#truly a little bit of me dies inside when nate is locked away in that tower or injured
stromer · 1 year
me when i saw “❗️Nathan Bastian is on the ice for #NJDevils  morning skate ” on amanda’s twitter this morning
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
BTHB: Forced to Watch
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That’s right, it’s that time again! @muffinworry​ requested: @badthingshappenbingo​:  forced to watch with my girl ashley
As always: puppy stickers equals fulfilled, blood stains are requested
Tagging: @bleeding-demon-teeth, @spiffythespook, @finder-of-rings, @whumpywhumper​ @special-spicy-chicken​
CW: Stabbing, blood, referenced/implied noncon and abuse
“Ora, if you don’t start paying attention, this story is going to take a really long time to tell.” 
When Ora didn’t look up - a flash of the green hair on their head, dirty and clumped together by now, all they gave Ashley to look at -  Ashley sighed heavily, wondering why she put up with this. Sure, she didn’t know how to drive and Ora Collins at least appeared to have the car mostly under control (totally under control at the moment, as they were not even in the car, they were tied to a chair), but they were three days in and they should feel bonded by now.
Right? Shouldn’t they?
How long did it take Bram to start getting his boys to bond with him? Oh, but Bram had the eyes, and Ashley was never going to have the eyes. Not unless they met another like themselves and Bram helped her cut that one’s eyes out. 
“Ora. Come on, this place is a shithole and I do not have all day to walk you through this.” Ora sniffed, and Ashley paused while licking a bit of red off one fingernail. “What? What’s that noise for?”
Sometimes - if she was truly honest with herself - Ashley envied the other vampires. It would have been nice to live on blood, copper-salt-sweet and sparking with life in it. She could have been a great vampire like that. Instead, here she was, buzzing off the conflicting miseries of relief and hate and - strongest of all - fear that came from the poor little thing she carried along with her.
Well, and nice and full already from the meal currently slumped hard to one side and tied to a chair across the table from Ora.
“Ora, I am talking to you, and you remember the rules-”
“I’m sorry!” Ora jerked their head back up this time, meeting Ashley’s gaze with wide, frightened hazel eyes. Honestly, Ora’s eyes were their best feature, and Ashley never got tired of how they looked ringed in white from fear. “I’m s-sorry, Ashley, it’s just-... it’s just, it’s really h-h-hard to watch, to watch you...”
“What? To watch me cut him up?” Ashley blinked, looked at the man tied to the chair next to where she stood, then back to Ora. She gestured with the large chef’s knife she held in one hand, already smeared with the man’s blood. “He died like two hours ago, Ora, what’s the problem?”
“H-he… I kn, I know he’s d-dead, Ashley, but you k-keep cutting h-h-him…” Ora’s voice hiccupped, finally, into sobs and their head dropped once more as they began to cry, tears wetting little droplets onto the fabric of their jeans. They were still wearing the ones she had met them in, although Ashley had been nice enough to steal a bunch of different shirts and underwear somewhere in Iowa.
She was pretty sure they were in Nebraska now? It was flat and pointless, in any case, and Ashley had vague memories of the center of this stupid baby country being flat and pointless. Harder people lived out here, but fewer of them. 
No one like her could live long without a nice big population center to feed on, and Nebraska… Nebraska wasn’t it.
Ashley sighed and raked a hand back through her hair, frowning as she remembered she had a lot of blood on that hand. Oh, well. She’d have to shower before they left anyway. Brammie would take Ora into the shower with him, if he were here, start that whole mess back up, but Ashley valued her private time more than her Brammie ever had.
She missed her baby brother.
Baby by a few minutes, anyway.
But they’d find him soon enough in that prison in California, and then Ashley would set him free. It wasn’t fair to lock up something so beautifully wild as her brother. Do you blame a wolf for eating deer? Do you lock up a raccoon for digging through trash cans?
“Ora. I’m going to get rid of this whole…” She waved the knife around in a lazy circle, gesturing to the man who’d had the bad luck to piss Ashley off. “... mess. But I’m not going to do it until you have finished listening to me, and you have to look or the whole visual aid part of this just isn’t going to work.”
“B-But I don’t want to see the visual aid!” Ora wailed, and the sound of their sweet sad voice echoed off the walls. Ashley shivered, pleasantly, felt electricity light up her nerve endings and flood her veins. Moments like this were why Brammie kept Nate around, weren’t they? That little buzz in your fingertips, behind your eyes, the way Ashley felt like any moment now her hair might stand on end from the pure perfection of Ora Collins and their precious little fear.
“Ora. Darling. Light of my life, love of my heart. My absolute goddamn treasure.” Ashley leaned over, pointing the blade right at Ora’s little face. 
She watched their head slowly rise, eyes nearly crossing as they focused with new panic on the point of the knife so close to them. Ashley licked her lips, slowly, and tilted her head to take in more fully the sudden quick rise and fall of Ora’s chest under their baggy shirt. 
“Watch. The visual. Aid. Or I will cut your eyelids off so you can’t blink any longer. Am I understood?”
Ora’s throat moved in a sudden a swallow and they nodded quickly, hair falling into their face, and Ashley used the chef’s knife to gently - ever so gently - push it back to the side. She loved watching the wide hazel eyes following every movement.
“So. As I was saying. Brammie’s little boyfriend and I - he’d been living with us for three years by then, give or take - were alone in the house. Brammie still had to hunt, because he wasn’t doing enough to Nate to just, to just really eat him by then. It’s that whole nonsense thing about love, you know? We’ve been around for so, so long, and Brammie’s boys are a dime a dozen for forever and then we run into this pretty little prince of his and bam!” Ashley slammed her free hand down on the table and Ora jumped, letting out a scared little cry.
Ashley felt the reverberation of that cry right down her spine, like the lick of a lover’s tongue.
“Bam,” She repeated but gently this time. “He’s in love. He’s in love, Ora Collins, and you know what my Brammie and I don’t do?” Ora swallowed again - they swallow so much when they’re talking to Ashley, don’t they? - and ventured, in a trembling voice, “You, you don’t… fall in love?”
“Right. Absolutely right, Ora-who-I-adore-ah. We don’t fall in love. Why would we? Everyone dies in the end but us. What’s the goddamn point?” She sighed and rested her free hand on Ora’s shoulder, giving it a little reassuring squeeze, leaning over to look right at them. Ora stared back, their eyes shifting back and forth, as though trying to find some softness or give on Ashley’s.
There was none to find. 
Ashley knew her eyes were empty, reflection of light off the ice of a vast, lifeless lake. Bram had all the life in his. Ashley was nothing but walking death.
“So, anyway. Nate came to live with us - and at first we had to lock him in, and my Brammie… oh, the things my Brammie did to him.” Ashley breathed out, the happy memories flooding her system, and moved slowly away, circling the chair Ora was tied to, turning to look at the dead man on the other side of this small, sad little Formica table in some stupid shit town in stupid fucking Nebraska in this absolutely pointless fucking country.
“Wh-what things?” Ora asked, voice still shaky, but a little steadier now. “I r-read a little about the trial…”
“Hmmm, I doubt much of that came into play. Nate liked the things my Brammie did. You don’t talk about the parts you like in court, in my experience.” 
“Have you… eh-ever been to court?”
Ashley paused, tapping her chin with the blunt side of the knife. “I guess I haven’t. Well, unimportant to my story so shut your fucking face for five seconds while I set up the visual aid.”
Ora nodded, biting down on their lower lip. Ashley watched them stretch their wrists against the strength of the rope and find just enough give to add a little comfort, not enough to escape. Ashley was being nice to Ora, but she wasn’t going to be that nice… or that stupid.
Brammie had been stupid, once. 
Ashley would never be dumb enough to give another body the chance.
“So. In any case, after three years, you know, we were pretty used to each other.” Ashley started walking again, looking down to watch her own toes spread out against the dingy tile floor, yellowed with time. She stopped behind the man’s body, grabbing it by the short black hair on its head and yanking back, lifting the empty horrified green eyes to stare right at Ora. “We had our routine. Nate did all the cooking and cleaning like the good little housewife Brammie kept him to be, they fucked a lot-”
Ora winced.
“Oh, what, you’ve never fucked someone? What about Penny? I mean, it seemed like you did-”
“N-no, it’s just… it’s not that, Ashley, I swear, it’s just-” Ora’s gaze went to the fridge - wide open with only a jug of expired milk and a half-empty box of baking soda inside - and then it danced everywhere but at Ashley. “Can you not make me look at his, um, his eyes?”
“Oh, this is the problem? Yeah, sure.” Ashley dropped the head and it flopped hard back down, chin on its chest. “Sorry about that.”
“Th-thank you, Ashley,” Ora whispered. Oh, they learned the rules fast, and they learned them well. Ashley might actually regret killing Ora once they made it to her destination.
“Anyway. My story. So we had a good thing going, the three of us. Nate was a dartboard, he was a footstool for me one time, I cut the shit out of him, he and Brammie had some weird fucked up sex thing going… it was just a really good life, trust me. Then… then Brammie goes out hunting one day because he couldn’t hurt Nate anymore, he was in love the absolute dumbass, and while he was out…”
Ashley sighed, resting one arm on the shoulder of the corpse, looking down at it a little fondly. “While Brammie was out hunting, Nate picked up a knife. I didn’t expect it anymore. I thought… I was an idiot. He fooled us both, that son of a bitch. He shouldn’t have been able to but he did. He was cooking for me, and I came in to check on the progress, and…” Ashley’s grip tightened on the handle of the chef’s knife.
“And… and what?” Ora looked up slowly, nervously.
Ashley smiled, and there was blood smeared on her teeth. “Then he fucking stabbed me to death, Ora.” 
Her arm moved with inhuman speed to jam the blade right through the corpse’s chest, and Ora let out a startled breathy scream, jerking at their restraints. “Like this. And this. And fucking this. Get your fucking eyes back on me!” Ora started to cry, again, tears racing down their face on either side like gorgeous little raindrops, and Ashley laughed, a high-pitched half-shattered sound, at the sight. 
Ashley kept stabbing, making new wounds in a dead body over and over and over again, checking to see if Ora was looking, and they were, they were. The horror and disgust, the way Ora’s face went white and then green, it all fed Ashley, settled deep inside her bones and she felt the most ancient parts of her shift in happiness, in every single second being exactly what she was made to be.
She counted up the wounds - she thought maybe 37, it was hard to remember when you were being fucking stabbed to death by your brother’s boyfriend - and when she was done the knife clattered back to the ground, and Ashley stood, breathing hard, a snarl pulling lips back from her pinkish-stained teeth. “He killed me, Ora. Brammie’s little boyfriend killed me. Then he got up, and he left while I was still choking on my own fucking blood, and when I woke up it was five years later and you and your little asshole girlfriend were in my fucking house and my brother’s in fucking prison!”
Ora cringed back into their seat, into the restraints, trying to choke back their sobs and failing, failing miserably, failing beautifully. The sound of their tears bounced off the walls in this dirty little kitchen and everything seemed, in that moment, just a little bit brighter.
Pl-please,” Ora half-whispered, trembling and beautiful. “Please don’t, don’t do th-th-this anymore, please…”
Ashley sighed, nudging the corpse with her foot. Blood leaked from wounds as an afterthought, the motherfucker was too dead to be worth much of a show. Ashley looked down at her own hands, ran them over her chest and torso, reminding herself that her wounds were gone. They had healed, while she waited to come back. 
They had healed.
She was healed.
And she had a fucking job to do.
“That was the end of the visual aid, Ora. But my point is, Nate Vandrum is a piece of shit who didn’t know how good he had it, he murdered me, and I would very much like to find his dumb ass and murder him right back. But I have a feeling my brother won’t let me. So you - and I - are going to do the next best thing.”
“We… w-we are?” Ora raised their head one more, and Ashley moved to them swiftly, leaning over to take that softly rounded little chin in her hand. They did not flinch or pull away from her touch - they knew so many rules now, they were such a good little friend. “What’s the next best th-thing, Ashley?”
“Please,” Ashley said gently, lovingly, petting at Ora’s face, leaving little red stripes there that would dry and turn brown and flake away. “Please call me Ash, Ora, we’re friends now, aren’t we?”
“R-Right. F-F-Friends, Ash.” Ora nodded quickly, swallowing hard again. “We’re friends, right. Wh, whatever you say, is, is right.”
“That’s my… well. That’s my little Ora. See, this is why you got to be the one that lived. Lucky, lucky little thing.” Ashley kissed them once on each cheek, then petted one hand gently through Ora’s hair. After holding themselves stiffly still, Ashley felt Ora slowly force themselves to relax, and smiled with delight when Ora pushed their head a little harder into the touch of Ashley’s hand.
“Oh, you’re so good,” Ashley murmured, nearly purred the words, and Ora let out a shaking, audible breath of relief. “You’re such a good Oracle. We’re going to find my brother, we’ll let him out, and he will lead us to Nate Vandrum and that redheaded mop he tried to kill him for.”
“And, and then we’ll k-k-kill them?” Ora asked, keeping their voice low, whispering right back to her. “Then they’ll d-d-die?”
“Hm.” Ashley cradled Ora’s head in her hands for a moment longer, then let go and stood, stretching her arms high over her head, until the knobs of her spine cracked, until she felt the stretch of every single muscle in her body.
You should never take those living muscles for granted, after all. They could die any day, and not everyone would die with the coins to pay their debt.
“I d-d-don’t want to help you kill anyone,” Ora said, low and pleading. “I don’t want to be a murderer, Ash.”
“Don’t worry, darling, you won’t.” Ashley smiled. 
“B-but… you’re going to kill them?”
Ashley kicked the bloody knife until it banged hard into a wall across the little room. “Probably not.” Ora looked up, hope in their pretty hazel eyes, and Ashley licked her lips against how it was about to feel when she drained all that hope away. “They tried to kill my brother, after all. Killing them is going to be his job. But you and I… well. Have you ever heard about how the people who lived here before the colonists fucked it all up used to trap buffalo?”
Ora blinked, and slowly shook their head. Hair fell back over their eyes, but this time Ashley left it there. “N-No, Ash, I haven’t.”
“They would find the buffalo, and set up a trap. And a few would wave blankets and shout and maybe shoot an arrow or two, but the buffalo would stampede away from what they saw at the threat and run right into the trap. They’d get caught there, milling around, and then they just waited to die. So we’re going to set my brother free. We’re going to find his pretty little buffalo roaming the open range.” Ashley slid her hands into the back pockets of her own jeans, licking a drop of blood from the corner of her mouth. “Then you and I are going to wave some blankets and yell.”
“And… and y-y-your brother does the, um, the killing?” Ora’s voice was low, but after a second they nodded, thoughtfully. “I can… I can do that. If I don’t d-d-do the killing, Ash, I can, I can do that.”
“Wonderful. I knew I liked you for a reason. Now stay here and watch over our little buddy while I go take a shower. Once I’m clean, you can have yours and we’ll see if we can’t find you some fucking sweatpants or something in this house.” Ashley paused, then clapped her hands together in sudden delight. “I’m pretty sure I saw a KFC when we came in through town, let’s have fried chicken for dinner!”
Ora stared at the dead man who had once owned this house, and who had made the mistake of catcalling Ashley and calling Ora some kind of slur while they were getting gas. He was a dick to Ashley, and now he was dead.
To Ashley, it all made absolutely perfect sense.
Finally, Ora said softly, “Fried, um, fried chicken sounds pretty g-g-good…”
“And what do we say when someone offers to give us a gift, Oracle Collins?”
Ora smiled up at her - it was watery, and frightened, but it was a smile. “We s-s-say thank you, Ash. Thank you for offering to get me fried chicken for dinner.”
“You’re so welcome, love.” Ashley ruffled Ora’s pretty green hair and then turned to walk away. As she stomped up the stairs, she called out, “I’ll buy you some new hair dye, too, let’s get you all bright and fun again before we head west tomorrow!”
Oracle Collins, wearing week-old dirty jeans and tied down to a chair three feet from a corpse still leaking blood from too many stab wounds to count, let their eyes go slowly unfocused so they wouldn’t have to see anything at all any longer.
Somewhere nearby a police siren started up, but Ora didn’t raise their head. 
They knew those sirens weren’t coming to help.
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Everybody Knows
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This gif was found somewhere through Google, so credit to who it’s due.
This imagine. Holy fuck, this imagine has gotten so much feedback; it made my entire day. I would not shut up about it. I truly love Ray Palmer, so writing this second part wasn’t an issue at all. Please continue to comment and tell me how much of an asshole I am, I love hearing back! Thank you so much again, so glad there are Legends fans like me out here!
Ray Palmer x Reader
Part 2
Part 1
Warning: Still an asshole.
“Aaaaaaaaaah!!!! The Ray Palmer imagine has me in tears!!!! Please tell me you plan to continue it???? Your writing is amazing!!!”
“Omg! You are breaking my heart with everybody knows!! I need more!!!!!!!! It’s too good, my heart can’t take it.”
Your legs brought you to Jitters, a place where you felt calm and beside yourself. You would have felt more at ease if you had taken your bag with you that had your wallet; now you were standing in Jitters without getting a cup of coffee.
“Penny for your thought?” You heard a sweet voice from behind you. Turning to see Iris, smiling at you with some money in her hand, “Just treat me later.” She told you, placing the money down on the counter, guiding you over to two seats.
You let out a sigh, face planting on the table, “Iris, I don’t know what’s going on,” You muffled into the wood. You lifted your head to see her give you a, forced, confused look, “I know Barry sent you here.”
Iris placed down her coffee, reaching over to grab your hands, squeezing them in reassurance, “Everything is still ok, you’re still Y/N,” She softly smiled at you.
“Am I though?” You countered, sitting yourself up straight. You rubbed the side of your head, trying to calculate still what was going on. Your life ultimately took a turn in only the matter of a few minutes. Did you have a better experience with the Legends? Were you happier with them than you were with Team Flash? “I don’t even know what to do.” You sighed, your eyes wandering to the front door of the shop, “The look that Palmer gave me was so heart-aching. I never thought I would feel that way towards him but knowing that I had something with him, made all that hate disappear.”
“Would you give him a shot?” Iris proposed, lifting her eyebrow, taking a sip of her coffee. She truly was interested, this beats anything that she was watching on tv: ever. Your eyes shot her a glare, a deep sigh leaving you.
“You know I can’t,” You reminded her. You waved your hands in front of your chest, fumbling to find your words, “Even if I did, what would the chances be that I’m the same Y/N that he fell for? I’m not only hurting myself here, it would crush him.”
“Did I just hear that correctly or are you concerned about Ray Palmer’s feelings?” Iris joked. You tossed a sugar packet at your friend causing her to giggle even more.
“Now’s not the time to joke, West! My life is falling apart, and you think it’s a good time to crack jokes?” Your laugh died down, going back into your depressive state. Which life was better? Would it be best to risk everything to go on an adventure of time travel with the Legends? “I just don’t understand why I would leave the Legends to come back to Central City. Leave a life of time travel, what was I stupid?”
“Your mother was sick,” A voice answered your question. You turned to see Ray standing before you, hands in his pockets, his face giving off a sheepish expression, “She had stage four cancer. You decided to be by her side. That’s the reason why you left the Waver Rider. It was only supposed to temporary, but with  Flashpoint and the Legends not being affected―”
You reached out your arm, not being able to control the smile that appeared on your face, “Calm down, Palmer,” Your voice had that light chuckle that made Ray’s heart flutter. He gave you the same smile that you wore, his eyes going soft. You pulled the seat next to you out, motioning him to join, “You look weird standing there, come on, you goof.”
Ray hesitated to join, especially to sit next to you. It had been months since you left the Wave Rider, months of him not being able to be next to you yet right now, being able to be this close but not being able to touch you like he used to. Knowing that the two years he had spent with you were only memories to him: killed him. “How is your mother?” Ray asked.
You gripped your coffee, nodding a little before looking at him, “She’s alive. Healthy, so at least Flashpoint did something right.” You couldn’t look at Ray for a long time; you were confused. Your stomach was giving off that feeling of love at first sight, butterflies fluttering inside, something that you had to ignore.
“That’s wonderful,” Ray smiled. The knot that his stomach was forming was getting bigger. He was as nervous talking to you now as he was when he confessed his love for you. It felt like another chance to have you fall in love with him, something that he was prepared to do.
Iris was enjoying watching the two of you interact. She couldn’t help but smile into her coffee while hearing your conversation. Something was still there; there was no denying that. There was a crucial piece of information that no one wanted to tell Ray. It broke Iris’ heart, knowing that someone had to mention it to Ray but it couldn’t be her or anyone from Team Flash: it had to be you.
“Did Barry explain everything to you?” You questioned, finally having your eyes lock on to Ray’s. Your heart did something you never thought it would do to Ray Palmer: it skipped a beat. You felt your cheeks burn the longer you stared at him, your palms barely being able to grip the coffee cup due to them becoming sweaty.
“Yeah, he did,” Ray’s voice sounded defeated. For once, he broke eye contact away from you. He rubbed his hands on his pants, his lips turning in to a line; his heart sank to his stomach, “So you and Wells, huh?” He finally brought up the elephant in the room. Iris felt her phone ring, seeing that it was Barry on the other line. She excused herself, letting you be alone with the heartbroken man.
“Yeah,” You whispered, looking down at your coffee playing with the stirrer, “Coming up on a year.” Even though this version of you didn’t date Ray Palmer, you still had the hint of guilt come out of your voice. You were becoming softer, not wanting him to hear; it was as if you were thinking of his feelings. You glanced at the corner of your eye, seeing Ray fiddle with the napkin that Iris had left behind.
You wanted to know more about your actual timeline, the one that you came to terms with your real timeline, “Was I happy?” You piped up, changing the subject. Ray finally made eye contact with you once again; his eyebrows perked as his eyes grew. Was he going to tell you the truth or lie so that you could live your life, your happiness was his number one concern. You lightly slapped his arm, having a smile appear on your face, “You can tell me! What was I like on the Wave Rider?”
Ray finally broke down, the sigh that he gave out only made his lips curl into a smile, not being able to lie about it, “You were extremely happy. Every period we went to, you acted like a child in a candy shop. Always wanted to explore yet Sara had to pull you back a few time. Nate was always telling you not to leak any bit of history. Every time, though, you were always smiling and laughing.” When the words left Ray’s mouth, his sadness grew. Those memories came back again.
Memoires of exchanging gifts at Christmas, finding the perfect gift for each other. You gave him a microscope that Einstein had once owned, Ray giving you a first edition signed book from Oscar Wilde himself. There was another gift that Ray wanted to give you. A box that he had been fiddling in his pocket the entire night you had spent but he held off on asking you; trying to find a perfect time to ask you.
“You make it sound so amazing, makes me wish that Flashpoint never happened.” You laughed, looking back down at your coffee. You bumped into Ray, a playful gesture; one that you shouldn’t have done since you were already with someone.
“What was your issue with me?” Ray brought up. You let out a grunt, hoping to avoid the conversation.
“You were a know-it-all, something I can’t stand. Every time I was working on a new project or a new weapon, you had to bring up the fact you had more PhDs than me and that you knew what you were talking about with all the gadgets. You had no faith in me, what’s so ever.” You explain, squinting your eyes at him. Ray looked off towards the door, taking in the conversation, letting out a small sigh.
“That would be a good reason to hate someone,” He added, laughing. Ray got up from his seat, causing you to be alarmed, “I should head back to STAR Labs, maybe head out with the Legends,” His voice didn’t sound convincing at all. You knew he wanted to stay; he wanted to tell you more not about your time with the Legends but your time with him. He wanted to inform you that you were everything to him, he ached to convince you to join them once again and maybe, maybe, fall back in love.
He couldn’t help it though. You were happy in this timeline, and it wasn’t meant to be.
Ray felt a tug on his hand, stopping him in his tracks. He looked down to see your hand had grabbed his. You didn’t know what you were doing, but you felt this pull towards him; a feeling of finding that missing piece being put back into the emptiness. You realized that you had grabbed ahold of him, retreating your hand back to your side, “Sorry,” You stammered, tucking hair behind your ear as you looked down at the floor, “I just,” You paused, your eyes going soft. You looked back up to see Ray watching you out of curiosity, “I want to talk more.”
Ray scratched his cheek, becoming flustered with your demand, “Do you want to? What about Harry?” Ray asked, slowly taking back his seat.
“I don’t know what to believe,” You answered honestly, “I thought I was happy, to be honest, but now knowing that I had this life on the Wave Rider and,” You bit back on your words. Curling your fingers into a fist. The feelings that you had once held against the Legends instantly lifted that maybe spending some time with them would help you make a better decision on which life you wanted. With your thoughts always returning to Ray, now, would you be able to travel by his side without constantly wondering what it was like to be his?
“Did you loved me?” Your mouth rambled. When you noticed what you had said, your eyes grew in horror, and your cheeks were flushing. You waved your hands in front of your face, panicking at the moment it had happened, “You don’t have to answer that! I know that it’s a difficult subject―”
“I do.” Do. Present tense. You slowly brought down your hands to see Ray staring at you in awe. “You mean everything to me, Y/N. Yes, I would want you to come join us again but if you’re happy here; I can live with that too.”
“Can you?” Your heart broke at Ray’s confession, but he shook his head in denial.
“No, I was saying that to maybe convince myself about not having you around with me, but it didn’t work.” You couldn’t help but laugh, that this version of Ray Palmer was nothing you would expect. He was vulnerable, something you never saw when he was around. You felt horrible, trying to stop yourself from laughing but the more you thought about it, the harder you laughed.
“I’m so sorry,” You cried, wiping away the tears that had fallen, “I shouldn’t be laughing but that excuse,” You clenched your stomach, bending over to try and make the pain stop. You heard Ray join in with you, “That excuse was so bad and how you thought you could believe it.” You finally were able to compose yourself, seeing Ray also collect himself.
There was a moment of silence, just you two looking at each other. It was that pull again, the one that tugged right on your heart: the pull that made you want to run away with Ray. You didn’t notice that you were leaning in, placing your hands on his legs to push yourself up. Ray said nothing. His hand reached up to your cheek, his thumb lightly brushing your bottom lip.
“I will always love you, Y/N,” Ray softly said, pulling you closer to him. You had to know if you genuinely felt something for Ray Palmer or if this version of you felt nothing of all. You had to know. You pulled away, hearing coughing nearby. When you saw who it was that made the noise; you immediately stood to your feet.
“Harry,” You spoke, your breath caught in the back of your throat. Wells had his arms crossed, looking directly at you but it shifted quickly to Ray. Ray jumped to his feet, wiping his hands on his pants before sticking out one towards Harry.
“Dr. Wells, it’s great to see you again,” Ray’s voice crack out of sheer panic. Harry refused to shake the Atom’s hand, taking in a deep breath; displeased on what he had just witnessed.
“Dr. Palmer, likewise,” Harry said in a monotone, scaring you. He only used that voice whenever he was annoyed or angry; this time he was both. “I wish to speak to my girlfriend alone.” Ray nodded his head, walking out of Jitters where Iris waited for him. She watched the entire exchange between you and Ray. In Iris’ eyes, what Iris saw going on, was a connection that couldn’t be made up or just created. It was what she had with Barry, no matter what timeline they had; they were always brought back to one another.
Iris patted Ray’s back, walking out of the coffee shop, “I think she’s in there,” Iris told him, giving him that sense of hope.
“Harry, I can explain,” You walked slightly towards your other half, having him take one step back. Your body shook, scared that you wouldn’t have any time to explain yourself to him. You did love Harry; he helped build your mind to think beyond what an average human could imagine. He understood you.
“Barry already did,” His raspy voice gave out, shaking his pointer finger at you. Harry’s eyes glanced over to yours, filled with sorrow, his lips pressed into a thin line, “Do you love him?” He asked. Harry looked hurt, not wanting to hear the answer.
“I don’t even know,” You whined. You felt your eyes tear up, causing you to pace in the same spot, just three steps in the same place, “I was told about my altered timeline not too long ago. I don’t know what to think or how to feel, Harry! I feel like I’m ripped in half with my feelings. At one point, I was happy with the Legends and time traveling sounds like a dream but again, being here with our team, with you, I’m happy here!” You sobbed, rubbing your eyes. Your emotions were all over the place. Harry rushed to your side, wrapping his arms around you; having you cry into his chest, “I don’t want this feeling.”
Harry shushed you, kissing the top of your head, “I know, honey,” Harry calmly said, stroking your head. Honey, that word. It felt so different when Ray had called you honey earlier; it was as if it was perfect when he called you his.
Tagged: @mad-doctor-mew @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @inspiredbynewt
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fhujami · 7 years
My other half | Chapter 2 [Sam Drake x Reader]
Pairing: Reader x Original male character, Samuel Drake x Reader
Summary: When destiny chose to call you, in the middle of the wedding hassle, you were excited to went to your last adventure before settling down.
You thought, that after going on the last adventure, you might realise that your life as a treasure hunter was over, and maybe you were ready to start live a ‘normal life’.
But when you had been sucked in to adventure to find Henry Avery’s treasure with your long time friend Nathan, and his mysterious brother Sam, you started to wonder that if stable life was what you were meant to have.
Especially when Samuel Drake felt like he was the missing part of your soul. And you truly needed to fight with yourself and find out what you really wanted with your life.
Words: 1600
A/N: Cursive words between ‘these’ are your thoughts.
Tags: @jodiereedus22  @random-aya
A/N: I was so sure people does not want to read another fic around Uncharted 4, looks like I was wrong, or my idea was just too good so people want to read this XD. But THANK YOU! So here is chapter 2. (I have to say, this story is almost ready in my files, I only need to re-read the chapters, made some changes and post them to you ^^ so i guess i’m gonna post chapters every day, so there’s no too much waiting to you.[and meanwhile i can try to work slowly with HWSS]) ENJOY! 
My other half
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - 29 - Chapter 30 -
Chapter 2
When you were heading to the airport on the next day, you couldn’t stop thinking that maybe you should had tell Jason the truth about where you were really going. But you were afraid that he would have say no, if you had told. Even he knew about your past and your background with treasure hunting, but this close to the wedding, he may not want to let you go. Even you didn’t even knew what was waiting for you in Madagascar.
You were sure about one thing in life; every lie will reveal some day. And you’ll probably get caught with your lie, in a way or another. But before it was time to that, you chose not to worry it too much. Maybe when you get back home you tell him yourself where you really were, after you had come home in one piece.
You met Elena on the airport. You hugged her deeply, you had missed her and she surely had missed you. When you got on the plane you asked her what she was thinking what Nate is doing in Madagascar.
“I don’t know. Something tells me he’s after some artifact again.” She sighed.
“Well, it was his life for a long time. Maybe he has some kind of mid-life crisis.” You tried to joke and it worked since Elena chuckled to it.
“I missed the adventure too.” You continued. Elena turned to look at you.
“On the other hand I understand Nate if this is what we think it is. I wanted to go adventure for a long time Elena. Stable life maybe isn’t for me.” You sighed and looked down in your hands.
Elena followed your gaze and noticed that something was missing.
“Wait, did you broke up?” She said while taking your hand raising it up showing your ring finger where was no ring. You shook your head.
“No, I took it off so I won’t lose it.” Elena left a relieved sigh from her lips, while starting to play with her ring.
Elena had tracked Nate’s cell in the city close to King’s bay. You two found the motel where he was staying and booked yourself a room. Elena somehow manage to get the key to Nate’s room and you two stepped inside.
He wasn’t there. But what you found there shocked you both.
“What the fuck...” You gasped when you saw the wall and table, beside the bed full of guns. Nate has returned his old life. You were little disappointed that he hadn’t ask you with him. In the past he had always asked you with him. Why not now? You stepped closer to the table and looked at all the maps, pictures and notes all over the table and wall.
“Henry Avery’s treasure?” You heard Elena saying while she went through the notes too.
“I guess that’s why the town is full of Shoreline soldiers. I had a bad feeling about this Elena. Nate’s in deep shit.” You said and turned your gaze to Elena. She looked disappointed. And you didn’t blame her. You could only guess how long Nate has been lying to her about where he was. And who knows if he’s even coming back to his hotel room.
But in a moment you heard people talking outside of the room. You turned to see to the door when the door got open, you saw Nate coming inside. And when he saw you two he was shocked. When you saw Sully coming inside behind him you shook your head, he was in this too? Why he didn’t ask you to this? You noticed that there was a third man walking behind them, but you didn’t recognized him.
You were little disappointed. Nate had asked Sully to this trip - and some other man  which you didn’t knew -  but not you. Why he didn’t ask you to come along?
“Hey Nate. How’s Malaysia job doing?” You asked and crossed your hands on your chest. You had time to ask him why he didn’t invite you, but first you needed to know what he was up to.
“Elena, [Y/N], it’s not what it looks like.” Nate said and you turned to look at Elena who was fighting against her tears.
You listen how Elena started to ask Nate what the hell he was doing. And you eyes wandered to the mysterious tall man behind Nate who was leaning on the wall. Who the hell was he? You noticed he was staring at you, and when you looked at him, you realized he looked little familiar… Have you met him at some point? Have you been working with him before long time ago or something? You felt how you cheeks blushed when his eyes were locked at you. ‘Why he stares me like that?’
Nate stepped further from Elena and turned to that mysterious man, raising his hand to him.
“This ah, is Sam. Sam Drake. My brother.”
Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened.
“What?” You couldn’t believe your ears. Nate turned his gaze to you and you saw sorrow in his eyes. You had seem that sorrow in them long time ago, when you first met him and started to get to know him. You always wondered what was the reason to that sorrow what was shimmering in his eyes almost fourteen years ago.
But, Nate has a brother? How you didn’t knew about him? After knowing Nate for almost fourteen years now, how on earth he never mentioned him?
“I thought he had died in Panamanian prison.” Nate continued while turning his gaze back to Elena. You shook your head. Yes, Nate had told you that he has been in Panamanian prison when he was younger, but never ever he had mentioned about having a brother. Nothing just didn’t made any sense. Why he never talked about him?
You turned your gaze to look at this ‘Sam’. He was clearly his older brother. Has he been in jail all these years or something? And how long has he been away? And how Henry Avery’s treasure had to do with anything? You mind was full of questions which needed answers.
You listened how Nate told you two about Hector Alcazar, who helped Sam out from prison and now they need to find the treasure to pay the debt. You hide your face into your palms. Everything sounded surreal. This just couldn't be true.
You watched how Elena left the room and you raised your gaze to Nate. He looked after his wife but didn’t go after her. You sighed and walked to him, hitting him on his shoulder.
“Are you fucking serious? Go after her!” You pointed to the door but Nate turned and started to head to the table without saying anything, without meeting your eyes.
“Nate what the fuck?” You followed him and tried to get eye-contact to him. Was he serious? He really just let Elena walk away from him? He really was going to do this her again? Sully stepped forward and joined you.
“She’s right, it’s not worth it. Go after your wife.” He said while placing his hand on Nate’s shoulder. Nate mumbled something under his breath, and you hissed between you teeth ‘asshole’ and rushed out of the room to run after Elena.
You runned after Elena who was already opening your room’s door. You grabbed her arm and turned her to face you and she rounded her hands around your neck and cried on your shoulder. You hugged her and smoothed gently her hair.
“Hey. Shhh, it’s okay.” You tried to calm her. You felt how your shoulder was getting wet from her tears. You hated to see her like this. She was one of the strongest woman you knew, and you knew also that Nate was her weakness. You wished your feelings had been as strong to Jason as Elena’s were for Nate.
You heard steps behind you coming closer and soon you heard Sully's voice.
“You okay there kid?” he asked and Elena withdrew the hug, wiping her tears away.
“I’m done, I’m coming home with you.” He said, placing his hand on Elena’s shoulder as she nodded.
You started to think. This wasn’t exactly the adventure you were hoping, but it sure was something. You really needed to get back to the game, for the last time, and that was the reason you came here in the first place. You bit your lower lip and wonder if it was okay to Elena if you stay with Nate and make sure he’ll come home safety?
“I’m staying.” You said before you think it better and change your mind. Elena’s and Sully’s heads snapped to you. You furrowed your brows and looked at Elena.
“I’m gonna make sure he’s coming home in one piece. If Sully isn’t going to be there, someone has to.”
“He has Sam.” Sully interrupted to you. You turned your gaze to him.
“Well I don’t know Sam. I don’t know if we can trust him, even though he’s Nate’s brother.” You said and raised your hand to stop Sully to interrupt you again.
“And hell, I - I really need this guys. I need to get away from that fucking wedding hassle. I need to have one last adventure, before I settle down for good.”
You turned to Elena again, looking deep into her eyes and waiting for permission. In a moment she nodded to you. She knew she can trust you, and she knew that you really needed this. She knew you too well.
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nationalharmonica · 8 years
untitled angst (im suffering squirtle)
Fandom: Pokemon BW(2) Word count: 2968 Warnings: SPOILERS FOR FUTURE NUZLOCKE???, Ghetsis is a remorseless asshole, Someone give N a blanket, Someone give Touya a blanket, There’s one (1) OC who is literally a Tuxedo Mask, Ghetsis doesn’t give a fuck that this is supposed to be a Black 2 verse, I don’t give a fck about typos
It was illogical. Impossible. No matter how he thought around it, no clear resolution came to his mind. Yet there it was, that round white stone he remembered so very vividly from two years prior, in the grasp of the man he used to call a father.
“Where did you get that?” His voice came out strangely strangled, like a hand was clamping around his throat, making it almost impossible to speak. His mind was a jumble, blurry memories and emotions churning in his mind and making him dizzy.
Ghetsis tossed the Light Stone lightly. He hummed in his throat as he tapped his cane onto the rocky floor. Looking upon N, he decided he rather liked the confused and betrayed expression on his face, even if it did remind him of the day his delicate plans were ruined by a couple of children.
The stupid boy, who he had raised to be a leader, choosing friends over the very values he had ingrained into him since the day he plucked him out of that godforsaken forest. The thought made him sour to the core. ‘Ungrateful brat,’ he thought, ‘Thinking himself superior for choosing his own destiny.’
“You should know where I got this, little urodets,” Ghetsis remarked, pointing his cane at N. “Your eyes do not deceive you for once. This is indeed the same Light Stone you fought against two years ago.”
“Don’t call me that.” N gritted his teeth at the old nickname, having since learned its true meaning. A freak of nature, something he had tried so hard to remove from his identity, tried so hard to not let affect him anymore. He of all people knew how abnormal he was, he didn’t need a reminder. “Where did you get it? Did you steal it from them?”
N said no name yet it was obvious who he meant. Those two trainers, the first humans he considered as friends, and the ones to show him he had been wrong about the world. Ghetsis smirked when he realised N had no idea what he was implying by bringing the Light Stone here.
“Revenge is so sweet, don’t you think?” He closed his eyes as he revelled in a memory from a while back; a snowy tundra in which a dark shape lay in the slush. Remembering gave him a surge of satisfaction throughout his entire body. “That exhilaration when you finally achieve your own justice. It’s a pity how quickly things can disappear, though.”
He opened his eyes to give a sharp and malicious glare. “That boy really did put up a fight, you know. Took out several of my Pokemon. I returned the favour, of course. I’ll never forget the look on his face when I froze his heart and watched him die in the snow.”
His words shook N to the core. He barely noticed when his legs gave out beneath him, forcing him to his knees. His body went numb, hardly hearing the concerned cries of Nate and Rosa. They sounded like he was underwater, and he felt unable to breathe like he was drowning. He could hear the soft pat-pat as the tears he didn’t even realise he was crying fell onto the dusty floor.
It wasn’t true. It can’t be true. No way. Just, no way would Touya let himself be killed like that, he told himself. He took a shaky breath and he forced himself to speak. “Y-You’re lying. Just like you’ve always done. Why would you say something like that?”
Ghetsis seemed not to care at his disowned son grovelling on the floor. Instead, he held up the Light Stone towards Kyurem. “Oh really, urodets? Do you really think I would bother lying to you anymore? I have no more need to deceive you, since I have nothing to gain from you.”
The Light Stone hovered off his hand and in front of Kyurem. Reshiram would not be able to burst from its confines without its Hero present, and Ghetsis took his time retrieving the DNA Splicers from inside his robes knowing that. “That infernal trainer died because I wished it so. And good riddance, he would’ve been a pain.”
“Stop it!” N clutched his head in pain, hot tears continuing to spill down his cheeks as he began to break into hysterics. “You'relyingyou’relyingyou’relyingYOU’RELY-”
“Oh for Arceus’ sake, boy! Shut your mouth for once in your miserable life!” Ghetsis sharply cut off N’s rambling chant, clearly irritated by his voice. He held the Splicers up to Kyurem also, watching it as it transformed into a device that would anchor it and the Light Stone together. “You’ve lived in fantasies too long, boy. Let me show you the true reality.”
Light filled the room as Kyurem absorbed the Light Stone and transformed. Taking upon the characteristics of Reshiram, the breath it exuded was so cold it burned the skin. It let out an ear-shattering cry that echoed off the cave walls, making the two trainers flinch. N, too far gone in his misery, did not flinch at all as he was hit head on with the screech.
As a matter of fact, N was truly already facing reality, as a flood of memories invaded his mind that he had locked well away a long time ago.
Misty windows and a cup of hot chocolate as he sat in the Pokecenter of a frozen town. Zekrom had retreated into a Pokeball, despite N’s protests, in order to escape the cold. Cries of concern echoing through the door.
“A body’s been found!”
“Someone get Nurse Joy!”
“The poor dear, he was so young.”
A person on a sleigh covered by a jacket was brought into the center. Clearly dead, and Nurse Joy pulling back the jacket to reveal a face he knew too well. Blue lips and glassy eyes frozen into an expression of pure contempt. Brown hair that used to bounce so softly now hung solid with snowflakes. They found nothing to identify him but N didn’t need them to.
He couldn’t remember what happened next, and a flush of white rushed over him. He had chosen not to remember, he realised. He had chosen to forget that Touya had died alone. He had chosen sweet ignorance over reality again, even after he had promised his first friends that he would never live a lie anymore.
N felt disgusting. A cold sweat broke out as his hands grew clammy. He felt like he had betrayed everything he had stood for since he reformed himself two years ago. Spending all this time telling himself that he’d find those two himself, never realising one was dead and the other still promptly missing. A sob racked his body as the magnitude of the loss hit him for the second time. One of his first friends was gone, and he had decided to ignore it. The thought made him hide his face in shame. He truly was just a freak.
Ghetsis paid no mind to him as he marvelled in his creation. Four metres of malicious cold energy packed into a dragon-shaped weapon. With a flick of his cane, he turned its attention to the weeping man. “Kyurem, dispose of this trash.”
Kyurem gave another deafening screech and gathered energy in its mouth. When N gave no indication of moving out of the way, Rosa made to run to him but was pulled back by Nate. “Rosa it’s too dangerous!”
“N, move or you’re going to die!” Rosa ignored Nate in favour of yelling at N. She could feel tears spilling over as he acted like he couldn’t even hear her. She ripped her arm away to charge at N. Her nimble size did nothing to budge him when she grabbed him. She tugged on his shoulders to no avail. “N, please! We need to move!”
N removed his hands from his face to show his palms were wet. “No… No… I deserve this… I betrayed them, after everything they did for me. I don’t deserve anything else.”
“ROSA!” Nate panicked from the side, torn between the cowardly instinct to stay put and his loyalty to his friends. “Rosa, please! You need to get out of the way!”
“Not without N! This is wrong, all of this is wron-” She was cut off when another cry from Kyurem signalled its intention to fire. A sharp shove to her chest knocked the breath out of her as she fell to the side several metres away. N had just pushed her away. She scrambled to her feet and made to run at him again when Kyurem finally released its energy.
“N!” She yelled, so loudly her voice was coarse in her throat. The force of the blast knocked her back again as it rushed past her, wind blowing her pigtails into her face. N was completely enveloped in the cold light Kyurem shot. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying and tasted blood in her mouth.
Nate swooped to Rosa’s side, helping her up and away as the blast died down. He didn’t know what to expect, maybe a pile of ashes, and his heart felt heavy as Rosa cried into his shoulder.
What he did not expect was for N to be entirely intact, shielded by a cloaked figure that looked like they were struggling to stay on their feet. Their arms and torso were burned by the ice cold, clothes burned away making it obvious they were a man. The golden mask he wore splintered into pieces and cascaded off his face to clatter onto the floor where a kind of dark energy congealed around the pieces, revealing green eyes.
It was the mysterious person who had appeared before them so many times before. And now his identity was known as he lowered his arms to show a soft round face speckled with brown freckles on his pale skin. It was a face none of them had seen before, but Ghetsis showed that he did.
Ghetsis regarded the man with contempt, sneering as he panned down to loom at the discarded mask fragments. “You, I remember you.”
The man struggled to catch his breath and his eyes flashed with a kind of hate. He didn’t meet Ghetsis’ gaze as he unfastened the cloak he wore, gathering the mask pieces into it before swaddling it and holding it close. “I hope you do, Ghetsis. I’m one of those you’ve wronged.”
“Oh I know plenty of those. Rather, I remember you as Hydreigon food that escaped.” Ghetsis regarded the bundled cloak with disgust. “Along with that.”
N seemed to finally realise he was, in fact, not dead, and looked up at the mysterious man that had just taken a legendary attack full force. The man seemed to notice eyes on his back and turned to face him. “Hi, name’s Maverick. I’ve heard a lot about you N, especially about how much of an ‘ass’ you are. No offense.”
N was befuddled at this Maverick person speaking to him so informally, like he had known N for years. “Uh… none taken? I guess?”
Maverick chuckled at his awkward reply before becoming stone-faced again as he turned back to Ghetsis. “I’m here to stop you.”
“Never heard that one before. What are you going to do, Maverick? You’ve got nothing but a beat up Yamask to fight with.” Ghetsis poked his cane towards the bundle he held. Of course, Nate thought, the golden mask did look like the masks he had seen Yamasks carry around while exploring Relic Castle.
Maverick put the bundle on the ground with some difficulty, complimenting the Yamask within on his good work. Standing back up, he got into a fighting stance. “Well it was never my intention to fight with Pokemon. Instead, I intend to fight you directly, unless you’re too much of a coward to face me by yourself, old man.”
“I hardly see reason to waste my time dealing with a hard-headed brat like you. Kyurem, away with these two as well.” Kyurem seemed exhausted from its last attack, instead choosing to charge forward with a physical attack instead. Maverick abandoned his stance and snatched up the cloak, making to grab N’s arm too before Kyurem twisted around almost impossibly for a beast its size, whipping its tail to catch him in the back. All three of them well flung against the wall.
N struggled for breath as it was knocked out of him and Maverick clutched the bundle to his chest as he he collided with the rocky wall, clearly winded as well. Maverick was the first to catch his breath. “H-Holy… fuck. That hurts…”
He handed the bundle to N as he still tried to breathe. N seemed confused by the sudden parcel. Maverick merely smiled and got to his feet shakily. “Don’t look so surprised. He’s been waiting for you for a while.”
He turned to the two trainers still at the side of the cave. While ripping off the tattered remains of his shirt, he gestured to N. “Hey you two! Care you remove these guys? I’ll make sure Kyurem doesn’t kick your ass.”
Unsurprisingly, Rosa was the first to jump up, followed quickly by Nate, and the two seized an arm each and marched N out of the way. Meanwhile Kyurem growled in anticipation as Maverick walked forwards and taunted the dragon. Letting out a cry, it charged at him again. This time he was prepared and dodged the attack skillfully, flipping over the sweeping tail and running to the other side of the cave with the beast hot on his heels.
N was plopped down on a rock in the tunnel of the cave, the other two trainers exhausted at dragging his unwilling body. He pondered on what Maverick had meant by ‘he’. Curiously, he undid the bundle and watched the mask pieces clink onto the rocks. Yamask masks resembled a face, he remembered. But he had no idea what happened to a Yamask when they mask was shattered. The dark goop that clung to the pieces were likely the remains of the Pokemon.
He inspected the pieces, and found some characteristics of it quite familiar. From the sprinkle of faint freckles etched onto the nose, to the thin lips he was sure he had seen smile before. A rush of hope coursed through him, and he hurried to organise the pieces while Nate and Rosa looked on confused.
Piece by piece, he connected the pieces of the mask, and more features became shockingly familiar. Close knit and thick eyebrows almost always in a perpetually frowning angle, closed eyes that he knew the colour of, even the hair that always fell onto his cheeks. A drop appeared on one of the pieces and made N realise he was crying yet again. The circumstances were very different though, and he let out a sob as the final piece went into place, showing the face that had given him so much love and pain.
“….Touya?” N barely got the name out, but the coagulated black mess quivered at the name. It seeped into the cracks, holding the pieces together as they melded into a whole again. It wasn’t perfect, and faint lines showed where the cracks had been, but the mask was whole again, and the darkness retreated underneath its dome.
N put a finger underneath the mask, and was astonished when he felt something grab onto it. The darkness burst out from beneath the mask, forming a corporeal body that opened wide red eyes. Yamasks always looked like they were crying, but this one was very literally doing so as red liquid tears pattered onto the mask it held. “N, you goddamn idiot.”
N had never been more thankful for his ability in his whole life. He made a strange noise in his throat as he grabbed the small Pokemon and hugged him, feeling the Yamask hug him back with a kind of fervour that had him slightly nervous. Pulling back he regarded the Pokemon with his face between his hands. “I thought you were dead.”
“I am dead, unfortunately.” Touya acted like like N had asked him a stupid question, as if it wasn’t totally obvious he was a Ghost Pokemon. Touya was about the let off another snarky remark when N embraced him again, planting kisses all over his ghostly face. If he could blush, Touya probably would have. “I-I think maybe you should explain! You’re getting weird looks!”
N looked away to see Rosa positively beaming with happiness while Nate looked rather confuzzled. Touya didn’t blame them; they just saw a human basically making out with a Pokemon, and even as strange as N was, he didn’t think he was exempt from judgement.
N cleared his throat and wiped his face. “Oh, uh… This is Touya. He’s one of the trainers I mentioned, well was, I guess.”
“Ass, I still have my memories, you know.”
“And um, I really liked him? And now I feel awful because all this time you were a Pokemon and I believed you were still alive.” N looked away, ashamed. Touya huffed and patted one of N’s cheeks with his hand.
“Never mind that. I don’t blame you at all.” Touya declared. N looked taken aback by Touya’s forgiveness, and his eyes grew misty and he hugged him again.
“TOUYAAAA!!” N sobbed, giving the ghost more smooches. Touya struggled to escape his arms and resorted to hiding in his mask again. N instead gave the mask kisses and Touya turned metaphorically red within it.
Nate cleared his throat. “Well this is kind of awkward to witness. Who wants to go verse an abominable dragon?”
“Nate! They’re adorable be nice.” Rosa wished she had a camera right now.
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