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knightofspades · 1 year ago
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hi here's a try3 sketch i drew for lunar new year :))
yeah it's the outfits from vg0 again, except this time I did not spend hours drawing them haha. don't look too hard at this!
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gearchronocle · 1 year ago
important news: i'm normal about try3. see you at 10
"...Chrono, I mean this lovingly, but you two are practically the only people who don't know. What do you have to say about the way you look at eachother? How you call eachother your one and only rivals? How is any of that-" She does a big gesture with her hands to truly drive the point home. (Because for Tokoha, matchmaking is more important than a 9-5.) "-strictly platonic?!"
or: tokoha tries to get shion and chrono together bc
1. They clearly like eachother. Their pining? It's a problem.
2. THEY'RE SO GODAWFULLY DENSE and it frustrates Tokoha a ton.
however, there's a third problem!
3. Her best friends are way too good looking, and so despite trying to get them to talk about their feelings for eachother, Tokoha is catching feelings herself.
or basically, try3 polycule is real whatchu gonna do abt it?
if this doesnt convicne u to read it this line should bc im a genius and so incredibly funny and awesome and you should all love me bc im so cool
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cfv-week · 5 months ago
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We're back for the third time! Here are the how to, rules and prompts for Cardfight Vanguard Prompt Week 2024! Mark October 7th - 13th in your calendars!
How it works:
Chose a prompt that speaks to you and create something related to that theme. You can also combine several prompts if you so chose.
Post your creation on the day the prompt is assigned to, right here on tumblr.
Tag the post with #cfvweek2024
We will reblog all contributions in the tag onto this blog. Make sure to follow us so you can see them all!
If you post fanfiction to AO3, add them to the collection "CFV Prompt Week 2024".
Any and all sorts of contributions are welcome. Fanart, fanfictions, edits, moodboards, memes, playlists, headcanon posts, gifs etc.
If you end up missing the date of the prompt, don’t worry! We accept late entries as well.
Please note that this week is specifically for the original CFV, CFV G and the V series reboot (which includes Shinemon and IF). This means no Overdress. Apologies to Overdress lovers, but it’s the former series that we want to keep alive in the present age.
We don't accept AI-generated content.
NSFW (violence, gore, M or E rated fics and such) content is allowed, but only if tagged appropriately.
You're welcome to combine your entries for this event with any other prompt events, writing or art challenges you want to participate in, such as Whumptober, Fictober, Flufftober, Omnious October etc.
Transcription of prompts under the cut:
Day 1: Favorite Minor Character | Sick Fic | Pets
Favorite Minor Character:
We Vanguard fans are SERIOUS about our side characters! Let's show some love to the fantastic characters that were given a jarring lack of content in the series! Maybe your favorite character overall is a member of the main cast, but now it's time to pick somebody from the sidelines to appreciate just as much!
Sick Fic:
What a classic we've got here today, folks. You don't necessarily have to write a fic for this (though it's totally encouraged)! Just create anything you want involving those down days. Characters getting sick in fiction can help show off so many neat and hidden traits, so be creative and make whatever you see fit (or not fit, because somebody is sick)!
PETS! What more could you even ask for? We've got only a few pets to thrive off of in the show, so lets show some love to them… or maybe think up some original ones! Maybe somebody has a secret pet, or maybe there was a random line of dialogue about a pet at some point? Who knows what could happen, but it ought to be great.
Day 2: Favorite Team | PSYqualia | Memories
Favorite Team:
We've got SO many to choose from! And not even just the main teams like Q4 and TRY3; how about silly little teams like the iconic Miwa-Morikawa-Izaki-Emi squad? Go wild! Whether it be a competitive Vanguard playing team, or just characters that work well together, there's bound to be some really great teams to make stuff for!
Now here's something real intriguing… PSYQualia was the fictional power used to communicate with the Planet Cray and the illustrated cards that came from it, but it had drawbacks. Will you represent it in its corruptive origins, or its positive future? Go for it!
I'm sure everyone has some kind of fond memories that came from Vanguard, or maybe you'll want to represent how memories are presented by the characters! A large amount of the series revolves around memories, surprisingly enough- Misaki's whole life is pretty much centered around them, and Seasons 2 and 4 seriously threw us for a doozy. Let's make this a day to remember!
Day 3: Favorite Outfit | Fluff | Magic AU
Favorite Outfit:
YIPPEE!!! Maybe that's a little exaggerated, but c'mon- who doesn't love a good outfit. Vanguard's got some seriously cool fits, if not just for the characters, then on the card art! Look around and find your inspiration, or maybe even create an outfit you'd think would be a fan favorite!
No one could ever lie and say they don't like fluff. Sweetness, love, care, and everything in-between. It can be soft, tooth-rotting, comforting! Do as you please and pick out your favorite fantasies for this one, we're sure it'll be more than appreciated.
Magic AU
Vanguard has its fair share of magical elements! But what if they got taken in slightly different way, a step to the left? Or maybe even a leap! Are they all wizardly figures? Magical girls? Maybe there's just something 'magical' in the air? Go wild, throw out a magic-based alternate universe!
Day 4: Favorite Relationship | Betrayal | Cray & Lore
Favorite Relationship:
Besties, lovers, enemies, and everything in-between, everyone loves a compelling relationship. But which one is your favorite? Are you enamored with the way some characters hate each other? Or maybe you just really want to show off your favorite ship! Pick your favorite Vanguard relationship, and if you have multiple? The more the merrier!
Uh oh… There's no shortage of evil in Vanguard, and betrayal can come from anywhere. Does it coincide with the Reverse, PSYqualia, or maybe just human nature? Pick an act of betrayal or make up your own, because - no matter what, it's gonna hurt real good.
Cray and Lore:
The planet Cray is SO COOL and SO UNEXPLORED! Delve deep into the lore of the planet, or think up something fresh and cool for it! Blaster Blade and Dragonic Overlord are only the tip of this awesome iceberg, and there's endless things to explore!
Day 5: Favorite Episode | Family | Birthday
Favorite Episode:
Can you even believe there's 196 episodes JUST in the original run, and hundreds more after that? With all that Vanguard, you're bound to have some favorite episodes! Let's all skim through the runs and pick a favorite to represent, there's so so so many to enjoy!
Family comes in all shapes and sizes, and the Vanguard characters became a family over and over again, without a doubt. Choose a family in Vanguard, by blood or not, to create for, and enjoy!
We've got TWO BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK! Today is Mamoru Anjou's birthday, and Kourin Tatsunagi's is on the 13th of October! Show them some extra love, or maybe pick another birthday to celebrate! We love our characters, and their birthdays, whether fictional or not, are always fun.
Day 6: Favorite Clan | Crossover | Secret Identity
Favorite Clan:
I know, I know… This might be an impossible task. But we have to try! Pick a Vanguard clan that you can call your favorite, and show it some appreciation! This can extend out to newer or old standards of clan systems, in any way you like!
Vanguard has endless opportunities to pair up with other series, it's all pretty open! Crossovers are ALWAYS FUN, and it's refreshing to play with other media that we also love! Maybe one of your favorite shows has Vanguard cards in it now, or maybe Vanguard characters are in the book you're reading or new anime you're watching! Who knows, have fun!
Secret Identity:
Oooh… A secret! There's already representation of this trope in Vanguard plenty of times! Remember Ninja Master M, and the Team Unknown debacle? The time Kyou was the Abominable Snowman? Maybe even make up your own, go wild! Whether it's online or behind a mask, there's plenty of ways to hide your identity. But remember- it's a secret!
Day 7: Favorite Parallel | Endings & New Beginnings | FREE
Favorite Parallel:
Contrasting motives in media is probably one of the most exciting things I could ever think of. What contrasts and parallels do you see in Vanguard? Blaster Dark and Blaster Blade, perhaps? Character arcs, episode structures, the lore of the cards and the journey of our protagonists... There's parallels everywhere. Delve deep for this one, and find something really interesting to analyze!
Endings and New Beginnings:
Vanguard has some of our absolute favorite endings and beginnings ever, so why not go ahead and show them off? The transition of each arc, each era, each generation, is something to be celebrated. May it be the end of a big tournament, or the beginning of a new season altogether, or something totally different and unexpected!
YOU'RE FREE! Do literally anything you want for this last day of CFV Week! Doodle assisticat, make a cool edit, take a picture of your CFV merch, throw out a moodboard, write a 200k word fic (okay, maybe don't try to do that in just one day). But, whatever you choose to do, let's end this week with a bang!
We cannot wait to see what you guys come up with!
Lots of Love, the mod team
PS: Don't forget to use #cfvweek2024 so we can easily find your contributions!
Additionally, you can tag us if you’d like, to make sure we see your posts!
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unicelluar0rgan · 8 months ago
Cfv head cannons!!
I didn’t edit tetsu cause he’s already perfect
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I also did DivineZ and Try3 hcs!! I’ll post them when edit some more of the g and DivineZ cast
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breathofthebloodlily · 24 hours ago
28, 35, 40
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
In original stuff, rn what comes to mind is Alnitak, from my tragically half-finished Alien Abduction Romance Novel from back in 2015. They were one of the two love interests, a Generally Positive embodiment of chaos, and generally wonderful to write because of... idk how to describe it other than Their Rhythm. The writing equivalent of how a character moves on screen and how they occupy the space and time that's available. Think of it maybe as the concept of Comedic Timing but expanded to everything.
In fandom, I thought about this a long while and I think my answer isn't a character but a group: whenever I got to write TRY3 (from cardfight vanguard G) interacting, or even referencing each other. Just their dynamic as a unit. It was so good. I think I wrote a lot of my best lines when writing these three.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Anything about the anglo saxon obsession with paring sentences down to their bare bones, but also I really don't agree with the whole "never use perception verbs" stuff. Not everything has to feel like you're reading a movie. The use of perception to create shifts in perspective and manipulate the feeling of time is a GREAT tool that, among other things, makes things feel more character-focused than just action-focused, and while we're at it, exposition sentences are also a great tool, not because they in themselves give much info, but because the combination of them with what comes after can do a massive amount of work re: tone, characterisation, worldbuilding, atmosphere, genre-building. A tiny pinch of dissonance can do SO much heavy lifting without having to actually Tell anything about a character's beliefs or personality etc and I really think people sleep on it.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
oh my god I don't read enough poetry for this and I feel like just quoting YES YES the tiger is out might be a little sad (as much as I love it) so uh. PLEASE do not judge this shit that I wrote like 15 years ago.
It has a couple of missing/temporary words in brackets bc I never did finish it.
It is the simmering of nerves
--of K, and Na, and H rushing too fast, too early--
and the tinkling bell of pain runs and is lost, washed
(in the wave)
Hipbones that hum, and a spine who sings,
and my voice need not tremble, my eyes not fall away;
the dull beat of flesh, seething beneath its skin,
hides better in [...] than ever in [denial]
And burn, in alveoles shriveled, and yield to the battering ram
(the air is crisp and sweet in its frost)
of current and unconscious sparks.
Embrace the world, only it can soothe you now
The shiver always races from hair to nape to wrist
and through the throat the air can reach
and grasp and caress where the skin would shrivel
Magma still will run (and for strife I will thirst)
(And tread left and tread right and your hips will glide on the chord of "yet";
it is momentum, and running needs no breath.
And drums will sound the war of haemophilia)
The tendons still will sing.
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mtbluecat · 2 years ago
Enishi and 28 for the ask game?
hlskfsdjlksfjlff i'll never forget his introduction in girs crisis. haha silly try3 choosing to do my branch's challenge last
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delinquentshipping · 6 months ago
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“Congratulations Team Striders!!!”
Were the echoed cheers of familiar voices from close friends, former teammates and the ever growing inner circle of people who had some role to play in the bizarre Vanguard abnormalities that occurred; gathering around a platform for a trio who had found themselves being blindingly and unknowingly led by the joint efforts of Mamoru and Jaime. Removing their blind folds, the trio were surprised to see a rather recognisable beach of a now rather familiar luxury resort island with its recognisable party of people.
“You guys planned all this!? You really shouldn’t have...” the red hair was grinning at the sight, his words said one thing but his eyes spoke volumes of how awesome he was finding it all as he looked round at all the familiar faces.  “I can’t believe you managed to keep this hidden this whole time!”
“From you Chrono, it isn’t too hard, you are still as dense as they come” his former Try3 team mate teased with a playful smirk as Chrono glared down at Shion, “Kazuma and Taiyou on the other hand, were much tougher to throw off the trail, once they started asking questions.”
Switching his gaze from Shion to the two boys that made up Team Striders, Chrono was greeted by the typical neutral expression he’d come to expect off Kazuma, the boys grey eyes, quickly shifting back over the crowd as he broke eye contact, “in a term you’d understand Swirlyhead, you could be hit with a triple crit and still have the point go over your head” smirked the blue haired boy as he took a quick glance over to watch Chrono struggle to think up a decent come back.
“Ah, Kazuma-san, be nice this is a meant to be a party right?” interjected their youngest member, who had become use to stepping into the pairs conversation before they escalated but in a way they had also become endearing to the younger boy, it was all part of the parcel that made Team Striders so fun, so unique!
“I can see that but what for? What makes winning the Under 20 so special this time? … It isn’t exactly like last time, it was just a… ”
“Let’s not sour the mood; I can understand how this feat may seem less significant but the feat Team Striders achieved at this years Under 20 is one for the record books…” spoke up Mamoru, who once more helped Kouji Ibuki, run the event as his right hand man, if anything while still only being a clan leader the Kagero user was almost acting double duty, often being the Chairman’s go to guy when matters came up or he had any concerns.
“You mean you really don’t know?” questioned the tall boy formerly from Shion’s school, still as quiet and passive sounding as they remembered despite getting Ren Suzagamori’s blessing to keep running the Fukuhara Vanguard club despite having graduated, in his words, it was as good as entrusted to him.
“I’m not surprised, Chrono may be dense but being clueless is a trait shared across all of Team Striders” teased Tokoha as she spun on heel, snapping her fingers towards an older orange haired man who was busy taping away at his screen and, almost as if on Tokoha’s queue of command he flipped the screen over to show the trio on stage what the hype was really all about.
“No way, are you serious…” were the first words to be spoken by Kazuma as they registered the words on screen. “That’s amazing, Chrono-san! Kazuma-san! Can you believe it!” cheered Taiyou unable to hide his enthusiasm or excitement from this new discovery, this was another feat accomplished all thanks to being a member of Team Striders! “So…what you’re saying is…were the second team in the history of the Under 20 to successfully defend the title…?”  Chrono finally spoke up, his puzzled expression and surprise slowly faded, turning into a huge grin, which Kazuma silently observed from the other side of the stage with a quiet smile of his own. The Swirlyhead’s excitement and enthusiasm was definitely easy to get sucked in to. “Then who was the first?”
“About 8 years ago, a team called Eleforce won two successful Under 20’s in a row but were unable to defend the title for a third time due to the age bracket, with two of its members passing the 20 mark before the next tournament.” Shion explained, as Kazuma watched Taiyou and Chrono listen intently to the supposed perfect prince reel off the information like some online encyclopaedia page.
“If I recall the team was made up of a Bermuda Triangle user, a Neo Nectar Musketeer and a Kagero member” Kazumi spoke up, the older brother of Kazuma being one of the few new faces to join this not so super-secret group.  
“How original…” “Don’t get snippy…but what is it with teams and Kagero members being trump card team mates?” Chrono instantly jumped in as he glanced over at the other boy “I mean, wasn’t the team Kamui was with say that their Kagero user was the go to guy when they needed a win to come back from behind?” “But Chrono san…I would have said you were our trump card player…” “And unless there’s something you’re not telling us you’re a Gear Chronicle user and that’s a Dark Zone clan right…” “O…Of course! No other clan comes close…” stammered Chrono at their teasing but at the same time couldn’t help but smile, after everything they had been through, the times he botched up big time and yet they still had that much faith in him.
“Alright, that’s enough winding each other up and standing around, this is supposed to be a celebration, so let’s get the event started!” butted in Tokoha once more before anything else could be said; it was on the tip of their tongue and the green haired girl could see it clearly. While it was no surprise that the second former Try3 member was getting the ball rolling, after all she was known for her hands on attitude towards festivities and events after helping out at the Dragon Empire branch so much when she was younger. With a quick nod from the trio up top and another loud cheer the party truly begun.
The hours passed quickly, with various games, catch up, food not organised by Jaime but a joint effort between Shion and Ibuki to guarantee it was actually going to be there for once and of course even more card fighting; much to Chrono’s delight, his capacity to enjoy every fight like it was his first time playing was impressive when considering all the titles he had to his name.
“Are you really going to tell them today?” Shion questioned calmly as he drew a card, glancing up at the younger boy, who simply nodded back.
“Hmm…if I don’t do it now, I feel like I’ll bottle it and the next Under 20 will be their last chance to enter, I want to face Chrono on an equal field while I still can…”
“I stride, Aerial Divine Knight Altmile!” Shion started, turning over another Altmile in his G-zone,“ I see, considering everything you’ve said, I think it’s a good idea, I’m certain Chrono and Kazuma will understand.”
“You think so? I don’t want them to think I’m turning my back on the team…”
“When Try3 split up to go their own way, it was strange at first meeting back up as rivals but if we didn’t, I don’t believe any of us would have got to the stage of Vanguard we are all at now!” Tokoha spoke up from the side, having had watched the pair fight from the start, after all Taiyou wanted to run it by both of them first; after himself and Kazuma, the pair that made up the former team Try3 were the ones who knew Chrono best.
“Separating isn’t goodbye you know, you’re still so young Taiyou, branching out is only natural…So, who do you have in mind for your team? You sound like you have at least one team mate in mind already?”
“Yeah, it’s Moriyama Hiroki from school but we haven’t decided on a third yet…” Taiyou nodded back with a confident smile at the two older Cardfighters.
“You mean that boy who worked for Myojin? What a turn of events but in a way very fitting...”
“You think so…?” Taiyou started with a creeping blush, giving people second chances was something Chrono-san would do; if anything it was trait shared across Try3 with Tokoha giving Satoru Enishi a second chance when she invited him onto her team after everything he had done for Myojin. Even Shion had success to an extent with a reformed Rin Hashima after everything that had happened at the United Sanctuary branch; days which Taiyou preferred not to dwell on. Perhaps now it was his turn to offer that same chance as the younger boy smiled contently thinking about it.
“Hiroki has calmed down a lot since then, he pays more attention to people and the things around him, as well as friendlier, and he’s supportive and as determined as ever! It was actually his idea… ”
“Knight of Twin Sword attacks the Vanguard!”
“No guard…” Taiyou reluctantly responds after looking at his hand, this was Shion’s fifth attack thanks to that stand trigger and he no longer had the cards left in his hand to defend, betting it all on a potential heal trigger “damage check…heh, looks like this round is yours as well Shion” Taiyou tried to bravely smile back as he placed the sixth damage onto the pile, the younger boy staring at his sixth damage Gurguit, with the defeat only making him more determined than ever despite losing to Shion once again.
“It was another great Cardfight Taiyou, you should be proud of yourself; you’ll do great at the Under 20! I know Henri will be disappointed that you won’t be joining the Fukuhara High team but nothing stops you from entering your own team outside of the club.”
“I can’t wait, I’m sure you and your team will easily make the final stage Taiyou!”
“Thank you, it is still early but I… no we’ll do our best for sure and that’s not all, there’s one more thing I need to do before we part ways” Taiyou smiled back up at Shion and Tokoha who simply chuckled knowing exactly what he meant
“Knowing those two, you’ll need all the luck you can get with that” Shion started with a slight shrug, “We’ll be rooting for you, all of High School and those two still haven’t made a move, just how long are they going to keep dancing around the subject, you boys and your feelings honestly…” Tokoha joked with a heavy sigh and shake of her head, leaving Taiyou and Shion to simply nervously laugh in agreement as the group made their way back to the others.
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unfortunatelyilikebnha · 2 years ago
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midorikawawas · 3 years ago
Having a good time then suddenly thinking about the "Loss of innocence" arcs TRY3 individually goes through in GIRS Crisis and Stride Gate
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nachtfaust · 3 years ago
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knightofspades · 1 year ago
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I've loved these fight skins the moment since I first saw them, and so I finally drew them!
time taken: around 15 hours
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gearchronocle · 11 months ago
full stop i think that hybrid generation (as in the rather obscure try3 character song) should have gotten a full version. I feel like one exists but we don't really know now do we... it's a great song but actively hindered by being 1 minute long i want more.... (also chrono doesn't sing enough so that makes me sad)
bushiroad. pleade. re-record it with aiai if you have to.... just release a full version...
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tokohaanjou · 4 years ago
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misc matching try3 icons // like or rb if you use
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cfv-week · 5 months ago
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It's time for Day 2! Let's go everyone~
Day 2: Favorite Team | PSYqualia | Memories
Favorite Team:
We've got SO many to choose from! And not even just the main teams like Q4 and TRY3; how about silly little teams like the iconic Miwa-Morikawa-Izaki-Emi squad? Go wild! Whether it be a competitive Vanguard playing team, or just characters that work well together, there's bound to be some really great teams to make stuff for!
Now here's something real intriguing… PSYQualia was the fictional power used to communicate with the Planet Cray and the illustrated cards that came from it, but it had drawbacks. Will you represent it in its corruptive origins, or its positive future? Go for it!
I'm sure everyone has some kind of fond memories that came from Vanguard, or maybe you'll want to represent how memories are presented by the characters! A large amount of the series revolves around memories, surprisingly enough- Misaki's whole life is pretty much centered around them, and Seasons 2 and 4 seriously threw us for a doozy. Let's make this a day to remember!
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dhb912 · 4 years ago
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I remember this as Macron 1 #retrocrush #asiancrush #goshogun #macron1 #timeetranger #trithree #try3 #goodthunder #sabarath #shingohoyo #remyshimada #killygagley #kentasanada #dokuga #mecha #superrobotwars https://www.instagram.com/p/CNHBp6fjSUI/?igshid=fq1sagd89d17
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dohwanslizard · 5 years ago
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