#truly whilde
theorderofthetriad · 9 months
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>no motivation to write
>out of literally nowhere writes 400 words of mommy dom natasha breeding loki
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pokemon-teacology · 10 months
I'm back!!! I have been since Sunday, whoops, but I've been busy getting back into class, so no updates for yall.
However! I'm back now, home was great, I travelled out to stow-on side to see the kids. Apparently the little pink dude that had the attitude problem fully bowled down their mural and revealed an old statue??? Sonia would not stop texting me it was wild.
The statue actually looks really cool! I don't really understand why the mural was covering it but I'm glad it's out in the open now.
Anyway updates on trainers, Glo and Hop beat Bea and Vic beat Alistair (still weird to me that they let a kid run a government building but he did a good job). It wasnt too difficult thanks to their larger and more diverse teams. Gareth and his granddaughter did great, too! They truly fucked up Alistair's team with their linoone, zippy.
Carl is... Definitely also there. He now has a togepi, which was firing all sorts of attacks all over the place. He faced Bea, and in her interview afterwards she praised him???
"His strategy was so complicated and well thought-out that I could not understand. He was a formidable opponent."
Whereas Carl's interview:
"I have no idea what happened. I didnt recognise a single move that Tepi [the togepi] fired. I didn't know Tegepi could learn that?????"
The rotom drone capturing the match identified the attack as a prismatic laser???? Which is. Whilde. I assume the togepi knows metronome.
Everyone else did fine! That Marnie girl with the morpeko has been Killing it lately, which I love for her. Im excited to see her battle one of the kids from postwick when they face off in the finals. Brandy and I had a great time catching up with the battles after I got back.
As for the visit itself, I saw my relatives and their Pokémon, helped my nans around their gardens, and met up with my childhood bestie. I saw my dad and his girlfriend's new house, too! It's a nice house. My brother and I hung out a ton, too. I've missed him :)
I went to Stow-On-Side the day before the kids set off to Balonlea, we got foodstuffs from the shops and had a picnic next to the entrance of the glimwood tangle. I was wearing a nice hat that day, and it got stolen by some impidimps >:( so we had to go into the glimwood tangle to get it back from those little shits. They're lucky that they're cute, otherwise I'd be furious. I've found (and by that I mean I've been told by my buddy who had one) that playing along with their games is the easiest way to get your stuff back, and they especially like then you mess with them back. Despite not enjoying having my hat stolen, I actually had a really fun time :D I got to spend time with the kiddos, too, which was great.
My Mons had a great time, too. Bonfire night happened, which they all really enjoy. Pokémon are kinda touch and go with fireworks, but mine have always been fine. Chomp was scared the first time he saw them and didn't like the noise as a gibble, so he had this set of
It sucks to have to leave them again, but I've only got a month more before the holiday season is upon us, meaning I'll have a whole month and a half off to spend with my family.
Sorry for my update being a bit disjointed and worded not super great, I just got back from dyeing my hair (I got red instead of pink whoops) at my friend's place and I'm absolutely shattered (tired) so I'm heading to bed. I just thought I'd update since I've been gone for almost two weeks (whoops)
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jaekaicx · 2 years
lol dont mind me im just kind of shutting down bc wtf amphibia is ending in 2 1/2 hours
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planticide · 4 years
if you got those art socks in 2014 because of tumblr you’re immune to the coronavirus
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keyenuta · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland: A King’s Arrival
     In a hallowed room surrounded by flickering shadows sits one Grand mirror, speckled in gold and polished to a shimmer, resting atop an altar of ever-churning magic. Bubbling like a cauldron in its light green hue, its faded light dances among silver chains, and glistening ebony floors as this room sits with nothing but floating coffins. Silent as a whisper until the sound of heels broke its peace, heralding a sigh and a voice as smooth as silk.
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"Ah...my dear beloved, my noble and dignified flower of evil. You truly are the fairest of them all."
     While his words flowed like a river, the mirror that had once reflected only darkness, and in turn his own face-now lights ablaze with green fire the closer this man approaches. Curling his dark lips to a sly grin he asks, 
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most…"
     As the man continues his speech, barreling in the distance rides a carriage as dark as night, with mares as ghastly as ghouls as they thunder towards the school like a bat out of hell.
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Neighing and kicking up dirt and stone with their creaking hull, while in its arms sits a coffin on its way to meet its fate. Whild the closer it approaches, a hue of blue crawls its way across the school, flickering and rolling through the area in an oppressive heat the more it stamps and cries. Roaring a wet, ragged growl from its throat, its massive paws prod onwards as all the while, the bird masked man stayed his course.
"O thee, guided by the Dark Mirror, follow thy heart’s desire and take the hand of the one reflected in this mirror. Flames that incinerate even the stars, ice that imprisons even time, the great tree that engulfs even the skies, fear not the power of darkness. Now-demonstrate thy powers. For me. For them. For you. We all have very little time left...so whatever you do, do not let go of my hand."
King’s POV~
    Like a cruel snap of contradictions, as soon as I felt the weight and bounce of the roller coaster leave my waist, instead of steel and scared happy screams, without warning or dropped to nothing. Not even the sun or maybe a piece of chatter was around me. What joy I had plummeted like a rock in the ocean. A birthday present, a day where my friends and I went to Disneyland fell away to a sound of neighing and searing pain, jagged icy frost, and grasping vines that surrounded every sense I had! 
I could feel heat, I heard ice cracking, and I could smell uprooted earth. While all the while my body felt like it got run over by a truck, and as I felt my heart pound in my chest,  and as the senses started melding together, all I felt afterwards was something foreign coursing through my veins. It wasn’t my blood or any adrenaline I’ve ever felt, It felt like lightning fused with water, prickly and sharp but flowing and soothing, as all around me, thunder bounced and echoed everywhere as little stars twinkled around my eyes. And the world, although only now looking like a dark void, swirled around me like a Warshak.
     Feeling my stomach churn, I thought, ``Okay king, let’s not freak out, ya know maybe it’s nothin’, could just be a weird dream-or-or-or maybe it’s just me being in the infirmary, might've been some bad food or something. Let’s just ease on up and-’
“Ow!” Right as I swung my head up, bang! A wooden thunk shook my mind and scattered every thought of calm out with it. Seething in a hiss I felt a throbbing pain on my head aching like a red hot poker, begging me to rub it. But sadly body, I seem to be in a box right now. Shaking my head from side to side, I swung my hands to the sides, maybe I can just reach and...nope. Nothing but wood there too, again, I shook and rattled in the darkness, every bonk I gave only made my heart double its speed.
Bonk, bonk, bonk, ba-bump-ba-bump-ba-bump.
And even with the lid giving a little whine, each time it didn't give way my nerves only soared more.
"Okay~" I chuckled nervously, "this isn't funny, I'm ready to get out now!" I called. But nothing answered me besides the horses outside. "Hey, didn't you hear me? I'm ready to get out!" Again I cried and again nothing but horses answered back as now even more so my nerves edged to a razor. 
Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, panic, panic, panic
And with that being the only message from my body, I did, giving a shuddering breath with water stinging my eyes, I saw fog crawl up my glasses as I yelled and swung to the void.
“LET ME OUT!” I cried, “WHERE AM I?!” I squealed, not caring how I sounded or how hoarse I’d make my voice, I shouted for as much as my lungs would let me. “IF Y’ALL DON’T LET ME OUT NOW I’LL DRAG YOU AND YOUR LIL KIDNAPPERS TO HECK WITH ME-Cough-cough, wheeze”
    As the wheel’s under me creaked, I could’ve sworn they were telling me to hush up, and even with my own lungs, even they wheezed and shuddered like ‘I need to take five boss’ and all the while I just kept banging the wood as best I could, with every beat and roar of pain that scoured my fist back my thunder and a crackle of light that shone for only a second. How did I even get in here? It was my freakin’ birthday, and my friends and family took me to Disneyland. 
‘Happiest place on earth huh? Well look at me, I sure ain’t smilin' Disney' I thought, ‘Oh the mouse better hope I don’t escape, or I’m suin’ it for all it's got.’ Though as that thought sounded in my mind, I noticed something, the creaking stopped. I couldn’t even hear the horses anymore, Blinking in the dark, I looked from side to side, thinking, ‘alright, we stopped, okay King, right when they let this box open, bolt-like your life depends on it alright?’ nodding to myself, I listened out to the outside world, and bent my knees. As soon as I heard clicking sound around me, I hitched my breath, clenched my fists, and as soon as a crack of light shone out in the darkness, I careened myself into the door and heard a scared yelp, as I thundered anywhere my legs could take me, as, at my back, I heard,
“W-Wait, hold on, we haven't finished the ceremony yet!” And as my eyes flared out all around me, I couldn't make out any faces, or even heights. All I saw were hoods and cloaks, while a slow wave of murmurs rose all around me. 
“Oh fuck it was a freakin’ cult!” I muttered to myself, running and running as far as my legs would take me! Turning on a dime at every corner and hallway my eyes could see, and for some reason, each time I turned a clap of thunder and flash of blue danced in the corner of my glasses. 
"What in the-ugh it don't matter, where's the exit in this place!" Whirling my head on a swivel I saw a library, a science lab, a classroom (for some reason), and a courtyard filled with Apple trees as far as my eyes could see. 
"Oh this day can't get weirder," I muttered, but right when I stamped my foot to the earth ready to enter the next door, speckles of white filled my vision. Looking like hundreds of tiny stars were dancing around me, as a warm feeling crawled all over my body. It tickled like a fuzzy little hug, and right when I focused on my surroundings as if a hook caught my back I was dragged in the air!
“Eh?!!” Looking all around me like a maraca my feet weren't on the ground anymore, I was floating in the sky and as my dreads raked across my eyes, they looked like mini clouds. Grey and white coils just bounded up in a few black bands as little strands of lighting arced here and there. And with my floating it was there I finally caught a good look at myself.
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     Those same black-purple robes I saw on those guys sat on me, dancing in the air as I floated in the air. Studying my reflection I was in disbelief. I raked a hand through my hair, and the texture was soft, softer than any conditioner would allow. And as I turned my head, I felt pointed nubs where my ears were. 
"Woah-Woah-Woah hold on, what happened?!" I asked, "my head's still throbbin' so I know I ain't asleep but-" that thought would have to wait, cause right when I started to descend, a ragged breath sounds behind me. And right as my hair finally got turned back white, there it went storming again as I ran in the air trying to turn myself quicker to meet that same bird-faced guy from earlier.
"Huff-puff, ah...there you are, I do apologize for the fright, my student. But, please know there's no need to be alarmed, you're perfectly safe here at school~. So please come down so we can conclude our entrance ceremony." Looking at the bird man's crescent eyed grin, I bubbled up to ask him-
"W-wait you mean this ain't a freaky cult or somethin'?  Then what about the robes and all'' flapping my hands around I said "this" exasperatedly, "The flying, and my ears and-and my hair bein' like this?" 
Even with most of his face being covered by his mask, the face he gave looked like he was asking, did this boy hit his head on something. While yes I did, it doesn’t explain this.
"Ah, ahhh, I see now." He coughed, "Ahem I see the teleportation magic must have had an adverse effect on you for a moment. But do not fear, For I am so kind~, I'll try and jog your memory as we make our way back to your classmates"
"A-ah right, totally magic. Um, lead the way, sir." I stuttered finally touching the ground again, he started on his monologue.
"Splendid, now then, as for your questions earlier, these clothes you are wearing, are your ceremonial robes. Although it saddened me to hear you call them the robes of a cult, these are your clothing for your special day of admission to this most prestigious academy, Night Raven College. A famous school for all magicians who possess fantastic potential. Does this help regain your memory Mr…"
"Oh, um, King, my name is King Amani. And sorry but I ain't ever heard of anything like this." I muttered fiddling with my cloak.
"Oh dear, it seems that the magic has a longer effect than I had thought. Well, as for your ears, and your flying, I would more say that is thanks to your heritage."
"My heritage?" 'I'm pretty sure bein' black doesn’t make me magical' I thought
"Yes, from what it seems you do have some Fey ancestry in you~" Blinking as we went past a classroom I stuttered out,
"F-Fey? Ya mean like fairies and stuff? No, Nah I'm just a human...fairies don't exist."
"Ah-ah would you look at this, we're back already, now then, after this, be sure to meet with me afterward, I am starting to become fearful of the effects the teleportation magic had on you. But for now, we should get you sorted into your dorm."
Placing his hand upon my back, as we walked past a wave of students a sea of mutters and whispers snaked all around my ears. 'There he is' I heard,
 'took him long enough' another said, 
'geez I thought my legs were gonna fall asleep'
       But as the massive intricate mirror raised into view, as my eyes wandered around, I saw 6 boys standing before everyone else. One looked like he was asleep, another was beaming like the sun with a mop of white hair, another sat with a piercing look atop an ethereal face. And as for the last few, another with glasses looked at me like an investment, while one redhead glared daggers at me, chilling me to the bone as his cute face got warped by a regal edge. As heat rolled to my cheeks I couldn't help but think 'why does everyone there look attractive what is this?'
"Ahem," Crowley cleared his throat "Mr. Amani, please step forward and this will conclude dorm assignments" feeling like II was gulping a stone, I took a deep breath and looked at the flaming mirror, revealing an intricate mask glowering down at me.
"State Thy Name"
"King Amani"
"Head wreathed in clouds...an uncrowned king wades through a land not his own. For only in the hands of time can you find a home, but truly I say when I see the shape of your soul, no 7 dorms can be your own.
King Amani, the shape of your soul is... nothing."
And just like that, all around the room an explosion of what echoed around the whole room as now I stood here being told my soul ain't shit. Well, ain't this somethin' for the first day of school. 
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Volume.com to Stream The Jazz of A Tribe Called Quest With Dashill Smith & Malcolm-Jamal Warner
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Tomorrow, Jazz Trumpeter Dashill Smith and actor, director, and musician Malcolm-Jamal Warner are playing at Atlanta’s Venkman’s, featuring their recreation of some of the original songs that were sampled by A Tribe Called Quest through the years while morphing into the ATCQ songs we all know and love. While both their 7pm and their 10pm (Eastern Time) shows are sold out, there’s still time to get tickets to the live stream on Volume.com. 
The show also features Music Director/ bassist Khari Cabral Simmons, Landon Anderson, drums, David Whild, guitar, Mike Walton on saxophone and Rodney Edge on keyboards.
Find tickets to the 7pm live stream here: https://volume.com/t/wbR70Q/
Find Tickets to the 10pm live stream here: https://volume.com/t/JzJVOp/ 
“We have recently been spending quite a bit of time at Volume.com watching their excellent content thanks to seeing a tweet from Niki Kennedy an artist who we have featured in the past (https://independentartistbuzz.com/post/180148375838/niki-kennedy-unveils-charming-new-record_ ) and we noticed a very very cool live stream about to take place tomorrow,” shares Dashill. “It's cool for people like me who grew up in the late 80s injecting all things Cosby Show and all things Tribe Called Quest. We were lucky enough to get an interview with the creator of the show Craig M. Garrett from Next Level Events in Atlanta where it will be streamed from live music venue Venkman's.”
We got a chance to speak with them about their upcoming show in this edition of Indie 5-0. Let’s dive in:
What can people expect from your two upcoming sold-out shows at Venkman's and What are you most excited about?
People can expect two incredible shows of music in a great venue. Not only will they have a great time, they will be taken on educational exploration of music performed by 7 highly skilled musicians. I refer to them as Musical Monsters as they are all renowned musicians in their own rights. Our Music Director was India.Arie's long time bass player, Dashill "Dash" Smith has been a member of Roy Ayers' band for the last decade, David Whild is Atlanta funk rock royalty as half of Whild Peach but also a regular member of Outkast's band as well as the Dungeon Family, Rodney Edge plays with Anita Baker, After 7 and Glenn Jones, Landon is a sought after touring drummer and producer, Mike Walton is the youngest member of the crew but he has quickly made a name for himself playing with the likes of Russell Gunn and Jimmy Cobb. Of course most people know Malcolm for his work as a gifted actor. But what many people may not know is that he is an accomplished bassist and poet, as well. When I say we are blessed to have these musicians in the band, I mean it. It is truly an honor to have them every time they step on the stage with us.
How were you inspired to come up with the This ATCQ / Jazz Concept?
The inspiration was actually an argument my sister and my mother's best friend, Aunt Faye, had 13+ years ago at dinner. The argument stemmed from Aunt Faye arguing the reason she didn't listen to hip-hop was that she didn't think there was any musical value to it. My sister challenged her thinking and told her she should listen to A Tribe Called Quest's music because she'll hear all the incredible jazz samples and jazz influences in their music. That got me thinking about how it would be interesting to see a show that focused on the inspirations of the songs and how they were weaved into their legendary catalog. It has been in my head since. Then in 2019, I finally convinced our Music Director, Khari Cabral Simmons, that we should do the show. He agreed and was adamant that Dashill Smith was the person we had to be out front. He was absolutely right. We put one show on sale and it sold out quickly over two months in advance. So we added another show and it sold out quickly. We knew we were on to something. Those first two shows were scheduled for April 2020 and unfortunately, we canceled due to the global pandemic. We then brought it back in December 2022 and sold out both shows again. We had Malcolm-Jamal Warner as a surprise performer in the first two shows.
How did Malcolm-Jamal get involved with it?
Malcolm was in Venkman's with his family and saw the flyer. He reached out to our drummer and asked if he could be a part of the show because he loved the concept. As if we were going to tell him no. He has been a wonderful addition to the show that we originally built around Dash. Now I can't imagine doing the show without him. He and Dash have this symbiotic chemistry between them that just takes the show to the next level. Dash holds down the show as the leader who raps the original lyrics, freestyles, plays the trumpet, and serves as the MC. Malcolm raps as well as plays the bass on several songs.
Which ATCQ song/album has been your biggest source of musical inspiration and why?
This is a tough question as the show as it stands now will be expanded. However, I'd say The Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders are the biggest sources for the current format. This might change as we move into the next iteration of the show. We added some changes for this weekend and in the coming months, we'll be adding even more. The why? Mainly because we wanted the show to be a banger out the gate so we went after some of their most iconic songs that had deep jazz influences.  
We see you are bringing this show on the road - where will you go and how many dates?
I knew it had potential to appeal to several markets. We took it to Charlotte in March and to my surprise, we sold out the theater there. I knew it would do well but I didn't expect it to sell out if I'm honest. We'll go back to Charlotte in July or August, we are headlining one night of a festival in Brooklyn in July. We are finalizing details for shows in Miami, Houston, and Winston-Salem. Additionally, there is interest in Raleigh, Chicago, LA, Memphis, Boston, and Seattle.  We'd love to take it all over the country and internationally as there is a real appetite for great music like this all over.
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nomorepennies · 3 years
it’s truly whilde that americans aren’t freaking out about getting their vaccines........meanwhile -bc’s cases have gone up cause of a new strain -kitsilano ppl continue to be the worst rich hippies of vankkkouver -vaccines continue to be delayed yaaaaaaasss
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