#trump didnt pay the bus bill
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thashining · 5 months ago
Red hats stranded
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democratsunited-blog · 7 years ago
Democrats sharpen attacks on Trump administration on drug prices and pre-existing conditions
Democrats sharpen attacks on Trump administration on drug prices and pre-existing conditions
WASHINGTON – According to President Donald Trump, drug companies should today, Wednesday, be voluntarily announcing massive reductions in the price of their medicines.
When the president announced his blueprint for addressing rising drug costs on May 30, he declared that within two weeks companies would willingly drop prices. That would be today, Wednesday.
Cutting the nations rising drug costs is a bipartisan goal, and for a time Democrats shared President Trumps campaign vision for cracking down on pharmaceutical companies and giving the government more power to negotiate deals. But Trump has walked back some of those positions, and at a Senate hearing Tuesday morning, the Democrats on the panel let Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar know they were not impressed with the White House plan.
The only health care price [Trump] has dropped is his former secretary, said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., during her opening statement, referring to former HHS secretary Tom Price who resigned after it was revealed he traveled on pricey private jets instead of commercial airplanes.
The high cost of prescription drugs is a thorny issue because of the unusually decentralized nature of U.S. health-care system, with many causes and culprits. Its also an issue that Democrats – and some Republicans – believe has political resonance leading up to the 2018 midterms, and Democratic lawmakers previewed what they think could be potent lines of attack in their questioning of Azar on Capitol Hill Tuesday. Thats also true for the issue of whether those with pre-existing health conditions can be denied insurance or charged more for it after the Trump administration has now said it wont defend the Affordable Care Act court.
Some of the toughest criticism came from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who wanted to know which companies were lowering prices this week as the president said they would.
The secretary, testifying before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, said that several drug manufacturers wanted to lower prices, but were facing challenges. Azar said those companies feared pharmacy benefit managers would discriminate against them by dropping them from the lists of medicines covered by an insurer.
As our Post colleague Amy Goldstein reported, Azars remarks were consistent with the administrations portrayal of middle men, not the pharmaceutical industry itself, as the root of the nations high drug prices. He reiterated that direct government negotiation of drug prices in the vast Medicare program – a longtime Democratic goal that Trump embraced during his campaign – would be ineffective.
Warren cut off Azar several times to clarify that no companies were near cutting prices as the president had said.
Mr. Secretary, you said you wanted to get tough on drug companies, she said. But under your approach, it seems that the drug companies can just keep charging people more and more. The only thing youve done is set it up so maybe if a drug company reduces a price, you can give them a cheap P.R. moment and then let them jack up prices later.
Warren also challenged Azar on the administrations plan to move drugs administered through Medicare Part B to the supplemental Medicare Part D, where pharmacy benefit managers negotiate prices with drugmakers. She wanted assurance that no one on Medicare would end up paying higher prices as a result of the change. Azar responded that protecting Medicare beneficiaries was the primary concern, but did not give Warren the definitive answer she sought. (Continued below.)
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You cannot guarantee that there will not be Medicare beneficiaries who will be paying more, Warren insisted.
Other Democrats piled on:
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., called it ridiculous that President Trump and Azar blame other countries that do have the power to negotiate lower drug prices for the high prices here. He said the U.S. government should be able to approach drugmakers and say it wants the same rates they give to other countries. Kaine said the U.S. government should at least set up a pilot program and try negotiating best prices on a few high-priced drugs.
Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., wanted to know why drug companies stocks went up after Trump announced his proposal. She suggested it was difficult to believe that Azar, who headed the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly before being tapped to run HHS, was in good faith pushing for a bill to lower prices.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., asked Azar why Trump went back on his word about allowing FDA-approved drugs to be imported from other countries, specifically Canada. Azar said the president hasnt changed his mind but there needed to be a way to ensure such a practice was done safely. Sanders replied, I always have a hard time understanding that we can safely – quote, unquote – import fish, poultry from all over the world, and, somehow, from a highly developed country on our border, we cannot figure out a way to bring those products back into this country.
Azar also parried lots of questions on an issue near-and-dear to Democrats hearts, and another promise Trump made on the campaign trail: Not to roll back the requirement that insurance companies cover those customers who have pre-existing conditions. Azar said that he personally supports affordable health care for those with pre-existing conditions – one of the most popular planks of the ACA — but didnt weigh in on a Trump administration decision not to defend the ACA in court against a lawsuit from states who argue the whole law is invalid because the individual mandate was eliminated as part of last years GOP tax overhaul.
Calling it a constitutional position . . . not a policy position, Azar sidestepped grilling on whether he agreed with a legal brief filed last week by Justice Department attorneys stating they would not defend the Affordable Care Act in a federal lawsuit by Texas and 19 other Republican-led states, Amy reports.
Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., called the administrations position a sick joke, and pointedly queried: Will you encourage the Trump administration to change its position? Azar, a lawyer and former HHS general counsel, replied that we do believe in finding solutions on the matter of preexisting conditions and the matter of affordability, regardless of the litigation.
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krysrawfiggs · 8 years ago
1.Full name:Krysten Alexandra Figueroa but you will reffer to me as Krysfiggs
2.Zodiac sign:Im a cusp baby born as the day changed. I am a leo/virgo
3. 3 Fears:Spiders, being alone forever, my fam disowning me for being gay
4. 3 things I love:Being surrounded by awesome people, video games, outdoor activities
5. 4 turns ons:Firey passion, neck biting, n eyes.. its always the eyes, n intelligence
6.4 turns offs: Lack of intelligence, if youre rude in general, if youre clingy, lack of understanding n compassion
7. My best friend:I have a coupleNadia, amanda, n bree (when shes not being an idiot)
8. Sexual orientation:Lezzzzzzzzbbbbiiiiannnnnnnnn
9. My best first date:So far going out into town in the middle of a rainstorm running dancing n dickin round and then showing up soaked n eating at friendlys
10. How tall am I:Im 5'5"11. What do I missNot paying bills
12. What time were I born:12am on the dot
13. Favourite colour:I like deep colors. I used to say deep blue but i do love red n grey too
14.Do I have a crushXD maybe! Ok yea. I do. But i aint tell you.
15. Favourite quoteGod theres too many…
16.Favourite placePuerto rico
17. Favourite foodGawd this is hard ok. I have the soul of a very very fat man. If i had to pick one thing…itd have to be my moms pernil (pork shoulder)
18. Do I use sarcasmNever im a sweetheart😆
19. What am I listening to right nowEvie- last dinosaurs
20.First thing I notice in new personEyesss…eyess…eyess…….!
21.Shoe size822. Eye colourBrown anytime of dayGold in the sun
23.Hair colourBlack as the normBrownish in the sunlightBlue when its overcast
24.Favourite style of clothingandrogynous 25. Ever done a prank call?Yup i bothered the fuck outta kymmie for months before i gave myself up xD
26.What colour of underwear I’m wearing now? Burgandy See thru lace
27. Meaning behind my URLWelp minus the word raw its just my name. If my father didnt delete my 1st blog and of someone in asia didnt take my old username right after it wouldnt be as stupid.
28. Favourite movieToo many brahhh
29. Favourite song
30.Favourite bandBloc party, last dinosaurs, split milk society
31.How I feel right nowHorngry n lonely. Lusting for warm weather and beach weather
32.Someone I love.In what context?
33.My current relationship statusSingle af
34.My relationship with my parentsCurrently ok..
35. Favourite holiday Hmm i dont have one
36.Tattoos and piercings?I have average ear piercings But i want a lip ring n a tatoo of leo n virgo fighting inside of the sun ony shoulder
37.Tattoos and piercing i wantWhoops jumped the gun. Please refer to 36
38.The reason I joined TumblrMy friends at the time
39.Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope we’re cool
40. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used too from my so. But now its just my good friend manny
41.Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Hmmm no
42. When did I last hold hands?Non romantically:I held hands with my lil sister cuz she doesnt know how to cross a freggin road without getting hit by a car! But romantically: its been over a year and a half.
43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 10mins
44.Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?Its been a good 6/7 months. Im at man status rn
45.Where am I right now? Trapped on a bus with zombies from nyc somewhere on the way to newburgh
46.If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? In oswego it would be chance. Here.. idk it hasnt happend.. but my best bet would be nadia
47.Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Both. Depends where i am
48.Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yes. Please dont ask how its going. Its not well.
49.Am I excited for anything?Yes. The 3 day weekend
50.Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?No i only have 2 chill male friends
51.How often do I wear a fake smile?Often enough
52.When was the last time I hugged someone?That would be last sunday i hugged holly. We went for a movie and a bite n caught up since inhavent seen her in 5ever
53.What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?Its w/e as long as you happy n your not like eating face
54.Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Yea
55.What is something I disliked about today?Evelyn being passive agressive towards me. Makes me uncomf. But i could care less.
56.If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Rebecca sugar
57. What do I think about most? Its gonna be one of 3 things, women, video games, food
58. What’s my strangest talent?I can get really creepy really fast. Iv been told to try out to be villians or serial killers in movies
59.Do I have any strange phobias?Spiders
60.Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both
61. What was the last lie I told?
62.Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Im old skool ill show up at your house ;) jk phone so no one can see this akward mess
63.Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes
64.Do I believe in magic?Yes
65. Do I believe in luck? Yes
66.What’s the weather like right now? Bloody cold
67. What was the last book I’ve read? Allegiant
68. Do I like the smell of gasoline?Addicted
69. Do I have any nicknames?Krys, elmo, jesus
70. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I have 12 stiches on my thumb both for cuts by blades oh n the one time i was going down a mt. On my longboard n i fell and got the worst road rash on my ass.
71. Do I spend money or save it?Both
72. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?No
73. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Idts?
74.Favourite animal?Otter
75. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Hehhhh better not say
76. What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Idfk
77.What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Anything fr the last dinosaurs
78. How can you win my heart? Compassion understanding and a drive no one else has.
79.What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Im not gonna be burried.
80. What is my favourite wordOogle
81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr Ill answer later
82.If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83.Do I have any relatives in jail?Yes
84.I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Speed
85.What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Feelings are a tough subject
86. What is my current desktop picture? An image from second son
87. Had sex?Why yes i have
88.Bought condoms?Nopes
89.Gotten pregnant? Nopes too gay for that shit90. Failed a class?Several
91. Kissed a boy? Yep im not a gold star lezzy no more
92. Kissed a girl? Many
93.Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes. Im super cheesey i do things like that all the time
94.Had job?I have a job95.Left the house without my wallet?Keys and liecensexD
96. Bullied someone on the internet? Nope
97.Had sex in public? Yes
98. Played on a sports team? Several
99. Smoked weed? Yasss
100. Did drugs? Ive tried some shit
101. Smoked cigarettes? Never now thats nasty
102. Drank alcohol? Yes
103. Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never
104. Been overweight?yes
105. Been underweight?yes
106. Been to a wedding?yes
107. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Days
108. Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When i was younger
109. Been outside my home country?yes
110. Gotten my heart broken? Many times
111.Been to a professional sports game? Yes
112. Broken a bone? Do Teeth count?
113. Cut myself? Not on purpose
114. Been to prom? Unfortunaly. Thats an akward story. If i didnt go i coulda stayed in puerto rico longer. But nooo joe had to ask my parents…
115. Been in airplane? Yes
116. Fly by helicopter? No. But ive been in some heavy duty military air craft
117. What concerts have I been to?Walk the moon, in hs i saw i see stars mega concert there were like 20 bands there idr them all, versaemerge, dragonforce
118.Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yeaaa im megagay
119.Learned another language?I can fully understand spanish. But i cant speak it.
120. Wore make up? Im alergic to eyeliner xD
121.Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yes
123. Had oral sex? Yes.😍
124.Dyed my hair?Ive never dyed my hair
125.Voted in a presidential election? Yes both times for obama♡ . n fuck you, you lil orange dicked cheeto (donald trump)
126.Rode in an ambulance?Yes i did when i sliced my thumb deep with an exacto and was bleeding everywhere
127. Had a surgery?No
128. Met someone famous? Yes i have i met that guy from “what would you do” when i was staying in maryland. Also i stick around after theater shows and concerts to meet the actors, performers, and musicians
129.Stalked someone on a social network?Guilty
130. Peed outside?Um who hasnt?
131. Been fishing?Yes. Anyone wanna join me this spring?
132. Helped with charity? Yea every 3 weeks i participate in a soup kitched in poukipsee with my siblings and my cousins.
133. Been rejected by a crush?I have unfortunate luck.
134. Broken a mirror? Haha yea i did once
135. What do I want for birthday? Id love to go somewhere amazing and warm with awesome people. If im dating someone id love to actually have a birthday kiss. #neverhadoneonmybirthday
136.How many kids do I want and what will be their names?By kids you mean dogs? N id have all of them. Theyd have really crude/harsh spanish names.
137.Was I named after anyone?No but krysten means follower of chridtXD
138.Do I like my handwriting? Sometimes
139. What was my favourite toy as a child? Why it was my stuffy scooby doo
140.Favourite Tv Show? Gawd theres so many. But steven universe👌🖒
141.Where do I want to live when older?Puerto rico when i hit the lotto
143. Play any musical instrument? I can play the trumpet, the recorder, basic drum beat, and im learning the uke
144.One of my scars, how did I get it?Sliced my thumb with a woodcutter one year. Then the next year same thumb with a brand new exacto. Landed me in the hosp 2ice total 12 stiches
145.Favourite pizza toping? Extra cheese
146.Am I afraid of the dark? Sometimes. Im more worried bout the it under the bed that comes out when you dont have sheets on.
147.Am I afraid of heights?No. In my stage craft class i was the only one who wasnt scared of heights they sent me high up to work on stuff they also sent me 60ft up to the grid too 😎
148.Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes and i had my ass handed to me on a silver platter several times.
149.Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yes. All the time.
150.What I’m really bad atBeing social. Talking to girls. Drawing.
151.What my greatest achievements are. Being the first to graduate college.
152.The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meYou should see the list of stuff my parents have told me since i was little. Its a little too awful to put on here.
153.What I’d do if I won in a lottery. Top secret Plans back the fuck up
154. What do I like about myself Um my bed head. Idk
155.My closest Tumblr friend Haha nadia
156.Something I fantasise about my exTisk tisk ladies n gents we shouldnt be reopening wounds like this. *points finger n shakes it like a noodle*
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