randomisedgaming · 1 year
Full gameplay, longplay, playthrough, walkthrough, guide and trueplay of the Arcade version of Virtua Fighter as Akira. Hot on the heels of our Remix video comes a look at the original Model 1 SEGA AM2 arcade version, which until very recently had no direct home release until the recent SEGA Astro City Mini and even that version has some visual upgrades from the original.
This is of the original Model 1 version under emulation, however SEGA Model 1 emulation is still far from perfect despite the hardware being 30 years old. While visuals and audio are largely correct, along with the controls, there is a issue with hit detection which causes some hits not to register at all. However, with only a handful of video on the original arcade version with a lucky few owners of the original PCB. We felt it was time to do a video on it even if this version is flawed.
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tecnoandroidit · 6 months
Sonos Sub Gen 3: bassi perfetti e potenti per un sistema audio a 360 gradi - Recensione
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Per coloro alla ricerca di un'esperienza uditiva di qualità, l'importanza di un altoparlante adeguato è innegabile, specialmente quando si parla di riproduzione delle basse frequenze. Il Sonos Sub ha rappresentato per lungo tempo una scelta privilegiata per gli amanti del sistema Sonos fin dal suo debutto nel 2012. La sua popolarità a livello globale lo ha reso probabilmente il subwoofer più venduto al mondo. Ma perché questo fascino per i bassi profondi? La risposta è semplice: più bassi significano più divertimento e coinvolgimento. Sebbene molti diffusori Sonos offrano già prestazioni soddisfacenti nelle basse frequenze per un ascolto piacevole, per sperimentare la vera profondità e ricchezza del suono, è indispensabile l'uso di un subwoofer. Questo componente aggiuntivo si rivela cruciale per vivere appieno effetti sonori come esplosioni, terremoti o spari e riesce anche a conferire un'ulteriore dimensione emotiva alla musica, sia essa ritmica o melodiosa. Sonos Sub Gen 3 Il Sonos Sub di terza generazione  mantiene le caratteristiche dei precedenti modelli pressoché invariate, ad eccezione di lievi modifiche estetiche. Dimensioni, forma e principi costruttivi rimangono gli stessi e, stando alle dichiarazioni del produttore, non si riscontrano variazioni né nel carattere sonoro né nelle prestazioni. Le novità però si celano all'interno: il nuovo Sonos Sub presenta un processore più potente e una memoria interna superiore rispetto ai predecessori, fattori che ne ampliano la capacità di interazione con le funzioni future e gli aggiornamenti. Innovazione Tra le caratteristiche più interessanti del nuovo Sonos Sub di terza generazione, spicca una funzione attesa da tempo dagli appassionati del marchio: la possibilità di aggiungere un secondo subwoofer nella stessa stanza. Questo è realizzabile anche abbinando un modello precedente di Sonos Sub, quindi basta un solo Sub di terza generazione per sfruttare questa opportunità. Abbiamo esplorato le capacità del Sonos Sub in configurazioni di varie dimensioni, dall'accoppiamento con Sonos One SL e Beam fino a sistemi più ampi che includono Arc e Play: 5 / Fives. I test sono stati effettuati sia con il nuovo subwoofer da solo che in combinazione con il suo predecessore, il Sonos Sub Gen. 2. Emergeranno differenze significative tra il modello nuovo e quello vecchio? E soprattutto, due subwoofer garantiscono un'esperienza sonora superiore rispetto a un singolo? Procediamo con gli esperimenti per scoprirlo. Facile da configurare Il Sonos Sub si presenta come un'unità dalle dimensioni compatte e facilmente spostabile. Può essere posizionato in verticale o adagiato sotto il divano, offrendo anche la possibilità di essere fissato al muro acquistando un apposito supporto. Il processo di configurazione è incredibilmente semplice: per gli utenti Sonos basta collegare l'alimentazione, avviare l'app Sonos e aggiungere il subwoofer al sistema esistente. Ciononostante, è importante sottolineare che il Sub Gen 3 è compatibile esclusivamente con l'ultima interfaccia di Sonos, nota come S2, e di conseguenza non funzionerà con i dispositivi che richiedono l'app S1 per il controllo. Una volta installato un Sub Gen 3 nel sistema, collegare un secondo subwoofer risulta agevole. Da quel momento in poi, il sistema li tratterà come un unico subwoofer: è possibile scollegarne uno, ma tutte le regolazioni, come il volume, saranno condivise. Sarebbe stato utile poter effettuare delle modifiche individuali. In questo contesto, la soluzione migliore consiste nell'utilizzare la calibrazione acustica Trueplay di Sonos. Aggiungendo un nuovo Sub, è necessario rieseguire la taratura. Spostando lo smartphone nell'ambiente, il sistema misura la risposta in frequenza e apporta gli aggiustamenti sonori necessari. Purtroppo, Trueplay è tuttora compatibile solamente con alcuni modelli di iPhone, quindi gli utenti Android dovranno farsi prestare un iPhone da un amico. Nondimeno, l'uso di Trueplay è consigliato, poiché garantisce un notevole miglioramento della qualità dell'audio. Qualità del suono Come ormai noto, una soundbar rappresenta la soluzione migliore e più semplice per migliorare l'audio della propria TV. Tuttavia, il vero divertimento inizia quando si aggiunge un subwoofer separato per riprodurre le tonalità di basso più profonde. Solo allora l'esperienza audio diventa realmente coinvolgente! Nei precedenti test, emergono valutazioni piuttosto positive sul Sonos Sub. Tuttavia, è doveroso precisare che non può essere paragonato ai "mostri" dei bassi di dimensioni maggiori come quelli offerti da SVS, Velodyne o Arendal Sound. Nonostante le sue dimensioni contenute, il Sonos Sub offre una performance notevole. Il basso si caratterizza per essere sia preciso che definito, estendendosi inoltre a frequenze relativamente basse. È in grado di suonare ad alto volume senza distorsioni o vibrazioni indesiderate. La costruzione, che prevede due bassi contrapposti, contribuisce a ridurre le risonanze inattese: persino a piena potenza, è possibile poggiare un bicchiere d'acqua sul subwoofer senza che si verifichino tremori. D'altra parte, le frequenze profonde dei bassi sono capaci di far risuonare mobili ed oggetti nella stanza! Superiore sotto ogni punto di vista La piccola e compatta soundbar Sonos Beam può trarre notevoli vantaggi dall'aggiunta di un potente subwoofer in grado di esaltare i bassi profondi. Tuttavia, aggiungere un subwoofer da 899€ a una soundbar il cui costo è circa la metà potrebbe sembrare eccessivo ad alcuni. Ma la differenza è sostanziale! Con il subwoofer, il suono dei film acquisisce nuova forza: i bassi fanno tremare le pareti quando devono, e gli effetti sonori si fanno palpabili. Il subwoofer Sonos si rivela inoltre un perfetto completamento per la grande soundbar Arc. Sebbene da sola la Arc offra bassi apprezzabili, non raggiunge le prestazioni del subwoofer nelle frequenze più profonde. In aggiunta, abbiamo notato come la qualità del suono diventi nettamente più chiara e distinta nelle medie e negli alti. Quando la soundbar non deve gestire le note più basse, ha più margini per restituire al meglio il resto del mix sonoro, compresi gli effetti tridimensionali Atmos. Bassi e suono perfetti L'aggiunta di un secondo subwoofer nell'impianto ha generato un'attesa palpabile. L'uso di due subwoofer può sembrare eccessivo, e spesso lo è, dato che un singolo sub fornisce già bassi abbondanti. Ma, la nostra esperienza mostra che un subwoofer supplementare può migliorare ulteriormente la qualità del suono: posizionando strategicamente i subwoofer nella stanza, siamo riusciti ad ottenere una distribuzione dei bassi più uniforme. Abbiamo iniziato collocando i subwoofer agli angoli anteriori della sala, ottenendo immediatamente una risposta in frequenza più equilibrata. Con l'aggiunta del secondo subwoofer, si ottiene una riproduzione dei bassi significativamente più corposa, potente e incisiva. Ma ciò che colpisce maggiormente è la maggiore definizione dei bassi. Un altro aspetto che cattura l'attenzione è la distribuzione dei bassi in maniera significativamente più uniforme. Possiamo muoverci intorno al divano e cambiare la nostra posizione di ascolto senza che i bassi cambino caratteristica. L'aggiunta del subwoofer porta anche un notevole miglioramento al suono dei film: quando l'astronave Enterprise accelera alla velocità della luce in "Star Trek: Odyssey", sembra che tutto lo spazio sia invaso da un'onda di pressione. Pavimenti, finestre e tutto ciò che è mobile inizia a vibrare – senza distorsioni da parte dei subwoofer. Senza dubbio, questa è una combinazione perfetta! Due subwoofer consentono anche di sperimentare con diverse posizioni. Come accennato, abbiamo ottenuto una buona risposta posizionandoli negli angoli anteriori, ma anche un subwoofer in posizione frontale e uno posteriore può fornire buoni risultati. La caratteristica comune era che i bassi riempiono meglio lo spazio ed è più difficile localizzarli. Un doppio setup di Sub sarà sicuramente eccessivo in una piccola sala d'ascolto con la Beam o altre soundbar Sonos più piccole; in tal caso, probabilmente, si preferirebbe prima aggiornare gli altoparlanti anteriori o quelli surround. Due subwoofer si avvicinano più a una soluzione per coloro che desiderano mettere i tocchi finali su un setup Sonos più grande (ad esempio con una soundbar Arc o due Sonos 5 in stereo) e vogliono riempire un grande spazio con bassi potenti e profondi. Conclusioni Il Sonos Sub rappresenta la scelta più intuitiva per coloro che desiderano profondi bassi nel proprio sistema Sonos. Che si utilizzi una soundbar come Playbar, Arc o Beam, o che si ascolti musica tramite un paio di Sonos Five o One, esso si configura come un accessorio assolutamente da avere. La terza generazione del Sonos Sub non differisce in modo significativo dai modelli precedenti in termini di qualità sonora, quindi se si possiede già un subwoofer Sonos di generazione precedente, non vi è grande motivo per sostituirlo. L'aspetto più notevole della terza generazione – secondo il nostro punto di vista – è la capacità di aggiungere un subwoofer supplementare, ottenendo così bassi ancora più profondi e accurati. Un singolo Sonos Sub fornisce già di per sé abbondanti bassi corposi; con un subwoofer aggiuntivo si può facilmente suonare ancora più forte, ma il maggior vantaggio è una risposta in frequenza più uniforme, indipendentemente da dove ci si sieda, risultando in bassi generalmente più intensi e definiti. Disponibile su Amazon a 719 €. Read the full article
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publicitas · 8 months
Bold Bass: Introducing Sonos Sub Mini | Review
Within the Sonos cosmos, the Sonos Sub Mini is a practical companion for small and medium-sized spaces. Thanks to its discreet design and calibration with TruePlay, it fits well into your Sonos system and home. The Baltic Review The Sonos Sub Mini expands Sonos’ multi-room world with a smaller alternative to the large Sonos Sub. You can read how the small bass box fares in our listening test…
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scontomio · 11 months
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💣 Sonos Arc Soundbar Intelligente per Tv, Film, Musica 🤑 a soli 955,72€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/sonos-arc-soundbar-intelligente-per-tv-film-musica/?feed_id=178617&_unique_id=6544f9e019c01&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Sonos%20Arc%20Soundbar%20Intelligente%20per%20Tv%2C%20Film%2C%20Musica La soundbar Sonos Arc offre un'esperienza di intrattenimento immersiva per la tua TV, film, musica e giochi preferiti. Con undici driver ad alte prestazioni, garantisce un audio di qualità superiore con alti definiti, medi dinamici e bassi sorprendenti. Grazie alla compatibilità con Dolby Atmos, potrai goderti un suono preciso e coinvolgente in 3D. Inoltre, la tecnologia di ottimizzazione Trueplay regola automaticamente il suono in base all'acustica della tua stanza. Aggiungi gli speaker surround e un subwoofer per un'esperienza audio ancora più completa. #coupon #sonos #soundbar #offerteamazon #hometheatre #soundbar #scontomio
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techstartro · 1 year
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year
Sonos Move 2, hepsi bir arada Sonos Move'un bir yükseltmesidir ve kalp pompalayan stereo ses sunmayı vaat ediyor. Otomatik Trueplay ayarı, Sonos Move 2'nin çevresinin akustiğini analiz etmek için mikrofonlarını kullandığını ve sesi uyacak şekilde optimize ettiğini görür.Ayrıca, Sonos Move 2'nin hareket halindeyken yanınızda taşıyabilmeniz için yerleşik bir tutamakla geldiğini biliyor muydunuz? Her ne kadar İngiltere'de hava şu anda muhteşem olsa da biz İngilizler bunun ne kadar hızlı değişebileceğini biliyoruz, neyse ki ultra dayanıklı taşınabilir hoparlör sıvı dökülmelerine, sıçramalara, yağmura, kire, neme ve hatta Eylül güneşine karşı korunuyor. Darbe emici malzemeleri düşmelere karşı da koruma sağlar.Yeni Sonos Move 2 için bugün nasıl ön sipariş verebileceğiniz aşağıda açıklanmıştır.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSonos Move 2 hoparlör İngiltere'de çıkış tarihi Yepyeni Sonos Move 2'yi bugünden itibaren (6 Eylül Çarşamba) ön sipariş verebilirsiniz ve tahmini teslim tarihi iki hafta sonra, yani 20 Eylül Çarşamba olacaktır.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSonos Move 2 İngiltere fiyatı: yeni hoparlörün maliyeti ne kadar?Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2 Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2Sonos Move 2 taşınabilir hoparlör üç farklı renkte gelir: Siyah, Beyaz ve Yeşil ve üç çeşidin fiyatı 449 £'dur. Bu, Sonos Move'un 399 £ fiyat etiketinden bir sıçramadır, ancak 24 saatlik pil ömrü ve halka şeklinde bir kablosuz şarj cihazı gibi iyileştirmelerle birlikte gelir.Buna benzer daha fazlaSonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSonos Move 2'nin yepyeni özellikleri: Taşınabilir hoparlördeki yenilikler neler?Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2 Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2Yepyeni Sonos Move 2'nin en etkileyici iki özelliği geliştirilmiş ses kalitesi ve gün boyu pil ömrüdür. Sonos Move 2'nin yeni akustik mimarisi, Sonos Move'un tek tweeter'ını iki tweeter ile değiştirdi ve bu da daha yüksek kalitede bir stereo ses sahnesinin kilidini açtı. Taşınabilir hoparlörünüzü müzik dinlemek için kullanmayı planlıyorsanız, özellikle vokallerin ne kadar net ses çıkardığına ve her enstrümanın ne kadar hassas olduğuna hayran kalacaksınız; kalabalığın itmesi dışında neredeyse canlı bir performansta olmak gibi!Yaklaşık 11 saatlik pil ömrüne sahip olan Sonos Move ile karşılaştırıldığında Sonos Move 2, tek şarjla 24 saate kadar oynatılabiliyor. Hoparlörün biraz şarja ihtiyacı olduğunda, onu, tam olarak istediğiniz yere yerleştirmenizi kolaylaştıran, çıkarılabilir ve daha kompakt bir adaptör içerecek şekilde yükseltilmiş olan Kablosuz Şarj Tabanına taşımanız yeterlidir.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinBilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Yeni Sonos Move 2'yi Birleşik Krallık'ta nereden satın alabilirim?Yepyeni Move 2'yi Sonos'ta ön sipariş verebilirsiniz. Ön siparişler bugün (6 Eylül Çarşamba) açıldı ve tahmini teslim tarihi 20 Eylül Çarşamba olarak belirlendi.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSes hakkında daha fazla bilgi için en iyi DAB radyolarına ve en iyi Audible fırsatlarına göz atın. Ayrıca, müzik akışı hizmetinizi değiştirmek istiyorsanız Spotify ile Apple Music ve Spotify ile Amazon Music karşılaştırma kılavuzlarımızı burada bulabilirsiniz.
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gundemburadadedim · 1 year
Sonos Move 2, hepsi bir arada Sonos Move'un bir yükseltmesidir ve kalp pompalayan stereo ses sunmayı vaat ediyor. Otomatik Trueplay ayarı, Sonos Move 2'nin çevresinin akustiğini analiz etmek için mikrofonlarını kullandığını ve sesi uyacak şekilde optimize ettiğini görür.Ayrıca, Sonos Move 2'nin hareket halindeyken yanınızda taşıyabilmeniz için yerleşik bir tutamakla geldiğini biliyor muydunuz? Her ne kadar İngiltere'de hava şu anda muhteşem olsa da biz İngilizler bunun ne kadar hızlı değişebileceğini biliyoruz, neyse ki ultra dayanıklı taşınabilir hoparlör sıvı dökülmelerine, sıçramalara, yağmura, kire, neme ve hatta Eylül güneşine karşı korunuyor. Darbe emici malzemeleri düşmelere karşı da koruma sağlar.Yeni Sonos Move 2 için bugün nasıl ön sipariş verebileceğiniz aşağıda açıklanmıştır.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSonos Move 2 hoparlör İngiltere'de çıkış tarihi Yepyeni Sonos Move 2'yi bugünden itibaren (6 Eylül Çarşamba) ön sipariş verebilirsiniz ve tahmini teslim tarihi iki hafta sonra, yani 20 Eylül Çarşamba olacaktır.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSonos Move 2 İngiltere fiyatı: yeni hoparlörün maliyeti ne kadar?Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2 Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2Sonos Move 2 taşınabilir hoparlör üç farklı renkte gelir: Siyah, Beyaz ve Yeşil ve üç çeşidin fiyatı 449 £'dur. Bu, Sonos Move'un 399 £ fiyat etiketinden bir sıçramadır, ancak 24 saatlik pil ömrü ve halka şeklinde bir kablosuz şarj cihazı gibi iyileştirmelerle birlikte gelir.Buna benzer daha fazlaSonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSonos Move 2'nin yepyeni özellikleri: Taşınabilir hoparlördeki yenilikler neler?Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2 Sonos aracılığıyla Sonos Move 2Yepyeni Sonos Move 2'nin en etkileyici iki özelliği geliştirilmiş ses kalitesi ve gün boyu pil ömrüdür. Sonos Move 2'nin yeni akustik mimarisi, Sonos Move'un tek tweeter'ını iki tweeter ile değiştirdi ve bu da daha yüksek kalitede bir stereo ses sahnesinin kilidini açtı. Taşınabilir hoparlörünüzü müzik dinlemek için kullanmayı planlıyorsanız, özellikle vokallerin ne kadar net ses çıkardığına ve her enstrümanın ne kadar hassas olduğuna hayran kalacaksınız; kalabalığın itmesi dışında neredeyse canlı bir performansta olmak gibi!Yaklaşık 11 saatlik pil ömrüne sahip olan Sonos Move ile karşılaştırıldığında Sonos Move 2, tek şarjla 24 saate kadar oynatılabiliyor. Hoparlörün biraz şarja ihtiyacı olduğunda, onu, tam olarak istediğiniz yere yerleştirmenizi kolaylaştıran, çıkarılabilir ve daha kompakt bir adaptör içerecek şekilde yükseltilmiş olan Kablosuz Şarj Tabanına taşımanız yeterlidir.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinBilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Yeni Sonos Move 2'yi Birleşik Krallık'ta nereden satın alabilirim?Yepyeni Move 2'yi Sonos'ta ön sipariş verebilirsiniz. Ön siparişler bugün (6 Eylül Çarşamba) açıldı ve tahmini teslim tarihi 20 Eylül Çarşamba olarak belirlendi.Sonos'ta Move 2'yi 449 £ karşılığında ön sipariş verinSes hakkında daha fazla bilgi için en iyi DAB radyolarına ve en iyi Audible fırsatlarına göz atın. Ayrıca, müzik akışı hizmetinizi değiştirmek istiyorsanız Spotify ile Apple Music ve Spotify ile Amazon Music karşılaştırma kılavuzlarımızı burada bulabilirsiniz.
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internautas · 1 year
[ad_1] Disctopia, una plataforma de alojamiento de podcasts para creadores independientes, anunció una asociación con Semrush para optimizar los episodios de podcasts con su aplicación Podcast Hosting. Esta nueva función de SEO permite la extracción de palabras clave de transcripciones de audio directamente desde la plataforma Semrush. Esto permite a los creadores independientes y a sus profesionales de SEO alinear las palabras clave de sus podcasts directamente con campañas de palabras clave en Semrush, lo que permite que este contenido tenga una clasificación más alta en las páginas de resultados de los motores de búsqueda (SERP). Según una encuesta reciente de Jacobs Media, el 33% de los encuestados escuchó podcasts al menos una vez a la semana en 2023, frente al 21% en 2019, lo que supone un crecimiento del 12% en los últimos 4 años. Esto hace que el podcasting sea una parte cada vez más importante de muchas estrategias de marketing. Según un estudio de BrightEdge, el 53% del tráfico del sitio web proviene de búsquedas orgánicas. Esto hace que el SEO sea una parte esencial de cualquier estrategia de marketing, incluido el contenido de audio. Dado que los podcasts siguen siendo una herramienta de marketing eficaz, esta alianza que incorpora el SEO ayudará a llevar el formato de audio al siguiente nivel para los creadores de contenido y especialistas en marketing. Los servicios de transcripción de audio automatizada TruePlay AI de Disctopia permiten a los podcasters editar su texto con precisión para mejorar la accesibilidad de sus episodios. La nueva función Semrush SEO de la plataforma puede analizar transcripciones de podcasts y extraer palabras clave del texto, para que los creadores puedan implementarlas en sus campañas de SEO directamente en Semrush. Imagen de Semrush, agosto de 2023 Esto debería ayudar a que su contenido de audio sea más útil y satisfactorio. La herramienta también identifica palabras clave relevantes de la transcripción, como temas recurrentes o temas que se mencionan con frecuencia en el episodio. Esto ayuda a los creadores a obtener información sobre el contenido del episodio y comprender mejor los intereses de su audiencia. En última instancia, esta nueva característica aumenta la visibilidad de un podcast en línea y atrae a más oyentes. La aplicación Podcast será parte del Centro de aplicaciones de Semrush, que muestra algunas de las mejores herramientas de marketing para los miles de usuarios de la plataforma SEO. Los usuarios obtienen acceso directo a todas las funciones de alojamiento de podcasts dentro del App Center sin salir de la interfaz de Semrush para una experiencia más fluida. Disctopia y Semrush esperan que esta integración permita a los presentadores de podcasts nuevos y experimentados hacer que su contenido sea más visible, ampliar su audiencia y aumentar sus posibilidades de éxito. Patrick Hill, fundador y director ejecutivo de Disctopia, dijo: “Al incorporar la sólida herramienta de Semrush en nuestra función de transcripción de podcasts, podemos simplificar el proceso de optimización de SEO. Esta integración permite que todas las herramientas esenciales necesarias para una optimización exitosa estén ubicadas convenientemente en una ubicación central”. Hill añadió: “Esta integración se alinea con nuestra misión de brindar a los podcasters independientes las herramientas necesarias para aumentar su audiencia. La aplicación Podcast Hosting, desarrollada por Disctopia, es una valiosa adición a la plataforma de Semrush”. Hill concluyó: “Si estás buscando una solución integral para llevar tu podcast al siguiente nivel, no busques más que Semrush. Esta poderosa herramienta ofrece todo lo que necesita para alojar su podcast, transcribir sus episodios y optimizar su contenido para lograr el máximo impacto. Con sus funciones avanzadas de SEO, puedes estar seguro de que tu podcast llegará a la audiencia adecuada y te ayudará a alcanzar tus objetivos de marketing con facilidad. Ya seas un podcaster experimentado o recién estés comenzando, Semrush es la solución ideal para cualquiera que busque llevar su juego de marketing de contenidos al siguiente nivel”. Le hice a Hill un par de preguntas de seguimiento. Esto es lo que yo (GJ) pregunté y él (PH) dijo: Greg Jarboe: Me doy cuenta de que aún es pronto, pero ¿has notado alguna mejora en tu clasificación de búsqueda orgánica en Google? patricio colina: “Esta asociación se creó para ayudar a los podcasters a aumentar su capacidad de búsqueda en línea para alinear las palabras clave de sus podcasts directamente con las campañas de palabras clave en Semrush. Al incluir palabras clave de su podcast y relacionarlas con su sitio web, aumenta la visibilidad de su podcast y de su sitio web, junto con la participación en su podcast tal como aparece cuando las personas realizan búsquedas”. GJ: "¿Hay algún consejo o mejores prácticas que pueda compartir con otros SEO y especialistas en marketing?" PH: "En lo que respecta al podcasting, los consejos clave son definitivamente hacer palabras clave y transcripciones y hacer coincidir las palabras clave con los artículos que ya están en su sitio web, esto logrará los máximos resultados". También le pregunté a Matt Bailey de SiteLogic Marketing, quien ha brindado servicios de SEO durante más de 20 años y presenta el podcast Endless Coffee Cup, por su reacción al anuncio de Disctopia y Semrush. Bailey dijo: “Es útil tener más herramientas en un solo lugar. A medida que la IA interrumpe los flujos de trabajo, agrega múltiples herramientas para desarrollar cantidades y tipos de contenido cada vez mayores. Tener un recurso central permitirá una mayor eficiencia y oportunidades”. Bailey añadió: “La accesibilidad siempre ha sido un componente crítico del SEO, por lo que generar una transcripción es un gran comienzo. Aún mejor, utilice etiquetas para darle a la página una jerarquía de contenido. Luego, utiliza estas increíbles herramientas de inteligencia artificial para ayudarte a reutilizar tus podcasts y convertirlos en artículos valiosos que respondan a las preguntas de los buscadores”. Más recursos: Imagen de portada: Christian Horz/Shutterstock window.addEventListener( 'load2', function() if( !window.ss_u ) !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); if( typeof window.sopp != "undefined" && window.sopp === 'yes' ) fbq('dataProcessingOptions', ['LDU'], 1, 1000); console.log('load_px'); fbq('init', '1321385257908563'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('trackSingle', '1321385257908563', 'ViewContent', content_name: 'disctopia-and-semrush-launch-podcast-hosting-app', content_category: 'news digital-marketing-tools' ); );
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charastarte · 1 year
Fell behind, back on top of things
I finally left my job and am now fully working as a blogger, writer, and youtuber! Hoping to use this as a way into TV and film, my ultimate dream.
I've gotta put my youtube channel up here, there's gonna be a ton of stuff on there soon! Currently working on a pilot for a series of VR puppet shorts, and a stand up comedy show also in VR! I'm also working on a trueplay D&D game, using the game talespire to give visuals to my party's antics XD Super Excited to kick things off!
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acnlexplorer-emily · 1 year
Sanus for Sonos Era review: Put your music where your ears are
At a glance
Expert's Rating
Attractive, minimalist design
Quick and easy to assemble (15 to 30 minutes tops, with clear instructions)
You’ll have lots of speaker placement choices to achieve optimal performance
Wide and weighty bases lessen the chance of accidental tipping
Hiding the power cord in the stand’s cable channel reduces its usable length
Make sure you don’t get an adjustable Sonos Era 300 stand from the early production run, because they have a problematic locking mechanism
Our Verdict
Whether you choose the fixed-height or height-adjustable model, these Sanus stands will literally and figuratively elevate the performance of your Sonos Era smart speakers
If you’re buying into the nifty and new Sonos Era 100 and/or Sonos Era 300 speakers but haven’t settled on the perfect spot to place them, give speaker-stand maker Sanus some hard-earned bread. Within 15 minutes of easy assembly time (per stand), you’ll be enjoying a heightened listening experience—literally and figuratively.
While it’s true that Sonos boasts just-about-anywhere placement for both Era models, thanks to their small-ish footprints and integrated Trueplay room-tuning skills, mounting the speakers to these purpose-built stands will eliminate all kinds of performance bad vibes. The stands—which can be purchased singly or in pairs—allow the speakers to breathe, free from any tone-coloring vibrations and reflections from whatever furniture you might otherwise set them on. Whether you purchase the fixed-height or height-adjustable models, they’ll put your speakers at the optimal height for your listening position.
Both the fixed-height and height-adjustable Sanus stands for the Sonos Era 100 and Sonos Era 300 are peachy perfect.
It’s particularly important that you find just the right location for the multi-driver, multi-directional Sonos Era 300 if you want to maximize its Dolby Atmos spatial music capabilities. In my own home, I’ve found a single Era 300 performs best when centered in the listening space, equidistant from the left- and right-hand sidewalls and within 9 to 14 feet of where I’m sitting.
This review is part of TechHive’s in-depth coverage of the best smart speakers.
How much do Sanus for Sonos speaker stands cost?
Height-adjustable stands are the way to go if you’re placing Sonos Era speakers behind a high-back sofa.
In this photo, the Sonos Era 300 mounted to a fixed-height Sanus stand gets blocked by the sofa.
Jonathan Takiff/Foundry
Sanus, a member of the gargantuan Legrand AV family of brands, offers cosmetically matched, sturdily constructed stands and wall mounts for virtually every Sonos component, including its soundbars and the Sonos Amp. This time, Sanus has beaten even Sonos to market. Sonos-branded stands for the Sonos Era 100 and Sonos 300 won’t be available until late June. While they promise to weigh slightly less, they’re expected to cost slightly more than the products reviewed here. Legrand announced tilt-and-swivel wall-mount supports for the Sonos Era 100 and Sonos Era 300 on May 9. Like the floor stands, the wall-mounts are available in singles and pairs.
So how much do Sanus’ products cost? A single, fixed-height (34-inch) stand for the Sonos Era 100 (Sanus model WSSE11) is priced at $89.99 or $139.99 for a pair (Sanus model WSSE12). The height-adjustable stands for the Sonos Era 100 (Sanus model WSSE1A1) cost $119.99 each or $219.99 for a pair (Sanus model WSSE1A2). These can be raised from 25 to 42 inches high.
A single fixed-height (32-inch) stand for the Sonos Era 300 (Sanus model WSSE31) costs $119.99 or $199.99 for a pair (Sanus model WSSE32). The height-adjustable version of the Sonos Era 300 stand is priced at $179.99 each (Sanus model WSSE3A1) or $299.99 for a pair (Sanus model WSSE3A2). These are adjustable over the same range: 25 to 42 inches high.
Are Sanus for Sonos speakers stands easy to assemble?
Sanus for Sonos stand parts are nicely separated and labeled for easy identification during assembly.
Jonathan Takiff/Foundry
Every model is available in your choice of matte black or white to match the color of the Sonos Era speaker you’ve purchased. The Sanus stands are fabricated mostly from durable steel and extruded aluminum, and they have large, heavy bases to keep them stable and upright. You’ll have the option to damp the bottom base plates with either screw-in rubber pads or height-adjustable metal spikes for carpeted floors (spikes do a better job of decoupling the speaker from the floor, but rubber pads are the better choice for hardwood floors. Both varieties of feet are furnished in the helpfully separated and labeled parts bag.
Sanus’ thoughtful design includes a cable-management channel in the speaker stand’s shaft, which will hide the speaker’s power cord until it emerges from the bottom backside of the base. Be sure to insert the plug-end of that power line through the opening in the base at the outset of your stand assembly process, as it’s impossible to snake the line through after you’ve screwed the shaft and base together. (This is the only part of the assembly job where two sets of hands are better than one.) You’ll also want to know that you’ll be left with just three feet of power cord when you’re done, so you might need extension cords if your AC outlets aren’t close enough.
The Sanus stand for the Sonos Era 100 has two interlocking plates, one of which you’ll fasten to the bottom of the speaker. The other plate gets attached to the stand.
Jonathan Takiff/Foundry
Whichever stand you buy, you’ll fix a mounting bracket to the bottom of the Sonos speaker (a two-piece lock-together, metal-and-polystyrene assemblage for the Era 100, a one-piece molded polystyrene piece for the Era 300). These mount in turn to the top of the pillar, which will leave the speaker appearing to float over the stand. More than just aesthetically appealing, it results in even-tempered sound dispersion that’s airier, for lack of a better term, than when I listen to the same speakers sitting on tabletops. The low-frequency detailing of the Era 100’s already exceptional bass drivers proved even more palpable when stand-mounted.
With the Era 300, on the other hand, I curiously found it necessary to punch up the bass control in the Sonos app after stand-mounting the speaker. That suggests to me that the Era 300 was factory EQ’d for play on a very resonant wood table.
Which Sanus for Sonos stand is right for you?
Sonos Era speakers appear to float over Sanus for Sonos stands.
Jonathan Takiff/Foundry
The fixed-height Sanus stands for the Sonos Era 100 and Sonos Era 300 are peachy perfect for a setup where you’re sitting across from the speakers on a standard-height sofa. Not only does the setup sound great—beaming exactly at ear level—but the one-piece shaft lends the stand an extremely neat and trim look. And you can more confidently grip and move that stand around, should you want to re-orient its placement.
Sanus’ height-adjustable are the preferred way to go if you’re facing the music from an especially low-slung (think Italian modern) sofa or a higher desk chair. And an adjustable stand is the only way to go if you’ll be using either set of speakers as the surround channels in a home theater setup. They allow you to elevate the speakers so they fire over the back of your seating arrangement. I discovered that if even just a little of the rear speaker’s grille is blocked by the seat’s back, the speaker’s sound quality is significantly compromised, muffled, and diluted in volume, directionality, and tonal quality.
What’s the bottom line on Sanus’ stands for Sonos Era speakers?
You wouldn’t buy a hot sports car and then outfit it with re-tread tires, so why invest in great speakers only to plop them on a rattling piece of furniture? With your Sonos Era-series speakers mounted to Sanus’ well-engineered stands, you can put the pedal to the metal and drive home all their sonic potential. It’s a winning combination.
A quick word about quality control
There’s a problem with the release trigger on the first production run of the Sanus for Sonos Era 300 stand.
Jonathan Takiff/Foundry
Sanus provided me with samples from an early production run of its height-adjustable stands for the Sonos Era 300, and I encountered a small problem: The height-adjustment locking mechanism wouldn’t hold for long, allowing the shaft to slowly slip down when I set the height in the 30- to 34-inch range. That same stand held the speaker up just fine at higher positions.
Other reviewers, and at least one early buyer, have apparently had similar experiences. As a result, Sanus issued a product recall and paused sales of this model until it can make modifications. The instructions that come with the stand stipulate a speaker weight limit of 10 pounds, and the Era 300 comes dangerously close to that at 9.85 pounds. (The smaller Sonos Era 100 weighs 4.4 pounds.)
If you purchase a height-adjustable Sanus Speaker Stand for Sonos Era 300 and encounter a similar problem, ask for a product exchange, because yours might have slipped through the cracks.
Updated May 9, 2023 to report that Legrand AV has added wall mounts for the Sonos Era 100 and Sonos Era 300.
Home Audio, Speakers
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productsreviewings · 2 years
Based on a report revealed yesterday (February, 20) by The Verge (opens in new tab)It appears just like the Sonos Period 300 and Period 100 sensible speaker rumors are true, and they are going to be unveiled very quickly. Earlier this month, we reported on options that the Sonos Period 300 and 100 sensible audio system could possibly be able to launch. (opens in new tab) Within the coming months, nonetheless, it appears like these will really launch in late March, and the collection flagship can be extra reasonably priced than the Sonos 5. (opens in new tab). The Verge revealed that the Period 300 is predicted to be priced at $450, whereas the Period 100 is predicted to be priced at $250. There are not any pricing particulars for the Period launch within the UK or Australia, however based mostly on at present's change charges greenback costs for the Period 300 and Period 100 could possibly be £372 / £206, and AU$655 / AU$364 respectively. . The feature-set appears to rival one of the best sensible audio system (opens in new tab) With the brand new Apple HomePod 2 there (opens in new tab). The Period 300's headline characteristic is spatial audio (opens in new tab) And Dolby Atmos help, which guarantees immersive, room-filling sound thanks to 6 speaker drivers that direct sound across the room.As you possibly can think about, the audio system may be added to the stereo and partnered with the corporate's Beam (Gen 2) and Arc soundbars as Dolby Atmos content material is performed in a multi-channel theater setup with help for upward-firing soundtracks across the stereo rear. Spatial audio music content material is predicted to be accessible by means of Amazon Music Limitless, however there is no such thing as a phrase on whether or not Apple Music will help Dolby Atmos content material. As the most recent mannequin in Sonos' multi-room speaker vary, it is confirmed that each new fashions will help USB-C line-in (making it suitable with line-level turntables) and Bluetooth connectivity. This makes the Period 100 way more versatile by way of wired and wi-fi connectivity than a lot of its rivals, in addition to the long-running Sonos One. The Period 100 is claimed to sport a second tweeter for true stereo sound from a single speaker and a big mid/bass driver. For causes unknown, Sonos sometimes would not element energy output scores for any of its audio system.Each fashions are additionally anticipated to have built-in mics for the Sonos voice assistant (opens in new tab) and Amazon Alexa (opens in new tab), and a brand new management characteristic is known as permitting mics to be muted. Sonos' efficient Trueplay EQ and room tuning optimization options are additionally anticipated to be on board. Look out for our full overview as soon as these audio system are confirmed.Subsequent: Uncover how Sonos works and one of the best Sonos audio system you should purchase now.At the moment's finest Sonos Beam Soundbar (Gen 2) offers
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randomisedgaming · 1 year
Full gameplay, longplay, playthrough, walkthrough, guide and trueplay of Arcade mode from the Sega Saturn version of Virtua Fighter Remix as Akira. After the original port of VF1 misfired, SEGA rushed out an updated graphics version to try regain ground. Sadly remixed didn't offer anything new other than improved graphics and in Europe SEGA decided to stick with the original version rather than release remix on launch.
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pixeldashblog · 2 years
Thoughs on the new Sonos speaker leaks
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Hey there thanks for checking out Pixel Dash on Tumblr. I'm Samuel Polay and I'm a freelance journalist and reviewer covering technology. This is where you'll be able to find my newsletter archive as well as posts on the new developments in the tech world.
Chris Welch at The Verge this week shared the full details on what to expect from Sonos' next-gen speakers: The Sonos Era 300 and Era 100. While Welch's reporting has long supported the Era 300 offering support for spatial audio formats like Dolby Atmos, this report gives us the clearest idea yet of what Sonos has in store for the future, and includes real marketing images from Sonos. The full report is worth reading, as I'm mostly going to focus on my thoughts on this lineup. The speakers are expected to launch in March.
The two biggest updates coming to both speakers are the addition of Bluetooth and a USB-C port replacing the Ethernet jack that's long been a staple of Sonos speakers. You can see this pictured in images shared by leaker _snoopytech_.
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Bluetooth is a technology long spurned by Sonos' powered speakers, though its two portable products (Roam and Move) rely on it outside the home. I wouldn't be surprised if Sonos went with LE Audio here for maximum future proofing and audio quality. LE Audio includes support for the LC3 codec, which offers dramitcally higher quality at the same bitrates compared to other wireless codecs. It also allows multiple devices to pair with the same speaker, or multiple headphones to connect to the same source phone. LE Audio in phones is still not widely available but the hardware is present in nearly every new smartphone around, waiting for a software update to enable it. Sonos is known to stay ahead of the curve on this type of support, so I won't be shocked if we see LE Audio enabled out of the gate.
The USB-C port is the more interesting change. Ethernet on Sonos has long been the best way to set your speakers up over relying on Wi-Fi: a feature called Sonos Net. Welch's reporting confirms the type-C port will be capable of accepting line-in audio from a turntable, or connect to Ethernet by way of adapters Sonos will sell. I assume these will work just as well as off-the-shelf USB-C dongles you can buy for the same purpose (and probably less money).
What's not been confirmed by Welch is if these will act as USB audio devices for a computer or mobile device when connected with a standard USB-C cable. If you've always wanted to have Sonos speakers in your office but had issue connecting them to your PC, I can see this being an appealing feature. Just connect your desktop to a Sonos Era 100 and instantly have a high-quality speaker to use for computer audio that also can play music with the rest of your home. Bonus points if Sonos lets connected computers utilize the on-board microphones for video calls. For now we'll be waiting on the official announcement for this to be confirmed.
Welch also confirms that both new speakers will be able to self-tune themselves to the room they're placed in, giving some relief to Android users who've long missed out on TruePlay tuning. However, mobile device-dependent TruePlay tuning will still be the best way to tune your speaker's sound and will remain exclusive to Apple devices.
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To focus on the Era 100 specifically, Welch confirms that the speakers insides are just as updated as the outsides, with a new price falling in the ballpark of $250. The 100 will have an additional tweeter for support for stereo sound (instead of downmixing stereo to mono like the Sonos One does), as well as an enlarged mid-woofer (although he did not confirm how large that new woofer would be). The current Sonos One sports a 3.5-inch woofer, and while that speaker sounds ok by itself, a stereo pair of Sonos Ones (or One SL) has consistently been a pleasant way to enjoy music.
I suspect a Stereo pair of Era 100s will offer the most meaningful improvement over comparing two standalone speakers. Having four tweeter in the mix (presumably side-firing) plus two larger woofers should add a wider sound stage and larger sweet spot over what two Sonos Ones can achieve.
Unfortunately, Welch did not confirm if the SL (or microphone free) variant of the Era 100 would be included in the March launch or if we'll be waiting on that speaker. I hope the 100 SL is available at launch as it's a great way to save a bit of money on a stereo pair of speakers since you only need a single microphone-equipped speaker to get voice control.
The biggest letdown of Welch's reporting is the lack of spatial audio support or up-firing drivers on the Era 100. While the speaker will of course work as rears in a Sonos home theater, users will need to pay up for the Era 300 if they want to add additional height channels to their Sonos Arc or Beam system.
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Expected to cost in the ballpark of $450, the Sonos Era 300 will be the company's first dedicate music device for spatial audio formats like Dolby Atmos music (Sony's less popular 360 Reality format would also qualify if Sonos supports it). Sporting six drivers total, the 300 is meant to totally fill a room with music. If the reported pricing holds true, the Era 300 will cost a whole $100 less than the flagship Sonos Five, which is also expected to stay in Sonos' lineup unlike the Sonos One. This will undoubtedly spur speculation of an ultra-premium spatial audio speaker in the future to complete the lineup.
The Era 300 will be the first time Sonos has offered a product meant to comprehensively enhance the home theater experience on offer for those who can afford it. Two Era 300s will cost the same as a single Sonos Arc soundbar. At $1800, users will be sacrificing a dedicated subwoofer for the same price as top of the line soundbar systems from companies like Samsung.
Sonos is going to need to offer a massive upgrade for users to justify this premium. Previously a fully kitted Sonos home theater system, with an Arc, Sub, and two One SLs, commanded $2100. If you want to go all out now expect to fork over $2600 for Sonos' best experience.
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I don't want to sound too skeptical. While most home theater entusiants will focus on the ability to finally add rear speakers with dedicated height drivers (matching systems from Samsung), it's worth noting that the side-firing drivers in the 300s could be just as important to enhancing an Arc-based home theater. With those drivers wokring in tandem with the Arc's side-firing drivers, it could be possible for Sonos to create two new virtual surround channels. The Arc's ability to place sound right next to me with the aid of stereo rears is already impressive but this could be a major step up. In total, Sonos users could take their Arc systems from a 5.1.2 setup with a single sub and standard surrounds, to a 7.1.4 or 7.2.4 setup by adding Era 300s and one or two Subs depending on their needs.
My home theater is in a fairly small room, and I've found the Arc's surround effects to be more than effective here, but I'd be lying if I wasn't at least curious to see how my system could benefit from the Era 300s. There's no doubt however that the cost is going to be prohibitive for many. If Sonos has an Era 150 or Era 200 in the works, that cuts down on side firing drivers but maintains a height driver for added Atmos performance, I think many Arc customers would choose that first.
The big question for me is the AVR decoder on board the Sonos Arc itself. While the Arc is an impressive product, it's still got the less sophisticated Atmos decoder for soundbars on board. This is a limit put in by Dolby, and while the decoder has gotten leagues better with time, Dolby reserves the most precise decoder for more traditional AV receiver systems. Nakamichi's $3500 Dragon system will be the first wireless soundbar system to include the full-fat Atmos AVR decoder, which Nakamichi claims took years of talks with Dolby for them to secure. I bring this up because if your room is large enough to justify buying a second Sub for your Arc+Era 300 system, you'll be forking over $3400 at that point.
If Sonos wants its products to stand up to extensive cross-shopping, it's going to need to offer more meaningful upgrades now. If the announcement of the Era 300 comes with Sonos confirming it has secured the Dolby AVR decoder and is bringing it to all Arc users at no extra charge, I think that would be the biggest sign to existing users that continued investment in their Sonos systems is worthwhile. I'd be incredibly happy if my Arc got dramatically better at Atmos overnight, and knew that a wilder upgrade was possible with Era 300 down the line.
Thanks again for reading. I'm hoping to be able to review both the Era 300 and Era 100 eventually, but I'll be covering these products more regardless.
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publicitas · 9 months
Sonos Era 100 review: Better sound and more functions
The Sonos Era 100 impresses with its good sound, simple Bluetooth connection and Trueplay calibration with Apple and Android devices. Unfortunately, all this comes at a price. The Baltic Review The Sonos One long represented the entry into the Sonos universe, as a relatively inexpensive but sonically powerful wireless speaker. These are the big shoes to fill with the Sonos Era 100. We took a…
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] 3D sound with Dolby Atmos - Experience shows, movies, and games with the precise and immersive sound of Dolby Atmos. Tuned to perfection - Enhanced Trueplay tuning technology optimizes the sound for the unique acoustics of the room. Immerse yourself in the music - Stream music, radio, podcasts, and more from your favorite services with the Sonos app or Apple AirPlay 2 when the TV is off. Note- Voice services not available in your region. [ad_2]
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techstartro · 1 year
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