guess??”
“Most likely because of your enthusiasm, usually when someone works a position a long while they sometimes lose most excitement,” Mai responded. The young woman looked at her curiously.
“I must admit, Mai, you are indeed quite talented with reading people and their thought process,” Sergey smiled.
“What can I say? Years of experience, you know?” she replied.
The host giggled slightly,”Well here we are, this will be your table for the night,” she said with a big smile. “By the way I don’t mean to intrude or anything but what are the files you're holding?”
“Oh these? Just some basic work files, work comes with me wherever I go, quite literally,” Mai said offering a sheepish smile.
“Oh I see, sorry for my curiosity once again” she said apologetically.
“No worries really, a curious mind just wants to know, I understand I was once just as curious about everything just like you,” Mai replied.
“Well I’ll be leaving now I need to greet the next couple of customers!” she said before she ran back to her position where a few people were waiting. Mai and Sergey settled themselves in their seats facing each other. Mai placed the pale yellow file on the table and opened it.
“Well we have the information on these files, Deputy Tuan mentioned that the search warrant should be here as well,” Mai said in a rather bored tone.
“Personally, I'm just curious but couldn’t the police take on this case themselves?” Sergey asked.
“I mean obviously but I suppose that I am just the simple option, don’t charge much but as well get the job done quick, you know?”
“I see,” Sergey mumbled. Mai looked down at the files and searched for information on the location of the suspects.
“..Chau and Binh…known for assaulting neighbors and others, they’ve been charged with battery as well…hm..they do seem to live on quite a rich street, it seems your guess has proven correct,” she read aloud
“Well we’ll set off tomorrow for the pair, yea? Though I do recommend that we bring our weapons in case they try something, the file did say that the men have been charged with battery before so we should expect them to be rather aggressive.” Sergey said, crossing his arms.
“Fair point Sergey,” Mai replied with a sigh.
“Well we have time to prepare and we should call for backup just in case,”
“I like the way you think, so we have a basic plan then I suppose”
Sergey nodded in response. A minute later the waiter came up to take their orders.
After both Mai and Sergey finished eating Sergey offered to pay.
“Sergey, are you sure? I have plenty of money so I can pay-”
“No need really.” Sergey responded with a smile. As Sergey opened his wallet his expression changed slightly. Mai looked at him curiously as she examined his reaction and then shifted her eyes to the wallet. There must be some sort of photo he’s staring at..hm I wonder who? Mai thought curiously to herself. Sergey glanced over at Mai,”Is everything okay..?” he said. Crap my staring must’ve caught his attention! Mai thought awkwardly.
“Y-yep, s-sorry. Please excuse my staring-!” she was exactly holding her hands defensively with a sheepish expression on her face. Sergey looked a little confused but only chuckled in reply. After Sergey payed the pair exited the restaurant, once outside the first thing Mai noticed was the soft pouring of rain and the smell of wet leaves and concrete, a soothing and pleasant combination of scents. The rain began to pour harder with every minute that went.
“Do you have an umbrella in your car?” Sergey asked, turning to Mai.
“Well of course, why do you-” Mai started as Sergey cut her off
“Here give me your keys, I’ll go get the umbrella” He said facing the clearing where only a few cars were left.
“Listen, it's not a big deal, it's just rain I can-'' she began, only to be cut off once again.
“It’s best if only one of us gets wet, especially since the car is all the way on the other side of the parking lot,” .
“Has anyone ever told you that you can be very frustrating sometimes?” Mai exclaimed as she searched for her car keys.
“All the time,” he said amused as he passed Mai his coat.
“You find this funny? Whatever, here are the keys now go before I change my mind, and be quick!”
“I will don’t worry!” Sergey yelled out to Mai as he ran towards the car. After a minute passed by, Mai could see Sergey’s figure returning with an umbrella in his left hand.
“Good thing you took off your coat because you’re absolutely soaked!” Mai mumbled.
“Aww are you concerned about me~?” Sergey teased.
“Says who?! Honestly if you had a stroke right now I could care less about what would happen to you! Now take your coat back!” Mai exclaimed as she flung his coat at him. Sergey handed Mai the umbrella as he laughed at her response, quickly pulling on his coat.
“Should we head back to the car or do you wanna walk around town for a while?” Sergey asked.
“I guess we can go for a short walk, I can show you around town I suppose” Mai replied.
“Alright, let's go then!“ Sergey exclaimed as Mai looked at his excited expression.
“Is it your first time around here?”
“Well yes although-” he began to say but Mai grabbed his sleeve catching him off guard. She started pulling him to follow. “W-where are we going-?”
“Well to explore of course, but to get to the area where we can go to explore around we first will need to drive there or do you prefer an hour walk?” Mai teased.
“I mean its not too late so an hour walk wouldn’t be too bad,” Sergey teased back. Mai cast him a glare.
“Yea right not happening, I'm not walking with you for 3 hours. I’m surprised Im still alive after spending an entire day next to one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met,”
“Ouch, right in the heart!” replied Sergey dramatically clasping his shirt with his free hand. Mai rolled her eyes.
“What a drama queen,” she mumbled quietly.
“Hey! I heard that!”
“Good for you now get under the umbrella because I don’t need you ruining my car’s seats,”
“Maybe I should hold the umbrella because you're holding it too low,” Sergey said with a teasing tone to his voice.
“Are you calling me short?!”
“I mean am I wrong though? You're like a chihuahua, small but aggressive” Mai cast him another glare, “You know what, I’ll just shut up-” Sergey added with a sheepish smirk.
“Anyways we’re at the car now, get in!” Mai exclaimed, she was still holding Sergey’s sleeve so she forced him to the back of the car so he would get into the car, she quickly closed the umbrella and climbed in the driver's seat.
After a 10 minute drive they pair arrived to the main city, Ho Chi Mihn. Mai parked her car and just before she was about to open the umbrella and exit the car Sergey stopped her, ”How about I hold the umbrella for now?”
“Whatever,” she said as she shoved the umbrella to him and added to herself, ”Why do I even bother doing anything around this dude?” Sergey knocked on her window with a smile on his face. Mai let out a long sigh and mentally prepared herself to lose brain cells around Sergey. She quickly got out of the car, locking it before leaving and started tugging Sergey’s sleeve again.
“So where are we going to go first?” asked Sergey, examining the city.
“You’ll see,” she said, giving Sergey a thoughtful glance.
After a while of walking Mai and Sergey arrive at the Nguyen Hue walking street. Sergey stared at the sight.
“Wow, this place is so pretty. In some ways it reminds me of how it is back in Russia.”
Mai’s attention quickly switched, she stared at the sky and there it was again, a shooting star zoomed across the night sky. Mai’s gaze at the sky caught Sergey’s attention so he followed where she was looking, his expression curious and confused.
“What is it Mai?” Sergey asked looking back at Mai. Excitement grew within Mai as she stared at the spot where the star flew by.
“Come, we need to find a clearing away from most of the city lights!”
“Are you crazy?! We are in the middle of the city!” Sergey answered, caught off guard. Mai cast him a daring smirk, a new expression, an unfamiliar look from most of Mai’s usual expressions.
“Oh come on, weren’t you the one who earlier was ready to agree to a three hour walk, so what changed?” Sergey seemed too flustered to respond so he stared in response, Mai’s daring look still visibly plastered on her face. Suddenly Mai began to tug Sergey’s sleeve again and began to sprint, causing Sergey to drop the umbrella.
“M-mai the umbrella!”
“Forget the umbrella plus the rain has already stopped and the sky has cleared and don’t forget I can always get a new umbrella! Right now just keep up!” Mai said, casting an excited smile that made Sergey’s cheeks heat up slightly.
“W-will we at least be able to find our way back?!”
“Well duh! I know this place like the back of my hand!” laughed Mai breathlessly
They ran until they were tired and finally reached a park surrounded by trees. Once they reached the heart of the park they ended up in a clearing, where there were several other people staring at the sky, some even going as far to bring a telescope.
“Why are there so many people here? Is this place always so crowded?”
“No usually it isn’t but I have a guess why there are so many people here, there are shooting stars in the sky!” Sergey reflexively looked up and stared, and finally saw a shooting star.
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen shooting stars,” he said, mesmerized.
“Same here, as well sorry for not explaining my actions I just got a little excited I suppose?” Mai said with an embarrassed smile. The two stared at the sky for several minutes before suddenly a voice called out, “Mai? Mai! Is that really you?” Mai turned to look at the somewhat familiar voice with a british accent. After gazing upon the figure she recognized the person as her old roommate from the orphanage dorms, Alice.
“A-alice?” Mai stared surprisedly at the woman coming in her direction.
“Oh thank goodness, it really is you! For a second I got scared that I misinterpreted someone else to be you!” she exclaimed with her ginger hair swaying in the wind as she ran towards Mai. Alice jumped at Mai giving her a tight hug.
“Huh? Who's this guy? OH! Don’t tell me! Are you on a date?!” exclaimed the excited Alice as she gazed at confused Sergey’s face.
“What is going on-” Sergey began.
“Alice, I'm not on a date! As well, he's my partner for a case, detective Sergey Chekov!” Mai said, attempting to untangle herself from Alice’s grasp.
“H-hi?” Sergey attempted.
“Oh sorry for assuming Mai, nice to meet you detective Chekov, Im Alice, I was Mai roommate!” Alice said, releasing Mai and grabbing Sergey’s hand to shake it.
“So..Uh Alice how have you been?” Mai said awkwardly.
“I’ve been doing well! I recently got into a university,”
“O-oh, congratulations. What job are you studying for?”
“Well I’m planning on opening my own business, my foster family turned out to be quite rich and they are currently helping to pay for my studies to become a business owner!”
"What products do you plan to sell?"
"W-well I haven't exactly decided on that quite yet, ehehe.. "
"I see well I wish you the best of luck with your career path, I think me and Sergey should get going though" Mai said as she was turning to leave
"Thanks, also before you go I know we didn't really get to know each other all that well back then but I thought that since we've crossed paths with each other again I was hoping that this time we could possibly be friends?" Alice said with an awkward smile on her face. Mai was caught off guard by her request but before Mai could give a response Sergey responded for her.
“She’d love to have contact with you, here's her business card,”
Mai cast a glare but he brushed it off as he handed Alice Mai’s information card and gave her his usual smile. Alice returned the smile,”Thank you! I should also get going. My family might get worried if I’m gone for too long so have a good night you two!!” she yelled as she sprinted off.
“Seriously Sergey?” Mai said with a glare.
“Oh come on you need at least some friends,”
“Your wrong, I work alone and am in no need of ‘friends’,”
“But you are working with me and as well you're the one showing me around here,” Sergey teased.
“Oh shut up and let's get going, we still have much work to complete to be prepared for tomorrow,” Mai grumbled.
“How about five more minutes before we go? The sky will probably be covered in clouds again soon and there are still shooting stars, I saw one while your friend came over.”
“Alright, fine five more minutes, but just to clarify, Alice is not my friend.”
“Oh come on, chill out a bit, no need to be so serious,” Sergey replied.
“Whatever,” Mai muttered.
0 notes
ragingbookdragon ¡ 4 years ago
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 5
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.5K Warnings: Explicit Language, ALL THE ANGST. AND MORE TO COME! Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines @starflyer-104 @iwillstaywiththemforever @justine-en @weirdgirlfromtx @notsostraightweeb @candlestudy @edlothia-baby @soul-end @willieoo @willowoo @peterxwade24 @the-atlantic-french-fry @bad-bouquet-of-emotions @vvipgot7be @pure-princess-97 @atomicsoulhumanspy
Author's Note: I have nothing to say for any of the emotions y'all are about to get from this. Enjoy!-Thorne
She wasn’t sure what she expected when she sat down, but the stretching silence growing between her and her estranged family wasn’t it. She tried to look anywhere but them, not because she was ashamed—far from it. But it was more than awkward sitting across from three brothers and a father she’d not spoken to in three years, let alone tell them she was even alive.
Her eyes found Wally’s as he sat down beside her eldest brother and if looks could’ve killed, he’d been dead and buried.
“Glare at me all you want, but I’m not going to apologize,” he shrugged.
Scowling, she turned her attention to the skyline. “Fuck you,” she spat, crossing her arms.
“At least talk to them, (Y/N).”
“And why should I, Wally?” she questioned, glaring at him. “I don’t have anything to say. If I did, I wouldn’t be here in Central.”
“You’re not leaving until you talk to them,” he finalized with a firm look and she growled low in her throat and resigned herself to her fate.
Her eyes darted to her father’s and she couldn’t for the life of her decipher what was in them. “I’ll talk for an hour,” she told him. “I’m not talking about what I’ve been doing in Central City, so don’t ask. I’m not talking about the life I’ve been living, so don’t ask. You’re only allowed to ask me about my departure and that’s it. But after one hour is up, I’m leaving.”
“Who said you get to leave,” Wally questioned, and she shot him the darkest glower she could muster.
“So help me God, Wally West you’ll either take me home or you’ll fix that fucking elevator and I’ll walk myself home. Because if you don’t, I’ll tell the world who every vigilante is at this table.”
For once she managed to stump him because his eyes went wide—so did her family’s but she didn’t care—and he finally nodded.
“Alright. One hour.”
Seemingly satisfied with his answer, she turned back to her family, more specifically her father. “Why are you here? What do you want from me?”
“Maybe for you to come home, (Y/N),” Jason answered, and she glanced to him.
“Not a chance. Next?”
“(Y/N), you don’t have to be hostile. We’re not going to force you here,” Dick said, and she looked at him now, eyes narrowing.
“The manipulation tactic isn’t going to work on me, Dick. I’m not here for to be tricked into coming back. I’m never coming back.” She cocked her leg over the side of the table and reclined, biting out, “Give me your anger. I’d prefer that instead of whatever this pitiful bullshit you’ve got going on.”
In the eighteen years they’d known their sister they’d never heard her say such a callous thing, but her words had practically slapped Dick across the face because hurt etched onto his expression, then immediately turned into anger.
“You want my anger? Fine.” He stood and pointed at her. “What the hell is wrong with you! Why would just up and disappear like you did! Do you have any idea how scared we were for you! How distraught!”
(Y/N) blinked at him. “Knowing how you like to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders because you can’t help but be a hero? Probably a lot.” She made a dramatic show of looking at her watch. “You’ve got forty minutes. Keep it up.”
Her eyes shifted to Bruce’s. “Did you let them read the letter? Or did you just throw it away after you read it?”
Dick, Jason, and Tim all turned to Bruce at that.
“Letter?” Tim repeated. “What letter?”
(Y/N)’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape and then she smiled knowingly. “Oh, you never showed them the letter, did you?” She looked to her brothers. “I wrote dad a letter the night I left to explain why I was leaving. It’s sugarcoated bullshit but it is the truth.”
Dick’s face contorted in anger. “(Y/N) left a reason behind and you didn’t tell us about it? Three years and not a single word?”
Bruce merely stared at her as he pulled the letter out of his coat pocket. “I was going to burn it when I found her again. Talk to her before anyone else could.”
Jason snatched the letter from his hands. It had faded a bit, softened around the hard edges, like someone had opened it and read it every day for three years.
His eyes scanned the paper, and he met her gaze, voice chock-full of hurt and she had to fight tooth and nail to keep herself from externally reacting. “You left because you thought we didn’t care about you?”
Dick reached over and took the letter. With furrowed brows and a frown, he started to read aloud, and Bruce gazed at (Y/N) as the memory came back to him.
Mornings at the manor were unusually quiet in comparison with the evenings. Everyone was typically too tired to argue so it accounted for a peaceful breakfast of soft words and chewing. Everyone had an assigned seat and every child had learned early on not to take the seat that belonged to another brother or their sister because there would be a fight about it.
Dick and Jason sat next to each other and (Y/N) took the seat at the end of that side; Tim and Damian took the other side—oldest to youngest, just the neat and even way Bruce liked it.
It was rare for any of the boys to be awake before him or Alfred and (Y/N) was usually the first kid to the table, the boys wandering in just minutes after her. Oddly enough, that morning she hadn’t come down for breakfast—which she always came to.
Bruce looked at Alfred. “Is (Y/N) coming down?”
Alfred hummed and gently maneuvered Tim’s arm to the side to he could set down the plate. “When I went to her door, it was locked, and I received no conversation from inside.”
Jason snorted and sipped his coffee. “Probably had a long night with her friends and is still out. I know I would be.”
“How would you know?” Tim interrupted. “You died before you got to the eleventh grade.”
“You’re one to talk, dropout,” Dick countered, and Damian sighed.
“Richard, you dropped out of college. The only son of Batman who has actually completed an entire bout of schooling is me.”
The three boys turned on him with scowls and retorted, “No one asked you, pipsqueak.” Damian glared back at them.
Bruce rolled his eyes, using the side of his fork to cut into his omelet. “Let’s try not to start a free-for-all here in the breakfast room, please.” He glanced at Alfred. “She’s probably tired from all the ceremonies. Let her sleep.”
Alfred nodded. “Of course, Master Bruce. She should be well rested this evening.”
But when the evening came, Alfred still hadn’t been able to get (Y/N) to unlock her bedroom nor speak to him. He certainly wasn’t worried, but it was off for her to be so reclusive. When Bruce and the boys came back from patrol, he mentioned it to him.
“Miss (Y/N) hasn’t come out from her bedroom, Master Bruce. Nor has she said a single word all day.”
Bruce’s brows furrowed and he tugged the cowl off, rising from the seat at the Batcomputer. “I’ll go check on her,” he replied. “You deal with…” his steel eyes drifted to Dick who had Tim in a headlock and Jason who was giving Damian a noogie. “Them,” he finalized, leaving the poor butler behind.
He knocked on the door to her room and pressed his ear to it. “(Y/N)? You haven’t come out all day. Is everything alright?”
Nothing. Not even a breath.
“(Y/N), are you in there?” he asked again and when he didn’t receive a confirmation, he raised his arm, running his fingers along the doorframe until he touched a small metal piece. He pulled it down and stuck it in the door, wiggling the knob for a second before it clicked, and he opened the door.
“Sweetheart, we’ve been trying to—” Bruce went silent when he saw the kempt room. Bed neatly made, everything organized and put away. Even her clothes hamper was empty.
He blinked and walked into the room, quickly heading to the bathroom to check for her there. It was empty as well, and just as clean, leaving him stunned as he exited the bath.
Wandering over to her desk, he saw an elegant envelope sitting on top of her laptop, his name written in beautiful penmanship. He picked it up and unfolded it, pulling out the multi-page letter. He drew his eyes along the golden lines, reading her words.
I don’t really know how to start this letter. Truth be told I’ve written at least six before this one, and even then, I’m not entirely happy with it. But if you’re reading this, I’m not here anymore. I haven’t hurt myself in anyway, you don’t need to worry about Vicki Vale or Jack Ryder reporting the discovery of my body. I mean it in a literal sense—I’m not in Gotham anymore. Neither am I ever coming back.
Don’t think this is your fault. You’re a good father, the best I could’ve been given, and my brothers are good siblings. But the truth is that I’m not fit for this family of heroes. And I never have been. My best when trying to be what all of you are, was never good enough and I’ve spent eighteen years staring at your backs, waiting for you all to realize that I’m still here, that I still matter even if I’m not like you. And I don’t want to feel like a stranger in my own home any longer.
I don’t want you to look for me. I know you will, but I wish you wouldn’t. This isn’t some spur of the moment thing I decided to do the night after graduation. If you look at my bank records, I’ve been withdrawing cash from my savings since freshman year—this is four years of planning, so please understand that I’m doing this because I don’t want to be found—ever.
I’ll leave the story for the media up for you, though I doubt that they’ll care long enough to make a deal of it. It’ll pass like winter does spring and they’ll move on to the next bigger story.
Thank you for everything dad, and good luck with Gotham—keep it safe like you always have. And I hope that one day when you think of me, you won’t feel disappointment. I’ve only ever tried to be something that when you looked down on me, you’d only be proud, and I hope one day I’ll achieve what I always dreamed about. Eighteen is young to be on your own and I’m scared. But I’ll be okay—I always have been.
So do me a favor and don’t spend too much time over this. There are plenty more younger kids that need a parent’s hand on their backs to steady them like you once did for me. Find one and fill my spot. Let them shine brighter than I ever could. Let them be the one worthy to be a Wayne—I know I never was.
Bruce barely had time to grasp the back of her chair to keep himself from falling to his knees in shock. The letter was clenched in his hand and his lungs wouldn’t take in air like he wanted them to, his heart aching with each palpitation. He looked around the room to her dresser drawers, willing the strength into his legs to moved over to it. He opened every drawer and to his astonishment, they were empty. Hurrying to the bathroom, he noticed the drawers in there were empty as well. She was really gone. And he had no idea what to do.
Tears were in Dick’s eyes when he finished the letter and he looked up at her. “How could you ever think we didn’t care about you, (Y/N)?”
She didn’t want to have this conversation. She didn’t want to sit there and explain every time she asked her brothers if they wanted to do something with her and they conveniently had something else to do. Didn’t want to explain every school and extracurricular performance that went unattended and left a little girl standing in front of a crowd barely managing to stave off the tears as she bowed and thanked them for coming. She didn’t want to remember all the memories that chipped away at her heart with every disappointment that occurred. All she wanted to do was leave.
(Y/N) had earlier returned to her original position, hands in her lap and she clenched her fists until her nails bit into the skin of her palms, eyes directed anywhere but Dick’s.
“I think it’s time we call this little reunion done,” she said, standing to her feet. “We’re not going to get anywhere.”
“Not if you run again,” Jason muttered, unconsciously wiping a tear from his eye.
She pointed at him, hissing, “I didn’t run the first time, Jason. I left. On my own accord.”
“You ran instead of coming to us, (Y/N),” Tim said, and she threw her hands above her head in disbelief.
“What the fuck did you want me to do! Wander down into the cave and beg at your feet for someone to pay attention to me! To at least pretend like I was a sister! I did! Every day!”
(Y/N) picked up her purse and yanked it up her arm. “Cassandra seems to be fitting in better than I did. So go and dote on her as the younger sibling. I’m not interested in the position anymore.”
“It’s not a competition,” Dick explained. “We love you just as much as we love Cass.”
She paused and gazed at him, voice laced with disappointment as she disagreed, “Then you should make sure she’s content in the manor, because if you love her with any semblance of how you loved me? It’s not at all.”
Her eyes shifted to Wally’s. “Fix the elevator. Now.”
He stayed seated for a moment, the two of them staring each other down, then he nodded wordlessly and moved to the elevator, starting it again. Her family stayed seated, and she gave them one final look before she followed Wally, silently waiting for the doors to open.
When they did, she stepped inside and turned around, hitting the button. Just before the doors closed, Wally stopped them and murmured, “You’re making a mistake.”
“My worst mistake was becoming friends with you.” (Y/N) blinked at him, then reached up and shoved his hand away from the door and as it closed, she remarked coldly, “And you can go to hell for all I care.”
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avewritesmr ¡ 4 years ago
Stray kids reaction to y/k having tattoo sleeves? 🙏🏻 I’ve seen reactions where they specified a couple tattoos but I wanna know what their reaction would be with someone that has sleeves. Or wants to get more tattoos (; also could some of the settings be like on a date? Like during the stage where they’re getting to know y/k?) thnx 💓
Reaction to boyfriend who has a tattoo sleeve
A/N: So I only did three members (picked at random) to avoid this getting repetitive, I think I strayed a little off topic, not sure, but please let me know what you think of it anonie, I loved writing it, and I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write it, all the love and in hopes of having more time to write now that college application and decision time is coming to a wrap 💖
Seo Changbin (Implied NSFW Content)
y/n and Changbin meet on the coldest day of winter, it’s literally freezing and the entire city is basically iced over.
y/n is the new producer at JYP and it just so happens that Changbin is asked to work with y/n on a project.
At first Changbin is really skeptical, y/n is this quiet, kind of scary looking person and he communicates through glaring and frowning instead of words.
Then Changbin starts to slowly get to know him and things change, he finds out that y/n isn’t rude or scary and they get pretty close throughout the time they are working on the project.
When they are no longer work colleagues and the project is complete, Changbin works up the courage to ask y/n out on a date.
They don’t officially date or anything for a while, they go out together on a couple dates and hang out, they spend lots of time together and it is very obvious they are both basically in love with each other.
y/n doesn’t try to hide his tattoos or anything, Changbin’s seen a few of them, the one on the side of his neck and the ones on his wrists and knuckles but he’s never seen the whole thing.
Then one day they’re sitting in Changbin’s studio and somehow y/n spills an entire thing of iced coffee on himself and he’s only wearing a long sleeved shirt.
Changbin has a spare shirt from dance practice so he goes to grab it and in the meantime y/n pulls his dirty shirt off.
Changbin finds the shirt in a drawer and turns around to give it to y/n and he just freezes.
y/n doesn’t even notice him staring, he takes the shirt offered to him and slips it on going back to whatever he was doing before while poor Changbin stares on in shocked silence. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“You have so many tattoos.” Changbin mutters quietly.
y/n smiles slightly, “You don’t like them?”Changbin shakes his head quickly, he loves them, if he had wanted to kiss y/n before now he wants to jump the other man’s bones, he thinks they are hot and such a turn on.
y/n seems to understand as much and he goes out of his way after that to put them on display even though it’s still freezing outside.
Changbin isn’t complaining (at first), after a while he just finds himself staring at y/n’s tattoos, they aren’t even officially dating so he can’t just grab y/n’s arms and trace over the tattoos or ask the older to do anything to him.The whole thing leads to a lot of frustration on Changbin’s end and a lot of amusement on y/n’s.
“You know you can look at my tattoos if you want, you don’t need to look away every time I look in your general direction.”Changbin’s cheeks flare read but he hesitantly moves to sit closer to y/n and runs the tips of his fingers across one of the many tattoos.
“They’re so hot.” Changbin slaps a hand over his mouth as soon as the words leave it, y/n on the other hand finds this hilarious.
“Are they?” He is so close to Changbins face and his arm has moved to wrap around Changbin’s waist.Changbin remembers every thought he’s ever had about y/n’s hands and the tattoos and what he wants the older to do to him and he can see all the tattoos so close that it makes everything so much worse.
y/n’s smirk is enough to convince him to move towards the older and pull the other’s arm around his waist, he has no idea where the confidence comes from but at this point he has nothing to lose and he’s been fantasizing for way too long anyways.
Things end up so much better than he had every dreamed of and he has to concede that tattoos are the hottest thing ever, especially when they’re y/n’s and they stand out on white knuckles that hold Changbin’s hips down.
Hwang Hyunjin
Hyunjin loves tattoos, he thinks they're cool and the moment JYP lets him get a tattoo (I am not sure if he already has a tattoo tbh) he is getting a tattoo because tattoos are just so cool.
So why doesn't Hyunjin know that his boyfriend (of like 4 months) has enough tattoos to cover 90% of the skin on his right arm? Simple, answer.
y/n is an idol, he isn't aloud to show his tattoos on national television, and since a lot of his initial interactions with
Hyunjin had been backstage at music shows...
music shows = no tattoos being shown.
So let's go back to the beginning to get a clear picture
Hyunjin and y/n first meet at a music show backstage, Hyunjin has heard of y/n but he hasn't really seen pictures of the other that often and now he is face to face with probably the most attractive person he has met in a long time.
y/n is leaning against a wall in the hallway outside the bathroom in a beautifully tailored suit and Hyunjin, who is walking out of the bathroom, is completely enamored by this man that he might know the name of but can't be sure.
person walks past Hyunjin and y/n shoves his phone into his pocket talking happily to said person before they disappear down the hallway.
Detective Hyunjin mode = activated.
His detective work involves a quick google search to identify what group y/n is in and confirm his name, turns out he was right about the name and so he spends the next 2 hours of waiting before he has to preform just scrolling through pictures and tweets about y/n.
He resolves that day that he needs to talk to the other no matter what it takes, he just needs y/n's number.
His first plan is to recruit Jisung and Jeongin's help because they tend to find talking to new people easier and maybe he won't be as awkward if he talks to y/n with other people present.
This plan falls through very quickly because instead of helping all Jeongin and Jisung do is laugh at him.
He turns to his second (and last) plan.
Lee Minho is 2 months older than y/n, so maybe by some stroke of luck Minho knows y/n, or someone in his group, and Hyunjin can maybe convince Minho to help him start a conversation with the other.
Hyunjin is in luck, not only is Minho more empathetic about his hardships than Jisung and Jeongin but he just so happens to know y/n well enough to be able to walk up to him and strike up conversation.
Hyunjin follows Minho with gradually decreasing confidence. Sure he is going to get the chance to talk to y/n, which is what he wanted, but what the hell is he going to say?
Should he just ask for the others number?
Just introduce himself and maybe y/n will ask for his number? Maybe he can just turn around now and run away before this gets particularly embarrassing for him?
Maybe the floor underneath him will open up and swallow him whole because good lord y/n just smiled in his general direction and why are there so many people in this area at this specific time?
Turns out y/n wasn't smiling specifically at him, he was smiling more at Minho.
"This is Hyunjin, he wanted to tag along."
"Hey, I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you." Maybe his smile will kill Hyunjin before he remembers how to talk.
"uhh-hh, yes I know, I- uh, Hyunjin." God why was that so awkward someone save him, where did Minho walk off to? who is that? why did he take Minho away from him?
"Are you okay?"
"yeah, yeah, I am good." god he needed salvation right now.Basically, Hyunjin is awkward and nervous and he feels like the first meeting is a complete disaster and y/n will never talk to him again.
Somehow though y/n decided he isn't pitiful enough to ignore and walk away from, it takes a bit of prodding and joking on y/n's part for Hyunjin to relax a little and they hold a decent conversation. When Minho informs Hyunjin they have to head back y/n is typing his number into Hyunjin's phone and urging him to send a text whenever.
y/n and Hyunjin talk often after that, they meet again just a little over a week later backstage at a music show again and decided that they should take the risk and start dating.
They're moving a little quickly true, but, they can learn more about each other as time goes on.
Neither one of them is necessarily free at any one point in time, they see each other at a few events but their dating is limited to talking over the phone and basically texting all the time.
And then the day comes.
Hyunjin has the day off and y/n has wrapped up a photo shoot, the timing is perfect, the managers are okay with it and Hyunjin is buzzing with excitement because it's been almost 4 months and he is going to go to his boyfriend now.
They decide to meet at y/n's empty dorm just to be in each others presence.
So Hyunjin is standing outside the dorm door waiting for y/n to let him in and he is just shaking with happiness.
So when y/n opens the door with his hair a little messy and no make up on, Hyunjin's first instinct is to launch himself at the other and hug him as tightly as he can.
They might not have been able to see each other these last four months but that doesn't mean Hyunjin hasn't learned enough about the other to love him.
y/n only laughs and pulls him into the dorm hugging back with a soft smile on his face.
Hyunjin is so busy hugging y/n that he doesn't see the tattoos covering y/n's right arm.
He doesn't see them in fact until after he's been ushered into y/n's room and is about to head towards the cat laying under the window.
He turns around to ask y/n about the cat's name and then freezes because holy mother of all beings is that a tattoo sleeve?
"Yeah, is it a problem?"
"A problem? god no!" Hyunjin moves closer to war his fingers around y/n's arm and raise it so he can inspect the intricate designs.
"They look so cool, this just makes me want a tattoo even more." y/n laughs, "I can take you to get one." Hyunjin looks up with starry eyes.
"Management would kill, but I don't really care anymore."
"Maybe you should get it okayed before you do anything?"
"If they try to kill me you'll come riding in on a motorbike and wearing a leather jacket and save me." Hyunjin replies with a serious face.
y/n laughs, "That is just a stereotype, my mom would kill me if I got on a motorbike."So what did Hyunjin learn today?
He definitely wants a tattoo and wouldn't mind getting yelled at by management for getting one behind their back. He wants y/n to go with him because this man is an expert and if anyone (y/n included) disagrees then Hyunjin will be inclined to fight them.
y/n is 100% a mama's boy and Hyunjin is living for it (Another one of his life sources at this point in time is y/n's tattooed arm wrapped around his waist but he doesn't want to discuss those emotions just yet).
Yang Jeongin (I.N)
So y/n’s a barista at a cafe and that is how Jeongin meets him first, it is late summer, the uniform for the cafe workers is a button down white shirt so even though it is 35 degrees (Celsius) out Jeongin never sees y/n in anything but his work uniform which is a long sleeve button down white shirt.
After 2 months of (not really) subtle crushing Jeongin asks y/n for his phone number, they chat for a few days and then go on their first date in early October.
The date is a sweet, cliche outing, Jeongin is a blushing mess 90% of the time and y/n treats him with so much care. Dates aren’t that frequent after the first one but just before winter Jeongin and y/n make it official.
At this point it is so cold that there is never a moment for Jeongin to see y/n without a coat, hoodie or long sleeved shirt, so he lives a life of blissful ignorance for almost a month.
And then one day he is sitting at the counter in the cafe, y/n is just finishing his shift and Jeongin is waiting for him.
The manager walks by and tells y/n to clean up before he hands over to the next person and so y/n moves to the sink and rolls up his sleeves.
Jeongin isn’t really paying attention, he’s a little focused on his phone, but then he looks up.
😯 = Yang Jeongin when he saw y/n’s tattoos.
“Your face literally just derailed.”
“I didn’t know you had tattoos.”
“Well you didn’t really ever get a chance to see them.” Silence.
“I am sorry I probably should have told you before this.”Jeongin doesn’t respond to that, he doesn’t know how to, so he sits in silence contemplating the situation, while y/n finishes up. When they walk out of the cafe it is in strained silence, Jeongin doesn’t like it at all.
“Can I see them?”
“Sure, let’s go sit somewhere.”They end up on a park bench, y/n with his sleeves rolled up and Jeongin carefully tracing the ink covering y/n’s arm his eyes widened in awe.
“What’s the meaning behind thisone?”
“Nothing really, I got it because I thought it looked nice.”Jeongin laughs lightly and goes back to studying the tattoos on y/n’s arm, now that he is over the initial shock of discovering the tattoos he is enraptured by them.
He’ll probably stare at them whenever y/n wears something short sleeved, or rolls up his sleeves.
He genuinely thinks they are really cool and thinks his boyfriend is like a million times cooler with them.
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delicrieux ¡ 4 years ago
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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urlkssknt ¡ 4 years ago
a deep love confession
warnings!! nsfw!! unprotected sex!!
johnny x fem reader, 3k
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johnny stared at you with such intensity, you had never seen that look in his eyes before. he looked mad. he was mad. at you, specifically. of course, you were a grown woman, one who could handle any form of danger, but that knowledge didn't help the anxiety that was weighing down on johnny's chest heavily. "where were you?" johnny tried to speak in the calmest tone he could muster but he was failing to mask his emotions. was it because you didn't inform him that you left for the deal or was it because he felt like you didn't trust him?
you scanned his posture as he stood still in your bedroom, a room that all of your men were forbidden from entering, even dohwan. yet, you always welcomed johnny. sighing, you began to shrug off the jacket you wore and placed it on your bed, not bothering to answer the man in your room. to you, it didn't seem like such a big deal, you were simply doing your job.
"y/n, i just asked you a question."
both of your eyes locked onto each other, a mutual look of intensity, hoping to try and read each other's minds, johnny just wanted to understand you but you were making it so difficult for him. your eyes were blank. you showed no detectable emotions.
"i don't answer to you," was what you said that threw johnny off the edge. whatever patience was left in him now vanished. groaning loudly, johnny ran his hand through his hair and held onto his neck. he couldn't shout at you, he couldn't do anything.
you infuriated him.
johnny decided it was best to leave you alone, maybe forever. the feelings he felt for you heavily trumped what you felt for him, johnny assumed in his mind, that was always constantly things about you. there was no way to tell what you were thinking and it stressed him out. he just wanted to understand you.
"wow," johnny scoffed, placing his hands on his hips as he glared at you, the way you just gazed back at him obliviously pissed him off even more, "i guess i shouldn't have worried about you then, huh?" anger was laced with every word he spoke in a voice that was quiet so no one that happened to be walking past could hear but loud enough for you to listen. the warm light of your room illuminated johnny's features, his beautiful face hardened like a rock, jaw tense. "do you even care that i was worried about you? i get that you don't care about you own life but i care, y/n! me!" you were speechless. feelings were never your strong point, voicing them aloud was even worse. slowly, you began to process johnny's words, however the said man took your silence literally and as a rejection.
feeling fed up, johnny began to walk towards the door, the sound of his leaving footsteps booming in your ear like thunder. it awoke something in you as if a switch had been turned on. johnny's fingers were ready to reach out for the door handle to leave out of your life before he froze in his steps, "i'm sorry."
you had apologised.
the two words were foreign to your tongue but you hoped johnny could hear the sincerity in your shakey voice. it was only a matter of a few more seconds before johnny felt your hands wrap around his waist, your head resting against his broad back. he felt warm to you. any anger that he experienced quickly evaporated with that one act.
"i can't stand to see the sight of you walking away," the image of it was still fresh in your mind, causing you to tighten your grip on him, in fear he would actually leave. your fingers trembled as you clutched johnny's cotton shirt. "the way i feel for you," you began slowly with a wavering voice as you thought out every word, trying to piece everything you wanted to say, "i haven't felt this way about anyone before, and i don't know if i deserve to feel it." your heart was hammering in your chest, you were afraid that johnny could feel it beating, a sheet of paper couldn't pass between your grip on the taller man.
as johnny felt your grip loosen, he instantly held your hands against him again.
"i love you," you whispered quietly in a defeated tone.
johnny turned around so quickly you were afraid he might have experienced whiplash. the hardened features of his face had finally softened, showing you everything you found so dearly beautiful about him. as his dark eyes pierced into yours, johnny raised one of his large hands to cup your face. he didn't miss the way you nestled into it further, the simple act causing his heart to skip a beat. the organ was beating so loudly out of his chest johnny was almost certain you could hear it in the comforting silence, unbeknownst to him, your heart matched his rapid pace.
"i want to be the one by your side, y/n," johnny's other free hand snaked around your waist to draw you closer to him, with your hands still wrapped around him, "please, i can handle everything you throw at me, just... let me be a part of your world." his forehead rested against yours, you could feel his warm breath falling upon your skin, finding peace in it. johnny was real and not a figment of your dreams that were beginning to replace the recurring nightmares that occupy your sleepless nights.
"but you'll get hurt," your body stiffened at the thought of johnny becoming hurt or worse, dead. all because of you.
"then let me," johnny held onto you tighter, embracing you with both arms, his scent unknowingly calming you down, "i know you'll protect me no matter what," he had spoken with a smirk that was so obvious in his voice.
gazing upon your face once more, johnny knew he reached your ice cold heart. that all his efforts didn't go to waste. your neck craned as you looked up at him with endearing eyes, as if he was the most perfect creature to have been created. it began to cause a stir in him. taking advantage of your dazed state, johnny angled his head lower so he could meet your lips. unlike the first kiss you both shared, the taste of tobacco is no longer lingering like a reminder of your habit, just the taste of your lip gloss. it was so sweet. johnny indulged himself in the sweetness, you kissed him back with an equal amount of eagerness. your slender fingers ran up the expanse of johnny's chest, standing on the tips of your feet to match his height but yet you were still shorter than him. the soft kiss quickly became anything but innocent, the urge to have johnny bed you almost had your knees buckling.
somehow, johnny had moved you both to your bed, where you sat in his lap, your thighs on either side of him. warm comforting hands ghosted along your bare legs, the skirt you wore had ridden up, revealing more inches of your body for johnny to touch. "i want you," you breathed as you pulled away from johnny's swollen lips.
johnny groaned at your words. he had imagined this moment ever since you deemed his yours, the thoughts normally continued in a lonesome cold shower and the company of his hand. a blush grazed his cheeks at the embarrassing thoughts. the blood rushed to his dick at the sight of your doe eyes pleading him to consent. "fuck," johnny's voice dropped an octave, "you sure, darling?"
the small nod of your head was the green light. his hands gripped at your hips, guiding you dangerously closer to feel where he needed you most. intently, johnny watched as you gasped at the feeling of his hardening dick through his jeans.
"i'll make you cum on my dick instead of my tongue," the lewd words were whispered softly, hot breath fanning against your ear, only for you to hear. in a matter of seconds, you felt johnny's pulp lips press opened-mouth kisses along the juncture of your neck, his lips upturned into a smirk when you titled your head to allow him to have more access. cherry blossoms trailed from beside your ear down to your collarbone. a gasp emitted from you at the harsh sting of your skin between johnny's teeth.
"you're so beautiful, y/n," you wondered how johnny viewed you, a psychotic bitch who needed to be locked up or someone who was deserving of love. cradling his face between your cold hands, you littered soft kisses all around johnny's handsome face, mentally swearing to yourself to kill anyone who as much places a scratch upon it. johnny stilled at the sudden affection. your wondering hands turn south from johnny's chest, you had the blessing of being able to peel the white t-shirt off from his body, leaving him bare before your eyes. johnny was very confident in his body, the way you drooled over him like a child craving a candy, made him chuckle. the laughter died when you suddenly began to undress yourself, revealing the dark lace undergarments you wore. johnny's mind wondered if you purposely wore such a thing for his eyes only.
returning to his lap, you innocently rolled your hips against johnny's unbelievably hard dick, eliciting a sound from him that made you clench around nothing. "do you want me to cum in my pants?" you blinked at him in confusion as if your heat wasn't sat directly on top of the area where he needed you most. johnny rolled his eyes at your unresponsive reaction. for a mafia boss, you knew nothing about sex. "where do you keep your condoms?" he shifted his weight in order to search through your bedside table for the packaged rubbers.
"i don't have any," you told johnny, watching the way the muscles in his back tense, "you're my first."
he knew this already but it spurred something in him to hear it again. johnny turned his head to you at lightning speed, catching you off guard. a voiceless part of him takes pride in knowing that you never took pleasure in someone else before him, unlike what the rest of the boys believed. if they only knew, johnny thought.
"darling, we can't do this then."
"no!" the sound of your own voice shocks you, never did you think you would be so intoxicated by a man that you'd loose all sense of pride, but johnny sat there, peering down at you, and suddenly the desire for him to fill you increased tenfold. "isn't it better without?" you reasoned, remembering the conversation with yuta about sex being better without protection. the chance of you getting pregnant during your first time seemed low to you, you knew it was a risk but you'd do anything to cease the throbbing you felt.
"yeah but-" johnny's reasoning was cut short by your lips kissing along his chest, so lightly like petals grazing against his skin, "baby." his groan only added to the wetness that was pooling in your panties, all for him.
your hands wrap around his neck to bring johnny's gaze back to your lustful ones, "it'd be nice," your voice sounded as smooth as butter, coaxing him to give into your every desire, "my belly swollen with your baby." you practically purr in his ear. johnny felt his dick twitch in its restrictive confinements, reminding himself of just how unforgivingly hard he is.
"for a virgin," johnny sighs shakily, feigning disappointment, as he began to undo his trousers, pushing his boxers down with them, "you have such a foul mouth," he moved to sit against the headboard of your bed that was fit for a king, "should i stuff it with my dick?" johnny hummed, not missing how your thighs rubbed together slightly.
all the arrogance left your body when you peered at johnny's dick, eyes lingering for a moment too long. you gulped. there was no way for you to tell if his size was regular, due to your inexperience, but he looked big.
mocking laughter fell from johnny, you looked so scared sat in his lap, having no absolute fucking clue what to do, a sight people would pay billions to see, and yet you trusted johnny enough to be the one who sees you like this. his chest swelled with pride. he was your first. somewhere in his heart, johnny knew he'd be your last too.
the tips of your fingers curled between johnny's soft locks as he pulled you back in his strong arms, slotting his warm lips between your own. his mind drifted back to when he ate you out, the taste of you still fresh in his mind. you moaned sinfully against him as his hand groped your breast through your bra, you rutted against him in response to the pleasure. his other hand itched it's way to your back, managing to unclap the lace material, freeing your breasts. leaning down, johnny doesn't miss the opportunity to press a kiss along the valley between your mounds, leaving you a sighing mess above him.
"please, john," you said breathlessly, you were aching for him to touch you in the area you desired most yet he avoided completely.
gripping your hips tightly, johnny guided you to be on top of him, your thighs straddling his waist yet again, after throwing your panties to pile with the rest of the disregarded clothes on the floor. your body trembled slightly out of nervousness. johnny cupped your face with his large palm, "we don't have to do this," he said again. your pleasure was the only thing that mattered to him, he could withstand another cold shower for your sake. however, you urged him to continue.
your hips bucked at the feeling of johnny's hand cupping your sex. "you're dripping," his eyes darkened at the way your wetness glistened under the lighting, before licking his hands clean as if it were the richest frosting, something straight out of a porno. the hum johnny produced caused a chill to run through your body as you completely focused on him.
wasting no more time, johnny aligned himself with your enterance, helping you slowly ease yourself onto him. every cry you emitted from the discomforting stretch was shushed with reassuring mumbles, encouraging words about you 'taking him so well,' and soft kisses peppered around your pain-ridden face. the air in your lungs left your body at the feeling of being completely filled. it took all of johnny's strength to not just thrust into you and take you as he pleased. your walls were so tight and so warm around him, his mind felt like it was going to explode.
as the pain surpassed, you began to rock your hips at a slow irregular pace. each second was agonising for johnny as all he could do was grip at your hip. he was sure a bruise would be left there tomorrow. the other hand kneed the flesh of your ass, coaxing you to move a bit faster. johnny's lips attached themselves to your left breast, swirling his tongue against your nipple softly, the gasp you let out only encouraged the assault. it wasn't until his teeth grazed the sensitive peak that you clenched around him deliciously. johnny cursed out as his hips bucked into yours, hitting a spot you didn't know existed, "do that again, darling."
your breaths were loud in your partner's ears, chest heaving as the air was knocked out of your lungs, your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts of johnny, much like your cunt was. the feeling of your orgasm approaching burned in your lower body.
"j-john," you tried to silence your pathetic whines by pressing your face into johnny's shoulder, his name fell like a mantra from your lips as if it were the only word you knew.
"my pretty, pretty girl," johnny cooed at the fucked out expression adorning your face, a look no one apart from him would ever be able to witness.
the rolling of your hips became sloppier, the longer you chased your high. your legs began to feel numb. johnny's hips suddenly began to thrust up into you, so deeply that tears prick the corners of your eyes.
"'m so close." it was a miracle that your nails didn't break as they created deep crescent-like cuts in johnny's back. you hung onto his shoulders for dear life. if you were hurting him, johnny didn't show it.
he was embarrassed to say it but johnny could feel his high rising in such a short time. the way you called his name when he couldn't be more closer to you made his head spin, slowly loosing control as you clenched around him tighter. grunts and groans fell from him, immediately being swallowed by your parted lips.
sweat adorned your skin, your hair matted against the top of your forehead, johnny couldn't imagine what he looked like himself, his hair was probably a mess from your clutches.
"fuck, john, why is your dick so big?"
"you did not just say that," johnny snorted, wishing he had a camera to capture the blush that crept on your cheeks in embarrassment, had you said the wrong thing?
"do you want me to cum in you, darling?" the lewd question was said with such innocence, no one would have suspected the effect it had on you, "should i?" johnny's grip got stronger, as if it were possible, and began to thrust his hips up into you, repeatedly hitting the spot that had you seeing stars. the quiet moans falling from your lips and the way your walls clenched around his dick were a big giveaway that you were nearly at your high.
you emitted a gasp as the coil in your stomach snaps, the pleasure quickly become too much as johnny continued to pound you from beneath. in a matter of seconds, you could feel the warmth of his load coating your walls.
finally, your lover stilled in you, waiting just one more moment before leaving your warmth. the whine from the loss of johnny's dick almost made him do a double-take, desiring to fill you up again. however he knew better and wanted to let you rest. johnny kissed the crown of your head, his strong arms holding your slumped body up against him. "you okay?"
you managed a small hum, feeling too tried to respond. johnny noticed your drooping eyelids, he gently helped you off his lap and lay down on your bed, despite your protests of missing his warmth. a small chuckle fell from him as he looked at the marks you created along his chest in the bathroom mirror. he went in to get a towel to clean you up with and a shirt for you to sleep in so you wouldn't sleep cold. by the time johnny returned, you had managed to fall asleep in the short time. regardless, the older man continued to clean up the mess between your thighs, he couldn't manage to slip your shirt on you so johnny made sure to tuck the blankets in tightly.
"john, can you sleep with me?" your small voice asked, tired eyes meeting his with a pleading look.
"what did we just do earlier," johnny joked as he put his boxers on, the light in your room casted a glow around him that likened him to an angel.
"stay with me."
your hand had managed to sneak its way out of the blanket and beckoned johnny to lay beside you. the sucker he was for you, anything you desired you would have, who was he to deny you of himself. sighing, johnny clambered into the cold bed, he shivered as he laid beside you. like a moth to a flame, you reached out to touch him, yearning for the warmth of his naked body. johnny was always warm and you were always cold.
"haechan will notice i'm not there," he said softly with his long fingers running through your hair.
"i don't care," you said simply, the members were almost certain that something was happening between you and johnny, they just needed confirmation. "neither should you, your thoughts should only consist of me."
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mercy-burning ¡ 4 years ago
Love Birds
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Some meddling from the BAU helps Reader and Spencer come to their senses. Category: FLUFF Warnings: None really, just brief mentions of sex, some kissing, implied smut, mutual pining, and the word ‘damn’ at the end I guess? Word Count: 3.2k
Full Request: “...a blurb? Where the sexual tension between reader and spencer is very high and everybody is like ‘get a room’ so when they finally do it spencer tells penelope and reader tell emily so the next day penelope gives him those strawberries in chocolate that say ‘best dick ever’ and emily gives reader a cake that say ‘i finally get sex’ and reader and spencer are so embarrassed” —Anonymous
NOTE: Gotta love some good, ol’ fashioned BAU meddling, am I right? 😂 I took the prompt and made it just a little different, but I hope it’s still okay! Hopefully the overall vibe is still what you imagined 🥰
Everyone was watching them. Truthfully, it was a wonder they hadn't noticed by now, but that was most likely to be expected from two people who were obviously in love with each other and still hadn't done anything about it yet.
Three years now. That's how long it had been since Y/N joined the team, and from the first day, she and Spencer were glued at the hip. She was the only one who actively listened to and laughed at his long, obscure jokes, and as their friendship blossomed, he stared following her around like a lovesick puppy. It was sickly-sweet, truth be told.
And the longer it went on, the longer they danced around the inevitable, the more fed-up the BAU got.
Currently, Spencer and Y/N were reading a book together. Like, they were actually reading together, sitting side by side while they took turns reading aloud. They did it every day when they came into work, and when they finished one book, the other person would pick the next one.
"I want to say it's annoying, but it's actually kind of sweet," JJ pointed out, peering through the blinds in Hotch's office, where they all gathered to spy on their friends.
"Yeah, but they've been doing it for almost two years," Emily stated. "You'd think that by now they'd have at least kissed..."
"Maybe they have and they just... haven't said anything?"
Penelope piped in this time, shaking her head. "No, Y/N would have told me, she tells me everything. And I mean everything."
"Well, what about Reid? Has he said anything to you?" JJ asked, turning to Derek.
He sighed. "No. But you know how he is, if he could avoid telling me anything at all about his love life, he would. And he has."
"Well, maybe you should say something to him," Emily suggested.
"You know he'll just shut me down and deny it."
"Then Garcia should do it."
She thought about it for a second before turning to Derek. "I am excellent at getting information out of people."
Suddenly the door opened, and everyone turned around to see Hotch entering his office, stopping for a second to take them all in before closing the door behind him.
"Sir, we can explain—" Penelope started.
Hotch held up a hand and made his way to his desk. "You're spying on them, aren't you?"
A quiet chorus of mumbled 'yes' and 'yes, sir's sounded through the room before he actually sat down with the most miniscule of smiles.
"I'd say to make sure you all leave one at a time so they don't catch on, but something tells me they wouldn't notice anyway."
A few hours later, the team made their way to the jet in little groups.
Firstly, Penelope pulled Spencer away into her office for a 'special meeting' that he was only slightly concerned about. But when she finally closed the door, he found it was nothing like what he expected to hear.
The first words out of her mouth were, "When are you going to tell her?"
"I'm... I'm sorry?"
Her face scrunched as she pointed a finger at him. "Don't play dumb with me, 187, I may not be a profiler, but I know love when I see it. You and Y/N are perfect for each other, and you guys are literally driving us mad with the sexual tension."
"I—Garcia, we're just friends, I... I don't..."
"Look, you've got a plane to catch, so I'm not gonna keep you any longer, but everyone can see it, Reid. You two? You're practically soulmates."
He really didn't know what to say after that. So he wordlessly turned and made his way to the jet alone, thinking the entire way there about what Penelope had said.
Soulmates? Love? Sexual tension?
Of course he'd always thought Y/N was pretty. And there wasn't a doubt in his mind that she was the one person on the team he knew he could come to when he had something he was excited to share, because she was always down to hear him talk. And... he never really realized it until now, but it always warmed the deepest parts of his soul when he saw how her eyes lit up at the chance to hear him talk—to just listen to what he had to say.
He thought back to every time they read together, how her leg always brushed against his and how it always seemed to comfort him. How her voice when she read aloud always seemed to put him in a trance, like a lullaby. She was his warm place, his safety net...
But... that was totally normal for friendships, right? More often than not, platonic friendships carried that warm familiarity that also came with romantic ones. It wasn't uncommon.
Still, it set off an explosion of fireworks in Spencer's stomach to just think about sitting next to her on the jet.
Meanwhile, everyone else was there, going through some files on the case when Emily sat down in front of Y/N and cleared her throat.
"What's up?" Y/N asked politely with a small smile.
"Nothing, it just... I saw you and, uh... Dr. Reid looked pretty comfy this morning."
Her eyes widened. "Oh, uh... Were we reading too loud? We've been trying to keep it quieter because we figured it was a bit unconventional—"
"No, no," Emily laughed, thinking to herself how absolutely perfect they were for each other. "I mean... You were really close... Like maybe you're... into him."
"O—oh... Well, I—I don't... Um..."
With another laugh, Emily reached her hand out to reassure her. "I'm not trying to put you on the spot, Y/N, it's just that we've all... noticed how close you guys have gotten over the years and it looked like maybe you two..."
"Oh! Oh, no, uh... We—we're not together or anything, I... He's my best friend. That's all."
By the redness that colored Y/N's cheeks, Emily wasn't buying it one bit. Yet, she indulged her, nodding and patting the little table in front of her before getting up to move to a different section. "If you say so."
She walked away, leaving Y/N with a newfound... tension within her that she couldn't really shake. And it only amplified when Spencer walked onto the jet and took his usual seat next to her.
They greeted each other with small waves, but something felt off. And when his hand brushed up against her leg on accident, she felt a light buzz course through her veins, like some type of switch had been flipped.
It's only because of what Emily said, Y/N thought. She just got in my head, that's all this is.
But the longer the day went on, after landing in Idaho and setting up at the precinct, the buzz only amplified. Every time he said her name, she felt it kick up, and likewise, whenever she said his, he felt the thrum of his chest get heavier.
Everyone could tell, too, though they seemed rather amused by it all. While Y/N and Spencer were out at the ME's office, Emily, JJ, and Derek sat at the table in their temporary office and talked it over.
"I actually feel kinda bad," JJ said. "I mean... It seems like they're just being awkward around each other now..."
"That's not a bad thing... It just means they're finally starting to come to their senses," Emily countered with a wave of her hand. "They'll be fine."
Derek scoffed with a smile. "Yeah, I give it 'til the end of the case. Without work to distract themselves from each other, there's no way they won't say something."
Sure enough, the topics of conversation walked through the door just then, immediately putting distance between themselves on opposite sides of the table. And before anyone could say anything else, Spencer jumped the gun, going into detail on what they discovered about the case.
"We won't be heading home until tomorrow morning, so I booked us all rooms at the hotel on main street. I'll give you your keys when we get there. Good work, everyone, get some rest."
Hotch disappeared into the night, leaving the rest of the team to pack up a few things in their office before following him.
Y/N chatted happily with JJ, but deep inside she was nervous. Because everyone had been acting strange all day, pairing her and Spencer up every chance they got, and it was impossible to miss all the fake 'I wasn't looking at you guys' stares into space that they all constantly adorned.
Not to mention the fact that ever since Emily even brought it up to her, Spencer also seemed nervous around her. Their whole dynamic had been thrown off, and now she could barely look at him without immediately looking away and wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Now that the thought has been planted in her head, it's all she can think about, and it's very distracting. And knowing how... interested her friends seem to be in her predicament, the biggest fear she has at the moment is that she and Spencer will be rooming together.
As they got into separate cars and headed to the hotel, she fiddled with her thumbs, picking at the chipped nail polish and hoping that she'll get to rest easy.
And as Hotch handed out room keys in the lobby, she felt her heartbeat pick up, Emily and JJ sharing a key and Derek walking off with his own.
And then he said the one thing she was afraid of, and it almost froze her completely.
"I was only able to get two rooms with double beds, so you guys will have to share, if that's alright."
At that point Y/N would have rather shared a bed with Rossi, because that would have been less awkward. But she and Spencer both nodded, he took the key, and they both silently made their way to the room, keeping their heads low.
Even as they finally stepped into the room the air felt fragile, like one wrong move could break it and send them into space, where there wasn't enough breathable oxygen to keep them alive. And much like in the office today, they kept their distance on opposite sides of the room, separated by the bed.
It was Spencer who broke the silence first.
"I can take the floor if you want..."
The small, sweet way he said it almost made her heart shatter. "O—oh no, you don't have to. That would be silly."
"Are you sure? Because I can—"
"No, it's okay, really. I don't mind."
They stared at each other for what seemed like forever, before Y/N's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she turned around to answer the call.
As she walked into the bathroom, answering, "Hi, Mom," before shutting the door, Spencer let out a long breath and rubbed his eyes, wondering how he was going to get through the night. He also wondered if Penelope had talked to Y/N as well, because this awkwardness they were experiencing was most certainly double-sided. And if that was the case, did that mean... she was in love with him, too? Firstly, was he even sure he was in love with her in the first place?
Maybe a little, he decided, thinking back to practically every single moment they've ever spent together. And as he quickly changed into pajamas and situated himself in bed, he thought about what it would be like to kiss her. Is that something he would want to do? Could he see himself kissing her over and over again for the rest of his life?
He had his answer when she walked out of the bathroom, wearing shorts and a tank top, her hair out of its ponytail and cascading down her shoulders as she plopped her phone down on the chair in the corner of the room and walked to the bed.
He tried to look away, but he couldn't. And he was thankful in a way for this newfound uneasy air between them, because she refused to look at him, and it gave him all the clearance he needed to follow her trail around the room.
But when she finally settled into bed, and as he felt her weight dip beside him, Spencer looked down at his lap. He was afraid the close proximity would give him away.
She cracked open a book and read in silence for a few seconds before she turned to him. "Did... Is this distracting? I can stop and we can just go to sleep if you're tired..."
"Oh, n—no, it's not distracting. You're fine. I was, um... I was going to grab a book of my own anyway."
He swung his leg over to get out of bed, but Y/N stopped him. "Well, um... I, uh... I know we're already in the middle of a different book, but if you wanted to, we could, um... read this one together? I—I think you'd like it, it's about the—"
"Sure. I—I'd um... I'd like that. Whatever it's about, I'm sure I'll like it. Y—you know, since you said it was good. You have good taste, so I t—trust your judgement."
He was just rambling now, and hearing Y/N laugh a little, he internally berated himself for letting it get awkward again.
Nevertheless, she opened up the covers to get underneath, and slowly scooted closer to him. Once their knees touched, they both jumped a little, but Spencer cleared his throat and Y/N busied herself by trying to find the first page, neither of them commenting on the obvious shock of butterflies that shot through both of their insides at the tiniest contact.
"Do you mind if I start?" she asked softly, turning her head slightly to the side so she could see him. He nodded, giving her the go ahead, and she turned to the page, focusing on the words in front of her.
Unsurprisingly, it was easy for them to get into a familiar groove. They took turns reading each few pages, and stopped in between to discuss things they'd read. It also wasn't surprising to find that they gradually got closer, their arms and legs now completely touching side by side and their faces dangerously close as they leaned down to read.
Spencer had just finished reading a chapter, reaching out to turn the page, and Y/N seemed to have the same thought, because her hand collided with his in a way that left no room for subtlety, or drawback to avoid that it even happened. Their pinkies interlocked, and Y/N found herself entranced by the curves and peaks of his hand. How each of his fingers slightly twitched at the contact, and how prominent the veins in his forearm were.
Her heartbeat picked up, and his did, too, as he focused on how tightly her pinkie was curling around his own, desperate not to let go.
"Y/N," he whispered. It wasn't a question, nor a warning, but it rolled off his tongue softly as if it was the sweetest word he'd ever had the pleasure to say. It was just one little word, her first name, conveyed with such adoration and obvious pining that he was afraid he'd scared her away.
But she held his pinkie tight, the book resting open beneath them on their adjoined knees, and then looked over at him.
And her eyes held the same weight as her name on his lips.
It was unclear of who moved first, but it happened so fast that surely it didn't matter. In a flash, their lips were joining in soft desperation, and rather than locking pinkies, Y/N shifted her hand to weave all their fingers together. The squeeze he gave her hand made her sigh against his mouth, and it was all the most relieving thing in the world.
After she pulled away, he chased her face for a second, not wanting it to end. But his eyes flew open and when he saw her staring back at him, her lips slightly puffed and her eyes almost hungry, he knew he didn't have to worry about the moment ending any time soon.
The book was long forgotten right then, tossed across the room somewhere as their clothes soon followed.
"So, how do you think the love birds got along last night?" Emily asked to no one in particular as the group gathered in the lobby.
Derek snickered. "If they came to their senses, I'm sure they got along just fine."
Everyone laughed at that, just as said love birds made their way to the lobby.
"Sleep well?" JJ asked, obviously trying not to smirk.
"Mhm," they both mumbled in response.
They were going to leave it alone, but that's when Rossi showed up, peering over in Spencer's direction. Then he pointed briefly to his neck. "You got a little something there, genius."
Everyone clapped excitedly, Emily letting out a low whistle and Derek rounding it off with a loud and proud, "Atta boy!"
The redness on both Y/N and Spencer's faces didn't clear up the entire way home.
And after the text that Emily sent out to Penelope, it was looking like it might get even worse.
"Welcome home, my beautiful family! Come on, I have something special for everyone in the round-table room."
Penelope led the way, Y/N and Spencer bringing up the rear.
"I'm sorry about this morning," she whispered. "I really didn't even notice I'd made a mark, I—"
"It's okay," he reassured her. "I... I guess they kinda knew we'd get to that point eventually anyway."
"Yeah... I just wish it wouldn't have happened so soon, you know? We're never gonna live this down."
She wasn't expecting him to lace his fingers with hers, and the action made her smile.
They'd fallen a bit behind, so when they finally caught up to everyone in the room, it was terrifying to see them all with knowing, mischievous smiles. And before Y/N could explain, Spencer started speaking.
"Okay, okay, yes. Y/N and I... finally... got together last night. But you can't make it weird, and I'm not going to let you make it weird, because—"
"Ohh, it's a little late for that, boy wonder," Garcia said, giggly and holding out a cake box.
Spencer and Y/N looked at each other briefly before taking a look, immediately gasping and going red.
It was a small cake, shaped like a heart with a red trim of frosting around it. And right in the middle, in pretty red cursive, were the words, "We finally had sex!"
"Penelope!" Y/N whined and shoved her face into Spencer's chest, the heat radiating off her face like a space heater on high blast.
The howling laughter that erupted from everyone else in the room was something neither of them would forget.
But even through the curtain of embarrassment, Y/N and Spencer both knew that beyond it awaited a very promising relationship, especially with friends who supported them. Even if that support manifested in rather... enthusiastic ways.
And, despite the initial embarrassment of it all, the cake tasted pretty damn good.
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invisibleanonymousmonsters ¡ 4 years ago
All Men Have Limits - VIII
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,600+
Warning: Mention of sexual assault 
Previously on…
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“Going along with this plan seems rather unlike you,” Tim finally pointed out to Bruce.
It was the two younger boys and Bruce sitting in the cave. 
“Without her help, we would have never been able to get the evidence we need to take down The Court of Owls,” Bruce sighed as he looked up at the screens.
“Yeah, but like you said before, we never use our own as bait,” Tim countered.
“Y/N knows what she’s doing.”
Tim and Damian shared a look.
“Are you certain things have not gone too personal, father?” Damian finally asked.
The personal question finally forced Bruce to tear his eyes away from the screens and look at his son.
His gaze shifted between Tim and Damian. From their looks alone, Bruce realized that his feelings towards Y/N were not as subtle and secret as he wanted.
But Bruce knew better than to answer Damian. 
The boy had never been invested in his father’s personal relationships before. Why did he have to start now? And with Y/N?
“What happens if things go south?” Tim challenged.
But Damian answered for his father. “You know he has a plan B and C, Drake. He always does, even if he doesn’t share it.”
Bruce was not about to have a conversation about his love and sex life with his two youngest sons. So, he thought of something to escape and he thought of it fast.
He stood up quickly and faced them. “Mandatory family dinner. Tonight.”
“What!?” Damian screamed in outrage.
“I don’t want to,” Tim whined like a baby, even though he was very much a young man standing at the ripe age of 19.
“Mandatory,” Bruce repeated solidly before leaving the cave.
Damian and Tim shared a look.
“This is your fault,” Tim accused.
“How is it my fault?”
“You couldn’t keep your mouth shut about the sexual tension we’re all choking on in this damn mansion!”
“But you don’t disagree. You’ve noticed it as well.”
“I was a little late to the game, but yes,” Tim admitted.
“She’s not like the other ones,” Damian muttered so quietly that Tim almost missed it. 
“No, she’s not,” Tim confirmed. 
Bruce was slightly surprised to find Y/N sitting at the outdoor pool, reading a book.
She wasn’t in a bathing suit – just shorts and a t-shirt.
Bruce walked over with his hands in the pocket of his slacks.
“If I didn’t know better, I would think that you’re starting to like it here.”
She looked up from her book with a smirk. “For the record, I still think we should ‘eat the rich.’”
Bruce smirked. “Right. Of course.”
Y/N eyed him. “Did you need something?”
“Are you sure about this?”
Of course he was coming to try and talk her out of the plan once again.
“Bruce, I’m not changing my mind.”
“Figured you would say that.”
Y/N could see his mind racing. It was obvious he hadn’t stopped thinking about everything that could wrong with. Bruce needed control. And even if he was going into an inevitably dangerous situation, he always had multiple plans to get out alive. Y/N’s involvement made it harder for him to do that. 
“Careful,” she warned him playfully, “It’s starting to look like you’re worried about me.”
“I am,” he retorted.
Her amusement vanished. “I didn’t think you worried. Or got scared.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you had realized by now that both of those things happen when you’re involved.”
She didn’t know how to respond that. She really didn’t.
“I also came out here to tell you we’re having a family dinner tonight.” Yes, Dick and Tim were basically living at the manor while they handled this specific case. But it was rare that the whole family ate together. All the boys would come back from patrol at different times. Alfred usually made something and put each of their meals in the oven or fridge for when they got back.
But Bruce made a habit of having mandatory family dinners. They weren’t frequent. And the boys often viewed them as some sort of punishment. But Bruce saw it as a way to remind them all that they were a family. A chaotic and a strange one, but they were still a family.
“It would be nice if you could join us,” Bruce added politely.  
Y/N smiled at how obvious it was that he was choosing his words carefully. “It was really hard for you to not me tell what to do, wasn’t it?”
He narrowed his gaze at her from being caught.
She never seemed to miss an opportunity to tease him. 
“Yes. I’ll join you.”
Bruce nodded, clearly pleased with her answer.
“Will you miss it?” Bruce surprised her by asking as he looked around at the exterior of the manor, looking almost lost in thought.
“It’s a home,” Y/N sighed. “And even with all the secrets and dark pasts, it’s still filled with happy memories, too. And a family.” 
Then she smirked. “Even if it’s a highly dysfunctional one,” she added teasingly.
“Not sure all the boys would agree with you on that.”
“Are you sure about that?” Y/N challenged.
Y/N walked out of her bedroom right as Dick was dragging Damian down the hallway.
“Come on. It’s never as bad as you think it’s gonna be,” Dick tried to tell the boy.
“Why did Todd come? He never comes to family dinner. He doesn’t even see us as his family.”
Dick smirked. “You and I both know that’s not true, no matter how many times he tries to convince everyone – even himself.”
Then both of them noticed Y/N’s presence in the hallway.
“You look pretty,” Dick complimented.
Y/N looked down at her outfit and shrugged. “Figured I could make a bit more of an effort.”
“Let’s get this over with,” Damian huffed before leaving the two of them behind.
Y/N and Dick both laughed lightly at his attitude.
“I’ve never told you how good you are with him,” she thought aloud.
“I don’t know about that…”
Y/N turned to him with an insistent look. “You are. Sometimes I think he listens to you more than Bruce. He looks up to you. I think it’s because…” her words die out.
“What? What you were going to say?”
Y/N still hesitated, but told him anyway. “I think it’s because you’re more available to him…emotionally, I mean.”
“Sometimes I feel like I have to talk to him the same way I do with Bruce. He’s a younger carbon copy of the guy. Just brattier.” Dick sighed. “Deep down, Damian has a good heart and he cares deeply about the people in his life. He’ll just never admit it.”
Y/N nodded.
It did sound like Bruce.
But Y/N never considered Dick would have a similar impact on Bruce that he also had with Damian. She wondered what Bruce would be like today if he had never taken in an orphaned Richard Grayson.
Sometimes Y/N believed Bruce would be completely devoid of any and all emotions if it hadn’t been for an adolescent Dick. His needs and wants as a child had prevented Bruce from turning completely into a callous vigilante with nothing tying him to his own humanity and life.
Y/N was about to continue her walk to the dining room, but Dick softly grabbed her arm.
“Hey, before we walking into the chaos…” Dick cleared his throat. “I just wanted to make sure we’re okay after the other night.” He shifted his weight and looked at the ground. “If I was too forward or I misread something or–”
“Dick?” Y/N interrupted with a smug look.
His head shot up to look at her. “Yeah?”
She had a wicked gleam in her eyes.
Then she moved into Dick’s space, closing the distance between their bodies and did not stop until they could feel each other’s body heat.
Y/N tipped her head as if she was about to kiss him.
But her lips stopped just a centimeter or two from his.
Dick’s eyes turned menacing once he realized she was messing with him.
“Yes,” Y/N whispered seductively, “we’re okay.”
Then she slipped away quickly and started walking away without him.
“That was cruel!” Dick called after her.
But her only response was her laugher from down the hall.
Dick shook his head, but couldn’t stop his smiling.
Maybe it was avoidance or a distraction from the reality of their relationship. But Y/N couldn’t deny that it was also fun.
Dinner was in the formal dining room of the manor. This was the first time Y/N had even stepped foot in the room. The fireplace was even lit. Even when Wayne Manor was hardly trying, it reminded Y/N how out of place she was.  “If I have to sit through this bullshit, you’re sitting next to me,” Jason said from behind Y/N, making her jump.
To her horror, Jason pulled out a seat at the head of the table. Two at each end and then two chairs in the middle on both sides.
“Oh, I don’t think–” Y/N stuttered out in panic.
“You’re the guest,” Jason cut her off and gently pushed in the chair when he finally got her to sit.
Damian was already sitting to the right, closer to the other head of the table– probably to be closer to his father.
Jason sat down to the left of Y/N. And when Dick finally caught up to her, he didn’t question Y/N sitting at the head and sat to the right of her.
“Perfect. You’re like our future step mom,” Jason declared.
Damian snickered, despite hating to laugh at Jason’s joke.
But Y/N looked horrified. She was about to jump up and take the remaining middle seat on the other side of Jason. But Tim’s timing was absolutely horrendous.
“Please switch spots with me,” Y/N leaned forward and hissed at Dick.
He smirked. “Absolutely not.”
When he saw her obvious panic, he leaned forward as well and whispered, “That’s payback for earlier.”
Y/N glared at him and huffed.
“Oh, I’m so glad I came,” Jason sighed.
Bruce walked into the room with his head held high. “Tim, no phones. You know better.”
Tim sighed in annoyance but slipped his phone into his back pocket.
Dick leaned to Y/N. “Bruce has a strict ‘no electronics’ rule for family dinners. Phones are forbidden.”
Y/N nodded, even though she would never be so rude as to bring a phone to dinner, especially when she was a guest and this was a literal “manor.”
Somehow Jason had pulled a bottle of red wine from nowhere. Or maybe it had been sitting on the table and Y/N had just missed it.
And Jason had already grabbed Y/N’s glass and gave her a heavy pour. “But drinking is highly encouraged,” he added with a crooked smile.
Y/N barely let him finish pouring before she grabbed the wine and chugged. 
When she put the glass back down, Bruce was watching her carefully. She at least had enough shame to sink lower in her chair and give him an apologetic look.
But Bruce was amused more than anything.
He’d never brought a woman to a family dinner like this. And though the situation was not that straightforward, it was still causing him a weird amount of anxiety.
“How are your lessons going, Damian?” Bruce broke the tension with the question.
Damian muttered off what sounded like rehearsed and generic statements about his personal studies.
“I didn’t even know he went to school,” Y/N muttered to Dick as Damian and Bruce talked.
“He doesn’t. He’s technically homeschooled,” Jason answered first. “Which is total bullshit seeing as all of us were forced to go to Gotham Academy with all the spoiled brats of the city.”
“As if it mattered, you died before you were forced to graduate from the stupid establishment,” Damian commented darkly.
Jason beamed and laughed lightly at the comment.
But Dick, Tim, and Y/N all froze and looked to Bruce.
They all knew it was a sensitive topic. 
Bruce was clearly trying his hardest not to scold them all night. So he just took in a deep, shaky breath.
“Why get your GED or drop out of high school when you can just get murdered?” Jason offered with enthusiasm.
“Jason,” Y/N warned lowly when she saw the pained look on Bruce’s face that he was trying so hard to hide.
Jason’s death still haunted Bruce and riddled him with guilt – despite the miracle of him being resurrected. Y/N probably knew that more than any of the boys. Maybe only Dick really shared that understanding.
“You’re right,” Jason agreed. “Tonight’s not about me. You’re the guest, Y/N. Why don’t you tell us about yourself?”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest, but the words got caught in her throat when she felt everyone’s eyes on her.
This was not how she imagined tonight going.
But Alfred – her savior – interrupted with the first course of soup and salad.
Everyone was momentarily distracted with the food.
Y/N hoped it stayed that way.
“Who taught you how to hack?” Damian piped up.
Y/N relaxed at that particular question. “No one. I taught myself.”
“Where’s your family?” Tim asked innocently.
Y/N flipped through all the possible lies she could tell, deciding to go with the one that would lead to the least amount of follow-up questions. And it wasn’t a lie at all.
“We’re estranged,” Y/N mumbled without looking up from her food.
“Parents are overrated,” Jason commented with a smirk.
Dick and Bruce glared at him.
However, Y/N couldn’t help but laugh along with Jason.
Little did she know that Jason could relate to her upbringing far more than anyone else at the table. Their childhood’s were parallel. Ones neither of them deserved. 
Tim instantly felt guilty for asking an uncomfortable question without realizing it.
“Y/N is not here to be interrogated,” Bruce warned the table.
“Well, why don’t you tell us about her, B?” Jason answered. “How exactly did you two meet again?”
Bruce narrowed his gaze. He knew what game this was. The more emotion and reaction he showed, the more it would encourage Jason to continue with such antics. “We worked on a case together a couple years ago,” was all Bruce supplied.
“More like she threatened you into working with her,” Dick mumbled as he tried to hide his smirk by licking his lips.
Y/N kicked him under the table.
“So, Y/N, have you always had a thing for older men?” Jason asked.
She gave him a death glare.
“Jason, come on.” Dick cautioned.
“I mean, you of all people should be curious, Dickie.”
Everyone went quiet.
Jason rolled his eyes and looked around the table. “Oh. Are we all pretending there’s not a weird love triangle going on?”
“I didn’t realize my sex life was up for discussion tonight,” Y/N mumbled.
But it wasn’t just sex was it?
“Why don’t we all go around the table and share!?” Jason suggested loudly. “Dick, you first. What’s your number?”
“Jason that is enough.” Bruce grunted.
But Y/N had it with Jason’s pot stirring and she wasn’t going to let Bruce fight her battles for her.
She snapped her head in Jason’s direction. “I hope you don’t have a sex tape laying around, because I will sell that shit to PornHub faster than you can jerk off,” she threatened.
The words slipped out of Y/N’s mouth so quickly that she had momentarily forgotten that a literal child was also sitting at the dinner table.
Her hand slammed over her mouth and her eyes widened in shock. 
Jason threw his head back with laughter. This was exactly the chaos he was trying to start.
Her eyes whipped to Damian with horror as she blurted out, “I am so sorry!"
“Please, I know what fornication is,” Damian rolled his eyes. “I’m not so innocent. After all, I was conceived from my mother drugging my father and forcing coitus onto him.”
“I also slept with said mother,” Jason chimed in.
Tim made a disgusted gag noise.  
Dick rubbed his face in exhaustion. Y/N’s jaw dropped at this new information. 
But when she looked to Bruce, he wouldn’t meet her stare, only further proving it was all true.
This was no laughing matter. 
Yet the whole family seemed desensitized by the subject.  
Y/N was processing that Bruce had gone through such an assault – and by the mother of his only biological son, nonetheless. “Can Jonathan come over soon for a sleepover, father?” Damian suddenly asked.
The subject change was like whiplash on the entire table.
Y/N couldn’t keep up. She couldn’t just move past what she found out like that. 
“I don’t see why not,” Bruce answered.
Clearly he was grateful for his son’s short attention span and his inability to read the room and realize he’d said something entirely inappropriate for the situation. 
But Y/N could also see the subtle happiness in Bruce’s eyes from his son asking him such a question. And for that split second, this felt like a normal family.
“Who’s Jonathan?” Y/N asked Dick quietly.
She was trying to follow Bruce’s lead and move on. 
“Superman’s son,” Dick provided.
“And literally Damian’s only friend,” Jason added.
“I heard that!” Damian shouted.
“I meant you to!”
“Put that knife down, Damian.” Bruce warned. “What have I told you?”
Damian lowered his head in shame. “The knives at the dinner table are for eating, and are not to be used as weapons under any circumstance.”
The table suddenly erupted into various conversations. Tim started talking Wayne Enterprises business with Bruce. Damian and Jason were shooting insults at each other. Alfred brought in another course.
Dick and Y/N shared a moment.
She sighed, realizing that the worst of it was probably over now.
‘Sorry,’ Dick mouthed to her.
‘It’s OK,’ she mouthed back.
The dinner continue with filet mignon, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, mushroom bordelaise, and – thankfully – more wine. 
Maybe Jason had helped them all in a way by airing out all their dirty laundry immediately and getting it over with so they could move on.
But as Y/N looked around the table, listening to the boys and Bruce talk, she realized that maybe – just maybe – she didn’t want to leave. 
Alfred put all the boys to work cleaning the dishes after dinner.
But he refused to allow Y/N to help. Once a guest always a guest.
Alfred handed Y/N a fresh glass of wine and told her to wait in the drawing room and that he’d bring dessert within the hour.  
Y/N knew better than to argue with him and did as she was told.
There was a roaring fire in the room, pulling her to it.
“Please don’t take anything Jason said personally,” Bruce said from behind her.
Y/N let out a breathy laugh and shook her head. “He loves to start drama. That’s for fucking sure.”
“He’s constantly trying to get back at me. You weren’t his target. I was. But I apologize that you were caught in the crossfire.”
She turned away from the fireplace to face him.
Her eyes were heartbroken and worried.
“You never told me about…” she hesitated, “about Damian’s mother. I-I had no idea.”
“I try not to speak of it. No matter what happened in the past, Talia is still Damian’s mother.”
“But she still–”
“I’m fine,” Bruce cut her off. “Really, Y/N. I came to terms with it long ago.”
He was irritated, but too preoccupied with comforting Y/N to face the dark truth of how Damian was conceived.
“Well, if you need to ta–”
“I know, Y/N. Thank you.”
Their moment was interrupted by the boys trampling in the drawing room.
Dick had Damian thrown over his shoulder as the boy screamed insults at both Tim and Jason. Clearly Dick was preventing a full-on brawl from errupting.
The bickering and teasing continued but wasn’t anywhere near as awkward or stressful as it was at dinner. Perhaps all the glasses of wine Y/N had were helping with that. She decided to simply sit back and watch the Wayne family.
Eventually it hit Damian’s bed time. Bruce insisted on tucking his son into bed. 
Jason took their leave as his cue to leave the manor. 
Tim went up to his own room. Except they all knew it wasn’t to sleep, but to get back to work and not stop until he was utterly exhausted. 
The drawing room turned relaxing as Dick and Y/N were the only two who remained. 
“You survived,” Dick pointed out with a chuckle.
“I did,” Y/N answered with a light laugh.
Dick let a moment pass before he asked,  “Why didn’t you ever tell me about your parents?”
She sighed, knowing Dick was going to bring this up at some point.
“Because I don’t tell anyone about them.”
“You told Bruce,” he countered.
Her brow furrowed. “And how do you know that?”
Dick at least looked guilty for answering, “He told me.”
She glared at him. “So is that what you two do now? You talk about me with each other? Swap notes?”
“Course not. But don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical getting mad about it?”
“Hypocritical?” She shot back.
“Yeah, hypocritical. You did a background check on every single member of this family. You know my entire past. You know every woman I’ve been connected to in my life. But the moment I know something about you, it’s not OK?”
“As if you wouldn’t offer that info freely if I asked…”
“That’s exactly my point, Y/N.” Dick sounded exasperated. “I’m trying to get to know you. I’m really trying. But now I know you’ve done it before. So I’m asking you to trust me enough to do it again.”
“It’s not that simple,” Y/N mumbled before walking out of the room.
Dick let out a groan of frustration and rubbed his face.
That definitely could’ve gone better.
But Y/N’s night wasn’t free of the Wayne men yet.
Just before reaching her bedroom door, Bruce crossed her path.
“Hey!” She snapped at him. “My past isn’t something for you to announce to whoever the fuck you want.”
“Y/N, that’s–”
“Save it,” Y/N snapped before he could get a word in. “Whatever broody and cryptic bullshit you’re about to spew…just…save it, k?”
And with that, Y/N slammed her bedroom door shut.
Part 9
A/N: I know a lot of people really hate the Talia/Bruce sexual assualt storyline. But that was the version of Damian’s conception that I was most familiar with. I didn’t want to make light of it, because we all know male victims of sexual assault are not taken seriously – and that’s fucked up. But I also didn’t want to linger on it too long since it’s such a disliked plot point
Let me know what you thought of this chapter!!! Pretty, pretty please. 😔
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lordabovehelpme ¡ 4 years ago
Big Bear- Clyde Logan x Reader
Request: So we all know how the best nickname for Clyde is Bear. But how about the first time reader called him that? It doesn’t have to be a whole fic, it can totally be a headcanon or just a thought! Love you! - anon
A/n: Ahhh I love this!!! And I love you for sending this in!! I hope you enjoy! 
Summary: Everything he does reminds you of a bear, but you’ve never told him. What happens when the little nickname slips one night? 
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As soon as the comparison crosses your mind, it never leaves. It just makes so much sense. The way he get’s all huffy and rumbly in the mornings. Those pillowy lips of his pushed out into a pout and his eyes half closed yet sparkling when they see you. His grumbles will thunder down the halls as he tries to find you. Every morning it makes you think of a bear waking from hibernation a little too early. And every morning you’ll cup his cheek and stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss to that pout. And his pout will slowly turn into a small smile.
It’s the way his giant hand wraps around your own, in fact your whole hand can fit in his palm. When he offers his hand out to you, you have to bite back your giggles at how he seems so similar to a bear offering his paw. And it’s not only his hands, it’s also his feet. Those large feet carrying him all around the world and barely fitting into his shoes. They also remind you of paws.
Then it’s the way he hugs you. Those big arms wrapping around your form and pulling you into a strong chest. If he’s behind you, he will rest his chin on the top of your head. Most often he’ll let an overdue sigh escape and relax around you, content with your touch. And if you could see his face, you would see closed eyes and a lazy smile. But if he’s facing you, then a kiss is pressed to your forehead before you are fully pulled in. Then he’ll tug you impossibly close to him and nearly tuck you away into his embrace. Your arms wrap around his waist and slide under his shirt, your nails lightly scratching at his back. Shivers will run up and down his spine and you’ll be pulled even closer, a purr vibrating from beneath his chest.
It’s also the way he eats. It’s like you never feed the man or like he’s never eaten before. He will shove as much as food as he can into his mouth and eat it so quickly. It’s a miracle he hasn’t choked and died yet. But you don’t mind it as much when he’ll give you a thumbs up, his eyes closed from happiness, and a smile with his cheeks puffed out with your cooking concoctions.
But all that good hearty food leads him to look like a bear. His shoulders are wide and nearly take up an entire doorway, muscle cushioning the bone and making a perfect spot for your head to lean on. His chest is broad and strong, pecs pulled taut and slightly protruding from his favorite (and your favorite) shirts. But when he takes those long deep breaths, he swells with air and grows before your eyes, you can’t deny the heat that rises to your cheeks.
However, your most favorite part (if you can even choose) is his tummy. It’s so soft that you literally cannot wait to run your hands over it every night. He’s fed well and you love that it shows. He used to hate it when you first started dating. You would wake up to find him gone, putting himself through various workouts, trying to burn it off. But over years of you telling him how much you love it and how it’s nothing to be ashamed of, he’s grown to like it. It tells you that he’s healthy and loved. And you both know he can’t refuse your baking, especially when you make those gooey apple pies.
The funniest comparison you’ve found though, is the way he sits. The way his entire body will fill any chair and his shoulders kind of slump. But it’s most apparent when he sits backwards on chairs, large thighs surrounding the back and his arms resting on his knees. One time when the two of you were watching a National Geographic Documentary on bears, they showed a scene of a bear sitting in a field. You happened to have looked over at Clyde during that scene, and had to bite your lips to stop from laughing. He was sitting in the exact same position. Your head went back and forth from the TV screen to your man bear on the couch, giggles hidden behind your hands. You could have put their pictures next to one another and said “Spot the difference.” Although, that wouldn’t have really worked because there was no difference.
But there’s something about how warm and cozy he is that really puts the icing on the cake. Countless nights you have found him on the couch, book in his large paw and cooling mug of tea on the small coffee table. And countless times he’s just lifted his arms as you’ve crawled onto his lap, he’ll set his book down on the armrest and drape a blanket around you, tucking in all the corners. Then, without a word, he’ll go back to his book and his arms will hold you close. Sometimes, if you ask, he’ll read aloud to you, deep voice grumbling out poetry and old english in his little drawl. You can feel it rumbling around in his chest and it draws your eyelids to shut. The scent of woods and faint cigarettes mixed with the warmth of his embrace makes you fall asleep in seconds. You’ll nuzzle further into his hold and his shortened forearm will trail up and down your back, caressing you as you drift off.
In your mind, clyde is a bear and there is no other option.
However, you haven’t told him of this comparison yet. Pet names aren’t uncommon between the two of you, he’s always calling you one, “Sweetpea, suga’ plum, sweet’eart, and his favorite, darlin’.” But something about comparing him to a wild animal is keeping you from telling him. Maybe it's the fear of him not liking it, maybe it’s just embarrassment, whatever it is, you don’t know.
The first time it slipped was a late night at the bar. Clyde made you fancy cocktails that were way too good and he looked even better. Your thoughts started to come out unfiltered and you could tell he was getting a kick out of it.
“Darlin’ I think that’s enough fer ya.” He said with a chuckle making his voice even deeper.
You let your lips push into a pout as you stared up at him with your best version of puppy dog eyes. “But bear, I’m already going home with you, one more won’t hurt.”
He froze, eyes widening but after a second he shook his head and let a small smile take over his face. “No more fer ya darlin’. I’m sorry, but you’ll thank me in the mornin’.”
The two of you never spoke about it.
Well, you didn't speak about it for three days.
He was curled around you that morning, dead to the world as his snores thundered through the house. (Even his snores sound like a bear’s!) You wiggled out of his hold and padded into the kitchen, starting to prepare all the ingredients for omelettes. Mindlessly you hummed a little tune and started to chop some bell peppers.
Suddenly an arm wraps around your waist and pulls you away from the counter, lifting you into the air. You scream and start to kick your legs before loud chuckles come from behind you. Realizing who it is you relax in his hold and frown.
“Clyde, I had a knife.”
“Darlin’ if that's how you fight against a bear, I’ll never be able to take ya campin.”
The amusement is loud and clear in his voice. You know you’ve been caught.
“What do you mean bear? I don’t see any bears.” When worse comes to worst, what do you do?
Play dumb.
It’s also not your fault he sprung this upon you in the early morning. Your brain’s not even awake yet.
He sets you down and you turn around in his hold, eyes wide with faux innocence. His own eyes slightly narrow, but a small smile stays on his lips.
“Hmm.” He stares down at you, silently testing your acting abilities. “Some little birdie told me that ya think I’m a bear.”
“Well obviously the birds around here are terrible at gossip!” You cross your arms and turn back to your peppers.
He lets out a loud hearty laugh. Then he wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on top of your head, watching as you try to not fumble and fluster under his gaze.
“I just wanna know why ya said it? And why you’re now denyin’ it.”
You sigh and set the knife down on the counter, looking up and out the small window above the counter. “Promise me you won’t laugh at me?”
“I promise.”
Everything in you screams at you to not tell him. But he said he promised and you know that eventually it would come up again, so why not tell him now?
He takes a second to think over what you said so quickly. You can practically hear the cogs turning in his head. But with each second that passes, the anxiety bubbles up further in your stomach.
“I like it.”
That is the last thing you expected him to say. “You like it?”
He turns you around so he can look at you. “Yeah, it makes me feel like I can protect ya better. Like a bear.”
Your cheeks hurt from your smile. “Really?”
He swoops down and presses his lips to your own. “Yeah.” His own lips are pulled into a smile. “I’ve got ya darlin’ and now you’ve got yer bear.”
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and press another kiss to his lips. “My big bear.”
So yeah, I totally was swooning the entire time I was writing this! I hope you enjoyed! 
Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment! It means the world to me and I also love hearing what you all have to say! 
Love forever, Lordy :) 
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dizzydancingdreamer ¡ 4 years ago
You're My Home Too | Loki Laufeyson
Hey lovelies happy Saturday! I hope you all have had a lovely day! Here is the first Loki "drabble" of the event, please do enjoy and make sure to take care of yourselves today!
Appetizers (Tags): Angst, Fluff
Entres (Pairing): Loki x F!Reader (third person)
Sides (Prompts): 6: “You’re all I have.” “You’re all I have too, you know?”
Notes: None, Requested by Anon
Word Count: 2.2k
Dinner at Dizzy’s Master List
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She watches as the black haired god tilts his head, eyes locked on his brother. It looks like he’s nodding along, agreeing to something Thor has said, but she can see it— the way his pupils dart across the blonde’s face, flitting over his shoulder before returning, latching on a different spot. It’s unnerving to watch him be so docile. So passive— not at all like the usual, fiery tempered, grinning god of mischief. She’s never seen him look so blank. Something’s definitely wrong.
She has a feeling she knows what it is, too. If she’s right then it’s the same reason she laid awake all night, curled on her side of Loki’s bed, listening to the sound of his steady breathing until the sun came up. She can practically hear the conversation— Thor’s been itching to go home for weeks now. Somehow they’ve always managed to get held up each time— saving the world and what not. Now, though, there’s nothing keeping them. No androids or aliens or wizards. Just her— the best friend— and that’s not going to cut it.
Loki’s eyes flick to hers, blue irises somehow vibrant even from across the room, and she forces the corners of her lips to turn up, an attempt at flaking off the frown that she’s sure has been plastered on her face all morning. If his frown is anything to go by, however, then she would say that it doesn’t work out. Oh well— she didn’t really expect it would.
He can sense lies and even if he couldn’t he would still be able to read her like a book. Half the time it feels like he’s more in her head then she is, always figuring out what she wants before she can think it let alone say it aloud. Usually that’s followed by him dropping whatever he’s doing to get it for her. Unless, of course, it’s a hug— then he’s dropping whatever he’s doing and pulling her into his arms.
Who’s going to hug her if he’s a galaxy away?
Is it even a galaxy? Surely it’s more. A dimension away. Her stomach tosses, the sting in her chest mixing with a wave of the nausea she’s been fighting all morning. A combination of not eating— not being hungry enough to eat— and sadness. No not sadness— grief. Sadness feels easier. It’s waving your best friend off to college— not to another fucking world. This isn’t sadness— this is losing everything she has come to need for an entire year. Warmth and protection and his sea-salt skin and elegant voice. Who else is going to speak so gently to her when he’s gone?
“Dove—” she blinks and he’s suddenly there, kneeling on the floor in front of the couch where she's been sitting for the past hour, legs curled under her and all the way numb— “what’s wrong?”
His dark brows crease together, his hand snaking from his side and reaching for hers. She offers him another pathetic half-smile, tangling her fingers with his long ones and shaking her head slightly. “Nothing, Loki. How’d your talk go?”
She doesn’t miss the way he winces. He tries to hide it, replicating her tilted lips with his own, but, like her, his eyes don’t follow suit. Instead they flash with something that looks too much like dread for her to keep her act up. When her mouth creases into a frown, so does his. It’s all she needs to know— he really is leaving her.
“My brother misses home.” The god reaches out his other hand and— like everything they seem to do— she copies him, meeting him halfway and lacing those fingers together as well. He runs his thumb over hers, his blue eyes intense— worried. “There are a few things we have to sort out. They’re getting impatient.”
They’re. That could mean so many things. It could mean his people— the asgardians. It could mean his family— it definitely means Thor, the god who she can hear pacing from the kitchen. Her eyes pool over the features of the man in front of her, landing on the circles under his eyes. Does it mean him too? Has she been keeping him from going home? The thought makes her throat sting— of course she has. She’s been so stupid, clinging to a literal god. Of course he would have to go home at some point. She was only fooling herself thinking he would stay with her. What’s upstate New York when you have a celestial castle or whatever the hell it is he has?
She blinks again, zoning back into his even more concerned stare— shit.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, squeezing his hands if only to ground herself against slipping away again. “That sounds important. Your, uh, your kingdom needs you.”
I need you too, though.
It feels like her heart is lodged in her throat and that she’s speaking around it. When she swallows it doesn’t go away— if anything it grows, tears stinging at her eyes, threatening to fall. She hates how selfish she feels. He doesn’t belong to her— he doesn’t belong with her— and she should feel lucky to have called him her friend for this long. Still she can’t help but wonder what her days will look like without him. Empty. Boring. Terrifying. She has friends here but it isn’t the same. The connection isn’t the same— the warmth and smiles and laughter aren’t the same.
She isn’t just losing her best friend, she’s losing her home.
And she breaks.
And he notices.
God, he always notices.
She supposes with the tears now streaming down her face, though, that she can’t exactly blame him for that one. It’s a little noticeable. What she will blame him for is how he releases her hands, instead rising to his full height and settling on the couch, angling his lithe body towards her and wrapping his arms around her stomach. He waits— one beat, two beats— for her to turn as well, pushing up on her knees and throwing her arms around his shoulders. She holds him tight— tighter than she can confidently say she has ever held him before. She has to— it’ll very likely be the last chance she gets. She has to memorize it— him.
“I’m sorry,” she laughs bitterly. It’s more of a sob— the kind that catches in her throat, getting stuck between silent and booming. “I’m being silly.”
Loki shakes his head— she can’t see it but she can feel his jaw brushing her hair, his hands pushing her closer to his chest. She digs her fingers into his jumper, scrunching the green wool like somehow it’ll make this all okay. His hand runs up her back, curling it around the nape of her neck, hand cool and soft.
“No you aren’t.” He murmurs, face still pressed against her hair, and she fights back more tears— he’s too gentle with her.
She doesn’t say anything right away, she just sinks against him, biting her lip and forcing herself to just be in the moment. He smells like rain today. It’s always different— always changing— but today he smells like the summer pavement before a three day thunderstorm hits and it feels fitting.
After a few moments she finally pulls away, tugging against his hold and running the heel of her hand under her eyes. He doesn’t give her much leave, only a few inches to be able to look up at him, blinking away the blurriness of her glassy eyes and sniffling. His lips are pressed together, his head tilted again. Unlike with his brother, though, his eyes never stray from hers. As always, it makes her breath catch in her throat, her heart racing in the way only he can seem to do.
She finally brings herself to ask the hard question— the one that’s been hanging around them for weeks. “When are you leaving?”
His fingers on her spine tense— that can’t mean anything good.
“Today, dove.”
She doesn’t know what else to say— that and if she says anything more she’s afraid she might start sobbing again. Sobbing or just stop breathing altogether. Today? She couldn’t have had one more night with him? You’ve already had ‘one more night’ for four weeks, the little voice in her head reminds her. It’s time to let him go. She slips her hands around his arms— easier said than done. She knows that once he leaves her life will change— and it might never go back to normal.
Loki’s eyes flash, the blue darkening, a crease forming between his brows. He opens his mouth but no words come out and soon he’s pressing his lips together again, the dejection in his eyes and aura tangible. She has to say something— she can’t leave it on this note. She just has no idea what to say. No idea how to say goodbye.
So she doesn’t.
“You should probably start packing then, yeah?” She pushes her lips into the tortured smile again, muttering the words.
She’s sure he would have forced himself to laugh—
“I want you to come with me.”
— were it not for him speaking at the same time.
Her heart stops when his words flit past her eardrums. “What?”
She must be dreaming— there’s no way he just said what she thinks he said. It has to be her imagination playing a cruel trick on her. Trying to protect her from the pain until the last second. But no, that’s not right, now when his cool hands move from her back to her cheeks, his thumbs running over her cheekbones and drawing her back to him. He leans down, pressing his forehead against hers and she gasps— she can’t help it. His skin is so soft that her eyes flutter close.
“I said I want you to come home with me, dove.” His nose brushes against hers, his words entirely soft.
She’s speechless— completely and utterly floored. “To Asgard?”
He chuckles, minty breath fanning her lips. “Yes, to Asgard.”
She pulls back, head so fuzzy she almost topples over from the motion, hands curling tighter to keep from falling. He really wants her to go home with him? Just like that her heart starts beating again, kicking starting her pulse which begins hammering as the notion of staying with him starts to become clear. He’s not leaving?
“But—” she stammers, blinking rapidly as she tries to form a coherent thought— “why me?”
For a moment he just looks at her, his brows knitting together once more, his eyes filling with something she can’t decipher. He kind of looks confused. Only she could confuse a god. She almost slaps herself, her pulse thrumming in her ears. Why the heck would you ask him that you idiot? Now he’s not gonna’ want to take you with—
“Because you’re all I have.”
He says it so nonchalantly— like it’s a fact and not a confession that makes her very essence roar. She supposes that to him it is just a fact. That when you’re all powerful speaking your mind is normal. It is just a fact and she is just a girl and he is just a god. Fact, fact, facts. Her head spins. This— he— cannot be real.
“I—” That’s as far as she gets before her sentence drops, mouth gaping but empty.
Thankfully he picks it up, continuing his unconcerned profession.
“It’s not home if you’re not with me, my little midgardian. Not anymore.” He shrugs and she almost chokes— how is he saying this so calmly when she feels like she’s going to combust? “I really think you’d like it, actually. It’s very pretty— lots of gardens. Oh, and the library! You would enjoy the library.” He tilts his head, his eyes fading out slightly as he thinks about his home. “I’m sure there will be a ball of some sort when we arrive home. I know, I know— you don’t like big events but—”
This time she’s the one who places her hands on his cheeks, shaking her head, letting the first euphoric giggle out. “Of course I’ll go, Loki.”
A grin spreads across his lips, his eyes widening like he just won the lottery as he leans forward, connecting them once again. It makes her heart jump in her chest. What did he think she was going to say? No? She giggles when his lips press against her cheek, her nose scrunching. He must notice because his mouth curves even more against her skin. Soon his lips aren’t just on her cheek but on her forehead and chin and nose as well.
“Even if we have to go to a ball?” He teases, his voice lighter than she’s heard it in weeks.
“Even then.” She confirms, fingers gliding into his hair and tangling them in the silky strands. She takes a deep breath, nerves thrumming as she adds softly. “You’re all I have too, you know? You’re my home too.”
Loki hums happily against her skin, taking her own confession the same way he had made his own— easily. It’s the best outcome she could have hoped for. She can’t wipe the wide smile from her lips as he wraps his arms properly around her once more. It’s not long before his lips find her ear, soft words echoing against her skin.
“You should probably start packing then, yeah?”
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angsty-omi ¡ 4 years ago
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was she just a friend?
hajime iwaizumi x Reader
tw: very slight domestic abuse, insecurity, no happy ending, swearing, suggestive themes, and no editing prior.
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when you first started dating hajime, you had accepted the fact that he had a really close girl friend. how could you not? before you guys made it official he made sure his concerns were met with. this should’ve been the first red flag, however, you were blinded by love.
at first, it was subtle. she’d tag along with you guys on your walk home, which you didn’t mind at all. most of the trips, she’d make fun of iwaizumi and reminisce when they were kids. which, in turn, made you laugh. a lot. and usually after she got home, you and iwaizumi could spend the sunset together. his large calloused hand would wrap around yours, and he’d bring your hand up to peck it. your heart grew bigger by the minute.
then, one day after she left, both of his hands gripped your jaw, and soft lips were pressed against yours. you smiled into the kiss and added more pressure. as he pulled away, you instinctively moved forward for more. that made him chuckle, and grabbed your chin once more. however, this kiss was more passionate. you could never forget that night. it was purely blissful.
for the next six months, life felt like paradise. there was a consistency of “i love you-s,” cuddles, and even sex. but, as they say, happiness is only temporary. on your sixth month anniversary, you and hajime had planned a fancy dinner date on the bay. you showed up early, with excitement written on your face. you were currently wearing a satin maroon dress with a black trench coat on top. as you sat at your table, you pulled out a box out of your pocket. it was a promise ring. you rubbed the circumference of it, trying to ease your nerves. was this moving too fast? you were certain that you couldn’t love another the way you love hajime.
as the hour strikes, he still hadn’t showed up. you repeatedly checked your watch, and even asked other people’s in case your time was wrong. you texted hajime multiple times with no response. anxiety started bubbling in your stomach. what if hajime’s hurt? what if he got into a car accident? what if a UFO came down and kidnapped him? you prayed to yourself that none of those things were true.
before you even realized it, another hour went by. and at this point the waiters were passively suggesting you to leave, due to their full house. at first, you were weary, what if hajime shows up? you thought. although, you complied with the waiters and left. you called him so many times with no pick up. before jumping to conclusions, you decided to text her.
y/n: hey, have you talked to hajime recently?
her: nope! but i can text him if you’d like!
y/n: sure
you rolled your eyes at her message, she acted like he’d answer her and not you. you were his girlfriend for god sakes. obviously if he could text someone it’d be you... atleast that’s what you thought before you got a notification.
her: oh he just said he’s at home, was there something you needed?
that text broke your heart. he’s at home? worst of all he texted her back and not you? you just left her on read and headed home.
as you slammed your phone on the bed, you got ready to sleep. slipping into one of hajime’s shirts and a pair of underwear you tuck yourself in. while drifting, you inhaled his shirt and it smelled like him. his cologne had a wood musk scent to it which you adored. and before you realized it, you were crying. crying yourself to sleep.
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the next morning during school, you did everything in your power to ignore hajime. you skipped the lockers, lunch, and even prevented going to bathroom in case he was there. who could blame you? you were still upset after being stood up.
“miss y/n, could you grab these papers and send it to the office please?” your teacher asked.
you picked up the hefty amount of sheets and went on your merry way. with your guard down roaming the hallways, you failed to notice her and hajime at the end of it. as you both looked up from a long distance with eye contact, you simply turned around and took a detour. you could hear sneakers quickly catching up to you. it was hajime.
“hey baby i haven’t seen you all day,” he wrapped his arm around you.
you ignored him and continued looking straight ahead.
“hey are you okay?”
“y/n if you’re going to act like this and not tell me what’s going on, i’m going to go.” hajime said with a stern voice. you bit your lip, trying to hold tears back. you nudged yourself off of him and replied “fine.”
how could he be mad at you? and why’s he acting like nothing happened?
at the end of the school day, hajime was waiting at the gates for you. you caught sight of him and sighed. you couldn’t hold it off any longer. as you approached him, you saw her peeking out next to him. of course. with annoyance, you started walking home, with them behind you. the walk home was silent, excluding the loud footsteps trailing behind you. as soon as she turned for her house and a couple more steps, hajime grabbed your wrists and gently pinned you on the wall.
“tell me what’s wrong.”
immediately, tears start falling down your face.
“how could you forget about our sixth months?”
at this point, iwaizumi’s face turned pale. paler than a sheet of printer paper. he quickly kissed your tears, and rambled apologies.
“i can explain, that day hachi had some major family issues. her dad had just left the house to get drunk, and her mom was out of town. she needed me to come over, so i rushed.”
“so then, why didn’t you text me back?”
“you heard me”
“i gave my phone to hachi because her dad broke hers.”
you gave a confused look. her phone wasn’t broken, she literally texted you and to think about it you never said her name aloud or in your thoughts.
“what? i literally texted her the night of and she said you texted her back saying you were home”
“hachi wouldn’t do that.”
did he just assume that you would lie? what reason would you even have to lie? you pulled up your phone and showed him the messages.
“this was probably a misunderstanding, are you sure your connection was good? some of them probably didn’t send so it looks bad” he casually said.
you were just in so much shock when he said that. how could he? why did he? your head started to feel stressed so you just walked away. not wanting to hear his idiotic excuses anymore. he trailed behind you and wrapped his arms around you.
“please don’t leave us on bad terms, i’m sorry i won’t do it again” you felt tears on the back of your school uniform.
“i guess it wouldn’t hurt to forget this one instance” you thought to yourself. so what did you do? you forgave him.
poor little naive girl.
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after you guys made up, he decided to have a make up anniversary. you guys cuddled up on your bed and watched many sappy romance movies while ordering your favorite place. this was way better than an expensive dinner. you were just glad he was in your arms again and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
you got up from the bed with his arms dragging behind to go into your dresser, where you hid the box. as you were about to turn around and suprise him, his phone rang. who could be calling at this hour? you know who. hachi.
“don’t pick it up” you frowned.
“please babe just give me one second?” he pouted.
you nod in a agony. as he answered it, you could hear dramatic tears on the other end with a concerned hajime on the line.
“are you okay?! he did what?! i’m coming right now”
as he ended the call, he buckled his pants back on.
“you’re kidding right?”
you hid the tiny box behind your back.
“what are you talking about y/n?” he frustrated, clearly stressed out.
“this is our anniversary and you’re going over to see another girl?”
“y/n, she’s my best friend and you know that. plus she’s home alone and her dad just broke a window.”
“then can i come with you?”
he shook his head, “i don’t think she wants anyone to see her in that state right now”
“except for you, hm makes sense okay”
“can you please not be insecure for like one day?” his fingers ran through his hair.
your eyes widened, “are you fucking serious? you’re the one that made me insecure! first i dropped the whole dinner phone text thing even though there was obvious evidence hachi was trying to sabotage us, why can’t you see it?!”
“y/n, at the beginning of our relationship you acknowledged that i had a close girl friend. and with that, the dinner thing was just a misunderstanding. stop bringing that up or else.” he aggressed.
“are you seriously threatening me right now?”
“if you leave right now.. t-then we’re over!” the words just slipped out of your mouth. both of you guys were in shock. you were just so relentlessly depleted from this argument that you decided this was your solution.
he furiously opened the door, “hajime wai-” you were cut off by the door slamming shut. tears were flowing like a waterfall at this point. you gave yourself some time to breathe and reevaluate. you couldn’t lose hajime, he was your person. your light. your yellow. you put on your sneakers and ran to hachi’s house, knowing he’d be there. you grabbed the promise ring alongside so you could beg for forgiveness.
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your breath was ragged, damn were you out of shape. but at the end, you got to your destination. as you analyzed the house, there seem to be no windows broken, but the front door was opened slightly. you knew she was lying from the start about her dad smashing things. you slowly walked in as quiet as possible and could hear sobs in the other room. as you pressed your ear to the door, it was hajime’s sobs. your heart felt so much guilt, sayings like “i love her so much” and “how could she just say that?” were the only phrases you could comprehend. then there was silence. as you opened the door, prepared to make up, you couldn’t believe your eyes. hachi and hajime’s face were about a half an inch away from each other. they both looked up at you.
“nice intact windows, take this stupid fucking ring, you’re dead to me iwaizumi” you chucked the box at him. as he looked at the box, it had been embroidered ‘promise’ on it and he knew what that meant. you quickly made your exit through the door with hajime closely behind you.
you stopped in your tracks, “please just leave me alone” your voice now dainty.
“y/n, plea-”
“please what? please forget about what i saw? i knew it i fucking knew it. you know what, this whole time you made me like the bad guy when it was YOU. you made me like this, and the worst part is I STILL LOVE YOU.” you punched jabs into his chest. obviously it didn’t hurt him physically, but emotionally it felt like a million swords were stabbing him repeatedly.
“please stop this, is there anyway you can forgive me? please?” he sobbed.
“i’ll do anything”
“would you leave hachi for me?” you asked sharply.
his hesitation was all you needed. in his head he answered yes, but it was like his vocal chords stopped working. deep in his heart, he knew you deserved better. so he stayed quiet.
“go to hell, go fuck hachi or something see if i care.” but you did care. you just wished that he fought just a little bit for you. but he never did and you had to accept it like a champ.
before this all happened, you had dreamed about iwaizumi hajime and yours’s future. but now it’s all ruined.
you’re left heartbroken and lost $350 on a ring that had no meaning.
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bbangsoonie ¡ 4 years ago
to my ex (best friend)
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member: juyeon genre: fluff?? word count: 2,175 synopsis: thanks to kevin’s tiktok obsession, you end up sending out a google form to all of the people you used to call your best friends. one response brings back forgotten memories and feelings.
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with the Canada boys for another 4 years,” you jokingly groaned.
Today was officially move-in day and the beginning of your college life. After roughly unpacking in your dorm room, you went over to Jacob and Kevin’s room to hang out. Jacob had his guitar out and was playing random chords for you to hum along to. Kevin, on the other hand, was glued to his phone. TikTok had been his new obsession and he was constantly watching the endless feed of videos.
“Hey, we are the iconic trio,” Jacob insisted.
“Wow Eric is basically a TikTok star now,” Kevin commented as he showed you two the video that popped up on his For You page. “This kid is stuck on straight TikTok though.”
Jacob laughed, although he was unsure of what that exactly meant. Knowing this, you chuckled at his efforts to appease his roommate.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Kevin tugged at your arm in an urgent matter. “Can we also do that Google form trend?”
“Uhh which one?” you asked.
“The one where you send out a Google form to your ex-crushes or ex-friends,” he turned to Jacob to further explain. “So basically it’s a questionnaire either revealing your past feelings or confronting what happened between old friends.”
“I don’t know, man. Our high school years were pretty vanilla. We didn’t even have that many crushes,” you shrugged.
“Hmm I mean we did have that huge friend group freshman year. It’s a shame it kinda fell apart as time went by,” Jacob reminisced.
You were reminded of the people you once considered to be your best friends. It was you and twelve other boys, which should’ve hinted at the inevitable end. The beginning of the end started with Hyunjoon transferring to a different school. Then, as you all grew older and high school drama kicked in, you were the topic of many rumors. People didn’t understand—or like—that you were the only girl in an all male friend group. Girls called you all sorts of names and spread ridiculous lies about you that spread to neighboring schools.
No one in the group had any bad blood with each other. Life just pulled you in different directions and you simply grew apart. Some joined the dance team, which consumed most of their time. Some joined varsity teams and focused on getting a sports scholarship. Some became trainees and lost contact with everyone. Some, like you and the Canada boys, became busy with college applications. Everyone had their own reasons and there were no hard feelings.
“Wouldn’t it be fun to finally find out what they all think? Get closure before we start our journey as college students?” Kevin asked, eagerly.
“I guess,” you agreed.
“Alright! Then we’ll play rock paper scissors to choose who has to send them out,” Kevin declared.
Your unlucky streak, without fail, won you the embarrassment honor of writing and sending the form to all your former friends. You grumbled, displeased at the fact that you were now the scapegoat fulfilling Kevin’s curiosity. Nevertheless, you searched through your contact list to find everyone’s phone numbers and sent them the link, hoping that no one changed their number.
By the next day, you received responses from all 10 of them. The trio reconvened in Jacob and Kevin’s room to review the answers. The first few were essentially what you all expected. They explained how life became hectic and your paths just crossed less and less as your interests and goals changed.
When you came across Haknyeon’s comment, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“You still owe me ice cream for lending you my pen during our final exam,” you read aloud. You recalled the day; you were freaking out about your misplaced pencil case and he had kindly offered his extra pen.
“What else would you expect from the foodie?” Kevin laughed.
By the time you got to Juyeon’s response, however, you froze. Curious as to what caught you so off guard, Jacob took the laptop from your lap and gasped. Kevin peeped over Jacob’s shoulder and his jaw dropped after reading it. He immediately looked at you, wondering how you were taking the information.
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You were confused. He had been the object of your love and attention for a good three years in high school. Not wanting anyone to find out, you had swallowed those feelings and the Canada duo were the only ones to ever catch on. You and Juyeon used to be extremely close—even closer than you and Kevin or you and Jacob. He always quietly took care of you and the two of you shared everything with each other until one day he suddenly became distant. Without an explanation, he left your side and never returned. You just assumed he wanted to stop being friends. It hurt but you didn’t want to force a one-sided friendship so you stopped reaching out to him.
“What the heck?” you finally blurted.
Jacob slowly closed the laptop shut, eyeing Kevin who seemed way too giddy. He felt uneasy, not knowing if this was a good thing.
“So your first love was requited,” Kevin said smugly. “I told you so.”
“Okay you had absolutely no facts to back up your assumption back then,” you argued.
“What did I tell you? My gut is never wrong.”
“Yeah but he also just cut me off out of nowhere. How else was I supposed to interpret that?”
“Clearly not the way we did.”
Jacob smacked his hand over Kevin’s mouth to shut him up. He knew how much pain Juyeon’s name brought you. You didn’t show it but you still had a soft spot for him.
“It’s okay, Jacob. Whatever feelings I had for Juyeon—good and bad—are history. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me,” you assured. “Besides, this doesn’t even mean anything. He wrote all of this in past tense. He’s just clarifying the reason why our friendship ended. Like Kevin said, I guess I finally got closure.”
“Closure? My brilliant idea has brought forth an opportunity for you to rekindle your love!” Kevin exclaimed excitedly.
“No. No way,” you shook your head. “The past is in the past. We are living very separate lives now.”
“Oh stop quoting Frozen and just try texting him,” he rolled his eyes. “Jacob and I never told you but he’s actually attending the same university as us.”
This prompted a very loud “What?” from you. Jacob buried his head in his hands, groaning. He was definitely going to get an earful.
“You’re bound to run into him eventually. So just take the initiative and face things head on,” Kevin advised. “Won’t that be less awkward than coincidentally meeting him after ignoring his response to the form you sent him?”
“And who’s the one who made me send it?” you glared, puffing your cheeks.
“You’re going to do it anyway so just hurry up and pretend you have no choice but to listen to me,” he snickered.
“Moon Hyungseo!”
At your use of his full Korean name, his eyes widened in fear and he jumped up to run away, barely avoiding your slap. Watching the scene in front of him, Jacob laughed. He had secretly hoped that you would reconnect with Juyeon as well. He knew how much you used to like him.
That night, you found yourself staring at Juyeon’s contact on your phone. Your heart raced at the thought of talking to him again. It had been years since you two last spoke and so many things had changed since then. You were no longer oblivious and clumsy teenagers. You knew each other’s past selves but didn’t know a thing about each other’s current selves. You were afraid that even if you became friends again, it would be too different. It was why you never harbored any hope for things to go back to “normal” with him. You couldn’t be disappointed if you never had any expectations to begin with.
Still, you took a leap of courage and sent a simple “hey” before you could chicken out. His reply was almost instant, which startled you.
You: hey
Juyeon: Hi Y/n
You: would it be weird if i asked to meet? i think we have a few things to talk about.. if that’s ok with you
Juyeon: Sure! How’s tomorrow at noon? We could talk over a meal at the school cafeteria
You: sounds good. see you then :)
You wanted to scream into your pillow. The awkwardness was driving you crazy but you were still looking forward to seeing him. He still had you wrapped around his finger and you hated it. But you still loved him.
The next day, your clothes were flung around all over your bed. You had rummaged through your entire closet to find an outfit you were satisfied with, resulting in you running a bit late.
Juyeon had arrived at the cafeteria early. He was so nervous that he couldn’t just stay still in his dorm. After all these years, he was finally confronting everything that he had concealed. He always felt guilty about the way he treated you and he was glad he could finally explain and apologize.
When he saw you approach him, he couldn’t stop himself from staring. It had only been a summer since he last saw you at graduation but your beauty still amazed him. He gulped, standing up to greet you when you reached the table.
The first few minutes were spent eating in awkward silence. Unable to bear it any longer, he cleared his throat to begin the conversation.
“Um so I guess my response to that form was a lot to unpack, huh?” he said sheepishly.
You almost choked on the food, surprised by his straightforwardness. He passed you your cup of water as you coughed.
“Yeah..” you mumbled.
“I want to start by saying I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I think I always had feelings for you. At first, it was subtle. I just liked spending time with you. I liked making you smile. I was content with just being friends. You know me, I’m the type to just watch my crush from afar. Then, as we got older, those feelings grew to be bigger than I could handle. I began to get greedy. And I felt that I could literally do anything for you. That’s when I realized how hard I fell for you and that scared me. I was afraid of ruining our friendship but I was also scared of my own feelings. So I started distancing myself from you. It’s a poor excuse but back then, I was a coward,” he confessed.
Juyeon had always been a very direct person. He never really beat around the bush and you liked that about him. That hadn’t changed about him but yet it still surprised you.
“If I could go back in time, I wish I could have done things differently. I knew I was hurting you but I thought that after all that’s happened, continuing to be friends with you would make you the center of gossip again. I didn’t want to make your life any harder,” he added.
“Juyeon, I cared about you a lot more than I did about those stupid rumors.”
“I know that now. But high schooler me was terrified of you finding out about my feelings.”
You contemplated on whether or not you should bring up your own past feelings. You wanted to reciprocate his honesty but were worried that it would be unnecessary. You took a deep breath and decided on the first option.
“You know, I was also terrified of having you find out about my feelings,” you admitted. Your words shocked him as he tried to figure out what you were implying.
“Wait, you.. You liked me too?” he gaped, making you blush.
“Let’s uh stop talking about that now,” you said as your cheeks reddened to a darker shade.
“While we’re opening up..” he looked at you with hesitance. “Is there any chance you still feel the same way now?”
His question caught you entirely off guard. You blankly stared at him, wondering if you heard him correctly.
“Juyeon, this is the first proper conversation we’ve had in years,” you deadpanned.
“That’s not an immediate no,” he lit up.
You wanted to laugh at his simplicity. His childlike innocence was still the same. It warmed your heart to see that he hadn’t changed as much as you were afraid he would. Yet, the fear in the back of your mind remained. You weren’t confident that you could even resume your friendship with him. At your silence, he tried to lighten the mood.
“So then would being friends again be okay with you?” he asked.
“I guess we could try,” you slowly nodded, bringing a bright smile to his face. You didn’t notice that your expression reflected his.
“Great,” he grinned happily.
And that was the beginning of a new story between you two.
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peachbear88 ¡ 4 years ago
Unrequited Love (Pt 3)
A/N: Last part. I think. Yeah. WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Sorry ending was a bit rushed
"I need to talk to you."
You and Nat look up to see Wanda, fidgeting nervously. Nat's eyebrows narrow as you gulp, nodding you consent to Wanda.
"I'll be back in a second." You tell Nat as Wanda drags you off, her fingers entwined with yours.
Your back hits the wall of cool metal lockers, knocking the wind out of you as arms go up on either side of you.
"W-Wanda, what are you doing?" You stutter, your breath hitching as her face inches closer. She ignores your question, her nose practically touching yours.
"What do you think I'm doing? Same reason as why I invited you over to my house." She arches an eyebrow, her breath tickling your neck.
"For h-help? You need help?" You ask weakly and she sighs, mentally facepalming.
"No, Y/N, I'm a straight A student, I never needed help." She leans impossibly closer and you gulp, the smell of cinnamon and cranberries infiltrating your senses. "I just wanted to be with you." She leans in, kissing you passionately, her tongue exploring your mouth. You sigh, melting slightly before pulling away.
"No. You can't do this. You have Vision and oh god, Vision..." You gasp, remembering Nat's warning from the other day. "If he finds out, he'll kill me." Wanda watches you pace back and forth frantically. "Oh jeez- I gotta go." You mutter, making your way towards the door but Wanda catches your wrist.
"I know you like me too." You freeze, your heart stopping. You gently pry her fingers off your wrist before exiting the locker room.
"What did Wanda want?"
You stiffen but Nat doesn't seem to notice.
"Oh. uh, she just wanted to ask about some homework stuff." Nat snorts but leaves it at that, not pushing you further. The two of you arrive at the lockers, ready to go home and pass out. Visions of Wanda pushing you up against the lockers flash inside your head but you shove them away, opening your locker as another rose falls out. Nat snatches it away as you lunge for it.
"Seriously? Another one? This person must be a serial rose killer." Nat jokes and you snort as she reads the note aloud. "Meet me at the bleachers, 8PM." She squeals as you snatch the note from her, your eyes scanning the note for yourself. "God, that sounds like a trap. They could be a serial killer!" Nat frets and you chuckle.
"I thought you said they were a serial rose killer?" You tease and she elbows you, making you double over playfully.
"Jerk. I'm just looking out for you." She mutters and you take pity on her, slinging an arm over her shoulder while adjusting your backpack with the other.
"If you're that concerned, you can come with me." You say but she brushes you off, laughing.
"And ruin your secret date? No thanks." She retorts before slipping into her car. "Good luck, don't die and tell me everything tomorrow." You smile as you hop onto your bike.
"Don't worry, I will." You reassure her as your engine roars to life, steering you home.
You pull the baseball cap further down on your head, leaving only a sliver over your face visible as you climb over the rusty metal fence surrounding the school. Falling into the shadows, you make your way to the football field where the metal bleachers stand. You slip behind the bleachers and let out a sigh of relief as you got here with no problems whatsoever. You check your watch. It reads "8:13". A voice comes up from behind you. A familiar Sokovian accent to be specific.
"I thought you wouldn't come." You jump, clamping a hand over Wanda's mouth who looks equally surprised at your sudden movement.
"Jesus Wanda! What are you doing here?" She raises an eyebrow and you quickly remove your hand.
"You're quite dense aren't you?" She teases, raising her left hand. A hand with at least half a dozen rings. Suddenly the metal ring on your metal finger feels tighter.
"You- Wha- You're the serial rose killer?" You sputter and she stares at you. "Sorry, just a nickname Nat came up with." Wanda's eyebrows furrow at the mention of Natasha.
"Nat? That girl that's always hanging around with you? The one that held hands with you the other day?" She growls and now it's your turn to smirk.
"What? Jealous?" You prod her teasingly. She looks so furious that you can practically imagine steam coming out of her ears. "Hold on. How did you know that we held hands?" She stares at you, stepping closer.
"So you are dating her?" You backpedal a little, trying to increase the distance between the two of you.
"What? No. Holding hands can be a platonic thing." You mutter, tugging at your shirt collar nervously. She moves even closer, pinning you against the brick wall behind the bleachers.
"Do you define kissing as platonic?" She whispers and your eyes drop to the floor before she yanks your chin up and kisses you roughly. You gasp a little and she smirks against your lips. Eventually, you break apart for air.
"Wanda. I already said no. Vision will literally-" She cuts you off.
"Vision won't be doing anything. He's out of the picture." Your eyes widen.
"He's dead?!" You cry in distress and she bursts into silent fits of laughter.
"No! I broke up with him doofus." She whispers, grabbing your hands with her own, soft hands. The cold metal of her rings makes you shiver. "So what do you say?" You contemplate your situation. She likes you. You like her. Vision is no longer there. By the time you've come to a conclusion, it's like Wanda lost all her confidence. "I mean, it's okay if you don't want to." She retracts her hands, rambling. "Sorry for making you do this. I'll just go. I don't even know why I-" You interrupt her by grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to you.
"Wanda Maximoff, shut up and kiss me."
Hi everyone! That was the rushed ending of Unrequited Love. The last line of the story was inspired by @silver-lotus's "Not Into Guys" story.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikuismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot
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wasted-headspace-98 ¡ 4 years ago
Cataegis: Part II
Summary: An apprentice to the famed Mace Windu, your master has made sure you are strong with the Force. But, sometimes the Force has other plans. And you happen to be caught in the middle of them. Rating: 18+ Warnings: Nonexplicit sexual content, slow-burn, noncon elements (non explicit), underage elements (non explicit), inappropriate use of the force, etc Pairing: Sith!Obi-Wan x Reader Masterlist
Cataegis (n.) Latin word meaning tempestuous storm
Part I
“Master?” you asked tentatively, approaching him with your hands clasped behind your back.
Mace turned his head slightly when he heard your footsteps approaching. “I can feel your worry from across the temple, Padawan.” he said. “What’s troubling you?”
You sighed, shaking your head and dropping to your knees in front of him, mirroring his meditative position. You hadn’t had any other Force interactions with the Sith Lord since that day a week ago. But you could feel a presence pushing at the back of your consciousness, and you knew it was him. And you didn’t understand why the connection was so strong or why it had been made in the first place.
“What…what exactly happened? I’ve heard that Cataegis was once a Jedi. But what turned him to the Dark Side?”
Master Windu let out a breath. “I thought you would come looking for answers,” he said. He relaxed his position slightly, no longer as tense as he was a few moments ago. “I can’t give you everything you’re looking for, but I can give you a start.”
You patiently waited for him to continue. You knew that talking about a fallen comrade wasn’t an easy thing, and even less so when one had fallen so far from the light. So, you didn’t press him, simply allowing your master to take his time.
Something tapped on your mental walls and you blinked in surprise. Windu had closed his eyes and began breathing evenly. That tapping was coming from him. Relaxing into your seat, you closed your eyes and allowed him inside.
Master Kenobi was one of the most loyal Jedi I had ever met. Qui Gon trained his padawan well.
Images of the Jedi Master flashed in your mind. Master Windu began sharing some of his memories with you, allowing you to feel what knowing the man had been like. Pride and a strong bond of friendship flooded your system as you witnessed various points in the Jedi’s life. The emotions were Windu’s; he was simply allowing you to feel them as he had.
He was a strong Knight, one with a powerful connection to the Force. He grieved the loss of his Master, but did what he could to train Anakin.
Darth Vader, you responded.
Yes. They worked well together despite Anakin’s unusual approach to many situations.
Now, now, little one. Opening your mind to another Force User? Tsk, tsk, tsk. And here I thought what we had was special.
A loud gasp fell from your lips and your eyes slammed open as you yanked all of your mental shielding back up. Mace was forcibly ejected from your mind with a grunt, and he quite literally fell backwards a bit when he came to.
“Y/N, what-“
If you wanted to know more about me, love, all you had to do was ask.
“Get out of my head,” you hissed aloud, scrunching your eyes shut once again.
He hummed quietly. As much as you and I would both enjoy that, I don’t think I can. So, it seems you’re stuck with me.
When you opened your eyes again, you were still sitting across from Mace, but another figure had entered the room as well. He stood back towards the wall, his black robes blending into the shadows that danced in the dying sunlight.
“Master-“ you choked, eyes widening the longer you stared at the man.
“There’s no use, love. He can’t see me. That privilege belongs only to you.”
The deep voice and smooth Coruscanti accent rolled off his tongue with ease, sending a shiver down your spine. Every instinct you had was telling you to run, to get out of the dangerous situation you found yourself in.
But something else came over you, something you hadn’t felt before. A deep sense of calm flooded your system, sinking down into your very core. You felt yourself relax, and your shoulders dropped from the tense and defensive position you had taken.
“There’s such conflict in you,” Cataegis said with a frown, coming closer to you. You couldn’t see much of his face from beneath the cowl, save for the glowing golden eyes of the Sith Lord. “Has Windu not even taught you to control your emotions?” he asked in surprise.
“He has, you said, taking a shaky breath. “But it’s a bit difficult in a situation like this…”
Cataegis cocked his head as he examined you. He raised his hand, fingers outstretched to brush across your cheek. “Such power runs through you, little one. It’s no wonder you have a hard time keeping it in check.”
You didn’t even have to force yourself to stay still beneath his touch. The soothing calmness that washed over you kept you from doing so.
“Why are you here?” you asked eventually, now more curious than anything.
“I could ask you the same thing, love. Why am I here? It seems you have a power held over me that even I don’t understand.”
You frowned in confusion. “I’m not doing this,” you insisted. “I’m just as confused as you are.”
Cataegis hummed quietly and looked at your Master for a moment. Mace looked confused for a moment before quickly realizing what was happening. He stood back with his arms crossed, allowing you to deal with your experience.
“A Sith and a Jedi,” he mumbled to himself. “A dark Lord and a warrior of the Light.”
You frowned. “We have nothing in common, Sith. What do you want from me?”
He tsked you again, shaking his head. “I think we have more in common than you think, little one. The Force wouldn’t connect us like this without a purpose.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “I doubt the Force is doing this.”
Cataegis raised an eyebrow at you from under the cowl. “Then Windu hasn’t taught you well enough,” he said. “The Force works in mysterious ways. Sometimes it takes more than a Jedi to see that.”
A huff escaped your lips. You were getting nowhere with this man. And honestly, you weren’t sure if you wanted to. The whole thing confused you to no end and you didn’t want him in your head. You raised your mental shielding even further, trying to quite literally shove his presence out of your mind. But as if reading your thoughts, Cataegis let out a quiet chuckle. “There’s no need to try and hide your thoughts, my dear. I won’t pry unless I need to.” You gave him a skeptical look and he rolled his eyes with a sigh. “Even as a Sith, I realize that there are things sacred to each individual. I won’t deprive you of that right simply to sate my curiosity.”
That gave you pause for a moment, and you blinked in surprise.
He snorted at you. “Don’t look so surprised. I might be a Dark Warrior, but I still have my morals.” He seemed rather put off by the fact that you would think otherwise. Why, you didn’t know. But he was right, it had surprised you. You were expecting him to simply reach in and take what he wanted instead of standing there speaking to you. And you had to admit, this turn of events wasn’t unpleasant, although unexpected.
“What do you want from me?” you asked eventually.
He hummed as he approached you, clasping his hands behind his back and walking in a circle around you. It was as if he was appraising you, taking in every detail that he could. “I would imagine it’s much the same as you want from me, love.”
The closer he walked, the more you felt your senses softening. There was something about his presence that soothed you to your very core. And that alone put you on edge. It was a rather interesting feeling to say the least. His presence was powerful, and you knew he was capable of unspeakable things. But strangely, you felt no sense of danger from him. Instead, there was nothing but peace. It was a similar feeling to that which you had while meditating. There was an odd calmness that washed over you whenever he was near you. And the affect didn’t go unnoticed. You opened the eyes you hadn’t realized you closed, coming eye to eye with a sea of golden depths.
“You feel it too,” you said quietly.
Cataegis felt no need to question you. He knew exactly what you were talking about. “Yes.” he said simply. There was a hint of curiosity in his tone, and you had to admit that you had the same feeling gnawing at you. As much as your training had gone against everything you were doing, you stood in front of him, not moving a muscle. You could feel his breath fan against your face as he reached up and brushed his knuckles across your cheek.
“I think our time is up, little one.” he said quietly. You stared at him unblinkingly as he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. It had fallen out of the braid around your head, catching his attention. “But I think we’ll be seeing each other more often than not.”
Your eyes opened with a gasp as a wave of force energy exploded from your body. Your ears picked up on the sound of breaking clay and glass, and short circuiting wiring within the walls. Even your Master was sent flying through the air, his back colliding with the wall hard enough to crack it. You yourself were covered in a sheen of sweat and you realized yo0u were shaking.
Your eyes focused on Windu, who was pulling himself up and making his way towards you. You managed to pull yourself out of the trance you were in and you gasped, immediately bolting to your feet. You helped him up, quickly checking him over for any major injuries.
“Are you alright, Master?” you asked.
He coughed a couple times before letting out a quiet chuckle. “I think I can take a few hits.” he said. “The question is, are you alright? I haven’t seen you in a meditation like that before.”
You shook your head. “It wasn’t a meditation,” you said.
Mace raised an eyebrow at you. “Then what was it?”
A frustrated sigh escaped you as you helped him find a seat. “I think it was a vision,” you said.
He hummed quietly. “I can feel your fear, apprentice. There’s no use in hiding it.”
And it was true. You were scared. You didn’t know what these visions meant, or how they were happening. Cataegis seemed to think it was a Force connection. You had to admit, that made sense. But that didn’t mean you understood it. There was a chance it was all his doing and he was simply manipulating you into believing it. But then you thought about what his presence had felt like. Sith or Jedi, you’d never felt anything like it before. And you couldn’t bring yourself to believe that he was projecting it. There had to be something else, something stronger binding the two of you together.
“I saw him again,” you said quietly, grabbing Windu’s arm to examine one of the wounds there. A piece of a vase had embedded itself in his flesh and you made yourself busy with cleaning it up.
“Saw who?”
A hum sounded from deep in his chest. You knew that sound. It wasn’t often that your master was perplexed. But when he was, it was a troubling puzzle indeed. And you couldn’t stand the thought of being part of that mystery.
You’d known Master Windu your entire life. You’d grown up admiring him as a youngling. And when he had decided to take you as his apprentice, you were over the moons. He was more than simply your master. He had become more of a father figure to you than anything. You relied on him and trusted him more than anyone in your life before. Yoda had said that it was a special bond between Master and Padawan, but you knew it went deeper than that. The two of you had been through hell and back. You’d been his commander in the middle of the Clone Wars, his Padawan in training, his closest friend in times of peace. But one thing you’d never been was a mystery.
Becoming one now was going to test the limits of your patience. You didn’t even understand what was happening, or why. You didn’t want to be a puzzle for Mace to pick apart.
“There’s no use asking,” you said after a moment. “I don’t know what he wants or why I’m even seeing him.”
Mace shook his head. “That’s not what I was going to ask,” he said softly. “I was going to ask if you’re alright.”
You blinked in surprised, taken aback by his words. “Oh,” you said. “I..I don’t know.” you said honestly. You weren’t sure how to process what was happening, and you were even less sure that you could trust what your eyes were telling you.
He nodded. “That’s understandable, Y/N.” His tone was gentle as he spoke, which was something he did only when he knew how much of a toll things were taking on you. He believed that trials were what built character and made one stronger. But even he knew there were things that were too much, even among the Jedi. “We’ll figure this out together.”
Taglist: @rogueheretic555 @lordofthenerds97 @say-something-nice-missy @doctor-warthrop
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