#try and convince me the wall isnt full on camp
swimmingleo · 2 years
hello dear leo, here's a confession;
waiting for the worms turns me into a completely different person. i enjoy listening to it a little bit too much. they had NO business making it such a bop but with these lyrics
arf rightt so, sooo deranged, they really questioned the audience's reaction to entertainment here. one day I found myself almost throwing it back on that cool guitar slide from the trial and I felt so weird abt it like wow wth
0 notes
honeypirate · 4 years
-Operation save Bakugou (Summer camp part 2 ) -
—Okay so I know this is really long but I wrote with my phone and I don’t know how to do read more breaks and it has a lot of the show in it and not all is how it is in the episodes I used some of the script and some just how I remember the episodes because I was excited to write. But I had to get to the part where Bakugou is saved because I don’t think I would do a good job writing fight scenes if I made y/n get captured too. Maybe I’ll rewrite part two when I get better haha but right now this is it! I hope you still like it
I didn’t know when to stop like because I wrote in some of the actual show I could keep it going with different things lol I had a hard time so this is what it needed up being.
Also I probably don’t write characters very well I’m still learning. To me I think Bakugou would treat the one he has romantic feelings for differently when they’re alone. But anyway
-To the story-
When you woke up you were falling into the arms of Shoji, apparently some man used his quirk on you to turn you into a small marble thing, you didn’t really understand. Shoji’s other arms were holding Tokoyami. You quickly looked for Bakugou and noticed him in the hands of some patch face villain as they were being warped away, you screamed his name along side Midoriya and you struggle against Shojis hold on you your pain forgotten about. Midoriya is running tho, he’s gonna make it, he has to make it “Stay back, Deku” Bakugous voice makes you start to cry and he looks right into your eyes as he disappears. The summer training camp that everyone was looking forward to couldn’t have been more of a disaster. You didn’t stop quietly crying until you got to the hospital. You ended up needing surgery to help repair some of the tendons in your shoulder that ripped and when you woke up you were in a room with Jiro and Yaoyorozu, with the combination of doctors and Recovery Girl you were able to be up and out in a couple of days, although you’d still have take it easy for a few months and don’t do anything to strain it, limit its use.
Your parents kept you at home for a couple days, your dad still worried and your mom was okay about things, but you couldn’t just sit and do nothing, so you found yourself at the hospital with your classmates in support of the other students still unconscious. During this time you became closer friends with Kirishima, when he brought up his plan of having Yaoyorozu make another tracker for the device she put on a Nomu and you guys go rescue Bakugou, you were one of the first to join him. You knew the risks, you remember Hosu (your blood type unfortunately the one that lasted the longest paralyzed so you didn’t even fight), you knew that if you did this wrong it would reflect badly on the school and heros. But you also knew how smart your classmates were, you knew that if you all worked together you could figure a way to rescue him without fighting. You could be stealth. When Midoriya woke up the few of you went to visit him, you weren’t a part of the gift choosing or you would have suggested something else but Mineta was super excited about it. it was kind of cute but you would keep that thought to yourself. “I brought you a present! its from all of us, it’s a melon!!” Mineta holds the melon proudly. It was shortly after that when Kirishima brought up going to rescue Bakugou, and only you and Todoroki so far will go with. Before you realized Midoriya was crying “i couldn’t save someone right in front of me” he says his voice breaking “then, let’s save him this time!” Kirishima steps forward, you can feel his resolve in the air. Iida is upset “This is something we should leave to the pros! This isnt the time to act like idiots!” He practically yells and you place your hand on his arm softly “we know that” you say quietly and Kirishima turns to face Iida “after I heard that my friend was being targeted, I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything! ...” he takes a deep breath “if I don’t do anything now I won’t be a hero or a man anymore” he sounds so dejected, which is exactly how you feel. Mina pipes in “So, in short, you're planning on getting the receiver from Yao-momo, following it, and going to save Bakugo yourselves?” Kirishima nods and says “yeah” Todoroki speaks up, saying “Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took Bakugo without killing him. They probably let him live, but that doesn't mean they won't kill him eventually. Y/n, Kirishima, and I are going.” “Don't go overboard with your messing around!” Iida says and does his normal arm flails. “We need to leave this to All Might” you didn’t say much, you could see clearly each side of the arguments, but there was nothing that could stop you from going to rescue Bakugou if you could. You were already thinking of ways you could get him without fighting when Tsu’s voice cuts through your thoughts “Everyone, we're all shocked from Bakugo's kidnapping. But let's think things through calmly. No matter how just your feelings, if you're saying you'll fight again ...that you'll break the rules.... Those acts are the same as those of villains” your heart dropped into your stomach. “It’s a reach to call what we want to do the same as villains, we want to quietly go in and find a moment to save him. No fighting. No harm. We want to get him out so that when All Might and the heros get there they don’t have to hold back in fear of harming Bakugou too. If I was them I would go in as soon as possible to get Bakugou out. If that’s so then we can...” you get cut off as a nurse walks in to the room saying it’s time for Midoriya’s exam, everyone went to see Jiro but you went off by yourself to clear your mind and prepare for tonight. You were going to rescue Bakugou tonight.
You, Kirishima, and Todoroki stood outside of the doors to the hospital, waiting to see if Midoriya and Yaoyorozu will show. Kirishima speaks quietly “I wonder what Yaoyorozu decided” you felt nervous “ Well, no matter how restless we are, it's up to her.” Todoroki pointed out. “There she is” you say and when you all look Yaoyorozu and Midoriya come out of the door “what did you decide?” Kirishima asks but before she can respond Iida comes out of no where and punches Midoriya “Why... Why did it have to be you guys of all people?! The ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly for personal reasons...You, who received amnesty with me...Why are you trying to make the same mistake I did? It's too much!” He shouts in frustration. “When I saw your injuries, I also saw my brother in his sickbed! What if your bodies end up irreparable, like my brother's, because of your recklessness? Are you saying that you don't care about my worries?Are you saying that you don't care about how I feel...?” You could feel waves of worry and sadness coming from Iida. You felt his worry. “Iida” you say softly and you can see all of his emotions in his eyes. “Iida. We don't expect to face them head-on and win either. We'll extricate him without fighting.” Todoroki says “In other words, covert action!” Kiri adds “That's the way we students can fightwhile toeing the line on the rules!” You added, confident you could pull this off. Yaoyorozu speaks up “I trust Todoroki. But so that I can stop them if anything happens, I plan to accompany them, as well.” “Well if we can’t come to an agreement, then take me with you as well! am accompanying you because I am not convinced you will behave yourselves. If I think it will turn to combat I will make you return immediately.” Iida was definitely the right one to be the class rep. You nod, completely okay with his conditions. You didn’t want to fight, your body wasn’t even close to being able to fight, so you would do this on his terms.
The reciever said that Nomu was in Camino ward which was two hours away so you’d be there by ten pm and when you got there it was busier than you thought it would be. There were so many people out and about and with the school being in the news recently there was no way you wouldn’t be recognized. The villains also know what you look like, which led you all to getting disguises to look more like adults instead of the teens you were. Todoroki pointed out that Yao-Momo could have just made your disguises with her quirk but she said as a good citizen we had to help the economy. As you follow Yaoyorozu to the destination everyone around you starts to talk about UA as a screen in the square begins to broadcast clips from the schools press conference. “They’re treating them like the bad guys” you say quietly to your friends. Before you knew it you were at the location that the device said, It looked like an abandoned warehouse. “What should we do? We’re out in the open right here we need to make a plan” you say as you pretend to check out a soda machine. Midoriya starts to mutter to himself before he suggests going around the back of the building. “We’re gonna get stuck” you whisper to Yao-momo and she agrees “just keep moving” Midoriya says back to you guys from the front. Once you make it to the back you decide to have Kirishima and Midoriya stand on Iidas and Todorokis shoulders to use Kirishimas night vision scope. The warehouse was full of Nomu, you felt sick to your stomach. Bakugou wasn’t here but what was is terrifying. You were so busy thinking of what you were going to do so you didn’t notice when the Pro Heros arrived, but you did notice when the place exploded and you were knocked to the ground by falling concrete. Iida quickly pulling you next to him to hide. What is going on!? Your body ached and your shoulder screamed, there was a villian who was hurting Best Jeanist, and you and your friends were huddled on the other side of the wall, terrified. Before you could even collect your thoughts you recognized All Might as he busted in and started fighting followed by the rest of the league warping in through some sort of black goo.
You automatically recognized Bakugous voice and your body reacted propelling you to go try and save him. Iida stops you and Midoriya at the same time and then Midoriya reveals the plan he’s thought up. “We can get him without fighting. Iida and I will use our quirks and Todoroki will make a huge ice wall too high for anyone to even think of coming after us, but it all depends on you, Kirishima. It will be up to him to save himself and you guys have a built a good friendship, he needs someone he can trust” all eyes were on Kiri but he was looking right at you “I don’t know if you guys have noticed but...I’m not the one you want. Y/n here has grown closer to Bakugou” his voice sounded, slightly jealous, you blush “if you want him to have no doubts then use her” it was in that moment that they all put all the pieces together and they all looked at you “yes you’re right! Y/n! Can you do this?” you nodded confidently and you all got into position. “Now!” Modoriya says and you’re off. Flying up a giant ice wall going faster then you’ve ever traveled. This was it. You were going to get him back “y/n! Now!” You were being held by Iida as you leaned your body down holding your good arm out towards to blonde haired boy “KATSUKI!” You yelled his name and not even a second later he was blasting through the air towards you, when his hand wraps around your forearm you let out a choked cry. You wrap your arms around him holding him so he didn’t fall. “Bakugou make a blast to..” Iida started to direct him to help us land but Bakugou cut him off “dON’t TELL ME WHAT TO DO” he shouts but does as he’s instructed anyway. When you land you quickly disperse into the crowds downtown, Iida and Midoriya going one way and you and Bakugou headed off in a different direction. When you found a place to blend in with the crowd he turned to you and pulled you into a tight hug “I was so worried” he said softly laying his cheek against the top of your head and your cheek against his chest. Your hands were shaking as they gripped his shirt in your fists “Katsuki” you whispered and pulled back to look up at him and then the words started and you couldn’t stop speaking “I’m so glad you’re okay. I mean I know you’re like the strongest person with your convictions and there’s absolutely nothing that can stop you being the number one hero but I still couldn’t help but be worried. I know it’s a little dumb but I guess I .. I.. just. If something when wrong then I don’t know. ..” you took a breath “I guess I would really miss giving you shit or something” you laughed awkwardly and nervously scratched the back of your neck. He laughed “of course that’s why. And I knew you realized I was gonna be number one. I guess you can be the number two hero or you can be my side kick” he gave you a little friendly flirty nudge before taking your hand in his, he was suddenly very serious and upset, his red eyes like fire staring into your (e/c) ones “y/n I swear to god if you ever do anything so stupid and reckless again I’ll kick your ass” he says and pulls you into another hug and you hide the pain of your shoulder by laughing against his chest “I promise I won’t be reckless unless it’s to save you. I will always choose to save you.” you say softly feeling your cheeks blush you pull away and take his hand “we can probably go and find the others now” before he can say anything you take off through the crowd pulling him along. You meet back up with Iida and Midoriya when the TVs start broadcasting the rest of the fight. Your hand never leaves Bakugou’s, even if you tried to let go he wouldn’t have let you. you end up leaning up against him as you watched the fight unfold, you were shaking a little from exhaustion and your injuries hurting more now that the adrenaline wore off. When All Might turned into a skinny skeleton version of himself safe to say everyone was shocked. You don’t think you blinked for several minutes watching it happen. “All Might” Bakugou whispered next to you. He looked like he was.... losing.
You saw that a few other heros had arrived there as Endevour and Gran Torino were in the corner of the screen. He can do it. He can still beat the villian. Come on All Might kick his ass! Suddenly everyone is yelling and screaming for him, “COME ON ALL MIGHT KICK HIS ASS!” Bakugou yells next to you and you squeeze his hand right and cheer for All Might as well. This energy, All Might had to feel it! And he does! He puts all his power into one arm and then there’s too much dust in the area to see what happened and everyone went quiet. You held your breath and Bakugou wrapped his arm around you pulling you right next to him, you cover your mouth with your hand, eyebrows knit tigether in worry, you don’t even blink as you wait for the dust to settle chanting “all might all might all might” in your head. The cheers when the dust settled were so loud you were sure you were deaf. Bakugou hugged you again, and this time it hurt. You gasp in pain and he pulls back “you stupid idiot! you overdid it and you aren’t healed are you?!” You whisper an apology, embarrassed, then place your forehead against his chest. Your body floods with relief that this night is over. You have Bakugou back, All Might won, everyone you care about is okay. You take a deep breath in, filling your senses with him, your shoulders shake and you can’t help the tears that start to flow. Ever since you lost him in the woods you had been stressed and filled with worry, your heart strained and your stomach felt like it had cement in it. You were overwhelmed for so long and now that the heros won your body flooded with relief and it was even more overwhelming “I’m sorry” you whisper, afraid your voice would crack, he holds you close to him and rubs your back softly “don’t worry” his voice was kind. “It’s overwhelming, I understand” you felt his breath next to your ear and realize he’s holding you and bent around you like he’s shielding you from everyone else. It’s only for a few minutes five tops but it feels like time stops. Him holding you makes it easy for you to calm down and once you’re breathing normal he pulls back and smiles at you, you doubt he’s ever looked at anyone how he’s looking at you now, you can’t help but draw your face closer to his turning your jaw up and your nose brushes against his softly, . . . “There you guys are the commotion must of split us up again” Iidas voice cuts through your bubble and you pull back quick and instinctually blushing and looking at the ground Bakugou takes your hand and laces your fingers together. Iida didn’t act like he noticed anything wrong here he just kept talking, you looked up at Bakugou who was glaring his usual glare at the world and at Iida. “We should get Bakugou to the police and talk to them.” Midoriya nods and smiles at you and when you meet his eye which causes you to blush again. “Let’s go then” Iida turns and you follow, keeping a hold on Bakugou’s hand so you didn’t get lost in the crowd, and partially because you didnt want to lose him again period. You didn’t want to ever let him go. Before you get to the police you stop for a second and keep Bakugou with you “I .. I don’t know if I can let you go..” you whisper quietly and rub your thumb softly across his and he pulls you in close “y/n..” his voice was gruff right by your ear “take a deep breath” you do as he says and he keeps talking “don’t be a damn idiot” you laugh at him, loving that he’s acting normal with you, and he smiles but hides it by turning his face into your hair. His lips softly kiss your temple . “Let’s get this over with so I can take you out on a date” he’s back to keeping his angry mask on and starts to walk again. “I’ll see you as soon as I can” he whispers just to you before he goes off with the police, you give your statement to another officer and hero and then you’re free to go, knowing you’ll be reprimanded by Aizawa next time you see him and you hope he won’t expel you all. You wait for hours for the trains to start up again before you make your way back home with the rest of your friends.
Your parents grounded you. No phones no friends, nothing but homework and house work. Although you were lucky that your parents still had faith in the heros and school, you suffered through the next few days not being able to talk to anyone and you were constantly thinking about Bakugou. When a letter came in the mail, followed by Mr. Aizawa stopping by, you were filled with a flicker of hope. They were bringing all the students to dorms on the school campus. Your parents agreed the moment they read the letter, they knew it would be the safest option if you were going to keep attending UA. When Mr. Aizawa showed up on your door step, they were even more impressed. Your mom bows to him “We really loved what you said during the broadcast and we still have the utmost faith in you heros, we know how hard it must be to have everything scrutinized when you’re doing the best you can. You’re obviously a wonderful teacher, y/n is always talking about how much she loves your class..” you blush and look away “so yes. We will send her to your dorms. We know you’ll protect her”
You run and hug Yao-momo when you see her outside of the dorms, dropping your bags and laughing. “I’m glad you’re okay” you say and smile when Todoroki appears. “You too Todoroki” you add and he ruffles your hair with a smirk before moving in his things. “This is kind of exciting isn’t it?” Yao-momo says and then gets distracted directing her movers who were carrying in an awfully large bed. You smile and look around at the commotion and bend down to pick up your duffel bag but before you can Bakugou swipes it and throws it over his shoulder “there you are” he says and you throw your arms around his neck, you couldn’t help yourself, you pull away embarrassed and pick up your other bag, you weren’t moving in with a lot all you really wanted were clothes and decorations. “Here I am” you say with an awkward laugh and look back up at him. he’s blushing a little, he looked so good it made your heart skip. “I’m so glad to see you Bakugou” you say and you notice the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile for just a split second “let’s get going,” he takes your hand “your shit is getting heavy” he’s back to scowling but it doesn’t reach his eyes this time. He walks you to your room and puts your stuff down and you are practically bouncing with excitement. “This is so amazing Bakugou!” You’re so happy “Katsuki” he says softly and you turn look at him “what?” “I love when you call me by my name. Or even Suki really.” He says and finally meets your eyes as you walk over to him taking his hands in yours “that’s wonderful to know” You were suddenly very glad that your parents let you move in alone, giving you a small moment of alone time with Bakugou. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you Katsuki Bakugou, you’re actually being nice!” He genuinely smiles for what you bet was the first time in a long time. “What’s going on is you make me crazy y/n!” You laugh and then Aizawa opens your door and you quickly step away from Bakugou, Aizawa just sighs “let’s go Bakugou” you laugh again a little frustrated at how you keep getting caught when you want to kiss him. “Meet me tonight” he whispers into your ear and you nod and wave goodbye, apologizing to Mr. Aizawa as he turns and leaves with Bakugou.
You spend what feels like four billion hours unpacking and decorating your room exactly how you want it, you have a wall covered in pictures of you and your loved ones and band posters and color changing Bluetooth LED lights around the tops of the walls, don’t forget black out curtains with black sheets and black comforter, with three extra blankets because you get so cold. When you finished you went down and met up with everyone else in the common area. You sat next to Uraraka when you didn’t see Bakugou right away and when she came up with the plans for a bedroom contest you silently bowed out saying you were too tired and wanted to catch up on sleep, as you were walking back to the elevator you heard Bakugou make up a very similar excuse to kirishima before he caught up to you.
As the elevator doors close he takes your hands and pulls you next to him. “Want to see how I decorated? I think you’ll like it” you say and finally turn your head to look up meeting his eyes “show me” he says and you can’t help the smile spread across your face as you felt the air get heavy with tension. You were so close to him you could smell his scent and sweat, you loved it. you could have sworn you felt little pricks against your palm as you quickly snuck him into your room again. Your lights were set to orange and you closed the door as he took it all in “it’s exactly what I’d expect a losers room to look like” he says gruffly, facing away from you. you feel your jaw drop from shock before he turns around and you see his smirk “that was not nice! I worked so hard on this! And I made the lights orange for you!” You were kind of annoyed and it just made him laugh and he caught one of your hands in the air as you gestured to the lights, closing the distance between you both and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. “I love the lights” he says and takes a deep breath of your hair, he always enjoyed that your hair smelled like rose shampoo. “Can’t seem to get enough of me Suki, if I knew any better I would say you even like me” he laughs again and pulls back to really look at you “you’d be right” he tucks your hair behind your ear and leaves his hand on your cheek, your heart stops, your breathing stops, you don’t blink, you can’t move, is this really happening?? your body is full of butterflies “Katsuki” you whisper and your hands travel up from his chest one resting on his neck one deep in his soft hair “finally” he whispers the moment before his lips meet yours. They’re soft and warm, giving, unlike his personality. Your lips fit tigether in the most perfect way, you moved together like you’ve done this many times before like you knew him better than anyone. A moan escapes your lips and you laugh at yourself, he takes that moment to deepen the kiss sliding his tongue into your mouth. You relax into him, his arm around your back. When you finally pull away and look up at him you’re out of breath and your cheeks are flushed “this isn’t some one time thing right? Because you can’t give a girl a taste of something as amazing as that to just take it away. I gotta have that every day of my life now” you’re on a nervous ramble when he kisses you again softly to kind of pause you before laughing out “you idiot. I’d never do that to you” you blush and he touches your cheek “pink is a good color on you” he kisses the tip of your nose “I thought you hated me at first, which is why I thought it was so funny to pester you” you confess, not really sure why, “you infuriated me. You didn’t care about any of the walls I had up or any of my attitudes. No one other than my parents have shown me that. People always think I’m too angry or think I’ll for sure turn into a villian. They say I’m too loud or obnoxious. That I’m too cocky. Then I realized that you never made me feel like I was anything bad” “that’s because you don’t have anything bad about you” you cut him off and he gives you a quick peck and a shush “let me finish pelase” “sorry go ahead” he smiles “I realized that I wasn’t infuriated, I was enamored. When I heard your voice and saw you fly through the air that night, you were like an angel. My angel.” His lips press softly to yours again and you feel all your anxiety and worries about this being a one time thing wash away. He called you his. “So I’m yours huh?” You cock an eyebrow “that’s what you got from my whole speech? You do realize that I’m not going to say it again right?” He’s gruff again and you laugh “if you’re mine,I’m yours” you whisper into his ear and his arms around you tighten. “I really do like the decorations. The orange lights are a great touch” he says as he pulls you down into your bed to cuddle.
He just wants to hold you, never let you go for as long as he can get away with it. He’s never felt this strongly about anything other than becoming number one. You laid on your back, his head was on your chest and he was laying between your legs, your arms around him playing with his hair and drawing on his back as you both talked about things you loved between kisses. You never knew he was this funny, your stomach hurt from laughing so hard “you’re amazing Katsuki I knew you had some secret hidden qualities but I am truly delighted the more I learn about you. The more you trust me with” his kisses you and when he pulls back you notice his blushed cheeks “you better keep this all to yourself or I’ll kick your ass” his threat was empty but what you had with him was so special you want to keep as much as you can close to your heart “don’t worry baby” you say laughing and as he cuddles into you again you sigh “You should get back to your room and get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow and I can’t get into trouble or I’ll be expelled, you heard Aizawa.” You wiggle out from under him and pull him up to his feet, kissing him softly before you walk him to the door. “I’ll see you in the morning. My sweet girl” he kisses you and after you stick your tongue out at him as he walks off laughing. “Goodnight Katsuki!” You say to him, not worried too much because the only other girl on your floor is Mina and you know for a fact she’s still downstairs. You watch him enter the elevator “goodnight sweetheart” he says and winks at you with a grin before the elevator doors close fully. You would not be able to sleep at all tonight.
Tag list : @succulent-momma
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hey-hamlet · 6 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Happy Famlies
Also on AO3!
TL;DR: This AU is exactly what is sounds like. Everyone gets a happy family. 
Feat. Dadmight, and his sons Izuku and Tenko, Big Bro Dabi with his little bro, Shinson and his Dadzawa.
allmight n inko end up dating and tenko n izu are brothers
dabi and tenko are third year ua herocourse students when izu and the others join
tenko is a soft sunshine boy cause izu rubbed off on him a lot
dabi wants to be an underground hero so he'll never be like his father
todoroki takes the entrance exam so inasa and hitoshi are recommendation students
izuku kills the exam because he starts ua being able to use full cowl 5%, breaking allmights record with a whopping 130 points
because consider dabi, shouto, izu, tenko and hitoshi all singing karaoke together, dabi has a tambourine and tenko is violently shaking maracas
izuku and inko dont know toshi is allmight, but tenko and toshi are terrible liars
the first time toshi meets izuku its just tenko presenting him saying "you gotta give it to him dad"
izu is only 5 n still broken up about having no quirk, toshi says he might just be a late bloomer while tenko nods
toshi sneaks izuku his quirk when he turns 7, izuku wakes up n accidentally punches a hole in the ceiling, he n katsuki make up cause izuku has a bomb ass quirk even if it does break his bones
he and inko just think he was a late bloomer cause his quirk was so strong. tenko and toshi highfive
seven year old izuku walking back into his house like mom i broke both my arms again :(((
katsuki actually helps him work out the flick thing
"it breaks my arms!" "then use less you dumb fuck!" "oh yeah actually thank you"
they’re so used to shouting criticisms while sparring that they still do it after they enter ua
when they spar at the sports festival mic can’t get a word of commentary in bc it’s just a constant slew of
dabi n tenko the third years can hear them in their own stadium. tenko is cheering softly, dabi has a heart attack when he sees the walls of ice
izu has a massive handshapped scar on his wrist from when tenko saved him by pulling him out of the way of a car
he doesnt mind it but it makes tenko sad so he wears a lil cuff over it
tenko snuck in to watch the entrance exam he n toshinori are cheering quietly, the other teachers just sigh
izuku broke allmights record for points scored in the entrance exam but hes still scared he failed
tenko wants to s c r e a m
starts as normal students enter, villains arrive kurogiri has an ear piece and is talking with afo directly, some of the 8 prefects goons are there too
hitoshi used his quirk on kurogiri to find out who they are, but is targeted after that and the villains know not to respond
the students are scattered, its izu/tsuyu and hitoshi. they do the whirlpool thing w/o the sitcking, hitoshi instructs them to tread water and not to move
hitoshi is nearing quirk overuse, tsuyu is shaken, izu is pretty much ok
aizawa is fighting the villains as normal, the nomu arrives
hitoshi tries to mind control the nomu, kurogiri attempts to direct one of the nomus punches to hitoshi, aizawa cancels the portal, severing one of the nomus arms. its grows back, aizawa is beaten
izuku charges forward, fighting the nomu with a higher percentage of full cowl than he can safely use but they are evenly matched
todoroki shows up, cant help because the two are moving so fast he cant aim his quirk and not hit mido
he and hitoshi keep kurogiri busy
before allmight arrives, dabi and tenko do, after seeing tenya running towards the school
izuku can barely move, over using his quirk to the point that he has countless micro fractures and the nomu has landed a few punches, and he took others to protect aizawa
tenko yells at dabi to grab izuku, kurogiri mentions that his master killed tenkos family and hes pissed
he cant stand up to the nomu but shouto makes an opening and he and dabi try to damage it as best they can, shouto has to hold izuku down to stop him from joining the fight again
allmight arrives, quickly dispatches the nomu, turns on Kurogiri
so tenko, allmight and a shaky izu are all facing down kurogiri while afo is trying to convince him to keep fighting
reinforcements arrive and kuro nopes out
as soon as the portal closes, izuku collapses and tenko n allmight rush over, shouto is grabbing onto dabi and hitoshi is trying to get aizawa to respond
hitoshi, crying, has to ask dabi to pick up his dad because his arms are shaking to bad hes scared he might drop him
tenko has no gloves anymore and he cant touch izuku and hes just lost, shouto wraps an arm around him and hitoshi n they cry as dabi takes aizawa and allmight takes izuku to recovery girl
aizawa n izu in the same hospital, hitoshi tells him what izuku did n aizawa fucking, breaks out of bed like a jackass to call him a problem child then fucking limps back
less depressingly, happy families dabi and tenko do "get help" from Thor Ragnarok
"gET heLP hEs BUrnINg UP"
aizawa : "kids that movie is like 240 years old"
izuku : "so... you know it then?"
aizawa: "fuck"
nighteye and gran torino are izuku and tenko's terrible uncles
he stars school at 5%, internships is 10%, camp gets him up to 15% so hes around 25% at the eri rescue
ochako being a terrible influence on kirishima
“uraraka i like katsuki. what do”
“push it down”
also happy families shouto actually interns w nighteye n izu because dabi said he was an ass so no death thanks
one person asks izuku what his quirk is
he pauses
"my mum has minor levitation and my dad is quirkless"
izuku pauses again.
"wait im not toshis biologically"
"waiT Who WAs My FirST Dad?"
shouto thinks inko has an affair w allmight then married his secretary but izuku met toshinori through tenko so he just lays down on the floor and screams
shouto’s brain is going to explode one day
consider tenko and izuku looking soft and pure but you turn around and suddenly you dont have a wallet and your food is gone
happy family izuku and kastuki were eachothers first kiss but in a dumb ass way
izuku was like "i need to ruin my frist kiss so the next one will be better"
"wow me too, you seem like the worlds worst option!"
they both almost gagged afterwards
tenko walked in on them violently scrubbing their lips
“wow katsuki who was ur first kiss”
bakugou stares off fondly into the distance
“deku :))”
"it was fucking terrible" wistful sigh
izuku, blushing happily: “id never do it again”
izuku: "yeah i scrubbed my face until it bleed so none of my skin would be tainted"
first week of 1a, someone asking izuku if he and katsuki are/were dating so izuku asks ochako to launch him into the sun
no matter how many people they date everyone always insists that katsuki and izuku are dating each other
izuku is actually dating shouto but no one believes him for some reason
dabi and hitoshi find it so funny
please consider dabi being the frontrunner of these rumours, like these random first years will come up to izuku while he’s eating lunch with shouto and they’ll be in t e a r s
izuku starts crying
shouto, totally deadpan: "i thought our love was real, izu-chan"
izuku wheezes
they have a katsudeku fan club and shouto’s the mascot
dabi is in it. hes a full hero at this point but nezu gave him a pass so he could attend
they have weekly meetings
it’s dabi, shouto, kirishima and like twenty first year girls from every class
shouto, in a deadpan voice: “good morning girls today i saw katsuki and izuku sharing bread. discuss”
kirishima is one of the most popular fanartists
tenko loves the meme but looking at his brother and bakugo “dating” makes him deeply upset so he breaks in to decay all the art on the walls once a week
he crowds shouto in tears one day
“how are you okay with your boyfriend and your classmate being the subjects of such horrid art”
shouto, deadpan: “it’s just a prank bro”
izuku falls asleep in the common room and toshi carries him back to his room and has to call tenko to unlock the door for him. tenko was in his own dorm on the other side of school.
he sprinted
iida the good boy finishes his essays the week before and hands them in a day early
izuku, the hot mess, procrastinates by training until he cant feel his arms and doing any other subject work than the stuff due, stays up till 4am to finish his essay and doesnt go back to sleep cause its time for his morning run
they get the same grades
no one knows izuku is a hot mess
Dabi is like izuku but he doesnt study hes just depressed
Tenko finishes his the day before but he gets izuku to read it over
shouto does his essays in class
aizawa wants to be mad but he remembers him mic n tensei distracting the teachers for as long as they can to violently finish their essays
“katsuki why didn’t you finish your essay”
“i was making oreos from scratch sensei”
"fair, give me some and you can hand in it wednesday"
he bribes every single teacher into giving him extensions and no one can refuse him bc his extra spicy curry is to die for. he maybe sometimes he helps deku get an extension too but if he does that’s no one else’s business but his
izuku acts so soft w the others "oh isnt kacchans food so good? "
but he climbs into through katsukis window
"bitch whats the recipe"
izuku banging on katsuki s window at five in the morning: “kacchan give me ur fucking curry recipe you promised it to me three years ago”
bakugos hands shake as he tries to call aizawa
“i see u calling sensei kacchan, put the phone down and no one gets hurt”
he has one of katsukis limited editing all might figurines in his hand
“give me the recipe and all might lives katsuki. it doesn’t have to end this way”
shouji, stressed and sleep deprived walks into bakugou’s room just to see izuku menacingly trying to force his way in while bakugou is crying
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