#trust me her being carried was like the 3rd worst thing about her
Millie’s backstory is actually so lame. She wasn’t even bullied for it. No one called her “run-of-the-Millie” because she wasn’t good at anything? I expected something deep, that would explain why she’s so obsessed with Priya’s parents, like her parents were so kind to her that she can’t stomach being forced to do all that. Instead she’s kinda disappointed.
Like geez, she’s mad at her generation for not curing polio- POLIO’S VACCINE WAS MADE WHEN JONAS SALK WAS 41. AND he was born in 1914. How is that your parent’s generation!? That’s the Lost Generation! And God forbid teenagers be a little immature when they are young. Their brains are literally wired differently. Anyone who obsesses over development (as I do actually, I study adolescent development for fun) would know that!
Also, assuming she did publish that book she was writing- who is it for? The show is being AIRED on television. People could SEE Ripper and Chase and whoever be morons. Ripper adamantly mentioned his record desire on camera. She’s not selling underground information. The only people who would care about these findings are people who ALREADY subscribe to the idea teenagers aren’t productive human beings. And those people don’t need some “insider information”, because the show already exists. They have DIRECT quotes to source from the other contestants. Why would second hand from Millie do anyone any good? Because she’s willing to punch down and throw her generation under the bus? They’re not going to protect her. The older people who hate them too hate her just as much. She didn’t even try to cure polio.
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Can you please write a fic about the golden oldie of one bed in a hotel room with wanda maximoff and venom reader? I miss enemies to lovers 😭
Hell yeah I can!
Hotel Room hell
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Summary: You and Wanda are sent on a mission together but you don't get along, and when a woman tries flirting with you she needs to confront her feelings, or does she? Maybe she'll just play with you instead
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, terribly written smut, oral (W receiving) swearing, etc
Words: 5,300 (Got way too carried away 😳😂)
A/n: this has been finished for 2 days but I kept reading and changing things so let’s hope for the best lol
"I'm sorry ma'am but there's only one room left” the poor hotel receptionist repeated for the 3rd time to an angry redhead "I can't stay with her in the same room, we don't get along"
"She doesn't like us does she?" Venom said in your head and you just shrugged
"We'll be in different beds Wanda whats the big deal? You tried calming the situation down, you didn't really like her either but you were tired and all you wanted to do was sleep
More bad news incoming "oh actually the room only has a king bed available" this poor front desk person
"One room and one bed?! This is ridiculous!" You didn't say this often but Wanda was acting like a Karen right now "Wanda it's fine I'll sleep on the couch"
That seemed to calm the stressed redhead and she grabbed the key from the desk storming up to the room leaving you to deal with the woman "I'm so sorry about her she's normally really nice"
She laughed "trust me we get many characters around here, she's not even the worst I've had today, thank you for trying to help though"
"She is flirting with us! We need to ask her out! You have been very lonely recently!"
You forced a smile ignoring that insult from your symbiote and looked back to the woman who asked you a question and waited for your response "sorry? Did you ask me something?"
"I asked you if you were dating your friend?"
You shook your head "no no we don't like each other"
"Then why stay at a hotel? Seems a little odd" she laughed and you laughed with her, she was right but when Tony Stark gives you an order you have to listen apparently "trust me I know" you laughed with her
"So if you're not dating her, does that mean you're free tonight then?" She was asking you out, oh wow okay
"Oh yeah, yeah sure I'm free, do you have anything in mind?" You stumbling over your words and blushing hard was the cutest thing she'd ever seen even if you yourself felt yourself getting stressed
"A drink at the bar maybe?" She said and you nodded "absolutely, when do you get off?" Feeling confident you lent close on the desk leaning your head on your arm and she did the same smirking "isn't it a little too soon to ask when I get off?"
"Is she talking about what I think she's talking about?! I may be an alien but I recognise flirtatious attitude!"
Scratching your head to calm the irritation known as Venom you coughed trying to wet your dry throat, you won't be embarrassed
"Well maybe I'm just trying to time our date, knowing when you get off helps me decide the correct time" that didn't sound as good as you thought it did and both of you knew it but she decided not to hold it against you "I finish at 7, I'll see you at the bar, order me a pornstar martini"
"Pornstar martini? Sounds interesting"
"It's delicious, who doesn't love a pornstar?"
You laughed, god she was funny and hot, what a great combination "you got me there, okay I'll see you at 7" you went to leave but her hand grabbed your arm pulling you close and she gave you a kiss on the cheek "see you then"
Walking to the room with a smile on your face you went to open the door but you were stopped by black tentacles claiming your hand "what are you doing?"
"I feel tension inside and I do not think we should be going inside until Wanda has calmed down"
You huffed "you're being dramatic, we know she hates us what's the point?"
Ignoring very real instinct of Venom you opened the door barley surviving a thrown lamp thanks to Venom catching it in one of their tentacles
"Wanda what the fuck?! This place is expensive you can't be throwing shit around!"
You looked at Wanda seeing red swirls all around her body, okay she was definitely angry "where were you" she said sternly making Venom growl in a defensive state, they didn't like being told off
"I was talking to the front desk woman-
"She asked you out" she interrupted you and you had to hold back from letting Venom out "okay and? She's hot"
Wanda scoffed "oh so you'll just fuck anything that shows you attention huh? You should've been a man because you just think with your dick"
You just stood there dumbfounded, even Venom was speechless "what the hell are you talking about? Why are you acting like a jealous ex girlfriend?"
The witch stood up and stormed into the bathroom slamming the door "we're on a mission! You need to be focused, not staring at a blonde bimbo's chest!"
"I was not staring at her chest! I'm a lady!"
The silence on the other side of the door was deafening and you weren't sure on what to do
"I believe she may still be mad at us, should we do anything?"
You lowered your voice "and risk being murdered in a nice hotel room? No let's just go to the pool" picking out a bikini from your suitcase you headed down to the pool.
When you got there, you realised something "Can you swim?" You whispered to yourself and waited for the alien's response
"Yes I can swim, I was the fastest swimmer on my planet I won plenty of awards!"
You rolled your eyes "you know you don't have to continue talking, you could've just stopped at yes I can swim-
"Who you talking to stranger?" It was the woman from the front desk "oh hi, no one I'm just thinking about how to say sorry to Wanda"
She sat down on a sun lounger bringing you with her and you flopped down with her "honey I don't think you need to apologise to her, she doesn’t like you”
You shrugged "she got stuck with me on this....business trip so I owe it to her to behave"
"She wants us! Quick kiss her!"
Your hand reached to rub at your head calming down the incoming headache “anyway enough about Wanda, I thought you didn’t finish work until later?”
She shrugged “well I saw you coming to the pool and got someone to cover for me, do you want to go swimming?"
You did but you weren't sure, after Wanda's outburst she was definitely watching you, you thought you could even feel her eyes on you "I don't know..."
"Come on, I bet you look so hot in your bikini" she purred at you making you fault a little "oh er yeah, sure okay let me go change" you got up a little to quick nearly stumbling but froze when you felt a pair of hands steady your legs "hold on darling, seems like you need some help"
Her laugh was fun, you even managed to not notice her hands sliding up and down your legs rubbing circles into them
"Ah Y/n I believe we should stop because I feel some eyes on us that are angry"
You ignored the voice and in about 10 seconds you'll really wish you would've listened "so, how about my offer of swimming?"
"Y/n what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Ah fuck me" you whispered pushing yourself away from the woman and turning around to Wanda storming towards you "Wanda I-
"Get back to the room now!" She was angry that much was easy to see but you didn't know why, why was she acting like this?
"Wanda I don't know what the problem is-
"Ahhh! Y/n she's in our mind!"
You felt yourself getting dizzy walking away and falling into the pool spluttering and failing to stay afloat "oh Y/n you're so clumsy now come on you need to stay in the room while we're here"
She pulled you out of the water and pushed past the woman trying to have her way with you dragging you to the room and throwing you inside "we're here for a mission! Not to be a whore!"
"Dude, are you on your period or something?? What have I done? I know we don't like each other but you need to chill out"
Wanda hasn't looked at you yet, all she did was pace around the room "I-i'm sorry I don't know what came over me, it just pissed me off seeing you flirt with that bimbo because she doesn't deserve you"
"She is being quite confusing Y/n I believe it may be a trick"
You couldn't even think of what to say, did she just say someone didn't deserve you? "Wanda" she ignored you "Wanda look at me"
She looked up at you "I'm right, she just wanted to sleep with you"
You shrugged "and? What is this, the 1800s? I'm allowed to sleep with someone"
"Well I don't like it!"
"I'm getting a headache Wanda just say what you truly feel and let me and venom go to sleep"
Wanda scoffed "that's another thing, venom, venom this venom that, it's a parasite! Bruce could've gotten rid of it for you, you'd be normal but no you want to keep it so you can feel special, news flash! You're a mess and when you come in at 4am covered in blood and collapsing on the floor I'm the one picking you up and putting you in bed!"
That's how you get to bed? You don't even remember going out and killing people in the first place, does Venom know?
You lowered your head "do you know about this?"
The symbiote remained quiet so you asked again
"Venom answer me do you go out and then come back covered in blood and making a mess everywhere?"
"Well when you are asleep I can go outside and be my true self"
Your face drained of colour, oh god is that why you couldn't sleep much? "Venom come on dude! Why do you have to keep going out and killing?! I get you live chickens to eat"
Venom remained quiet so you looked back to Wanda "Wanda I-
She held her hand up stopping you "doesn't matter Y/n, go back to your "date""
Before you could respond Wanda was already back into the bathroom, her favourite place to be it seems
"Are you mad at me?" they whispered and you held yourself back from smacking yourself in the head knowing while it would hurt them it would hurt you more
"Yes but it'll pass, I need a lie down"
"What about the attractive blonde woman downstairs?"
You rolled your eyes "I don't want to sleep with anyone right now"
you lay down on the couch closing your eyes just wanting to go back home, but no, Tony wants you both to kill some people and take some important files or something you weren't actually paying attention, he only wanted you to go because of the alien inside of you
"You are thinking very loudly Y/n"
''Well I have a lot on my mind don’t I Venom?”
Before you could finish the bathroom door opened and Wanda came out “do you have anything to say?”
You looked towards her with your eyebrows raised "what do you mean?"
"After all the shit I do for you you owe me a apology" she came towards you and you instantly jumped up backing away from her making her laugh "are you scared of me?"
"When you stalk towards me asking for an apology it's a little scary yeah"
Wanda glanced behind you "and does Venom think I'm scary too?"
You hadn't noticed the black tentacles sprouting from your back in a defensive stance and then you suddenly heard the low growling coming from inside you
"Venom relax, it's okay I promise we're fine" the growling stopped and the tentacles retracted back into your body
"You still owe me an apology" she repeated and you rolled your eyes "can't we just get along for 10 minutes?"
"No, but I'll leave it for now, we should go to sleep we have an early day tomorrow" she turned her back to you starting to remove her top and you gasped "what are you doing??"
She turned her head to you "getting dressed for bed?"
"B-but can't you do that in the bathroom?" You stumbled over your words blushing and Wanda rolled her eyes "we have the same body anatomy Y/n there's nothing wrong with seeing me naked"
"Is this flirting? If she's removing her clothes that means she wants us correct?"
You shook your head "I-okay" you mumbled casting your gaze to the floor where Wanda's shirt then her bra ended up, Wanda smirked knowing exactly how you were feeling and while she hated you she would like to have a little fun
"You know since we’re here can you look at something for me?” You thought nothing of it and looked up immediately regretting it when you were faced with her chest “Wanda!”
“What? You wanted to help me correct?” She smirked and you closed your eyes “Wanda this isn’t appropriate, we don’t like each other and I don’t feel comfortable”
She rolled her eyes lifting your chin up but you still refused to open your eyes “malen'kiy I’ve been inside your head, you may hate me and I hate you but the images you think of when you think you’re alone are just delightful”
“Really?” You replied and Wanda’s smile dropped pushing you to the ground
“You’re a creep Y/n I’ve never been in your head because that stupid parasite stops any interaction from me, but now I know, you keep those disgusting images to yourself” still not opening your eyes you heard her slam the bathroom door again, Jesus that doors seen more action than you in months
“Y/n I believe she has left and we can open our eyes now”
You slowly opened your eyes and were met with Venom’s face too and you flinched “god I’ll never get over actually seeing your face”
“Because it is so beautiful”
You grimaced “hmm sure let’s go with that” you stood up drying yourself down and sitting on the bed “well I’m getting changed before she comes back out and beats me for looking at her wrong”
You quickly changed and got under the covers awaiting the angry witches return
“Oh so the couch isn’t good enough anymore?” Those were her first words exiting the bathroom dressed in a shirt and her underwear getting under the covers and placing a pillow between you both as some kind of wall of protection
“Don’t you dare touch me or I’ll tear your body from the inside out with my magic”
Rolling your eyes “please Wanda stop trying to turn me on I won’t be able to control myself if you keep teasing me”
“Keep your parasite at bay too”
Low growls from said parasite left your body and you shushed them “I promise they won’t do anything, even they have standards” you snapped back, closing your eyes you hoped to fall asleep quickly and you did
Through the night you were in and out of sleep waking up at one point and the pillow was gone removed by Venom
“What are you doing???” You whispered
“She is thinking of us”
You peeked a look at Wanda “she isn’t, she’s not angry”
“She is muttering your name and whimpering”
You scoffed turning over facing away from her “you’re being ridiculous Venom, she wouldn’t be whimpering about us, she’d be laughing and happy because she’s probably stabbing us”
Your whispering woke Wanda up and before she could shout she noticed the pillow gone and you muttering to that alien when you turned around you stopped talking and sat up quickly
“Sorry Wanda I didn’t mean to wake you, I didn’t move the pillow venom did and I’ve shouted at them already-
“Oh shut up” she kissed you to shut you up and you blushed hard pulling away but Wanda’s hand gripped the back of your neck keeping you in place
“I still hate you” she breathed out kissing you again sitting you both up and eventually pulling away leaving you speechless “I’m so confused”
“I’ll keep it simple Y/n, I hate you, you hate me, we’re here in this bed and I’ve not had sex in 7 months, even then Vision wasn’t the best in bed so I need to get it out of my system”
While she was talking she’d taken her shirt off and straddled you and went to kiss your neck but you finally regained some form of control placing your hands on her shoulders stopping her “Wanda wait this isn’t right, can’t we go back to hating each other properly?”
The witch shook her head giggling “oh princess you want me too, I know it now, tell me how does the parasite help you in sex?”
You couldn’t believe what was happening, this feels like something out of bad comedy love movie
“I don’t know, they only come out when scared or excited”
Wanda licked her lips smiling “excited? I can get them really excited”
“Y/n is this a trick? I feel like this is a trick”
You shrugged “I think she’s serious, just stay there until I figure it out”
Wanda watched the interaction rolling her eyes “I’m very serious Y/n” she pulled you back into another kiss starting to move her hips on your thigh but you put a stop to that grabbing her hips pausing her and pulling away “no, no Wanda I don’t feel right about it”
“Tell her you’ve never been intimate with another person”
Venom said and you shook your head refusing to tell Wanda about you never sleeping with anyone, unbeknownst to you Wanda knew, Venom couldn’t keep her out when you were sleeping
“It’s okay Y/n I know you’ve never had sex, and I can’t wait to ruin you for anyone else”
You gulped unable to say anything instead letting Wanda kiss down your neck and removing your shirt pulling away and admiring your chest noticing the metal bars “nipple piercings? What a naughty girl, do you have any other piercings?”
You shook your head not wanting to say something to ruin this beautiful yet really strange encounter
She didn’t say a word just leaning down kissing each nipple making you shudder “Wanda I-I don’t think-
She huffed pulling away and rubbing her face “Y/n I just want to fuck the anger out of my body, you’re being really selfish”
“Wanda I’m sorry, it’s just I’m scared that Venom might take over and hurt you”
“I’ll do more than that if she keeps calling me a parasite!” They growled taking over your body a little clawing at Wanda’s hips cutting into her
“Shit, they’ve got some sharp claws there” she laughed a little and you gasped “oh god Wanda I’m sorry!”
“Shush, listen Venom you horrible little clump of mold I need this, now either you let me fuck Y/n or you come out and give me a hand” roughly kissing you she was suddenly flipped onto her back and pushed down into the bed “woah, where did that strength come from?”
“Well Y/n is weak and if you want rough sex then I’m the only one here to give it to you”
Wanda’s eyes glowed red bringing you back to the front “I want to sleep with you, Venom can help but you’re the one who I want to look at.
You nodded “okay”
“You need all the help you can get, I will give you something that will drive Wanda wild”
You opened your mouth revealing Venom’s long tongue poking out licking up the side of the redhead’s face “oh god I didn’t know they had a tongue like that”
Not wasting anymore time you kissed your way down her body leaving marks and saliva in your wake until Wanda grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you to in between her legs
“Get on with it Y/n”
“But I’ve never done it” you said and you felt her pull your hair tighter “doesn’t matter, just fuck me with your tongue”
Venom growled from inside of you gripping her thighs spreading them apart and licking up the arousal that had dripped down and licking over her panties making her groan “fuck Y/n”
Moaning at her taste you ripped her underwear from her body circling her clit with the long tongue enjoying the moans coming from Wanda, god why have you never eaten anyone out before? This is fucking godly.
"So much better than Vision!" She shouted out and you (Venom) growled against her core sending vibrations throughout her whole body making her groan "how about you stop talking and let me do my job"
Thrusting your tongue into Wanda’s tight pussy had her crying out not caring about the other guests in the hotel instead feeling very full and unable to move, your tongue felt like heaven reaching places Wanda couldn't have imagined possible, what else could Venom give you? God Wanda couldn't even think, maybe another day.
Your hands gripped her thighs tighter cutting into the skin again but neither of you cared. You felt Wanda clench around the tongue and you groaned wanting to stay in between her thighs for the rest of your life
"F-fuck I'm gonna cum!" She screamed refusing to let you come for air trying to thrust her hips in time with your tongue but her sloppy movements couldn't keep up with you
"Grab her hips to keep her still! She isn't helping my rhythm!"
Your hands pushed Wanda's hips to the bed doubling down on your efforts with your tongue refusing to let her go, bringing orgasm after orgasm from her juices leaking down her thighs covering your face and the bed
You were so occupied that you didn't hear or feel Wanda try to weakly push you away until a small amount a power sparked your chest pushing you away, you were breathing heavy with Wanda's juices and saliva coating your face
"Wanda?" You climbed back up the bed trailing your fingers up her body liking the way her body twitched with every touch until you reached her face "Wanda are you okay?"
The witch shook her head "are-are you sure y-youre a virgin?"
You laughed "yeah, yeah it was Venom's tongue I was a puppet" Wanda didn't have the energy to respond instead working on her breathing, you turned to the nightstand picking up a small towel wiping your face clean and turning back to the woman surprisingly kissing her, Wanda groaned at the taste of herself enjoying the taste and the way your long tongue wrapped around her own claiming her.
Pulling away the tongue disappeared and you left you with your own small tongue again
"She does taste very good, a little sour but that might be her attitude"
"So what now?" You asked, choosing to laugh at VEnom’s joke later, watching the way Wanda's chest rose and fell in quick succession "seriously? You as a virgin fucking wrecks me with that parasite's long tongue and you have the audacity to ask me 'what now?' Fucking ridiculous Y/n"
She flopped back down onto the bed and you held in a laugh "sorry Wanda, are you okay?"
"Sure, I don't think I'll be walking for a while anyway"
"We treat Wanda like a lady but she will not admit that she loves us? And she still calls me a parasite!"
Wanda sat up in the bed looking towards you "what else can Venom give you?"
That surprised you but you also sat up "er I don't know, the long tongue not enough for you?"
Wanda let out a breathy laugh "it'd be much better than a plastic strap on"
You raised an eyebrow wondering what she meant until Venom spoke up "I cannot give Wanda what she wants, because I don't have any genitalia, I apologise"
You giggled "sorry Wanda Venom doesn't have that or any genitalia"
She sighed "I guess it's for the best, I don't want little alien babies"
You both burst out laughing forgetting how you both feel about each other for the time being "we should probably talk about the mission"
Oh yeah the mission, that was the last thing on your mind right now "I guess so"
Suddenly the door opened and you both nearly jumped until you recognised one of them.
"Well well well, guess I was right telling Tony it's better if we came with you, clearly you two have other things on your mind more important than the mission" she laughed and the other woman came into the room instantly laughing and falling to her knees dramatically
"Holy shit! I knew it! Clint owes $40"
"Natasha this isn't funny” Maria slapped her on the shoulder pushing her to the ground ignoring her giggles and looking back to you both "okay okay we've all had a good laugh now you two get dressed, we've got some intel on the target and need to get there quick"
When Wanda didn't move you held in a giggle and Nat pulled herself off of the floor eyeing Wanda up "don't tell me you can't move...that good?"
Wanda rolled her eyes "jealous Nat?"
The other redhead snorted "please, Maria does things you've never even heard of, I'm a trained assassin and talented ballerina and yet this woman takes me down every time"
She looked very proud of herself while Maria blushed hard "babe please calm down, Wanda why can't you move?"
"It is because of my long tongue isn't it Y/n?"
You gave a small nod in response to Venom and got out of bed to get dressed leaving the poor naked redhead on her own "go on Wanda tell us while she's in the bathroom getting changed"
"You know the parasite she has?" Wanda started
"Sure..." Nat said
"Well it has a long tongue and so Y/n has never had sex so I think they had a talk in her head and then this long tongue appeared from her mouth, way too much saliva though, I thought I was going to drown when she kissed me"
"That's the best of both worlds! A tongue and basically a strap on in 1, Shit Wanda I'm jealous"
Maria rolled her eyes "I thought I did things you've never imagined before?"
Nat kissed her pouting girlfriend "you do baby but that alien has like a 13 inch tongue that's thick too, I'd fucking die"
"I'm still alive over here guys"
"Yeah okay sure, why haven't you moved from the bed?" Nat walked over to the bed holding her hand out for Wanda to take which she didn’t
“Oh come on Wanda it’s not like I’ve never seen you naked, you get crazy at the Christmas party”
Wanda huffed taking Nat’s hand and hosting herself up from the bed leaning into Nat who casually looked over your body “you’ve got so many hickeys and scratches on your thighs and stomach, you look like you’ve been attacked”
“Yeah by an alien” Nat laughed
“Do you remember that you two hate each other?” Maria interjected and Wanda shrugged “I needed to fuck someone who didn’t have a robotic dick or a vanilla attitude”
You came out of the bathroom dressed and looking awkward “there she is, the virgin who managed to paralyse a witch from the waist down” Nat congratulated you while Wanda tried pulling away from her
“Nat please come on, let’s just go and sort this mission stuff out” you moved through the room towards the door but were stopped by Maria “hold on princess, we don’t really have to go that quickly, you two hate each other right? So what happened?"
You thought about it "maybe she was jealous about the woman who was flirting with me?"
"You mean the easy slut basically spreading her legs for you by the pool?"
The three of them stared at Wanda who doubled down on what she said "I'm right, if she didn't work here I bet she would've just stripped naked in front of you"
Nat picked up some sweatpants and a shirt from the floor giving them to Wanda "Wands I don't think you can talk about someone being easy when you're stood here naked"
The witch grumbled taking the clothes from Nat limping into the bathroom to get changed
"You two are a riot" Nat told you and you shook your head "Nat please don't make it worse, I'm really fucking confused" you flopped down onto the bed covering your face with your hands, when you felt a hand on your arm you looked up to see Maria
"Why label it? So you gave head to your enemy so what? I'm pretty sure you can still be enemies but still sleep with each other if you wanted"
You sat up sighing and giving Maria a hug "thanks Mia, I don't want to be sappy about the whole thing, you're right and its over now"
Nat clapped her hands "Alright! Now let's go and get dinner before we starve, I bet your little Venom is hungry too"
Did she mention food? I would very much like food! But my food!"
"Venom wants to eat what they normally eat" you said looking at Nat knowing full well what they want
"Well, can they wait until we get to the mission? They'll be loads of tasty horrible humans for them to devour"
Venom's head appeared from your back eyeing up Nat and spoke in a gravely voice "Natalia, do you promise me I can eat the humans? Last time I was refused that luxury"
"God you're really ugly aren't you?" Nat laughed and you shook your head "Nat! They get sensitive about how they look"
The alien retreated back into your body without another word cursing Nat in your head
Wanda came out of the bathroom fresh faced and dressed "shall we go?" She walked towards the door opening it and letting the two women out "meet you guys in the lobby okay?" Maria patted you on the shoulder giving you a kiss on the cheek
When they both left Wanda closed the door and sat down next to you "say what you want to say Y/n"
"I want to know what's going on Wanda, do we still hate each other? Because the way you were screaming my name and clenching your thighs around my head it sure doesn't seem like it"
Wanda rolled her eyes pulling you suddenly into her lap and kissing you hard, pulling away you were obviously even more confused that when you first started
"I still hate you and that stupid parasite but I don't want you sleeping with anyone else, you can't flirt with anyone else either" her hands wondered your body landing on your ass giving it a squeeze making you jump slightly
"Wanda just admit you don't hate me, what's the problem?"
"Because we can't have hate sex if we like each other can we?" sucking a mark into your neck she smirked when you groaned
"Y/n you need to focus!"
Venom dragged you off of the woman surprising both of you "the hell was that??"
"Venom doesn't want me near you" you said being dragged to the door but it was slammed shut by Wanda's powers "oh baby, your alien will learn to love me, now come on we need to finish that mission so I can take my post mission adrenaline out on you later"
She gave you a cheek kiss on the way out of the room leaving you dumbfounded "great, my first time was with a witch who is possessive over people she hates"
"On my planet she would be treated like a queen because of how mean she is"
You laughed "thanks Venom, that made me feel better"
"I aim to please Y/n"
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she-karev · 1 month
The Night Before (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Two
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev Sister’s)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 6
AN: Next story is gonna be painful so be prepared.
Summary: Amber leaves Andrew a voicemail about giving him another chance. The next morning, he sees someone from his past that he is determined to capture with Carina following him.
Words: 777
May 3rd, 2020
Amber paces the visitors lounge back and forth slapping her phone against her open palm trying to think of what to say. After her talk with April, Amber realized that she can’t keep living in the past of her family’s mistake just like Andrew. She realized that he’s doing the work to not end up like his father like she originally feared and has seen that over the past few weeks. She realized that while he hasn’t earn her trust and forgiveness yet he wants to try…and she wants to let him.
She tried finding him but Dr. Bailey told her that he left to get some sleep which made Amber sad but glad that he is taking care of himself like he said he would. It makes her more certain that she wants to give him another chance.
Amber exhales slowly before going to her favorite contacts and pressing Andrew’s name causing the phone to ring. She holds it up against her ear waiting for him to pick up anxiously as she has no idea how to even start her reply. She hears the call end and Andrew’s voicemail telling her to leave a message so she decides to do that feeling like a one on one call will make things awkward.
“Hey it’s Amber.” She starts her message, “Um…look I’ve been thinking about what you said and you were right. You did ruin everything, you did and I am not gonna pretend otherwise because I have spent months being mad at you and trying to undo the emotional damage you forced on me. You made me feel like I had unknowingly signed myself up for another mental spiral round and I was convinced you were just playing an act that would drop when I came back…but I was wrong. If you really wanted the act to drop this pandemic would have made you do that. But instead, you set boundaries, you got treatment, you’re doing the work and I see now that your gonna try not to make the same mistakes again like you told me today. I see that…so I really hope this chance I am giving you is not gonna be wasted. Because you have given me the worst time of my life this year so far, please give me the best from now on. I’ll see you tomorrow, good night.” Amber hangs up and exhales uneasily before putting her mask back on so she can finish her night shift.
Andrew DeLuca gets off his motorcycle in the parking lot, takes his helmet off and locks his bike in place. He walks down the gravel lot carrying his helmet in one hand and his other hand unzips his jacket pocket to pull out his phone. He goes through his notification, and something catches his eye, he sees a voicemail from Amber last night and is about to press it when something catches his eye across the lot.
He sees a redhead that looks familiar to him as she exits the tent five cars away from him. She is talking on the phone, and he blinks before he remembers the day he had a breakdown he remembers her as the woman he rightfully accused of child trafficking. He was manic and unstable at the time so they assumed the woman was innocent but then her victim from that day, Erin Banks, came back and confirmed he was right. He sees the vile woman walking to her car and he is shocked frozen in place. Carina spots him and approaches him.
Carina greets him, “Buon giorno.”
Andrew shushes her and calls her closer to speak to her in a low voice so as not to alarm Opal, “Carina.”
“What's wrong?”
“It's the woman who brought the girl. Cindy. E-Erin.” Andrew corrects himself, “Erin Banks. Do you remember her?”
Carina sees the woman and starts to worry about her brother’s mental state, “Andrea…”
“Carina, I swear it's her.” He speaks in Italian and tries to convince her it is not his mania talking, “Carina look at me. I’m fine and I’m right. Believe me it’s her.”
Carina responds back in their native tongue, “Okay, then call the police.”
“No, you call the police. I'm following her.” Andrew declares to his shocked sister, “I let her out of the hospital once. I'm not doing it again.”
Carina sees she’s not gonna convince him otherwise, so she decides to make sure he’s safe doing it, “Va bene. But I'm driving. Okay?”
“Okay. Come on. Hurry up.” He follows her to her car where Amber’s message is the farthest thing from his mind right now.
Don't worry there's more coming tomorrow so hang tight and get your tissues ready
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newlyy · 2 months
I'm watching the ALR shitstorm unfold and my main takeaway is that all of these people are crazy and mean, and should not be trusted. ALR is a shitty person. but haydurs hitting on her for laughs is just so crule. yes she is unhinged stoker-adjacent lah. but what are YOU doing? also, I'm hearing T voice. it's like the 3rd one around ALR (after becky and casey who apparantly tried to pull a top surgery fund scam). whats up with that.
So ok. I had a long car ride today, so I caught up on a lot of the ALR shit that’s been going on. I agree, these women (Erica, Brittany, ALR) are all terrible people trying to “yeah but” their individual terrible actions by pointing to the others terrible actions. It’s hard to know what exactly everyone is motivated by. My working theory is that yes brittany and Erica decided that Erica should DM amberlynn as a joke, but then, I think, Brittany thought the joke was over, but Erica continued talking to ALR in private and legitimately started enjoying talking to her, either because of ALR herself (unlikely) or because Erica just likes the thrill of cheating on her wife (more likely). That Erica now is trying to make it seem like she was a victim of ALR’s manipulation is bs to me. Like first of all, Erica allegedly spent 2400 on ALR, with 400 just being legos, and sent ALR videos of her masturbating. That doesn’t seem like someone who just got caught in a joke she couldn’t extricate herself from. And she says like “I was giving ALR every excuse possible to stop talking to me and she just wouldn’t 😔” like girl, block her. You live across the country from amberlynn, you only contact each other by phone or online…just block her. But Erica didn’t block her. I’m guessing when Brittany found out that the joke of Erica texting ALR became an actual sexual/intimate thing between the two of them, is when Erica started saying ALR was insane and possessive and whatnot, as a way to retroactively clear her name with her wife. Her and her wife coming online to do interviews with reactors seems like trying to save their marriage, like presenting a unified front against the “villain” ALR. In reality, I think everything Erica did with ALR was by choice. But then….idk I have so many thoughts. Brittany and Erica were haters, like they knew who ALR was, they watched reaction channels, was that part of it? Did they want internet fame, or to at least be featured in gorl world on the reaction channels they watched? You find out your wife is cheating on you with another woman, and you call the woman, and…record the call? That’s a lot of foresight to have in an emotionally fraught moment. There’s a lot of weird behavior. I’m also hung up on ALR saying that in one of the sexual videos Erica sent her, Erica’s wife’s foot is visible in the screen. That opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
It’s fucked that they trolled amberlynn, but amberlynn is also fucked because she knowingly carried on with a married woman. (And she should know better than to assume people who find her from her YouTube—where she’s hated—would all have good intentions). And as much as I believe Erica enjoyed being with ALR until she didn’t, I do believe everything she said about how fucked ALR was in the “relationship,” like telling her she couldn’t have sex with her wife (!), demanding to see texts between Erica and Brittany, wanting access to Erica through life 360 (which id never heard of before this), so she knew where she was every moment of the day. I 100% believe ALR is bad news in relationships. I think she’s insecure, selfish, and callous. I don’t think she’s capable of selflessly loving anyone. Never mind her response video in which she claims to never want to rely on her bpd diagnosis, but then excuses nearly every insane behavior with “my bpd.” I’m probably stepping on toes with this, but telling ALR she has bpd was the worst thing a psych could do imo. She will absolutely never alter her behavior with others now. Everything will just get written off as “I have bpd, it is what it is.” And honestly you can see that manipulation in Erica’s stories, about how, when she would try to pull back from ALR’s control, ALR would say something like you’re triggering my bpd.
So, in conclusion, no victims in this scenario. I know foodie beauty also discussed this (I am feel uncomfortable when not about me) but I haven’t heard what she’s said yet. I’m only interested in that as far as I can relate it to FB’s own situation with salah/Kaibella. It’s very similar.
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
sat 3rd Dec 2022 journal 21:45pm
realising that my heart is still broken is the worst thing ever. I don’t trust people. I can’t believe I let people this close to me only to allow them the chance to know me and try to break me. I don’t believe in leaving people you love for no good reason. And that’s what these people have done. I can’t overlook that. my heart hurts. Also my dad didn’t wish me happy birthday and hasn’t even bothered to contact me. I cannot believe my own dad hasnt contacted me. Like nothing. Not even a hi or nothing. this has really hurt me. why do the people we love the most hurt us the most. I’m done trying to trust people. You niggas don’t deserve my trust. I need to leave all of you behind cause you all suck. Everyone who has hurt me needs their time. I hope they get it too. Cause fuck being the bigger person. Fuck wishing them well. Fuck that. You don’t hurt someone you claim to love. That doesn’t make sense. And the only way that makes sense is if you don’t love them and by my optics right now that’s what it’s looking like. I can’t believe they’d use me like an instrument and leave me to pick up the pieces of myself. I didn’t enter this life a broken somebody. I didn’t enter this life broken. And I think I’ve been confident and quite upbeat about life but people are have always tried to break me. My heart hurts. I feel poor. there’s no gratification to look forward too. There’s no friends to look forward too. There’s no light right now. I’m just here. my saving grace is the fact that I have an abundance mindset and that I think things are going to be alright in the end despite this whole fucking journal being all sad and shit but still I have quite a positive outlook on life and see it as a journey of things I have to learn but fuck this it’s hard. I want to trust people but they make it hard for me to trust. Can we deep that my dad didn’t wish me happy birthday? he didn’t say a single thing. Not a message. Nothing. But I’m just meant to move past it like it’s nothing. I’m just meant to be fine with it. Fuck this man. I don’t get why people want to break me. I don’t understand why this whole year has been about breaking me down. I genuinely don’t get it. I don’t understand. I want to cry. I need a piss. It’s 21:59pm. My room is a mess. I’ve lost my AirPods. I need to pay my rent. My body is in pain. I’m accepting that some friendships aren’t friendships but transactional services. I don’t trust women. Sirad didn’t wish me happy birthday but she saw my story. Sirad doesn’t even chat to me like that. I’m deeping I don’t even like her like that so now her attraction has worn off. It’s whatever. My relationship with Reba is off. She wished me happy birthday and I wished her a good performance but I feel like that relationship is fractured and I’m not in a forgiving mood where I want to put it behind me cause I’m still mourning the past three months of my life that have been so fucking difficult. I don’t really care that she wished me a happy birthday cause I don’t believe it was from the heart. I just don’t believe anything she says to me or will say to me. I feel like I’ve been used. I feel like women are using me. I don’t want to be used. I don’t like feeling like this. You’ve hurt me deeply and I’ve had to carry on life without you. when you were out of sight and out of mind I was happier but now that you’re coming back I’m now sad. So that tells me what I need to know. I don’t want you here right now. I can’t get passed the fact that you would leave me for no good reason in a time when I needed you the most. That’s not what friends do. That’s not what people who care for each other do. Considering I was there for you when you had your pregnancy scare. All thru out summer. When you were lost in Crystal Palace and I went out looking for you with my dad at 2 in the morning for 40+ mins. Giving you money when you didn’t have any in your account. I’ve done things for you that I wouldn’t normally do and for you to leave me like this over something so small means that you didn’t really care for me or this friendship.
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absinthe-and-tea · 3 years
Hiiii, how are youuuu?
Remember my ask about torturing our ex?
I was wondering if you could switch things up and have it to where WE are torturing Harry, Michael's, and maybe Jason? Maybe it was an ex from when he was a child? Idk, just please do anything.
Love you, bestie💞
I'm exhausted and finally figured out my sexuality I think- anyways-
I hope you like this!
Slasher HCs || S/O Seeking Revenge for Them
Warnings: Violence
Harry Warden
He hasnt dated many people. Maybe only two in his life. Despite that, both definitely left emotion scars on him.
You noticed the small reactions he gave when you reached over him when he flinched. Or if you say his name he'll tense and expect the worst.
When you gently place your hand on his cheek you'll see how he melts, noticing just how used to neglect he was.
He was wholly unprepared to walk into the basement to see you torturing not one. But BOTH of his exes.
You wanted them to regret everything they did to the poor man. Both of the women had bright red cheeks from repeatedly being slapped as well as various broken bones.
Harry just stared at you in stunned silence and you continue about your rampage against the people who have hurt him. He understood why you were doing it which made him fall further in love with you.
When your done, you turn and notice him. He'll walk up to you and slowly wrap his arms around you, resting his head against your should despite it being somewhat uncomfortable since he's taller than you.
Just rub his back and pepper his mask in kisses, telling him how much you love him. Not that you need to. You just showed it in full.
Michael Myers
He dated once. When he was in 3rd grade maybe. I don't think it could really be considered dating. Though he does remember and he's very disgruntled about it. He just brushes it off as a childhood joke.
You've seen the grown female a few times when with Michael since she was a cashier at the closest store near your house. You can tell he's eager to leave because it's a weird memory for him.
While the female never really hurt hurt him, you saw her flirting with Michael a few times which made you lividly jealous.
That being said, you had to show her who was his and who wasn't so you kidnapped her and kept her in the basement. Going down there every other day or so to torture her.
Michael got curious as to what you were doing down there on those days and decided to follow you. Quietly stalking you into the basement. He watched as you sparked up your normal chit chat with the tied and gagged female as she wept.
He was amused in all honesty. He just stayed in his dark corner until he snuck up to stand behind you. His amusement peaked when he realized you were jealous.
Trust me. He'll be picking on you for months about it after he scares the shit out of you, coming out of the shadows. You'll never live it down.
Jason Voorhees
Jason didn't talk about his childhood much if at all since it was painful. Though you did get a tidbit from him about how he had a crush on a fellow camper back before the incident.
He talked about how he'd make her things. Like necklaces and little paper letters. Though the little girl always destroyed the things he made her, picking on him for his looks and whatnot.
You were furious at how someone could be so mean to someone so sweet. So. When this female showed up to the camp as a Counselor when they re-opened, you made it your sole goal to get to her before Jason.
And somehow you did. Jason did a head count of all the campers he killed and realized he was missing one. Immediately he went on a hunt but stopped when he heard shrill screaming.
When he reached you and the female, she was missing a leg. You stood over her with a bloodied axe, watching her scream and try to crawl away, begging for her life. It made you angrier wgen she claimed she did nothing to deserve this. Causing you to bury the axe right between her shoulder blades in a fit of rage.
When you stood up straight, your eyes were met with the sight of Jason stabding there with his head tilted to the side. A deep blusg immediately coated your cheeks in embarrassment.
When you explain yourself, Jason just shakes his head a bit in amusement before picking you up and carrying you to the cabin. He was proud of you for even being able to pick up an axe. Let alone kill someone with it. So he rewards you by cooking dinner that night.
Though he's surprised you even remember the story he told you. Let alone what the girls name was and what she looked like. He's ecstatic that you listen to his ramblings and whatnot.
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
the 355
Honestly...this was definitely not the worst movie I've ever seen. But the entire thing is just...a giant ball of meh rolled into one.
First, there were a few things I did like. One thing that really stood out was the conversations in other languages. It's always irked me when movies set in international settings have most conversations in English. The 355 had a diverse cast who together spoke about six different languages and it's fantastic to hear them. The other thing is that the aesthetics are gorgeous and everyone is visually stunning, which...kinda became the only thing that carries you through the less impressive parts.
And uh yeah, there were a lot. The plot is simultaneously convoluted yet uninspiring. The action was simultaneously unrelenting yet unexciting and kinda became a drag to watch in the 3rd act. The characters are snappy and indistinguishable (except Graciela), with not much personality between them, which is a real waste of the talented cast it assembled. The lines are economical for most of the movie, but at times outright cringe. The movie was peppered with side characters who were family, but for some reason it was very hard to get emotional investment, to the point the 3rd act felt flat and perfunctory even though there were some heavy beats. I think part of it is also that the pacing avoided giving emotional moments any weight, and it didn't allow the audience room to breathe. Importantly, if it had invested more than 2 minutes in Nick and Mace's relationship and trust, it could have been something much better, but...anyway.
On principle, I am also never a fan of movies that has a Chinese intelligence agency swooping in to save the day.
As a bit of an aside, Fan Bingbing is one of China's most famous actresses, but became embroiled in a tax evasion case back in the middle of 2018 (right after getting cast), resulting in her professional career tanking. Admirably, The 355 continued to film with her even though there were issues in her being able to exit the country, and this is basically her only work since the scandal.
But damn Seb (and the women) were pretty!
PS: in a movie that’s fairly devoid of emotional impact, I could totally ship Jessica Chastain’s and Diane Kruger’s characters 🤣
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broken-n-discarded · 4 years
Narcissists just keep moving
I was thinking about this lately, how narcissists keep moving like you don't exist while you are left wounded and struggling to keep going. Some days I find myself wishing that I could be as cold as my narcissist ex and forget he exits and keep moving. I also blame myself a lot for what has happened to me, I think I was too nice, to forgiving, to naïve, to deeply in love to see reason. I have been here before with him, broken and left behind for another woman. Over 16yrs ago when we were first in a relationship, he lied and manipulated me and then left me for another woman. I was young and had no clue what a narcissist was or that there was even such a thing as narcissist abuse. In fact if it had not been for joining tik tok, I would have still not know what he was or what he was doing. I was always so confused by the things that he did and his reactions and sudden disappearances. His words and actions never matched. Nothing made sense and he would explain away so many things. We even stayed in contact after the devastating break up the first time. My mind convincing me that it was better to have a little bit of him in my life rather than nothing at all. It hurt especially when he married the woman he had left me for. 
After he was married I did my best to stay away, I would hide myself online from him although I would check up on his social media from time to time to see what he was up to and looking for cracks that his life was not the fairy tale he wanted me to believe that it was. It was hard, I would hear from him out of the blue usually once a year until finally I got the courage to cut him off completely because he wanted to talk daily instead of yearly and I knew he was married and that nothing good could come from that. The 2 yrs without him in my life at all felt like I was treading water, hoping that he would find me. It was the weirdest feeling that I could not understand why I felt like I needed him to live even though I knew he was not the nicest person and had gone out of his way many times to put me down or make me feel bad about myself or anything that I perceived as an achievement. Those 2 yrs were so hard and finally I couldn't take the silence and not knowing anymore and I had to find him. It didn't take long, there he was on Instagram. I thought about it for a month before finally reaching out. He answered instantly and it felt like a hole in my heart was immediately filled and  I could breath after holding my breath for so long. He was so happy to have me back and he missed me so much and I missed him. I thought I had my friend back and that I was strong enough to keep it on a friend level, but I was not. I over estimated my strength and underestimated his charm and  within a month he had pulled me back in with confessions of a broken marriage and years of regret that he had not picked me. It all felt like a dream and I was shook. 
Not to long after he claimed to have left his wife and we started to talk more about us and if we really wanted to be together and get to know each other again after so long. It was a long distance reconnection because he lives in England and I live in California. I wish I had of known at this time that he was a narcissist and that I felt all the things I felt after years of being trauma bonded to him. That all those things were from his manipulation and charm, but I didn't know and what followed was 2 years of lies, future faking, cheating, disappearing, lots of anger on his part and finally him leaving me for a new woman. In the end I found out that the first year we were together that he actually was still very much with his wife (the time difference and distance made that easy I suppose) so he was carrying on a long distance relationship with me while still being a husband and father. He was so good at lying and covering his tracks, although I would question him a lot he always had a good answer or reason or excuse for everything. How I found out he had been lying it was by accident when his wife’s Instagram popped up on my suggestions list and I was curious and clicked. Suddenly I was flooded with pictures of him on trips with her and their kids all the times that he would disappear or be less talkative which he would blame on work or being a single father. When confronted he never once apologized but said instead that I should have known what he was doing and put all the blame on me for not being smarter. I should of cut him off then and there but something in me could not and we carried on as friends. Eventually he softened towards me again and for a month said that he was still in love with me and that he would leave his wife for me eventually I just had to wait. 5 months later however, his wife caught him messaging her sister and she ended the marriage because she didn't believe that it was only messages. He had told me about talking to the sister, but he had such a good story for that, or at least I convinced myself it was a good story. I warned him to not talk to her (embarrassingly more out of jealously than for his wife sake) but he didn't listen because he knew I was jealous and it eventually broke his marriage. I now see that he triangulated it that he would get caught so his wife could end the marriage and he could claim he was merely helping a woman in distress and his wife the “monster” wouldn't listen to reason. A week later we were back together because stupidly I let my eagerness for him to be mine overpower logic and reason. It was good 2 months of daily video chats, assurance that he was really split this time with picture proof and numerous phone calls (all things he denied me before). Sadly it did not last long.
After 2 months he started to be cold, mean and distant. He was always at his ex wifes house or at some new lady that he had claimed was a friend through his sons. The single mother of one of their friends to be exact. Suddenly I was accused of not trusting him and being paranode and crazy because he would spend the night at both ladies houses and shut off his phone or block me off and on to be with them. I was so confused how his love could disappear over night. After so much time of claiming I was the one and how much he loved me in spite of all the pain he was inflicting on me with lies and cheating. That month our 3rd and last together ended with him fighting daily with me for time alone with the new lady and me begging him to understand why that was wrong and to either let me go or act nice again. Finally he just ended it. I was devastated and so confused. The month that followed that was me asking what happened trying to figure out the lies and why he was doing what he was doing and keeping me around and in his life if he was going to be like this. No answers were really given and the ones that were made no sense. It was horrible I was broken trying to figure out what happened and he was running around with lord only knows how many women at that point. He would still disappear and block me on occasion and turn off his phone. 
Dec of last year was the worst part, he would still tell me that there was hope for us that he just need some time to think, so of course not really understanding and hopelessly in love I stayed around. Out of the blue after about 2 years of asking he finally let me follow his Instagram and low and behold there was a woman posting comments that made her sound like she was his gf. Apparently this was triangulation ( I didn't know that at the time) this of course set me off emotionally and hurt so much, he got mad that I was hurt and used that to disappear for a week to punish me for being upset that he had a new woman in his life after he swore he didn't. When we finally started to talk again I stupidly had to apologize for being hurt (he hated when I felt anything, was always angry when I would tell him he hurt my feelings). We started to talk like friends again and even discussed me going to visit him ( I failed to mention that he had claimed he wanted me to move to England to be with him from the beginning of him claiming to be separated from his wife and this last time we had looked at houses together so I could move to be with him in January). He made it seem like we were back on track all the way up to the day he cut me out of his life. He got angry with me on a Saturday because when I texted him after I woke up like usual he didn't answer and finally at like 2am his time he wrote back saying he had been driving all night to clear his head. I knew it was a lie because he had told me the day before how bad the roads were with snow and he always hated driving at night. I called him on it and asked if it was really a date he blew up and that was it. The next 2 days he would not reply to my texts and finally I asked what was happening that he was acting weird and he simply texted “sorry, busy, message later” and that was it. With those 4 words he was gone and I was devastated. 
Weirdly enough he still follows me on Instagram and I still follow him but he never posts, when I do he doesn't write or like them and when I try to comment on his or write him a message they go unanswered. I am pretty sure that I am restricted, why he doesn't just block me I don't know. He now has a new gf, the 3rd since me but this one is the one that gets everything he denied me and has been introduced to his family. I put it all together and figure that he cut me out of his life to avoid all the questions that would I would ask just like with his gf after me. Cutting me out saved him the annoyance of being accountable.
I found out about narcissist's on tik tok while scrolling to distract myself from the silence and everything they described sounded like him and made so many things make sense. Sadly knowing what he is doesn't make the pain go away. It was all real for me, and just realizing that it was all a game to him is devastating. The horrible thing is that even as write this and am aware that he is a monster and only cares about himself, I still very much love this man. I know that it is a trauma bond and for the last month I was franticly trying to find a way to reach him, but then I realized how crazy that did make me seem. Its weird how narcissist's can cause you to act and do things you would never have thought possible. That they rewire your brain and take away logic and reason so slowly and strategic that you don't even recognize yourself when they leave you. I tell myself some days that his new relationship wont last, they never do and when they end, he usually comes back looking for me, I think I do this to try and comfort myself some how. Before I knew what he was this always seemed romantic that he couldn't get over me like I couldn't get over him, sadly I now know that I am just an easy supply target for him and that is why he always came back. I want to heal from this and not be his target anymore but my brain still hears his words and promises echo like a ghost that haunts me and I feel paralyzed. Its not fair that a narcissist burns down you and your world and moves onto a next like nothing while you are left lost, confused, paralyzed and broken. Some days I still find myself questioning if he really is a narcissist, but apparently that is normal as a survivor who is still trauma bonded. I hope this trauma doesn't last forever. 
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crewhonk · 5 years
Only Happy Accidents (11)
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YN is determined, on God, to let Steve have his day and not make it about herself for once.
Warnings: YN is dumb and in early labour, little smutty moment, Nat Knows Everything. y'all have had a fluffy lil series, but I'm about to angst it up and im not sorry
Only Happy Accidents (master list)
Songs: High As Hope Album— Florence and the Machine 
July 3rd, Steve’s Birthday Party, Three Weeks and Three Days until due date, 9:15 AM
“You know. This view is something else.” YN piped up from the balcony of Steve’s old room at the tower. The room was massive and clean. The balcony was YN’s favourite besides the king bed, as it overlooked the treelike and training grounds that YN could watch the new recruits do morning laps or stretch out in the sun. “It’s nice to get out of the city for once.”
He hummed and came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso and swaying with her, hands on her swollen belly. She was wearing the prettiest little number he’d seen her wear since her wedding dress, and god, he’d married the most beautiful woman in the world. All of the worlds, probably. It was a simple white sundress that plunged between her boobs and stopped at the top of her stomach. A thin white piece of fabric cinched at the waist allowed for the dress to flare over her stomach and ass, and Steve really, really didn’t want to leave this room.
It was odd being back here— a stranger to his past life. The too clean surfaces of the room and bare walls which had never been cluttered with pictures haunted him and reminded of a person who he didn’t like. He liked the person he was now, though. Kind, sentimental, husband, almost-baby-daddy. 
It was odd being here, but Dr. Cho and Natasha insisted— they both wanted YN to be close to the delivery room and medical office in case something happened, and Steve, for once, encouraged Natasha’s overprotectiveness. 
“Have I told you I love you today, Wife?” He mumbled, lips teasing the bare skin of her neck. Her hair was tied into a bandana and off of her neck, and he loved the access it gave him. Maybe his favourite part of her was, in fact, the back of her neck. 
“A few times, but I could be reminded, Husband.” YN snorted, liking the way the word tasted on her tongue and how Steve held her closer when she said it. He felt her stomach move under his hands and a thrill like no other filled him from his toes to his nose. 
“I love you,” he whispered, kissing her shoulder. “I love you,” kissing her neck. “I love you,” kissing her jaw and cheek and finally, turning her head to face him, kissed her lips ad smiled. “I love you.” 
YN smiled and kissed him back, stepping away quickly and backing away from him and into the bathroom. “I know.”
12:07 PM
Natasha prided herself on being observant. She knew Bucky was hiding something from her— not normal for him, but she trusted him enough to know that he would tell her when he was ready. She knew that Sam had been the one eating her snacks she specifically labelled. She knew Cho was seeing someone inside the compound. She knew things, and it was her favourite quality. 
So when YN walked in with Steve’s hand wrapped in her own, Natasha knew today was the day. 
It had taken a few strategic words on her part to get Steve to leave his wife’s side, but when he finally succumbed and moped off to find Sam and Bucky, Natasha followed YN to the snack table set up for the guests about to arrive for Steve’s birthday party and waited. 
“YN.” She said, and YN shook her head, shoving three finger sandwiches in her mouth and gathering a handful of cherry tomatoes. 
“YN.” She tried again and YN swallowed her food, eating a lemon square, and upon debating it, ate another. She looked at Natasha who was staring her down and YN raised on finger. ‘wait’. 
So, Natasha waited, eyeing YN’s stomach nervously. It was lower today than any other day she’d seen it— YN had always carried the baby high, but today it looked to be a completely different bump. Steve was sure to be aware, but since the due date wasn’t for another three weeks probably convinced himself that it was the dress YN was wearing that made her appear different. Steve was never someone who made assumptions about things this big. 
YN finished the cherry tomatoes in her hand and gulped down some punch, ate the slice of fruit she’d picked up and turned to Natasha. 
“I’m not allowed to eat in the delivery room, and I’ve been having light contractions since 8 AM this morning.” YN said simply and Natasha’s jaw dropped. Her hands immediately fell to YN’s stomach and somehow the skin and muscle even felt different. 
“You’ve been having contractions?” And upon YN shushing her loudly, dropped her voice. “And Steve doesn’t know?”
“I told him that she’s sitting on my bladder and I’ve been going to the bathroom and leaving the room often so I can carry out the worst ones.” YN said, looking at her husband who was laughing loudly with his friends. God, his world was about to be shifted upside down. 
“How far apart are they?” Natasha asked, and YN looked at her phone, nodding. One minute to go.
“I’m about to have another one in a minute if they’re regular, but right now they’re all at eighteen minutes give or take.” YN said, grabbing Nat’s hand and pulling her from the room. She walked quickly down a few turns and leaned against the wall, rocking from side to side and looking as if she was concentrating very hard on a spot on the other wall. 
“What can I do?” Nat said hurriedly. 
“Keep watch. I’m not letting this ruin Steve’s birthday party.” YN snarled through her teeth. They weren’t bad— just really bad period cramps, but they still sucked.
“YN. You are in early labour, we need to tell him.” Natasha hissed and YN straightened up, leaning the back of her head against the wall and catching her breath. 
“No. These past few months have been about me, and I just want Steve to be the centre of attention for once. He deserves it. Plus, I only started having contractions at eight this morning, audit’s noon now— I still have a minimum of four hours before real labour starts.” YN tried to reason and Natasha shook her head. 
“Can we at least go see doctor Cho?” Nat pleaded and YN, after searching her expression for any way out, nodded. 
1:00 PM
“So, you are in early labour, but you’re only about two centimetres dilated, but I’m not going to keep you here since you’re not in active labour.” Cho beamed, having grown attached to both Steve and YN throughout this process. She’d been a huge part of this journey, and felt as if she and YN had become some odd form of friends. 
“Told you.” YN joked at Nat as she helped the pregnant lady out of the stirrups and onto her feet. YN slipped on her slipper-flats and bowed her head as a smaller contraction made her belly tense. 
“Hey, I’m this kids aunt, so I’m going to make sure they’re safe.” Natasha rolled her eyes and smiled, nodding towards Cho who looked thoughtful. 
“What do you think the baby is going to be?” Cho wondered. “I have my guesses but It’s not my place to say.”
Natasha looked at YN, then, and down to her belly. A small, pale hand rested on the swell and Natahsa cocked her head. 
“Healthy, I hope.”
3:16 PM
The party was swinging, by now. The music filled the common room as Avengers from around the world and galaxy filled the room to celebrate Steve Rogers. YN smiled politely as Carol Danvers looked fondly down at you, shaking your hand. 
“He’s a lucky guy, that Steve Rogers.” Her voice was low and silky and if it was Halloween again, maybe, just maybe, YN would have flirted back. 
“I think I’m the lucky one, honestly.” YN blushed and Carol smiled brightly. The conversation was that of small talk and not much else, but YN did feel as if she was the only person that mattered when Carol spoke— a quality of Carols that YN quite admired. Eventually, Carol was beckoned by Nick Fury, who had chosen a casual pair of sunglasses over his usual eye patch. 
YN could feel pairs of eyes on her the whole time she wandered around the room, and found that Wanda Maximoff, Pepper Potts, as well as Natasha and Carol all seemed to be in the know about what was happening. Wanda, likely because she was in YN’s mind, Pepper, because she’d gone through the same thing (and been just as stubborn), and Carol, because maybe, just maybe, YN was being less subtle than she thought. 
The contractions had since lost their regularity— coming at intervals from anywhere between five minutes and half an hour. It was disheartening, frankly, but seeing the was Steve seemed to be glowing was bearable. YN was leaning against the counter, just watching him from across the room and nursing another finger sandwich and water when he looked over. Peter Quill and Thor were both chatting with Steve, but when Steve caught her eyes, he excused himself politely and wandered over to her. He walked up slowly, and leaned against her lightly, kissing her soundly and making her toes curl. 
“You’re pretty.” He murmured, dopey smile on his face. YN snorted, and cupped his cheeks gently, kissing him again and brushing the tip of her nose against his. 
“You excited?” YN asked nervously, and Steve grinned widely cupping the sides of her belly. 
“I just want to meet him now—“
“It’s going to be a boy I know it.”
“I’m sure she wants to meet you just as bad.” YN smiled, and as she felt another cramp tighten in her stomach, kissed the breath out of Steve Rogers to distract herself. 
The dinner plates had been cleared, and the party had settled into the couches— only a few remained. Those with children or living off-planet needed to go, so now, only a small group remained. YN ignored the stares of Wanda, Pepper and Natasha as she curled up into Steve’s side, rubbing her belly every time a contraction made itself known. She glanced at her phone again and noted the time— they were getting more regular now— an easy 16 minutes and they were also at a consistent pain level which was manageable but still uncomfortable. 
“You okay?” Steve whispered into YN’s temple and she nodded, settling against him as the contraction subsided. He kissed the crown of her head and rubbed her shoulder which was hidden under her brown leather jacket. 
“I’m wonderful.” YN returned and she wrapped her arm around his middle, throwing her legs over his thigh and sighing. 
“You waiting for something?” Steve asked, looking down at her phone, and she played it off, shrugging. 
“You caught me, I have a mistress. She’s getting a private jet and we’re running away together.” YN grinned and Steve made a sound in the back of his throat— somewhere between a guffaw and a snort. “She’s really into pregnant women too.”
“Too bad I’m not, huh?” Steve crooned and she ignored the way her stomach turned at his tone. 
“Too bad, indeed.” YN agreed and suddenly, Steve stood, holding a hand out for YN to take and tired back to the group when she stood, blushing furiously. “We’re going to head to bed, it’s been swell.” Steve smiled and the small group of people booed. 
“Come on, man the night is still young.” Sam protested, offering Steve another beer as an offering. Steve waved him off and wrapped an arm around his wife shoulder, carting them off towards the door. 
“That’s why we’re going!” 
Steve wasted little time in pressing YN against the door of his bedroom, hands skirting under her dress and tracing up the sides of her thighs. His touch was hot on her, goosebumps erupting over her skin in distinct trails. His lips were seared to her in an intense kiss, and he bent down and scooped her into his arms bridal style, making her squeal and clutch him desperately. 
“Steve! What’re you—!” YN tried, laughing as he tried to sexily take off his shirt but failing and looking like a damn dork. 
“I’m about to ravish my wife, and make sure she doesn’t run away with her pregnant-woman-loving mistress.” He joked, crawling over YN and kissing her neck, making her sigh and scratch his scalp. She spread her legs easily for him, and he fit between them like a puzzle piece. 
“Love this dress, couldn’t keep my eyes off of you the whole night.” He mumbled, moving her thin strap down her arm and following its path with kisses. “It’s look better on the floor though.”
And so he urged her to sit up, kissing her forehead gently before lifting the dress over her head and making his breath stop in his throat— god, she was beautiful. She was braless— the dress made no room for one, and her tits were swollen and soft and waiting for him to get his mouth on them and give them the attention they deserved. His lips were gentle on her— her skin had been wonderfully sensitive these past few days, and it never took much time for her to become putty in his hands. 
“Steve.” YN said, and he grunted against her, the taste of her warm in his mouth. She wanted to continue this, really she did, but someone else int eh room had another idea. 
“Say my name again, Sweetheart. Love hearin’ you say it.” He replied, pressing her onto her back and letting his hands drift lightly across her belly and to the apex of her thighs where he cupped her sex, and moaned. “Wet for me, huh?”
“Steve, wait.” YN said and Steve was in his right mind enough to pull back a little, looking into her eyes. 
“You okay, babe? Did I do something?” He asked, worry making his tone thick. YN shook her head and smiled, brow furrowing a little and looking at the side table where she saw her phone. 
“Check my phone please, and tell me the time.” She said, and his heart dropped to his stomach— was there really someone else?
“7:37.” He replied and she nodded, grabbing a pillow and rolling onto her hands and knees. She buried her face in the pillow and let out a low moan, somewhere from deep in her body that Steve didn’t realize she could even make. She rocked back and forth into the pillow, and Steve watched helplessly as he watched his wife’s body tighten and tighten until he thought it would break. 
“YN? What— What’s going on?” He begged and her hand shot out, gripping his forearm hard enough for him to be concerned— it didn’t hurt, but usually she was always so gentle with him, even when she was frustrated. “You’re scaring me.”
Eventually, she let her breath go and she melted into the bed, pulling her red face from the pillow and resting on her cheek, looking up at him. 
“I didn’t tell you ‘cause I wanted you to have one day where you were the centre of attention, but I’ve been in early labour since 8 in the morning and that was a damn strong contraction.”
And Steve, a man who had seen death over the period of a century, a man who has killed and run from the government on more than one occasion. Steve, a man who has saved the world countless times over and a man who was the bravest she’d ever met let his eyes roll into his skull and fall off the bed in the most dramatic faint YN Rogers had ever seen.
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Please! Please go on about rare pair Juciel!!! Please! I’m dying for some of your ideas on their interactions! Especially with bora! Please
I’ve talked about how I see the Juciel dynamic before! And, I did write a fic for my friend about the pairing. I just think there’s a lot more going on than Seven just tormenting Jumin over this and that. He’s the kind of person that would be the one to pull your hair on the playground just for the sake of pinching you to show off his crush. He means well, but that’s the only way that he knows how to get it across. We see him do it to Zen and Yoosung all the time and that tends to be why most people ship those guys together. 
To quote me:
Now, think about what he does with Jumin. Sure, he sneaks in under the joke of trying to play with Elizabeth the 3rd, but while he loves cats, this isn’t just about his darling Elly. This is about reminding Jumin to take care of his security system and keep an eye out. He sincerely worries about his friend and his privacy, you know? Jumin and Zen are always out there in the public and they’ve got all kinds of eyes on them, and people judging them, even if they don’t care what others think, that doesn’t mean that it’s okay for people to say cruel things or means things about them.
Saeyoung Choi is always hiding his actions behind a mask of jokes and games, and when it comes to even someone like Jumin, he doesn’t mind people thinking he’s an idiot as long as he knows that his friends are safe. Make no mistake that our bisexual disaster Saeyoung has shown that he has crushes on the other members of the group to some extent fairly often, blink and you’ll miss it type of things. 
But, he cares a lot. He cares so much about everyone that it hurts him to an extent.
Seven’s just got a funny way of showing his care with other people, especially with the RFA. I just enjoy that cat and mouse, and we all know that Jumin does respect Seven even if he’s a deviant. He goes as far as to ensure that he and his brother are safe in the SE because he knows that Saeyoung has suffered and that V would want him to help the boys. And, in V’s AE, we know that he protects Saeyoung and offers him safety in his company from the agency and others after what happened. 
It’s nothing to scoff at, for sure. 
That being said, I think it would be interesting on Bora’s Route because Seven does work with Jumin quite a lot during this timeline. There’s a lot of measures to ensure her safety. Considering her events go through both the Deep/Common routes and there’s a lot to deal with. There would be a lot of tension at the mid-way point given the whole fucking bomb in the apartment. Jumin isn’t happy with Seven, nor Rika, given that he doesn’t know why there would need to be a bomb and Seven won’t fess up about it. 
They all just blindly trusted Rika, you know? 
Someone pointed out that after the party when Seven is forced to confront Unknown again and manages to fight him off to protect Bora, he doesn’t get to catch his brother, and he winds up running off and getting caught by Vanderwood not long after and that brings about the events of the SE because Seven has been shirking work to investigate Mint Eye. That Jumin would likely thank him for what he did, and for doubting him in that he cared about Bora... but you know, guilt. 
But, if we disregard some of the build-ups and talk about the hijinks that would come from a Juciel pairing in Bora’s timeline! Well, that means that Bora gets two dads. We all know that she’s got a different friendship with each other RFA members but Seven is the one that she trusts the most, he was the first one that she met and she thinks highly of him. She likes when he tries to cheer her up and make her laugh. She just wishes he would be kinder to himself. 
Bora would be the one to scold Seven and determinedly show him how to be kind to Elizabeth and let her decide when she wants to bother someone. She settles the feline in his lap and warns him to behave. She’s a lot more forward since she’s had the time to live with Jumin, haha. Seven’s flaw is that he loves cats so much that he overthinks what he’s doing when he sees one and forgets how to behave. 
“Y’know, Dad wouldn’t try to send you down with the window washers if you just behave around Elizabeth.” 
“It’s not as fun to get his attention that way!” 
“...Do you have a crush on Dad, Seven?” 
“Pft! Lolololol, that’s such a scandalous thing to ask, Bora.”
“Oh, then the answer is yes. You blink when you lie.” 
Seven is one of the people that Jumin confides in quite a bit about Bora, he knows that Zen and he has a better idea of how to deal with... some of her worst nightmare and night terrors so he finds himself calling them often. It’s part of the reason why his relationships with those two are quite better than they once were in the past. 
So, you can imagine that he and Seven can get carried away and start talking about this and that, not just Bora. Jumin is sharp, I know he can see through that mask of Seven’s. I like to think it gets easier for the two of them to drop the old pretense and just talk. 
Seven would constantly be doting on Bora. He’s that guy that would spoil a kid without hesitation, and God, Jumin can be bad about this as well, but Seven is somehow worse because he knows that Bora is a good kid that won’t abuse the kindness of others. She tries to wear things until the threads break down and it is a poor sight because he once did the same. 
Jumin has an exasperated sigh whenever he sees that Seven’s dropped off some more things for Bora, both that he bought and made because he’s really too much sometimes. He doesn’t say anything though, because the redhead beat him to the punch. Are these two dads determinedly trying to outdo each other while we laugh? Yes. 
Oh, and you know what, Seven is the guy that sends Jumin cat memes and now there’s no hope of him not sending them into the family text. It’s sweet, but he has released a plague upon our houses. Oh, and he’s guilty of suggesting that Bora and Elizabeth get matching bows, it’s really cute, though! 
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dyke-remy · 4 years
Live And Let Die, part 2
Part 1   Part 3  Part 4   Part 5   Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to have seen a single James Bond movie to understand the story, trust me
Tw: Mentions of past transphobia. Descriptions of a dead body like right away, jump to the 3rd paragraph if you wanna skip that
Picani's body sat lifeless against the bed. His eyelids were still open but his eyes had rolled back into his skull. Parts of his shirt had turned red from blood.
The most gruesome part was his neck though. large chunks of meat and skin were missing, leaving only a bloody mess of nerves and bone. It looked as if someone had bitten down into it. It was an inhumanly large bite.
Remy stared at him with wide eyes. They'd seen dozens of dead bodies and yet tears pressed on. Remus lowered his gun for a moment and was about to reach out to hug them but stopped himself. They didn't have to time for comfort until the job was over for the day.
Instead he hunched down next to the body and inspected the gaping wound. "I think Jaws might have done this" He said after a while.
All Remy could get out as a response was a quiet sniffle and a nod.
Jaws had become an infamous killer among the MI6. He had single handedly murdered more agents than anyone else. If 005 and Picani was to be counted his total of murdered agents were 6 and that was only after at most 3 years of being a threat. Since most of the people who'd seen him was now dead all they knew was that he had a tall muscular, nearly inhumane stature and of course his teeth. His sharp metal teeth. Similar to a shark's. His usual murder method was biting chunks out of his victim's neck before letting them slowly die.
Remus could pick up Picani's corpse with ease. It hung limp in his arms. It was best to get it back to the MI6 so he could get a proper burial. He looked up and saw Remy stare at him with wide panicked eyes. They moved their finger up to their lips.
He stopped and listened. There was a ticking...a ticking...a...a bomb! He looked at Picani's body and in horror realized there was a bomb strapped to his back. A bomb that had began to count down when he moved it.
He dropped picani's body instantly. He instead heaved Remy up into his arms before dashing to the closest window. He shielded them from the glass as he jumped out. Right as the ticking stopped and an explosion went off.
He felt heat against his cheek as he fell down into the snow a story below. When he looked up all that was left of the hotel room was fire. His breathing was quick and his thought blurry. Boards and burning bedsheets were falling down around him. Glass pieces had pierced his skin.
"Guards- They have definitely noticed that. That guy wasn't there to like actually guard the place. He was there to make sure no one found Picani or to see Who would try to find him. There must be others. He must have told them by now" Remy heaved out in one big realization. They met their husband's eyes "Babe we gotta go"
They tried to stand up in the snow but fell down again because of their high heels. They let out a few swears words while taking off their shoes. Remus looked around for a quick escape route. To his luck the hotel guest's skiis were stored in a shed a few meters away from them. With a swift kick the wood door fell down. He took on a pair of skii boots while Remy stood guard.
His spouse quietly tapped on his shoulder. In the distance voices could be heard. Remus motioned for them to take a pair of boots as well but they shook their head. There was no time.
Remus gave them his gun before getting on the skiis. Remy wrapped their legs around his waist and held their arms around his shoulders. He was looking forward while they were keeping an eye on the back with the gun ready in their hand. The guards became visible from the side of the hotel. A shot was fired.
"Go!" Remy commanded.
With one quick motion they shot down into the steep hill. Trees blew by as he maneuvered across the thick snow. The guards weren't far away, they'd also found skiis.
Remy saw in a haze how a bullet blew past them just a few inches away. They tried to steady their hand enough to shoot back but it was all far too shaky and far too dark. They looked around and caught eye on a part of the mountain where the trees were even closer together.
"Babe! To your right!" They said quickly.
Remus nodded while turning. The trees were so close together he had to hold his arms against his chest to not run into anything. It forced everyone to slow down slightly, including the guards. Remy leaned their hand against their husband's shoulder and shot. The bullet landed right in one of the guard's thighs making him fall over.
Right as they were about to fire another shot Remus knocked into a tree and one of his skiis stuck. It made him go into a half circle before the skii fell off and he was left going backwards down the hill with only one skii on.
In a panic he grabbed on a tree and forced himself to turn around again. He flailed his free leg around to try and keep his balance. Remy teared off a loose branch from a tree and threw it at the guards before shooting anywhere and everywhere at them while they were busy trying not to get hit by the branch.
Left was a few guards. The trees disappeared and they came out into a wide patch of nothing but snow. Remus felt a bullet whine past his arm. He did an abrupt turn to give Remy a clearer shot. The snow became red from blood as another guard fell down.
He spotted a steeper part of the moutain and drove to it. When he got closer he realized it was a cliff. Far down he could spot a barn.
He heard bullets pass by him as he drove up to it. He tried to get as much speed as possible before diving off the cliff. While falling he kicked his skii off and took Remy into his arms. He hoped the snow would dampen his fall.
There was a loud crack as he collapsed down into the ground, it was probably one of his bones breaking again. Remy didn't give him a chance to breathe. They stood up and forced him over to the barn. The roof hid them from the guards seeing them.
"We gotta get outta here. Who knows if there's some otha way down here" Remy said while breathing heavily "Y'know otha than the ridiculously dangerous way you just took"
"Hey at least I took the fall instead of you!" Remus pointed out.
"That doesn't make it better! You still like probs got hurt"
The adrenaline rush from the chase started to wear off and Remy realized just how cold it was. They only had the dress and some tights on. They were so cold their skin ached. Remus noticed and took off his blazer, he laid it around their shoulders instead.
Remus stood up and promptly picked up his spouse bridal style since they definitely couldn't walk in the snow without shoes unless they wanted to freeze to death. He moved his bracelet so two specific parts connected. A quiet sound could be heard as the communicator in the bracelet activated.
"Q?" He asked.
It took a while and he repeated it a few more times before he got a reponse "I expect this to be important because I had to pause the documentary I was watching to answer" Q, also known as Logan answered.
"0012 is dead" Remus stated bluntly. Remy winced "But I can report more on that later. We need a warm and safe place to stay before our fingers freeze into bloody ice cream. We're-" He looked around at road signs "2 miles outside Reznekne"
"Excuse me a minute......There. A room has been booked under the name Juris Benzins for you. I have requested that the temperature would be heightened. I'll send you the adress"
"Thanks Q!"
"You're welcome, as always. Call me if you need anything more. Don't die because that would force me to fill out much more paperwork than I want to"
The call ended. Now all that was left was walking. Walking and walking. The snow kept coming down.
Remus noticed how his spouse was shuddering like a leaf in his arms. They were visibly close to falling asleep because of how freezing cold they were. Their skin had turned even paler than usual, almost looking blueish.
(He ignored how cold he was. Ignored how weak his body felt. Ignored his shirt getting spots of red from blood. It wasn't important. Making sure Remy was okay was the only thing that mattered)
"Hey babe" He lightly tapped their cheek "Stay awake. We'll be at the hotel soon. You can tell me your top 3 worst missions you've been on"
"You've...you've heard it before" They mumbled out.
"I just wanna hear my fav dork talk. I'll get anxious about carrying a corpse otherwise"
"Mhmm. Third worst...that mission..you were so stupid..and got so...so hurt. I neva wanna see you...that bloody..and beaten"
"Aww that's cute. I thought the bloody look fit me"
"Neva....second...second worst...we infiltrated that like the the beach place. having no choose but to disguise and...tuck-..horrible..more painful than....than like being shot" They let out a shaking breathe as a cold breeze blew by "Worst..worst...worst mission...easy...easy it...that time I" They grimaced "I had to seduce a lady to..to get...get her to to tell me a like code to stop a missile...Me and women neva go together"
Remus couldn't help but laugh.
"Girl dont laugh at m...my misery. I'mma be a dead- a corpse soon"
"I'm sawry. It's just so stupid that anyone would ever think you're straight"
"Shut up....you got like 3...3 pairs of rainbow thigh highs so you...you aint one to talk"
The conversation came to a halt as they got to the hotel. The receptionist looked shocked as they entered. Who could blame her, they came in in a nice suit and a dress without any jacket while it was heavily snowing outside. She handed them the keys while barely saying anything.
Remy was still shuddering as they were carried into the room. Their lips and nails had turned purple. Remus carefully sat them down on the bed and wrapped all the blankets around them. He made sure they were still awake before going to fill up the bath. While the water ran he searched the entire room for cameras or listening devices. It was an instinct at this point.
With a few stumbling steps Remy got up and tried to get to the bath before collapsing onto their knees. Remus helped them up and gently assisted them with undressing so they could get in.
"When we get home I'm buying nothing except for giant cheeseburgers so you can get some godamn fat on your body to heat you up" Remus grumbled.
"I can like super get behind that" They replied. They closed their eyes and leaned back into the water. "Babe you should warm youself up too"
"I just need to make sure no one can get into the hotel room first an-"
They opened one of their eyes and gave him the look™️ "Babe"
Remus nodded. He grimaced as he took his shirt off, fully revealing the pieces of glass that had pierced into his skin when he jumped out the window. It was painful to get in the water.
Remy got a worried look on their face while inspecting his wounds. They cupped his cheek "We gotta take care of that"
He took their hands and intertwined their fingers instead "Later. Once we've warmed up" He gave them a long and tender kiss "You look so pretty"
"Gurl my makeup is running the fuck off. I'm looking like my skin is melting"
"Skin melting can be hot!" Remus exclaimed with a big grin.
Remy rolled their eyes. They cuddled closer against his chest and wrapped their arms around his waist "Stupid self sacrificing idiot" They mumbled with affection in their voice but their smile quickly disappeared.
Their eyes slowly got filled with rage as they stared out into nothing. Their voice turned cold as they nearly growled out "I'll find Jaws. I'll find him and hurt him over and over until he is begging me to kill him. I'll make him suffer for murdering Emile"
9 Years Ago
Lucia had spent the morning just like she spent most mornings, looking for cans and bottles she could use to make a few bucks. It was early December and the lake in the middle of the city had frozen to ice. She would go ice skating if she owned any pair of skates.
She caught eye on a bottle someone had dropped carelessly on the ground and hurried to pick it up and put it in her backpack. When she looked up again she noticed a small figure cowering right between 2 storefronts. Between the walls of the buildings a tiny inwards part was left, just enough to shield a person from the harsh wind.
At further looking she realized it was a teenager. A teenager dressed in nothing but a pair of worn out jeans, shirt and a light jacket. They could be 15 at most. Lucia had always been known as the parent friend so of course when she saw a shivering child she couldn't stop herself from walking up to them.
"Hiya kiddo" She greeted "I'm Lucia. Lucia Marinez"
The person didn't even look at her. They moved their legs closer to their chest to make themself as small as possible. Lucia hunched down in front of them and nearly let out a gasp when she saw their face.
There was a black eye around their right eye. Bruises continued down onto their cheek. Their lip was cracked and dried blood had dribbled down onto their chin.
"Oh dear" She mumbled to herself "I can get you some water to clean the blood up? Or help you get back home? If you have somewhere to go I mean"
No response.
"Okay well I know a place you can stay if you want. I can show you if you'd come with me"
They shook their head.
"That's good, you shouldn't follow strangers to random places. But I'm a good stranger I promise" Lucia wanted to facepalm over how stupid she was sounding. She fumbled around in her pockets "Here I got 3 dollars, take that at least"
She nearly forced the money into the teenager's hands. She let out a quick goodbye before getting up. To her surprise the kid started to follow her as she walked away. They kept their distance but was staring at her with wide vacant eyes the entire way.
It took 30 minutes until they got to the place Lucia was currently living at: under a bridge together with her 3 friends. She turned towards the teenager and put on a smile while doing jazz hands.
"Welcome!" She pointed at a short woman with long curly hair "This is Fray, she's nice" She pointed at her other friend, a lanky one with tired eyes "This is Róse. And last but not least" She pointed at a woman with oversized clothes and a kind smile "This is Lucy. She's my girlfriend. It was her idea to match our names when we choose them" Lucia still blushed when she thought about it.
The stranger still didn't say anything. Lucia's friends got excited and wondered who the hell they were. The attention only made the kid shut themself off even more. Though they accepted the sleeping bag and food the group offered them. (It was Lucia's sleeping bag so she and Lucy started to share one).
2 days went by. The teenager mostly stayed in their sleeping bag. They didn't sleep, didn't talk even though everyone in the group tried to start conversations with them, barely even ate. Fray thought they acted like a grumpy kitten.
It was past 1 am when Lucia noticed the kid shuddering even though they'd crawled into the sleeping bag. Everyone else was asleep so she went over to them. She took off her jacket and laid it over them. They flinched and looked up at her with scared eyes.
"Sorry kiddo. Did I wake you?"
They shook their head and sat up. After a moment of hesitation they put on the jacket. Lucia sat down next to them. It was quiet for a few moments.
"You do have a name right?" She asked "It's okay if you don't. I went without one for a few months before I met Lucy"
No reponse.
"You can vent about why you're here if you want to. I've been told that my shoulder is amazing to cry on"
Lucia looked at the teenager. The bruises were still there. She just wanted them to be able to trust her, she just wanted them to feel safe.
".....I used to be married before I became homeless" She confessed "Me and my ex-wife were planning on having children and I was so excited. It was just...just...I was close to crying every time someone talked about me becoming a dad. It made me realize I had never wanted to be a dad at all or anything like it. We'd been married for 5 years I thought my ex-wife would accept me but as soon as I told her I was trans she turned so...so...cold. She didn't even let me pack my bags before throwing me out"
For the first time the stranger was actually meeting her eyes. Not just staring at her as if she would tear them apart. They'd never met another trans person before.
"i-i was thinking about maybe the name r-remy?" They nearly whispered out "it's a pun on rem sleep...since..i...i'm not good at like sleeping"
Lucia chuckled "Aww that's a great name"
Remy looked away again. They held onto the fabric of their pants so hard their knuckles whitened "it was my fault i was thrown out. i was stupid"
"Oh honey it could never be your fault" Lucia assured.
"it was. i'd bought a trans pride pin. it was so small i thought i would be able to hide it but-" Tears were pressing on in their eyes "i came home from school and my mom had cleaned my room and she found it and my dad was at work i-i will never know how he would have reacted and-"
They choked on their own words. A tear rolled down their cheek. Lucia was about to ask if they were allowed to hug them when Remy buried himself against her chest and held onto her shirt as if their life depended on. The tears had turned into muffled sobbing, as if they couldn't physically hold it back anymore. She wrapped her arms around them and mumbled sweet words into their hair.
"s-she wouldn't stop yelling. she said she didn't w-want me as her child anymore. she would rather see me dead than that i w-would be- i would be-"
Lucia combed her fingers through their hair to comfort them "She was wrong. There is not a single chance she would have ever been right in what she did" Remy looked up at her. She wiped a few of their tears away as they sniffled.
"i-it wasnt the first time- she always- she would- there was always something wrong with me- i was never what she wanted an-and she just kept h-h-hurtin- i must be so h-horrible to have to deal with"
"Dear you didn't deserve any of it. You never did....I...I think that you would be lovely to have as a child" She cupped their cheeks and sent them a small smile "How about we look for a trans pin to replace your old one tomorrow?"
They wanted to say yes but instead "i'm not trans like you are- i- i don't- i want- i use they/them"
"Kiddo me and the other 3 are all old trans hags. I am 99% sure none of us will mind whatever pronouns you use. So then it is planned. We won't stop our search until you get yourself a nice trans pin"
Remy couldn't respond. They were too choked up on another wave of tears, but tears of relief this time. They sobbed into the hug again. Their bruises still hurt but for the first time they actually felt at home.
7 Years Ago
"-So y'know I panicked and like ran and it wasn't until like 4 days later I realized he'd probs been meaning to give me his number" Remy concluded.
Róse chuckled at the story. The enby was sitting right in front of her so she could cut their hair. She'd wanted to be a hairdressed for a while now anyway but she hadn't been able to get any work. Not having an adress made it a hundred times harder to get employed.
The two of them were having one of their 'Guy talks' since they were the only two in the group who liked guys. The other 3 were all useless lesbians. Todays talk had mostly been Remy flusteringly rambling about some cute guy with a mustache they'd met who'd made them realize that their new type was apparently guys with msuatches.
"Thanks mom" They said while running their hand through their new haircut.
"No prob hun"
Remy quickly got up and got ready. It was their day to go out and look for bottles and other things that could help them survive. Right before they could leave Lucia grabbed them by their arm.
"Remember kiddo: no alcohol or drugs. You're not 18 just yet. And don't break any laws again! No stealing!"
"I know mom. You don't have to tell me every time"
"Don't accept any jobs from anyone. Not even 1 time things" Fray added on.
Remy nodded while walking away "I got it mom"
"And no intercourse you heathen!" Róse exclaimed.
They pretended like they didn't hear that one as they turned the corner. They immediately decided to head to the fancier part of town. The part where the police would probably force them away if they dared to even sleep in one of the parks.
Remy loved looking into all of the windows of the expensive stores. They daydreamed about owning fancy clothing and buying a house for their moms. They wanted to be makeup artist or costume designer or both. They wanted to reform people into new shapes.
They stopped by a window and stared at the luxurious makeup products. They made a mental note to try and steal something later. Fray's birthday was coming up and they wanted to give her something nice. None of them had the money to transition in any way so makeup or clothes was the best they could get.
They let themself disappear into the crowd of people on the street while looking for someone to steal from. They spotted a man walking next to a bit shorter man while holding in a baby stroller. Remy walked past them while looking in the other direction. They let their hand trail down into one of the men's pocket and quickly grab what felt like a wallet.
With the wallet hidden under their shirt they began to walk in the other direction. They fell into the crowd but sped up their step while looking for a quick exit route. There was a small alley which they quickly went into.
It'd been a good one. The wallet was filled to the brim with money. They took it out and hid it under their shirt while putting the actual wallet in their pocket.
Remy was too busy with happiness over the money to notice the shadow coming up behind them. Before they knew it a hand had grabbed their shoulder and forced them around. An arm slammed them back first against the wall. It was the man they'd stolen from. His cold yellow eyes seemed to stare into their soul.
They were severely underweight and malnourished so it was easy for the stranger to hold them still. He could probably break their bones with ease, like a toothpick.
Remy threw the wallet in his face. He lightened his grip for a moment because of surprise. They took their chance and shoved him away. They heaved themself up on the trashbin standing beside them and jumped so they grabbed onto the railing of an old rusty fire escape stair case. They landed on the stair case and made a run for it up toward the roof. They'd almost gotten halfway up when they heard a click from behind them.
"This is simply a suggestion but I think you should stop" The stranger said.
He was holding a gun. It was pointing right at Remy. Their heart was beating out of their chest as they moved their shaking hand to take the money out from under their shirt. They threw it down at the stranger who caught it midair. Still he kept pointing the gun at them.
"P-please you'll never see me again after this I promise" They stuttered out "I'm sorry but I-I'll disappear and-d ne-never cause trouble again"
"Get down here, and don't try to run" The man commanded.
It felt like their legs would give out under them as they quickly went down the stairs. They kept their hands over their head "I-I have a family"
"Good for you" The stranger replied druly. He motioned for them get closer.
Tears formed in their eye as the gun only was a few inches away from their chest "P-please" They cried out "If I die- I-I- they're no-not my birth parents- i-if I die no one wi-ill tell them. They won't k-know what happened. P-please take me to th-the police or so-omething instead. Do-o-on't please don't k-kill me"
The stranger's eyes stayed cold and uncaring even as they begged. He lowered the gun and shifted it so he was holding it by the barrel and handing over the magazine part to Remy. He pointed at a specific part of it "Is this point red?"
"Why do you think that is?" Before Remy could answer he continued "The safety trigger is on. Right now I am unable to fire. Besides"
He took off the magazine and showed the inside. It was empty. No bullets. He moved his hand down to his pants pocket and took out a bullet. He loaded the gun in a matter of seconds.
"Now I can hurt you" He said "But I won't"
He handed the gun over to Remy who held it lightly in their shaking hands. Their gaze flickered between the thing in their hands and the stranger. A small smile played on the stranger's lips.
"It took me a while until I realized you'd stolen from me. That's impressive"
He held out his hand. Remy didn't shake it.
"Please call me M. Though most call me Deceit" He sent them a warm smile "And you are?"
"Why would I tell you that?" They hissed out while taking a step back.
"That is a great attitude! So I would be very pleased if you would accompany me for dinner so we could talk about your new job. You can keep the gun by the way. Hell shoot me if you're feeling like you're in danger"
Deceit grabbed their wrist and pulled them with him as he walked out of the alley "Job?? Dinner? Wha- I- Weren't you taking me to the cops or something???" Remy sputtered out.
"Oh honey" Deceit moved his arm around their shoulder. He smiled as he whispered to them "If you accept my offer you will be above the cops"
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enamouredfae · 4 years
My placements through the La Volasfera Degrees, translated by Sepharial.
Please note that this is not my writing, and I do not claim it as my original work. This is but a way for me to find this information all in one place.
29° Scorpio Ascendant | Leo Degree
A woman in trailing robes waving a wand around which is coiled a serpent.
It is the index of a nature that is both clever and cunning; capable of asserting its power over others by persuasion or fascination. To such will be given some lofty command or position of trust, and success will be achieved by personal charm and magnetic power. It is a degree of ATTRACTION.
17° Virgo Midheaven | Leo Degree
An old white-headed man surrounded by happy children.
It denotes to the native a long and happy life; an old age invested with the comforts of homely affection. It endows the native with a kind, benevolent and fatherly interest in his fellows, especially those of tender years. He will be much beloved and will end his days in prosperity and peace. It is a degree of GUARDIANSHIP.
12° Leo Sun | 10th House | Pisces Degree
A jutting rock, upon which some tufts of grass hold a thin, but certain existence.
It indicates a person of firm and steadfast character; one who will resolutely hold to his own beliefs and principles, though it is to his disadvantage. In some ways, the mind will be precocious and there will be some degree of self-assertion shown; but, whatever the native may determine upon as the right thing to do will assuredly be done if within the compass of resolute striving. It is a degree of CONSTANCY.
12° Libra Moon | 12th House | Pisces Degree
A pillar of black marble standing upon a rock, roughly hewn.
It denotes a person of peculiar and sometimes melancholy and misanthropic nature: apt to contract false or unprofitable relations with his fellows and with the opposite sex. The native will make a bad match and will be unfortunate in wedlock, with probable separation. The native, in centering his affections upon one object, will be liable to disappointment in life. It is a degree of SOLITARINESS.
25° Cancer Mercury | 9th House | Aries Degree
A meteor, or falling star.
It denotes a person of somewhat poetical or aesthetic nature, but wholly unsuited to the routine of daily life in its sterner and more prosaic aspects. Like the meteor, he has an eccentric path, and his appearances are spasmodic and evanescent, although bright. His position in life will be always subject to reversals and changes and his success will not be lasting. If he should attain to eminence he will be in danger of a fall. It is a degree of UNCERTAINTY.
27° Leo Venus | 10th House | Gemini Degree
Two hands linked in a close grip of friendship.
It denotes a person of a very amiable and sociable nature, filled with concord and goodwill towards his fellows. A rich, unselfish nature, care of those little greatnesses in daily life which make a man beloved, if not remarkable. It is probable that the native will be instrumental in forming some large associations for social cooperation, or intellectual improvement. The native is essentially constructive, harmonizing, and humane. It is a degree of SUSTAINING.
2° Leo Mars | 10th House | Taurus Degree
A wave-Line of nebulous light, obscured by a cloud in the midst.
It denotes a person of elastic and undeveloped mind, uncertain principles, liable to lead to license and moral turpitude. The native will lead a somewhat irregular life and will be generally inconsequent and unreliable in his actions. Much of the obscurity into which this person will be at from time to time will be due to the unfledged condition of the mind, and the misdirection, through ignorance, of the moral faculty. It is a degree of WANDERING.
6° Gemini Jupiter | 8th House | Virgo Degree
A peaceful valley; a lake on which a swan is floating. At the back rises a high mountain.
This indicates one of a generous, kind nature, full of contentment and quiet happiness. One who will suffer but few sorrows, and will ‘have peace in all his relations'. The mind will be passive, calm, and thoughtful; the manners courteous and graceful, and the body elegant. The native will have a strong memory and small imaginative power. This is a degree of PEACE.
29° Taurus Saturn | 7th House | Leo Degree
A dark man, richly appareled, and surrounded by servants and courtiers, reclines on a couch.
It indicates one whose tastes are luxurious but artistic, one who will have much wealth and influence, but whose love of ease will be his great fault and the cause of his worst misfortunes. He who would provide for a long journey must not carry water in his hands. It is a degree of LUXURY.
19° Aquarius Uranus R | 4th House | Libra Degree
A great tortoise.
This denotes one of patient and plodding disposition, disposed to rusticity of habit, endowed with great powers of endurance, an even disposition and contented mind. His position in life will always be secure, owing to his great prescience and providence, and he will create about him by slow and patient toil the means of his own security and well-being. His life is likely to extend to phenomenal years and his position in old age will be one of independence and security from all harm. Of rather solitary and retired nature, deeply philosophical, patient, and contented with simple ways of living, he will yet evince a kindly disposition and will live long to enjoy the fruits of his labors and the esteem of his fellows. It is a degree of PROVIDENCE.
4° Aquarius Neptune R | 4th House | Cancer Degree
A woman nude, looking at her reflection in a pool of water.
It is not necessary to say, perhaps, that this is a symbol indicative of extreme danger to the moral nature of the person born under this degree. There is an element of dalliance and self-love in the nature which will be liable to lead to serious complications and entanglements. It may be that this egotism will only veil a weakness which cannot withstand the temptations of the carnal nature. The nature will be sympathetic and to a large degree reflective of the immediate environment, in which, however, there will be too strong an accent of self. It is probable that the native may show artistic tastes and a marked ability for portrait painting or sculpture. It is a degree of EGOTISM.
10° Sagittarius Pluto R | 2nd House | Capricorn Degree
A tiger crouching as in the act of assault.
It denotes a character that is treacherous and aggressive, disposed to seek his ends with subtlety and to secure them by force. There is here a combination that is both diplomatic and assertive, and therefore to be treated with reserve and firmness. The native will attain many of his ambitions and will make many enemies in the course of his career. His projects will lead him into many dangers and may even bring about his premature end. It is a degree of STRATEGY.
23° Cancer North Node | 9th House | Aquarius Degree
A strong castle on a high rock, and upon the battlements of the castle of flag with a crown upon it is seen extended in the wind.
It denotes a strong, masterly character of great endurance, stability and daring; ambitious of honor and capable of withstanding his enemies while achieving greatness and fame for himself. It is a degree of MASTERY.
23° Capricorn South Node | 3rd House | Aquarius Degree
A tankard set upon a table.
This denotes a steadfast and capable person, whose life will be orderly and useful, whose mind will be open to the reception of truth and knowledge and whose passions will be well regulated. He will display a frank and even blunt nature, being free from all craftiness and subtlety; and his mind will have a sincere regard for all that is simple and natural in human nature, and a rooted distrust of the non-transparent. It is likely that he will be disposed to seek his livelihood in the vineyard or hostel, but in the highest capacity he can be, will aspire to become a teacher and purveyor of spiritual truths. In any case he is a man of the common walk and his sympathies are with the people. It Is a degree of SINCERITY.
29° Capricorn Part of Fortune | 3rd House | Leo Degree
An arrow in flight.
This symbol denotes an aspiring and ambitious nature, impelled by the strength of a force behind him to the attainment of a certain high or distant project. Gifted with extreme directness and celerity of action and endowed with remarkable powers of concentration, he will be in a fair way to attain his intentions and accomplish his ambitions. But everything will depend upon his start in life as to whether he will reach his goal. Heredity and training will count for more than usual in his case, for he is one of those who will follow his inherent impulses and has little or no individual power of direction and scarcely any adaptation. The breath of public opinion may carry him wide of his mark, and with the decline of his natural forces there will be a falling off of ambition and purpose. It is a degree of DECLINE.
11° Sagittarius Chiron R | 2nd House | Taurus Degree
A fair woman sporting herself on a couch.
It is the index of a mind that is give to the delights of the senses, voluptuous and sybaritic, selfindulgent and indolent, yet ambitious of the honors and wealth. The pleasures of the senses will prove to the native a delusion and a snare, leading him on from one indulgence to other until at length he will fall into a premature senility and ineptitude which he will not have strength enough to rouse himself from. Women under this degree should be carefully cherished and fore fended. It is a degree of SENSUSOUSNESS.
17° Capricorn Lilith | 3rd House | Leo Degree
Two men in fierce strife.
This symbol denotes one whose aggressive and quarrelsome nature will lead him into all sorts of difficulties and dangers, from which it is to be feared he will not escape unhurt. Contentious, reviling and unorthodox, his mind will be at war with prevailing opinions and popular beliefs. He will create discord wherever he goes, and be a sorry test to men of humane and benevolent dispositions. His nature is devoid of frankness and he does not admit the truth even to himself, but opposes all and evety one on whatever ground is open to debate. In a word, he is an Ishmaelite, and will finally be deserted and abandoned to the mercies of his mother Nature. It is a degree of STRIFE.
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
🌷jungkook having a crush on you🌷
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- jk and you vibed so fast that you became close friends very quickly (the chaotic duo that tested hyung line's last nerves when you were in your mischievous mood)
-you sorta became an honorary member of the maknae line and after you pulled a prank on jin that included a chocolate cake, marmite and liquorice and ended up with jin's face shrivelling so bad that it may have caused him his first wrinkles
(his revenge was to serve you kimchi bokkeumbap with kimchi that had gone bad, which resulted in the worst heartburn you ever had ("an eye for a eye, y/n" - you, drinking your 3rd mint tea that night: "fair enough"), you redeemed yourself by buying him hyaluronic acid lotion and his favourite strawberry cheesecake, jk just laughed his ass off to the misery jin and you went through and blackmailed jin with marmite whenever they bickered ("it will hit u when u least expect it, hyung" - "I can't believed I raised lucifer himself"))
-anyway, jk and you are always very playful together, and you laugh so much when you're with him bc of his antics
-he doesn't mind being extra goofy to make you laugh, it lifts his spirits as well
-hates to see you sad/upset, namjoon and jk once spoke about you, after namjoon asked him about your guys' friendship and for the first time in ages he was sure jungkook had deeper feelings for someone, as he said: "I don't mind making a fool out of myself, if it brings a smile on y/n's face. hyung, I know this is going to sound weird but sometimes I feel like it is my purpose to show y/n everything good and funny, this is something I wanna keep doing for a long time." (tbh namjoon teared up)
-your guys' fav pastimes were watching cartoons/animes and you had a fiery competition going on in any kind of jump and run games, especially for sonic (you once beat jk after a 4 hour session and he threw a dramatic fit until you made him hot chocolate and he finally calmed down)
-would show you tons of pics and vids of gureum and filmed every minute of your first encounter
-your personal photographer tbh, you two could go chill in a parking lot and he would still do the most aesthetic shots
-despite all the funny moments you two also had serious conversations together. moments like that were rare and mostly after 2am when you two shared secrets with each other you didn't dare to speak about at daytime, like your views on love where jungkook first thought of how much he wants to be your "loved one"
-has a folder with his favourite pics of you or places that remind him of you somehow, but he'd never tell you that
- tries to impress you quiet often, like the time you went for karaoke
your pick: new face
his pick: vision of love
you: ????????? bitch ?????? do i look like i can sing a mariah song????
jk: well....... i can..... 👀
you: i'll see you at the whistle notes
jk: i've made a huge mistake
-you're usually the first person to listen to his covers and he looooves seeing your reaction to it (but he's usually pretty nervous about it too)
- cannot concentrate for shit when you're watching him during dance practice, so hobi told you, in a nice way, to stay away from dance practice for the sake of bts and jk apologised like 12 times to everyone, he got better at focusing over time and you watched him once in a while... but he'd get v shy when he had to do hip thrusts and stuff, you'd just laugh it off but in reality you were just trying to hide you how much he actually affects you, especially during a choreo like that
-the boys teased him quite a lot about you and he'd get all whiny and say it's not like he had a crush on you or something
vmin: *laughing*
sope: *shaking their heads*
jin: oh reallyyy~~
namjoon: so you're ok with the fact y/n is on a date rn?
jungkook: WHAT
- so namjoon took out his phone and showed jk that you updated your story with some food pic where you could see a man's hand in the background, who was also tagged in the pic
namjoon: see? that guy also tagged y/n here in his pic
jk: .....
-the guys stopped teasing him the second they realized how upset jk actually was (he went completely silent, eyebrows furrowed), yoongi just stated the obvious: "our maknae is in love, huh", the boys smiled and jungkook nodded with a sad look on his face
-the next time you visited the guys jungkook was visibly flustered around you and would be just overwhelmed with the entire situation bc he wanted to know who that guy was, but he didn't know how to ask and neither did he want to intrude and what if you're taking it the wrong way and say that it's none of his business and suddenly he loses his best friend because of some stupid guy in a stupid picture and some stupid hypothetical date.... overthinking at its finest, as you can see...
-you didn't know why he became so awkward around you, the boys obviously knew but they couldn't say anything without risking jungkook completely losing his shit, but jungkook avoided you and left early when you were there and you were like "... why"...well the boys knew why but they couldn't say anything
-you tried talking to him but he tried to avoid you since he got so flustered around you that he'd stuttering, get embarrassed about it and then leave...
-you asked the boys about it, but they wouldn't say anything but tbh this was almost painful to watch for them bc they love their maknae but they knew this wasn't going anywhere.... so their eldest took the matter into his own hands and talked to you and asked you about the guy in your story.....
-shortly after that, the guys went to europe for vacation. jungkooks airport look was something for the goth look book once again, while the other guys looked bright and ready for their time off, and jin was like "oh here we go again" and once again jk helped out...
- the boys knew he kept himself busy the entire time after things got awkward with you, but they didn't exactly know what he was doing in his studio, only taehyung knew he was editing something
-so the boys were enjoying their time off and even got jungkook's mind off of you with some sightseeing and other leisure activities they had planned
-but at the end of the day, he thought of you and read your last messages over and over again. the last time you had texted was when you wished him a good time in europe and he thanked you. he sighed as he realized how your long texts with each other had turned into such short ones within 1 week
- yoongi: i cannot take this anymore, we need to do something about this
jin: i did. i invited y/n to join us.
the boys: ???
jin: all expenses on the company.
the boys: ?????????
-also, this was the first time you guys were separated, and it gave him the chance think about what he truly wants for you two, friendship or more.. he decided to confide in namjoon and jin about it and seek advice
namjoon: i'm sure y/n likes you too, and even if not, which I really doubt, at least you'll get it sorted out that way and carry on
jk: hyung, see that's the thing. if my feelings will not be reciprocated, i won't be able to continue a friendship... that's why I am so scared.
jin: y/n's coming here, tomorrow, jk, only for you, so i'm pretty sure your feelings will be reciprocated. just be honest about them.
jk: what do you mean y/n's gonna be here tomorrow?
jin: exactly that.
jk: with all due respect, hyung-nim, what the fuck
(-namjoon cackling in the background-)
-so jin explained how he asked you about joining them bc jk was so down and reassured jk that he didn't tell you anything about his feelings and that you solely come there bc you also had 2 weeks off and you wanted to spend time with him, even though jin had some convincing to do since you thought it might be awkward between jk and you
- jin: also, the supposed date on her story? that was just a night out among co-workers, so it was definitely not a date, I asked y/n about it
jk: ....... why didn't you tell me sooner? why are you telling me that a week later, when I'm in another country??
jin: remember the time you put actual fish oil in my bungeoppang?
jin: see, you did this and I'm still arranging you a romantic getaway, like the merciful god i am
jk: oh my god
jin: exactly
-jk texted you the same night and asked you where you are and said that jin told him everything. "maybe I should let the food war continue after all..", you thought and rolled your eyes. you sent jungkook a pic from the view you had from your hotel room, where you arrived a few hours prior, and he could clearly recognize that you were indeed there, as unbelievable as it was for him.
you: I can't believe jin ruined the surprise
jk: trust me, it still was a huge surprise for me
you: a good one, I hope?
jk: definitely... you know, i actually wanted to text you.
you: about the past week, i suppose?
jk: kinda. i'm going to send you something. it was done rather quickly, so have some mercy on me with that.. and please don't be mad at me
you: ok..? you're kind of worrying me here
jk: and y/n.. i won't say anything about it, it should speak for itself.. and please don't say anything about it until I see you tomorrow, ok?
you: alright..
jk: I'll see you at the café jin hyung told me about, depending on the answer you're gonna give me
you: I'll be there, no matter what
jk: ok, then, yellow shirt in case you're answer is positive, black shirt in any other case, how about that?
you: fine by me koo ☺️
jk: ok...... here goes nothing 🙇🏻‍♂️
-what he sent you was a gcf with your name as the title and what followed was a beautiful compilation of your favourite moments you and jungkook had shared, and some moments you weren't even aware of the fact that he was filming you..some scenes, for example: your guys' trip to lotte world, you giggling into the camera when turned the cam to both of you wearing bunny ears, you laughing your ass off while filming him dancing to cl's "hello bitches", you on the day you went to the planetarium together, the time you came over to his place with food after he was too exhausted to do anything after practice and you watched "spirited away" together, then you playing with gureum while he giggles behind the camera, you being bts' no 1 hype man during their concert preparations, some videos where you cheered for him during the days you two spent apart bc of award shows.... and at the end of the video there was a single picture of you two, where you smiled widely into the camera, while he looked at you with a shy smile on his face... and finally, you heard his voice saying the words which appeared on screen: "be my loved one".
- the next day, jungkook was waiting for you in the café opposite the church, where you would come to as well. he was nervous as hell and honestly he still wasn't sure if you're actually going to come there or if jin played a prank on him. he checked his texts again and again and just stared at the "read" sign beneath the text and the video he sent you and mentally slapped himself for telling you to keep your answer to yourself until you meet him in the café. he started overthinking again, to a point where he zoned out so much that he didn't even notice 6 guys with huge sunglasses and a suspicious lot of newspapers, sitting at another table what finally made him snap back into reality was the sound of someone pulling the chair at his table, which instantly made him turn around only to see you sitting down next to him, right at the moment when the bells started ringing. undoubtedly, the colour yellow has never made jungkook happier.
-at the dorms with the boys after you left your company dinner party early-
jimin: why'd you come back so early?
you: because SOMEONE almost broke my co-workers hand during a handshake
jk: it's called asserting dominance, y/n, don't you ever listen to david attenborough sunbaenim?
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
A Whole New World Prelude Pt 1
Here is the first part of A Whole New World Series! Enjoy!
My first Harry Hook x reader fic!
{Y/N} = Your Name
{L/N} = Last Name
{E/C} = Eye color
{H/C} = Hair Color
{H/L} = Hair Length
{S/C} = Skin Color
So I'm falling, but you're probably wondering how I got here…. Well.
I was just walking down the street. You see I don't have many friends, and my family basically tossed me out of their lives when I started High School this year. But that's besides the point. It was a nice Saturday Morning and I was heading to the store to get some groceries and well I went from walking to falling.
{End Flashback}
Wait is that an ocean? Nononononono I can't swim!
"Help!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I curled up into a ball as I hit the water. I tried screaming for help again but I was slowly seeing darkness. Last thing I saw was a person.
(3rd person pov)
Harry Hook, feared pirate of the Isle, was stunned to watch a girl fall out of the sky, screaming, and into the water. But when he didn't see her come up, he tossed off his hat, hook, and coat and dove in after her.
A pirate had to know how to swim.
He caught the girl before she could meet Davy Jones, or even meet one of Tick Tock's kids. Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her up to the surface and swam to the shore.
He laid her on the beach, listening to her chest before he began a bit of cpr.
(1st person pov)
I woke up, coughing up water and sitting up straight, before bending over to get rid of the excess water in my lungs. 
"Well Lass, glad ta see ya alive." A Scottish male voice stated.
I blinked and opened my eyes, looking up to see who I can assume is my savior. Oh my is he hot!
"......" I couldn't even talk, stunned by how freaking pretty this dude was, ocean blue eyes, staring at me expectingly.
"Well Lass, it be time for ya to come with me." He stated, helping me up and dragging me towards a pirate ship. Was this real? 
He brought me on board and I watched as the crew circled me. I noticed the guy change, putting on a pirate hat and jacket, and grabbing a hook. Is he a younger version of Captain Hook?
"So Harry. You tellin me she just fell out of the sky?" A female voice stated, causing me to turn around.
A girl decked out in pirate gear and barnacles… is she related to Davy Jones? And his name is Harry?
"Aye! She just fell from the sky." Harry explained.
I raised my hand just enough to have the girl and Harry look at me questioningly.
"Hi. Um, a few things. Firstly my name is {y/n, l/n}. Secondly, where am I? And lastly, who are you guys?" I asked.
The two looked at each other and laughed.
"You really don't know? Well to answer yer questions. This is the Isle. And I'm Uma, Daughter of Ursula, this is Harry Hook son of Captain Hook, and the one to yer right is Gil, son of Gaston." Uma explained.
I covered my mouth as I laughed. "Someone slept with Ursula?? And Hook???? And Gaston???" I fell to the floor laughing my ass off.
Harry stomped over to me, grabbing my {h/l} {h/c}.
"Shut yer trap! Ye have no idea what our parents are like!" As Harry screams at you, you notice the scars on his right wrist and his neck. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't have the best life growing up either." I explained as Harry released my hair.
"Yea well yer stuck with us now." Harry stated walking back to Uma.
"Looks like yer apart of my crew now. So get to scrubbin!" Uma exclaimed, a mop and bucket being thrown at me. 
I frowned as the crew walked away, going back to their things. I frowned but began to mop. This was going to be a long day.
~20 minutes later~ 
I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I finished mopping. A hat was slapped on my head.
"Yer comin with me, {y/n}." Harry stated, looking a bit pissed, probably still at me.
"Where are we going?" I asked, fixing the small pirate's hat that was put on my head.
"Ta rob some places. Duh!" Harry exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and dragging me off the ship and through a tube.
"B-but why?" I questioned, trying to free my wrist.
"We're pirates, and this is the Isle, where all the Villains are locked up! Nice people don't survive. Oh…" we were stopped by a purple-haired girl. She wore a purple and green outfit. Huh, whose kid is she?
"Hook… oh who's the new girl? I don't recognize her…" the girl spat, her eyes...glowing?
"Well she's the newest member of Uma's gang. Not that it matters to you. What are ye doin on Uma's turf?" Harry asked, holding up his hook at the girl.
She didn't even flinch. "Well, you're cutting off the girl's blood flow ya dumb pirate." 
Harry loosened his grip on my wrist. I took a step behind Harry, not trusting this girl. Harry seemed to take a protective stance.
"It's a little rude. My mother is going to hear about this. You’re hiding her, I know it, my mother won’t like this!" The girl exclaimed, sticking her gum on Harry's hook and walking away.
Harry cursed under his breath as he took the gum off his hook. I slowly came out from behind him.
"Who was she?" I asked looking up at Harry.
"That bitch was Maleficent's daughter." Harry spat, clearly pissed at her.
I shivered, Maleficent was one of my worst feared villain movies. "I've always been scared of Maleficent as a child." I muttered.
Harry lifted an eyebrow. "That's another thing I need to ask ye, how do ye know our parents?" Harry asked me as he threw the gum onto the side of a building.
I frowned and looked at the cloudy sky. "Well growing up your parents were in stories for me. The good guys always defeating the villains. Personally, I enjoyed the Neverland stories. But I was a bit confused by Hook. He was obsessed with a child and had hatred for peter pan. Though Peter Pan was definitely not my favorite, I actually liked Smee." I rambled on.
Harry chuckled. "Smee is great. His two little runts look up to me, They call me Uncle Harry." 
I giggled at the thought. "Smee's kids call you Uncle? That's so sweet!" I smiled as we walked through the Isle. 
My smile vanished as I noticed the poor living conditions of the Isle. "Wow."
Harry lifted an eyebrow. "Aye the conditions on the Isle are horrible. But what do yeh expect? Auradon gets all the glitz and glam and we get all their scraps." Harry explained, a cold indifference to his voice. 
I shivered at that, Harry sounded so...used to it, no one should live like this, especially kids. I was surprised by this fact. Why were these people living like this? Why weren't they given real food? So many questions I wanted to ask but not yet.
"Here we are at our first stop." Harry announced. 
I looked up to see that we were apparently at Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye shop. Huh guess Lady Tremaine ended up on the Isle too.
Harry grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside the shop. A girl was inside sweeping up hair, wearing headphones.
Harry frowned and tapped his hook on the counter catching the girl's attention. Oh my, she's quite young, I believe she's 4 years younger than us. Wow. We're only 9th graders…
My heart just broke. This was horrible. But I did question whose daughter she was. Was she Drizella's or Anastasia's daughter? Oh what's going on?
"Hand it over ya runt!" Harry exclaimed.
The girl sighed and walked behind the counter, opening the register and giving the money to Harry. 
"Thank ye, come on {y/n}." Harry stated grabbing my wrist, and leading me out of the salon.
Heading to our next stand I asked Harry a question. "Harry, who was that girl you stole from?" 
"That girl? Oh you mean the little bright-eyed runt? That was Dizzy, Drizzilla's daughter." Harry explained before he flashed a dangerous smirk at the stand tender who paled and shakily handed harry a basket of eggs
"Ok, that's good to know." I stated as we continued, now carrying the basket of eggs, after harry handed it to me. I watched Harry collect items and money from multiple stands.
"So what is all this for?" I inquired as harry counted a roll of papers and gold coins "payment, for Uma's protection" Harry said, nodding to the person manning the fruit stall, and continuing to another with vegetables.
I frowned at this. Why do they need Uma's protection? That was something I was going to learn very quickly.
"This is our turf Hook! Go back to Shrimpy!" Maleficent's daughter exclaimed. 
I hid behind Harry once more. Yes I was terrified of this purple-haired girl. That's when another female voice spoke up.
"Come on Mal. We need to get going! Jay and Carlos are waiting for us." The girl stated, causing Mal to grumble a bit before I heard her stomping off. 
A few seconds passed before I stepped out from behind Harry. "So can I ask why Mal hates you so much?" I asked tentatively.
"Mal is a bitch. She pulled a prank on Uma when we were young and gave her the nickname Shrimpy. Don't call 'er that though, she will not be happy." Harry explained as we turned and headed back towards the docks.
But this time instead of heading through the tube tunnel, we turned and headed towards Ursula's Chip Shop. Huh I guess it's a British fish and fry shop. Cool. 
Walking inside, the first thing I noticed was the smell of fish. To be expected I guess. Oh it looks like the crew is getting ready.
"We're back!" Harry called out, setting the stuff he held onto the bartop table. 
He motioned for me to do the same with the basket I was holding. I carefully sat the basket on the table, and the blonde one, I believe Uma said his name was Gil, He is definitely built like Gaston, reached for the egg basket as soon as it touched the table.
"Gil. Those are for the shop!" Uma exclaimed before he could take one.
Gil pouted a bit but stepped aside so Uma could examine the haul. She counted the number of eggs in the basket, seeming happy with the number she moved to the money. Counting the money she smirked.
"Good job everyone. But now it's time for school. So everyone get goin!" Uma shouted and the whole crew wrestled around getting their stuff together. 
Harry just yawned  and chatted with Uma. I on the other hand sat at a table and watched everything going on. I have a feeling I won't be returning home anytime soon. Not that anyone will miss me. I didn't own much. I didn't have any friends. And I didn't have any pets. So yea. I think I'm ok living here.
"{Y/N}!!! Get a movin! We're sneakin ya into school!" Harry exclaimed with a smirk.
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jasmineangus · 4 years
I entered 2020 with high hopes and expectations after experiencing the biggest confidence knock of my life. I decided to stay positive and think of all the things I would do this year to prove people wrong and to make myself proud. The year started off with some amazing celebrations and hard work. Being eighteen was amazing and my life was about to begin. Then whispers started emerging bout ghosts I had left in the year prior, rumours and speculation tinted my rose tinted glasses black until I had lost a friend (to what I still couldn’t tell you) and the confidence ceased to exist again. But my amazing family and friends built me up once again.
Until the 18th March. The day the earth stood still in my eyes. Everything I had spent the last 5 years working towards, all my goals and aspirations shattered. The one thing I wanted to leave this year feeling was proud and that was stripped away from me alongside my exams. Then as we entered this alternative universe and me and my friends suddenly because keyworkers and our parents stayed at home, I became adjusted to this new norm whilst tackling my own demons simultaneously. We stood outside every Thursday hoping to clap the virus away. We kept our distance and we washed our hands.
Throughout all this I had been spending months away from the love of my life and zoom calling my friends twice a week. We were all determined to stay connected even when we couldn’t physically. But it hurt and it was hard, but the fact that everyone was doing it made it that bit easier.
Fast forward a few boring months and we hit summer. The summer, the time of growth and memories. Laughter, sun, long nights and sweaty days. We were finally allowed out and I was so desperate to feel the arms of the most important person in my life around me. I longed for the touch of familiarity, something that would make this all feel like some bad dream. But when I felt that touch it was presented with coldness, but because of the summer sun I couldn’t feel it. Maybe I chose to ignore it, or it was a subtle breeze, but it marked the breakdown of something I thought was indestructible.
3rd July. A day I had felt myself again, with the girls being as stupid as always until at around 10pm my world fell apart. What felt like home had combusted into flames and as I ran towards the fire to salvage anything left, he told me he had made his mind. My role in this was obsolete. I had no say. So I spent the summer months wasting away in my room asking myself “what went wrong?”. I doubted every essence of my being until I was my worst enemy. Food repulsed me, water made me feel sick. I just wanted to physically waste away until my body matched the state of my mind. The love and devotion I had, and still have is relentless and trust me I know it’s pathetic, I’m the first one to point it out. But when you build up a future with someone it’s hard to just let it all slip away.
13th August. Now I didn’t think the government could find anymore ways to fuck us over this year but they found a way to roll me over and fuck me sideways with my grades. Fortunately, I was able to get into Manchester and do the degree I wanted but at this point I didn’t want it anymore. I had no passion, no drive and with everything that had happened I wasn’t ready for change. In a world that stood still for 3 months the change in pace scared me so much. But we did it. We moved 175 miles away to Manchester and it was up there with the hardest things I’ve done but I did it. But then I hated it. The course wasn’t what I’d expected, I was still heartbroken and just didn’t like the change. I stuck it out, and by November this place began to feel like home. By my birthday I found myself smiling without faking it, the pressure on my shoulders lifted, maybe thing had finally gotten better.
They hadn’t.
On 24th November at 7:26am I received a call from my mother saying that my grandad had passed away, alone in the ICU. I couldn’t do anything. I was stuck in my room, alone. I couldn’t help my mum, my sister, my grandma. The man who had kept the family together all these years was now gone and everyone was so lost. My mum had to condole my grandma and tell her repeatedly that her partner of 68 years wasn’t there anymore, and I couldn’t do anything to help. It makes me feel sick but I had a gut feeling this was going to happen, it was 2020 after all. Once my mum told me he was having a hip operation, my stomach dropped and I just knew it wouldn’t go well. But nonetheless I thought positively thinking that it was just me being pessimistic. It wasn’t. By the time that was over I thought that I could go home and celebrate Christmas in peace, the year had taken enough hadnt it?
But it’s was nowhere near the end of it. I come home and my best friend, my world and my soulmate had lost crazy amount of weight and gets ill. My baby girl Ayley (yes she’s a cat, and what) is wasting away, but she’s a fighter and I know she’ll carry on, she always has. But I woke up this morning and my stomach dropped and I just knew. My best friend of over 15 years passed away this morning and heartbreak doesn’t even cover it. People always rant and rave about dogs being mans best friend, which I’m sure they are. But the connection I had with that cat is something I could never explain. We were like 2 peas in a pod and she will always remain in my heart. She knew when I was in a depressive state and wouldn’t leave my side when I was like that. She had so much personality and charisma and anyone who met her really was truly blessed.
There is 2 weeks left of this year and I can’t lie, I’m terrified. This year had knocked so much out of me, I really do look in the mirror and don’t recognise myself anymore. I don’t know who I am. I feel so lost and hollow these days and to be honest don’t see the point in a lot of things. I haven’t made myself proud this year and I haven’t proven anyone wrong. This year has taken so much, I don’t know what I can give back anymore. I am so scared to get attached or make commitments now because what if they just walk out or leave too. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone I know, and I am so proud of so many people I know for achieving and getting through the things the have. 2020 has won this year, because I have nothing else to give.
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30 Day Fandom Challenge
Here we go again for my fandom challenge. You still with me? @domsberto I'd also like to nominate @jimonsprettyface
This next fandom is one that I have been a part of from the very beginning and it holds a special place in my heart. Hold on tight and for those who haven't seen it, spoilers ahead.
Day 2- Teen Wolf
(TV Show not Movie)
1) Favorite Character: Stiles Stilinski
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Reason: I have a thing for adorable dorks apparently. 😂
Ok so I adore Stiles the most because he is the backbone and heartbeat of the group. Sure he's a spazz and a nerd but he also always finds a way to get the group out of sticky situations because of his intelligent and knack for looking at things from every angle (he truly is his father's son....it helps his Father is the Sheriff alot of the time). He is loyal to a fault and though he has a hard time trusting most newcomers, once you are in he will literally follow you to the ends of the earth. He is a hopeless romantic, as shown with how he is with Lydia and even Malia. He loves deeply and thought he tends to be a fuck up at times he always finds a way to make things right. He keeps the others in line and helps everyone that needs his help. As the only human of the group he takes his job very seriously and is damn good at keeping the group together even when he personally feels like falling apart. I adore him to no end.
2) Most Relatable Character: Liam Dunbar
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Reason: Liam is an adorable, scared and confused little rage monster. Unlike the others on the show who had a few seasons to get used to the world of the supernatural, Liam was still new to the world and was often left scratching his head wondering what the hell was going on. I can relate to that because even in real life I don't know what the hell is going on most of the time. He is also the most relatable because unlike the others on the show, he actually acts his age for the most part and wasn't forced to grow up as fast as the others. Honestly, for a young Beta wolf he can be the most human of them all at times. He likes to have fun, he likes to hang out with his girlfriend and play lacrosse. He marches to the beat of his own drum, which I do most of the time. Another thing I can relate to is having a short temper. While my temper is not nearly as bad as Liam's (who as Intermittent Explosive Disorder) I still get how hard it is to calm down once that temper is triggered.
3) Most Underrated Character: Isaac Lahey
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Reason: Besides Derek, Isaac probably had the most growth of all the characters on the show before his exit from the show. He had to shoulder alot of pain and loss in his life starting with his mom leaving and his brother dying, then suffering from years of abuse at the hands of his father. After being turned by Derek, he felt empowered to help not only himself but others as well and did all that he could to help people in need. He even found it in him to forgive his father for abusing him for so long, which takes strength all on it's own. He went from being a scared and abused little boy to being a badass who did everything he could to help people he cared about and those who were unable to defend themselves. I see you Isaac, I see you and I appreciate you.
4) Most Overrated Character: Derek Hale
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Reason: Ok before I start this, let me just says that I love Derek Hale ok? He is all kinds of sexy and has some good qualities but of all the people on the show he is also the most overrated. Ok hear me out here before you come at me. Throughout the series Derek is hyped up as this big bad Alpha dude. Yes, he turned a bunch of teens into wolves and helped them, and Scott, learn the ropes but when it came down to a fight most of the time he either made things worse or just didn't show up when he was needed the most (example when they were fighting the Nogitsune, Dread Doctors, Ghost Riders, Alphas). Most of the time it was Scott and his pack that ended up saving the day. Sure Derek helped gather intel but as far as fighting goes, he didn't really do much for such a "Big Bad Alpha" who threatened to rip people's throats out with his teeth. Hell he didn't even kill the bitch that murdered his ENTIRE family, nor did he kill the Darach...instead he slept with her. Wow Derek, just wow. He ran most of the time, went MIA alot of the time only to make a dramatic entrance and knock a few people around when Scott already had things under control. I love Derek but.....some big bad Alpha he was.
5) Least Favorite Character(s): Tied Kate, Gerard, and Victoria Argent
Reason: First of all, Kate....She got away with murdering an entire family (minus Derek, Laura, Peter and Cora) and then manages to cheat death by turning into a freaky ass werejaguar when Peter ripped her throat out. How?!?!?! No matter how much chaos she starts she still ends up getting away. How is she not dead yet? Jesus! She was a manipulative person and honestly one of the most toxic on the show besides her shady ass who I will talk about next.
Gerard was a piece of work. He brainwashed Allison into trying to kill her friends, he praised Kate for killing the entire Hale family, he tortured and killed innocent supernaturals simply for existing and used Jackson in his kanima form to carry out his shady agenda. He was also a hypocrite. He hates supernaturals yet relied on Scott to help take away his pain when he was sick and dying only to turn around and train a new generation of Anti-Supernatural hunters to do his bidding. He was a piece of shit.
Victoria Argent was the Matriarch of the Argent family and even when her daughter (Allison) and husband (Chris) wanted to actually help the innocent supernaturals she did everything in her power to make sure they felt like shit for wanting to help. She freaking tortured and tried to kill Scott for no other reason than he was a werewolf that was screwing her daughter and then made herself out to be a victim when Derek came to save Scott and he bit her a few times after she attacked him. She refused to turn and killed herself instead of facing the consequences her actions lead to (her turning into the very thing she hated, a werewolf).
6) Favorite Canon Pairing: Stydia (Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin)
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Reason: From the beginning when you first see Stiles and Lydia interact on screen you start to root for the spastic nerd to win the heart of the most popular girl in school. Stiles always saw the real Lydia that she hid behind her popular facade. He saw how smart she was, how much she actually cared for people despite pretending like she didn't. He had been in love with her since the 3rd grade and even when they dated other people, that love never died. The closer they got as friends the more you wanted them to just end up together. Several seasons later and we finally hear them confess their love for each other and finally FINALLY get together. Praise be to all things Holy! Stiles and Lydia manage to balance each other out and anchor each other. When Stiles has panic attacks, Lydia is there to help calm him down. When Lydia gets overwhelmed by her Banshee powers, Stiles is there to help ground her. Stiles saved Lydia more times than I can count but she saved him too on more than one occasion. Stiles and Lydia have a love that is beautiful and pure. I see them lasting forever and they should even now that the show has been over for a while now. They are beautiful and they are my OTP. I could go on forever but I will just leave it here.
7) Favorite Non-Canon Ship: Scisaac (Scott McCall and Isaac Lahey)
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[Close Call Honorable Mention: Sterek (Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale)]
Reason: Ok first of all this was a close race between my boys Scisaac and my boys Sterek but when I look back at both pairings, I love the purity of Scott and Isaac versus the almost toxic pairing that is Sterek. (I adore Sterek but come on! Looking back now they were hella toxic!) Now for Scott and Isaac they had their moments. They lived together and Scott always managed to find a way to help bring Isaac back to reality when he had moments where he would lapse into PTSD style symptoms and nightmares. They always had each other's backs and they always gave each other looks that went beyond that of just friendship. Hell Isaac even agreed with hearts in his eyes that Scott was the "hot girl". I believe that if these two had of both cut Allison lose and crossed the boundary of friendship into a romantic relationship they would have been just as strong as Stydia. A pure and passionate kind of love born out of genuine care for one another.
8) Least Favorite Pairing: Stalia (Stiles Stilinski and Malia Tate)
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Reason: First of all their first hook up was in a freaking insane asylum so that right there is not a good start for any lasting relationship. Throughout their relationship, Malia took Stiles for granted and then had the nerve to get jealous when he paid more attention to Lydia (who he had been in love with forever at that point). Malia had the mindset of a child and was immature most of the time. Don't get me wrong, Stiles could be immature at time too but she brought out the worst in him. I don't dislike Malia. I actually like her as a character but not as Stiles's girlfriend. Plus this biggest reason I dislike this ship? It took longer for Stydia to finally happen. Let's not forget how she practically walked all over him.
9) Favorite Part/Moment: Lydia tells Stiles she loves him too.
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Reason: Stiles had been taken by the Ghost Riders and everyone forgot who he was but before he was taken he told Lydia "Remember I love you." But she never got the chance to say it back before he and her memories of him were ripped away. When he finally came back there was a touching scene where Lydia said "I never got to say it back." And the two of them shared their first real kiss (not counting the kiss she gave him to stop a panic attack in a previous season). This was one of those moments that was several years long overdue and for us Stydia fans, we rejoiced when they finally got their shit together and actually became a couple. Praise!
10) Least Favorite Part/Moment: Allison is killed by the Oni
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Reason: Allison Argent was a character you could sometimes love and hate at the same time. When they battled the Nogitsune and she sacrificed herself to the Oni to save Isasc, I sobbed like a baby. It was a way for the writers to write off the actress's character but one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the entire series. It is my least favorite because Allison died. It was a beautiful farewell as she died in the arms of her first love (Scott) but I can't even think about it without sobbing.
Thank you for sticking with me. Until tomorrow! ❤
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