#trump dems republicans economy
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Suck it MAGA haters.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
One of my biggest annoyances is leftists and communists beinging up Biden’s tweets during the 2020 campaign of things he said he would do, and being like “see?? he didn’t deliver on anything and this is why you shouldn’t vote for the Dems again” Like, for all the understanding they seem to have of communist or marxist or whatever theory, the idea that the President is not a king and can’t do whatever he wants without Congress’s approval is lost on them?? He still believes in those things but if Congress won’t pass the legislation what is he supposed to do? EOs won’t solve all our problems.
Yeah. Not even to mention, the claim that "Biden hasn't done/delivered anything!!!" is a big fat lie, as people keep pointing out the things he has done, with a razor-thin House majority (until 2022) and two "Democratic" senators who torpedoed everything and one of whom has now literally left the party (Manchin and Sinema). So while Online Leftists obviously don't understand the difference between "achieving all of his campaign goals" and "achieving some," for the last frikkin time, Biden has done a lot of good things in very bad circumstances!!!!!! Using "he didn't do everything!!!!" as an excuse to not vote and so enable the open and unrepentant fascists is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard!!!!
Like. Take the debt deal. As in other things, Biden clearly learned from Obama's mistake (which was believing that the Republicans would ever negotiate in good faith about anything, and/or would reciprocate in kind if Biden made concessions). McCarthy whined for WEEKS that Biden wasn't listening and wasn't talking to him and wasn't entertaining his ridiculous proposals (22% cuts in ALL discretionary/non-military spending, including Social Security, Medicare, etc etc, while preserving the giant Trump tax cuts for the rich.) No matter that a full one-quarter of the national debt ($7.8 trillion of $31 trillion) was racked up under Trump and the debt ceiling involves paying bills that have already been spent. No sir, those Damn Free-Spending Democrats wanted to use your money on icky things like ~social welfare!! It was mean and it was hypocritical and it was blindingly obvious, and Biden just completely ignored it. He didn't try to negotiate in good faith with that, because there was no way it would work. He just let them whine.
Then, when it came down to it, Biden went in and got a deal that preserves pretty much all of the Democrats' major legislative priorities and expansions from the last two years. The only real change is raising the work requirement age for childless adults on SNAP food assistance from 49 to 54, but this has also been accompanied by a corresponding expansion of the definition "homeless" to make more people eligible, some for the first time ever. There's not going to be any major new spending for the next two years, but that wasn't happening anyway since the GOP controls the House and wouldn't agree to anything Biden put in the budget (and plus, none of the money that has already been allocated through the American Rescue Plan and other federal assistance is getting taken away). But more importantly, it raises the debt ceiling for the next TWO years and it won't come up again until after 2024. That is HUGE: the GOP really, REALLY wanted to hold the economy hostage again prior to the next presidential election. But Biden basically went in and told McCarthy to stfu and got what he wanted. Qevin was even forced, after months of "Sleepy Joe" GOP propaganda, to call Biden "very smart and very tough" in the negotiations. Soooo.
Anyway, this is what I mean: this isn't as sexy and/or as utterly fucking useless as spouting lukewarm rebaked "Marxist" propaganda on the Twittermachine about how Biden hasn't done anything, but it's the actual nitty-gritty work of government and flat-out beating the Republicans. They got absolutely shit-all that they wanted, because Biden didn't fall for their same old, same old dirty tricks and disingenuous squealing. He went in, got the job done, and will get way less credit for it than he deserves, from anyone. Dunno about you, but I like that guy. I plan to vote for him again.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Gold Star Ratfucker Democratic Representative Jared Golden said not only does he want Biden to drop out, but he said, "Trump is going to win, and I'm okay with that."
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Moderate House Dem: ‘Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that’
Rep. Jared Golden (Maine), a moderate Democrat, published an op-ed Tuesday arguing former President Trump is going to win the election and he’s “OK with that.”
Golden, who has held his seat in the House since 2019, wrote a piece published in the Bangor Daily News, headlined, “Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine,” in response to the outcry of concern from his party following President Biden’s lackluster debate performance.
The Maine congressman argued that Biden’s on-stage presence didn’t rattle him like it did others because the outcome of the 2024 presidential election has been clear to him for months.
“While I don’t plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that,” Golden wrote.
The House Democrat argued that others in his party are concerned that if Trump wins the election this fall, it will be a threat to democracy. The proclamations from Golden’s party were only exacerbated after the Supreme Court on Monday granted broad immunity to Trump in his Jan. 6 case.
Golden said he rejects the idea that Trump will overturn American democracy. He said sounding the alarm about a Trump victory ignores the strength of a nearly 250-year-old nation.
“Unlike Biden and many others, I refuse to participate in a campaign to scare voters with the idea that Trump will end our democratic system,” he said.
Golden, who served combat tours as a Marine in Iraq and Afghanistan, noted that Jan. 6, 2021, was a “dark day.” Still, he said, police officers, judges, state election officials, members of Congress joined to defend democracy like members of the U.S. military.
“This election is about the economy, not democracy. And when it comes to our economy, our Congress matters far more than who occupies the White House,” Golden wrote.
By January, Golden believes Trump will once again occupy the White House and Maine’s lawmakers must be willing to not only hold him accountable, but to work with him.
“I urge everyone — voters, elected officials, the media, and all citizens — to ignore the chattering class’s scare tactics and political pipedreams,” Golden wrote. “We don’t need party insiders in smoke-filled back rooms to save us. We can defend our democracy without them.”
Golden, like all other House lawmakers, is up for reelection this year. He will take on Maine state Rep. Austin Theriault, a Republican, in the general election this fall.
Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan index, ranks Golden’s district as a toss-up. Trump carried the district by 6 points in 2020.
His op-ed is a stark contrast to comments from Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), who on Tuesday became the first House Democrat to publicly call on Biden to remove himself from the race.
In a post on social media platform X, Theriault said Golden’s piece was “a very phony attempt to avoid accountability.” He asked Golden if he supports Biden or not and whether he believes the president is mentally competent.
“He won’t say, because he puts politics ahead of Mainers,” Theriault said.
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
And to maybe cut out the hinting on this one, to describe the Democratic Party in the US as "defecting in the prisoners dilemma" or "rugpulling" on Israeil/Palestine is imo very wrong - the Democrats very explicitly support Israel. From the 2020 Party Platform:
Democrats believe a strong, secure, and democratic Israel is vital to the interests of the United States. Our commitment to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself, and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding is ironclad.
This is not ambiguous. They go on to iterate their support for a two state solution, oppose settlements, oppose Palestinian violence while supporting their human rights, and condemn antisemitism and explicitly condemn BDS movements. Nothing the Biden administration has done in its time contradicts this, its party line.
Its fine to not like this. The reason, if you are a hardcore left voter on the Palestine issue, to vote for the Democrats anyway, is that the Republicans openly supports the ethnic cleansing Palestine for the glory of a Jewish state and also now under Trump just generally support violence by ideologically aligned strongmen because its Cool and Sexy? They haven't really workshopped this, its a bit of a mess, but the direction is clear. And you only get a binary choice alas.
Your call on which of those you would prefer but the point is this is not, in any way, a rugpull. The Democratic party keeps telling you they are pro-Israel (which they are because a million reasons but most importantly being pro-Israel is just very popular in the US across all demos - was until October 7th and its aftermath at least, we haven't had like an election cycle since then with primaries ofc), its extremely clear. They didn't pretend in order to court the votes of college students. They courted the vote of college students via other topics! Like a ton of them, student debt and abortion and the economy and healthcare (really college students care about most of the same stuff all dems do, they aren't that special).
Again if you wanna say "okay lets boycott now to send a message" you do you. Just don't say its because the democrats lied to you, or tricked you for your vote, or whatever. They never did, and imo in 2020 and 2022 on this topic voters got what they wanted.
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dizzymoods · 4 months
macklemore is one thing but cardi b saying she’s not voting in the presidential because joe biden is perpetuating this genocide is crazy.
“vote the lesser of two evils” is an electoral strategy that never really works; especially since Obama’s second term that’s all we had — a choice of evil. What is democracy if that’s the case? But this year biden is proving the evils are fairly balanced.
Authorizing the client state to do genocide, cucked when trying to out right the republicans on the border, siccing pigs on students like Trump did BLM protestors . The economy is shit smh
Even a defensive vote, “vote blue to stop fascism” no longer works. Under whose presidency was roe v wade overturned? which party had several opportunities to codify roe, to safely stack the courts to prevent such a decision and didn’t?
And yes: the economy, moving the embassy to jerusalem, stacking christian freak on the court is all trump. but dems keeled over or aided and abetted. and most americans have instant gratification syndrome with no sense of object permanence. so to them it doesn’t matter if its all trumps fault.
anyway death to america. free palestine. hands off congo.
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inkandguns · 3 months
2024 Election
The 2024 election will not be won by Trump. The entire life of the democrat party is at stake if they lose and here's why:
Democrats require 80% of black voters to vote for them of they'll lose every election. They dumped billions of dollars in to propaganda campaigns to erase their KKK past, so a loss now would invalidate all that money and decades of work. Trump made things better for poor people, and a lot of black people are poor. If he's allowed to do this again, democrats will start to lose brand recognition. When Covid hit the internet was full of black people making videos saying, "don't trust the government". Between the Tuskegee Experiments, the FBI assassination of MLK, and the FBI infiltration of the Black Panthers, I don't blame them for their mistrust. So when they were proven to be 100% correct about Covid, a lot of black people started questioning the democrat party narrative.
Current polling shows Biden's grip on the black voters slipping away. If Trump were allowed to win, he would usher in another time of prosperity for poor people and that would be the nail in the coffin for the democrat party. They aren't fighting for the Oval Office this time around, they're fighting for the life of their party. It's why all of these legal cases have come up recently instead of while Trump was in office or campaigning in 2015. He simply allowed too many black people to make money and the democrats can't allow that - it will kill their party if black people make too much money. The republicans did the same thing with Obamacare. Just like the dems run on reparations the GOP runs on "healthcare reform". If it's reformed then they won't have a platform to run on.
The democrats are backed in to a corner, and an cornered animal will do anything to survive. I don't rule out assassination attempts on Trump - I bet there's already multiple plans for it. I don't rule out cheating in the election, I'm certain there's already dozens of plans for that too. So most right wingers will focus on the issues - Trump is the clear winner here. They'll focus on the economy and foreign policy. But these are not the things the democrats care about at all. They've been running on the same policies that Hitler ran on since Obama was elected and people love it. They care about winning and keeping power. That's all. If things improve economically or socially for black people under a republican president, then the democrats won't win an election for over 100 years. It's why they bring up reparations every election but never follow through in any meaningful way. The fix is in, the results have already been "counted", and Trump is going to lose. If he manages an electoral win, he'll be killed before January 6th. My advice is to find a way to gamble on the election and then dump all of your winnings in to defense stocks like Raytheon and Boeing. At least you can get rich while the country melts down.
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thatstormygeek · 7 months
It's great that Dems picked up the seat in New York.
It's not great that the apparent lesson learned from this is to be more like Republicans on the border.
Remember the 90s when the Dems decided to be more like Republicans on the economy? And how wonderfully that worked out for the country?
So cool. Cool cool cool cool cool.
We can talk about our belief in a strong border and strong legal immigration, contrasted with Republicans’ view of the border as a simple political tool to help spread hateful, xenophobic messages about immigrants.
Oh, sure. That would be great. If that were going to happen.
“When President Biden worked with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate to deliver the toughest, fairest border security legislation in decades, Speaker Johnson killed it — choosing politics, Donald Trump and fentanyl traffickers over the Border Patrol Union and America’s national security,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement first provided to NBC News.
It may have been the "fairest" legislation in decades, but that's because of the shit way we handle immigration, not because the bill was good.
Bates noted that Biden has vowed to spread the same message, and said New York voters "proved him right" with the election result. “Tom Suozzi put support for the bipartisan border legislation — and congressional Republicans’ killing of it for politics — at the forefront of his case,” Bates said. “The results are unmistakable.”
This "fairest" bill would have given $8 billion in emergency funding to ICE (on top of their regular $9 billion/year), make asylum much more difficult to obtain, continue building Trump's wall, hand $23 million off to the DEA to "solve" a problem they largely created, not provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, and give an additional $7 billion in emergency funding to Customs and Border Protection, 1/10 of which is to hire more border cops.
There was definitely good stuff in the bill, but watching the Dems once again fall all over themselves to abandon their supposed principles in order to give the GOP what it says it wants is never pleasant. Seeing them do it when the clear example of the ACA is right fucking there and then going all shocked pikachu when the Repubs pull the same shit is just gross.
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kmp78 · 16 days
FYI being a multi-millionaire doesn’t suggest the person is republican. 99% of Hollywood celebs, Silicone Valley members have historically supported democrats. As well as a lot of middle class people vote Trump due to his economy and immigration policies. Being a multi-millionaire isn’t equal voting for Trump at all.
JL used to scream from the rooftops for the Dems too. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Then he got multi-millionaire rich, and...
Hmmm. 🤔
Suddenly the Republican tendency of not taxing the rich started looking appealing? 🙃
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darkmaga-retard · 23 days
Justin Hart
Aug 29, 2024
Latest polling published in The Hill shows essentially a tied across all of the major swing states.
Here’s the reality check that should make Democrats sweat: When the polls show a tie, it’s not just a nail-biter—it’s a bad omen. Historically, a national tie between a Democrat and a Republican usually spells doom for the left, especially when it comes to securing the all-important independent vote. And right now, with Kamala Harris locked in a dead heat with Donald Trump across key battleground states, that tie isn’t just close—it’s a flashing red warning sign that Trump is actually ahead, potentially by a significant margin.Nate Silver’s model shows Trump has a better chance of winning right now. Also note, a 3 pt margin nationally should make Democrats nervous.
This isn’t just political theater; it’s a strategic nightmare for Dems. Democrats have long relied on their voter registration advantage to keep them afloat, but when the numbers are this tight, it signals a vulnerability that could ripple down the ballot, leading to catastrophic losses in Congress and state races. The Harris campaign should be in panic mode, not just because she’s not winning, but because a tie at this stage usually means Trump is positioned to pull ahead in the final stretch.Gallup should be coming out with their August numbers any day. This type of voter id detail should have Kamala’s advocates jumping mad
Consider the history here: Since FDR, Democrats have enjoyed a 3 to 5 point lead in voter registration, and they’ve needed every bit of it. Republicans have always counted on pulling in independents to close the gap, and when they do, it spells trouble for the left. If a Democrat is tied nationally, it’s practically code for "we’re losing."
Take 2016 as a prime example. Trump and Hillary Clinton both had near-perfect name recognition, making that election more of a bare-knuckle brawl than a typical campaign. But in races where name recognition wasn’t equal—like Mitt Romney’s 2012 run—those few percentage points in recognition could tip entire states. Romney, despite being well-known, was still overshadowed by Obama, and it likely cost him critical votes. Fast forward to today, and Harris is finding herself in a similar, if not worse, predicament.
Don Lemon the other day delivered some bad news to former Biden press sec, Jen Psaki - people don’t know Kamala and they think Trump is better for the economy.
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So shit like this, shows me how inept people that vote blue are. You all think, "Well this thing is called "x" so it must be so". It's literally this meme in a nutshell:
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Then there was the, "Inflation Reduction Act" which itself did almost nothing to reduce inflation and the only projected loss of inflation would be by a % and only by 2027. Trump was a New York Democrat. And he explained why he didn't run as one several times. And the reasoning was because the Dems would not have let him win. The same way they didn't let Bernie win. And policy wise, Trump and Bernie were not super far off. It's why when Bernie got gutted during the primaries, a lot of Bernie voters went Trump.
And just because Trump doesn't align with the new socialists doesn't mean he's not still a Dem at heart. Just means the modern Dem party keeps moving further and further left. Which if you want tyranny then keep voting for them. You'll get it soon enough. Oh and the prospect that I am "Only critical of Dems" and I "Promote Reps" is fucking stupid. I'm far less critical of Reps because I KNOW they are mostly stupid. But I will let the right criticize their own, and when Reps do something I'm very much slighted by I talk about it. Like when I complain about Abbott. And the only Reps that I promote are more libertarian party members while only being republican in name. And that's both Rand Paul and Ron Paul. Also Tulsi is a Dem I like. But I guess she's not Commie enough for your tastes. Because she's anti war and the modern dem party is extremely pro war.
Fact is. I only like Trump in so far as he protected our borders, pushed the Abraham Accords, and did his best with LYING generals at his side to pull us out of wars and bring our troops home. Of which I am ALL for because I'm a prior. Get my brothers and sisters out of these pointless wars. And out of these dangerous war torn countries that never stop fighting. Trump is a crass man who's self important to a fault. I'd never deny that. He has done some not great things in his past. But did he fly to Epstein's island dozens of times? Not according to flight logs. Bill Clinton on the other hand took several trips to said island. Bill Gates took several trips to his properties and I believe the island once or twice.
If you are going to come at me saying, "TRUMP'S RUNNING AS A REPUBLICAN SO HE"S NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRAT!", Well sorry just proves you can't parse words. Just because you don't see him as one doesn't mean he isn't one. He's not currently threatening to ban abortion. Most Reps would be. He's not threatening to ban Gay Marriage. Some Reps would be. Hence you miss the point. IE: You miss the forest for the trees. Reps are voting for Trump because the economy was good under him and he didn't want communism or socialism. And if you believe that there was no election meddling going on, you clearly didn't read Time Magazines, "The shadow campaign to save the election". In which they outline a number of things they did behind the scenes to make sure Trump could not win.
Many of which would be LEGALLY considered election meddling. Like IDK. Hiding the Biden laptop under "Misinformation". Which is funny because most modern "Misinformation" as reported by Dems and Mainstream Media just means, "4-6 months until proven true". Like the machines that DID flip votes. But the "Fact check" websites will tell you, "Well yes it did happen but we caught it and fixed it". Ok.......so it happened, meaning it could have happened to other machines, and no investigation was allowed to happen on those machines beyond, "Here you can look at it physically sitting on a pallet in shrink wrap and that's it". Yeah that's "Investigating" surely.
Yeah, if that had happened to Dems you'd still be shrieking to this day about a stolen election. But because you won, any and all funny business is reasonable and fine and shouldn't be investigated. Which tells me you don't care about fair elections you care about power. Because if you did care about fair elections, you'd have voted against policy changes that were against constitutional law. But unlike me (not a rep) you don't have morals. So long as you win and wield power like a weapon you don't care how you get there. And if that's the Democrat party I want nothing to do with it ever. Real things happened in 2020 that never got investigated. You don't give a fuck. Trumps voted blue most of his life. But in no true scotsman fashion, he's "Not a Democrat because he's not aligned with my idea of modern Dems". Spare me.
All communists should be purged. You aren't people so much as I'm concerned. You're a cancer on this earth. And modern Dems are basically Communists. Certainly not all. But far too many.
Oh and "Our enemies are trying to get Reps elected. Oh so Reps like Bernie Sander and Jill Stein?
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And this is only one report. Several others actually claim that Hillary was in fact aided by Russia herself. Sadly the MSM doesn't care about it and buries it because it's damaging to their narrative of "Trump is Super Hitler". Get over yourselves. Your party is currently flooding the US with illegals and putting US citizens on the back burner.
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abigail-writingstuff · 9 months
The Morning Briefing: Biden to Celebrate Dem J6 High Holy Day With White Supremacy Fairy Tale
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In just a few short years, January 6 has become the holiest day on the Democrat calendar. While Christians have long celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany on Jan. 6, Democrats venerate it as the excuse they've been using since 2021 to eliminate political opposition through incarceration, legal harassment, and a general shredding of the United States Constitution. 
Now that we've entered an election year, the commie puppet masters who run what's left of Joe Biden's brain are adjusting the uppers/downers cocktail so they can send him out in public and turn up his hate-filled rhetoric volume to 11. 
Lincoln writes about the plan for this year's J6 unhinged festivities: 
Yes, with the anniversary of JANUARY 6 coming up on Saturday and with Joe Biden apparently planning to run for reelection (as far as he knows), the campaign is coming out swinging on Saturday and Monday. Biden is set to deliver speeches on JANUARY 6 and white supremacy. Not the economy, not the wars overseas, not finding a way forward from the vicious hate and the rise of anti-Semitism. Not even a pretty little lie about the border. Nope, we're headed right back to Mega-Mecha-Mooga-MAGA white supremacists. (They're robots in disguise.)
Roll Call reports the Biden campaign announced on Tuesday that its strategy for the new year would be to focus on Trump as a dictator. Biden will be at Valley Forge on Saturday to gin up hysteria for JANUARY 6. 
In recent months, I've noticed that many of the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media have toned down the J6 "insurrection" talk and are using the word "riots" a lot more. The majority of the legal haranguing of former President Trump that they're doing requires that they keep the insurrection lie alive, however, so look for it to make a comeback. 
In reality, what happened at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, fit the Dems' pet "mostly peaceful protest" description far more than their actual riots. 
Because Biden can't run on his disastrous record, the Democrats will have to lean more heavily than ever before on their habit of demonizing Republicans. They'll insist that it's only BECAUSE TRUMP that they're being so harsh, but demonization has been a part of their political arsenal for as long as I've been old enough to vote. George W. Bush was Hitler before Trump was Hitler. Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer. This year it's the "dictator" stuff. 
It isn't just politicians who they smear, it's anyone who might vote Republican. I don't know if the Democrats keep records of such things, but I would like to know how many election year grannies I've pushed off of cliffs at this point. 
This year's shiny object to distract voters from the Biden disaster will be WHITE SUPREMACY. 
While there no doubt is a scattering of white supremacists throughout the land, Sir Sniffsalot will spend the year saying that anyone who is even thinking of voting Republican has a collection of Klan hoods at home. This will be the case even if someone other than Trump is the nominee. Again, they can't let any undecided or independent voters' eyes wander anywhere near Biden's record. 
Remember kids: the real internal threat to the country is white supremacy-fueled domestic terrorism. The various criminal elements who have access to our southern border? NOTHING TO SEE HERE... MOVE ALONG. 
I hope they keep Biden squinting at teleprompters and barking "MAGA Republicans" like a trained seal with a saliva problem. He's going to scare people all right, just not the ones they're hoping he will. 
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mariacallous · 2 months
Joe Biden headed into the 2022 midterms with historically high numbers of voters saying the country and the economy were headed in the wrong direction. His approval ratings were at, or near, historic lows for a President in the midterms. Yet Dems did historically well. Why? Voters on both sides of the aisle believe their worldview is under threat and attack. The threat is existential. The candidates and party’s who lead the fights to protect them are far less important than the world view they’re trying to preserve.
This is why Republicans vote for the most flawed candidate in US history. No matter his deficiencies Trump is the candidate who fought and won for their side. Same for Biden. Elites and the media have been fueling an apocalyptic narrative for a decade. Why are they surprised that the base resents being told who they should be supporting because of a stylistic, or even substantive failing? For many pundits this is just a DC parlor game. Another exercise in following the insider herd mentality of politics. This hierarchal structure of politics has worked for most of our country’s history - but it’s collapsing in the digital age where voters are tired of being bullied by these gatekeepers. All politics is national now. The hierarchical structure of politics is gone. Republicans went through this process in 2016. A horrifically flawed candidate won a multi candidate field and became the nominee. The pundits & media said he could not win. The polling showed he could not win. Historical trend lines showed he could not win. He won.
Trump won because his base was intact. All campaigns in a negatively charged environment are base elections. If you don’t have a secure energized base you don’t have a campaign. You can’t appeal to swing or Independent voters until your base is secure. Ironically, the backlash of Dem base voters to the media and pundit meltdown might have the effect of firing up the base for Biden in a way nothing else could have. And if you have a fired up base four months before an election anyone saying you can’t win isn’t a serious person Biden has consistently outperformed his polling on Election Day throughout 2024, usually by wide margins. Trump has consistently underperformed his polling on Election Day throughout 2024, usually by wide margins. These are significant data points in assessing base support.
The recent polling shows Trump picking up GOP support. Ok, that’s expected. Same polls show Biden picking up Independent support. Extremely important data point. But what about Democrats? The after debate polls show Biden losing Dem support and going to…undecided. It’s a damn good bet that this vote comes back - probably very soon - but just in November. What’s the best way to get them back? Attack. Attack. Attack. For all the reasons outlined above there is every reason to believe that Biden begins to close the polling gap as Trump becomes the issue in the campaign. So when the naysayers point out Biden’s weaknesses and hammer them home continually they’re driving down Dem support levels
The WSJ poll shows Biden getting 86% of Dem voter support. Good numbers but down from 93% in February. If Biden consolidates this 7%+ of the base AND continues to pick up IND voters (both more likely than not) the race becomes not only competitive but begins to advantage him So when people ask “What’s the plan?” That’s the freakin plan. It all happens when the issue becomes Trump and the campaign goes on offense rather than listening to the arsonists lighting their own house on fire. This isn’t hypothetical btw. It’s predictable voter behavior. This isn’t some grand bank shot theory. It’s how voters are predisposed to vote anyway. The race is gonna bounce around for a bit. That’s normal. But it will consolidate along these lines and narrow.
Throwing a Hail Mary pass is sometimes a good idea in the last desparate throes of imminent defeat. But that’s never the case at the start of the second quarter. That’s essentially where the campaign is at.
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benevolentbirdgal · 1 year
watching the r primary debate with some red wine as streamed by a smarmy liberal dude. holy fucking shit a shitshow.
recap from a snarky blue haired progressive:
They opened with a message from Biden. Then a SONG that the candidates had to analyze the popularity of.
They all played Blame The Dems For The Economy, except Haley, who also quoting statistics on why the Republicans suck economically.
Christie said Ramaswamy talked like ChatGPT. Dammit Christie, I can't unhear it.
We got a whole 19 minutes in before the first "deep state" - DeSantis broke the levee on that one.
Minute 24: There was a video call from someone representing a conservative youth group. The kid basically said that climate change is biggest issues for young voters. How will you assure the American voter (esp the young voter) that you as prez/party leader care about this? The hosts asked for a show of hands if you believe humans are driving CC. Before anybody could Florida Man went on a rant about economics and China.
wait is Haley against the Dobbs decision? okay kindasorta asterick-asterick but she's WAY more moderate than the Florida man or the rest of the squad on stage. And also more realistic about getting the required senate votes. and actually named not arresting women for getting abortions.
DeSantis then had to ramble about abortion and how /he/ got it through in Florida and how he could totally get a national 6 week ban or more.
Minute 37 before anybody invoked their Christianity as political stance - Pencey-wency. (re aborsh).
oh the north dakota guy exists. right. he actually opposes a federal abortion ban. actually shocked he believes in the 10th amendment to that degree.
oh the Arkansas guy exists. he seems to think, much like Pence and DeSantis, he can just push it through on sheer power of will. same for Tim Scott.
Damn I wish I could play live shit on 2X.
Pencey-wency is walking a tight fucking line re Trumples.
47 minutes at invocation of Hunter Biden. (Christie, on crime).
49 minutes for "George Soros" (Florida Man).
ND Man's solution to crime to learn from small towns.
52 minutes to someone referring to Trump as indicated (Asa Hutchinson).
Hell of a tightrope that Christie is walkin' re: Trump.
I really do think Token Billionaire New To Politics buys his own bullshit.
Jersey Boy is out for blood. Productive? No. Panem & Circus? Yes.
so much flat out lying. from multiple people.
Florida Boy still won't answer yes/no questions.
Arkansas Dude actually said the word "insurrection." (1:07 in). and that he would not support a convicted Trump. genuinely surprised.
Jersey Boy actually seems to understand the VP oath of office as well. Haley dodged the question. DeSantis dodged it ramblingly.
Does Billionaire Man know what "contrition" means? Not convinced he does.
Is Pence pitching Jesus as his running mate? Or a physical copy of the constitution?
The Ukraine funding is actually showing some difference in opinion. From "not my problem THE BORDER" to "that's fucked up and we should fix it for humanitarian reasons but also to keep Russia away from us" to "not buddying up with Russia is empowering China." This seems to be the issue with the most diversity of opinion.
1:17 in and they have to explain how the bell works again.
More arguing about Ukraine. More arguing and non-cooperative-overlap regarding foreign aid and foreign military intervention.
Tim Scott: lets fire the IRS for national security!
There should be some mechanism where they CANNOT answer in rambles until they press a yes or no button. FFS.
DeSantis is REALLY into the anecdotes about "I met a random person and blahblahblah."
1:29 to "the wall" being said.
1:38 to "gender ideology" and "critical race theory" (Florida Man).
"The nuclear family is the great form of government known to mankind" - Billionaire's solution to education. Went on a rant about single mothers being "paid" to be single versus keeping a man around. he's winning the bonkers take award and it's not a field full of normal takes. see also: he wants the voting aged RAISED and having to take a test to vote?
1:43 - "lightning round" - "keep it 30 second, PLEASE."
1:46 "Judeo-Christian" (Scott). Followed by "break the backs of our teacher unions."
1:48: Jersey Boy has to answer a question about UFOs. "Would you level with the American people about what the government knows about these encounters?" not the most cray-cray question of the night.
Closing statements were pretty boring, honestly.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
NO great outcome was possible in the debt limit negotiations with Republicans. But Biden ended up with one which was far less bad than many people had feared.
Even though this crisis was provoked by House Republicans, many voters would have blamed Biden if the US had defaulted. As it turned out, Biden ended up with just a little dust on his jacket while McCarthy ends up with a self-made shit sandwich. 💩
Dan Pfeiffer was an aide to President Obama and has witnessed GOP blackmail close up. He writes...
Let’s be clear, this is shitty public policy foisted on the nation by a radical Republican House willing to blow up the economy and cause millions of jobs to vanish. Efforts to deal with deficits that do not include asking the wealthy and corporations to pay what they owe are cruel and wholly unserious. The tightening of access to aid for the most vulnerable Americans serves no purpose other than performative cruelty to appease the MAGA base.
But this could have been way worse in so many ways. The devil is very much in the details, but it seems like President Biden and his team outplayed McCarthy.
Republicans like to portray Joe Biden as doddering and totally out of it; never mind that Trump is only slightly younger and shows obvious signs of hysteria. But even if you don't grade Biden on a curve, he still comes out ahead of the GOP.
The far right MAGA fanatics absolutely hate the deal.
Jordan Weissmann at Semafor writes...
Afterwards, a quick consensus formed among much of the right and left: Republicans got blanked.
The agreement would temporarily freeze a portion of non-defense spending, while temporarily tightening the food stamp program’s work requireme​​nts for childless adults, and enacting modest changes to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
The early details prompted furious reactions from members of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, who’d hoped to extract vastly more sweeping budget cuts and changes to the federal safety net in return for hiking the borrowing limit.
[ ... ]
As Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo put it, it’s a bit like they walked into a Denny’s with a gun, demanded all the money in the cash register, and left with a breakfast instead. Extraordinary threats at the start, an ordinary transaction at the finish.
While this was not a great deal for anybody, Speaker McCarthy will likely suffer the most because of it.
Timothy Noah at The New Republic writes...
When this debt ceiling mess is concluded, Biden will stay president at least until January 20, 2025. McCarthy, I predict, will be gone by Christmas, and possibly before Labor Day. Should he somehow hang on to his speakership, he’ll be so diminished that you’ll barely notice he’s still there. He won’t be able to get anything done. So either way, McCarthy is toast.
McCarthy will probably have to rely on Democratic votes for the debt deal to pass. That will infuriate the far right even more.
Let's remember that one of McCarthy's concessions to the far right during the marathon election for Speaker in January was to make it possible for any member to introduce a motion to "vacate the chair". So any GOP members dissatisfied with the debt ceiling agreement could theoretically topple McCarthy – if Democrats decided to go along.
So while Republicans make a public spectacle of themselves, Dems can stock up on popcorn and collect crazy soundbites from Republicans who are more interested in nihilism than in governance.
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madamspeaker · 2 years
Dear America,
Yes, this is one of those effing Europeans, butting in and telling you how to vote in your elections, but you see American elections have global consequences. I wish that wasn’t so, but we all lived through the hell that was the Trump years, and speaking as someone whose own government is a complete shitshow, trust me when I tell you, letting conservatives back into power is a recipe for disaster. Yeah, prices are high, things cost quite bit more these days than they did a couple of years ago, but it’s not just you. The UK has been living under twelve years of Tory rule and austerity and our inflation rate is higher than the US. Inflation isn’t down to the ideology of those in charge - it’s a worldwide issue brought about by the fallout of the pandemic and war - but the fact that the UK inflation rate is higher than that of America is down to the decisions of those in charge. You might not think it but Democrats have been doing a pretty damn great job of keeping things ticking on your side of the pond. Many a pundit likes to suggest that the ARP that Dems passed last year contributed to inflation, but the reality is probably the opposite. The UK had no stimulus - we never got those lovely cheques from the government to spend as we liked - and our inflation rate is higher. If the benefits and stimulus of the ARP really contributed to inflation then surely the rate of inflation in the US would be higher than the UK? Think about it - the reason America has lower inflation than most of Europe is because Democrats have been managing the economy in a better way.
Then of course there is the issue of a woman’s right to choose. This really should be a no brainer. If you value the price of gasoline more than the rights of women to determine their own lives, then I truly worry. Gasoline goes up and comes down in price all the time (and America still pays less than Europe at the pump), but if you elect Republicans then you are looking at country in which more and more women die - and not just women who want an abortion - women who want to keep the baby but have a medical emergency. This isn’t how a civilised society should operate, but the GOP want it to be just this way - the return of women to the status of second class citizens, and expendable. They have told you who they all are already. Look at the votes from earlier in the summer when the overwhelming majority of Republicans in the House voted against a woman’s right to choose, and the right to access contraception. They have been explicit in their views - why on earth would you assume they are not serious about them?
And then there is democracy itself. America is at a critical moment in which one party holds sacred the vote and the other cries foul if it loses, no matter what. This is the exact kind of shit found in banana republics - the desecration of the vote, of the electoral process by those seeking power, who know that all things being equal they stand less of a chance of winning. The electoral process should be one person one vote, with no one else butting in to say otherwise, but you have Republicans on the ballot this year who are running with the explicit intention of intevening in the electoral process if they don’t like the outcome. You have Republicans on the ballot this year who took part in the violent assault on the US Capitol because they didn’t like the outcome of 2020, and you have Republicans on the ballot who support those who stormed the Capitol. The media will devote endless articles and reports to both-sidesing the situation, but the stark reality is if you don’t vote for Democrats up and down  the ballot paper, you are allowing fascism to take over.
Is the US perfect at the moment? No, but Trump had four years in which he ripped up every norm under the sun. The repair job from that tenure alone takes longer than two years. Add to that the consequences of the pandemic on global supply chains, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and it is wholly insane to throw out Democrats just because you think they’re not doing enough. Look at America, then look at other countries. Look at the UK. Look at Germany or France. America under Democratic control is faring considerably better than the rest of the West, and that is down to Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and Dems. You don’t throw out the repair team mid-way through the job, and you certainly don’t fire them mid-way through and replace them with cowboys who have made it clear that they have no plan to fix anything but will in fact rob you blind instead - rob you of your rights.
Dear America, Please for Blue this Tuesday. You really don’t want to be in a situation of Liz Truss economics, Gilead rights, and all presented in the guise of Qevin McCarthy, Gym Jordan, and Hershel Walker.
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