#trust in sam esmail always
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spacelobsterm · 2 years ago
I've never been happier in my entire life to be so wrong
Mr robot series finale spoilers
I really thought Whiterose was right, that there actually was another world. I was about to go off on the show about how the whole story was pointless if none of it even happened, like a fool. Trust in Sam Esmail is what I have learned today.
I never thought they would actually say the words Dissasociative Identity Disorder LET ALONE explain it as well as they did. From the little knowledge I have about it, I think they explained it quite well and the meaning behind the huge building and theatre is really really cool. It's a great way of explaining an alter.
I remember when we first found out Mr Robot was an alter I was really unsure about him being portrayed as the main antagonist, something about it felt wrong to me, and now looking back it's still really weird because he's supposed to be the protector. Unless he was antagonistic because Mastermind shouldn't have been taking over as much as he had been, and then after a while just allowed it. Or maybe he wanted some of that freedom or control Mastermind had?
I dunno but I'm gonna be watching a lot of analysis videos and interviews.
They could've started the show with the knowledge that Mastermind was an alter but keeping it a mystery and being very sneaky with the foreshadowing and hints was an extremely clever and made for one of the best viewing experiences of my life
I cannot wait to rewatch the show in this new light
About to watch the series finale of Mr Robot
I'm expecting a time skip where Elliot and Angela are married are probably have kids and are all happy and I'm not ready for that
I never know what to expect from this show so I really hope I'm wrong
See you in an hour
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ks0urced · 5 years ago
tv show meme :// mr. robot season 4 ( eps. 7-13 ) / dir. sam esmail ( lightly edited to fit structure; change pronouns as necessary. )
i've been waiting for this moment for a while now.
escape is the only fucking thing we should be thinking about. 
how about we just cut the bullshit and you tell me why I'm here? 
i can't believe you'd come back here to be just as stupid as you were last time.
it's clear you don't wanna force me into this, which means you’ve got to start convincing me.
i'm not someone you push around with a gun. i am the gun. 
behind every great fortune lies a great crime. 
you wanna oink-oink with all the other capitalist pigs? 
that was some cliffhanger shit we were left on. 
it's true. i heard it on a podcast.
destruction can be so productive.
i simply thought this would be the most expeditious way to break our stalemate.
you shouldn't go through this alone.
i see this is causing you a lot of grief. i didn't want that. 
i had to give 'em a bit of a holy show back there.
i don't think you have taken into account the primal forces you are meddling with here.
i'm gonna show him what he did.
so what are you supposed to do? move on without answers, or stay down and drive yourself crazy with questions?
you know, it just occurred to me. we've never gotten drunk together, have we?
if you won't listen to reason, then i'm done.
you think i'm gonna trust you?
you can reset everything and live in the world you deserve, a world without all the pain you're carrying, without your past, without your regrets.
here's the thing. i don't need help right now. you do.
this is not a warning. this is the beginning of the end.
why do we have to cut these things so goddamn close?
i'd rather see you lose than win myself.
i need to see my family.
best bet is to leave with me until this whole thing blows over.
i can't remember the last time i had a good grilled cheese sandwich.
i haven't really slept in five years, save for a few nightmares.
i’m not gonna let you just sit here and wait to die.
there is nothing here for you, but there is still a chance for you out there if you come with me.
any advice for a road trip?
it's like i always say: you’ve got to keep a open mind at every opportunity that comes your way.
for once, i wanna drop the paranoia and just take all this in. just for this moment.
what is it with you and breaking the law? it’s like a fetish.
this isn't what justice is supposed to look like.
till the next episode, then.
all i know is we don't have to run anymore.
when we land, we'll hitch a ride to somewhere else.
you hold on to a lot, and you hold on fucking tight.
they can't handle me.
thank you for never giving up on me.
you know, you really started to grow on me ever since you stopped being such a dickhead.
this is an endless war. at a certain point, we’ve got to move on.
this world around us? i'm tired of it. i’m tired of the pain it causes.
they were just dealt a bad hand by a world unfit for us
i hate people. i'm scared of them. i've been scared of them practically my whole life.
for all the pain i’ve been through, that heals me. maybe not instantly. maybe not even for a long time, but it heals.
i will not give up on this world.
i don't know what the fuck to do.
it's an exciting time in the world.
i'm stuck in a repetitive, boring routine that feels endless.
is this the world i ought so hard for?
nobody is as perfect as they seem.
people are always hiding something: their vulnerabilities, their fears, their shame.
everyone has a monster.
you have to finally let yourself be happy. that's all it takes.
i'm sorry. i think you should look away too.
if you don't want to help me, then get the fuck out of my way.
you just don't want me to be happy, do you?
i've been trying to show you the truth, and you've been resisting.
i don't want to be in this nightmare anymore.
it's my life. it always will be.
please tell me this isn't a dream.
i'm not going anywhere.
it felt like we were finally getting close. i guess i didn't want that to stop.
that was part of the reason why i came back. i wanted to fix things.
this whole time, i thought changing the world was something you did, an act you performed, something you fought for. i don't know if that's true anymore.
maybe the world can't help but change around us.
this only works if you let go too.
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knifelesbianjo · 5 years ago
Sam Esmail was always a fake, like I saw the signs but didn’t want to believe. What’s the point of creating all this diversity in universe with race, religion, culture and sexual identity if your just gonna murder your way through most of that cast (which Sam did) and even chicken out of making the main protag TOO much of an outsider and make him cishet to the end. 2019 has been...a year for many fandom finales :/
i started this show because of all the diversity, and i guess it being there is better than if everyone had been white/straight... and we actually got a lesbian "endgame", which is nice, because dom and darlene are perfect, but yet as a whole it doesn't feel like good representation, or at least, no like the representation i was promised, because they killed them all
And i'm sorry but what they did with tyrelliot IS queerbaiting, they hinted at something that they never intended to through with. "subtext, you know" well, i'm so fucking tired of that. Tyrell was treated badly and pushed under the rug when they didn't care about him anymore, and i'm broken, because i don't know why i keep trusting shows to do the right thing
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years ago
Hi, I think you're a very kind person, someone who will care, and I don't have anyone else who will understand this. Last night's episode really devastated me. I feel like someone I love, like someone I know personally, has been hurt. Maybe it's supposed to feel this way because Elliot created us, we're his friend. I'm just so sad with heartache for him. I've spent the most of my day being blank. Thank you for being a good part of this fandom.
Thank you 💕 I am so happy to know that even my fairly anonymous, online persona comes across as empathetic. I adamantly believe that empathy is the most powerful emotion in the universe.
* Spoilers * Below *
So, speaking of empathy, I understand how you feel and have been struggling through my own emotions, a gaping void of sadness, all day. Never has a television show so powerfully impacted my normal life before, and it is all a testament to Rami Malek’s ability to breathe such complexity and vulnerability into a character. With that being said, it’s no wonder we all feel so hurt, that we all begged with Mr. Robot, cried with Elliot, and sat riveted with Vera.
We are Elliot’s friend, and Sam Esmail made us love Elliot Alderson, made us want to protect him, just like Mr. Robot. And then, during this season, Sam tested our love. He pushed us as Elliot retreated further into his delusions and became distant to us, even refusing to speak to us. Sam wanted us to be angry with Elliot, to stop empathizing with him, and he fucking got us—the last episode ensured that Elliot crossed a line we would not just shrug off and forgive.
So when Elliot finally, and inadvertently lets us in, it devastates us. Not only do we want to hug Elliot and tell him that he’s not alone, that we love him, that we care about him, but we now have to reconcile with our own guilt because we, Elliot’s friend, have betrayed him, too. When we began to give up on him, just like everyone else in his life, we proved that no one could be trusted. And Elliot knew this all along. His fear of betrayal is so, so deep (and rightly so now that we know his father committed the ultimate act of betrayal against his son) that he even pushed away his own imaginary friend because he knew, knew we would betray him by abandoning him, giving up on him—by leaving him alone.
However, if Elliot can reconcile with this truth and move forward, he will never have to be alone again. Once he learns to trust himself, he can stop retreating into his alters, into his shell and learn to trust the people who really love him, like his sister. Now, I know in real life DID doesn’t work that way, but at the end of the day, this is a television show and so far, it has been deeply metaphorical. 
My ultimate hope is that Sam doesn’t kill Darlene 🤞🏼 and doesn’t kill Elliot 🤞🏼because I want him to leave us with the message that people who suffer horrific abuse can survive, and even thrive when they are essentially good people. Elliot has always, essentially, been good. And so has Darlene.
Vera? Not so much. Despite Vera’s admittance to his own abuse, he chose to pursue a life of reckless violence and bloodshed. Krista is a powerhouse of a woman for protecting herself and Elliot by taking a life (at least I hope to hell Vera is dead because I’ve had quite enough of him).
If you will indulge me, I have one final, kinda nerdy insight: The ancient Greeks believed in the power of catharsis, the purging of emotions, through art. This episode reminded me of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. The plot is not a mystery to the audience; there are no surprising twists or turns that the author tries to hide. Everything that happens to Oedipus, we know (or we are foreshadowed to know) well in advance. And during Episode 407, we ALL knew what was coming; we ALL knew Elliot had been abused, most likely sexually; we ALL knew that the window story was some cataclysmic moment in his life. But to watch Elliot come to that realization, to feel everything with him, to shudder and cry when he says, “Yes, I remember”—that was true catharsis. I never, ever thought someone would be able to capture a moment like that on television, and I never, ever thought I would actually go through such a genuine moment of catharsis. 
Bravo, Sam.
And thank you, Rami ❤️
And thank you, Anon, for giving me a platform to practice some catharsis through writing–my heart has been heavy all day, but it feels a little bit lighter now 💕
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darlinique · 5 years ago
[elliot voice] Jesus Fucking Christ
ah. This Shit, finally. some (MANY) robo-thoughts that aren’t all Joaks regarding 4x02, for the sake of my own organization and mapping bc *mcdonald corporate overlord jingle* I’m Losin’ It. so let’s just get this started:
1. another alter confirmation! huh. i know this one has long been theorized & i always looked at the evidence as subjective, but it’s definitely concrete now. nice work to anyone who called it early 🤙🤙 with this in mind though, we can comb back over the series to examine places where this alter may have fronted without us being aware at the time. i haven’t rewatched yet (gotta get on that), but from what i can remember, there’s certain interactions that stick out.
so, this is about to be my pepe silvia moment.
of course, the most notable is when tyrell recited the red wheelbarrow poem after his confrontation with robot in the car. whoever he was speaking to at that moment and whoever told him he wasn’t seeing what was above him definitely wasn’t elliot or robot—elliot has no recollection of the meeting at all, and robot demanded to know what the fuck tyrell was talking about in the arcade when he brought that exchange back up. plus, the demeanor of whoever was fronting was just...entirely different from what we’ve seen of both elliot and robot.
elliot takes on a similar demeanor when he berates bill harper in season 1. now i have to wonder, was this really elliot talking down to bill, or did this other alter front to handle it? if this were the other alter, theoretically, it makes me wonder why he’d front here. or why he fronted around tyrell...or why he wanted to name stage 2 after the poem tyrell recited. i don’t think i can fully place his intentions.
the halloween scene where darlene asks elliot to put on the mr robot jacket and mask, and elliot, under the mask, begins to calmly explain his ideas that eventually led to 5/9. this was framed as robot fronting before—maybe even the first time robot fronted—but...maybe it wasn’t even robot? i also have to remember that at the end of s1, robot begs elliot to not let darlene & angela get rid of him “again.” so robot seems to have existed for a while, and elliot can’t remember it? i’m assuming he was dormant? then maybe it was the birth of this other alter? but regarding another theory i’ll mention later, that doesn’t correlate. my god, So Much Is Happening.
the flashback where edward alderson (presumably) dies and young elliot leaves his body behind in the lobby to go sit in the movie theater. that kid wasn’t acting like the elliot we’ve known over the series. if this is actually that alter fronting, then how long has he existed? and who was the imaginary friend he was talking to in the theater? or was this elliot, and maybe he was seeing the alter as he “sees” robot beside him? who knows anymore!
2. this is all especially so tricky because while some instances are more definitive than others (i would consider the initial red wheelbarrow scene a definite instance of this alter fronting), i can’t actually place For Certain if these other speculations are true or not. because i can’t be positive about who was fronting when in light of the reveal, i can’t actually pin down...much of anything about the alter. we know he didn’t care much about vera returning. he’s calm and not reactive, sure. but what does he want? and what’s he been doing? (and if the speculations i brought up are correct, it seems to lean toward supporting that this alter may have more sinister intentions...? sinister as in: trying to keep the current, unfortunate status quo. or maybe he’s just handling dirty work to protect elliot? and what’s his deal with tyrell+the poem? more about that last one later, i guess.)
3. there are still several unaccounted for time periods that elliot has lost. the month between seasons 3 & 4 (during which darlene told the alter about vera), the month(?) after shayla died, and the three days after irving+the dark army took tyrell. we know this alter definitely fronted at some point between s3 & s4 based off of what darlene said, but was he ever in control during these other periods? was it robot? a combination? i’m stressing myself out trying to place these, lol.
4. but, regarding the reveal, i’d also like to think about what sam said this “twist” leads to, and that is a plotline that he’s called surprising but inevitable, and one that should feel earned. the word inevitable catches my attention most out of these, because that implies that whatever’s coming has been built up for the whole series—which is something else that sam has confirmed. sam has also said that while knows third alter theories have existed, he hasn’t seen anyone figure it out entirely. a lot of people on the subreddit jumped on the bandwagon again that the third alter was tyrell (and even more people gave them hell for it, lol) due to the end scene being in his meeting room from s1, but this theory can’t be true. not only because it’s been guessed multiple times (and sam said that the truth hasn’t been guessed), but because of other reasons that just don’t line up.
some include the fact that tyrell and elliot were separated on the FBI board in s2, the fact that elliot was in jail while the general public was searching for tyrell (the world would know if The Most Wanted Man were in prison), tyrell being in hiding when elliot was stopping the NY building from blowing up (prior to the 71 ecorp buildings attack), just...many, many things. tyrell is indisputably his own person.
going from there, the alter can’t be angela or darlene, either. these have both also been previously guessed, and the timelines just wouldn’t make sense. they all have definitely been in different places at different times, doing different things. i’ve seen people suggest (following 4x02) that the alter may be leon, but that also can’t be true, because trenton & mobley would’ve recognized him as elliot, and trenton trusted elliot enough to send him the backup email. and i really, really don’t believe she knew about elliot’s DID. vera is most likely not the alter either, because he had a plotline that involved his brother (and why would darlene tell vera she saw vera? that’s pretty convoluted).
5. so, if i’m trying to determine who this alter might be, i think it would require another examination of the season 1 dream sequence. i’m pretty sure that’s still applicable, and it’s really the only thing i think i can still turn to, lol. in the dream, angela tells elliot that he was only born a month ago. i have to consider that maybe this new alter may have been the original host, and who we know as elliot is an alter who only came about at the beginning of the show, or a bit prior to it, chronologically. that might make sense, but then...if this alter who seems to be very different than the elliot we know was fronting for almost every other moment of elliot’s life, why don’t darlene or angela notice a difference in elliot in s1 if a new alter is fronting? basically, there’s a lot to consider with all of this. the dream sequence can be read a whole bunch of different ways, and honestly, i still don’t even know what the key is supposed to symbolize for sure. so this is also speculation, obviously.
6. a theory that seems to have gained traction on reddit is that elliot’s online alias, sam sepiol, may have more to do with him than we think. people have suggested that this new alter has existed for a long time and was probably created due to a childhood trauma that elliot has repressed regarding someone named sam. in s2, elliot does say he had a friend named sam as a child, but as far as i recall, this is the only mention of sam outside of elliot’s online presence (and the scene with bill, obviously). while this makes logical sense for why elliot could have developed DID, i don’t really think there’s been much hinting at him having childhood trauma revolving around some kid he knew / a friend he had? because esmail said this plot should feel inevitable, it just makes me wonder. i don’t think a reveal like this would feel like it was coming, or as if it’s been “earned.” but it still does make some sense! i would just need to see more evidence. maybe that rewatch will help.
7. a reveal that i think would feel “earned” would be that the audience that elliot speaks to may be this alter. or, that we are the alter, who have been watching this show. because of how ingrained elliot’s narration has been in the style of the show itself, that could definitely be a big move—revealing that elliot hasn’t been talking to us, but to another alter. there’s a hole in this theory, though, because both elliot and robot were unaware of this alter’s presence (evident by their reactions at the end of 4x02). maybe esmail could justify that elliot hasn’t realized he’s been talking to another alter? hmm. this one is up in the air, too.
8. so, going back to the end of 4x02 regarding elliot’s alters...why was the young version of him in the room tyrell brought elliot to in s1? and in the same chair? is it symbolic of a higher power—those who play god, elliot once said?—or does it have to do with tyrell specifically? i want to say it’s symbolic, but tyrell’s impact seems to have some weird role in this. again, why did this alter we’re being introduced to front after the confrontation in tyrell’s car, just to listen to his desperate ramblings & admissions and then tell tyrell to see what’s above him? doesn’t that seem religious in nature, parallel to how tyrell’s love of elliot is pseudo-religious? is this exchange why tyrell’s love of elliot manifested in such a pseudo-religious manner? and why again did this alter choose to name stage 2 after the poem tyrell shared with him? i initially assumed it was to mock him, but from what i recall, tyrell seemed genuinely touched by the gesture in season 3. so, i guess what i’m trying to figure out is: what does this alter want with tyrell?
(broke theory: this alter recalls elliot’s initial trauma that led to his DID and empathizes with tyrell sharing a memory that’s affected his psyche for all his adult life;
woke theory: the alter just has a crush on tyrell and is acting out for his attention)
9. i’m not sure...with any of this, i guess. i’m really just not sure! like i said, this post is just an amalgam of Thoughts that have been nagging at me. hopefully the next few episodes will help me start to put more pieces of this whole puzzle together. and, uh, that rewatch too, of course.
10. so, onto another topic: whiterose! and her plan! someone on reddit came up with a theory i think makes a lot of sense, if it hasn’t hit the nail on the head entirely: she’s collecting everyone’s private & personal data around the world because she’s making a virtual reality. Of Reality. she’s creating a digital copy of everything & everyone who’s existed in the world to shape as she sees fit. maybe with some wacky, illegal technology. don’t know why the congo is necessary for that, though. anyways, angela claims to have seen this project, and angela also claimed that she knew there was a way to take this project away from whiterose. i think this theory is a good mix of both sci-fi & being realistic. or, realistic in the sense that a major antagonist could have it as her monumental Moment Of Evil trump card. i’d love to see how close this idea is to the actual plan that’s happening on the show. i thought it was a good guess, at least.
11. just a general comment, but i’m so glad darlene played a bigger role in this episode. i love seeing her and elliot work together, and while i’m also worried for her safety, it’s good to have her in on the plan. literally, my greatest priority for the end of the series is that her and elliot are safe, lol. and preferably happy. maybe that last one is a stretch, but... i’d really, really just like to see the aldersons survive and come out on top.
12. that’s enough yelling, right? right. wow, i’ve spent a lot of time trying to organize everything i’ve been feeling. lol. UH, ANYWAYS THOUGH—if anyone has any other theories to discuss that i haven’t mentioned (and you want to discuss them, of course)—just let me know!!! i’m so stressed! i love & hate the Thinking this show requires! Oh, Boy! but thanks to anyone who made it through this XOXO. ur sacrifice of time will be remembered...by me, and not whiterose. el oh el.
13. and remember 2 Keep it 💯
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ra-lek · 6 years ago
what's your mr. robot dream ending?
consider this: not ending at all
but for real, i don’t think about the ending scene itself but i do have some personal preferences in mind! as always, spoilers below, y’know the drill
like, i know that i really don’t want any time-travel/supernatural elements and, although at times it seems like that’s where the story’s gonna go, i trust sam is more or less using it all as a metaphor rather than an actual possibility? mr robot is very, and i mean VERY, grounded in reality- so taking this turn would just. not make sense, imo. (elliot being an AI is also a theory i’m not a fan of but yknow)
next, i am a HUGE fan of the alderson loop theory. i think something like that would be phenomenal if executed well- and damn if sam isn’t good at doing just that!! like i get the lack of appeal in ‘the story ends where it started’ trope due to it being expected and kind of worn out but just..i can’t help but think about how great it’d be for this show? and i know for a fact sam esmail is no ordinary storyteller. if he takes this route you bet he’ll make it count.
(for those of you that maybe don’t know, elliot’s last name is, in computer teminology: “an infinite loop where there is an exit condition available, but inaccessible in the current implementation of the code, typically due to programmer’s error.”)
honestly, i really can’t place how i’m feeling about the whole fsociety/fixing the five-nine hack situation because…on one hand, i’m always on elliot’s side so i think him fixing the mess he’s made is great for his mental health and overall state but, on the other, i don’t want it all to go back to how it was?? i know the show might slap us in the face with the reality that we can’t play god and the higher powers will always win, but…e-corp being out of the picture would be great. some kind of consequence, at the very least.
i don’t fuck w that dark army shit, if they kill elliot i will start a revolution of my own. this boy won’t die, ok? i just will not accept that. if the show needs sacrifices, may i suggest angela. whiterose once said how elliot will follow in his father’s footsteps and “die for them” so if my memory serves me right, and it does in this case, angela’s mom kind of did that, too.
and finally, i think there’s some huge thing that’s been here all along but we weren’t able to see it. either something regarding us, the friend- or maybe the aldersons or even ecrop? who knows? i don’t. but to finish it all: i really don’t want mr robot gone by the end of it? i think a healthier ending would be them figuring out how to live with each other as opposed to getting rid of one another like in (spoilers) fight club. 
this was a very fun question though, thank you!!
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starkjoy · 7 years ago
i cannot goddamn believe sam esmail textually confirmed the subtextual homoerotic tension between tyrell and elliot. yes, it came to a head during last season’s finale when tyrell cried that he “loved” elliot to angela on the phone, but that could have easily been swept under the rug and written off in a variety of ways—platonic love, brotherly love, respect and adoration as an extension of his whole “god” complex, a symptom of tyrell’s mental illness, etc. instead, sam dedicated an entire episode to tyrell (which was a long time coming, in my opinion. he’s a dynamic character and should be used more often) and within the first few minutes had him restate his love for elliot while cupping his cheeks as if he were about to lean in for a kiss. and how does sam make elliot (mr robot) respond? “some things are better left unsaid. y’know, subtext.”
oh sam, you clever man.
not only did sam confirm that the gay subtext exists and isn’t just in the mind of the fans, he did so through his own character, almost breaking the third wall. now, there’s two ways this can go in my mind:
that line was a clever nod to the many fans who have argued that tyrell had romantic feelings for elliot since the beginning. yet, mr. robot’s response is meant to be sam’s reply to those fans—that it’s better to keep things subtextual, and that’s all they’re ever going to be.
tyrell and elliot’s sexual tension will cross over from subtextual to textual, possibly by season’s end.
currently i’m feeling #2. here’s why:
tyrell’s romantic feelings for elliot are already canon. they’re 100% textual now. i don’t know if sam planned for that since the beginning or if seeing the rami/martin chemistry and fan reaction convinced him to go there later on, but tyrell loves elliot. not platonically. not as a brother. romantically. yes, it’s inflated by tyrell’s mental illness, but it’s there. most of the time writers leave homoerotic tension untouched and relegated to the realm of subtext, or push it just enough to bait lgbt fans into thinking it’ll happen eventually. maybe the latter is happening here again, but we have the creator, writer, and director of the show directly commenting on that subtext via his own characters, confirming (again) that tyrell loves elliot, and proceededing to depict that love in ways that imply it’s of a romantic and sexual nature (tyrell almost kissing elliot, the suit and wanting to look good for him, tyrell being devastated over shooting elliot and his subsequent recovery). to me this is no longer a question of queerbaiting. maybe it’s an unrequited love story, but the love exists from at least one end. it’s textual.
sam seems to be setting up tyrell as the only figure close to elliot who hasn’t betrayed him—in fact, he has tyrell verbally pronounce that he’ll never betray him. the two people closest to elliot already have: angela and darlene. angela is working with robot and misleading elliot, darlene is working with the fbi and misleading elliot. both know about his mental condition and the existence of robot, and have decided to use it against him for other reasons, whether that be self preservation, for the greater good, to make positive change, etc. now that tyrell knows about robot, i’m interested to see how he responds. if he stays loyal to elliot, as he claimed he’d always be, then i can see something genuine blossoming between them—not just a one sided unhealthy infatuation/obsession from tyrell. if elliot realizes tyrell is loyal to him, especially in the face of his sister and best friend/love interest betraying him, he may come to trust tyrell for real. and from trust comes respect, friendship…and maybe love.
last season the romantic tension between angela and elliot finally came to a head. they kissed. feelings were made clear. however, instead of sam drawing out that storyline as most shows would since they’re the “love interests” of the show, he’s already commented on it three episodes in that flips the script entirely. elliot kisses angela. she tells him their first kiss was a mistake and doesn’t seem interested in the second. then it’s revealed she’s lying to elliot (for what she may believe will ultimately do good for them both and them all. this isn’t meant to be anti angela because i love her). clearly their romantic arc is off to a rocky start. could this be the beginning of the end of that storyline? i think it’s fascinating that we’re seeing such visceral emotion and genuine vulnerability from tyrell when it comes to his feelings for elliot, while angela, elliot’s heterosexual love interest, is calm, clinical, cold, and deceptive. angela was almost eery in the scene where tyrell was freaking out over elliot’s surgery and she was trying to calm him down. the fact that it’s angela who tells tyrell elliot’s darkest secret seems important as well—almost as if sam having her hand over the “love interest” torch to him. suddenly tyrell has become the most genuine ally elliot has on his side (genuine, not healthy, mind you), and with this newfound intimate knowledge he very may well become closer to elliot than angela or darlene can be (or want to be) at the moment.
both of the above have set up a possible arc that could allow for tyrelliot to develop as a genuine romantic arc, not just a one sided infatuation or queerbaiting fiasco. it still could end up one of the two, but now there seems to be a new narrative at hand that could allow for a mutual love to bloom. it may not be healthy given both elliot and tyrell’s mental states, but it feels like it could be genuine. like fucked up soul mate material.
last but not least, martin has always been very positive about the idea of tyrelliot, whether that be shipping it in general or wanting to kiss rami (lol). he’s still going on about it as of today. sam has been as well, just more cryptically. both are still better than what many creators do with similar pairings (��they’re just friends,” “it’s a brotherly love,” “he isn’t actually romantically interested, he’s just in it for the power trip” etc.)
basically i think there’s a good chance tyrelliot will become canon. maybe it’ll just be a kiss that goes nowhere (as angela/elliot seems to be proceeding as of now), or maybe it’ll be something more serious and mutual. i also think there’s a good chance something will happen this season.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years ago
Beyond ‘Serial’: Hollywood eyes gameshows in booming podcast market
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Four years after “Serial” put podcasts on the mainstream map with a twisty true crime murder story, Hollywood is rushing to embrace the audio format with everything from fictional thrillers to game shows.
70th Primetime Emmy Awards – Arrivals – Los Angeles, California, U.S., 17/09/2018 – Jessica Biel. REUTERS/Kyle Grillot – HP1EE9I01X0G2
At the same time, TV and movie producers are making their own podcasts, which are fast and relatively inexpensive to produce, in a search for the next breakout hit in a rapidly expanding crossover market.
Podcasts like “Dirty John” and “Homecoming” are already making their way to television with adaptations of “Dr. Death” and dozens of others underway.
“It’s the wild wild west for podcasts. The lines have gotten completely blurred,” said R.J. Cutler, producer of the “Nashville” TV series and “The World According to Dick Cheney” documentary. He recently launched his first podcast, the satirical “Oval Office Tapes.”
Portable and mostly free to download on smartphones, the number of Americans listening to podcasts has surged 35 percent in the last three years as content expands beyond radio shows on platforms, according to a study by consumer data company statista.com.
Some 44 percent of Americans say they have listened to a podcast at least once but it’s the 56 percent who have never listened that has attracted Endeavor Audio, a new unit of Hollywood talent and deal-making agency WME/Endeavor.
Endeavor Audio connects established producers with podcast makers and vice versa with a mission to develop, market and monetize the genre.
That includes formats like game shows and competitions, said Moses Soyoola, senior vice president of Endeavor Audio, which is working on a podcast series with television’s “Law & Order” franchise creator Dick Wolf.
Advertisers are taking note. Ad spending on podcasts are forecast to almost double to $659 million in 2020 from $313 million in 2017, according to a study in June by the Interactive Advertising Bureau.
Soyoola said advertisers pay at least $20 for each 1,000 listeners a podcast gets. A premium podcast can charge more than $100 for every 1,000 listeners.
Paranormal mystery “Limetown” is a prime example of the potential. Season 2 of the podcast was released this month, a prequel novel is coming in November, and a “Limetown” TV show starring Jessica Biel is in development for Facebook Watch.
To be sure, successful podcasts don’t always translate into visual hits. The TV version of “Alex, Inc,” about a man who starts his own company, was canceled earlier this year after just one season. “Crimetown” is still in the early stages of development for television after being announced a year ago.
And the 2015 deal to adapt “Serial,” whose first season was downloaded globally some 240 million times according to the makers, is stuck in the development stage with “The Lego Movie” directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller.
Yet as players like Apple, YouTube and Facebook expand original content to compete with Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and traditional networks, a good track record in one medium is a safer bet than something untried.
“For the buyers, it gives them some comfort – the same as a best-seller book. It’s more likely to have an audience but you never know. It’s got to be well executed,” said podcast producer Cutler.
“Dirty John,” a tale of deception that has been downloaded more 32 million times according to its makers, makes its TV debut on Bravo on Nov. 25, starring Connie Britton.
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Executive producer Alexandra Cunningham said the TV series would flesh out the characters heard but only imagined in the podcast and “explore questions that maybe you asked when you were finished (with the podcast).”
“Homecoming,” launched on Amazon Prime Video last week to glowing reviews, stars Julia Roberts in her first lead TV role. Executive producer Sam Esmail said “the throw-back thriller, based in characters” aspect of the podcast was what inspired him to turn it into a visual show.
Examples of other crossovers include the first scripted horror podcast, “The Horror of Dolores Roach,” adapted from an off-Broadway show, was launched in October. YouTube has ordered an animated series based on the podcast “Dumb People Town,” to be co-produced by “Arrested Development” TV star Will Arnett.
Reporting by Jill Serjeant; editing by Bill Tarrant and Susan Thomas
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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webittech · 7 years ago
Mr. Robot's new season has business as usual—epic hacks, innovativeness in the midst of mayhem Elliot is back, so too is the high-wire filmmaking and haywire plot.
Mr. Robot appears to know we as a whole need CliffsNotes now. Pause, what's Stage Two once more? How does this character realize that character? Its Season 3 debut to a great extent tosses gatherings of people a bone with some table-setting, reintroducing us to the principle players as they get the pieces in the fallout of different Season 2 turns. Keep in mind, the FBI caught Darlene, Elliot got shot, Angela consented to enable the Dark Army, to control blackouts ran widespread in NYC, et al. So fight the temptation to interruption and make a beeline for Wikipedia, and Sam Esmail and co. will remunerate you with adequate in-scene updates.
In view of the previous evening's first hour ("eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h"), everything still is by all accounts rotating around the dismal Stage Two on a large scale plot level. As we adapted late last season, Elliot (well, actually Mr. Robot) conceived an assault with Tyrell and the Dark Army where E-Corp's paper records will vanish through huge blast, in this manner finishing his revolutionary objectives to pulverize the advanced shackles keeping up riches imbalance. It turns out the femtocell Elliot modified for Darlene (that Angela sneaked into a FBI transitory camp) didn't seek to catch proof of the agency's snooping, rather it was implied for hacking E-Corp. What's more, now Mr. Robot/Elliot/Tyrell/the Dark Army trust they can fill a high rise with hydrogen and cause the transformers inside to light the circuit—Elliot's Batman-like no-murder ethos be cursed. (As an aside: that was tech consultant Ryan Kazanciyan's most loved S2 hack, and it took seven days in addition to deal with, as he let us know on our on-break Decrypted podcast. Kazanciyan has effectively laid out his work from S3 debut if intrigued.)
This being Mr. Robot, obviously things will just turn out to be more confused than that. The debut makes it clear Elliot and Mr. Robot have diverse objectives, and few out of every odd real player has all the earmarks of being mindful of that. Anticipate that S3 will truly commute home how confounded life can get when everybody from your youth closest companion to an omniscient pioneer of a universal hacking ring appears to be mindful of your condition to changing degrees and tries to use it in quest for their own particular advantages. Phew.
Be that as it may, in case despite everything you're following alongside Mr. Robot after a hit-and-miss S2, odds are plot isn't the main (or even the most essential) thing keeping you around. Also, fortunately, in view of screening some of this current season's initial scenes, the show keeps on conveying on a ton of different fronts regardless of whether its story can feel extended now and again.
Seek imagination, remain for Cannavale
Quickly, the show's novel visual pizazz invites watchers back. Power-blackout stricken NYC looks especially troubling and enables bits of neon (from BBQ to shop lights or hacking rivalry scoreboards) extremely pop right off the bat, building up a shading palette not at all like whatever else on TV. Esmail keeps on discovering camera points others don't, as well. One especially remarkable grouping begins our vantage point with a tight shot on Whiterose inside an E-Corp atomic office, step by step raises us skyward to look downward on a dull NYC building, at that point flawlessly transports us into the retina of one Elliot Alderson (all while a Julie Andrews' rendition of "Shrieking Away" cunningly scores it). On the off chance that the stylish keeps you viewing, there's no indication of Mr. Robot's creative filmmaking backing off here.
Try not to stress. The hacking aspiration and specialized detail that draws in such a dedicated Internet following returns also. We see Elliot discover a Def Con CTF (catch the banner) rivalry as yet occurring between worldwide aggregates in spite of the city being without control for seven days ("A CTF competition, programmer Olympics," Elliot considers. "The whole city is enduring a vitality emergency while they're here practicing their inward political agitation"). What's more, even in this first scene, Mr. Robot compensates the individuals who have taken after security news in the previous year—I can't think about another auto pursue that closures like that in late memory.
The show likewise keeps up its comical inclination (Alf slaughtered somebody on-screen a year ago, recall) in spite of just extending its dull, dim representation of society and human instinct. Elliot meanders the avenues in a Josh Groban shirt at a certain point; Whiterose still holds her partner's allegorical hands as she stuns them with pleasantry. And keeping in mind that Leon's affection for Seinfeld is mysteriously gone yet, new expansion to the cast Bobby Cannavale ventures in as a delightfully "excessively" fixer for the Dark Army this season.
Cannavale's character has an always disconnected quiet joined with a know-it-all conceit, kinda like that old Jason Sudeikis character on SNL (directly down to the Bluetooth headset) however all the more debilitating given Cannavale's partners here. At a certain point he traces the defective rationale of not getting a free shake for his unwaveringness card punch 'til the following visit, just to leave the clerk with an unpropitious tip. "It's not about the cash, it's the guideline," he advises her. "When we lose our standards, we welcome tumult." Given the surprising significance new characters tend to demonstrate later in Mr. Robot seasons, we'll be checking this person.
Be that as it may, in maybe its most entrancing convention, Mr. Robot has dependably been a judicious show with regards to building its reality in a way that uncovers facts about our own. S1 set up an Occupy-powered fight over imbalance some time before Bernie Sanders began filling fields over the US. S2 highlights government hacks, crypto-ransomware gone wild, alongside references to the division of uncouthness versus damaging force inside a certain eventual legislator. What's more, despite the fact that these seasons disclosed in 2015 and 2016 separately, the scholars' room concocted such ideas much further ahead of time.
In this debut, we get an expanded monolog from Elliot that reminds us the show will keep on having bounty to say in regards to the present regardless of whether it stays set in this semi-prophetically catastrophic form of 2015:
"They're having their way with us—they bundled our battle into item, transformed our plummet into protected innovation, broadcast an unrest with business breaks, repaired the realities at that point increased the cost, lobotomized us into their VR ghastliness appear," Elliot opines in one of his mark monologs while pictures of Antifa and Nazis, environmental change and Brexit montage-on by.
"Imagine a scenario in which as opposed to battling back we surrender, give away our protection for security, trade poise for wellbeing, exchange insurgency for mistreatment. Imagine a scenario where we pick shortcoming over quality?" he proceeds with, his discourse now joined with sound of Donald Trump expressing "these are not the general population that made our nation awesome, these are individuals pulverizing our nation" amid some battle occasion.
"This is the thing that they needed from the start: for us to purchase in on our most exceedingly terrible selves, and I simply made it less demanding for them. I didn't begin an upheaval, I simply made us sufficiently quiet for the butchering."
In indeterminate circumstances (regardless of whether you characterize them through the viewpoint of individual, political, worldwide prosperity or something unique totally), watching appears about calamitous destructions complemented by viciousness can be excessively dreary. This present reality creates enough uneasiness, as indicated by this line of reasoning, so why dedicate whenever to this? Such rationale got me out of The Walking Dead long back, and it'll likely make them skirt an apparently agonizing rendition of The Justice League later this fall.
The plot of Mr. Robot focuses on turmoil, decimation, and control, however now the show's plot might be the slightest of numerous watchers' worries. Mr. Robot likewise demonstrates the benefit of depicting reality through its way to deal with hacking, it indicates how workmanship can at present be found in even the darkest settings, and it requests that watchers ponder conceivably annoying true powers (from psychological sickness to disparity to autocracy to reconnaissance states and back once more) through a current idea analyze rather than one set in a world far, far away. So regardless of whether we'll likely need the Cliffsnotes again by the end, S3 of Mr. Robot at first hopes to have bounty to offer those hopping in for another 12-scene ride.
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