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dabid-motozalea · 11 months ago
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444names · 13 days ago
may i request a set of 6-letter names generated from the first names of homestuck trolls ?? in a list below , if that makes your life easier . thank you !
Aradia Damara Marsti Chixie Skylla Cirava Folkyl Nepeta Meulin Boldir Konyyl Polypa Kanaya Porrim Bronya Daraya Lynera Wanshi Terezi Latula Stelsa Tirona Tyzias Vriska Aranea Ardata Remele Elwurd Amisia Nihkee Barzum Chahut Cridea Luxora Feferi Meenah Trizza Xefros Diemen Fozzer Tavros Rufioh Dammek Vikare Treyaf Sollux Mituna Azdaja Kuprum Zebede Charun Vestri Lanque Actias Tegiri Tagora Tiagon Mallek Kimani Equius Horuss Galekh Zebruh Onhors Gamzee Kurloz Baizli Karako Marvus Eridan Cronus Jerann
Names generated from Homestuck troll forenames, 6 letters long
Actana Actara Actati Acteat Actefi Actego Acteux Actran Actuma Actuna Ameama Ameera Amefek Amepra Amerra Amzata Amzire Arajar Arallo Aranef Ararlk Aredia Ariran Aririt Arirli Arirum Arizam Arizze Arliza Arlwus Aronef Aroria Aroroh Aroros Arozel Aruhux Aruiti Arulle Arzide Azanaf Azekha Azeran Azllka Azlwus Azutis Azzetr Azzird Azzzer Bafera Bagida Bammea Banana Banepa Barera Barsta Bavuns Bayans Bolana Bolsta Bonava Bonquh Boraka Borebe Boruss Borvro Borvul Bosane Bostel Bralia Branes Bronan Brrosh Chafis Chaize Chalya Chanen Chitri Chonun Chozzi Chulls Chumas Chunha Ciagon Cizegi Craron Crasar Crayza Crdari Creers Cronhk Croram Crunem Crurol Cruros Dagoli Dagozl Dahara Daiman Dairan Dajana Dajann Dakela Daleux Dalsan Danyli Daramm Dareke Darihk Darisi Dariss Darols Daroza Datrux Davrin Davrst Davuhi Daylda Dissia Elakya Elidem Elinum Elirra Elleke Elwula Equlan Equlez Equmma Equpra Equrls Equska Equsst Equtus Erdiss Ereegi Eriara Eriare Eriros Erzzli
Feakya Fenqus Ferama Ferara Fetuls Feunek Fezura Fohkya Foldan Folkos Folwul Folwun Folyah Forayz Foridi Forlka Forosk Fosiha Gahurd Ganida Ganyas Gardan Gavuis Gavush Gaypes Hohars Holupe Honeyn Honezi Honnam Horara Horati Horona Horsim Hozegi Hozial Hozlan Hozlas Hozlda Jeefer Jegohi Jekyar Jemira Jenufi Jerona Jeyyal Kaderi Kagika Kahika Kallix Kanyan Kielli Kikyya Kirati Kixias Kizdet Kohass Koldir Koliza Kolkon Kueeen Kuerar Kueyli Kuhara Kuihih Kumekh Kumera Kumima Kunquf Kupaya Kusida Kussta Kuxida Kuxoss Ladara Lagoss Lakana Lammma Lanadi Lanara Lanqut Lanqux Lanska Lardee Lariak Larora Lassta Lastus Lavran Layara Luegon Luhurs Luiata Luixos Lulyla Lunale Lurura Luxion Lylera Lylozi Lylwus Lyzirl Magona Mahuss Majara Majard Makagi Maleya Mallis Malwur Mamzla Manira Mannie Manyzi Marafe Maraka Matida Matuxo Mayafr Meaira Mederi Meenus Mefran Mekoha Mekyna Memada Meragi Merara Merdek Merera Meyaya Meylde Meyype Mezeer Mialls Miatem Midaja Miekon Mielos Mieron Misana Mistum Mizema Mizimm Nearus Nebees Neleus Neluls Neneam Neraia Nerumi Nesari Nitiak Niuxos Onagis Onalka Onefrs Oneumz Onhkya Pohien Polera Pollah Polora Ponhus Ponnya Porals Pordik Porons Porora Porris Poruna Poruns Porvri Pozunn Rearar Rediha Reeasi Reeepe Regian Reniek Repria Rerira Rerlea Reylll Ruiran Ruprsa Skamek Skarda Skario Skayar Skolls Skyynn Sollle Solwus Sonann Sonyne Sordis Sosina Stahkh Staiza Steash Strani Sturis Taides Talide Tamemi Tamzda Tanhkh Tanyla Tarami Tarati Tasimz Tavuis Taynya Teatun Tebera Tebrda Tefira Telwum Tenaya Tepekh Teraya Terios Terora Terurd Tialdi Tiayle Tienni Tihika Tirira Tirist Titusk Tiueri Tiuria Tratux Trdann Trllos Tronas Trozas Trrike Truxon Trvuhk Trzzda Tyaren Tyavra Tyldam Tyllon Tynyya Typaya Tyyyat Veeeya Vemeza Vemmea Venque Vepede Vepera Veriah Verida Vesada Vezame Vianna Vidiha Vimagi Vironh Viskes Vizdem Vizzia Vrasko Vratih Vravra Vridis Vriruh Vrisar Vritis Vrolem Vrolya Vroron Vrvues Wagiza Wamzum Wanerd Warolk Wastik Xearie Xeebra Xefima Xefrda Xenars Xerast Xerlia Xeyyas Zeeemi Zeefis Zeesah Zefrus Zekaja Zellka Zelozi Zenyan Zepara Zepele Zepron Zerure Zesara Zestih Zeypra
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gertlushgaming · 2 years ago
Toaplan Arcade Shoot'em Ups 1 Review (Steam)
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 For our Toaplan Arcade Shoot'em Ups 1 Review, which offers us four arcade cult classics for a great price! It's quadruple the action, a billion times the fun, and a thrill ride back in time to the neon-lit arcades of the 80s!
Toaplan Arcade Shoot'em Ups 1 Review Pros:
- Stunning graphics from the 80s. - 10.33MB download size. (combined) - Steam achievements for each game. - Four games in one - Zero Wing, Twin Cobra, Out Zone, and Truxton. - Full controller support. - Shmup gameplay. - Local two-player Co-op. - Play together support. - Game region/version can be set in each game and every version is available. - Four difficulties. - Classic arcade leaderboards with initials entry. - Customize each game with starting lives, and extra life scores continue. - Assist options - 3 modes (custom/very easy/arcade), doge, auto fire, health, show hitboxes, and rewind. - You can record and save gameplay and replays. - Save when you want with both quick save and manual hard save. This includes loading a save aswel. - Online leaderboards. - Border settings - overlay (off/tutorial/music visualizer/channel visualizer/stats), frame on/off, and choice of backdrop. - Supports both the controller and the keyboard. - You can rebind keys for both inputs. - Video settings - view type, scale, rotate the screen, widescreen, fullscreen, and screen type (pixels/scanlines/smooth steps). - Practice mode is available in each game. - Truxon is a typical arcade Shmup where you clear the screen of enemies by collecting power-ups for your ship. - Out Zone is a shooter like Ikari Warriors where you control a character and collect power-ups as you make your way up the screen, the twist is you have to keep collecting power to stay alive. - Twin Cobra is a Shmup where you are in a helicopter, it's a much faster and harder game to master. - Zero Wing is more in the style of an R - Type so a side-scrolling shooter. - It's a huge nostalgia trip. - The music in each game is Chiptune greatness. - A lot of love and work went into these titles. - Each game has smart bombs which clear the screen. Toaplan Arcade Shoot'em Ups 1 Review Cons: - The tutorials are just border art. - None of the music has options. - The games come down as four seperate entries in your library. - The screen settings never seem to stay saved so you have to configure them every time. - You don't get any history or anything with the games. Related Post: Dungeon Munchies Review (PlayStation 4) Toaplan Arcade Shoot'em Ups 1: Official website. Developer: Bitwave Games Publisher: Bitwave Games Store Links -  Steam Read the full article
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tropicalfox · 4 years ago
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People who have good taste I see you
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