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unrivalledvarun90 · 1 year ago
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poswiecenia · 5 months ago
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( 🌙 )      GOLDEN EYES FLICK     away as she rubbed at her arm   ,   almost shying away from the question she was going to pose   ;   nervous about what ayaka might say or   . .   if she'll be   questioned   in some other way.   stars she's thinking too much into it  ,   she should just   . .   ask.
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   ❝    AYAKA   . .   WOULD YOU   like   . .   to go out   ?   with me.    ❞    
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@truethes gets this for ayaka from lumine :3
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tadpal · 11 months ago
can i say something brave and honest and true can you all giggle a little and tell me how funny and unexpected and wondrous i am
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redemptioninterlude · 9 months ago
@truethes - mikuni the king of hearts gets a starter !
"hey!" frustration bubbles up within her voice, HANDS AT HIPS and her blue eyes, nervy, narrowed and fearsome. leave it to mikuni to go about and make a mess, the people of wonderland having told her all about it! at his side, abel's so properly dressed, a plate of raspberry tarts all properly displayed, the motions made for a tea party. what poor taste! alice can't believe it!
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but leave it to the king of hearts to be so careless. at least nobody's lost their head quite yet, and alice, she definitely doesn't intend to be the first. "well alright then. tell me. what is it exactly that THE WALRUS has done to so offend you that you're calling for his house to be torn down?" this time, a little gentler. "you know you can't do that, right? it's just awful! awful!"
- @truethes
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lunaetis · 7 months ago
@truethes replied to your post :
give a pat and if content, happily pick it up!
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─「エデン」─  the pat was nice and passed the STANDARD of the space raccoon, so she let them pick her up without much of a fuss ! those golden hues of hers were locked to the person, however, as though she was expecting them to give more pats and maybe a little treat ! she was behaving, after all ! she deserved a treat, right ?
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unrealization · 3 months ago
⭐ !! / give me all the combos, no matter how out there they may be :D
@truethes MULTIMUSE MEME | Accepting!
[WELL there are a ton of possibilities with our muse lists! Obviously ANY DR muse will work with mine, but I'll list out a few specific ones I'd be very down to do! This... Is gonna be a long one I'm afraid. You did say ALL the combos, so I'm going to oblige!]
Normal picks:
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Mukuro and Junko
This is the most obvious one, I think. Mukuro's dynamic with Junko is easily the most important one to her character. Ironically it makes it REALLY REALLY HARD TO GET INTERACTIONS WITH THEM GOING because of how far into headcanons their actual past tends to be. Definitely one I'd love to discuss or just mess around with at some point. I do absolutely guarantee it will HURT though.
Mukuro and Makoto
I jokingly said that I was considering offering a salary for someone who would do this one with me. Danganronpa If introduced a really interesting dynamic between them and I have ALWAYS wanted to explore it more. I don't even mean, like, as a romantic ship or anything. I have SO MANY plot ideas for this one that I've been rotating in my mind for ages.
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Izuru and Hajime
Ok, hear me out. I know they're the same guy and all, but there are some interesting possibilities here. Hajime faces the thing he became. I even have a rough idea for a way to make them both technically exist after the ending of SDR2 as an addendum to my horrible postgame verse.
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Tsumugi and Kaede
There are a lot of angles here, actually. A more direct confrontation between them in the early game? An AU where Kaede is around for the later parts of the killing game? A lot of interesting things we could do.
Tsumugi and Rantaro
Same as above. I am quite partial to the theory that they knew each other from a previous iteration of Danganronpa, but I'm not married to it if you're not fond of that angle.
Out there pick:
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You asked for out there, so here you go. I have a Danganronpa verse for Sayori I've never really gotten to use. I've never even written it out on tumblr before so I'm technically debuting it here! I can't think of a specific combo for her at the moment, but if you wanted to do something very out of left field, I'd be very happy to.
The self-indulgent section where I talk about OCs:
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So, quick note: I will literally write my OC Akira with any character. I'm kind of obsessed with this character and I very rarely get the opportunity to use her. A few ideas for interesting match ups:
Akira and Imposter
I think they would be interesting, especially pre-tragedy. Imposter's talent is actually pretty similar to hers, and more importantly I honestly think she might be unable to mimic him since he's able to change his whole identity so easily. One of the rare individuals she could probably have a face-to-face conversation with without her talent causing problems. Post-Tragedy I don't know how well that would go for either them.
Akira and Junko
Pre-Tragedy, Akira would probably pick up a bit of Junko's more sinister nature due to her talent working the way it does. Post-tragedy... Yeah, Akira has more or less stolen Junko's identity and is pretending to be her in order to run an Ultimate Despair splinter cell/cult. Junko being around and still alive would complicate her narrative quite a bit.
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I'd feel bad if I didn't mention her. I'm kind of in the process of reworking Etsuko a bit, but the core ideas are still there. Anxiety-riddled Reserve Course student who's mind was shattered in a failed attempt to create Izuru Kamakura shortly before Hajime did it. Really dangerous post-tragedy as she's driven by an insatiable desire to feel and inflict the only emotion she's still capable of feeling. Namely, fear. Really dark character that will most likely inflict extreme violence upon anyone she meets post-tragedy or just avoid a social interaction pre-tragedy. If this basic description interests you I can talk about her a bit more, but I feel like it might be better to hold off until I'm happier with where she's at as a character first.
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diverse-hearts · 4 months ago
@truethes asked:
❤️ / ivantill please ... IF IM NOT TOO LATE!!
It’s Pocky Day!
The random customs that humans of the past used to have were rather fascinating - if a little pointless seeming at times. He'd already thought it strange about the custom that surrounded the date of his adoption date, but now this thing with chocolate sticks? Well, it wasn't as though he couldn't use such pointless information to his own advantage, was it? It'd be simply a shame to allow a custom of his species to fade away...right?
Even he had to chuckle slightly at the excuses his own mind was attempting to come up with as he wondered through the garden, glancing around for any sign of Till, an action that was pretty common around this time of day - so there was nothing too suspicious when he flopped onto the grass by the others side, not at all put off by the lack of reaction from the younger male.
"There you are!, he spoke with a soft hum in his voice, leaning over Till's shoulder to gaze down at the drawing he'd been apparently working on, "I wanted to share something with you - its a game that I read about a few days ago...but one I can only play with you", he added with a slight smirk.
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Taking out the box of pocky from his pocket, he shifted to kneel by Till's side, handing over one of the sticks for him to take, "Here, you just put this in your mouth, just the end", he explained, waiting for the expected protest, though after a slightly hesitation, it seemed that he was being listened to - and wow was it hard to hold back the grin that wished to form then! "Alright and then you face me", he reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder, the smirk slightly showing as he took the other end of the stick, watching Till rather intently, as he started to nibble away at the distance remaining between them.
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 11 months ago
@truethes asked:
“stay behind me, no matter what.” / ildio for garth in his servamp au! <3
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It wasn't as though it was new for trouble to find him - it tended to find him when he was out on his own like this, but that didn't make it any easier to deal with. All he could think on was getting to someplace quiet, so as not to get others involved - well that was before this stranger had suddenly appeared. Now he was more than a little confused, wondering as to why he was willing to help him - then worrying about the danger he was now placing himself in. "S-Sir!", he gasped to catch his breath, glancing back towards were the small group of pursers were due to come from, one hand covering up the wound he'd received on the top half of his arm - he'd heal rather quickly from something that insignificant, but the one now trying to help him was a human, right? "I'm grateful for the help, but I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you! You should flee while you have the chance". It was quiet here, he could maybe fight back without harming anyone else, though since his ability used sound as a weapon, he always worried about hurting those too close. Part of the reason he'd ran in the first place was that wish to keep others safe from his 'cursed' life.
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unrivalledvarun90 · 1 year ago
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0isms · 11 months ago
♡ / hajime please!
★★★★★ | INTEREST
★★★★★ | LOYALTY
★★☆☆☆ | TRUST
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Hajime, his soulbro, his bbg (no homo), his unpaid therapist, the prince charming to his damsel in distress (no homo), the yee to his haw (also no homo), the bff ever, the pookie to his wookie (no homo), the milk to his cookies (no homo), the light to his darkness (no homo), the ocean to his sky (no homo), the eraser to his pencil (no homo), the doorknob to his door (no homo), the mustard to his ketchup (no homo), the wings to his airplane (no homo), the Tinky Winky to his Dipsy (no homo), the gloves to his boots (no homo), the salt to his sugar (no homo), the moon to his sun (no homo), the Mario to his Peach (no homo), the tissue to his tears (no homo), the remote to his tv (no homo), the lily pad to his swamp (no homo), the potato to his tomato (no homo), the woof to his bark (no homo), the well to his bucket (no homo), the unicorn to his dragon (no homo), the swiss to his cheese (no homo), the balls to his pp (no homo), the sandcastle to his plastic shovel (no homo), the faucet to his toilet stall (no homo), the— [he was forcefully removed off the stage.]
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dangaer · 7 months ago
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just in time for amnes.ia month ....
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redemptioninterlude · 9 months ago
@truethes - daimon gets a starter just because !
"annnnd... there!" alice places the folded hat she'd made, complicated and proper for an ADVENTURING BOY HIS AGE atop his head. there's a gentle pat - and she knows. in a city like this, most adults could be considered monsters, but she's rather happy that when she comes along to hope's peak elementary, there's still a sense of warmth there from the kids who were growing, thriving! but she could feel it. something else, something dark... well.
at least while she's here, she can hold up the LIGHT.
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"you look like a proper hero now! okay. did you check your adventure pack?" apple juice. a banana. string cheese. onigiri. band aids. everything a growing boy needs when out and about! and of course, he's hardly alone - after all. isn't she the fair maiden being protected today? ( she wasn't that irresponsible! ) "now i'm so terribly afraid of what's out there! you'll help me find MY CASTLE, right?" grinning, gamely, as she held out my hand. "i've never been escorted by a hero before!"
- @truethes
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electricea · 8 months ago
same, i didn't grow up with it but i discovered it in high school - the hilarious and kind of depressing thing is that since it's on D+ or any streaming services, it's considered 'lost media' these days (even though you can just buy the dvd on amazon lmao)
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xamassed · 2 years ago
⟬ @truethes / genshin sc. ⟭
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"I'm not here to beg," cooed the bard as he draped himself across the immaculately kept counter, "but I wouldn't raise my nose to a free drink or two~ Come on, I played well today! You saw the crowd. Surely, I've earned it."
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more-than-a-princess · 9 months ago
EVADE / he doesn't mean it, such a sudden grasp away from what was once considered a walk as casual as it could be in their current situation. ever since the tragedy, he supposes he has become far too attuned to the sounds around them, a little more wary to the shadow he has caught in the peripheral in his vision, the gentle crunch that sounds far too behind to be either his or sonia's own, so much so that byakuya twists for his own sudden detour. a hand on her wrist enough to guide them both to the side for a moment of security, alertness, until he can work out exactly what is going on. / aka: for one muse to pull the other into an alleyway to escape their pursuer.
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An old meme that I've lost
She wasn't sure why he insisted on working with her all the time, in comparison to the other Remnants.
Well, that wasn't entirely true: Sonia had a hunch, one based entirely on superficial traits that, in her opinion, hardly elevated her to some sort of acceptability and appeal in Byakuya Togami's eyes. She was, in honesty, still Queen of Novoselic: the country still stood and it was her legal right to claim it. If only it hadn't turned into a Constitutional Monarchy (a good thing!), she wasn't so mentally and emotionally broken (a bad thing), and in the latest national polls, 57% of the surviving Novosonian citizens now demanded her return home purely for a public execution (a worse thing). That number was something both the remaining monarchists and the Future Foundation were working to lower, but much of the country didn't want to listen and she was the worst advocate for herself to begin with. Bottles and beds were far more appealing than trying to repair her tattered reputation.
Still, it had been in the best interest of the former Remnants to work alongside members of the Future Foundation, at least according to Makoto Naegi. To help them when their minds and bodies failed, to encourage and support their transition back into society. Togami, about as proficient with manual labor as she was, seemed ill-suited as her partner. Today, in an attempt to keep Sonia from the kitchen and the cabin repairs (she'd already made a mess of both), her friends had kindly suggested she spend her morning in the island's library, and so she'd set off, the former Ultimate Heir accompanying her like a shadow.
Just as well: she felt quite certain he'd cast one over the day, at least once he saw her entirely frivolous choice of reading and watching materials: romances not unlike the ones Toko Fukawa had once written, and anime targeted at children with happily-ever-afters. But they, unlike her previous literary diet of horror and true crime, did not fill her with nightmares later on. Or at least, they didn't contribute to the onslaught of memories of her time following Junko's ideals. For that alone, she'd visit the library frequently to amass novels, comics, and films.
Yet, just as they'd been minutes away from crossing the bridge to the second island, Byakuya had reached out and nearly pulled her arm out of her socket, pulling her off the main path with him. "Togami-san!" Sonia cried out, in shock and in pain, "That hurts! What is going on? The Second Island is just there-"
Another crunch, of leaves and twigs from what Sonia could tell. Her blonde eyebrows raised: had they been followed? And by whom? Most of the Future Foundation employees and her friends were busy with their own daily tasks: no one had the time, much less inclination, to pursue Byakuya Togami and Sonia Nevermind undetected. And for what? It wasn't as if they would do anything interesting anyway beyond select books and chide each other for their literary choices.
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"I am going to investigate it," She told him once she'd gotten her wrist free. "Please stay here." It was a skewed sense of priorities: who would people be more upset to see harmed? A queen who nearly razed her entire country to the ground, or the leader of the Togami Corporation whose funding of the Future Foundation seemed to be what kept it, and the Earth's restoration as a whole, going? It was an easy decision for her: a good amount of the world would celebrate if she were dead. She couldn't say the same about him.
Stepping out onto the path once more, she took a step, then two, slowly and quietly as she followed the sound back along the trail. Until she came face-to-face with a pair of large, round, golden eyes. 
Well, face to knee was probably more like it, as she looked down into the red, wrinkled face. The several meters between them was comfortable enough to keep both of them out of hiding.
"Are you lost? Or perhaps lonely?" Sonia asked, her expression softening as she smiled down at the Japanese macaque that had so cleverly tracked them all the way through the main island. Kneeling down, the best she could in her sundress, she tried to look a bit less large and imposing for the grey-haired monkey who now sat on its two back legs, studying her intently.
Whose golden gaze darted towards the crossbody bag she wore. Sonia followed it, before connecting the mental dots as to why the animal found her so fascinating.
"Or you are simply hungry," Sonia nodded, opening the top flap of her bag and reaching for one of the canisters inside. "Just as well: if you have skipped breakfast, lunch will be quite a ways away. I think there is something in here that you will find delicious...like this!"
She'd rummaged long enough to pull out a small plastic sealed dish, opening the lid and reaching for some of the contents inside: two plump, ripe strawberries, from an arrangement of freshly-cut fruit Teruteru Hanamura had set out for the morning breakfast just an hour ago. She tossed them towards the animal, both pieces of fruit landing roughly halfway between them. The macaque dashed forth, seizing a strawberry and taking a large bite, juice running down its mouth, its chest, its paws. 
"That looks a little eerie, don't you think?" Sonia asked, turning her head to look at him but otherwise not moving from the spot. She'd likely scare the monkey otherwise. "I know it is juice, but it looks a bit like blood."
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truesaint · 2 years ago
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