#try to stop this someone to have their corruption arc complete. this is my oshamir s2 dynamic if u cared
talagalaxies · 1 month
It's weeks passed since I did my acolyte rewatch. And what caught me in the eye was that Osha's decision to the dark side was "foreshadowed" from the start. She's drawn to dangerous shit. Spending her me-time under a bunta tree; known to be lethal to people. Becoming a meknek, a job not just dangerous but illegal as well. On ep4, the atmosphere becomes tense when they enter the giant cicada territory. But Osha curiously touched one of them. She looks disappointed when Sol killed one of them, even feeling guilty being the cause of that giant cicada's death.
The icing in the cake for me is the final scene in ep4. This bitch of a scene right here.
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This scene becomes my roman empire for weeks that this becomes my top oshamir scene for me. She should've run faster than the cheetah like I would do, or even just froze there in shock scared shitless. She may be froze in shock but that's definitely not fear in her face. She looks at this creepy dude with strange mask with wonder. Like girl, why the doe-eyes with slow & gentle blink, mouth parted and all. Now I think about it, it reminds me of Rey's face in TFA when Kylo unmasked himself. But in here, Qimir's in a mask, yet Osha looked at him in wonder. Curious, awed even.
All of the scenes before this in which she's drawn to danger, culminates to a tipping point: in which she's face-to-face with the personification of danger himself.
Shipper googles on, is this why Qimir is so drawn to her since ep2? Because he sensed her solace to danger, just as he was. Someone who matched his freak basically, something he thinks it's Mae but isn't.
If so, it'll be natural for these two danger-dwellers to dwell to each other.
Even she's in defensive state in ep6, it's no question that she's curious about the dark side, especially to her personification of the dark side: Qimir. She wears his mask on her own volition ffs. The same mask she saw at the Khofar forest, the one she must feared yet she's curious about it, now she's wearing it.
TLDR: She's dark-side adjacent. From her finding solace in danger, her being a jedi dropout because she can't resolve her negative & intense emotions (which is 100% dark side material), to her killing her father figure without remorse. Even if she agrees to train under Qimir to keep her sister safe, I won't be surprised if she does too out of curiosity as well. As established here, she's not just dark-side adjacent, but curious about it too.
I joked that she'll be a girlfailure of the dark side posts ago, but what if she isn't? The dark side is her element atp, her abilities and identity would've thrive there. Some discussions said that Darth Plagueis is after Osha, not Qimir. Because force vergence shit aside, Plagueis would want Osha too because she's thee dark side prodigy he's looking for. But unlike Qimir whose drawn to Osha because she matched his freak, Plagueis's drawn to her because he wants her freak. Shipper googles said what if Osha's drawn to the dark side will be the main conflict of her relationship with Qimir then what.
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