#trying to avoid showing up in tags so that i can evade ban as long as poss xd
coldcrypt · 1 year
need to become the m4le th1nspr0 fr bc this website is ⭐️ed af of it
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nerdy-pixel-girl · 6 years
I have my reasons for posting here instead.
Guys..I am really, really sorry..
I absolutely hate the new "DA" and I will explain why.
But first, I really missed you guys. ;_;
I'm not sure if anyone noticed, I was falsely suspended for 2 weeks, no it is not at all drama related, no one reported me.
( I can prove it if need be, but not on DA )
You guys know how I'm always browsing around DA groups and such and I always come across Pedophilia, Porn and other content that I will report, either to be removed, or if it's unfiltered to get it tagged.
( The mods ask that in their rules, that we report ALL content like that, they will not remove it without reports )
I give the mods explanations and or proof of my claims so that they can understand it better if needed, I'm fairly polite to them.
Thankfully I got several accounts suspended or in trouble, that were posting illegal and disgusting content, and I never had a single issue in my near decade on DA like this, I have never been suspended nor banned.
So, as some of you guys know, my report tool randomly disappeared a while ago, for no reason with no explanation, only an automated ( lazy ) message about how it was suspended.
I emailed them, got no reply for a while, then I got sick of waiting..
I did use an alt to report some pedophilia and the like several days later on, I tried to avoid such content but I ended up seeing some anyways.
Yes, it may seem stupid to risk my account to report something, but I'm still glad I did it as long as it was removed, as seeing 10-14 year old characters having orgies and being raped, molested, and the like did not sit well with me at all, so I reported the many pieces, and went to bed.
I was out all day the next day, and I was feeling okay, several hrs later I got online, turned on YT and listened to some music, a few mins later I turned on DA and got physically sick..I was confused, hurt and very upset.
So I checked my email, I had a message regarding reporting, they literally treated me as a liar and a spammer, I NEVER lied in my reports about art, they never even told me 'how I lied' nor gave any examples..all of this is regarding art reporting, I am no spammer either, I don't report every single day and the staff is not obligated to remove every single thing at once, every person who talked to me about this has called them 'lazy' and I agree completely.
Most people don't even report, and I'm doing good for the community so you should be thankful like wth??
I have been reporting things for yrs, never had a single issue, so it's either a new rule or they're just full of it. :/ I did make a few minor mistakes in some of my reports which can be SEEN as lies but they weren't, like accidentally typing the wrong info on the wrong report from being so flustered and having several tabs open at once.
( I told them that after the fact, they ignored me )
BTW they never even asked if the alt was mine, just bc it was the same IP they banned it with NO confirmation or anything, my siblings, two of them have DA accounts though one left DA, and the other hardly uses it, and they never gave me any kind of warning and I have seen people do major things on this site and either nothing ever happened, OR they got WARNINGS.
( I don't even have my name on the alt, which shows you how dense they are to assume. )
I report art, pedophilia and porn that isn't allowed on DA, and magically I'M the bad guy???
( Both accounts were suspended for two weeks, I think my report tool was suspended for two weeks, then changed to a month..which is bs )
Oh, but it's TOTALLY okay for me to be stalked, harassed, have people block evade to harass me further, to be death/rape/hack threatened, sexually harassed,  and more, and even have people send me virus links which counts as a major crime on DA but NOTHING happened EVER even with hundreds of pieces of proof, if not more!
O_o They're ass backwards and have no idea what they're doing, removing a report tool in it's self is beyond stupid, what if you see REAL pedophilia and no one else would/could report it?? like what is the point of removing the tool, so you don't have to do your job??
( A report tool does GOOD for the community, not bad! people falsely report art, but if they do just ignore them OR give them a warning, if they don't listen suspend THEM, not innocent people!! )
If they 'have a limit' which I do not believe as I've never seen it and there is no limit where it literally stops you from reporting, ENFORCE one instead of being dicks to people, oh yes others have been suspended because of this stupid shit, I don't know names I just talked to people..PS, there is a limit on how many helpdesk reports you can make a day, AKA reporting PEOPLE, but there is no such thing for the art.
I honestly feel they're 'too bothered' to just do their job, I can talk about it freely especially considering it's offsite so they can't do anything to me. :'D
I just feel completely awful that I had to be away from you guys for so long, I couldn't sleep at first, then it got easier..but I felt so dang awful bc I owed art, was chatting with you guys, and the like..only to have some jerks try to ruin things for me over opinions, not facts.
The only thing I 'did wrong' was use an alt, BUT I never did anything wrong in the first place to 'be wrong'?? they even sent me the same message THREE times for two different problems, and each time it was an automated one.... ._. THAT should prove right there how lazy they are.
( Twice on DA, once in an email )
Ever since they've been bought out this shit has happened, the majority of the staff is garbage, the only helpful ones I can think of do like COPPA reports, chat about art, do contests and other fun things for DA.
I hope this never happens again, if you have any questions or would like to add me else where note me!
I don't ever want to lose you guys..OTL the thought of it majorly depressed me..
At least I got a ton of new art done in the mean time..;_; but still..
Sorry this is so long, and sorry if I worried anyone, I'm okay..I'll post more normal updates later on DA, I love you guys so much. ;///;
Try to be careful with DA, they're banning innocent people for no reason and leaving the evil people around..
Please let me know any good news in your lives I'd love to hear it!!
( Comment on my Status not Tumblr please, this is just for you guys on DA )
God bless, I hope you'll all be okay.
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Dual Boss: SSSN Neptune Vasillas + Tex-ism (AKA Epislon Beta)
I must be insane to tackle both a terrorist and the woman who called me an abuser and a pedophile while trying to frame me for suicide at the same time.
But a few hours stuck on a Metal Gear Rising boss while rocking out to a One Punch Man X Revengence remix will do that to a guy so let’s tackle these sons of bitches.
I already tackled the Original here so here’s a link to that whole shibang: 
And now let’s take a look at Tex-isms AKA epislon beta
I’ve tried to stay passive over RWDE since I was harassed by anti-RWDErs but since they know my new URL, who the fuck cares.
And this relates to me...how? Any of my followers can attest it has been a long time since we’ve crossed paths seeing as I have not addressed one of your posts in a matter of months. And not everyone who hates rwde is someone I know: A lot of people hate the tag, it was just the norm to ignore it and I thought that wasn’t for me. It’s entirely possible that the people you’ve encountered just got pissy at you, no doubt for trying to imply something about Miles or something, especially if you tried pulling that crap you did with me and Mage where you called us abusers and pedophiles because we dared to say that Miles liking two cosplayers isn’t disgusting.
I would argue it’s still just as vile, it’s just that no one in the RWDE tag pays attention to them anymore. One of them has literally said he will try to report all of us in the RWDE tag and get us taken off of tumblr if we get him reported for block evasion (Which he has admitted to multiple times).
Yeah, I would. Considering all you have on me is block evasion and I have slander, harassment, suicide baiting and terrorism on my side. Which, considering I blocked your Episoln Beta account and you retailated by using your main account, means I literally have the same shit on all of you and more.
And here’s the thing, switch the words around on that statement and you ahve the RWBY fandom’s opinions on rwde. Except the RWBY fandom hasn’t suicide baited anyone. bullied anyone or harassed anyone. So nice try at the pity party.
And honestly? It’s just going to keep getting more and more vile. A certain anti-RWDE guy continues to just get more and more vile, and the moment the fandom kicks back up again after RTX and RWBY5 stuff is leaked, it’s going to go back to the utter hell it was February-April.
So? The same thing is going to happen to all of you as well:You all go back into finding new stuff to label sexist, racist, ableist or whatever and sue to attack everyone in an attempt to control the show for your own agenda.  Except at the end of the day, I can say I stated the facts as they were, I never lied, I never terrorized anyone, I never threatened anyone, I never willfully misinterpreted shit and I was an all around better person. While also criticizing RWBY, showing you have no excuse for your attitude.
It’s stupid and I hate it. I’m incredibly tired of being harassed by people for not having the same opinions of them on a show, and for not being nice and polite and professional in my critiques and complaints.
Here’s the problem and the reason why even if I leave, you will still get these people: You keep trying to pass off your hate as criticism. I mean, look at what you said “ nice and polite and professional in my critiques and complaints. “ And look at the definition of critique ( a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a written or oral discourse.) your methods contradict your words and thus people rightfully call you out. You want it to stop? Either stop claiming critique or be professional about it. That;s it.
And back to SSSN
See this was why I was happy as soon as they made the tag, cause their gone and so is their harassment and now kkkob can’t bully people for posting (I literally saw him attack a person who doesn’t post rwde often thinking they were new and his greeting was “allow me to welcome you to this shit tag by tearing apart your post.”)
You mean Riprorude? he does post regularly. And even if he didn’t, it was a segway into my critical dissection. Meaning someting that wasn’t menat to be serious to took as such. Good job there.
And really? My criticism is bullying? Then what do you call attacking Miles and harassing him and threatening because he doesn’t do what you want? If I’m a bully, what does that make you?
Over an opinion! Kob never was a rational person who wanted to “bring criticism back” he’s a menace, a racist, a bully, a child and a tyrant who doesn’t like opinions that don’t host his own.
And really Because last time I covered you, you were the racist, bully,child and tyrant who said that if artists don’t put in diversity they derserve to be harassed and attacked. Over an opinion as well and you were speaking for a group who didn’t want you to, actively pushing back equality and basically being a terrorist. Nice try there, bucko.
More legit criticisms, this tag is free again for everyone.
Unless said person doesn’t think jaune is the devil, Sun isn’t being abusive drunken racist, Taiyang was being the worst parent in the show or that miles should be criticized without trying to get him to hang himself. (Hyperbole) If so, then they’re wrong and you must weed them out just as you did before me and you will do afterward.
And back to Tex:
Kob ain’t done bullying people. I’m like not even joking when I say he’s getting worse. It’s just that we’ve all blocked him.
Really? Because I have never threatened you or terrorized you or called you something you weren’t all because I dared to speak up. That’s all on rwde.
and finally SSSN:
Tbh the more people comment on this and my other posts the more I’m realizing that these people aren’t as quiet as I thought they were, they just moved on to attacking other people
Not really, I tackled the likes of Sokumo, RWBYcriticism and you all before and continue to after I was blocked as I am doing now. You just want to make me out to be this tyrant when all I’m doing is calling you out on your shit.
Now I believe thats everything here. I got done sooner tanI though-
Oh boy, extra bosses. And It’s getting rather late so my energy tank is almost empty.
Oh well, as Friedric Nietzche once said, “ Everyone who has ever built anywhere a new heaven first found the power thereto in his own hell.” So, I’ll take this challenge!
First, Bluepulser!
Kob/mageknight/whatever literally stalked my non-rwby posts with an alt account for like an entire week until I blocked them again and they noticed they could get banned from the site for block evading.
All ofyour posts huh? Mind proving that with an example of two? No? Then i can point to my history of only talking RWBY topics with you and nothing else as proof you are lying and probably trying to incite hate and get me kicked off. Considering your attack did nothing o me, it failed. Hopelessly.
Now for the king pin himself, Sokumotaka
And you know what? Let him. It’ll just keep piling up and he’ll continue to make an ass out of himself then we’ll have all this evidence against him.
People who think we’re overreacting will take one look at his blog and avoid him like the plague, he’ll slip up and we’ll be here living our lives in peace.
Heh, this gives me hope. Not in the words themselves seeing as this guy suicide baited me and tried to slander the crtq tag because I dared to try to move on and make a place where people can choose to be professional about stuff, But that rwde isn’t as bad as I thought seeing as I said something similar (minus the evidence part because he alone is proof). Although he could just be blind to how terrible he’s acting and I’m childishly thinking that the possibility of an absolute wrong is impossible. Still doesn’t do anything for his hypocrisy and blindness to himself.
Wow, that took shorter than I expected. But I tackled 4 of the big rwde posters. Guess I-
Welp, I am really pushing it now. But surpassing my limits is what is needed for me to make my point so let’s battle!
Tex-ism, Final round!
The unfortunate part is, this is very localized to the RWDE tag, and there’s only two groups i nthat tag: People who know about kob and are harassed by him, and people who don’t care and agree w/ how he treats us
Well, maybe if you hadn’t sunk all of your reputations attacking everyone, lying about so much and playing the victim card, people might listen. But even at my worst, you people still deserve it.
Sokumo and pageoflore huh? Let’s go fuckers!
This is KOB’s tone in every single post they make, tbh. Like regardless of intent arguing with them is like beating your head against an extremely dense brick wall. “Rational” and “unbiased” aren’t really words I would use for them.
And rational and unbiased,  considering you laugh off everything I say with “lol salty fanboy” or memes isn’t something I call you either. Especially since I have been reasoned with in the past, you people are just constant failures at this.
And now you, my archnemsis Sokumotaka
Exactly, getting mad at him won’t solve anything especially now, he’s out of our hair for the time being and he’ll get his.
Sorry but it’s too late for that. I’m already here and shown that you have posted hate around me. So how long you wanna beat you terrorize me or threaten me? Because considering Epsilon Beta and Dudeblade, it won’t be long.
And I’ll answer for what I do but the problem here is that I’m not doing anything bad and you all keep pulling some bullshit out of your pants to throw at me, trying to drive me away. Guess what? I faced all of you here and now and won so I think that's a testament to how much it’ll take to beat me.
And that’s a large amount of people, and as rwby possibility grows and such people will learn and people who don’t go to rwde will steal see these and avoid him.
I already have many people whom visited his tag yet never dealt with rwby who think he’s a nuisance. It’ll just keep growing too.
And I have a large number of people who have seen my stuff and agree with me as well, funny thing about followers huh? Especially since you can feed them all the lies, cut off screen shots, manipulated facts and shit all you want and no one will call you out on it as well, especially since tehy never delanwith RWBY and thus don’t know better. Convientant huh?
This is Knight Of Balance, It’s 12:10 Am. I have been up for sixteen hours, cleaned my house, wiped up cat pee three times, been yelled at twice and stuck on a boss for an hour. And I just went through my first boss rush and won
Good Night,
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newssplashy · 6 years
Synthetic Marijuana, Black Mamba: A new deadly form of marijuana is slowly wreaking havoc in Nigeria's cities
The artificial variant of marijuana, also called "Black Mamba", has been reported to cause mental episodes, hallucinations, convulsions, kidney failure and a ‘zombie-like’ state of intoxication that can lead to death.
There’s a new drug on the streets of Lagos.
Most users prefer to smoke it, usually mixed with high-grade marijuana and rolled up in papers like tobacco and weed.
Although it can come in almost any color, the backroom chemists who make it often use dried herbs or lawn clippings to make sure it looks closely like the real stuff, so it often appears something between a deep shade of green and damp brown.
In the real sense, it looks a lot like marijuana, but it’s the farthest thing from marijuana that you’ve ever heard of.
It is widely reported that, beneath the surface of daily activity, Nigeria is on the cusp of a major drug problem.
The aggressive emergence of a culture of casual drug use has been supported by the presence of players at every major level of the drug chain.
On one hand, production is high as ever, even as makers of amphetamine have been discovered in Lagos and Rivers.
Nigeria’s status as a transit country is also not in question; since the early years of military rule, large amounts of cocaine have been funneled through the country under various guises.
And now, while the consumption of drugs like marijuana and opioids like Codeine and Tramadol has reached an alarming rate, a new, unfriendly substance is causing convulsions, kidney failure and a ‘zombie-like’ state of intoxication that can lead to death.
 Synthetic marijuana, like the name suggests, is a collection of man-made chemicals that mimic the effect of marijuana and are sprayed on dried herbs or similar substances, wrapped in brightly colored packs and sold as an alternative to marijuana that is both ‘legal’ and more potent.
In the United States and the UK, it is sold under three major brand names; "Spice", "K2" and "Black Mamba", for as low as $1 per bag. This is key because it puts it in the ballpark of the most susceptible; the homeless, poor and young students.
In many ways, this affordability is a major reason why the use of the drug is spreading rapidly in areas like Lagos, Port-Harcourt, and Abuja.
But aside that, many other factors, like easy access, are contributing their quota.
Synthetic marijuana is relatively new in Nigeria, so the sale and use are not as ‘elaborate’ as it is on the other side.
It is mostly sold in head-shops here, small outfits that sell accessories used for the consumption of cannabis and tobacco, as well as items that form part of that culture, like weed-branded shirts and Bob Marley bandannas.
Outfits like this are scattered around Lagos and Victoria Islands.
There are also reports that it is sold by dealers of more expensive strains of marijuana and designer drugs in the highbrow areas of Lagos.
Synthetic marijuana is sold in small quantities for a little as 2,000 naira and as much as 10,000 naira, depending on the size of the bag and where it is bought. The substance itself is sealed tight in small, shiny bags about the size of a sugar or tea bag with the brand name written across it.
On the streets where this drug is slowly claiming victims, the tags vary; ‘Colorado’, ‘Black Mamba’, ‘Lamba’ (when mixed with Loud, a highly potent strain of marijuana), ‘Happy Boy’ or ‘Scooby Snax’.
The names are admittedly more colorful than you’d expect; what the packs contain is anything but.
Most of the clamor against synthetic weed has been made by people who have either experimented with the drug, or have seen its effects on frequent, and even first-time users. And as more people come in contact with the drug, the numbers are rising and the voices are getting louder.
On social media website, Twitter, a user @sofireginald recounted her experience with the drug in a series of tweets.
Some of her friends had ‘tried’ the drug and, despite diluting it with large amounts of tobacco, what they got was nowhere near the pleasurable high they were hoping for; according to her tweets, one of them had gone completely deaf for three days, another went so mental that she was held in medical care for three weeks… and counting.
Apparently alarmed by these experiences, she advised users to stay away from "Colorado or comorado or whatever name you people have coined for it"
One of her tweets read, “I’ve seen people cry, convulse, take off their clothes and do other weird shit. You can actually go insane. It’s not remotely healthy.”
  Segun (not real name) agrees that synthetic marijuana is very dangerous; he also thinks that it is difficult to explain the true extent of its danger to people who have never tried it or seen it at work.
Segun is an avid marijuana user; he has smoked at least a blunt a day, consistently, for over three years.
One day, while driving home after work, a friend showed him a half-rolled blunt that he had gotten from another friend earlier that day; just two hits had “fucked him up”, but for some reason, he felt he was overreacting.
This friend offered the mystery blunt to Segun and another colleague who was on the ride; ever the adventurous smokers, but unwilling to take too much of a risk, they took three light ‘drags’ each. What came immediately after was an intense, harsh high, and a comedown made in hell.
“I don’t know how to describe it. At first, I was feeling these strange sensations at the back of my head and my shoulders.”, Segun recounts. “My right leg, it felt almost detached. It felt like if it stayed still for long, it would feel like it was not there any more”
“I could only think about one particular thing at a time. My thought process was limited to handling the steering and using the brake. I had no idea where I was driving to, or where I was.”
“I couldn’t just remember. It was as if something crazy would happen if I tried to think of anything else. All I could do was drive and say guy (when my friends talked to me)", he said. “I had to increase the volume of the music to avoid falling into this place that the drug was taking me to”
“When I got home, I ate and bragged a lot about the high, then I blacked out. I don’t remember these things happening. I can only tell you because I was told”, Segun adds.
 He is one of the lucky people. There have been reports of people having worse highs while on synthetic weed, sometimes inflicting self harm. In one case, a user jumped off a ledge, broke his leg and carried on, completely oblivious to what had happened and the broken leg he was trying to stand on.
For all the novelty of these accounts, you will be mistaken to assume that they are isolated events.
In recent weeks, various people have reported seeing the distinctive colorful packs of ‘Spice’ in different places, from the Afrika Shrine in Ikeja, to Vantage, a hotel, and lounge, in Lekki.
In the 1990s, John W. Huffman, a chemist from South Carolina in the United States, began researching artificial ways to replicate cannabinoids, the active chemicals that cause the behavioral and psychoactive changes that we interpret as being ‘high’.
Marijuana was a banned Schedule 1 substance in the United States at the time, and Huffman needed to replicate these chemicals for his research on the health effects of marijuana while avoiding the implications of experimenting with a banned substance.
He found some success years after; one of the compounds he developed replicated the desired effects and was shown to help reduce skin cancer and brain tumors in lab mice.
Huffman published his findings in the mid-2000s, complete with instructions on how to re-create the chemical compound he had developed that he said could be followed by a “halfway decent undergraduate chemistry major in three steps” using materials that can be purchased by just about anyone.
 Needless to say, there were more than enough capable chemistry graduates at the time. In the years that followed, manufacturers created it in large quantities and began to sell it in head shops, packaged as air fresheners, aromatic leaves or potpourri.
Most experts agree that Spice was first sold as a recreational drug in the UK in 2004.
Huffman’s original compound was the product of years of rigorous research and had been fine-tuned to achieve as little harm as possible, but even at that, it was extremely dangerous.
In time, cities around the US became aware of the health and social risks that it posed. Between 2014 and 2015, New York and other states banned the substance out-rightly.
The manufacturers responded in the most unexpected way.
The original anti-spice laws only recognized the class of compounds close to Huffman’s original template; so the manufacturers set about using it to create their own chemical compounds that could replicate marijuana and evade the laws.
As new laws are created in Europe and the United States to tackle the production of spice, the manufacturers have become more experimental, pushing the boundaries and creating new chemicals that they do not totally understand.
It is why, regardless of the ‘ingredients’ listed on the packaging, no-one ever really knows what is in a spice blunt. Not even the manufacturers themselves.
What they have managed to create is a concoction of random chemicals that can take a user to the fringes of insanity and, as in a case where 33 New Yorkers were rushed to the hospital in July 2016, turn them into living, breathing ‘zombies’.
It then begs the question: What makes a person want to be so high that they use a drug that rids them of control of the mind and body?
Few regular users of synthetic marijuana hardly ever find the words to recount their experience in useful detail; but among those who have ‘tried’ the drug, a number have lived to tell the tale.
They describe the feeling of being high on synthetic weed as something entirely different from regular, natural marijuana.
While regular cannabis gives a feeling of light euphoria, drowsiness, increased sensory awareness (and paranoia among new users), this synthetic high is something between extreme paranoia and a deep, aggressively overwhelming trance.
Users begin to act erratically almost immediately after smoking. Even where two individuals use the same batch, their reactions can be completely different.
Some users are so bemused that they break into spontaneous, intense laughter, others become severely anxious and paranoid that they literally withdraw into themselves and become hostile at any attempt to make contact or have a conversation.
Either way, they enter a world of their own, one where the norms and behavior of sobriety are inaccessible, to put it lightly.
In many ways, it is the case with all forms of recreational drug use and it's eventual, usually unavoidable abuse. Most drug users do so for the euphoria, mental liberty and the feeling of detachment that can come with being high.
In this sense, it is a journey between two extremes; release, euphoria, and weightlessness on one hand and the reality of daily life and its momentary worries on the other.
Users of synthetic marijuana are simply more willing, usually by reason of circumstance or sheer misdirected curiosity, to explore the former extreme to its farthest ends; what they find is usually a chaotic inverse that one can hardly emerge from without any harm.
The compounds that make up synthetic marijuana were never meant to be inside the human body. When they are, the damage they cause is immense.
“Some of the short term effects on the mind include but aren’t limited to; unresponsiveness, loss of consciousness, confusion, altered time sense, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, severe paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis and potential suicide”, says Victor Ugo, a medical doctor who is the founder of Mentally Aware Initiative, a mental health advocacy program based in Lagos, Nigeria.
In cities like New York and London where spice is already a major problem, there are entire groups of the homeless, poor, delinquent and wanderers who use the drug in groups during smoking sessions in not-so-secluded places.
Locals call them “zombies”.
The name comes from the ‘zombie-like’ state they enter after using the drug, where they seem to lose all capacity to understand, process information and make decisions.
In extreme cases, ‘zombies’ can black out and become almost motionless, falling over whatever is in sight when the high takes effect.
It can take days or weeks for a user to feel completely rid of the feeling. When they regain consciousness, there is usually no memory of these events.
With some medical help and abstinence, recovery can happen at a much quicker pace but, even in the case of a first time user, the drug usually causes permanent damage to brain cells and long-term behavioral changes.
It is not that easy to escape the effects of synthetic marijuana on the body’s anatomy.
According to Ugo, “from medical analyses, it has been found that the active ingredients are dangerous and toxic”.
“The drug has severe short and long term effects of the human body, with no limit to which vital organ it affects.”, he adds.
Short term use can cause “nausea and vomiting, heavy sweating, uncontrolled/spastic body movements, acute kidney injury, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure and reduced blood supply to the heart”.
Long-term users face health risks that are far worse and can be, in extreme cases, terminal. “Unlike the non-synthetic Marijuana which isn’t known to be addictive, synthetic Marijuana can be addictive”, Ugo says.
“It can lead to withdrawal symptoms which include craving, nightmares, heavy sweating, nausea, tremors, headaches, extreme tiredness, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, problems thinking clearly and neglect of other interests or duties.”
“After repeated use of the drug, users can experience forgetfulness and confusion. We’ve at times heard of and read about users/addicts experiencing paralysis”, he continues.
Beyond these health concerns, there is also the social implication of dealing with such an addictive drug that is mostly used by the youth and individuals on the fringes of society.
Factors like these have pushed governments in countries most hit by synthetic marijuana to educate the population, enact legislation and provide intensive rehabilitation in a bid to defeat what is fast becoming an epidemic.
The reverse is the case in Nigeria. Despite reports of overdoses, insanity and organ failure caused by synthetic marijuana in recent months, Nigeria’s drug agencies are yet to even show any signs that they are even aware of the drug’s existence.
For now, the full extent of their focus is on often-celebrated cannabis busts that end with press releases and high-definition pictures.
(Efforts to reach the Lagos State Command of the Nigerian Police Force were not responded to)
As they tackle a rapidly emerging epidemic, countries in the West have considered and explored many routes to get synthetic marijuana off their streets.
In the UK, stringent laws have been enacted to discourage the production, sale, and use of synthetic marijuana.
The United States’ approach to solving this problem has involved similar stringent laws, but also a trend where states have legalized medical and recreational marijuana at various levels. While some believe this approach is as liberal as it gets, there are others who feel it is not liberal enough.
In the alternative, certain individuals and pro-Spice groups have called for a more liberal approach to synthetic marijuana around the world.
They claim that the original compound that Huffman developed was the product of years of scientific research, and much safer than what is sold today.
What they advocate is that the government sponsors research into synthetic marijuana with a view to developing compounds that are safer to consume.
Regardless of the many differing opinions, one thing is certain, that more people need to be educated on the perils of using and selling synthetic marijuana.
Unlike regular marijuana, synthetic marijuana is hardly stored in bulk or sold in dark dens under the bridge, so law enforcement agents must drop their usual model of random raids for an approach that relies more on community policing and coordinated investigations.
Anti-Spice laws must also be created, with heavy sanctions for those who violate its provisions.
In all fairness, the spread of synthetic marijuana has come faster than was first feared, but the dangers that it poses demand that efforts against it move even quicker.
Today, it’s just a drug that has put a number of people in the hospital, but there's nothing to stop it from becoming a full blown epidemic.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/05/synthetic-marijuana-black-mamba-new.html
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