Miss ma'am I understand that I am new here but please update your Barry Allen fic I want to see what happens next and you you haven't updated, in 2 months a year please I am begging you
Funny you wrote this to me because I’ve gotten back into writing that. The outline is done for like two more parts, I’ve started writing the first part. So I hope to continue it.
Thank you for waiting.
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The fact that I come back like every month to reread your Riddler fanfic and see if there is an update is so funny to me. It is honestly one of the best fanfics I have ever have the pleasure of reading. I hope you can update it soon. Xx
Thank you 😭😭😭
I hope to dive back in to all of my stories soon. It’s just been crazy, and I say that always like a broken record. I’m done with wedding planning because I finally got married. I’m hoping to find my joy again in writing. I was actually thinking, “I wonder if people are still using tumblr for stories.”
Hope to have it out soon. Promise.
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I miss you and your writing 😭❤
I’ll come back! I have the stories outlined and one just needs to be edited! But I shall return! I miss you too!
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Just wondering if you are doing okay. Haven’t heard from you in a little while. The job still going well?
Thank you for asking. Actually, the job is well but has its downs. I applied to work somewhere for the benefits since I’m about to get married and wish for healthcare.
I want to get back into writing. I miss it. And I miss sharing stories with y’all. So I hoping that spark comes back asap!
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Thank you for taking the time to answer! Congratulations on your job and on the promotion! Also, that latte looks delicious!
Well, thank you for messaging me! I have started writing some of the stories, so I need to just go back in, finish them, and edit!! Sorry for the long wait.
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Hey! Just wanted to see if you're okay! Please, let us know how you are doing!
I’m doing fine, so sorry! I started working at a coffee shop and got promoted. So I’m trying to get my footing there. But I should get back into writing soon!
But here’s a photo of my latte art:
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Thank you!! I’m so glad that series is doing well! It means so much to hear this. I hope to be writing soon. I have an apartment now. So unpacking that but I’ll have a space just for me to work at which will be nice.
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I love your Barry Allen fic I look forward to a part 4 is you’re making one!❤️
Hello! Thank you! I do have an outline for a part 4. Just a lot on my plate at the moment. My boyfriend and I just moved into an apartment, I got a job (!!), and just trying to figure out life though the chaos. But I will write it out after I’ve written a few other parts to the other imagines.
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Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy it! I have part 6 outlined, but I’m a little preoccupied right now. My family just moved into a house, so we’re unpacking. I also fell down the stairs yesterday, injuring my left hand (mostly ring finger) so typing is a little challenging.
I will let you guys know when I’m close to finishing that part! I think that series may have a few more parts to it or so.
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I hear you and I understand. That’s part of the reason why I don’t really describe the reader. It’s totally not me finding s/c, h/c, etc a pain. There are many times I forget to even write Y/N or even Y/L/N. So I find it easier to just not describe the reader. Because you should be able to imagine it as yourself or as your OC.
If I don’t come off that way, let me know. I would love to know better way to do this. This also doesn’t help plus size people either.
That’s why being lazy but not wanting to describe the reader at all is helpful: you can picture yourself.
Because I’m the type of person where I read y/s/c as your skin color in my head. Takes me out of the story.
Dear authors who write reader inserts,
You are doing amazing at your job at writing the most heart wrenching angst, filthiest smut, and heart melting fluff I have ever had the pleasure of reading in my short years on this planet. But when I constantly have to read about how I can supposedly put my hair up in a messy bun or how it falls past my shoulders in loose waves, or for some reason, I always fucking blush at the most random things and my face turns a bright red, it pisses me off to say the least.
I know that I could be coming off as a bitch, but holy fucking shit my dudes, it’s like you guys forget that POC exist or anyone beyond the variety of white stereotypical women with long luscious locks of hair and pale/fair skin. I don’t turn tomato red when I blush, my poofy ass 100% african american bush of hair doesn’t fall past my shoulders in loose waves and I can’t put it up in a messy bun. I can’t wash my hair everytime I get in the shower. I don’t have unrealistic curves that make me look amazing in every single piece of clothing that I wear. I’m not a fucking munchkin that everyone towers over. I unfortunately don’t have the perfect two parent household with an overprotective father who lives in the same house as my mother. My underwear is not only limited to red/black lace. I personally hate thongs and would most likely never wear them. I do not look good with bright red lipstick on and it’s not my go to when I’m doing my makeup.
If I were to imagine myself as a character’s little sister, I would have to imagine that I was adopted because I’m not caucasian. I have to religiously avoid fics that were set back in time periods like the 40s-60s because people were blatanly racist back then and it would be very unrealistic for a black girl to be walking the streets with one of these characters without someone so much as batting an eye.
I understand if you write some of these because they are vital points of the story, but when it’s continuous and I see it in every. single. fic. It can get a little irritating.
I’m not trying to bash anyones writing (more as trying to enlighten you on how annoying this shit gets) I’m just simply asking if you could not whitewash your fics and make them more diverse. I personally don’t think it’s that hard and I honestly think it would make a whole lot more people happy with your fics.
Some pointers:
(s/c) = skin color
(h/c) = hair color
(h/t) = hair type (texture, etc)
(h/l) = hair length
(e/c) = eye color
(f/c) = favorite color
These are just some things that they can fill in for themselves but for some reason they already have these filled out for them. Can we please learn how to just like not do that. Because last time I looked in the mirror, I have none of these characteristics and it sucks having to mentally correct it because quite frankly some of these fics are straight fire and I love reading them, but I’m not a white woman with perfect hair and skin. I’m literally almost the exact opposite.
And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who feels this way.
This was just a PSA and if I pissed any of you writers off then
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Sincerely, a poofy haired, darkskinned, average height, black girl.
Thank you and have a blessed day/night.
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1,000 notes! I never knew this story would be one of my top ones. Thank you all fo the love, and I’m sorry I’ve been lacking. This means a lot though! Thank you so much for enjoying this imagine as much as I did creating it!
Work On That
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I’m back and stupid to start another thing rather than finish what I have started! It’s hard when you have writer’s block on one, but I did write another part to the Ray Palmer fan fic. About to write more for the Sweet Pea one. I’m just a chaotic person whose mind never wants to stop writing for different things rather than complete what she started!
I have had a shit first two months in 2018, here’s for March to make it right! Let’s go! Also, thank you to all the comments about my face. Not what I was expecting at all.
Edward Nygma x Reader
Warning: Just my love for this man.
It was your first week at GCPD, and you never knew you were going into the field this quick. You transferred from Metropolis wanting something more exciting. Gotham had the reputation being a dangerous city filled with low life and criminals: that was the life you wanted.
When you became a cop, you wanted to serve the people, but Metropolis already had that settled. Gotham, on the other hand, needed work on; crime was committed every day whether it was murders, a robbery or a simple mugging. It was never a dull day. You entered GCPD as the newly appointed detective. Your former captain had nothing but praise about you when talking about your transfer to Captain Gordon.
Jim was very persistent when he told you he didn’t want you to set foot in your new home. No one in Gotham heard about the GCPD getting another detective expect him and Bullock. Jim decided to use this as a way to get someone on the inside with the crime families. No one knew your name, knew what you looked like or what you could even do. It was perfect.
You were looking around the Sirens bar, taking in the noisy atmosphere; people talking over each other, the blaring music that rang through your ears as you tried to hear your captain’s words come through the communicated in your ear.
“Ok, Y/N, we just need you to start talking to Nygma and once you gain his trust; we will continue from there.” Your captain directed you. You kept looking around, taking a sip of your drink trying not to make it apparent that you were talking to yourself.
“You don’t have a plan, do you?” You asked, laughing a bit to yourself. You heard Jim sigh into the mic, making that sink in that you had to wing the whole thing.
“Look, we have a great chance to have you with every crime lord in Gotham without them knowing you’re with the GCPD. I just need you to find a way in, that way we have someone on the inside to feed us information. How you get in, that’s all on you, kid.” Jim informed you. You nodded to yourself, looking around seeing familiar faces that you remembered from your nights of studying their files.
“Captain, what does Nygma look like exactly?” You asked a question. You read all the files that you had: Barabara Kean, Selina Kyle, Sofia Falcone, Oswald Cobblepot and others. One record must have slipped through the cracks because you could not recall ever reading one with a name like Nygma.
Keep reading
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I know it's been over a year and you're probably busy with other stories but I'd love it of you continued Back To You❤💕 It's an amazing story and you're an amazing writer
YES! Back to you is almost done (this chapter), I have like 90% written out. Just need to close the chapter and edit it, but that will be the next story out!
I’m sorry for the wait! Thank you for waiting and putting up with me!!
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I love the "child comes from the future" trope💕💕💕💕
I had to spice things up! I also wanted to pay tribute to Barry’s kids in the comics. Having two different universities/timelines involved is something I like to do 😂
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I loved the new update for Not Like This! It's good to see you're back💕 Just a small reminder to update your masterlist so everyone could enjoy your beautiful writings❤
Thank you!
Yes! I will update that when I get home! It’s been too long and I’m sorry for the long pause. I’ve outline a lot of these stories to make writing easier. It’s been a while since I updated it! I’m so bad at it 😭
I’m glad you liked this part, I have more things to come with this series!
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Not Like This
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I’m over trying to add this through Safari.
Part 3
Part 1 2
“You call yourself terrible but this, this is beautifully written and I need more.”
“This has got me on the edge!!!! I dont usually like reading series or even multiple parts but dude I wanna read more of it!!!!!!! Are you planning on writing more??? This is so fucking AMAZING”
Warning: Over 3.3k to make up for me sucking.
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You felt you had an out-of-body experience. You could see everyone in the control room at STAR Labs, but you were only watching their lips move. No noise was coming out. It was pure silence. You were utterly dazed; you couldn't get the image of Iris crying out of your head. She seemed so helpless, not getting the answers that she wanted. What were you supposed to do? Confess to her that you were the other woman?
A yell snapped you out of your thoughts. Turning your head slightly, you saw Ralph getting closer to you, "Y/N!" Ralph yelled. You covered your ear, wincing at the volume of his voice. You swatted Ralph away from your space, taking a few steps back.
"What is your problem, Dibny?" You mumbled, taking another sip of your coffee. It missed your lips, spilling the hot liquid onto your sweater. You let out a groan, patting the stain in, slamming your coffee cup down on the desk. The group looked at you, not wanting to say the wrong thing; though, Ralph took one for the team.
"I didn't mean to annoy you, Y/N," He explained. Ralph cautioned himself, taking a step towards you, "It's just, now's not the time to be spacing out. You know, with Cicada still out there." You lightly nodded your head, understanding Ralph's point. You rubbed your eyes, letting out a deep sigh.
"I'm sorry, Ralph. I didn't mean to take it out on you," You clarified. You glanced over at Barry, reading his worried look at you. Your heart ached when you locked eyes with him. A flash of Iris appeared, causing you to look away from him quickly. "Iris was over at my apartment last night, talking to me until 4 in the morning, so I didn't get much sleep last night."
You quickly saw Ralph's mood turned from concerned to being unsettled. You waved Ralph away from you, walking towards the doorway. You lifted your hand before letting anyone interject on what Iris was doing at your place. You looked over at them, "She's upset about the whole Nora thing. If you don't mind, I'm going to draft some weapon ideas and run them through Cisco." Cisco gave you a thumbs up, bringing the attention back to the Team, discussing ways to stop the biggest threat to Central City.
You walked by the weapon's room, heading straight to the lounge. You observed the room, seeing some things that Nora had left behind. You slowly made your way to the couch, plopping your heavy body onto it. You leaned your head back, letting out another frustrated sigh. You rethought your night with Iris when you knew you could no longer call yourself a friend anymore.
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You brought over a cup of tea, sitting across from Iris. You thought that Iris would be out of tears, crying for an hour, and she still could go on for longer. You bit your thumb, trying to find the right words to say. Not to show concern for her, but to make sure you didn't let anything slip. Iris leaned over, cupping her drink close to her. She looked up at you, her face stained, her eyes puffy.
You grabbed a nearby box of tissues, handing them over to her. You watched as she blew her nose, sniffling the last bit. She collected herself, taking in a deep breath, "I'm sorry you had to watch that," She softly said.
You waved your hand, relaxing your shoulder, "Iris, it's okay. I would do the same if I were in your position." You waited until Iris took some time to drink her tea. You paused at first, not wanting to press on a sensitive matter. The curiosity was eating you alive, taking over, "Iris, why do you think Barry is cheating on you? Have you seen each other? You're the definition of couple goals." You clasped your hand over your mouth, not believing that you just asked her something so personal. Even if it did have to deal with you: you had to act like you didn't know.
Iris lightly laughed. You noticed the cup you gave Iris. It was the exact cup you were going to hand Barry when he interrupted you that night. You grew uneasy, rubbing your mouth and constantly moving your legs. You had to keep reminding yourself to calm down. You couldn't give away any tells.
"He's been more distant lately. He hasn't been relying on me as much. He used to come to me for emotional support; it's what a husband and wife do for each other, but when it came to Nora, he didn't want to discuss her." Iris explained. Her voice cracked, on the verge of crying again. Iris inhaled, calming herself down, trying to force a smile, "He came home this morning, and I don't know how to put it; he just seemed happy."
"Happy?'' You repeated. You furrowed your eyebrows together, shifting yourself on the chair. "How could he be happy? He sent Nora back; I would imagine happy is the last thing he would be feeling."
Iris shook her head, "I thought the same. Granted, I didn't know about Nora until he told me. He came home, all happy, then he informed me that he took her back to the future. I just can't figure him out anymore, Y/N." Iris placed her cup on the table to be able to put her head into her hands.
"I don't know what's going on, Iris. I'm in no place to tell you how to feel, but we need to remember Barry is going through a lot. Not only do we all have Cicada on our hands, but Barry also has to try and figure out Crisis. Then he learned that his daughter is working with the man that killed his mother. It's a lot to take in. We can't predict how someone could handle this type of thing." You tried your best to find a way to excuse Barry's behavior. You cursed under your breath, annoyed at how careless Barry was. You knew you had to speak with him, but you didn't need to grow any more suspicion.
"You're right; we don't know how Barry is handling all of this. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. It's just caught me thinking of so many things because he didn't come home last night. I've been just letting the worst come to mind." Iris confessed. You went over, sitting next to Iris, wrapping your arm around her. You took in a deep breath, having been heartbroken when you heard Iris let out her cries again.
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Your stomach turned, remembering last night. Rubbing your face, you couldn't shake the feeling away. You noticed something at the table. A fresh cup of mocha had appeared, from Jitters, with Barry Allen staring down at you. His eyes lit up when they instantly locked with yours, a smile tugging on his lips; you could feel the spark that you both shared.
"Barry, we shouldn't be seen together." You mumbled, reaching over for the drink. You saw Barry shift his weight, but you stop before he could speak, "Iris came over: worried about you. I don't particularly appreciate lying to her, Bear. It would help if you fixed this with her. That's final."
In a blink of an eye, Barry had used his powers on you again. The room reminded you of an insane asylum. White covered every inch of the space. "It's Thawne's hideout," Barry explained.
"That makes sense," You joked, "Only a psycho would have a place like this." You looked around, seeing a stand against the wall, "Is it safe to talk in here?'
"It is," Barry confirmed. He walked over to the stand, hovering his hand over to reveal an artificial face. Barry saw you stiffen up, reaching out a hand towards you, "It's alright. This is Gideon. I created her in the future, and Thawne was using her while he was stuck here."
"Hello, Mr. Allen," The AI spoke, "Hello, Ms. Y/L/N." Your face didn't move. It was still showing the same puzzle expression.
"Gideon, can you pull up the article?" Barry requestion. Gideon pulled up the article that had you all worried.
"Barry, why do I need to see this?" You complained, "We are doing our best to find a way to avoid the crisis." Barry walked over to you, standing behind you. He placed his hands on your shoulder, turning you to face the article. He lowers his head to be close to your ear, trying to have you focus. Focusing: that was the last thing on your mind.
"Look who wrote the article," Barry whispered. You looked up at the name. Gideon zoomed in for you to make no mistake.
"Iris West?" You barely got out. You shook your head, pulling yourself from Barry. You turned to face him, crossing your arms, still in disbelief. "So, what does this mean?"
"That article used to say Iris West-Allen," Barry pointed out. He took steps closer to you while you did nothing to step away. Barry cups your face, rubbing his thumbs along your cheek, "It's now just West. Don't you see Y/N? We get to be together.
"The timeline is changing, just like Thawne explained. We can't stop the way that we feel. We can have a life together." Barry smiled.
"I don't know, Bear. I don't want to start a relationship based on what we did. Based on a lie." You confessed.
"Let me handle it then," Barry assured, "I will tell Iris everything. I will make sure that everything falls on me and that you can still have a friendship in the end." Barry kissed you. A soft and gentle kiss, telling you that everything was going to be okay. You stared at Barry, about to interject. Yet, a familiar flash came into view.
You gripped onto Barry's arm, seeing Nora at the other end of the room. Her eyes flashed red; she was panting, having red lighting come out of every part of her body. You should see the anger flowing through her. You turned Barry around, having him stare at his daughter. Barry reached out behind him, grabbing onto you.
"Nora, I need you to calm down," Barry instructed, stretching a hand out toward his daughter, motioning her to stop in her steps. Barry knew what was happening with Nora. She returned to the present using the negative speed force, rejecting everything he instructed her not to do.
"She's ruining our family," Nora yelled, causing you to wince. Nora looked at her father; disappointment came across her face. "Are we not enough? Was I not what you wanted?" Nora's voice cracked, causing you to have tears form.
"Nora, I didn't mean for it to happen," You plead. Your voice also cracked, feeling the heavy amount of guilt you had with Iris, just growing when Nora had to be the one to find out. You didn't mean for this to happen. You never meant for any of this to happen.
"She has to go, Dad," Nora ordered. She took a step closer, balling her fists, ready to take flight.
"Nora, we can talk about this." Barry tried to calm her. You felt the wind go through your hair. You thought it was Barry thinking quick on his feet, but he could only run for so long until Nora caught up. When you stopped, the figure placed you to your feet, helping you stand.
You quickly spun around, making sure Nora wasn't anywhere near you. "Don't worry. You're safe." The voice answered. You turned to see a young man in front of you, wearing a purple and white suit. "I'll always make sure you're safe." He had appeared to be in his 20s, wearing his hair like a certain Speedster.
"Barry?" You let out softly, confused at what you were seeing.
The young man laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He showed certain traits on how nervous he was before you: his hands were restless, flicking his fingers at the tip, rubbing his mouth, and biting at the end of his thumb. "You always tell me how much I look like him," He told you. You didn't know what to say; no words were coming out of your mouth. You looked around you, seeing that nothing looked familiar, "You don't know where we are?" He asked you. You slowly look over at him, shaking your head softly.
The young man rubbed his chin, muttering to himself, "Maybe it will happen later." That is what you were able to catch.
"I'm sorry, what?" You rebutted, "Who are you? Where am I?"
"Don't worry! You're still in Central City!" He assured you. You waved your hands as a disagreement.
"That's the last thing I am worried about, as I have an absolute stranger pick me up and take me away from my friends!" You yelled.
The boy placed his hands on his hip, and that instant: you knew where the dots connected.
Your phone rang; seeing it was Barry on the other line, you picked it up, "Y/N! Thank God you're okay!" Barry's voice sent a wave of safety through you. "Where did you go? Who took you?" You closed your eyes, focusing on Barry's voice, taking in deep breaths.
You looked over at the boy, seeing his ears perk. He stared at you, waving his finger at you, "Is that—is that really—" The kid couldn't finish a sentence. His excitement had taken over him.
"We got Nora into the Pipeline. We were able to knock her out with some anesthesia." Barry informed you, "You can come back if the speedster lets you."
You glanced over at the boy, "I don't think he's bad, Bear." You assured him, "I think—I think we know him from the future." You hung up the phone, walking your way over to the eager boy. "Do you think you could take me back to STAR Labs?" You questioned him.
"You serious?" He said. His voice showed the excitement he held, in a flash, taking you back to your previous location.
Your hair was a mess, standing in front of your friends: back in the control room of STAR Labs. Barry didn't think; he went over to you, pulling you into a loving embrace. You lightly tapped Barry's back, whispering to him so that only he could hear, "I'm okay."
Barry pulled himself away, turning to the boy. His face mimicked yours. He scrunched his brows, confused at the sight before him, "Why does he look so much like—"
"You." Cisco finished. Cisco walked over, taking a good look at the boy. He walked around him, examining his outfit and facial features. Cisco placed a hand under his chin, "The resemblance is uncanny."
"A little bit too uncanny," Ralph grumbled, looking over to your direction. You felt your stomach drop as you knew Ralph would quickly catch on to what you figured out.
"Are you here because of your sister?" Caitlyn mentioned, grabbing the boy's attention from you and Barry. He looked a bit confused and shook his head.
"No, Dawn doesn't know that I'm here. If she did, she would have my head," He joked. His smile grew wide, showing more of the Allen gene running through him.
"Dawn?" Caitlyn caught, tilting her head at the thought. "Don't you mean Nora?"
The boy shook his head again, "I think I would know the name of my sister."
You saw Ralph make his way over to you, pulling you to the side, "You need to take that kid away." He ordered you. You continued to stare at Ralph, your sight going over to the kid once and a while, "They may not see it, but it's only a matter of time until they catch on."
The boy wipes his hands on his pants, trying to straighten himself out. The smile he wore was the same smile Barry had. "Where are my manners. My parents did teach them to me," He chuckled, flashing his eyes over to Barry. "I'm Don Allen. I come from the future."
You and Ralph let out an annoyed sigh, quickly covering it up when the rest of the team looked at you. You make your way to Barry, tugging on his arm. Barry looks down at you, raising his eyebrows.
"Bear, we need to get this kid out of here. We need to speak to him alone." You informed him. It took Barry a while, realizing what was happening.
"Hey, Don," Barry spoke up, "How about we don't say anything about the future. We already have Nora in the Vault; we don't need any more future business involved." Don grew confused by Barry's remarks. He was able to read Barry's expression, understanding that nothing else needed to be said.
"Are you here to help us with Cicada? Like Nora was?" Cisco asked. Don looked over at the two of you, reading your worried expressions.
"Yes," Don said slowly; he turned to Cisco, pointing at him with a bit of a chuckle, "That is why I'm here. To help out with your bug problem. Me. Cicada. Yes." He was as awkward as Barry was; it wasn't helping.
Cisco let out a sigh of relief, having a smile on his face, "Great. The more help, the better. I'm close to the cure; we learned that Cicada's powers don't affect Killer Frost. I hope that enough recap for you because we can't waste any more time with this. We are a woman down, so we need all hands on deck!" Cisco clapped, getting everyone's attention. It was a signal to look busy.
Cisco left the room with Caitlyn to continue their efforts in completing the cure. Ralph followed behind. When Ralph was almost out of the room, you could see him mouth you some words: "Fix this!"
Barry waited a few moments, placing his hand along your lower back to guide you out of the control room. Don caught up, but the moment he tried to say anything, Barry placed an index finger to his lips to silence the kid. Barry put his hand on the wall, opening up a door to go back into Thawne's room.
"What are you doing here, Don?" Barry demanded the moment the wall sealed up. Don rubbed his hands, looking at his angry father. His mouth twitched, from going into a frown to just a thin line. "Don, you can tell me."
Don was pacing the room, "I don't understand," Don muttered, looking over his shoulder where the door was. He pointed towards the door, "They don't know?" Don asked both of you. You looked up at Barry, who had the same action, looking back at you. Don went over to you, grabbing your left hand to examine it.
"You're not married?" Don questioned you. You shook your head. Don ran his hands through his hair, getting more and more restless. "This can't be happening," He grunted. He turned to Barry, pointing his finger at the Red Speedster, "Why aren't you married to her?"
"Because he's married to Iris," You informed Don. Don looked over at you, the look of disappointment he had shown. "They've been married for a few years now. We're just friends." You felt Barry's hand resting on your side, his grip tightening. You took a moment, knowing what Don was going to say.
"Mom, you can't be serious," Don finally told you. The moment you knew the truth, you felt your breath leave your body. You felt faint, but with Barry holding onto you, you were able to stand. "You and dad need to be together! My being, Dawn's being, everything is disappearing in the future. You two not being together is destroying the future!"
You turned to look up at Barry. Barry looked at you, still calm over the revelation. Barry had to decide which future he wanted to have and had to choose which one had to go; the very thought made you sick to your stomach.
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Tagged: @randomfanders-blog​ @ibe-anne @my-soul-is-the-moon
Permanent Tagged: @sxturn-stars
Some of the tags aren’t working and I’m sorry 😢
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