#truth seeker
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Project Blue Beam: The Ultimate False Flag?
They say the next big deception won’t come from Earth but from the sky. The Project Blue Beam theory suggests that governments will fake an alien invasion using holographic technology and staged crises to unite the world under a one-world government. But is this just another wild theory, or are we seeing the pieces fall into place?
🛸 Are UFO sightings and military space programs part of a bigger plan? 💭 Do you believe a staged extraterrestrial event could happen?
Drop your thoughts below! 👇
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ravensoddshoppe · 2 years ago
Sigil Saturday: Your Lies Revealed
🔮 Sigil Saturday: Your Lies Revealed 🔮
Welcome to Sigil Saturday, where we explore the power of sigils in our magical practice! Today, we delve into the sigil "Your Lies Revealed." This sigil is designed to aid in uncovering deception and revealing the truth in any situation. It empowers you to see beyond illusions and embrace clarity and honesty.
The "Your Lies Revealed" sigil serves as a tool to enhance your intuition and intuition, helping you to recognize when someone is being dishonest or manipulative. By activating this sigil, you open yourself to the truth and gain the ability to navigate through deceitful situations with confidence and discernment.
To work with the "Your Lies Revealed" sigil:
1️⃣ Preparation: Find a quiet and sacred space where you can focus without distractions. Ground yourself and set your intention to uncover the truth.
2️⃣ Visualization: Take a few deep breaths and visualize the sigil in your mind's eye. See it shining brightly, radiating with the energy of truth and clarity.
3️⃣ Activation: Gaze at the sigil and repeat the affirmation, "By this sigil, the truth is revealed. Deception dissolves, and honesty prevails." Visualize the sigil becoming infused with your intention and expanding its energy around you.
4️⃣ Empowerment: Carry the sigil with you throughout the day or place it in a sacred space. Whenever you encounter situations where you suspect dishonesty, focus on the sigil and trust your intuition to guide you towards the truth. Remember, the "Your Lies Revealed" sigil is a tool to support you in your pursuit of truth and authenticity. It helps you honor your intuition and create a space of honesty and integrity in your life.
If you decide to work with this sigil, we'd love to hear about your experiences and insights. Share your journey and discoveries in the comments below! Let's support each other as we embrace the power of sigils in our magical journeys.
Blessed be and may truth illuminate your path! ✨🔍
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kalahs-beautiful-realm · 2 years ago
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John 1:5 KJV
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paularoseauthor · 4 months ago
Are You a Truth Seeker?
Mark 12:32–33.Take a moment today to reflect on how you share your faith with others.
Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) Are You a Truth Seeker? If so you will find this article of interest. I pray that God will help you grow in his grace this day- Enjoy! The scribe said to him, “Well said, teacher. You are right in saying, ‘He is One and there is no other than he.’ And ‘to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love…
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psychologistmimi · 7 months ago
The Truth Seeker's Dilemma: Embracing Voltaire's Wisdom
Voltaire once said, “Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.” This quote has unknowingly to me been my guiding light, a mantra that has shaped my journey through life. As someone often praised for fairness and integrity, I’ve embraced the role of a truth seeker and, at times, a truth finder. Yet, this path is far from easy, especially in a world where truth seems…
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2dye4neisha · 9 months ago
Tom MacDonald and Nova Rockefeller: Trailblazers of Independent Music
Walk your path, reveal your soul. Experience your true essence. 💕
Pioneers of Independent Music In an industry often dominated by major labels and mainstream trends, artists Tom MacDonald and Nova Rockefeller stand out as trailblazers of independent music. Their dedication to authenticity, creativity, and self-reliance has not only garnered them a loyal fan base but has also established them as leaders in the music world. Tom…
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petes · 11 months ago
Reflections on Resurrection Day: Answered Prayers and Abundant Blessings
Yesterday’s Resurrection Day service was truly amazing in every way. Having my adult children join my wife and me was a blessing beyond words. As they navigate through life, I’ve been fervently praying for their spiritual journey, and seeing them in church was a heartfelt answer to those prayers. Another answered prayer was seeing my brother in Christ, who recently experienced a significant…
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nyxofdemons · 3 months ago
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IT'S THE WAY THEIR INTERNAL WORLDS BLEED TOGETHER. the way blitz still looks up at him, still in front of him and bathed in light, but the way they're on equal ground this time; there's no pedestal. the golden chains forcing blitz away from stolas vs them dragging blitz to him in truth seekers. stolas on his knees looking up at blitz (the moon) vs blitz on his knees watching stolas. the way that stolas has the freedom to fly after the moon vs blitz being chained down and unable to reach for him. the golden feathers. insane
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cat-eye-nebula · 1 year ago
World War III or ET Disclosure – What Path Will Humanity Take?
A 3 minute overview on what our true history is, what living on this planet truely is about and how all sectors of our civilisation including Religions are made to ensalve us and keep us ignorand, uninformed and afraid of punishment.
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codexofforbiddenknowledge · 14 days ago
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Never forget how quickly fear can make the absurd seem normal. 🤡
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fieriframes · 1 year ago
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[Okay, so now it's out of the oven, it's cooled down. Right. Seeker Of Truth seeker of truth follow no path. We're gonna cut it in our eight strips.]
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yodasec-expose-news · 1 year ago
What are the fundamental principles underlying YodaSec Expose exposing worldwide corruption?
What are the fundamental principles underlying YodaSec Expose exposing worldwide corruption.? Sources What is corruption? – Transparency.orgtransparency·1Grand corruption – Our priorities – Transparency.orgtransparency·2Anti-Corruption and Transparency – United States Department of Statestate·3 Answer The fundamental principles underlying YodaSec Expose’s mission to expose worldwide…
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impossiblesublimelight · 2 months ago
Why don’t I see people talking about this?
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Blitz was checking in with his team. Watching their backs and offering them assistance or additional support if they needed it. He even returned to check back in with Moxxie since a decent amount of time passed since he last checked in.
It’s stuff like this that really highlights just how much Blitz cares about his found family. And makes me question why people are so surprised with how considerate Blitz can be with those he cares for in later episodes.
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accuratebodylanguage · 1 year ago
Pay attention to others.  You don’t have to guess.
Watch the words, behaviors, and BODY language.
People will reveal themselves with every word they say and don’t say. 
People reveal themselves with every action they take or don’t take.
Wanna know what’s really going on and what they’re really all about?
Pay attention.
When you know how to detect and decode body language, then you can get the valuable in the moment INTEL about others.
Contact Janette Ghedotte, MS, MA LLP of Accurate Body Language to get trained so that you can:
💡 Spot the Lies
💡 Get to the Truth
💡 Avoid Costly Mistakes
From Head to Toes, the BODY Always Shows the TRUTH.
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blitzo-o-is-silent-collages · 3 months ago
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