#trying to get out of my comfort zone a little u kno
solpng · 1 month
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carpsurprise · 4 years
what do the bachelors and bachelorettes do when they feel anxious and want to calm down?
bachelor/ettes habits to calm down when feeling anxious!
thanks for sending smth in!! i was actually going to post about wanting headcanon requests to get me back into the swing of writing since i havent in so long n then u popped up so :^) u read my mind!
alex: i def think when he stands outside and is w/ dusty that’s his kinda cool down/to himself time!! some fresh air and its not like dusty can judge him!!
elliott: instead of writing (cus i assume thats what usually stresses him out) i think he’d like to sit on the pier and roll up his pants and stick his ankles in to the water!! nice cooling sensation and a little movement to keep his mind clear
harvey: when he can’t go upstairs or talk a walk, i think harvey tries to rub his muscles and kinda stretch himself out! he spends a lot of time outside so i think smth kinda of physically stimulating would help him keep himself together
sam: its canon sam plays the guitar when he’s lonely but i think he tries to noodle on seb’s keyboard! its not his best instrument but i think he tries to focus in and learn better and it distracts him well!
sebastian: i def think his times standing by the lake and smoking is probably also a way he’d try to calm down!! the sound of frogs and the lake would probably keep him calm!! good way to feel not alone
shane: well, there’s the obvious but otherwise!! comfort games!! like something from his childhood, not so much something he’d love at the moment but something nostalgic to bring back that feeling of being a lil kid again
abigail: abby texts her friends!! either seb or sam or maybe some internet friends.. she just needs someone to talk about ~anything else~ to keep her mind off her issue!
emily: miss meditation!! candles, crystals, the whole nine. but if she’s particularly stressed she’ll talk to haley and haley will listen and try to help her out. maybe cook a lil? stuff to distract her thats also productive 
haley: yoga!! it’s more emily’s thing anyway but if em’s out of the house haley will take emily’s mat and do some in the living room !! it kinda stresses her out at first, but once she gets in the zone she begins to feel a lil better!
leah: ok weird thought but instead of making art u kno like how fun it is to peel paint thats like juuuust dried a lil but still like a lil squishy? i think she’d unconsciously peel some paint and kinda play with it!!
maru: i think she’d sit down and talk to robin and demetrius! about her problem or even something else! i think some family time would make her feel a little better and for sure her parents r gonna make sure theres a solution to her problem if possible!!
penny: i think penny would like to doodle!! something that’ll kinda express herself or kinda mirror her emotions and try to get it all out!! seeing it in front of her calms her a bit to know its no longer in her!!
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cracknoir · 3 years
more goddamn headcanons bc lbr me doing these posts is better than total inactivity edition 
jimmy can play the harmonica. i think jimmy has a lot of stupid little skills and my justification for this is back in the day, when he was on the street, he couldn’t get a lot of drugs. with homelessness, i’m not saying this is a hard and fast rule but usually when people are homeless drugs are used more as a way to kill time and boredom rather than the cause of their homelessness. what im trying to say is what does a 14 year old homeless kid do if he can’t find fifteen bucks for acid?? he teaches himself how to juggle, or a basketball trickshot or some dumb shit. this is kind of why i write jimmy just dicking about more, i feel like this is his sort of comfort zone, just being out back fuckin messin around, except now he’s doing it in the remnants of his suit with a warm beer 
i think molly’s a lot more sensible than i used to give her credit for. she is a party animal, but without jimmy around she grew a little. 
rasputin makes stew out of anything and everything. he has eaten raccoon before, recently too, this wasn’t like when he was a kid or in any sort of survival situation. i mean this mans be out there eaten raccoon stew like last wednesday. 
he’ll also make his own vodka out of potatoes. this is a longer process though. 
while i keep most of it canon for just now, i think all the kills i had were too cool. i want to try on my next draft to sort of calm it down a bit, at least while i’m writing mob shit. 
jimmy can look a little bloated sometimes. he used to be pretty prone to spots too. 
another jimmyism: blowing into a tissue, showing you the bloody contents and saying “that’s a hundred bucks right there” 
there are some really compromising videos of jimmy and his gang at parties and stuff. image was never as important to them like it is with the mob. 
 zoe has a very florence & the machine vibe 2 me. im not going to expand on that. if u kno u kno 
they should make a moby dick vs jaws film. like jaws goes through a time worm hole and has to battle moby dick and maybe like jaws takes the ship captains OTHER leg so then that’s also personal and like at the end moby dick and jaws fight for a bit but then Mecha Captain From Moby Dick shows up but its like an old timey ship robot and this fuckin whale like body slams it and jaws is scranning it and it’s just chaos and right at the end a portal opens and it’s Free Willy but he has a robot arm and he’s like come with me if u want to live 
man this hollywood shit easy 
frankie drinks tennants in the house. he has crates shipped to his house from scotland 
buck uses a straight razor to shave his head, he will regularly nick himself 
also on the topic of buck he isn’t a master of self control but he knows how to manage his anger. to an extent. 
buck and jimmy used to mostly work with this slimey rat boy. they were on loan from marco when they met, mostly because marco didn’t like travelling and didn’t want to deal with international affairs. Buck and jimmy and this mobster whose name i’ve forgot traveled the world together, and while they all occasionally had moments of kinship individually, the relationships there was mostly contentious at best. the mobster they were with made bad calls, made messes buck and jimmy had to clean up, and when you’re abroad -- on different turf, making moves you don’t understand, it never ends well. i think there was a lot of shit happening back then, but jimmy wasn’t paid to think, and for buck, his debts were always almost repayed. 
speaking of idk if i’ve ever mentioned this but buck was a boxer who the mob are threatening basically bc he’s like, a tank and they wanted the muscle. he doesn’t want to be doing any of this shit, and he’s in fucking peru with a machete and an assault rifle when he’d rather be at home, with his kid. 
also there’s a reason i forgot that mobsters name. he’s LONG dead. i like to imagine jimmy and buck getting swept up in a max payne 3 style adventure but i’ve never fleshed any of that shit out because honestly it’s past craziness, adventures i know they had and they know they had but it ain’t relevant to anything really 
dmitri used to run a sandwich shop in russia. he was dragged into the russian mob cos he spoke english, and the wrong people knew that. simple as that. they needed a guy, they got a guy, it ruined his life, he just kept going. 
im offskis i need a shower and i got a Pizza that needs scranned but i may be back later to actually do something other than vague vibes about stuff i’m actively refusing to write. it’s wild. i make these headcanons specifically to tell u things i’m not gonna write. this whole blog is just a writing dicktease exercise 
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mythicvls · 4 years
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          WHAT’S CRACK’A’LACKIN Y'ALL ?!?!  my name’s sun  AND  i  live in the cst time zone. ( T E X A S  BBY 🤠 )  i hope ya’ll are all having a good day, afternoon, night !! whatever time it may be where you are out there in the WORLD. sorry i’m a bit late but i’m super excited to get this show on a roll. <3333  . i suck at intros, so pls bear with me.,  buuuuut !! i’ll be introducing, brianna and leo . one is your crazy inventor who works in the forge, and the other is your uptight hero who is obsessed with doing everything by the book. if you wanna know more about them, check out what’s below !!  like this and i’ll go to your messages to spam u with love. THANKS  . 
♡    ——    MEET  BRIANNA   !!
[  PARK CHAEYOUNG, SHE/HER, CISFEMALE  ]  —  [  BRIANNA  BANG  ]  is a child of  [ HEPHAESTUS ]  with the power of  [  TECHNOKINESIS & ENHANCED CRAFTING  ] .  they were born in  [ 1997 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2013 ] .  with the change, they  [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM ]  the  [ TECHNOLOGY ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ CREATING NEW GADGETS & GETTING OTHERS TO TEST THEM OUT ]
its ya girl , brianna bora bang !! aka bree !! daughter of hephaestus and one of the smiths who works in the forge .
growing up, bree’s childhood was relatively calm and uneventful. she was raised by her single-mother, who worked as a mechanic and though they didn’t have much , her mom still managed to get by , supporting them both the best she could. :’))
tbh, bree didn’t think a lot about her family’s financial situation when she was little. though, with that said,  she was a bit of a pain. 
not because she asked for, or constantly wanted material things, but rather, from a young age she had a knack for taking stuff apart and trying to put them back together again. fascinated by figuring out how certain devices worked. 
that habit eventually turned into bree taking things around the house, and makings ‘ improvements’ or crafting something completely new with the different parts she’d collected from items lying about.
 her mother living pay check to paycheck , was certainly in awe of brianna’s talents, but the young girl’s creative outlet definitely caused  some strESS !!
as one can imagine, she got in a lot of trouble as a kid. having a bit of a mischievous streak coupled along with her curious and imaginative tendencies. her mom wasn’t too happy when she came home to find the vacuum deconstructed , with brianna claiming there was a certain component she needed for the jet pack she was planning on creating
throughout her life, bree was always gathering attention, whether is was due to her odd personality, or the things she was creating. however she was especially attracting people’s attention when it came to the science fairs she enjoyed participating in while she’d been in elementary and middle school --- bringing something completely unexpected to ANNIHILATE ( as she would say )  the competition. 
but, brianna created so much buzz, it wasn’t uncommon for her to end up in local news papers as a young ‘genuis’. 
one time, even recruits from MIT came to check out to see what all the talk had been about. 
 when expressing their interest in her, her mother politely declined their offers. thinking bree may have been too young to consider making decisions like that at the time.
 [ yet, because of the news circulating bree, nl had been another group to approach her mom, along with hephaestus in hopes to provide brianna a safe haven from the potential threat of monsters (etc.), though her mother also refused that offer at the time ]
SO basically, bree just vibed through her early years creating a bit of mischief and making cool stuff with her handy dandy tool box ( or more like her mom’s tool box lmfao) 
she went about every day life as a regular kid, completely unaware of her relation to hephaestus until she neared the age of sixteen.
as she got a bit older, her mother fell in love with a pretty well-off guy who worked as an developmental engineer for the united states milt.. they got married and brianna then had a new step father in her life. despite him being much more strict with her. more than what her mom had ever been , they all got along pretty well. more than anything , bree was jus happy for her mom. 
and, it was a plus that they weren’t struggling as much as they originally had been thanks to his financial help.
however, due to an unfortunate turn of events , and a christmas tree having caught fire; their house burnt down. her mom and her stepfather were rescued by the fire department. unfortunately the same couldn’t be said for bree. watching the house engulfed in flames, they worried frantically about their daughter who’d still been trapped inside. but when bree had escaped through the fire by herself , uninjured and not suffering any burns whats so ever. her step-father , along with the fire fighters that had come to help , were hELLA FREAKED OUT. 
her step-dad was straight up like, i don’t fuk w demons.
and it was after the incident that her mother finally revealed the truth to bree about her biological father, and eventually gave her the option of going to nemean lion. which was information brianna’s mom had for quite some time, but had chosen to keep it to herself , simply cause she wasn’t 100% comfortable with bree leaving her so young.  
though with what had happened, and her step father’s reaction, bree and her mother came to the agreement that it was probably best if she left for nl. 
she eventually moved in after a couple months of trying to make things work at home ( a compromise she made with her mom ). it didn’t work out sadly, and as soon as she turned sixteen, brianna became an official resident at the hotel.  having stayed at nemean until now !!
when she first got to nl she pretty much just embraced the change. throwing herself into training and what not, trying to figure out where her place was , all that teenage stuff. ‘tryina find urself uwu’ . 
AND she did go on missions quite a bit before the change happened !! having enjoyed tagging along to make some extra money, but her obvious calling was always at the forge. 
brianna now and before, has always had a reputation for walking around nl trying to convince people to give her latest weapons or gadgets a go !!
before the change happened at nl, bree was sorta all over the place. (  A MESS !! )  but her goals have become more focused thanks to entering the technology track. so once again, she embraced change with open arms. 
she’s totally digging the improvement that nemean lion has made.
after graduating from her track relatively fast; working on stuff  is what she mainly does nowadays. 
she’s most often found at the forge. cause when she gets an idea, she’s gotta get it done. she has no chill.
yeah, brianna is smart. but on the highkey, she’s only really knowledgeable in her field of expertise. 
SO, SHE DOES HAVE THAT CHAOTIC STUPID ENERGY COURSING THROUGH HER VEINS. if you ask her to do something dumb, she more then likely is gonna be down / say yes. skdjlfsjd
though bree isn’t necessarily materialistic, she is kinda obsessed with money, and making money. $$$$🤑🤑 part of it has to do with not having  had much growing up, and she wants that security YA KNO. but also , she doesn’t feel totally comfortable asking her mom/step-dad for money. so she out here making her own!!
 money is a big motivator for her.
overall, brianna is a brash, outgoing, oddball who is incredibly determined and hardworking. 
cause she’s always tryina get that promo, she can come off a bit opportunistic, selfish, and conceited when it comes to her inventions. typically she means well, she’s just a bit on the crazy side. 
 she has those mad scientist vibes.
first friend brianna made at nl ( someone who was around in 2013 ) 
people she often trained with / went on missions with before the change happened
friends she’s known for a while here at nemean lion
loyal customers who commission weapons ( etc.) from her regularly. cause she likes you, she’s always down to give you a good deal.
double trouble --- just two chaotic souls, come together to do fun shenanigans. 
other people who work at the forge with her
brianna’s go to guinea pigs !! basically she goes to ya’ll when she comes up with a spicey new gadget, weapon, invention, knowing ya’ll are almost always game to get your hands on what she’s got for you.
impulse control --- pretty self explanatory, this person just settles her down. probably a mom friend who keeps her from doing dumb impulsive things.
people she just bothers bc she’s got a cool idea for you, but maybe you’re just like nah.
this person has been on the end of one of brianna’s failed inventions that didn’t turn out so hot. so now you REFUSE to try anything for her again.
people in the ambassador track she is constantly trying to get seen with her gadgets for that promo. she really wants to sell her inventions / sell her patents to big companies. $$
exes !! maybe there was DRAMA, or maybe it was a super chill split. if you wanna snatch this up, we can really do whatever ur vibin’.
a mentor when she first arrived at nl ( someone who was around in 2013 ) they really helped her have an easier time adjusting to everything when she moved in at sixteen.
♡    ——    MEET  LEO  !!
[ KIM DOYOUNG, HE/HIM, CISMALE ]  —  [ LEO PARK ]  is a child of  [ ATHENA ]  with the power of  [ ENHANCED OBSERVING  &  ENHANCED STRATEGY ] .  they were born in  [ 1996 ]  and have been in nemean lion since  [ 2011 ] .  with the change, they  [ HAVE GRADUATED FROM  ] ��the  [ HERO ]  role which makes sense since they’re usually  [ TRAINING or READING IN THE LIBRARY  ]  
the son of athena, and a graduate from the hero track !!
honestly, leo’s life before nl was pretty boring.
 he grew up in a super small town and was raised by his grandparents after his dad pretty much bailed .
leo was an incredibly bright kid. he learned to read as well as write at a crazy young age, but because he was brought up by his grandparents his taste pretty much reflected his upbringing.  he likes super old music, movies. etc. and he’ prefers considerably less exciting pass times such as  reading books or playing games like chess. he always goes for a walk super early in the morning too which is something he picked up from his grandpa.
leo’s grandparents took care him when he was very little, but as leo grew older he found himself returning the favor and  instead helping his grandparents as they themselves aged over the years.
no one in his household was aware of leo’s ties to his biological mother athena. mainly cause his father never explained anything before he left the family to be on their own. 
leo’s life dramatically changed after he experienced a monster attack when he’d been fifteen years old. 
basically some demigods from nemean lion saved the day and thankfully nothing terrible happened. but leo’s identity as a demigod was finally exposed  to himself and to his family.
 he had a really hard time saying goodbye, as he worried how his grandma and grandpa were gonna do without him. however, he feared putting them in danger above all else. 
he was then taken to nl, where he spent his time up until now.
after he was rescued, leo couldn’t help but look up to the others who regularly went on missions and hunted monsters. naturally, he worked hard with the aspiration to be like them. 
 a lot of that also had to do with why he picked the hero track when the change had come about at nl.
if it wasn’t for moving, leo would have never realized his supernatural abilities. and it was through persistence and intense training that he was able to develop his powers over time, as well as pretty fast.
he has always been incredibly dedicated and disciplined. 
tbh he kinda has those old man vibes, even when he first arrived at fifteen.
 he takes missions and everything a little too seriously. 
he doesn’t really know how to have fun either. so when he is on hero duty, he is super STUBBORN about doing everything by the book. trying not to get too crazy and always wanting to make sure extra precaution is taken. 
he’s not about them risk. he really wants to ensure that there’s little to no damage that will be done if he can help it.
comes off grumpy most of the time, but it’s like 95% bc he kinda just sucks when it comes to people.
 social interaction is not his thing which is why he could have NEVER gone into the ambassador track lmfao.
though he’s diligent, responsible and honest, he can also be EXTREMELY gullible, too straightforward, and at times, come off  as nagging or bossy.
overall, he just wants justice, and to ensure things are done right. but he’s not the best communicator, so instead of being diplomatic about it, a lot of the time he’s just like, ‘i’m right, you’re wrong’dkjsldjf
people leo has known or been friends with for a while
other demigods who he used to train with or currently trains with regularly
( friendly ?? ) competition --- likely another hero who has graduated from the hero track
the demigods who saved leo when he was fifteen ( someone who was around nl in 2011 / before )
unexpected duo----no one would have thought these two would be super close. after all, they are polar opposites, but this person gets leo to come out of his shell 
leo is super uptight, and because of that, this person enjoys messing with him. 
another person that frequents library just as much as him
maybe leo lowkey has beef with someone because every time he wants to check out a book, the mysterious person ‘insert muses name’ always has checked it out before him. one day when he’s talking about it, he finds out it’s YOU!!!!!!! how it plays out is up to whatever u’re feelin. but turns out they have the same taste in books. 
other people that are also uptight like leo and that’s why they get along so well
enemies---for whatever reason the two don’t mix
someone leo has an unrequited crush on , bc he’s lame
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thehyperkraken · 6 years
EDIT: yall idk why the actual fic isnt showing up in the tags but this shit is, bc thats literally the opposite of what i wanted, but for the love of god read the fic first and/or instead, that’s the thing i spent more than 20 minutes on: [link]
Hey random idea dump for that one fic i done did yeehaw... it’s almost longer than the fic itself but jesus christ i need to get these ideas out of my head and throw them into the internet ether, seriously don’t read this its a goddamn mess
So ghjkdf the actual plotty part of that fic came from that one b99 bit... the Bone one.....u kno
Arthur: Come on, Dutch. The O'Driscolls thing isn't the problem. You're in a bad mood because you've been so busy planning this heist that it's keeping you and Hosea apart. You two just need to bone. John: Oh no... Dutch: ...What did you say? John: Don't say it again! Arthur: I said you two need to bone. John: Oh my god... Dutch: (with barely contained fury) Hhhhhow Dare you Arthur Morgan, I am thIS GANG'S LEADER!!! You have NO RIGHT to comment on my sex life— (5 minutes later) Dutch, standing on top of a table screaming: BONE?!?!?! (10 minutes later) Dutch: What happens in my bedroom, son, is NONE of your business— (20 minutes later) Dutch, jumping up and down on the table: BOOOOOOONE!!!!!!!!! (40 minutes later) Dutch: And don't EVER speak to me like that AGAIN! (storms off) John, sunken down in his chair in horror: Why the hell did you do that? Arthur: (shrugs) They need to bone. John: Gross, Arthur! That's our dads!
And then like a day later gfdhkg
John: Oh hey Dutch! I know you don't want to talk about Hosea, BUT, I had an idea— Dutch: No need, John, it's all good. John: So... your fight with Hosea is over? Dutch: Yep. John: Because you finally figured out a plan for the heist...? Dutch: Nope! Arthur, excitedly: Because you guys—? Dutch: Yyyyep! Arthur, looking smug: Knew it. John: Ugh... Arthur: (leans down close to him) See, what happened is, our dads had sex— John: UGH, SHUT UP!
Another inspiration I had was John Mulaney’s bit about zoning out for John with adhd,,,,, the part where he’s like “the doctor was reading me the results of a blood test, it was IMPORTANT that I LISTENED, but NO, I zoned out, I was like, I’m just gonna stare at the wall and think m’thoughts” that’s why I wrote the part where John was like “ehhh attention deficient something something disease” bc it made me laugh gjhggdjh
Dutch: so the doctor says you have ADHD John: (thinking about minecraft) what?
Also unrelated but blease consider Arthur teaching John to drive like
Arthur: are you watching the road? John: ........I am looking through the windshield Arthur: John: .......and I’m not gonna hit anyone...... Arthur: John: ....but no. I’m thinkin’ about minecraft
(Also I don’t know anything about ssb I’ve played it once and hated it, minecraft is my og video game love, but Abigail beating John at ssb is funnier, I’m a fake gamer boy :^( rip)
Arthur: are you drinking coke for breakfast? John: yeah, what did you have for breakfast? Arthur: ........nothing John: (sipping his drink) I’m doing better than you, then
So when Dutch and Hosea decided to adopt, they agreed they wanted to take in kids who needed good homes the most, so they were specifically looking for older kids who would probably age out of the system and wind up on the streets
They met Arthur who was a clearly depressed and gender non conforming thirteen year old who hated everyone and everything and wasn’t getting the Love he Deserved, and Dutch was like “I want THAT ONE, with the SAD EYES”
Arthur tried to push them away at first, cuz he absolutely didn’t trust anyone, and some part of him believed they’d just give him right back up for adoption if he disappointed them in any way. But he eventually learned that they were good guys who really just wanted to help him, and they weren’t gonna abandon him if he wasn’t the perfect kid they always wanted
(he probably told them about this fear eventually and Hosea just snorted and was like “if we wanted a perfect kid we woulda got a cabbage patch doll. something that wouldn’t scream or make a mess” and Dutch was like “yeah! or like a 27 year old with a job and their own house and kids of their own. pre-made grandkids” and Hosea was like “or a cat” and Arthur was like “...okay”)
Anyway it took a loooong time but Arthur eventually trusted them enough to come out to them as trans, without really knowing the proper words for everything, just knowing that He Is A Boy And That’s That. As much as Hosea is the one the lads go to to talk about stuff and get comfort and Wise Dad Advice, he probably told Dutch first bc he was more uncertain how he’d respond and he wanted to get it over with in the worst way possible.... like, if they were gonna react badly, heap all the bullshit on in one fell swoop
I imagine he did it off the cuff too, in response to something Dutch said, like Dutch was like “u get back here right now young lady” and Arthur was like “first of all I’m not a lady, I’m a BOY, and second of all FUCK you, I do what I WANT” and Dutch was like “groovy. you’re grounded.” Arthur was like (offended) “don’t say groovy... don’t try to be hip” and Dutch was like “no it’s totally tubular that ur a boy. It’s absolutely funky. You’re fucking grounded though”
Then he went and told Hosea like “congrats! it’s a boy” and they helped him transition and they didn’t tolerate a single person misgendering him the whole time. Like before he’s even begun transitioning, they’re literally at the doctors office to discuss it w/ their doc for the first time, and a nurse is like “ms. morgan?” And Dutch is like “INCORRECT” and the doctor is like “what seems to be the problem (deadname)?” and Dutch is like “FOOL! THIS CHILD WAS LABELED INACCURATELY, WE REQUIRE A GENDER RETRACTION” and Hosea’s like “please stop yelling”
Anyway probably about a year later they got John when he was ten and Arthur was fifteen. Arthur was a little bit jealous like, wow, am I not enough kid for u, but Dutch and Hosea always planned on getting at least two bc they wanted them to have siblings, and they know John came from a pretty abusive situation, so Arthur can’t be too mad at him. At least until he met John and realized what a fucking brat he is
Since John was younger and way more desperate for affection, he immediately loved Dutch and Hosea just bc they were nice to him, he was ready to call them his dads within the month but he was nervous that it was too soon and they’d be weirded out. But I imagine he got triggered by something and had a meltdown and they got to see just a glimpse of what he’d been through, and Dutch and Hosea were falling over themselves trying to comfort him and tell him they love him and now I’m making myself cry :’^(
Anyway... from that point on John was like “these are the only dads I’ve ever had and I would kill a man for them.” He gets in trouble quite a bit bc he’s Naughty, but Dutch and Hosea always make sure to punish him fairly and never yell or be physically intimidating with him or permanently take away his stuff, like they make him do chores to earn back the right to use the xbox or something. And they always explain to him exactly what he did wrong and why he’s being punished and talk to him about how he can make it better or what he can do next time, or if there’s a root problem, like he’s acting out bc he’s overwhelmed with school work or smthn, how they can help him. Especially after he gets diagnosed with ADHD
And of course they do all this with Arthur too, but they make a special concerted effort with John bc he’s The Baby :^) and Dutch somehow maintains an attitude of “idk what ur talking about, John has never done anything wrong ever in his life” every time he gets in trouble meanwhile Hosea is like “what do you MEAN, he’s a GREMLIN” fjfjfhhf
Arthur was probably diagnosed with depression and anxiety at some point... it was probably a long process to get him to even admit he had a problem bc he didnt wanna bother anyone... Arthur also probably came from an abusive situation from the way canon Arthur talks about his dad, but Arthur is much more the type to be like “i’m gonna keep all my feelings inside, and then one day, i’ll die” whereas John is like “i will SCREAM if i get a papercut”
[EDIT: i woke up in a cold sweat at 4 AM with this in my head so now i’m putting it here
Charles: So, Arthur... Do you wanna talk about your feelings? Arthur: No. John: I do! :) Charles: ...I know, John. John: I’m sad! :) Charles: I know, John.
i’m sure it’s been done before but it’s so good. ok now back to our regularly scheduled programming]
In regards to Arthur being trans, John doesn’t really Get It, Arthur tried to explain it to him once and John couldn’t care less, all he knows is Arthur used to be a girl or something, there’s tea involved probably, and John is thinking about minecraft again... he has 2 am thoughts about it sometimes and comes to Arthur like “what IS gender” and Arthur’s just like “hm. big mood”
Dutch is “Dad” and Hosea is “Papa” or “Pa” or “Pops” or “Dad, No Not You, The Other One” or “Other Dad.” Hosea really doesn’t mind at all, he wouldn’t care if the kids called him Hosea or mom or anything else, it truly isnt important to him. But Dutch Loves being Dad. Every time they call Dutch Dad he grows three times stronger and 10 years are added to his lifespan. Dutch is an Alpha Parent, he 100% goes to every parent teacher conference and bake sale, he’d go to every game and concert too if either of his kids had a single athletic or musical bone in their dumb little bodies. I guess the school probably hosts art galleries sometimes to display art the kids make, Arthur always has a drawing in one of those, and Dutch will absolutely go just to brag about his cool son.
Dutch is the Fun Energetic Dad who embarrasses the boys in front of their friends but can always be talked into taking them out to get ice cream. Hosea is the more quietly anxious dad, he makes sure they do their homework and keep their rooms clean and shit, and he's the one the kids always go to talk to when they’re having problems... like Arthur will rant for an hour and a half about high school drama and Hosea will patiently listen to all of it and when he's done he’ll offer to kick the other kids’ asses for him, and Arthur’s like lmao but Hosea Means It.
Hosea is also the one the kids go to for help on their homework because Hosea and Dutch have five brain cells between them, and four of them belong to Hosea. Dutch is like “suddenly I don’t remember basic math, time to make shit up” and Hosea is like “I must become an expert on 1820s Chinese history in two days for my beautiful sons”
I have NO idea what either of their jobs are, I wanna say Hosea is a lawyer or smthn but idk, Dutch is probably like......................a used car salesman LMAO...... they clearly make a lot of money (or maybe STOLE SOME) bc I gave them a huge house w/ a pool gjhkdhg
Anyway more about THE KIDS
They go to a school that is a combination middle school and high school, bc that’s what my school was like
Mrs. Grimshaw is the strict and irritable principal with a secret soft spot for kids, Mr. Pearson is the cafeteria cook, Strauss works in the office, I wanna say Rev. Swanson is a weird but friendly janitor or something lmao. Uncle is Dutch & Hosea’s annoying forever-drunk neighbor who everyone barely tolerates fjfjhfh
Micah is The School Bully but like bc this is a cutesy high school au and I can do what I want, he’s not actually like a violent racist or anything he’s just a bad mad sad kid who is a huge dick
Bill is Micah’s Bully Henchman, he’s generally not as much of a dick as Micah is, but he punches whoever Micah asks him to bc they are the closest thing to friends that either of them have
Trelawny is a new student who just moved from another school and he’s that fucking Weird Magician Kid who can’t hold a conversation longer than five seconds without saying “wanna see a magic trick,” tried to do some unimpressive card tricks for the school talent show, unironically wears a cape, etc.... Arthur stood up for him when he was getting pushed around by Micah and Bill so now Arthur has +1 more weird friend
Karen is the Popular Girl who somehow knows everyone, is probably a cheerleader, everyone is either extremely intimidated by her or thinks she’s gonna be a stuck up bitch, but she’s actually just super fucking chill and nice, WILL stab a man for her friends, she won’t hesitate bitch
Tilly is Karen’s bff who was getting bullied by *shakes fist* those dang foreman brothers.... Karen stood up for her and Tilly was like “no don’t u will get hurt!!” and Karen was like “ha... fool... cheerleaders cannot die” and whooped ass with her gymnastics skills and somehow got the foreman brothers expelled. So now Tilly is like “I owe u one (1) Life Debt” but Karen is like “nah it’s chill just come to target w/ me & we’ll call it even.” Tilly is just tryna get shit done and do her damn homework but everybody else is going on adventures and being nuisances so of course Tilly has to go too bc come on....... who do you take her for, some kinda two-bit GEEK? NO WAY
Mary Beth is a quiet nerdy girl who’s always reading or writing and never talks in class or anything. Karen and Tilly became her friends thru sheer brute force, Karen just sat by her one day n was like “sup” and Mary Beth was too shy to ask her to leave. They were surprised to discover Mary Beth is actually pretty nice and funny when you get to know her and also the Biggest Lesbian Alive
Sadie is a BAD BITCH... NOBODY fucks with Sadie, not even Micah, Sadie is the girl who when some dipshit boy spreads a rumor that he had sex with her, she agrees and tells everyone she pegged him and he cried after, she hasn’t given a fuck since 2007. she climbs on the roof to get lost frisbees. one time she got the gym coach to agree to give her an automatic A in the class if she did 100 push ups in 5 minutes. Then she Did That. She might have pulled several muscles in both of her arms but She Did That. Karen, Tilly, and Mary Beth (but mostly Karen) approached her like “damn that was sick” and Sadie was like “yea i know” and then they were friends
I literally don’t know anything about Sean I’m sorry...... maybe he’s a transfer student who becomes friends with John, they play Minecraft together and Sean boobytraps the houses John builds. Sean is the only living human being who understands how redstone works and he uses his powers for evil
Molly is going to a nearby community college and is working at the high school part time as a TA and she is like 19-20 or smthn so the kids all think she’s The Hottest Shit,,,, like they think she’s just the coolest hippest person alive, but also she is Very Attractive so fuckin everybody has a crush on her, most specifically Javier and Mary Beth. She ineptly tries to flirt with Dutch every time he comes to a parent teacher conference bc she’s dummy thicc and thinks it’s friendship goals that Dutch lives with and has adopted children with his Best Bud Hosea
The teacher Molly is TA for is Charles Chatenay, an all-grades art teacher who takes his job WAY too seriously, like dude chill they’re high schoolers. His class is where Arthur met Albert, bc Arthur loves drawing and obviously Albert loves photography. They were both like “wow he’s cute” but were too shy to talk to each other for more than basic pleasantries, until one day Albert’s Big Project was ruined a day or two before he was gonna turn it in, and Arthur helped him fix it.
They’re so sweet on each other it’s unbearable, they’re both Soft Boys so they fuckin blush if they make eye contact...... the most bold either of them get is when Arthur is feeling insecure about his body and Albert gladly tells him how perfect and handsome he is in every way, and he wishes he was half as gorgeous as Arthur is, and Arthur is like (offended) um, excuse me, how dare u insult my beautiful boyfriend in this way?? They both wanna grow beards so while they’re still going thru Changes they excitedly bond over their facial hair......... they run up to each other at school like LOOK AT MY NEW CHIN HAIR and the other one is like WOW!!! GOOD JOB
Javier has a big lovely family who spoil him rotten and tbh love to spoil his friends when they come over too, his parents are in a constant and devastating game of dish-gifting with Dutch & Hosea, Arthur and John have eaten more of Mr. & Mrs. Escuella’s tamales than any other food, neither Dutch nor Hosea are very good cooks but luckily Javier has plenty of aunts and uncles and cousins who are happy to occasionally take one of their unimpressive lasagnas or cakes from a box mix
Lenny’s cool dad in canon is the high school au dad of Charles and Lenny, he and Charles’s mom amicably divorced and he got remarried to Lenny’s mom, who is a Cool Stepmom to Charles. Charles and Lenny go stay with Charles’s mom all the time, in fact she was around so much when they were younger that she practically helped raise them both. maybe she gets a gf and Charles and Lenny have so many moms and are so loved & cherished like they fuCKIN DESERVE
Kieran is the weird horse girl at school, he’s Lenny’s age, they become friends when they’re forced to sit next to each other and they’re both too awkward and shy to say anything until they’re paired up on a project together bc everyone else in the class already paired up and they were the only ones left gjkhfd.... John wants to dislike Kieran bc Lenny is HIS friend now, but Kieran is a sweet lad with a mean dad.... His dad is Colm O’Driscoll, Dutch & Hosea’s other neighbor and Dutch’s sworn enemy
Dutch expects Kieran to be as shitty as his dad, but he is a SWEET BOY, and as soon as they realize his situation, they tell Kieran he can come over whenever he wants and spend the night any time, he doesn’t have to ask or anything, but Kieran is super respectful and always asks permission and always tries to come over when John or Arthur are there so he can go under the pretense of hanging out with them, bc he doesn’t wanna intrude...
Once he came over when Hosea was the only one home and he was like “hi Mr. Matthews are John and Arthur home” and Hosea was like “no sorry they’re out” and Kieran was like “oh... ok sorry I’ll just go then” and Hosea was like “absolutely not” and brought Kieran in and made him snacks and wrapped him in many blankets and watched a kids movie with him until he fell asleep on the couch... when Dutch came home he was like “??? new son ???” and Hosea was like “yea I guess. oops”
When Kieran gets older they help him become an emancipated minor and get a job and his own place (even tho he knows they’d let him stay with them if he wanted) and he changes his last name to his mom’s maiden name Duffy... Colm and Dutch glare at each other over their fences and Colm is like “enjoying stealing my son?” and Dutch is like “my son now” but Colm really doesn’t care bc he’s an asshole... and even tho they don’t legally adopt him, Kieran’s like “I’m more of a Van der Linde than an O’Driscoll” and oops i’m making myself cry again :’)
And yes Abigail does eventually teach John how to play stupid super smash bros. She’s Pro Gamer level of competent at nearly all video games and John has the biggest heart eyes for her, the end thank u for listening
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mjalti · 6 years
went to a party for 2 days and felt out of place. i kno u cant expect ppl to engage with u if u dont even try to interact with them, but i did and they didnt leave me behind and we were all together having fun but i felt so alone bc i felt like they were so different than me. theyre not bad ppl in any way but i feel like i havent found my 'true group of friends' yet. i dont want to change parts of myself to hang out with em and i dont want friendships that i feel have expiration dates.
this is a wonderful sentiment to mull over. you gotta learn that in life, just bc someone isnt your friend that doesnt make them your enemy. some people are just people around you. being kind to ppl doesnt have an expiration date but trying to squeeze friendship out of people you just arent connecting with will leave you emptier than you think. it’s ok to say “these people are cool people, but they arent my crew.” and move along. you dont have to have a huge fight with them or whatever, you can just be like “i dont feel like going out tonight, yall go ahead” and you need to start developing yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone and looking up activities to do in your city to meet new people. shake it up a little bit and get that new energy in your life. i wish u the best!
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threeracha · 6 years
ship your mutuals with stray kids and send them on summer dates!
anonymous said: ship your mutuals with sk maybe??
omg thank u both for asking 😩 i’ll just combine these two bc i’ll prob just reship the same ppl LFMAJOFSDfkl
woojin: @bangchant ; forever shipping my parents
chan: @hey-hey-chan ; o ho ho the only viet not to bias hyunjin :/ but i forgive bc chan is a SNACC ;; so chan and kris are gonna go to the carnival that just came into town :-p not for the rides, o no sweetie *chuckles*. they’re there to battle to the dEATH jk they’re just tryna compete to see who can win more plushies for each other
minho: @realstraykids ;  mr lee know is always lookin to spice things up :-) SO instead of the same old dinner in restaurants :// chef lee has taken it upon himself to surprise em and announce he’s made reservations for the PERFECT dinner :D he puts a sleeping eye mask on em so she can’t see and has her walk with him for like 2 minutes before seating her. em opens her eyes to see mr minho has made a picnic for the two of them 😩 complete with gOurmet sandwiches, “freshly squeezed” apple juice, and “homemade” ritz crackers ;) 
changbin: @jeongin ; i feel they’d have fun pretending to be tourists in their own city , you kno, they’d rent bikes and travel to all the tourist hotspots & they’d take the Best touristy pics while dressed as stereotypical tourists with their floral buttonups, khaki bottoms, jesus sandals, and fanny packs. o,, can’t forget the sunglasses with the straps around their neck of COURSe,,, we love a couple with healthy eyes 😩they would have fun pretending to be lost and asking strangers for directions, all while documenting every second
hyunjin: @hyyunjinn ; hyunjin wanted to challenge the dancing duo by getting them into ballroom dance classes ;oo it was definitely outta their comfort zone but that didn’t stop this couple from having the best time. i mean, yes, they started popping to classical music, and yes, the teacher chided them, but YES they had the time of their lives w/ new memories of laughing until they cried 😩💦✨
seungmin: @hyuunjins ; these two are gonna go on a pretty chill date in the morning, they’ll wake up early to go to the Best breakfast place in town. then, they’re gonna go to the farmer’s market to pick up random things and test their skills in trying to make a meal >:) of course, at home, the kitchen turns into a DISASTER ;;;; everythin is burnt & undercooked all at the same time so seungmin and allison ended up ordering ubereats & binging on netflix for the night together
jisung: @himeaegyo ; MINI GOLF ! totally cliche, but totally iconic. bc mr HAN IS horrible and somehow manages to putt 20+ each round :/// karen wins the game, to which jisung claims is “bc he let her”. karen takes jisung out to get some froyo for the pouting puppy, his scoop game being Much better than his putts :”) they end the night w/o competition, just looking at the stars,,,,until jisung says “bet i kno more constellations than u” :”) 
felix: @felixeslee ; felix n sarah are gonna to a pottery class :DD sarah is artistic so she’s alr got this in the bag, creating a beautiful, and surprisingly very ornate mug for felix
jeongin: @jeongingf ; tbh i think they’re gonna go blueberry picking, racing to finish filling their pails first, but they’re both kinda struggling bc they keep eating the blueberries at the same time 😩 but once they’re home, they ended up picking like 5 pounds of blueberries, so they spend the rest of the day making blueberry muffins, pies, tarts, and cobblers together ✨
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badbawz · 3 years
tbh, the only reason why I hated exercising while growing up was bc gym class made it humiliating for me and I was always under the assumption that all exercise had to be extremely intense in order to be affective for weightloss. My mother would have me watch those god awful “biggest loser” type shows and my fat little ass seriously thought that #1: I would have to do that, myself, in order to lose weight, and #2: I was heavy enough to be compared to someone 500+ lbs. (maybe that’s why I have body dysmorphia today.. huh.) It literally took me so many years to finally understand why I fucking hated those shows and why I hated being told I need to exercise more.
It wasn’t until I was like. in my late teens. when I learned that going at ur own pace is the best way to do it/start. obviously push urself a little bit sometimes, but like, even then, doing something in ur comfort zone is better than nothing.
and u kno what?? ever since I put that in my head, I can honestly say that I love exercising, now. There are a few exceptions ofc, but for the most part, exercising in general is fun af. Even if it’s just a short walk.
my depression has kicked my ass for years and makes things I enjoy hard to do for obvious reasons. but what they say abt exercising with depression holds some truth. It can’t cure it unfortunately, but it does make me feel better. Like I’m not a fat lazy slob, actually. It shuts that voice up for a minute.
I rlly wanna try to work on exercising more. maybe get my own gym equipment and go all out in my future apartment, idk lol. I’m just following where God’s leading me. so far, so good.
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aph-2p-headcanons · 7 years
Can you do the 2ps reacting to their s/o coming out as trans (ftm)? (This is the same person that asked you about the poly 2p Russia x trans s/o x 2p America and I really wanted to thank you for that- I've been feeling really dysphoric recently and this has helped a bit. Again though, if this is out of your comfort zone I completely understand)
(anything for you guys! i wish you the best of luck with your dysphoria, i know how hard it can be. don't forget you are completely valid no matter what anyone says
2P!Italy: He'd be surprised that you hadn't told him sooner, but trusted your judgement regardless. He doesn't react all too much, but he smiles and kisses your hand and tells you that he's happy you trust him to know 2P!Romano: He would ask if you had truly thought those suits he made were for him; those totally aren't even his style! ((he would be really happy and probably force you to go shopping so your deadrobe didn't make you so dysphoric - he knows exactly what kind of binders are the best))2P!Germany: He would be extremely nervous if you were trying to stall, thinking you were going to break up with him or something. Once you told him he started laughing (relieved), which probably gave you a heart attack, which then gave him a heart attack and he was like "i wASNT LAUGHING AT OYU I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA ROAST ME OMF BB AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABE *incoherent German yodelling*" and then start rapidly explaining uselessly. That probably made you laugh, and when you laugh he laughs, so you're both probably standing in the middle of your room laughing really hard for no reason. He tries to make it light so you don't seem so hard on yourself; he's super proud that his boyfriend is comfortable enough with himself to tell him!! 2P!Prussia: he would probably start silently crying and you're like ??????????? same?? but,, ????? and he would just hug you wordlessly because he knows what it's like to feel trapped and would cuddle with you the rest of the day 2P!Japan: He's a little confused? He knew that already and yet you seem so anxious? Kuro would try to be as gentle as possible in explaining that he already knew (without trying to sound like a total asshole) and then probably say something like "nice babe 2P!America: ^ would do the opposite. he would take you to your favourite place and be super smiley because!!!!!!!!!! look at my boyfriend!!!!! isn't he so handsome??????????? and he would smorch you everywhere and more2P!England: he, too, would cry, but he would just ramble about how much he loves you and that you're so amazing to let him know something so big about you. he would quickly attempt to compose himself, but probably celebratory stress-bake and you would be like "bB IT'S OK IE--" "LOVE JUST LET ME FINISH THI S TIER-" "OliVEr"2P!France: he would actually show you his b e a u t i f u l  t e e t h for once, crack open a bottle of his good wine, and spend the rest of the day telling you about how he's still the hot boyfriend (to which you snort and probably spray wine)2P!Russia: he'd be kind of deteriorating a bit because he literally just called you something feminine before this and now he is apologizing and he thinks you will be angry and you're like "no babe i just told you" and he would try and stop apologizing but he's ju st,, so , g ay, and all of his doritos would fall out of his fanny pack and now there are tears in his eyes as he tries to pick them up and you threaten to leave with the kids and now he is seeing himself in a coffin from an astral point of view then bAM you're snapping your fingers in his face, asking where he went and he is like "i... i don't,, i don,t kno w,,... i'm proud of you for telling me" and now he's acting weird because he just spaced out and thinks that you know about his dorito fanny pack and now he's paranoid and itchy and he just wants to go to bed (td;lr he paps ur head and tells u ur valid af 2P!China: would instantly become your bodyguard and try and fight anyone who misgenders you. loves you so much and just wants to see you smile, so he puts sticky notes saying how hot you look or how your wedding suit is gonna have flames like guy fieri and that he accidentally ordered some edible arrangements what how'd those get there ://2P!Canada: he would blush and be like!!! "ah! yay bby u prince :0" then ask you questions so he knows what will best make you comfortable and then he will surrender his Prized Boyfriend Hoodie (the spare, you already have the original. damn you and your greedy fingers) and try to see if his old Timbs fit your feet so you can match (unless you have super big feet you will trip the second he laces them on you) (he will laugh because he is actually satan with a heart)(i tried to make these more humourous as I went, i'm really sorry if i offended you in any way, shape, or form! all of the boys would be overly supportive and be so proud to call you their husband one day ;) )
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This won't matter to u but I need to get this shit off my chest and yea cause I'm just a .. hoe so 12-31-17 My first time meeting you and kissing you felt amazing everything that happened tht night was amazing holding your hand just the way you talked to me I knew you where different. It felt real. 😟
1-3-17 8:00pm I had sex with you for the first time u where my new begging to 2017 I feel like this is going last u looked me in the eyes and promised nothing was going change and I never doubted you for a second even after everything everyone says about you I didn't care all I care about is us and making it work💯😇
2-2-17 12:Am You promised you wouldn't leave like everyone else in my life and you did you did just like everyone else I was just sex to you u hurt me so bad you looked me in my eyes and lied I have only cried that hard one other time in my life over a boy ..... it wasn't out of pain it was out of anger for letting myself fall for the bs I had unprotected sex with you because I trusted you I thought u really cared for me.🤦🏾‍♀️😔I'm so stupid
2-14-17 Now I'm late on my period by 3 weeks and I'm scared and your just gone I don't know what I'm going do I can't do this alone 😣........
2-27-17 Took  the test came up negative I'm feeling a little better but your just not here to help me feel better I shouldn't have had to go through this app by myself 😞 y am I so stupid
3-1-17 Your back ❤️❤️❤️😭😇😇 I'm mixed feelings I'm so happy but I don't wanna let my guard should I tell u about the test ??? Would you have wanted it if I was?? These are all things I will never actually ask because I kno the answer is No! 😔 but let's hope I can keep you happy
4-1-17 An your gone again because I'm stupid I don't kno y I ever think a relationship is supposed to work for me I'm just not made for love ❤️😔 jus sex ever since I was four but when I'm with you ... you make me forget all the pain from past and everything I have ever been through you just make be happy and feel special I never wanted to lose you because my actions. No one makes me feel the way u do just wen u look at me.
5-12-17 12:05pm I just realized how deep my feelings for you really go 🤦🏾‍♀️🙁😞❤️ but I feel so stupid for feeling what I feel now that it's too late I have the worst luck with love but it's just cuz I'm not working enough the day you told me we were done I cried 4 days straight with my phone on air plane mode I tried to act like I didn't care but my heart just couldn't take thinking and realizing you where gone 😞! An that I made a huge mistake
5-15-17 8:00 am Couldn't sleep all night I just kept thinking about how you use to hold me and kiss me and make me feel special and how I took that for granted I miss every second of that and that makes me a horrible person and I should just leave you alone because everything I touch breaks
5-18-17 12:52 AM Haven't really talked to u today and I kinda just hope you ok days like this I wish you would just talk to me so I can be there for you but I know it's jus cuz u not ready to let me in... but back in march when I told u I was down for you ....... through everything we been through nothing changed! I know your family puts you through a lot I jus wanna be there for you but being there for you makes you push me away or at least thts wat it feels like and I don't wanna push nothing on you. I think about you more than u will ever kno.... I be ur ride or die for real 😭 but you just don't see that. I kno RJ tired of hearing all of my up and down feelings about you but I know like he knows how I feel about you but I'm scared and will probably never let you read this stuff so I .
5-18-17 10:09 Am I know u don't feel how I feel because things would be different but I know that I love you but u never will love me the way I love you because you don't have trust in me and that's what takes time. That's y I'll never will send this too u
5-26-17 Our hands has been my lock screen the past couple a days it's made me smile just like u have and now it's official 30 days till ur birthday 🙂🙂 I hope u go to project grad wit me and go to my cook out 😇 I would be so happy but yea things are good
5-27-17 I kno stuff I'm not supposed to know and it makes me worry 😭 I don't want nun to happen to I kno u can handle ur self but I care about u a lot and if something happend to u I don't kno wat I would do like honestly but last night wen I sent u nudes and told u I was thinking about u ... u said aww it made me feel really stupid😳😳 then I sent cute emojis an just got smirk back and it's coming up on Sunday and u have broken another promise to me unless u pop up Sunday night let's hope so I miss u and I don't want u to break another promise to me because thts all I seem to do 😞 lately  
I can tell by the way u talk to me and stuff now u jus not where I am u in a different mind set about me I feel as if u take me for granted I'm not as special to u as these other females tht do dirty u give them the world I'm trying to give u the world and my all and u give me the cold shoulder and it makes me wanna give up on u and all of my feelings but I actually care about u so I can't jus give up on my hopes for us ..... even tho it's not real
I always fall in love wit people who don't fuck with me don't care for me I can't blame u I'm not special I'm just a regular girl I'm jus here everyday I jus wonder y was I born I always mess up everything I touch stuff jus isn't meant to work im not to live in this world I'm not meant to be happy to find love
All I ever wanted is to feel wanted by u and appreciated that's all I ask of you jus give me a little time out of ur day go out ur comfort zone for me just once but I'm not special enough to you for that so now I kno i should give up because u don't want me tbh because if u did u would treat me like u treated all the others that just used and abused u.. but at the end of the day ur doing the same thing to me. Your just so fucking cold to me now and I did nothing wrong but just try and be in your life
I have bought u a birthday gift but I dont see me making it till then but I'll make sure RJ gives it too u because it was bought for because I care about u and want to see u happy even if tht means I won't be I really don't want nobody else but u don't want me.
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10verboy · 7 years
(@squishywonu i’m gonna try to write out of my comfort zone since ily and i really have nothing else to do with my spare time (besides working on hw bUT--) and wow this is so weird i can’t believe i’m writing about u
1,277 worDS HOLY GUACAMOLE that’s the most i’ve ever written at once i
there’s cursing :) oops 
i apologize in advance for whatever happens under the cut lmao
“Who’s the new girl?” Yuta asked as he chewed his sandwich.
Well...bread. It was just two slices of bread. Sicheng stole all of the turkey from it after Yuta got up to get a drink from the lunch line. He didn’t really care though.
 “That girl you bumped into in the hallway earlier?” Johnny guessed, more focused on the homework he was doing that was supposed to be due today. “We have, like, half of our classes with her.”
 “I’ve never seen her before?”
 Doyoung by now had just settled down in front of Yuta after getting out of the lunch line. Catching wind of the conversation, he butted in, “That’s because you don’t pay attention, dumbass. Madi literally was in your group for a project in bio. I remember because she came up to me trying to get me to tell you to actually do your project.”
 Yuta perked up. “So her name’s Madi?”
 The group of friends all collectively groaned, loud enough to hear over the busy cafeteria noise.
 “There she goes.” Sicheng looked up and nudged his head in the direction behind Yuta.
 “She’s sorta...cute” he thought, as he caught a glance of the girl before she disappeared out of the cafeteria. At least he thought he thought it. The boys’ teasing “oooh”s and giggles said otherwise.
 When the bell rung to dismiss lunch, Yuta and his friends got up and threw away their trash. Unlike the group of friends’ usual habit of walking ridiculously slow to their next class so they would make it the very last minute, Yuta sped walk, leaving everyone behind him. He was going to properly talk to Madi, and maybe even get her phone number.
  “Okay kids, pop quiz time,” announced Ms.Anston. “It’s based on what you learned these past 3 weeks. Hope you all studied...oh, and it’s 54 questions.”
  The bell rang signifying the end of the period and Yuta barely got his test done. While on his way sulking to his locker he was tackled by that one weird kid Jaehyun that no one talked to. Yuta guessed that he was under the impression that Yuta actually liked him, but he was in too bad of a mood to tell him off like usual and just shrugged him off. “Heyyyy, buddy! How was physics,” Jaehyun inquired.
 “Jung Jeffrey, can you please stop jumping on people like that? You’ll give him back problems,” Ten nagged, and turned his attention to the disappointed (and slightly annoyed) man that Jaehyun was currently getting off of. “But I guess physics sucked ass,” Ten continued, smirking like the little shit he was “,since there was a test last period and you wanted to talk to your little lady?”
 “How do you even know about that, I literally just--”
 “Ah, yes, your boyfriend?”
 “Doyoung if you do noT SHUT THE HELL UP--”
 By now Yuta’s group of friends all were gathered in the middle of the hallway, ignoring the frustrated stares of their other peers and the cat fight that Doyoung and Ten were in the middle of.
 Taeyong started to question the crush-ridden boy. “So,” he continued, “you didn’t get the chance to talk to her?”
 “Nah, Ms. Anston wanted us to suffer with a 52 question test so…”
 “--Wait, we have a test,” Sicheng interrupted.
 “Winnie, I love you, but not now. So you didn’t even catch her after class?” Taeyong kept pushing for answers. Yuta was thankful for his legitimate concern. Every other one of his friends were probably planning when they could possibly embarrass him (especially Johnny and Doyoung...he did not trust those assholes one bit).
  “Um, Yuta?”
  The group of boys barely noticed the soft voice floating above the ruckus of the hall outside of the small circle they had formed.
   A small hand crept onto the said boy’s shoulder. “Yuta!”
  When he finally turned around, the last person he expected to be calling his name was right in front of him. The girl that he was currently having a crisis over, Madi. Her hazel eyes sparkled as he looked at them, her brown hair perfectly falling around her face.
  In reality, her hair was was dishevelled and her eyes were squinted and soulless. Getting through a busy high school hallway is like being on some sort of survival show. Only the strong survive. However, Yuta could not properly process the actual state Madi was in. Too blinded by some type of attraction to her. Doyoung stopped in the middle of his petty attempts of insulting Ten, now distracted by the current interaction between them.
    Judging by the snorts Yuta could here next to him from Johnny and Ten, the word ‘yeah’ did not come out right. Or he was making a stupid face that most-likely made him look like some constipated potato. Either way, Yuta was screwing up already and the conversation had barely started.
   Madi’s voice managed to snap him back to reality from planning his own death in his head. “Ms. Anston wanted me to bring you back to the classroom? I have no idea why but she said she wanted to talk to you and didn’t trust you enough to actually come if you were by yourself.”
  The only thing Yuta could manage to do was nod his head and follow her.
  A voice in the back of his head was urging him to start some type of conversation with the girl as she walked next to him in the hallway. The silence between the two was slowly driving him to madness and Yuta was pretty sure he would have jumped out of the nearby window by now if it wasn’t for some handsy couple that was making out in front of it.
  Madi turned around to face Yuta, now in front of their destination. The sudden stop caught the boy off guard, causing him to trip. Madi was now in his arms as he tried to keep from falling on her. The two stayed in the position until Madi talked again and pushed away.
  “Uh, so, we’re here. I’ll see you later…”
   Seeing this as his chance, Yuta popped the question he had been dying to ask, “Hey, can I get your number?”
  There was a moment of silence as Yuta waited for his answer.
  One second passed by…
  Then two…
  Then three…
   It really wasn’t that long a period of time, but it felt like an eternity to Yuta. Surely, this absence of a response meant that she was disgusted, weirded out, and overall just trying to comprehend why this dusty, crusty, musty boy with bad grades even dared asking such a thing.
  The silence really meant: Holy crap fucking Nakamoto Yuta, A.K.A the hottest fucking dude I’ve ever seen, just asked for my number. But he did not know that.
   “Yeah,” Madi finally squeaked. The two exchanged their phone numbers awkwardly, Madi almost dropping her phone (twice) while trying to enter Yuta into her phone.
   “I’ll text you after school then~” Yuta winked, in an obviously better mood than he was on the way to the classroom. The sentence seemed more like a statement than a suggestion to Madi, but she couldn’t have care less. She was looking forward to having a decent conversation with the boy, contrary to the conversations they had when they worked on their biology project together. If you could even categorize them as conversations. It was really just Madi trying to ask him questions as he played games on his phone in the middle of class when they were supposed to be working (she ended up doing the whole project herself).
end :) i didn’t even bother to edit any of this so :)) i’m sorry :)) about any :))) mistakes :)))))
that ended sO ABRUPTLY so here’s a bonus part of them texting each other 
Yuta: heeeeyyy :)
Madi: hi
Yuta: did u miss me??
Madi: um                                                                        
we just saw each other an hour ago
Yuta: wow ok I see i kno when i’m not wanted
Madi: nO i just mean…..i don’t have many guy friends this is weird and you never even talked to me in the first place
Yuta: well now u have THE GREAT UTAH ;)
Madi: lmAO UTAH
Yuta: shut up that was on accidenT
Madi: nah i’m gonna call u utah from now on
Utah: i just came here to have a good time and i honestly feel so attackd rn
I don’t think i want to be friends anymore :(
Madi: ok i’m sorry utah i won’t do it again :^)
Utah: I fucking hate u nvmd i’m blocking ur number
Utah: only if you go on a date with me
Madi: uh,,,
Utah: if yoU WANT TO
Madi: if you pay for my food
Utah: no prob ;)
Madi: thx utah
Utah: >:(
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crypticcravings · 8 years
I'm back with Adrinette Month Day 12: Childhood Friends! I’ve been working on this AU for a little while, and plan on turning it into a multi-chapter fic when I have time. 
Also on Ao3 Inspired by Matt Nathanson's song Faster You can't tell me Marinette wouldn't have a fashion/aesthetic blog.
Six years ago. "Don't cry, Marinette," Adrien said, brushing back her bangs to see her wiping away her tears. "I'll be gone for a long time, but I promise I'll keep in touch."
"I know I shouldn't be crying. I mean, with everything you're going through, I should be the one comforting you, but I'm going to miss you so much!" Marinette threw her arms around Adrien and cried into his shoulder. She couldn't seem to stop.
"I'll come back for you," Adrien said, rubbing her back. "And when I do, we can be together forever. We'll even get married." 
Marinette giggled through her tears. "You've been watching too many movies, Adrien."
"Adrien," M. Agreste's assistant called from the car, "It's time to leave now. Your father is waiting."
Marinette reluctantly let go of her best friend. "Email me when you get there." Adrien, feeling bold at the prospect of missing her, kissed her on the cheek before turning away. He glanced back over his shoulder and gave her a sad smile. "I'm going to keep my promise."
Marinette grinned. "Take care of yourself."
Present Day. Cardiac-Agreste: Just admit that it's a good show. Ladybugs-and-Lace: i don't know how you sucked me into this one Ladybugs-and-Lace: but yes Ladybugs-and-Lace: out of all of these shows you've shown me I enjoyed YoI the most Ladybugs-and-Lace: are you happy? Cardiac-Agreste: as a clam ^0^ Ladybugs-and-Lace:  (¬_¬;) Cardiac-Agreste: u kno u love it uwu Ladybugs-and-Lace: *rolls eyes* Ive got to go. Helping mom and dad in the bakery. Ttyl dork. Cardiac-Agreste: later bug Cardiac-Agreste: (*^^*)♡
Marinette closed out of Tumblr messenger and headed downstairs to the bakery. She had a feeling that a series of memes and posts would be in her inbox by the time she returned. 
In the past few years, even though her best friend was moving about Europe for his father's company, they had tried their best to keep in touch. That generally meant a handful of emails here and there, and a few short messages on his "secret" social media accounts. Marinette missed him, of course. She only knew what he looked like from magazine articles and fashion reports. She didn't even know what his voice sounded like anymore. Some contact was better than none, though, she supposed. 
She smiled as she helped her mother knead the dough for the next batch of bread. She made a mental note to run to the news stand to pick up the newest Vogue. It should have a special on Milan Fashion Week, and a feature on the newest Gabriel line.
New school years were always stressful. Marinette hadn't had the best of luck with them. As she brushed her hair and fixed her makeup, she couldn't help the sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. What would she do to mess up this time?
Marinette sighed, tied her hair into two short braids and tucked them behind her ears. She assessed her outfit, and decided it was as good as it was going to get. Pink shorts, white shirt, black bolero, and pink flats. Bright and warm enough to almost feel like it was still summer. Marinette swiped some light pink lip-gloss across her lips and put on a wide-brimmed sunhat before hiking her school bag onto her shoulder and heading out. 
"Hey, Marinette," Alya called from the street corner.
Marinette's day brightened marginally. "Morning, Alya!" 
The two walked the negligible distance to the Lycee, making a short stop along the way for Marinette to pick up a copy of Vogue. 
"I know we've talked about this before," Alya said, looking over Marinette's shoulder at the spread, "but why are you so obsessed with this model again?"
Marinette groaned and flipped to the next page, hoping to get away from the images of Adrien on the runway. Unfortunately, the next page showed a close up of his bright green eyes peering over a pair of thick rimmed, teal glasses. "I'm not obsessed with him. We grew up together. Our moms were best friends."
"Then why have I never met him?"
Marinette folded the opposite corner of the page over to save that photo for later. "He's not in Paris anymore. He travels all over with his father, so I haven't seen him since we were in primary school."
Alya pondered this for a moment. This was the person competing for her position as best friend. Alya was also pretty sure this was the guy she was always sending messages to. She'd always written him off as an internet friend. Alya had plenty of them herself, but it turned out their connection went much deeper than that. 
"Do you ever video chat with this guy?"
"Nah. He's really busy, and sometimes time zones don't line up, but we're alright with the way things are." The lie slipped out easily. In reality, she missed talking to him face to face. It would be wonderful to have that connection with him. But she really did understand. Besides, it was a miracle their friendship had survived this long without seeing one another. 
The duo walked up the stairs of the school and headed towards their new, and final, Lycee classroom. 
Once they claimed their seats, Alya and Marinette carried on chatting and gossiping about their friends. 
Marinette was especially animated while telling Alya about a particularly heated debate she and Chloe had gotten into when they had been out shopping the week prior. She and Chloe hadn't always been friends, that was for sure, but she had calmed down quite a bit since their college days, and eventually they became good friends.
"Can you believe that? The color was horrendous, and she was actually trying to push it onto me," Marinette threw her arms about as she gestured about the dress. "Sometimes, I seriously believe that she still has it out for me." She threw her arms back in frustration, and suddenly her arm came into contact with warm, hard flesh.
The contact was met with a deep groan, and a gasp from Alya, along with a couple of other classmates in the room. Marinette let out a squack, and her hands flew to her own face. "Did I just--"
Alya nodded, eyes wide. 
Marinette screwed her eyes shut. Alya's hands came to her shoulders and made her turn to face her latest victim. She opened her eyes to find a blond head hunched over near the ground. 
She bent down to be at the blonde's level and started fretting instantly. "Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry!" His face was covered by both of his hands, making Marinette fear that she had actually broken his nose or given him a black eye or something. "Are you alright? I swear, I need to pay better attention to my surroundings. I can't believe…I…actually…." Marinette's voice trailed off as he removed his hand. "Oh my God."
Her look of disbelief was met with glimmering green eyes, and a mischievous smirk. "Clumsy as ever, I see, Bugaboo."
"Oh my God," Marinette repeated, "Oh my God!"
"Is that the only thing you have to say to me after all these years?" He shot her a fake pout. 
Marinette put her hands on his face and squished his cheeks together. She turned his head this way and that, trying to take everything in. His hands came up to her wrists to still her movements. "Oh my God, Adrien!"
Marinette launched herself at her friend, putting him off balance and toppling him to the ground. 
"How are you here right now? What is happening?"
Adrien laughed and pushed both of them up to their feet. "My father is moving us back to Paris for a while."
"How did you not tell me about this?"
"Your parents knew, but I wanted it to be a surprise, so I didn't tell anyone else." Marinette realized how far she had to crane her neck just to meet his eyes. He had to be over six feet tall by now. "You're enormous!" 
Adrien grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. "Just because you haven't grown since we were kids doesn't make me a giant, Bug."
Suddenly, Alya was at Marinette's side, pulling the two apart. "As heartwarming as this reunion is, class is about to start and we should really be taking our seats. The teacher this year is majorly strict."
Adrien took Marinette's hands in his. "We can talk about this more after class. Catch up, and everything."
Marinette's cheeks hurt from smiling so much. She couldn't believe this was real life. "I'd like that." 
Adrien took his seat in the row in front of Marinette and her friend. He was ecstatic to have Mari back in his life, and not just online, and he fully intended on making good on that last promise he made her.
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My First
I failed my driving test. 
That was in the fall of 2017, I was a senior in high school. All of my friends were getting their licenses and cars while I was stuck being a passenger. The woman who failed me thought I wasn’t confident enough. Like damn, can’t even be nervous without being penalized these days huh? She failed me for the most ridiculous shit. But that has nothing to do with the story I plan on telling. 
A few weeks before my eighteenth birthday I tried again. This was something I needed to do before I turned 18. Giving up wasn’t an option. There was no way I wanted to retake my written if I didn’t pass before I was considered a legal adult. The guy who tested me this time? He was fine as hell and now that I think about it, I was supposed to text him when I turned eighteen. I lost his number, sadly. But that also has nothing to do with the story. I want to tell you the story about the first guy I-
-’ve always been cheap. I was ten when my aunt was going to get a new car. I convinced her to save her old car for me so that when I started driving I wouldn’t have to buy a car. By the end of the summer of 2017, my grandpa fixed up the old car and I was all good to go. Free to go wherever I wanted. I no longer had to wait around for people, waste money on lyfts or walk. So naturally, I took myself on adventures. 
One night, against my better judgement. I lied to my mom and said I was going to hang out with my friends. If I would have told her what I was really going to do, she would’ve gone into over protective mode and I didn’t want that. I just wanted some time to myself. I drove over the bridge and into Philly. Not for a concert or any other event. I just wanted some me time. I parked my car. Got oreo ice cream and sugar cookies from Insomnia Cookies and walked around the city. 
Not going to lie and say I knew exactly where I was at all times. I wasn’t even guaranteed that I was safe, I wasn’t focused on my surroundings. All I know is I was somewhere around Broad Street, because that’s where Insomnia Cookies was located. I came across this huge, gorgeous building, I’m not very good at names. Everything was lit up and there was art on the sides of some of the buildings surrounding it. There was even a fountain in front of it all. The scene just looked so beautiful. I walked across the street, hopped up on a ledge and just took it all in. It felt serene, even with so many people flooding the sidewalks. I sat and continued eating my snacks, I was enjoying clearing my head. Until someone interrupted me that is… 
“Hey.” I looked up to see a cute guy. There were a few girls not too far from me talking. It was the beginning of August, late at night but still pushing eighty degrees. Of course they were clad in clothes that left nothing to the imagination. I figured he was talking to them. Guys like the ones who look easy. He couldn’t have been talking to me. So I went back to dipping my cookie into my ice cream and admiring the scenery. I didn’t really acknowledge the fact that he moved a little closer to me. He said hey again and I finally looked up at him directly, before looking around. He laughed a little. “I don’t blame you for being that into ya snacks. I love their shit. But I’ve been trying to get your attention for a minute.” Yep, he’s definitely talking to me. I was confused as to why though. I get hit on by guys pretty often, I know I’m not ugly but with him talking to me, I felt extremely insecure. Suddenly I wished that I had dressed a little better. I looked like a child for fucks sakes. I was wearing a gold fish shirt, black tights, a hat that said “Hoodrats” and Chucks. I was even swinging my legs off the ledge, eating ice cream! 
He introduced himself as Dey. I wanted to know the name his mom gave him so I asked him for his full name. Ayinde. Pronounced Uh-zhen-day. Unique. It has African origins. He told me that my name was almost as pretty as I was. If I were white, I definitely would have blushed. I didn’t understand why he made me feel so shy. 
 I learned that he was mixed with Irish, Haitian and Cuban. Interesting mix, I know. Despite his slight baby face, he turned out to be 20. He was tall, about 6’1. He had taken his hat off to redo his ponytail, he tied his curly, brown hair back into a man bun. He was light skinned with a slight tan. Doe brown eyes paired with the cutest smile. He was dressed in all black, I would’ve been a little concerned if it weren’t for the logo on his hat. I could see a tattoo peeking out from under his short sleeved shirt. Just my type. 
I was tired of the small talk and beating around the bush. “Why’d you come over here to talk to me?” Instead of replying, the douche just smiled and then hopped up on the ledge next to me. It was weird. I was supposed to be having me time, if any other guy did this I would’ve been rude. I wouldn’t have given them the time of day. I wasn’t even afraid, Ayinde strangely made me feel safe. Something was telling me to give him a chance, instead of shutting him down. 
“Well, I was on break, I work across the street.” He points to a small cafe. “I saw you walk by and… I don’t know I thought you were beautiful. Now that I’ve gotten closer, it seems so effortless. No make up and you’re not even dressed up.”
Shit, I have no clue what to say to this. He’s been nice and respectful. “Thank you.” Well, that was lame but it was safe. We talked more before he had to go back to work. He was funny as hell, we both had the same rude, dark, sarcastic humor. He complimented me pretty often and he seemed kind of bummed that he had to leave once his break was over. 
“Why don’t you grow some balls and just ask me what you wanna ask me.” I thought to myself, I should be a fucking actress. I’m great at faking confidence. 
He laughed and just smiled at me for a second. “Well, I would like to get to know you more. Can I get your number?” 
You know when you give someone your number, you almost expect them to wait days or weeks to text you. Surprisingly, Ayinde texted me that night. 
AYINDE: hey beautiful, u get home safely?
ME: Oh shit, I see u found ur balls! 
AYINDE: lol yea yea yea. I know I was acting like a pussy earlier but that’s not how I usually am
AYINDE: FT me? I haven’t seen u since we met punk
ME: No I look crazy rn 
AYINDE: Is tht even possible? I think you’re cute af
ME: aww thanks but everyone’s entitled to their own insecurities
AYINDE: Ig but that’s y u need me 
ME: wym?
AYINDE: to take away your insecurities
ME: Doubt that’s possible 
AYINDE: try me
ME: entertain meee! I’m bored, stuck at my great grandma’s house :(
AYINDE: I literally just woke up, still in bed
ME: Luckyyy, my head’s fucking killing me
AYINDE: wish I could help
ME: me too lol do u have superpowers? 
AYINDE: no, do u?
ME: Nah I’m not tht awesome 
AYINDE: I think ur pretty awesome
Ayinde and I got closer over the next month. We hadn’t actually seen each other after the first time we met. He worked crazy hours and still had school. I worked everyday and had school as well. Plus, I wasn’t completely comfortable meeting up with a guy I didn’t really know. He understood that. He always made sure I was comfortable before we did anything. He eventually convinced me to facetime him… a lot... and when we didn’t he acted like a big baby.
ME: u happy now?
AYINDE: lol no
ME: y not -_-
AYINDE: I got nothing pretty to look at now
ME: whose fault it tht?
AYINDE: idk. Do u kno?
ME: Lol yea ik
AYINDE: tell me 
ME: yours :P
AYINDE: well if u came over we wouldn’t have this problem
I was a very late bloomer. I knew freshmen girls who got pregnant, meanwhile I hadn’t had my first kiss until I was 16. I didn’t start dating until 17. I was a fresh 18 and I was still a virgin. I waited a while to tell him because I liked him and didn’t want to scare him off. But he surprised me, I learned that he wasn’t like other guys. Most guys only want you for one thing. And that’s to get them off. Not all are gonna be lovey dovey when you’re not putting out. 
ME: I hate being a girl. I think my uterus just exlpoded. Im dying
AYINDE: Aww u can’t die yet, I havent taken u out yet
ME: wut do u want from meee
AYINDE: I told u what I want 
ME: hmmmm
AYINDE: i didnt? 
ME: u could have an ulterior motive
AYINDE: lol what? Ayo y cant I just think ur gorgeous and want to get to kno u, find out who u r
He was very protective of me. Anytime I even looked a tiny bit sad or sounded off, he was ready to beat someone up for me. 
AYINDE: ur awake? 
ME: Yea just woke up on some bs 
AYINDE: u good?
ME: yea im ok lol
AYINDE: u sure? I’ll fuck someone up
ME: lol yea im good now
And as the oldest, always looking out for my little brothers and my friends. It felt good to have someone looking out for me for a change. 
ME: I move into college tmw nd I aint pack shit yet
AYINDE: ur bugging
ME: Pack 4 me?
AYINDE: lol ill pass
ME: my back hurts like all hell, some of this shit is heavy
AYINDE: what u carrying…?
ME: 4 one, I hav a lot of clothes, they add up nd I had to take em downstairs
AYINDE: lol whoakay wittle wone
ME: fuck u, this shit weighs more than me! I almost fell down the stairs!
AYINDE: thts cuz ur like 87 lbs
ME: Aye! Give me my props, im like 120
AYINDE: lol i see u killa
I fucking loved when he called me that, made me feel invincible. 
Despite how it seems this isn’t a love story. This isn’t a memoir about me finding my first love. Bleh. That’s so sappy. I want to tell you about the first time I stepped out of my comfort zone. You’ve experienced a snippet of our relationship. Ayinde and I were never together. We were just people who met at the wrong time. Had too much going on in our separate lives to focus on developing a relationship. But it didn’t stop us from pursuing the unique friendship we had. For years we maintained contact, I’d visit him pretty often but we always kept our distance when it came to personal things. We used each other as escapes from our realities. We were each other’s vacation after a long week. 
One night we were hanging out and things got more heated than they usually did. I wasn’t prepared to take the next step with anyone. No worries, I’m not about to make you uncomfortable and talk about how I lost my virginity because that isn’t the point. Before I say anything, I did have a great childhood. But some things did leave me scarred, I struggled with intimacy as a result. To make a long story short, it makes me self conscious, not something I’ll flaunt for the whole world to see. 
I’m the type of girl who will wait until the bathroom is empty to change my pad or start going to the bathroom. If it’s too busy, I’ll wait all day until I go home. In the locker room, I’d find the farthest corner or wait until all the girls leave to change my clothes. I’m not comfortable being alone around men. I used to clench my pocket knife in my hand when I walked home alone at night. The list goes on. 
The point of this memoir is to tell about the first time I felt completely comfortable in my own skin. Let alone, around a guy. 
They were everywhere. Trailing from my neck and back up against mine. His lips were distracting. I could barely focus. Let alone notice that the both of us were wearing less and less clothing by the minute. I stopped. 
I wouldn’t be able to handle him not liking what he saw. What if I did a bad job? What if he stopped talking to me?
“Do you want me to stop?” Ayinde pulled back from me looking concerned. He looks so cute right now. I kind of wanted to pick up where we left off. 
“Ye-No. It’s just, can you turn the lights completely down?” He liked his room dim, not too bright or dark. It was normally perfect but at that moment, they were making this situation turn into a nightmare.
“Um, why? What’s wrong?” He’s still hovering above me. I didn’t really want him to move. I bit my lip, contemplating. 
“Just don’t look at me any differently. Okay?” I pulled him down by the back of his neck and kissed him hard. Hoping that my issues with myself wouldn’t be a big deal, I’ve never gone this far with anyone. 
When the time came. I held my breath. Okay, I see my pants on the floor near the dresser. My shirt is near the door. I was locating my clothing so that I’d be able to leave quicker. I’m not really one to feel embarrassed but this was going to be borderline humiliating if I wasn’t enough for him. This reminded me of how I felt when I failed my driving test, but I wanted to do this with Ayinde. I didn’t want to quit just because I hadn’t grown the balls to show anyone else. I didn’t want to miss out because I was nervous as to what he might think. I had to at least give him a chance. 
What Ayinde did shocked me. Instead of being grossed out or losing his hard on. He didn’t ask any questions, he didn’t say anything. He kissed every part of my body and when he was done he leaned down to kiss my lips. I was worried, about him seeing all of me, for no reason. He wound up giving me the confidence I needed to be comfortable in my own skin. He told me what I needed to hear from a guy that I was into, not my parents: 
“You’re beautiful.”
And just like that... I didn’t have anymore insecurities. 
0 notes
dreamerology · 6 years
If its not a burden all the gay questions
im gonna put this under the cut & hope i dont ramble 2 much
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
not 2 be cheesy but really anything were i can spend time w them…..like just walking around a mall pointing at stuff saying “you” and going 2 a cute coffee shop and Dude……if i lived near any body of water…..walking by the ocean? Cute & ideal
2. whats your “type”
a bright smile, someone who’s taller than me, also someone w a good/similar sense of humor & tbh someone who’s more outgoing than me nd will make me step out of my comfort zone 2 try new things!
3. do you want kids?
not rly no
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
if i end up wanting some in the future i’d like 2 adopt! that was always the plan even before i knew i was gay
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
i havent been on uhhhhh many….idk if it counts but the day my ex asked me out we spent the whole day at this cute little fair in town, came home and napped & then went 2 see the fireworks later it was such a nice day
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
i haven’t
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
night time!!!!
8. opinion on nap dates?
Best Date…….big fan of naps
9. opinion on brown eyes?
brown eyes >>>>>>>>>> (i speak from experience, u can trust me) 
10. dog gay or cat gay?
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
yes (i want a snake even tho nobody seems 2 believe me)
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
how they treat others…..if ur rude i dont have time for u
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
answered earlier!
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
hmmm hide ur shit better and dont feel the need 2 rush and come out if u dont think its gonna go well
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
not rly no
16. who is an ex you regret?
i dont have one
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
minhyuk if that wasnt obvious enough (any of the monstas for that matter……:/)
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
answered earlier!
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
ari & dante have my whole entire heart, thats just the facts 
21. favourite gay youtuber
i dont rly have one i dont watch youtubers that much
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
ive never asked out someone in my life.......too chicken shit. even then i wouldnt b able 2 ask someone out unless i was like 90% sure they liked me back bc im terrified of Rejection 
23. have you ever been in love?
dunno dude........mayb so
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
i…….honestly dont kno…..i havent been able 2 figure this out myself yet,, if anyone had unlocked the secret please lmk
26. favourite lgb musician/band
answered earlier!
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
don’t feel like u need to rush to label urself or anything! i understand for some people its a comfort to have one, but if u dont or if u find u think another term fits better? thats ok! its not the end all be all. ur sexuality is fluid and can change over time, just use whatever is most comfortable and You in the present 
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
answered earlier!
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
o sorta a long story that i dont rly wanna go into detail w (if u rly wanna kno come talk 2 me off anon) but pretty much my mom forced me to out myself 2 her…….yea that wasn’t fun. little tip: dont invade ur kids privacy folks! it will fuck them up! thanks for coming 2 my ted talk
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
i kno how hard and scary it can be, but things will change and get better in the future, you’ll hopefully be able to get out of that environment and surround urself w similar people and those who genuinely care. things will get better and u arent alone 
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