#trying to get spoilers might bite you guys in the butts i swear
ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
sad wips? okay okay i can work with that
let's go with "Tears"
sneaky, sneaky. i respect the game ig.
She tries to pull back from his neck before he can feel the tears beginning to stream down her face, but it’s too late.
0 notes
imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 As your boyfriend | FKBU Headcanons 』
Characters: female!reader, Kambe Daisuke, Kato Haru
Tags/warnings: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited (anime), 18+, strong sexual references, fluff, angst, Haru's PTSD, headcanons, daddy kink and cockwarming (kind of?) for Daisuke, breeding kink for Haru *coughing intensifies*
A/N: Felt like writing some more for these boys because ~holy shit~ do I love them, and I maybe went a teensy bit overboard. Oopsie! 🤭 But anyway, have y'all seen episode 6?! Let's freaking gooo! (No spoilers, don't worry) Thanks for reading! Enjoy! Imo~
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Kambe Daisuke
First up: daddy kink. I know it, you know it, we all know it. So let's not beat about the bush
Quite dominant and firm with you (see: daddy kink)
But he absolutely loves spoiling you
Expensive gifts, like one-of-a-kind necklaces, seductive perfumes, satin dresses, lace underwear, etc.
He loves dressing you up and showing you off
But he also loves spoiling you in bed more like ruining, I am deceased
A lot of butt grabbing in public hnng
He likes it when you don't wear any underwear because it makes for easier quickies like bent over the sink in the bathroom at his favourite club
He likes you sitting on his lap in front of people, too aye papi
American gangster vibes, honestly
He's not really one for soppy, romantic PDA, but he loves you letting people know that it's him you want and nobody else
He loves the look on people's faces when you call him 'daddy' that grin will be the death of me
Especially the look on Haru's face, lmao. He blushed like a tomato and couldn't speak a coherent sentence for a whole hour
Hickeys. Lots and lots of hickeys. And don't even think about covering them up
Daisuke loves sleeping naked and has a habit of walking around the house in just a towel when he gets out the shower fight me
He's also completely oblivious to what it does to you
A MASSIVE bed with super soft, satiny sheets. They feel like clouds uwu
He gets HEUSC to remind him of important dates, like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Date Ideas: Unlimited sorry, not sorry
From fancy restaurants, to exclusive movie premieres, to late night helicopter rides to the other side of the country, Daisuke can and will pay for anything if it makes you happy
He also lets you introduce him to lots of new things, like trying different kinds of street food on dates, going rowing on the pond in the park, having a go at karaoke, renting bikes and cycling round the city, going hiking at the nearest nature reserve or wilderness, etc. adorable
He's like a curious kitten when he's trying new things, putting a lot of trust in you to guide him through it
He always looks perfect in the photos you snap, even the ones he wasn't aware you were taking, and it's a lowkey frustrating that he nearly always looks prettier than you
But it's not his fault, so you'll only pout for a little while
His face is pretty hard to read most of the time, but you eventually get used to it and pick up on all his little mood indicators
His ears move when he's happy, and you can't convince me otherwise
He'll hold your heels for you when your feet hurt on a night out
He smells of leather and sandalwood, and his kisses taste of expensive whisky and cigars
He loves it when you bite his lower lip while making out
He's kind of possessive, but in a protective way
He never thought of himself as a particularly jealous person, until one night he came back to the bar and saw some other guy hitting on you the attention was definitely unwanted on your side
It made his blood boil – clenched fists, piercing glare if looks could kill
But he managed to stay calm and maturely tell the guy to get lost, with his arm snaking round your waist
Daisuke made it very clear that it wasn't you he didn't trust. It was that he didn't trust that guy – or any guy, for that matter
His favourite ~position~ is on a table or other surface with your legs over his shoulders
He's a god at eating you out
He's a god at everything in the bedroom, tbh
Saint Laurent condoms, because he's that fucking extra I'm screaming
His hair always falls out of place when you're fucking it's so hot and cute, wtf
It's a lot of glitz and glamour on the surface, but when it's just the two of you, you know just how much you mean to him
The King of Aftercare™
He used to suck at aftercare until he properly tried it. Then he realised that he needed it as much as you did le cry
Back rubs, forehead kisses, playing with your hair, soft whispers in your ear
He holds you so tightly that it gets hard to breathe, and you can feel his heart beating hard against your back
Sometimes he likes to just stay inside you after finishing
He enjoys the feeling of you around him, and honestly, you like just feeling him being inside you cockwarming, kind of?
Soft little nuzzles with his nose in his sleep even better when he's fallen asleep while still inside you
He's not perfect, but being with you makes him try to be better
Help, my heart's so full 🤧
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Kato Haru
This man is a sweetie pie, honestly
Not just boyfriend material, but husband material put a ring on it, hun
Lots of home cooking, and it all tastes so good you honestly believe he could just quit being a cop and open up a restaurant
He loves cooking with you, too. It's fun bonding time
Sometimes he stands behind you and guides your hands etc. it sometimes goes a little further, if ya know what I'm saying 👀
Knows how to do all the chores and housework, and actually does his share look at my practical hubby
Random pillow fights that turn into cuddle sessions
He talks in his sleep waaahh, so cute
Sometimes it's utter nonsense, like 'Don't let the donuts escape'
Other times, it's things like, 'I love Y/N so much,' or 'Let's have babies,' while he's holding onto you, and you just melt
Spooning. So much spooning
Lots of budget date ideas, like building pillow forts, watching sunsets and stargazing from the balcony, going for hikes and runs together, going for picnics, feeding ducks at the pond, etc.
One time, a duck chased him around the pond because he had the bread, and he had to run for 20 minutes before it gave up thank God for all that cardio
The Master of Flat Pack Furniture™ – because he takes his time and actually reads the instructions
Daisuke had a ™ so Haru needed one too
Takes good care of you on your period and actually knows about different sanitary products
He smells really fresh and clean, like Imperial Leather soap and air-dried laundry as long as he hasn't been on a stakeout, lmao
He loves taking showers with you, but like, actual showers
The first and only time you had shower sex was hot and steamy until:
1. You realised that water does not a good lube make and 2. He slipped and accidentally shoved his dick in your ass instead
You fully passed out, and he was so frantic that he bundled you into the car and drove you straight to the ER you were in just a towel, might I add
You both look back on it now and laugh, but he was genuinely scared
Shower sex = never again
But he loves it when you straddle his lap and start grinding on him bonus points if you kiss his neck and run your hands through his hair
He's a pretty vanilla boy when it comes to sex, preferring positions like missionary and cowgirl, and liking a fairly even balance of power
He got super embarrassed and flustered when he finally mustered up the courage to suggest having car sex
And then even more embarrassed and flustered when you actually ended up doing it
He was blushing so hard the entire time and came really quickly, which only added to his embarrassment but you thought it was cute
He has really sensitive nipples which you use to your advantage
He absolutely loves hates it when you send him nudes or try and sext him while he's at work, because he gets a massive boner and will either have to live with it and probably get laughed at by those goobs in the office, or deal with it in the bathroom, which feels wrong to him on so many levels
Doesn't really stop you sending them though, because whenever you do, he comes home and fucks you really well
One thing that's not vanilla about him is how much he likes cumming inside you breeding kink, welcome to the party. Please take a seat
He didn't tell you about it for the longest time because he was embarrassed about it and was afraid you'd think it was gross or something please cum in me, sir
He was so relieved when you were understanding about it and open to the idea of indulging him
But he genuinely really wants kids some day he'd be a great dad
His PTSD doesn't stop him being a good boyfriend, but he's convinced that it does
Most days he seems okay, like he's over it, even
But sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night and find him curled up in the bath, shaking and crying into his knees my poor baby, I can't
Excuse me while I go and cry into my pillow for a while
You're his safety net
When he feels like he's drowning, you keep his head above the water until the waves eventually calm and recede, and he can breathe again
He hates putting so much on your shoulders
But you swear to him that you wouldn't want to be doing anything else, and that you're not going anywhere
This got so angsty, my heart can't take this 😭
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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bixgirl1 · 7 years
The Sexual Awakening Of An Innocent Pureblood, Dating The Randy Prat Who Lived - Ch. 29
So sorry about the angsty fighting from last chapter!  Relationship growing pains, you know what it’s like.  Or, you do now, if you’ve been following along! Anyway, @l0vegl0wsinthedark and I thought you guys might deserve a reprieve, so we got Draco together with his Slytherin friends for some lighthearted drinking and inappropriate conversation.  (psst!  spoiler alert! ...Draco’s a lil bit of a hypocrite!  lol.  You’ll see what I mean.)
So we hope you enjoy this break from the angst, and also Blaise, who makes his first appearance. (But, really, who doesn’t enjoy Blaise?!)
If you’d like to catch up or maybe read the whole thing over, you can find our masterlist: Here
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Trading Secrets, And Other Revelations
~Two weeks after Harry left; at the Silver Dragon, Friday evening~
Draco, throwing back half a tumbler of whiskey and biting around it as he swallows: *hoarse* Damn, but that burns. *pauses, staring into his empty glass* I need another.
Pansy, raising her eyebrows even as Blaise signals the bartender: *lightly* When you asked us out for drinks, love, I'd no idea you'd be determined to get sozzled so quickly.
Blaise, smirking: Shut up, Pansy; at least drunk Draco might give us details on his boy toy. *lounges against the bar, grinning as Draco takes a swallow of his new drink* So. Is he as good as that Quidditch player last year claimed?
Draco, fixing Blaise with a dead glare: *dangerously* One - he is not my boy toy; he is my boyfriend, whom I'm in love with. Love, Blaise, that thing you're likely to never find because you're too busy sinking your cock into a fresh twat every night. Two - it is literally none of your business but he is utterly spectacular and that fucking Pudd Uni Chaser barely even had an idea seeing as Harry fucked him for only about a week. *knocks back his drink again* *shudders even as he gestures to the barkeep* And also, fuck you both.
Blaise, eyes dancing: How spectacular? *grins rakishly* And I like quite bit of cock, too.
Pansy, glancing at Blaise: And since when do you use words like "cock" and "twat" and "fuck?" *lips twitching mischievously* Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I've never heard you talk that way before. Where’d you learn it?
Draco, snapping: Harry. *expression turning almost desperate for a second at the mention of his name*
Blaise, wiggling his eyebrows: *snorts* Is this you actually confirming that you two are fucking? Never thought I'd see the day you'd give it up, after you wouldn't budge for me in school....
Draco, lip curling as he turns to Blaise: And thank Merlin for that. I'm so glad I didn't 'give it up' to you, not when Harry is clearly the better candidate. *fingers clenching around his glass* *low* The best candidate.
Pansy, delighted: If you think you're going to squirm out of details again after a comment like that, you're mad. *eyes him for a moment; casually clears his empty glass and shakes her head at the bartender* So! What makes him so special other than the million boring Orders of Merlin I'm sure he has framed next to his bed? *pouts prettily* What makes him so special that you've been able to ignore us so often?
Draco, making a half hearted grab for his glass, corner of his mouth lifting reluctantly: It's easy enough to ignore you both because all you ever want to talk about is sex. *rolls his eyes without looking at either of them* Yes, Pansy, I said sex.  Now shut your mouth, darling. *abruptly* And as long as we're talking about Orders of Merlin, he probably ought to receive one for his skills between the sheets as well. *turns pink as he sinks his face into both hands* Merlin, where is he, I miss him--
Blaise, laughing: *claps him on the shoulder* *to Pansy* I knew it. I knew once Draco got a taste of the-- what was it he used to call it?
Pansy, sly: *quickly* Naked touching.
Blaise, nodding: Right. I knew once he'd gotten some proper naked touching he'd be one of.those eager ones. *ironically, to Draco* You went 26 years without and can't even go a week now? *leers a bit* Although, if you find yourself wanting--
Draco, sharply: I swear to Salazar, if you proposition me one more time for sex, I will cut it off. You won't have anything to touch me with. Nobody touches me but Harry, how hard is that to grasp? *sighs* And it's been two weeks, and this isn't just about the sex, so please don't be an arsehole.
Blaise, rolling his eyes: Fine. Merlin, would you relax a bit? Half the fun of having sex is talking about the dirty details. *waves a negligent hand* But if you're too-- *grimaces* --in love to have any fun with it--
Pansy, tsking at him: *slaps Blaise's arm* Must you? Fuck, I'll go home with you later if you'll stop trying to get into Draco's pants. Apparently, Potter's cock is made of enchanted goblin gold; you're not going to get anywhere. *turns to Draco, missing Blaise’s suddenly burning stare as she hides a smile* Fine, you don't want to talk about the spectacular sex. What is it about then? Tell us... But if you insist on being boring, can you also try not to be a Hufflepuff?
Draco, swallowing hard, blinking rapidly: You-- you don't get it, you two... He's-- he was supposed to be back a week, ten days ago. *suppressed panic* He hasn't even owled or Floo'd me. This-- that's not like him, he'd never leave me to worry if he can help it-- *hands curled into tight, trembling fists* *whispering* I don't even know if he's alive.
Blaise: *huffing a sigh* Of course he's fine, Draco. You've landed one of the most desired and powerful wizards in the world and you're spending your time worrying he's going to die? *dryly* If this is what love does to you, count me out. *snickers* And maybe he's just taking a little vacation; Potter doesn't seem to have your antiquated sexual morals. Could be holed up in a hotel somewhere with a--
Pansy, furiously: *hisses* Shut the fuck up, Blaise. He's not joking. *rests a hand on Draco's arm* Pay no attention to him; he's just jealous that you and Potter ended up with each other instead of with him. *cuddles a bit closer* *softly* He is right, though; Potter's powerful. All those awards are for something. Bloody hell, darling, we watched him defeat the Dark Lord when he was seventeen; you've got to know he can take care of himself, whatever he's doing. *glares at Blaise*
Blaise, frowning: Now we're supposed to be the kind of people who--? *off Pansy's murderous expression* Fine. Draco, Potter's fine. Why don't you simply go into the MLE offices in the morning and charm some witch or wizard with that smile of yours and find out when his last report in was? He might just not be in a place where he can contact you; but I'll bet they've heard from him in the last day or so.
Draco, shaking his head, licking dry lips: He's gone undercover and it's-- he's on an incredibly sensitive mission and I wouldn't want to butt into something I have no business in and endanger him or fuck things up for him or-- *breathes in deeply, exhaling shakily* *looks around* *beseechingly* Please let me have another drink?
Pansy, mouth turned down: *gestures to the bartender* Wouldn't you rather be nice and fresh for a good healthy romp if Potter shows up tonight? *as Draco gulps down his drink* *wry* Guess not.
Blaise: *exasperated* Look, do you remember my mother's fifth husband? *at their blank looks* The one who's still alive. *rolls his eyes* Well, he's a pretty decent bloke. Liked me. Worked with the MLE as a Hitwizard before he started retired from the life. Probably why he's still alive, actually. Anyway, he still has connections. If it'll wipe that pathetic look off your face, I'll firecall him in the morning, see what can be found out. *takes his own drink and throws it back with a grimace*
Draco, turning to him, as if daring not to hope: You'd-- you'd do that? *at Blaise's huff of exasperation* O-only if there's a guarantee that Harry will remain safe. *very slightly loosening up* Thank you, Blaise, I--
Blaise, shaking his head: Just stop. Next round's on you. And I think I deserve at least one good detail about Potter in bed.
Draco, with a small laugh: What do you want to know?
Pansy, giving him a squeeze before moving away to pick up her own drink: *gleefully* Oohhh, does he--
Blaise, nudging her: Uh uh. My favour, my question. *thinks for a moment before an unholy smile lights on his face* *overly casual* I don't suppose you'd be so wanton as to know what rimming is?
Draco, staring impassively for several seconds: *turns away and picks up his drink* *sips primly* Harry's the absolute god of rimming. Why d'you ask?
Blaise: *chokes on his drink, coughing it everywhere* *pats himself frantically before Pansy snickers and points a wand at him to dry him* *incredulous and fascinated, leaning in and lowering his voice* You're not serious. You don't actually let him-- You're bluffing. You don't even know what it means, do you?
Draco, flicking imaginary lint off his shirt: Oh, yes definitely bluffing. I absolutely don't know that rimming is eating someone's arsehole out-- *with a wicked side glance* --and I absolutely don't allow Harry to do that to me for hours every week, no I absolutely don't let him, no, sir. *snorts softly into his drink and hurriedly wipes his mouth*
Blaise, massively impressed: *whistles long and low* *reluctantly* Now I really am jealous I didn't end up with either of you. *pauses* I don't suppose you'd consider a third sometime...?
Draco, rolling his eyes on a patient sigh: No, Blaise, I'm not sharing him. *quickly* And before you say I’m possessive, you should know Harry's a million times worse. *smug* He will destroy you if he found out you regularly try your luck with me.
Blaise: *sulky* It was just an idea…
Pansy, perking up: So. I've helped you loads! Does that mean I get a bunch of questions too?
Draco, carefully: You get one, Pans.
Pansy, frowning: I get at least five! *talking in a rush before Draco can interrupt* Are you the top or the bottom? Bottom, right? Right?  What's his thing? *smacking Blaise without even looking at him* Not like that! Just--everyone has that something that drives them nuts in bed. What’s his? What's yours? Have you tried toys? Done it in public? What does the golden package look like? Does he hold off for a long time or is he an overeager sod? How often a day do you go at each other? What positions have you tried? What's your favorite thing he does with his hands? Would you ever consider a third? What if it was a woman? *breaks off, breathless from the litany*
Blaise: *instantly* I agree, Pansy should get at least five questions.
Draco, fighting a smile, blush rising up his cheekbones: I change my mind, you get none. Absolutely none. Besides, I can't tell you both about this stuff, just last month I gave Harry a really-- *mouth twitching* --hard time because I found out he gave Weasley some details and-- well, I can't be a hypocrite, can I? *smirks slowly* I mean, of course I can be, but I choose not to. *laughs*
Pansy, practically bouncing on her toes: *wheedling* Just two, then! *nudges into him, bats her eyes* You know, I helped fix you two up, if you think about it…
Draco, with a long suffering sigh: Fine, pick the two you most desperately want answered and I'll see what I can do. *dodges her backhanded smack with a laugh*
Pansy, chewing off her lip gloss while she considers: *leans into Blaise when he taps her and listens intently to him whispering in her ear* *nods decisively* How often a day and his kinks.
Draco, staring exasperatedly at them: We don't keep count, nor do we have pre-set goal to tick off-- *grins* The most we've gone in one day has to be seven times-- *thoughtful* --or was it eight? It was all a blur in those first few weeks. *gazes dreamily at nothing, a strong strain of sad longing clearly visible* *shakes himself out of it* *looks around at them both staring keenly at him and scowls* And I don't-- *blushes profusely* I-- I don't know what you mean when you say his kinks...
Blaise, mouth agape: *faintly* Potter can go eight--?
Pansy, eyes twinkling: You know "rimming" but not "kinks"? *gives a peal of laughter* The thing that... That gets him really going.
Draco, blushing deeper: *snaps* I know the word, just not what you were asking.  No-- no, nothing in particular..
Pansy pointing accusingly: You lie! Your ears have gone all red! *shakes her head* I swear, Draco, you have the worst tells of anyone in the history of Slytherin. Give!
Blaise: *soundlessly, confusedly still mouthing 'eight'*
Draco, snapping: Spanking, alright?! I get off on being spanked. You both are the absolute worst-- *slaps both hands over his burning face*
Pansy, eyes growing round: *breathes* Of course! Oh my God this is the best day ever. *giddy* But... that wasn't the question... What are Potter's kinks?
Draco, muffled from behind his hands: He-- he likes me to-- he likes it when I-- *slightly lame* --say stuff. *groans*
Blaise: Eight? I mean, stuff? Like...? Praise? Calling him daddy? Stuff is pretty broad…
Draco, looking around in total bewilderment: Why would I call him daddy? I don't even call my own father that. *flummoxed* Why are you such a weird person, Blaise?
Blaise, exasperated: *snorts* Well,.you obviously haven't dived too deep, yet. *shrugs* I thought, with the spanking... *waves a hand, smirking at the renewed wash of pink in Draco's face* So explain, then.
Draco, tightly: There is nothing to explain. You asked for two questions answered, and you've got it. *raises nose snootily* Now stop being so completely vulgar, you two.
Pansy, looking at him shrewdly: *slow* It's... It's dirty talk, isn't it? *glancing at Blaise* The way he spoke before. Like he's-- *begins giggling uncontrollably* --like he's had some practice at it! And he said... Oh sweet Merlin, he said he'd learned from Harry! *doubles over, clutching.her stomach as she laughs* Blaise, snickering at the look on Draco's face: *blandly, at Draco's glower* What? Who'm I to judge Potter for liking some raw language with his fucking? Have you met me? Hell, I got a semi when you said the ‘twat’ and ‘cock,’ before. *grins widely, flashing his teeth* But it's nice to know that something as simple as that could weaken the knees of the Golden Boy…
Draco, eyes narrowing menacingly: Both of you’d better forget I ever told you all this or I'll help with a lovely little Memory Charm-- *threateningly strokes his wand under his sleeve*
Pansy, laughter finally starting to die: Oh, stop. *rolls her.eyes playfully* We know, we know. We'd tell you anything you wanted, except you already know it. A little reciprocity is nice, is all. *takes a sip of her drink to hide her lingering smile* All right, fine. Other stuff, then. What was the "important event" that kept you from the Wizarding Arts gala last month? You never did end up telling me.
Draco, brow furrowing: I don't remember, I think it was the night Harry had wanted to drink wine out of my-- *eyes widen, one hand flying up to slap over his mouth* *glances around quickly at them, mouthing soundlessly and shaking his head* I-- I mean-- *swallows* *loudly interrupting them as they both start to talk* I think it may have been the night I met the Weasleys. *nods firmly* No, that was definitely why we couldn't make it.
Blaise: *bites lip hard* *mildly* Drink wine out of your what now?
Pansy, starting to dissolve into giggles again: Does he at least have any good wines stock--? *laughter stops abruptly* Wait, what? What? You met the Weasleys? Merlin's sake, Draco, why?
Draco, his irritable glare turning quickly into anxiousness: I mean... They're his family, aren't they? And-- and I told you he was over at the Manor to meet Mother and Father officially-- and, well-- Molly and Arthur Weasley were very kind and Ronald Weasley is as crass and infuriating as ever although Granger can be rather pleasant and--
Pansy: *stiffly* This sounds very... It sounds like he's following the steps of formal-- *scowls* Draco, is he giving you gifts?
Draco, smiling and melting slightly as he mentally lists out each of the wonderful, well thought out gifts: Yes... Each and every one of them more than I'm deserving of--
Blaise: *brow furrowing in irritation* *exchanges a plaintive look with Pansy* *snaps* What number is he on?
Pansy, just as put-out: You haven't already met with his closest friends, have you?
Draco, looking between the two of them nervously: Number twelve and...I have, yes. They have a decent place, surprisingly tasteful decor--
Pansy, gritting her teeth: *terrifyingly calm* And though I'd wager that the Weasleys don't give a fig about formal pureblood courtship rituals, and Granger and Weasley even less, you still somehow managed to get that out of the way -- over a month ago -- without thinking to arrange a dinner for the man who's obviously about to-- *nostrils flaring* With your best friends and your boyfriend?
Blaise, shaking his head: *stares at Draco evenly* Seriously? The parents, I get, but his friends came first? *muscles in his jaw twitching* If that's how you feel about it.
Draco, horrified: No! No, that's not how it-- The thing at Weasley and Hermione's was completely spontaneous! They-- they invited us over for a nightcap after dinner at the Burrow and-- and it just seemed really rude to refuse, especially because Harry wouldn't have tried to force me but I could tell he really wanted for the four of us to spend some t--
Pansy, glaring daggers at him: *sweetly* But it counts, right? A private meeting wherein your relationship with one another is discussed with his closest friends? Tell me, was your relationship discussed in any capacity at all?
Blaise: *narrows his eyes* This was a bloody month ago?
Draco, shaking his head impatiently: Pansy, no!  You're assuming absolu--
Pansy: *glowering* *catches a glimpse of someone stumbling through the Floo* Well, speak of the-- *face whitens* *grabs Draco's arm steadyingly* *whispers* Draco--
Draco, frowning at her in confusion: Wh--? *follows her gaze and cranes his neck, looking behind curiously* *spots Ron Weasley, still in his official robes ripped over one shoulder, one side of his face and neck bloodied, standing on tiptoes and searching desperately for someone, eyes slightly crazed* *feels his glass slip out of his hand, hears it hit the bar and then tumble to the floor with a tinkling crash* *leaps to his feet, tearing through the pub towards Ron* *heart thudding, voice cracked and hoarse* Weasley! Weasley, what--?! *sees the look in his eyes* *feels his knees buckle and reaches out blindly for the nearest chair, shaking his head* No... No!
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pennyinheaven · 7 years
I patiently waited for Ch 27.
I am very proud of myself for scrolling away the chapter summary, the ultimate chapter spoiler. I am usually very impatient and is usually fine with spoiling myself with new chapters but this time I was able to evade reading the summary. The chapter was worth the wait. 
I’ve reblogged raws and the instant translations but nothing beats reading the properly translated chapters because I fully understand the context of the images and the dialogues. I have different interpretations from the raws and instant translations do not sink in right away. 
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I misunderstood Doumeki’s eyes at first, I thought he was simply concerned about Yashiro’s injuries, which probably what Yashiro was pertaining to when he said that he is resilient. But Doumeki’s thoughts say that it was because he is apologetic to what he has done. I thought Yashiro was simply avoiding or being awkward towards intimacy but he actually probably caught on Doumeki’s thoughts, thus he looks away. He didn’t want to see the pained and guilty Doumeki. Quick guess is that Yashiro probably thought that he’s used to it or that he deserved to be forced, that was his fate as a neko, etc. Doumeki was not in the wrong and that if anyone should be blamed it should be him. 
“At that moment I realized, that I meant something to this person…”
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I am thrilled that I am reading Doumeki’s thoughts in the black boxes, dang. This person’s struggle is real. Just look at those eyes: fear of the un-/certain. He wanted to keep thinking positive that what happened was “love-making” because Yashiro cared for him, showed concern, that he was valuable to Yashiro as he is to Doumeki. That that sex was mutual. Otherwise, he’s just like other men Yashiro has slept with, men who forced themselves into Yashiro, violated and dehumanized Yashiro, he would just be the gentle version of them. Apologizing would confirm this. Well, I understand why Doumeki would think this way. Yashiro never outright admitted who Doumeki is for him, for us readers it was implied, for Doumeki though, he was just assuming that what Yashiro was saying is that he is that important to him. Doumeki can never be sure by just assuming and he’s afraid that his assumption is wrong. He thinks if he was wrong, then what happened was rape/non-consensual sex rather than love-making. Honestly, I would think the same. Nothing beats hearing the actual words such as “I like/love you”, “you are important to me” and the likes, they are solid confirmation for what a person feels, the relationship and the feelings are official; otherwise it’s all just an assumption. 
Doumeki can also read through Yashiro.  Yashiro being so concerned of Doumeki, worrying about him not getting any sleep, allowing Doumeki to cuddle, reaching Doumeki’s nape, Doumeki is already sensing the impending doom: Yashiro leaving. It was so obvious! Even I would sense that without the hint from the last panel in Ch 25.  “Everything’s fine. Hurry up and get some sleep” With a smile on his face - Bitch, couldn’t you get any more obvious? LOL. Kidding aside, I understand Doumeki and his fears. “I’m afraid to close my eyes” and my most favorite one “I just wanted to bind him to me.” YES, ME TOO. I WANT TO WRAP YOU TWO LIKE A BURRITO AND TIE YOU UP AND SHIP YOU GUYS AWAY TO A FAR FAR AWAY PLACE, JUST THE TWO OF YOU, TOGETHER, ALONE. ***sigh***
“I don’t want to become any more-” vulnerable?? I have no idea. But this:
“It’s because it felt so good.” “But that was a lie.”
OMG. Are we back at square one? Well, not really but it reminded me of the hotel and car scenes and I guess Ch 24 too, when Yashiro and Doumeki are on a war on who’s gonna give up first and who’s gonna keep their walls up. Doumeki doesn’t want to probe too much, Yashiro is trying to build up his walls again, weak walls but he’s trying. Both can read each other all too well but both do not want to be honest of what they think the other is thinking. They are very cautious about each other.
I wonder who among those two policemen is the detective/police Yashiro always talked to. At least now we might have an idea who it is. Anyway, I love Ryuuzaki and Yashiro together. I think they are cute, well Ryuuzaki is because he is in denial of his affections towards Yashiro but this time, he can’t control his thoughts any longer. He is fully aware of his feelings, still denying it, yes, but he’s much aware of it now and he constantly needs to tame his thoughts on going in that direction.
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I love how he finally noticed the shirt after a few minutes entering the car. Took him time but you notice right away when he finally realizes “the shirt”.
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Yashiro in shirt = nasty-orgy-drowning-in-cum sex This is what it meant for Ryuuzaki. This whole scene was bittersweet for me. The “shirt” moment was the time that tugged Ryuuzaki’s heart and probably thought that there are men that need protection and care, not just women. In their conversation and Ryuuzaki’s thoughts, I sense that he has this typical mentality that men are strong and women are weak, physically speaking, of course. Thus women should be protected and saved while men are strong and should be saving and protecting the weak. Yashiro is a man but is “weak”, that he gets violated by other people and just asks to be saved, well at least that’s what that window sill memory tells him. Ryuuzaki wants to protect him but it contradicts what he believes into.  Nipple-biting I thought Yashiro’s reaction was because he hated being licked but he was rather reacting to the pain. “You never change” “I’m not usually into nipple-biting” But Ryuuzaki usually plays with Yashiro’s nipples, from the first time years ago and even in the earlier chapters when Misumi interrupted them. Ryuuzaki’s loosing all control, I swear. Both are childish in their conversation, classic. Oh and Yashiro cares about the shirt getting stretched. Hmm…I’m probably overthinking about it. I can say more about this scene but I’ll just save it up for another post. Though, I noticed, Yashiro’s switch did not come up. Isn’t it that his switch is easily turned on whenever anything sexual was done to him? Bitten nipple would definitely turn him on. I could be wrong though or the switch now only turns on for Doumeki. Hmmm….. Anyway, I just love that they look out for each other. 
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I finally understood this swag/supermodel look Yashiro have here. It’s ‘thanks for looking out for me, back then and now, this is what I can do for you’. Yashiro is simply paying back and thanking Ryuuzaki for his feelings and his concern for Yashiro. Although he always acts like Yashiro is just a toilet, Yashiro knows that Ryuuzaki sees him as human, weak but at least he is human in Ryuuzaki’s eyes.
DAMMIT Ryuuzaki’s injured. I hope he gets treated right away. It looks bad, probably some organ damage might happen. I JUST DON’T WANT HIM TO DIE OKAY. He said “…he looked so damn good, it pissed me off”. My interpretation could be wrong but I think Ryuuzaki is conflicted again. The last time Yashiro wore a shirt, he looked horrible, empty, defeated, pitiful and reeked sex; this time, he looked happy, relaxed, glowing and refreshed yet he reeked sex. He imagined that Yashiro probably got into another kinky ordeal and happen to wear a shirt. His expectations on Yashiro in a shirt did not match the current Yashiro wearing a shirt that reeked sex. Little did he know why Yashiro’s butt is loose, not from multiple partners this time, but only from one partner last night. He’s not wrong though, there was still a lot of sex happened.
I like the transition from Ryuuzaki to a clinic or hospital but I seriously do not want to know about Hirata’s condition. If only Ryuuzaki aimed a bit higher, he would’ve gotten Hirata’s kidney. 
The comedy relief in this chapter is gold. I don’t know I laughed a lot when Yashiro corrects that his nipple was bitten not licked. Report properly and accurately guys. This is essential in any organization you are working for. Yashiro being an exemplary employee knows this, so take note of that, Whale & Shark. 
I am worried how and where Doumeki would look for Yashiro and where will Yashiro go next? Two locations…There’s 1) Misumi’s place - though I doubt he would meet up with him any time soon since he doesn’t want Misumi involved, he’s fine Misumi getting updates but that is it; 2) Kageyama’s clinic - to tend for his injuries and probably more meds, knowing he is not fully recovered, but what else could he be doing there? To confirm his feelings for Doumeki? Will he ever say anything to Kage? Highly doubting that though, as if I didn’t know Yashiro’s personality. 3) His office - reuniting with Nanahara and checking up Sugimoto (he was probably injured since he was supposed to be with Ryuuzaki, right?), and plan what to do next; 4) Doumeki’s place (?) - to check up on Doumeki??? Yeah, right. Yashiro is not there yet. Unfortunately, Doumeki would have to find Yashiro himself. If they do meet though, I am anxious at what Yashiro would do. Fire him? Ignore him like that never happened? Assign him another task, not his bodyguard anymore? What I’m sure though is that my heart will be ripped once they meet.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
I just realized, just now, that there are only two episodes of Demon Slayer left. That seems impossible. It feels like it basically just started. This is crazy. Judging from the Demon Slayer cosplay and merch I was seeing at the latest convention, fan reaction is pretty good to this one. Well, Montreal fan reaction, which is naturally what everyone goes by! I’m thinking there’s a decent chance for a second season and if so, I will watch it. Preferably with Crow. 
  That sounds like a capital idea! And you’re right. It seems like we just saw Nezuko stand over Tanjiro’s fallen body to protect him from Giyuu… And now here we are at episode 22, and truth be told, I’m more angry with some of these characters than I ever was with Muzan Kibutsuji! But, as usual, I’m getting ahead of myself! I’m Crow, and I’ll be in bold this week. And there will be spoilers!
So this episode picks up right where we left off last week. A few seconds before in fact. Tanjiro’s been brought back against his will to Demon Slayer headquarters to stand trial for the high crime of defending his little sister. Who is a terrifying demon, to be fair. We get our first good look at the Hashira’s and they seem to be quite the eccentric bunch. More than a few are happy to forgo formalities and execute Tanjiro on the spot.
At first glance, I was rather fond of Mitsuri. Fangirls are not a very common archetype for high powered shonen characters. Although I can also see her being big trouble. She didn’t get to where she is by accident and she’s suspiciously nice… I actually have more thoughts on the Hashidas coming up but tell me, was Shinobu still your favourite Hashida at that point or did last week’s Nezuko attempted murder coool your fervour?
I get what you’re saying about Mitsuri. Plus, I liked her because she didn’t immediately call for Tanjiro and Nezuko to be beheaded! 
Think about how low the bar is if that’s the measure! 
If you had asked me about Shinobu before I watched this episode, I would have had many unkind things to say about her. After thinking about how the Tanjiro/Nezuko situation looked from her perspective, though, I can forgive her initial attack on Nezuko in the forest. Also, she’s the one who insisted on hearing Tanjiro’s story before the Hashiras passed judgement. So, I’ve put her on probation!
In many ways this episode used Tanjiro’s “trial” to introduce the Hashiras. It wasn’t so much a trial as the Hashida’s arguing over a heavily injured and bound Tanjiro in a courtyard until the Master arrived. Then arguing some more. but you know what I mean. In any case, the first part showed us all the Hashidas and their respective areas of power. There’s ten and most are elemental, but you can also be an insect, snake and love Hashira. I’m very intrigued by that last one. Can’t wait to see it in action.
I realize that we’ve only really seen Giyuu, Tanjiro and Zenitsu’s combat skills. Looking forward to the rest.
Anywho, most of the Hashiras are all over the top tough boy types, Shinobu and Mitsuri being the only ladies. They really reminded me of classic fighting shonen shows more than anything we’ve seen from the series so far. Aside from Mitsuri, who remains my fave (with Giyuu I suppose, I put him in the main cast category), I took a liking to Muichiro. He wasn’t calling for Tanjiro’s execution one of the few and seems to be the cloudcuckoolander of the bunch. I usually like those characters and I’m defensive of them since most fans usually do not like them at all. Besides, I think Mist would probably be a very visually interesting power to have. Any first impressions on your end?
 I’ll second your endorsement of Muichiro. I thought his attitude was perfect for a Mist Hashira, even though I have no idea what a Mist Hashira is! His demeanor just seemed to fit. Plus, he didn’t seem eager to kill Tanjiro and Nezuko. Remember my low bar comment earlier? It still applies! 
It might be cliche, but I liked how Mitsuri thought it was beautiful that Nezuko’s brother was trying to protect her. Of all of the reactions, hers was probably closest to the truth.  
While everything else is going on, I kept thinking where’s Giyuu? He’s a Hashira. Did he run away with Nezuko? Just to have the camera show us that he was basically standing one foot to the left. He’s in trouble too, it seems, but it hasn’t affected his usual impassive mood much. For some reason, the fact that he was right there all along was really funny to me. I was also just glad to see him.
I felt relieved. Like, with him there, there’s at least a little hope. Not much, because I doubt even he could stand alone against the rest of the Hashira. But some. It’s low bar day in my review world! 
Finally, at the mid episode mark, we got the introduction of who will surely be our main antagonist or potential frenemy for season 2 (cough). Sanemi, the heavily scarred wind Hashira. This guy is just too obvious. He visually looks like a stereotypical bad guy, he stabs poor Nezuko through her box in broad daylight so she can’t even escape. He is violent and mean to Tanjiro. Not that he’s technically wrong from his perspective. He’s probably seen countless people get killed by demons and is past giving chance. And he did not attack Tanjiro. In many ways, Inosuke did worse. But he’s just presented in such an Evil way.
What did you think Crow?
I think I’m glad you can’t see my notes at this point in the show. I was ready to climb through my screen, confront Sanemi, and potentially make him slip in the pool of my blood (when he was done with me) to give Tanjiro a chance to get away with Nezuko.
It’s not a good plan, but it’s the best I could come up with. 
I was seriously angry with that guy. Tanjiro gets major points in my book for using what had to be the last of his strength to charge at Sanemi, use Giyuu’s distraction to leap straight into the air, then slam his forehead into Sanemi. Even a Hashira couldn’t stand against the all-powerful Tanjiro Forehead!
Before things got too beheady, everyone gets interrupted by the Master. We had seen glimpses of him in past episodes, and I somehow got the impression that he’s a demon. Well, I know how I got the impression. We saw just a little bit of his scar and it looked like a deformity a demon would have.
Turns out the Master is a handsome and soft-spoken man who must have been in a horrible accident as half his face is completely scarred. It looks like it’s been burned maybe? It’s also left him blind. Yet, despite his gentle tone, he seems to command a huge amount of respect. And true respect at that.
It looked like either flame or acid burns. I thought it was touching how the two little girls (was one of them Kanata Ubuyashiki from the selection match — the one Tanjiro protected from the hot-head?) had to guide him to the edge of the porch because of his blindness. Though just as we got a sense that Mitsuri might be more formidable than her manner suggests, I have a feeling that the Master would be wildly dangerous to fight. 
The Master reveals that he is aware of Tanjiro and Nezuko’s situation and has given his blessing. I couldn’t help but think that he may have wanted to share that information with his lieutenants just a bit sooner. Have the crows spread the word or something… Don’t get me wrong, he seems cool and all, but he is bad at communication!
Take it from me — the Crows would have been happy to spread that news!
Apparently, his approval isn’t enough to sway the Hashiras though. And this is what I mean by true respect. They aren’t blindly (uhm…) or mindlessly following orders. They don’t worship him. They disagree and argue their points. They are willing to go against his wishes if they believe it is the wisest course. But even in disagreements, they show him tremendous respect and deference. There must be a reason for that…. What do you think Crow?
As a group, I’m in a harsh mood toward them because of how they treated Tanjiro and, especially, Nezuko. So I’d say they know he could kick their butts in battle! But if I put aside my protective instincts, I’d say that he fought gallantly on their behalf some time in the past — maybe even earning the wounds he has today. Their attitude toward him feels like he did something major to earn it.
But I’m still quite cross with them.
In order to make his point, the Master reads a letter from Urokodaki vouching for Nezuko and swearing that if she should ever attack a human he would kill himself along with Tanjirou and Giyuu. I won’t lie, I cried a bit at the show of faith. Giyuu didn’t seem the least bit surprised by this, so he must have in fact given his consent and staked his own life on Nezuko.
You and me both! And not just kill himself. He committed that he, Tanjiro, and Giyuu would commit seppuku! That moment was absolutely beautiful.  That’s what trust and faith is all about. Talk about contrast to Sanemi!
However, this still doesn’t convince our manly wind man Sanemi, who is desperate to show the master that demons cannot be trusted. Once again he tries to provoke Nezuko, first by wounding her through the box, then by letting his own blood leak in to tempt her, and finally by throwing her into the shadows so that she could come out. It was a surprisingly intense scene. I was on the edge of my seat. Seeing a very angry Nezuko finally emerge had me biting my nails to the knuckle. Seeing the credits roll right at that moment, had me screaming obscenities at my TV.  Demon Slayer if amazing/horrible with the cliffhangers!
My cat’s virgin ears will never be the same… Oh, who am I kidding? She’s already bored with my harsh language at times like this. You’re absolutely right — that scene was intense. Did you see how the Serpent Hashira Iguro Obanai slammed his elbow into Tanjiro’s back in this scene? These Hashiras didn’t impress me at all. Attacking a bound, wounded, fellow demon slayer? That was disgusting. They act more like demons than many of the demons did! 
At the same time, the Demon Slayer produced Urokodaki and Giyuu. I’m beginning to trust the Master, but time will tell. So I guess I’ll give them a little time. But far from being impressed, they made me wonder if I was backing the wrong side all this time.
In fact, it reminded me of one of a comment from David Boone (Moonhawk81) after our review of the first episode. He said, “Please forgive my crass opening, but: SCREW THE DEMON HUNTER!!! Family is family, whatever malady they might have. Do what you need to do to protect your sister, your brother, your family. Any goodie-two-shoes can hope for Heaven; be better than that, be loving and loyal.” After meeting the Hashiras, with just a couple of exceptions, I’m beginning to think he was right!
Reviews of the Other Episodes
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 01: Cruelty
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 02: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 03: Sabito and Makomo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 04: Final Selection
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 05: My Own Steel
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 06: A Friend fo All Humans
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 07: Muzan Kibutsuji
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 08: The Smell of Enchanting Blood
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 09: Temari Demon and Arrow Demon
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 10: Together Forever
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 11: Tsuzumi Mansion
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 12: The Boar Bears Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 13: Something More Important Than Life
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 14: The House with the Wisteria Family Crest
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 15: Mount Natagumo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 16: Letting Someone Else Go First
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 17: You Must Master a Single Thing
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 18: In which Tanjiro Dispenses Good Advice
Review Of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 19: The Bonds That Tie Us And A Family Affair
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 20: Playing House
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 21: Challenge Accepted and Be Careful With That Thing
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 22: The Voice of the Master I just realized, just now, that there are only two episodes of Demon Slayer left. That seems impossible.
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