shapard · 1 year
True!form!Sukuna x fem!reader
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Warnings: blood, gore, Demons, sexual tension, kidnapping, Torture, slight Trauma, grammar errors
A/n: It's been so long! anyways enjoy my new Story<3
4k words.
Chapter 1:
It is late midnight; fire is lightening the pitch-black area around you. Despair all around you, screams, the smell of burning and rotten humans, the cracking from the burning wood and Children crying to find their Parents in this mess. It was a horrible sight-seeing how the demons just take away the women, men and children that they find attractive. The panic blocked the sounds out and all you can hear is the beep in your ears. A true nightmare, you thought. Your body was fighting for your life, but in your mind, you already gave up.
Your slowed down in your tracks, not knowing where to go. The demons were all around the small village, the once safe and happy Village. You could hear your heartbeat beating the shit out of you, your shoes all worn out. The dirt sticking on your body and mixing up with your sweat. Just a few hours ago everything was fine, and now you’re standing in the middle of a battlefield, one of the few who wasn’t captured or dead. But it was only the matter of time when they kill you or worse capture you. 
Couple of hours ago:
“Mom the laundry is finished!” You Told my mom before putting the box with our clothes on the floor. “Thank you honey! You always work so hard for me; I really appreciate it. Go meet up with your friends.” Your Mother told you smiling as always, “but mom!” you started to complain but she just shook her head. “No excuses!” She huffed pushing you outside of the house. With a sigh you went for a walk, to catch a small breath and tale a break. With a deep breath you started to walk to the small forest nearby, maybe going into the forest will help you to calm your mind.
The Forest was just a few meters a head of you when an old lady stops you in your tracks. “Young ladies like you shouldn’t go alone and wander off. In a forest It's far too dangerous with the demons walking around.” The old woman surprised you indeed, demons? I thought they were a mere myth to scare the children. So you laughed thinking it was just a stupid joke. The old woman raised her eyebrows “Why are you laughing?” She asked, kind of mad.
“Ma’am you’re talking about mere myths.” you laughed it off taking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Oh honey, I wished. But recently they attack Village to rot out humanity. But they also take some of them, but I don’t know why. It’s a miracle that you never heard of it before, it is after all in the news.” The old lady seems surprised by your not existing knowledge. You couldn’t even muster her words; you were still stuck on the part that Demons Probably exists. “But how is it possible? They just popped up?” You asked scared of the truth. 
“Oh, young girl. You seem very Interested!” She smiled confusing you a bit. Didn't she just scolded me for not knowing anything about the demons. You really wanted that this conversation ends quickly, so you just nodded and walked away from the woman. She shouts after you, but you don’t mind going into the forest. Ignoring the warnings, she's throwing at you. Demons don’t exist, you thought. Walking deeper into the forest, not knowing who or what you will meet into these thick trees and branches. 
Your head spins where the snap came from, you could hear your own heartbeat getting louder. “Demons?” You stutter, you don’t even recognize your own voice with all the fear building up. “No this can’t be true, they don’t exist!” You breathed in trying to calm your senses, it was probably just a rabbit or a fox. “I should go home.” you spin around walking all the way back. Maybe you’re just going Insane, you were sure that the few years of helping your mother did distract you from what was happening outside of your four walls. Maybe you should go outside more often. You see the opening of the forest, a relieved sigh left you and your whole body relaxed. “I shouldn’t have set a step in the forest anyways.
The whole earth underneath you shocked making you fall on your knees; you turned around and looked at the forest. It is burning, one second longer in there you would’ve burned down into ashes. “What the-” Another crash sends you flying few meters a head against a house, down to the ground. You coughed out blood holding your head upwards, “What the fuck is happening?” You looked around, useless, it was all blurry and the crashing bombs makes it harder to understand anything that's happening around you.
“There is someone!” An oddly deep Voice called out, snapping you out of your Memory. “Mother!” You shout, realizing that you left your mother alone in this Chaos. “Get her!” Another voice called out, but you started to run into the direction of your home. The Demons screamed you to stop, they are getting dangerously close. You were running out of stamina and your lungs started to burn, making it unbearable to run. The scary thought of your mother dying in the fire, getting burned alive. Or even worse, getting devoured by a Demon.
 Your house came in sight making you smile slightly, but then it drops. It was almost burned down and destroyed, with the slightest hope you took off your shoes and ran right into the almost complete destroyed home.  Throwing away the huge wood planks that were in your way and shouting for you Mother. The Demons right behind you, grabbing your cape and pulling you out of your Home. “Mother!  No, don’t touch me!” You pushed against the demons trying to pull away. No use. “It's Impossible for you to get your mother out, If she’s in there she couldn’t have survived. You’ll only get yourself killed.” The demon who told you teared you apart from the pillar you were holding tight. You didn’t even realize you were holding on a Pillar. 
You clawed on the pillar, breaking one of your nails in the process. It hurts, so much, but you can't let them get you. Your mother is somewhere in here fighting for her life. “Just knock her off.” A Demon told his ally. The two Demons which were holding on you tight, slammed their Katana on your neck making you faint. 
“What a dumb human.” The Demon muttered looking at your unconscious body. “Do you really think that Master will like our new load of slaves?” The other demon who is holding your body asked his ally. The Demon just shrugged, “I don’t know, you know what he thinks of humans.” They carried your body into a carriage which is filled with people from the village. Some were unconscious like you; some were crying, and some were just sitting on the cold metal ground from the carriage in pure shock. Your carriage was the last one, they closed the door shut and killed of the rest of the Village.
You woke up from the screeching screaming of the humans who get killed off. Disturbed you tried to move, but the pounding in your head make it more hurtful and uncomfortable. Wincing you moved away from the massacre right Infront of you, looking at a woman in her 20’s, her face is twisted in pain. Your eyes travelled where the woman's eyes were locked, on her leg. Her leg was twisted in a disgusting way making you feel sad for her. You looked away, not wanting to look at the unpleasant sight of her leg. 
You hear shouts from the Demon patrol, and then the carriage started to move making some of the other villagers started to cry. You started to tear up, not knowing what will happen. “What is going on here?” You asked to yourself looking down at your feet, black dots in your vision making it hard to focus to stay conscious. A Man took a loud deep breath beside you and started to talk, “They take humans to make them slaves, but before, they choose wisely who can work... Or who they get disposed of. That woman with her broken leg wouldn't even survive one day.”
You looked at the man wide eyed, you already knew that she cannot survive this either could she die in blood lost. But you still hoped that these demons will do something, something to help the young woman in the carriage. Looking again at your bloodied feet, the black dots got bigger and in a couple of minutes you passed out.
You wake up from the creaking doors from the carriage, your eyes met a monk like appearing figure with unique pink eyes. “These are the new slaves?” They asked looking at the troll. “Yes.” The monk's eyes lidded looking closely at us. “Take them to the place.” He said before leaving. The Troll called you all out, but the woman with her broken leg struggled to get up. Her sobbing was unbearable, so with all your might you helped the woman. It was a long way to go, and you got tired of helping the woman, your pace is slowing down. When you finally made it to the destination, the woman bid her thanks and told you, her name. Lisa, her name is Lisa. 
We all were separated in two rows, boys and girls. Lisa was right at my side, and I helped her to move forwards. At the front of the row a woman was send to the right. On the right side was the Entrance from a Huge house that looked like a castle. All eyes were locked at the castle like building, the building is Gorgeous. But all you could focus on was the crying child wo was shouting for his mother, the demons grabbed her and punched her in the stomach. Then they threw her like a piece of trash in a larger carriage, she wasn’t the only one who lied in the carriage. 
It looked like animals were transported, as if they are food or even trash. It made you hella nervous when it was Lisa's and your turn. Lisa’s arm was around your shoulder for support, the demon guard looked at you two with a stern look. His eyes went to my form to Lisa, looking down to her horrible leg. You slightly smiled looking at the demon right Infront of you. “Can you maybe he-” you got interrupted from the low voice from the demon, “You did it for nothing,” “Huh?” You quite didn't understand what he meant with that, “She’s useless, she will die anyways. Get her in the carriage. And you go inside of the castle and wait for the next announcement.”
No words could be spoken between Lisa and you, she was thrown into the carriage and the demon slightly pushed you to the castle. Giving Lisa a pity look, but you must survive here, they're demons they can overpower you in no time. The few seconds that you took seemed like ages, the heart feels like it’s beating in your ear. Going through the huge doorstep, your sight was met with dark walls with red decorated paint on it. It gave you Vampire vibes.
You looked around seeing people around your age, all a mess like you are. You walked towards the small crowd seeing the child who was still crying for his mother. Your feet's still hurt like hell and they were drawing blood on the clean floor. Deep on thought you didn’t realize that you were standing and staring at a picture for hours. Just yesterday you were taking a walk through the forest and now you’re standing in a hall from Demons and waiting for something or Someone to say something.
Snapping out of your deep thoughts you hear hard footsteps started to echo around you, your heart stopped for a moment. You scanned the area around you, seeing that others around you started to panic. Whispers and hushes echoed with steps around the hallway, making you slightly shiver in fear. The steps came nearer, and you looked from where you think the steps are coming from. You see the familiar Monk from the carriage, looking at his bright pink eyes. Other demons were surrounding him, he looks like a king or an upper maid. 
They lined up in a line, the monk looking person stood in the middle looking down at us with despite. They started to talk with a low dangerous voice, "You Probably wonder why you are. It’s simple, the human's era is over. The only way how to make the humans still relevant is making them slaves.  That’s why you’re here, you are going to work in the castle and serving our lord in any way. Your clothes are in the changing room right at your left, your name should stand on your locker and your job. Some of you are luckier than the other. Maids will visit you and guide your way around here. Don’t disappoint or they’re going to be harsh consequences.” With that they all left leaving you all alone in your own reality.
Wincing, you made your way towards the changing room. A girl around your age stumbled towards you, she had long beautiful blond hair. Her brown, green eyes looked at your e/c eyes with despair.  “Are you okay?” She asked you, surprising you slightly. She waited patiently for an answer from you, you took a quick deep breath looking into her eyes again. “Yeah, my feet is just a little hurt.” Your voice was very monotone than you wanted to sound. 
“You’re making the floor all covered with blood, maybe you should see the doctor.” you know it was a good intention from the girl, but you knew you’d die when they found out. “I can’t.” You answered her, playing with your finger. She looked confused at you, “Why?” She asked. You laughed bitterly, “They’re going to kill me.” You knew when your feet don’t get the right treatment it can kill you. And those demons don’t even give a damn fuck about your health or even your death, as long as you can serve their lord everything is going to be okay.
She sighed, realized that this conversation wasn’t a very good start. “What’s your name?” She asked out of the blue, making you chuckle. “My name is Y/n L/n. What’s yours?” You asked now, “My name is Fatmanur, Fatmanur Yeskel. You have a very beautiful name.” She said to you, ‘What an exotic name.’ you thought looking at her with a smile. You both moved forwards to your locker, surprisingly Fatmanur and your lockers were side by side. Opening the Locker you see shoes, black diner shoes. Diner clothes and a Letter, a black letter with white handwriting. Taking the Letter and reading it out loud in your head:
Y/n L/n
You are supposed to serve the Lord, your new King with the name Ryomen Sukuna. 
You are going to bring him his food, bringing him pleasure under all circumstances or else a harsh death is waiting for you.
They’re certain Rules you must follow:
 Don’t look him in the eyes.
Ask always for permission to do anything when he’s there.
Never say No to your master
Address him as Lord, King or master.
Change yourself in the clothes, then you may wait for The Maid Lea.
Your handshakes slightly, who the fuck is Ryomen Sukuna and why do you have to serve him, a Human? A Loud scream pierced through the Room; your eyes quickly searched for the source. A woman in her 30’s was on her knees screaming as if she’s going to die. “I am not a peace to devour. I have rights! Someone call the fucking Police or the military?!” Her Voice was very Irritating, Guards came through the door towards the screaming woman. They pulled her towards the exit from the room, her body language was screaming fear.
You moved towards her beige colored letter that she threw on the ground Opening it up one word already fell in your sight. Food. Your eyes widened, giving the letter towards Fatmanur who stood beside you very Interested. You looked around seeing the colors from the letters. Beige, white, red, brown and black. The ones with the beige colored one were either crying or having a panic attack. “What the fuck is happening here, this is sick.” Fatmanur muttered throwing the beige letter onto the ground. She looked now at her red letter.  
She scanned the whole room, and she realized one thing. “Black is very rare, you’re one of the few. What is your job? Mine is maid, I clean and cook.” She said trying to forget what just happened. You take a relieved breath, maybe you can be friends with her. “I am some type of butler; I must serve him- The lord at all costs. Or else I’m dead.” You said to her with slight a drama in your voice, trying to make her laugh which succussed a bit. “Well, you’re a lucky one. I wonder what the white and brown letters mean.” She asked, looking at the boy who held a white letter with a shocked face. 
“Why don’t we just ask them?” You started to walk towards the boy, the poor one he’s probably 15. “Hey, are you okay?” You asked the boy, who seemed to not hear you, his tears started to wet the white paper in his hands. You took the letter away, which was way too easy. “What does it say?” Fatmanur asked, looking at his letter. “He’s a demon soldier, to capture the rest of the humanity.” Your brows knitted together; they really want to take all humans. 
You wonder why now? It doesn’t seem that the Demons just appeared out of nowhere. No, they run in this world way longer. How else did they build a whole empire by just a day; this must’ve taken days.”Why?” You asked out loud, almost everyone stared at the scene you two made. The boy was crying now and Fatmanur looked at you wanting to know what is running through your mind. “Why what?” She asked, putting a hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you. “Why didn’t the demons-” The door slammed open revealing five Maidens, each one had different outfits and colors. The Letter Colors, one had beige, the other one red, black and white.
The Maid with a Black butler like outfit with horns, started talking first. “Dear black letter holder, dress up fast and we’ll met in the hallway. There you’ll get your Room number and a medical condition control.” She said in a low voice, which rang in your eyes painfully. Her Body language screamed confidence. You bid a small goodbye to Fatmanur after you changed, and you went to the hallway. There were 5 different hallways where the slaves would live. You had Room 103, apparently the number has also a Meaning. The doctor gave you medicine for your feet and bandages so it could heal probably.  
The room was black with white furniture, it kind of hurt in your eyes. The room was small but enough to live with. Your Job would start tomorrow, some of the other women started today. Because of your leg you had one day rest, the doctor gave you one day rest. You were nervous to do any mistake by even breathing, they can kill you easy off when you do even one mistake. Luck was on your side, you even got one of the best positions and luckily didn’t land on the plate for these Monsters.
The mattress wasn’t soft but also not too hard. Your heart started to beat quickly, and you swear you couldn’t really breath anymore. Tears started to spill; everything slowly gets to you. Your mother is now dead, only because you went outside for once. You should’ve stayed at home, how dumb of you. Everything would be fine if you just stayed at home and escaping with your mom from the Demons. With tears in your eyes and the feeling of guilt you felt asleep.
You awoke by a knock on your door, a girl with black hair and red eyes invited themself in.  She looks down at you with a scold look on her face, “You really have to lay in bed all day?” She laughed, “I’m Nastja from room 101, the popular butler here. Lord Sukuna really likes my servings, so be careful what you say about me, or else Lord Sukuna will kill you.” She laughed at the end, but you looked at her annoyed. “We aren’t supposed to say Lords name, do you really think you can survive here and shout master's name all around this damn piece of hell we call castle.
She looked enraged; her hand rose ready to slap the attitude out of you. A hand sneaked in, holding her hand in a very tight grip. The Monk you saw yesterday in the main hallway looked at you than at her. “What do you not understand under simple task. Help her get ready and tell her what she must do, is that so hard? And don’t take masters name in you disgusting mouth, he may go to sleep with you but that doesn’t mean you can go around here ordering others around. Our lord sleeps with every women, you’re nothing special. He doesn’t even look at you, right?”  The monk sneered, their eyes glowing with pure anger. “Yes, Master Uraume.” The girl named Nastja said, facing the ground.
The person named Uraume left you two alone, you bit your lower lip looking at Nastja embarrassed face.  “Just let us get started.” You said with all your might. She looked up taking a deep breath, “Your clothes are on the shelf, right there above. You are asked to serve our master his lunch, so dress up quickly.” With that she left fast, not even looking at you. She must feel very guilty, or embarrassed.
Taking your clothes, you got yesterday, from the shelf. You quickly dressed up not wanting to fuck up your first day. Your hands are heavily shaking while you struggled to button up your suit. You cursed at this stupid Situation, “Fuck!” You shouted, stopping your struggle with the suit. “Fuck it.” You muttered and went outside of your room. You saw Nastja watering the plants, you tapped her on the shoulder trying to get her attention. “Do you know where the Kitchen is?” You asked her. She turned around, looking you up and down, a sigh left her mouth nonetheless she pointed to a direction, “Right there, the last door at the left. You must bring him his food in his Room.” She turned around bringing her focus back to the plants.
Taking a deep breath, you moved forward to the kitchen your shoes echoed through the hall. Your feet still hurt like hell from the Injury, ignoring your pain you moved forward. The door from the kitchen is wide open making it easier to get in. On the other side of the door was an 8-foot-tall figure, sitting down on a thrown you believed. It was hard to identify with such a huge demon Infront of it. 
Your heart raced so fast; can he hear your heartbeat? It feels as if it’s beating out of your chest. Sweat started to build on your hands and chest. You can’t even look at him, does he even want that you look at him? Do demons even enjoy being stare at from Humans? Shaking your head, you looked forward to the Lord of this place, maybe even the demons.
He sat down on his huge throne, his eyes darted towards me. He pointed out to me, “Come.” He made finger movement gesturing me to walk to him. With a deep breath, to fill my lungs and hopefully to sink a little bit of my anxiety. Trying to keep my head in the scenario, I closed my eyes shortly and opened them. He was getting pissed, you could feel the pressure all over the room. Maybe you could even cut it with a knife, sickening. 
You moved slowly towards him, being careful not to slip or spill anything from the tablet. You stopped walking, being only one foot away from him. He gestured that you should come closer. You looked confused at him, taking one step further. “Closer.” His deep voice gave me goosebumps all over the body, it made my body heat rise high. Do I have a fever? I moved towards him and stopped when his hand landed on my waist, his breath on your face. I feel weird, my body feels so hot and my down part start to really hurt. 
“And who are you?” 
chapter 2
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shapard · 11 months
True!form!Sukuna x fem!reader
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A/n: I changed in the Story the 1st into the 2nd person. I apologize for the change in the Story. Enjoy
chapter 1:
Tw: Violence, Nudity, mention of blood
Chapter 2: Meeting
It’s strange, and I don’t really like how he’s looking at me. Hungry, like he wants to devour me in whole. His breath brushed against my face; I only could see a blurry mess in front of me. I could see his shiny red glowing eyes, like a predator. “Answer my Question.” His voice was stoic, strong, and full of Venom, which scares you to the core. “I’m Y/n L/n…” My voice was quiet, not confident, I almost couldn’t even hear myself. He clicked his tounge, now annoyed about you being so quiet. His demeanor changed every second, how can I please him without risking of dying? 
“You’re very quiet, huh?” His voice pierced through the quiet halls, making me feel very uncomfortable. My head sank, trying to show submissive, like a weak small animal. He tapped on his throne impatiently, tears daring to spill. He sighs and moves around his chair to get a better look at you. Sukuna grabbed your chin, griping your chin hard, so hard that it felt like splitting in two. He pulled your chin towards him, my eyes looked down at my feet. “Look at me.” He literally growled like a predator. I looked at him, his eyes seem to glow in a very deep ruby red.
He licked his lips while looking down at your chest. His face was all the sudden 1cm apart from mine. Then I felt his tounge running down from my cheek to my ear, making me slightly moan from the sudden friction between my legs. “You should’ve put on something… shorter.” He whispered in my ear, making me slightly blush but also angry. ‘I’m really starting to dislike him’ I huffed, Sukuna didn’t take the silence very well. “I really dislike you.” He growled and took his plate out of my hand, which I totally forgot that I had his food. He laid it on something that I couldn’t clearly see. All the sudden he punched my face with ease, making me fall down the stairs.
It hurts, so bad. My whole face hurt and pulsated, my whole body shook, and blood dripped down from my mouth. I held out my hand, it was moving uncontrollable. I looked up to Sukuna, the Monster, Rage, and hate filled my heart as I saw him smiling like a proud father. I hate him already. He called the demon soldier to bring me away from him, from it. I hate him so much. I looked at him with pure hate as the soldiers carried me through the room. I turned my head a little to get a better look at the “thing” or better the slave. It was a boy, barely 12. His whole body was covered in scars, fresh wounds, and dirty clothes. It made me so Angry to see this poor boy like this.
Pain, you could only feel the pain through your whole body. A needle was shoved into your neck and your body slowly gave up power. Everything began to spin again, not going to lie it scared me. Where do they take me? To Prison? I held out my hand towards Fatmanur, she witnessed it all, she looked at me with pity in her eyes. How long did she watch this scene? Sukuna looked towards Fatmanur with boredom then looked back at how you’re being dragged away.
I woke up again in my Room, but it all seemed like a blur. Am I maybe dreaming? It all seemed like a nightmare. An endless nightmare. It may be not a dream but indeed it was a nightmare, A nightmare I’ll never wake up from. My own Living hell. Thoughts are rushing in my mind; it was all too much. The last days have finally caught up. Before I knew it tears dripped down on the wooden ground, sniffles became crying and then to a panic attack. What ever I’ve done, I don’t deserve this.
No one did, it all doesn’t make sense anymore. I hate it here; I hate him, and I hate myself. But why? I don’t have an answer for that. Maybe fresh air will help me, help my frustration. I got up from the futon I laid on, walking towards the mini balcony I had. I opened the door, and my eyes met the beautiful sight to the woods. Looking to my left I saw A person with white hair, and he had bandages on, weird.
He seems like he’s looking for something, or someone? Maybe I should ask him if he needs help, but is it against the rules? I looked to the wall and then back to him, his head was positioned as if he’s looking at me directly in the eyes. I blinked and now he’s sitting on my balcony his face right Infront of me. Forgetting the Mental breakdown, I just had, I started to blush, even with those bandages he’s very handsome. “Interesting, what do we have here?” He chuckled as he lifted his hand to stroke my cheek.
“So soft, what is doing such a pretty girl in this kind of surrounding. It’s not safe here.” He said with a serious tone, the hand lowering themselves back to his knees. “I work here. I answered shallow, I still feel so empty. “And you aren’t his fuck doll? Very Interesting.” He talked to himself as If I’m not right Infront of him. He slowly pulled of his bandages revealing the most stunning and scary eyes I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
He started to laugh all the sudden, can he read my mind? His smirk only widened, “You’re very Interesting, no wonder Sukuna keeps you. Something about you is different.” He licked his lips and tried to touch me again, but his hand was showing some kind of magical power? He pulled his arm away from me, and it started to burn. He hums, “are you really so Important?” he whispered talked to him again, “you do know that I hear you.” I said and he just kept on chuckling. “My name is Gojo Satoru, my dear Y/n. Remember that name, it will not be the last time we will see each other.”
And then he disappeared, just like he came. Gojo Satoru then, huh. I feel so tired now as if I ran a marathon. Even though all I did was standing up and walking a little. Maybe I should really lay down and take some rest. I went back to the futon and lay down on it, closing my eyes I heard footsteps. A deep sigh hallowed through the room. Maybe it’s Sukuna? But why would he come here, to me? “I know you’re awake.” he stated as he crouched down to me, I felt cold fingers on my forehead and a weird feeling came over my body.
My Body tensed hearing him talk to me, “You’re quite Interesting, maybe I should keep you.” He continues and ignores how tens I was. Was his plan to kill me all along? Why am I Interesting? The pain I felt on my feet and on my head slowly disappeared. He sighed and let his fingers slide down to my cheeks making them feel a thousand time hotter. “don’t make me regret my decision.” He whispered in my ear, he slowly stood up and left the room. He Left me lying in this room all alone, making this small room bigger than it already was.
“What a pain in the Ass,” I grumbled, “How much I want to make him suffer.”. 
The next morning was boring and uncomfortable silent in the halls, and everyone seemed to mind their own business. My morning routine was almost like every other day, dressing up, put on some make up and go to work. But this time it is different, this time I’m not in my hometown. This time I’m in my personal hell. With a heavy breath I stepped out of my Room, looking towards “Masters” room.
“There you are! I was so worried.” A familiar voice spoke up at me. I turned around to see Fatmanur standing next to me, a relieved sigh left me, and I smiled at her. “Are you okay? That slap from Master Sukuna caught all of us off guard.” She whispered, scared that he might hear us. A phantom pain hit me as I recalled the event in my head. “Yeah, I feel a lot better. Thank you.” I said to her back and thanked her when she gave me chocolate.
“Where did you get the chocolate?” I asked surprised that a place like this has chocolate. “I work at the kitchen, and I suggested to make some sweets for master’s guests,” She laughed proud out loud, “and some for us.”. I let out a laugh. I don’t know how she’s doing it that she’s in a good mood but it’s infectious. “Wow, two ugly Monkeys at Master Sukuna’s hallway? Kind of rude don’t you think.” And it’s the Bitch Nastja, destroying the Harmonie we had this morning.
I took a deep breath, letting her Insult me. She’s masters favorite so I must be careful around her. “I think you should keep your mouth shut, Nastja.” Fatmanur glared at Nastja, and she left out a puff. “Oh? Look brat I am the master’s lovely maiden, so you better shut your mouth, or it is over for you, you scum.” She growled out, the air between the two getting thicker. “What is going on? Shouldn’t you all work?” Uraume broke the tension like a snap. The Bitch and Fatmanur huffed, Fatmanur bid you a goodbye and left the way like she came here. The Bitch is already gone leaving you and Uraume alone. 
“That was Intense.” I looked over at Uraume who just let out a smile. “Seems like you’re all healthy now,” His soft Voice always surprised me. It reminds me of a Sunset in the summer. Warm and welcoming, but who knows what lays beneath it. Maybe A serial killer who just wants to get unleashed, or a Scientist who just wants to do experiments on Humans. Or. He’s like us, a Prisoner from Sukuna, but that wouldn’t make sense he’s like him a Demon.
I hummed at him, waiting for my new Task for the day.  “Master Sukuna has a meeting today with the God of wisdom. You shall come with him and grand him assist.” And with that he left, leaving a note on the ground. “God of wisdom?” I started to read the Letter.
God of wisdom
His name is Geto Suguru, Age is unknown. The meeting is in the evening against 7PM. Wait for Master Sukuna, he’ll bring you to the meeting room. He doesn’t like humans, he despites them.
“He doesn’t like humans. Why should I then attend?” I asked out loud, looking confused at this letter. Couldn’t he just tell me this eye to eye?
Weakness: Unknown
Reason of the meeting: Private
This really was confusing, why would he want you to attend to such an Important meeting? You’re not sure why you out of all servants, maybe because you’re a Butler one out of ten? But why didn’t he just choose the Bitch? Too many questions ran through my head.
Footsteps started to echo across the halls, they were light as a feather, but they felt heavy like a rock. A deep chuckle went from the halls right through your bones. “The little slumber butler. What are you waiting for?” It’s him, he was standing right behind me, my heart started to pound heavy, and my breath was so loud all the sudden. You turned around facing him, but not looking him in the eyes. You don’t look him in the eyes, you’re not allowed to. It could be your death sentence.
“I was reading the letter I received from Uraume.” you mumbled, he huffed annoyed by your shyness. “Why so quiet all the sudden?” you wanted to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. It seemed like your words were holding on to your throat, scratching the inside of your throat open. Why Am I so afraid of him? “Cat got your tongue?” His deep laughter filled the castle, making me flinch. He leaned down on my ear, “Don’t disappoint me, you’ll not get a second chance.” Your world seemed to pause, the cold breeze hitting on your sweaty body. His tone was threatening and not welcoming at all, you better not fuck this up.
You waited in front of Sukuna’s bedroom He should come out in couple of minutes. ‘How did I end up here.’ You thought, it was humiliating to be pushed around like some peasant. A shadow towered over you; you looked up to the source of it. Sukuna stood tall over you his eyes showing his coldness and power, It was overwhelming and scary at the same time. “Just follow me.” Sukuna was very strict and seemed somehow tense, what is the meaning of this meeting, what could make him nervous?
I followed him through the scary monotone halls. There is no Soul in here, no life. You opened your mouth to say something but quickly shut it remembering that Sukuna isn’t a chatty man and only speaks with commands. Would you annoy him by asking any question? You choose to stay rather silent, you don’t want to risk your life because of your Personal noisy nature. Sukuna stepped in front of a huge door; the door opens by itself making you step inside in a slow-pase. You hesitate to go inside; you had a bad feeling for what waits for the two of you behind this door. 
In the room was a huge table in the middle with chairs around it. It reminds you of a head quarter from politicians or some management. There were only a few people, if you can even call those things human, sitting in these chairs. Sukuna sat down on the Black chair, or rather throne, the chair was much larger and more majestic. On the side was another Black chair but in smaller, you sat on it hoping that Sukuna won’t scold you for doing something without his permission. But to your surprise he only glared at you and muttered a “We’ll talk about your ‘misbehaving’ after this meeting.” You just nod and your hands started to shake, you take a glimpse at the other creatures in this room.
There was an Angel like guy with dark, long hair. He had pure Black wings and a wicked like smile on his face, which kind of scared you off. You started to look onto the ground, his aura seemed off and evil? But he was still so elegant and a beauty himself? “Nice to see you again Mr. Ryomen, it’s been so long. And I can see you brought a human with you? Isn’t this kind of a meeting very private?” You took a deep breath to not get panic, you can feel his degrading stare and annoyance. Sukuna only chuckled, “Do you really think you can command me around? She’s only a peasant of a creature, a fly. She’s not going to bother this meeting, maybe even the quite opposite.” This statement didn’t make you feel any kind of better, it just made your Anxiety higher than it already is.
“We shall start.” He announced. “You wanted to discuss with me your Future plans with the gods, Geto?” Sukuna asked the Man called Geto, “That’s correct, you know Mr. Ryomen aren’t you bored to be played with the gods? They threw you away as if you’re nothing but an unwanted child.” The tension started to rise when Geto talked about this topic, but what there’s one thing that you didn’t understand. What did he mean by the gods?  And how could Sukuna get thrown out by gods? He’s a demon, he shouldn’t even be allowed to stay in heaven or was that the reason why they abounded him? Are Gods even true beings?
So many Questions ran through your head, and the meeting has just begun. Sukuna lets out a sigh, “I recommend you not to run your tounge in other business, curiosity killed the cat, right?” I didn’t have to look up to see the dangerous, warning smile he has. Geto nervously laughed, “Sorry Mr. Ryomen, I will get to my point.” He apologized and his head was bowed down in a respectful manner. “My plan is to kill the upper Gods and become the ruler of heaven.” Sukuna began to laugh loudly and looked at Geto as if he’s stupid. “Oh? And you want me to help you, correct?” His laughing slowly calmed down.
“That’s correct.” He said with a huge smile. “No.” Sukuna said all serious. “Ryomen listen to me, you’ll get your revenge on these fuckers! Isn’t this what you wanted?” He was standing now, fighting to bring Sukuna on his side. Sukuna didn’t answer, he was probably thinking about it. “I accept your offer; it’s been too long since I’ve been in a war. We’ll continue or talk another day, Geto. I have Important things to do, go somewhere and have your fun while staying here. Follow me human.” 
You stood up very quickly, maybe a bit too fast, the guy named Geto laughed at you. “I think you scared her Sukuna.” The room tension rose so quickly it was too fast for you, you looked up at Geto seeing Sukuna lifting him up with a choke hold, “I may have agreed on your little plan but that doesn’t we are friends, you’re just some maggot who got wings to flap around. I can kill you any second, don’t forget that Geto.” Geto started to get all blue and you were in trance, in panic even, but you couldn’t move and couldn’t look away. 
“Human we are leaving.” He huffed and let his victim fall like a bird that got his wings cut off. Sukuna started to walk out of the room. His footsteps were heavy and still soundless, you could hear Getos coughing down the hall, Sukuna clicked his tounge annoyed by Getos weakness. You still didn’t understand, is taking revenge on the gods so Important to Sukuna that he’d risk his life? 
Sukuna was walking back to his chamber, and you went in your own room. Taking a deep breath and stumbling on your bed. “That was too much for me, I should take a bath.” You stood up taking your stuff and asked Uraume where the bath was, he showed you right away. The way you saw the Butch Nastja flirting with some guard men, disgusting. You undressed yourself and took s small shower, you then walked down to the small hot spring. Setting a foot in felt like heaven, you let out a loud sigh of relief. The stress and the horror were all the sudden not in your head, it was clear and refreshing, Relaxing even. 
You must find a way to get out of this hell. You started to think about possibility, but you were stopped by light footsteps, your heartbeat raised, and you started to get panic. Who was that? Another Butler or maid? 
And there he just stood, Sukuna Ryomen, completely exposed to you and entering the hot spring where you were in. You were overwhelmed with the sight in front of you, you bowed your head and started to get up. “Wasn’t expecting a peasant like you here. Stay, accompany me, entertain me.” He said in a low voice and looked at you like a predator. You turned around, still not looking into his eyes, “Look at me.” He ordered and your eyes shortly met his ones. Your breath caught up in your throat, since when were you holding your breath? You opened your mouth, but it was cut off by crashing windows. 5 Men with weapons attacked you but were sliced into different pieces, the blood spurted all on you, now you were sure you must take a bath. Sukuna groaned in annoyance, now his mood was completely ruined by some fucked up Jujutsu sorcerers. 
“Are they crazy or something?” You whispered to yourself, “They wanted to kill someone,” You took the towel and covered your chest and your private area, the white towel now crimson red. “They weren’t after me.” You raised your brow, “Who then...?” You asked yourself. “Isn’t that obvious human?”
chapter 3
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