#truck loan vancouver
jovirealtyinc · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Vancouver Real Estate Market as a First Time Home Buyer
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Introduction: What Does it Take to Become a Homeowner in Vancouver?
Vancouver is one of the most desirable places to live in Canada. But buying property in Vancouver can be a daunting task, especially for first-time home buyers. The real estate market in Vancouver is highly competitive and the cost of housing is high. In this article, we'll discuss what it takes to become a homeowner in Vancouver, including navigating the real estate market and understanding the various costs associated with owning a home. We'll also provide tips on how to make your dream of homeownership a reality.
How to Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage and Find the Right Lender for Your Needs
Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is an important step in the home buying process. It helps you understand your eligibility as per the bank stress test and based on your downpayment it gives you a better idea of what kind of loan you can afford. A first time buyer in Canada has the privilidge to pay just 5% on the first $500,000 which comes to $25,000 + 10% of the top amount ( Let's say condo costs $900,000) then 10% of $400,000 is $40,000. So total mandatory down payment to the bank is $65,000. When you buy a second home, you need to put down 20% of purchase price.
Pre-approval helps you shop in the right direction and saves your time and your Realtor's time too. With the right lender, you'll have access to competitive rates, flexible terms( Variable interest or fixed interest) and personalized service. Jeevikka, has a team of mortgage helpers who work efficiently and ensure you get the best interest rate and service. 
What are the Typical Closing Costs & Fees Associated With Buying a Home in Vancouver?
Buying a home in Vancouver is an overwhelming process but the Realtor you choose can make it seem effortless. Knowing what closing costs and fees you should expect to pay when purchasing a home is important for budgeting and planning purposes. There are a variety of closing costs associated with buying a home in Vancouver, property transfer taxes, lawyer fees, truck moving fees, strata move in fee and sundry expenses. Fortunately, with an experienced real estate agent like Jeevikka Shah, you can get help step by step right until you move into your new home. Contact her today! 
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prafton12 · 3 years
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approvedvancouver · 4 years
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Experienced in the world of automotive finance, Approved Vancouver gives you the best auto financing solution based upon your individual credit score.
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The Unexpected Perks Of Being a Nanny
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Word Count: 5.7k
 Warnings: Swearing, Pregnancy, Implied Smut 
When you went to school for Early Childhood Care and Education, you never imagined having such sweet kids to look after. Thomas and Shepherd Padalecki were the sweetest boys ever! After their father's and mother's amicable divorce, Jared was looking to hire somebody to look after his kids while he was at work. You had the interview with Jared on Tuesday, during his lunch break. He invited you over to the set of his TV show, where you two, plus Jensen, had lunch together and talked about his kids.
"Are you nervous?" Jensen chuckled. "You look nervous."
"I've never had this big of a job before. I'm like fresh out of school!" You laughed nervously.
"So let's start with that..." Jared started placing a glass of water in front of you. "Where'd you go to school? How long were you there?"
"I went to Capilano University in North Vancouver... I did a four-year degree, taking courses in mostly infants and toddlers, but I took two courses in school-aged children. I graduated top of my class."
"Good for you!" Jared smiled.
"I like her, let's hire her!" Jensen rushed but was halfway joking.
"And how'd you do in high school?"
"I graduated with a 4.2 GPA which is roughly a 97% average." You smiled and nodded your head, proud of yourself.
"That is really great!" Jared smiled. "Do you have any experience with other kids?"
"Well like I said, this is my first real job, but I've babysat a lot and I helped out in a daycare when I was younger."
He asked you other questions about whether you had emergency training, gave you some hypothetical situations in which something happened to the boys or they got sick and asked you what you would do. He asked you about why you became a nanny, how you would deal with discipline if you even needed too, and how you would deal with comforting a child.
"I think Tom and Shep are really going to like you!" Jared smiled as he shook your hand.
"You're giving me the job? Just like that?" You shook his hand in disbelief.
"You seem like a really nice person, very responsible. I want that around my kids. If you don't have a place to stay, you can gladly stay with me, even when the boys aren't here. They will be staying with Gen every two weeks out of a month."
"It's okay, I understand and thank you very much! I need to take you up on that offer, I actually just got kicked out of my apartment." You frowned.
You had to lean on student loans in order to go to school and when you were struggling to work your job and do your schooling, you fell behind on paying for a roof over your head.
"Oh wow, that sucks." Jensen's eyes met yours.
"It does." You sighed. "I decided to move away and my mom disowned me for that."
In reality, it was much worse than that. Your mother did more to you than just disown you.
"Dad isn't in the picture?" Jared asked curiously.
You nodded your head no. You don't remember much of your dad. You must've been six or seven when he left. You're now twenty-two and have no parental support. You took the bus back to the apartment you were just kicked out of. They had to give you a week notice to get your stuff and get out, so you were living on borrowed time. Jared texted you the details of when the kids were going to be flying in from Idaho and how Gen wanted to meet you too. He explained that she had been staying with her parents but she planned on moving back to Texas. You continued to pack your stuff up in boxes. When Thursday rolled around, you realized that if you would be moving into Jared's place, you would have to bring all your stuff over today. You sent Jared a text message asking him when it would be okay for you to bring your stuff over. He offered to help you after he finished work that day.
"Nice truck." You smiled as Jared hopped out of the driver's seat.
"You like it?"
You looked at the tan coloured Super Duty Ford F-250 with hearts in your eyes.
"Hell Yeah! Sorry." You apologized quickly. "I'm going to try and keep my cursing to a minimum while I'm around the kids."
"It's okay, Tom and Shep know not to repeat that anyways. Just no hardcore stuff. " Jared chuckled as he followed you into your dingy apartment.
You never really liked living there anyway, it always smelled damp. But it was the only place you could afford. You hesitated before you walked into your apartment, and for good reason too. You threw your head back and sneezed six or seven times.
"I'm coming down with something." You wiped your nose and coughed a little.
"Yeah, I can tell why this place is really damp and cold. How long have you been living here?" Jared worried a little.
"Couple of years... Well ever since I moved here for school. It was cheap, which is why I stayed." You picked up a box of clothes.
You brought out two more boxes and went back in for a third when Jared stopped you. 
"You look miserable, why don't you go sit out in my truck. I got the rest of these!" He offered.
"I'm fine, Jared." You sneezed again.
"No, you're not, honestly, Y/N, I got this."
You went out and sat in Jared's truck, feeling more and more guilty watching every box that Jared brought out. Jared brought out your last box and put it in the back of his truck. He hopped in the driver's seat and started the truck up.
"See no biggie." He smiled over at you.
"I could've helped." You coughed into your elbow.
You and Jared drove back to his place with only the radio playing.
"You're going to let me help you take the boxes in, right?" You urged.
"I can do it, Y/N-"
"Jared, you're being too nice to me." You intervened, taking off your seat belt.
"I like to think of myself as a nice guy." He chuckled. "Go in and lie down, I got these. There's only like fifteen boxes."
You sighed, not in the mood to argue with him anymore. He unlocked the door for you and you went in. You found the living room and lied down on the couch. Before you knew it, you were asleep and you didn't wake up until the next morning.
"Feeling any better today?" Jared sat at the end of the couch next to your feet.
You shook your head no. "Not really."
You were all congested and could barely breathe.
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Because I like you. You're the person who is going to take care of my kids when I'm not around, so I kinda want you to like me and them too. I get the feeling that you never got this kind of treatment from mom growing up. Am I right?"
You nodded.
"It's just second nature for me, Y/N, especially now that I'm a dad, I feel like I need to take care of you because you're sick."
"You don't think of me as your kid, do you?"
"Oh no, no. I never meant it like that." Jared began to blush a little. "Anyways... I got to film for a bit today, so you can chill out here and unpack a couple of your things if you would like. What do you want for breakfast?"
You and Jared ate breakfast together before he left. Then you went upstairs to find your room. You found all of your boxes in a fairly big room. You were nervous about meeting Tom and Shep, especially Gen. What if she didn't like you? You would have to move all your stuff out of Jared's place and you wouldn't have a job, wouldn't have any money to get yourself a new place. By the time two o'clock rolled around, Jared was back at the house and you two were getting ready to head out to the airport. When you had got to the airport, it was almost quarter to three and you saw that Gen's flight was delayed.
"Hmp." Jared shrugged and took a seat.
You two sat there waiting for what felt like forever.
"You can take a nap if you're not feeling well, I'll wake you up when the boys get here." Jared patted his shoulder.
"It's fine. I don't take naps."
Before you knew it, however, you laid your head on Jared's shoulder and fell asleep.
"Daddy!" Shep called as he let go of Gen's hand and ran over to Jared.
"Hey, buddy!" Jared smiled.
"Hi, daddy. Who's that?" Tom asked curiously, pointing to you.
"This is Y/N." He said softly. "She's going to be looking after your guys while daddy's at work, but she's feeling a little sick."
You began to wake up when Jared shook you a little. You stretched, yawned and rubbed your eyes.
"Are these your kids?" You asked sleepily.
"Mhmm. Y/N meet Thomas, Shepherd and Odette. Tom, Shep, Baby Odette this is Y/N!"
Tom and Shep said hi and smiled as Gen waved little Odette's arm.
"I'm Genevieve." She smiled.
"Hi, Genevieve." You smiled a little too.
It was Monday before Jared had to work again. Genevieve really liked you and thought you would be great for the boys. She flew out on Sunday, giving you your first real day to work. You were excited but nervous. You still had a cold which was weighing you down.
"So what's the plan for today?" Jared asked as you all sat around the table.
"Not much really." You sighed. "If it warms up, I'll take them to the park, I guess."
"You still don't sound very well."
"Still don't feel very well." You coughed a little.
"I can take today off, Y/N, if you need me too, it's no big deal." He offered.
"Jared, no." You chuckled. "You need to go to work and so do I!"
"Alright, alright." He threw his hands up in the air.
Jared put his dishes in the dishwasher and planted a kiss on Tom and Shep's heads.
"Be good for Y/N okay?"
Both boys nodded yes and gave Jared a smile. Your first day went great! There was only one tantrum thrown. As the weeks went on, your relationships with the boys grew. You and Jared grew closer too. But every time you got close, he pulled back. You didn't know if he wanted to keep your relationship completely professional, you didn't know if it was because he was thirteen years older than you, or maybe it was because he still wasn't ready. His divorce was still pretty fresh. It was a Saturday afternoon and you were giving Shep a bath when you overheard Tom and Jared talking. You have been working for Jared now for about two months. Tom was asking Jared a lot of questions about you.
"I like Y/N, do you like Y/N, daddy?"
"Well, of course, I like Y/N, buddy," Jared answered contentedly.
"Do you like her like you liked mommy?"
"I don't think you understand what you're asking me, Thomas"
"Course I do, daddy! You liked mommy as more than a friend. Do you like Y/N as more than a friend?"
You continued to wash Shep over, deciding to drown out Jared and Tom's conversation. If Jared had said no, you would've been heartbroken.
"Why upset, Y/N?" Shep cocked his head to the side.
"I'm not upset, buddy."
You helped Shep out of the tub and you wrapped a towel around him.
"Go find daddy and tell him to get you dressed!" You smiled, kissing his forehead.
On Monday, When you woke up, Tom and Shep were lying down next to you.
"Daddy let us in." Tom yawned.
"I see! You guys look comfortable!"
"Your bed is comfortable, Y/N!" Tom smiled.
You brushed some of Shep's hair back out of his face.
"What should we do today, guys?" You kissed both of their foreheads as you got up.
You watched Tom walk down the stairs. At five years old, he was a pro now! But Shep still needed some help. You held his left hand and he gripped onto the rungs of the staircase.
"Good job, Sheppy!" You gave him a high five as you got to the bottom, letting him do the last step on his own.
He wrapped his arms around your legs and smiled. After that, he went into the living room with Tom while you made breakfast. After breakfast, the boys wanted to go to the park.
"Thomas Colton Padalecki." You scolded. "You've got to hold onto my hand until we get to the park!"
Your right hand held onto Shep's much smaller left hand and the dog leash. You held out your left hand for Thomas to come back and take it.
"Sorry Y/N. I'm just excited!" He grabbed your hand and looked up at you innocently.
"I know buddy, but safety is our first priority."
You three, and Arlo arrived at the park a few minutes later. You took a seat on the bench and watched as the boys went to play. Arlo sat on the bench with you, his nose nudging your hand for you to pet him. Shep was basically Tom's shadow! You thought it was cute, however. You received a text from Jared.
Jared <10:30 AM>: How are the boys this morning?
Y/N <10:34 AM>: Boys are good, we're at the park!
Jared <10:39 AM>: They love the park! Gotta talk to you when I get off work.
Y/N <10:44 AM>: Is something wrong...?
Y/N <10:45AM>: Never mind, Jared, I've got to go. Shep cut his knee. Talk later.
Jared <10:46 AM>: Is Shep ok? Talk after.
You put your phone back in your pocket and rushed over to Shep. His bottom lip was quivering but he was trying to hold back the tears. You handed the dog leash to Tom.
"Hey, hey! You're okay." You said as you cupped his face. "Let me take a look at it."
"Hurts, Y/N!" He started to cry, letting a tear roll down his cheek.
"I know buddy." You picked him up and carried him back to the bench.
You pulled open your backpack and rooted around in there. You dug right down to the bottom and pulled out a bottle of spray peroxide.
"This is going to sting a little, bud, Y/N's sorry!" You frowned.
You sprayed the peroxide on his cut and the little boy cried out as it started to bubble.
"I want daddy!" He sobbed into your chest.
You sighed, hoping one day, you'd have one of your own kids running around, wanting you when they got hurt.
"I-I know, Sheppy, but daddy's working... Look-look what Y/N got!" You smiled as you pulled out a package of band-aids that had The Avengers characters on them. "Which ones are your favourite? I got Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawk-Eye and Spider-Man."
He sniffed a little and pulled away from you to look at them. "I want 'pider Man n' Hulk!"
He started to smile as you found a Spider-Man and a Hulk then stuck them on his knee. You wiped his tears away and smiled when he ran off to play with Tom on the slide. At lunchtime, the boys were ready to go home. At around 2:30 PM, Jared checked in again to see how Shep was. He left you alone again after that. You put on Disney channel for Tom and Shep then you sat down and scrolled through Instagram. Your feed was loaded up with pictures of Jared and Jensen and where they were filming. At around five o'clock, Jared came home and slipped his shoes off, placing them on the rack. He entered the kitchen from the foyer and smiled at you making supper. You hadn't noticed Jared was there when you glanced into the living room.
"Boys! I want you to sit on your bums. Jumping on the couch is dangerous!"
Both boys sat down quickly, then you heard Jared's voice from behind you.
"And remember what daddy told you. You always have to be good for Y/N."
Jared took a seat at the bar stools in the kitchen.
"About the text earlier-" He started off.
"-You're not going to fire me are you?" You cut him off and frowned.
"Oh god no, of course not. Gen's got an acting gig, and we both realize that Odette is very little, but in order for Gen to make money to live off of, she needs somebody to look after Baby 'Dette. Do you think you can handle one more kid for at least a couple of days a week?"
"Are you kidding me? Of course, I can!" You smiled, mixing the sauce into the stir fry you were making for Jared and yourself, then you checked on the chicken nuggets for the boys. "I can't wait to take care of her."
It was another two weeks before you would look after Odette however. The boys went to Texas to spend time with their mommy before she was going to go to work again, giving you two weeks to yourself. You laid back on the couch and opened up your book. IT by Stephen King. You were about 541 pages into it. A FaceTime call from Genevieve interrupted the silence. You answered the call and were met with mostly Tom and Shep's faces.
"Hi, Y/N!" They smiled.
"Hi boys. Are you having fun with mommy?"
"Lots of fun!" Shepherd smiled.
"But we miss you, Y/N, so mommy said we could call!" Tom blew you a kiss.
"I miss you guys too." You smiled sadly.
After talking with the boys for a while, Gen made them go into the playroom while she spoke with you.
"Everything okay? You seem upset." She cocked her head to the side.
"No, I'm fine. Just waiting for Jared to come home."
"Oh... I see." She smiled at the camera. "Do you two have a date?"
"A date?!?! Oh no, I'm just kind of bored." You half giggled. "What do mean do you two have a date? "
"Well, I mean it's obvious he likes you! I think he loves you, he just doesn't realize it yet. He thinks he's doing something right by the kids and I if he stays single. He's not, in the meantime. Even though Jared and I got divorced, it doesn't mean I don't love him any less. It just means that somethings in our marriage weren't working for us and we're better off as friends. You being around is good for the boys and good for Jared. I want him to move on from me and I think you're right for him. Make the first move, ask him out! Jared is stubborn." She let out a little chuckle.
"You're not the typical ex-wife, huh?"
"No, I'm a very extraordinary ex-wife!" She smiled big. "Anyways, I must let you go, Odette just woke up from her nap."
You said goodbye to Genevieve. You had to think about what Genevieve said long and hard, running out of time before Jared got home. Were you going to go through with asking Jared out? You do really like him. But what if he doesn't like you back, what if Genevieve was wrong? It was about five thirty when Jared arrived home. You were waiting in the kitchen. Tonight's dish would be pizza from a local pizzeria.
"Smells great!" He smiled as he walked through the kitchen.
Jared had left his boots at the front door and placed his jacket on a hook in the custom made shelf. Your jacket had been placed right next to it. Next to your hook was three more hooks. One labelled Thomas, the next one labelled Shepherd and the last one labelled Odette. You took Gen's advice and decided to make the first move. You noticed him run his tongue over his lips as you opened the pizza box. It was facing you and you glanced over the words one last time. You took a deep breath before turning it to face Jared. On the top part of the pizza box, you wrote in permanent marker 'Will you be my Boyfriend or is this too cheesy?' You opened your mouth to speak but cut yourself off when you felt Jared's lips on yours. His lips were so soft. They were full and sensually wet. You kissed him back, running your hands up his sides. He pulled away first, his cheeks going a shade of red, much like a school girl getting her first kiss.
"That was..." You grinned.
"Amazing." Jared finished for you, smiling from ear-to-ear.
Jared picked you up and sat you down on the countertop. You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with the hair that was back there. Jared planted another kiss on your lips. You deepened it, letting his tongue explore your mouth. You felt his hands grasp at your back and you let out a small moan in response. You began to feel him pull away. He bit his lip and let his eyes fall.
"Oh... Jared... I didn't mean to remind you of Gen or anything."
"No, no." He intervened. "You didn't remind me of her. It's just-"
"Gen was the one who convinced me to do this, Jared. She's okay with you moving on, she cares about you and she wants you to be happy. I-I wouldn't have asked you if I knew it wasn't okay with her." You cocked your head to the side, giving him a pleading look.
Jared was hesitant when you leaned in to kiss him again. After a few seconds, he began to kiss you back, placing his hands on your sides. You were the one to pull away this time.
"I'm super hungry, let's eat!"
Jared smiled and helped you down off the countertop. After you finished eating, you stood up and took a couple of steps closer to Jared. He pushed his chair away from the table, making enough room for you to sit. You sat on his lap and laid your head in the crook of his neck. He placed his left hand on your side, close to your hip. The other one rested on your knee. You two had said nothing and stayed in the chair for almost an hour before you decided to put on a movie. On Sunday, The boys, Gen and Odette flew in. Jared and yourself made your way to the airport. Thomas and Shepherd were just as excited to see you as they were excited to see Jared. Once you all got to Jared's house, Genevieve pulled you aside, Baby Odette cooing in her arms.
"So... Did you ask him yet?"
"Yeah." You could barely contain your happiness. "Are you sure you're okay with me dating your ex-husband?"
"Of course I am, silly. I wouldn't have encouraged you to ask him out if I didn't want him to move on." She let out a little giggle. "Now come on, the boys are dying to spend time with you."
You and Genevieve entered the house, smiles on both your faces when you saw Tom and Shep fooling around with Jared. You took a seat next to Tom and gave him a little kiss. Shep climbed across Jared to get a kiss from you too. Jared's dog Arlo Jumped up on the couch, frightening Odette. The baby girl started to cry.
"Odette's really loud," Tom whispered.
"Yeah but she's a baby, so it's okay." You smiled.
Your gaze met Jared's and he nodded towards you.
"Uh, boys? Would it be okay if I go out with your daddy?" You asked nervously.
"You mean like you and daddy are going to get married?" Tom cocked his head to the side.
"Well, no-"
Jared had cut you off. "Maybe one day."
You smiled, your cheeks going a shade of red. You had never really thought about marriage before. You were only twenty-two, going to be twenty-three on your birthday.
"Well, then I thinks that's okay!" Tom smiled big, giving you a hug.
On Monday, Genevieve headed to Los Angeles to film and Jared headed back to work. It was 6:29 AM when Odette woke up. Tom and Shep wouldn't be up for at least another hour, giving you time to bond with the baby. You laid her on your legs and she looked up at you wide-eyed.
"I know, I'm not mommy." You half smiled, tickling her a little.
The small child gave you a little smile.
"I think you look like your mommy... No, no, maybe your daddy?" You giggle as Odette gnawed on her fingers. "Let's go get you a bottle that mommy left you."
You laid Odette's head on your shoulder and supported her by holding her up around her back and bottom. You pulled a bottle of Gen's breast milk out of the fridge and popped it in the microwave for thirty seconds. You took her into the living room and sat down on the couch, getting comfortable then giving her the bottle. She sucked it back like she hadn't seen milk in a week. At 10:30 AM, Jensen called asking if you'd be willing to watch JJ and the Twins for a few hours while Danneel accompanied him to set. The boys were almost done filming the season. You, of course, said yes. Danneel dropped the three off around 11.
"Are you sure you can take care of six kids by yourself?" She worried.
"No. But hey, this'll be a learning experience!" You smiled.
"Okay, call me if you need anything at all. I won't be long rushing back, okay? Also, congratulations on yours and Jared's relationship! I think we were all kind of hoping you two would get together!"
Danneel's red, partially curled hair bounced as she handed Arrow to you. She let herself in and brought Zeppelin.
"I brought a playpen for them." She smiled.
You thanked her and held both twins while Danneel brought in the playpen and set it up. She left again after explaining their nap and feeding schedules. What were you going to do with six kids for most of the day? Tom, Shep and JJ played tea party in the living room while you sat on the couch covered in pillows and babies. You laid Odette on your chest, Arrow sat next to her on your groin and Zeppelin sat next to Arrow on your thighs. You had pillows on the floor, in case one child rolled off, pillows on the couch, trying to prevent them from rolling off and a couple of pillows behind your back to prop you up. Bubble Guppies was on TreeHouse! At around twelve all hands were tired and hungry. You popped some chicken nuggets in the oven for the three older kids and you gave Odette and Arrow their bottles. JJ was a great help.
"Mommy taught me!" She smiled as she fed Zeppelin his bottle.
"I wanna try too!" Tom ran over to you.
"Okay buddy, sit up on the couch." You grinned as he did so.
You were proud that Thomas was interested in learning about babies. You placed Arrow in his lap.
"Now you see how JJ is holding Zep? You gotta put your arm under her head." You instructed and placed a pillow under his arm to help prop them up. "And hold onto the bottle with your right hand. Don't hold it up too much okay?"
He nodded and smiled as Arrow started drinking from the bottle.
"Good job, Thomas." You whispered when you noticed all three babies falling asleep.
You finished up with Odette first and put her in a playpen upstairs to sleep, making sure the baby monitor was turned on, then you took Zeppelin from JJ and placed him in the playpen Danneel brought over for you. When Arrow fell asleep you put her in the playpen with Zeppelin.
Two weeks later, it was just you and Jared again. Gen managed to get a week off from filming so it wouldn't be long before you would have a full house again. You wrapped your legs around Jared's sides and pushed him back onto the couch.
"Fuck woman." He half moaned, smiling up at you.
"Do you want to do this, Jared?" You ran your hands up and down his torso. "Do you think we're rushing?"
"Well, if you want to slow down we can, Y/N. I don't want to do anything you're not ready for."
"I don't want to slow down, but I feel like it's wrong- I want you to tell me no." You bit your lip.
"I don't want to tell you no." He shot up off the couch.
His lips met yours and you felt his hands grasping at the hem of your shirt. You caressed his cheeks as you kissed him hungrily. He broke away long enough to lift your shirt up over your head, then smashed his lips back into yours. He laid you back onto the couch as his hands explored your body. You moaned into the kiss, allowing his tongue to slip right past your lips. You pushed him away.
"Wait wait wait, Jared stop." You breathed heavily.
"What's wrong?" He worried.
"It's nothing really... just- I'm a virgin."
"Really? When I was your age, I had already lost my virginity!"
"Well, that's not something you expect to hear from your boyfriend when I was your age..." You imitated him and giggled.
Jared frowned and pulled back a little more.
"You're right. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this, Y/N."
"Oh, come on, Jared? Is it the age thing? What's thirteen years between two people who love each other?"
"You-you love me?" He cracked a tiny smile.
"Yeah... I do." You pulled him closer to you and pressed your lips against his softly.
Jared pulled away again, sat up and looked at your body up and down.
"I think I might like to take your virginity." He smiled devilishly.
Genevieve called later that night. You and Jared remained on the couch, both naked. If she had called a couple of seconds earlier, she might've interrupted Jared fucking you into next week. You pulled the blanket up over you, making sure you were totally covered before you answered. Genevieve's face popped up on the screen.
"Oh thank god you two are still up." She half smiled.
"What's going on, Gen? Isn't it twelve AM in Texas?" You played with Jared's hair while you held the phone.
"Shep won't go to sleep without talking to you guys. He's really not feeling well."
"Oh no." You frowned.
Genevieve sat down next to Shep on the couch, who was half-lidded.
"What's going on little man?" You asked.
"Bad tummy, Y/N. I wants to be in 'Couver." The little boy frowned.
"But you were in Vancouver with Daddy and Y/N for two whole weeks! Don't you miss being with mommy?" Jared said softly.
Shep nodded, cuddling into Genevieve.
"I wants mommy, daddy and Y/N to live in 'Couver! All 'gether!" He sniffed.
"But buddy, mommy likes living in Texas." Gen chirped.
"It's only another week and you'll be back in Vancouver, okay? Don't stress over that, buddy, Daddy and Y/N are only a phone call away." Jared blew him a kiss.
"We love you, buddy, forever and always, okay? No matter how far apart we are." You concluded. "I think it's time you give momma break and go to bed okay? Talk to you first thing tomorrow morning."
"Promise?" Shep yawned.
"We promise." Jared smiled tiredly as he yawned too.
~One Year Later~
"Y/N? Did you miss taking care of us while you were in the hospital?" Tom rested a hand on your baby bump.
"I missed taking care of you guys a lot." You giggled.
You found out you were pregnant in February of the new year, giving you a seven-month pregnancy, but due to complications during the second trimester, Jared brought you to the hospital in fear you might've been miscarrying or going into early Labor. You were hospitalized for most of the summer, which was a bummer, but you were doing all you could to keep your baby healthy.
"Do you feel the baby moving in there?" You smiled.
Tom smiled when he felt the baby kicking.
"Look! Look, Y/N. It's a foot!" He squealed, pointing to the imprint of the baby's foot sticking out of your belly.
Shep ran over to see the baby's foot.
"Woah! cool." Shep grinned from ear-to-ear.
Odette waddled over to your side, pushing Shep out of the way so she could see too.
"Ba-by?" She pointed to your belly.
"Yeah, there's a baby in there!"
"Ba-by?" She pointed to her belly.
"There's no baby in your tummy." You giggled.
Genevieve emerged from the kitchen and sat down on the couch at your feet.
"Jared'll be home in ten minutes." She smiled as Odette climbed up into her lap.
"Baby?" She pointed to Genevieve's stomach.
"Nope, there's no baby in mommy's tummy. " Genevieve laughed.
"Mommy baby?" She pointed to you again.
"Can you say Y/N, Odette?" You pronounced your name for her.
"She's never going to learn my name." You laughed. "Maybe she'll catch on when she's older."
"Maybe so." Gen smiled. "If not, it's okay with me. I don't mind sharing her with you and Jared."
"You're an amazing woman, Gen. Thomas, Shepherd, do you know you have an amazing mommy?"
"We have the best two mommies and the best daddy a boy could ever ask for." Tom gave you a kiss, then Genevieve a kiss.
When you went to school for Early Childhood Care and Education, you never imagined having such a great relationship with the boys, even if your career started and ended with the Padalecki's. You never imagined you'd have the greatest family! Being a Nanny was the best thing that could ever happen to you.
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ucnk · 5 years
Travell Guide
I've been going for more than 40 years - by thumb in my initial days, by boots in the Scouts, a Lambretta came straightaway and afterward my first old banger pursued by more up to date old bangers to the sea shores of the Costa Brava.
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My thumb, boots, bicycles and bangers took me all over Europe and the UK before finding that a sanction trip to Spain on an old 'Connie' could get me to the sea shores and bars significantly faster and enable more opportunity to appreciate the neighborhood travel openings by pony and truck and the infrequent transport and train.
'Go West and Prosper' appeared to be a smart thought so as opposed to taking a 8 hour flight I took a multi day transoceanic intersection from Tilbury to Montreal on the Stephan Batory of Polish Ocean Lines guaranteeing that fly slack didn't inconvenience my sightseeing plans. A few years after the fact I crossed the lake again on a ship however this time it was multiple times greater and I went in style on the QE2 and ate in the Queen's Grill fairly expelled from my previous experience. I profoundly prescribe sea voyages yet can't see myself on one of the cutting edge journey boats going from port to port with steady line-ups to jump on and off to purchase shirts. Be that as it may, I have completed 10 Windjammers and a Star Clipper journey in the Caribbean which were all vital (how about we trust Windjammer Barefoot Cruises recuperate from their troubles). However, I deviate.
I had perused that Canada is a dynamite nation, from ocean to sparkling ocean, and my passage into the St. Lawrence River to Montreal and afterward traveling west in an old Econoline van from the Great Lakes, over the Prairies to the Rocky Mountains before winding up whale viewing off of the Pacific Coast of Vancouver Island was an excursion of marvel to a chap from London. Today the view is as yet dynamite and the most ideal approach is still by street so lease or purchase a vehicle, RV or motorbike, take the train or visit transport yet recollect the maps, a fly pole, great boots and take as much time as necessary.
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My preferred piece of Canada/USA for experience travel must be Northern BC/Alaska, to climb the Chilkoot Trail in the means of the goldseekers of 1898. The Northwest Territories to kayak the Nahannie River and the Yukon to drive from Dawson City to Chicken, Alaska. In the event that you like the outside and can endure a couple of bugs, cast a fly and scale a couple of slopes or drive on perpetual earth streets imparting the space to moose, caribou, elk, bears and birds, at that point these are the spots to put on your rundown. The delights and encounters in heading to Inuvik on the Dempster Highway or to Prudhoe Bay on the Dalton Highway or even the Canol Road must be felt by doing them. I would have referenced the Alaska Highway yet now it is a simple drive not at all like the previously mentioned.
Today the expenses of driving these separations may imply that imparting the adventure to others is required, yet RVing or basically vanning and outdoors is an extraordinary method to see into the great beyond. Some enroute experiences presently should be reserved ahead of time while when I climbed Denali and the Chilkoot Pass it was only an instance of turning up, enrolling with the nearby officer office and taking on off. Somewhat more forward arranging is required for the present voyager and cost contemplations of extensive flights or drives need to by one way or another be countered with increasingly cautious arranging. In the times of sensible gas costs I would not by any means think about the driving or flying expenses and have headed to Key West from the northwest coast, down the west coast to the Baja and toward the west coast from New York. I once even flew my 1946 Fleet taildragger from the Pacific to the Atlantic and back utilizing around 5 gallons an hour of avgas. Before the oil and credit emergency I drove from Rio de Janeiro to Lima, down to Tierra del Fuego and back to Rio covering more than 15,000 miles of dynamite landscape and with no thought about the expense of gas. South America ought to be on your agenda as well! Some other essential drives that may now require a home loan with the gas organizations incorporate London to The Nordkapp, Norway, Skippers Canyon in New Zealand and the dejection of the most distant north of Australia and the astounding bank of Western Australia halting by at Monkey Mia and Wave Rock.
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carrentsale · 2 years
Car Loan Calculator
The web site is a directory of automotive services in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The directory includes car rentals, taxi and limousine services, car dealers and car sales in Vancouver, British Columbia. Main categories are Vancouver Car Dealers, Limousine, Vancouver Car Rentals, YVR Airport Taxi in Vancouver, Car Rentals, Truck Rentals in Vancouver, Limousine in Vancouver airport, airport taxi. The useful tools the website includes are: hp to kW (Horsepower to Kilowatt), kW to hp (Kilowatt to Horsepower), Convert mph to kph, Convert MPG to L/100km, mpg to l/100km, kpa to psi tyre pressure converter, psi to kpa tyre pressure, tyre pressure conversion, Convert Horsepower to Kilowatt (hp to kW) Convert kph to mph, Car Loan Calculator, tyre pressure converter.
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snapcarcash · 2 years
Why Are We The Best Car Title Loans Company in Canada?
We want to give you the money you need, and we never want to see you in a position where you are hesitant about how to pay your bills. Snap Car Cash comes in with quick, hassle-free auto title loans Vancouver that will get cash into your bank account quickly. We know times may be tough, and we have a solution to help make life a little easier. Our car title loan are a no-hassle and easy way to take care of bills and other financial obligations with the money you may need. With this loan, you don’t have to worry about your credit score or even your standing at a bank.
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Are You Eligible?
Getting a car title loan with us is easier than ever. There are no credit checks or registration requirements. You need an insured vehicle in good working order to qualify. We make sure that you meet all the eligibility requirements to get money as quickly as possible. We will also take your vehicle, check it out, and assess if you can pay the loan back. We want you to be a responsible borrower, and there are no down payments on our car title loans. You never have to worry about getting a loan that’s too hard to pay off.
Not sure if you qualify? Just fill out our quick and easy application to see if you qualify, or you can give us a call and talk to one of our loan agents.
What Benefits of Car title loans?
Title loans provide you with the fast money that you can use to help pay bills or other financial obligations that may be keeping you from getting ahead. We are a legitimate business because we are licensed to offer financial services within your province. Our company is committed to helping you get back on your feet and pay your bills in one easy step. With our poor credit car loan, you will receive the cash that your vehicle’s good working order can provide. The benefits that you get with applying for a loan with us are as follows:
Our longest loan term is up to 5 years.
24-hour financing is available, and you can get the money to pay your bills.
Get help paying your bills fast with our car title loans which give you access to at least $50,000 dep[ending on the vehicle’s condition.
Our auto collateral loan services are available for both individuals and businesses.
We have many locations across Canada to make it convenient for you to apply in a city nearby.
We are committed to helping you with your financial needs and goals.
You get 70% of the lowest interest rates compared to others in the car equity loans business.
Apply For A Loan Today!
We want to help you with your financial needs and goals to provide you with financing for your vehicle or truck. Apply for instant loans today to get fast access to flexible enough money to pay the bills you need to get paid. We have many locations across Canada, and we never want you to settle for less than what you deserve. You might struggle to pay the bills or other financial obligations, and getting a reliable source of income is important. With us, you’ll get access to the money you need with an easy application that takes only minutes.
We want to give you the help that saves you valuable time, so apply today at www.snapcarcash.com or give us a call at our toll free number 1–888–886–7627. Our agents at Snap Car Cash are available 24*7 to provide you with your needs.
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caitlinjocat-blog · 6 years
Loan for a Car: A Guide to Car Funding
Nobody wishes to be the stupid customer in a car buying bargain. You need to be smart or you end up losing more Vancouver b.c. auto dealer cash than you ought to. It is an extremely usual scheme among automobile buyers to initial get money in order to get a new vehicle.
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The term is called "automobile financing" and it merely suggests exactly how you pay for a car. You can finance an automobile by getting a vehicle car loan to have a vehicle, in which instance, you have 2 alternatives: You either make use of the money from the funding to buy the vehicle, or use it for lease.
If this isn't your first time buying an automobile, you may currently understand that the sales person or your vehicle dealership will be inspecting your credit scores report prior to beginning with the settlements. But this is not the only way you can go to obtain that brand-new cars and truck of your own. The vendor will attempt to sweeten the offer as well as offer you unique cars and truck finance scenarios for tossing yourself absolutely at his mercy. That is not a path you need to pick.
The key is preparation. Knowing what automobile financing alternatives you have before you get to the dealership will certainly mean that you can organize your credit report and also take charge of your car loan.
Just keep in mind, when you work out with the salesman for the most beneficial automobile loan, nothing is long-term up until you have it in composing. So bargain and after that bargain some more. As soon as arrangements appear to be over, that's when the sales agreement is prepared.
Inflated Rate Of Interest
To have the bargain set by you and also the sales person be placed in creating in a binding contract is leading on the checklist of things you have to do including auto financing. Usually entailed at this part of the treatment is to identify regular monthly car financing payments based on a rate of interest. Now, as you popular, the interest rate differs from car purchaser to automobile customer. Your credit scores is only one of the elements and if the rate of interest a car customer qualifies for is blown up, after that the dealer can make added profit off your lending. That's just one of the risks in automobile funding.
Independent Car Funding
When you have the accepted vehicle funding choice accessible, you can then wage the offer as a "cash money purchaser" in a manner of speaking as you currently have the cash from the financing as well as you are simply acquiring the cars and truck from the supplier keeping that money. Auto sales people choose consumers to be "month-to-month settlement" purchasers as this makes it much easier for them to obscure the total cost of the vehicle, to the hinderance of your financial savings. So wizen up and take that independent auto funding choice readily available.
Establish a Cost Array
Having a spending plan is the practical thing to do. If you establish a practical price variety on your own, then you have less factor to exceed that variety as well as succumb to the lure of overspending. If you're really strong on that particular budget, no amount of sales talk can persuade you. One good tip is to make sure that your regular monthly auto repayments as well as associated costs do not surpass around 20% of your month-to-month net income.
Discounted Funding vs. Discount
Here's the predicament to vehicle acquiring: Numerous suppliers provide an alternative between reduced funding or a rebate, however not both. Marked down funding indicates that you get zero-percent financing while refund suggests that you obtain a particular amount of cash a long time after purchase. The common mistake numerous auto purchasers make is that the zero-percent car loan will certainly supply the most savings. However will it truly?
Get the Cash Money Discount
Most of the times, it's better to get the cash money discount and use it against the purchase rate of the car. If you already have a pre-approved auto loan, then that's also much better because you have favorably no requirement of additional funding from your supplier. Simply use your auto loan to fund the automobile as well as let the discount deal with some of the costs.
You will certainly have to select for how long you want your lease to be and just how much you agree to pay upfront. The obvious choice, obviously, would be to pay just possible, but make sure to consider various other alternatives too. After that, the car is your own for the period specified in the lease agreement.
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traciedemars · 6 years
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Pre-approvals....what you need to know,   Upcoming Free (& non-promotional) Home Buyer Classes: Saturday, September 22nd, from 12pm-3pm (ish)        Vancouver YMCA, conference room        11324 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver WA (corner of SR500 & Gher Road/112th Ave) Saturday, October 6th , from 9am-12pm (ish)       Marshall Community Center, conference room       1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College) Saturday, October 20th, from 5pm-8pm (ish)      Marshall Community Center, conference room      1009 E. McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver WA (kitty corner from Clark College) If these class dates and/or times don't work for you, please let us know.  We understand that you have lives, and families, and work.  We will work something out that works better with your schedule.  Just let us know....                                                                                  ....we also have home seller classes available too...link on left on website                  Remember...with reservation...we will throw in lunch, or dinner!  :-D ~~~~~~~~~Happy ...well, whatever day it is!   What a month!  Yesterday, my youngest child started 3rd grade. I think I have started and stopped this email about 4 times in the last couple of weeks, but what with everything going on...  it kind of went on the back burner.   It's a different world from when I went to school... when I was at school, teachers had the last word on everything.  If a teacher called home, you were in trouble....if a teacher needed something...  it happened.  When my older kids were young, teachers still got what they needed …  now, I am not going to lie to you... I did have it out with my older daughters high school principal a few times!  Teachers though...  teachers I have the utmost respect for them.  When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher... I wanted to teach high school history and English. Yep, that was my goal when I was young... not a singer or a movie star... a teacher!  Of course, I am not a teacher... I am a Realtor, but I still teach....and I still help.    So, here we are...  another school year started, and all of the sudden we are in the last trimester of the year.  So here's to 'Happy Hallowthankmas' period time.     So this week let's talk about the what the steps are to buying a home?  This is where it gets crazy because most of us just don't know....you just kind of 'fall into it'...  You meet up with someone, and like a whirlwind romance, next thing you know you are in a 30 year commitment called a mortgage loan!     So....if you are thinking about buying a home, what are your steps?  What do you need to know before you start?     Well, that is what the Free Home Buyer Education Classes are for!  ....that, and this weekly blog anyhow!  :-D   The first step to buying a home is the home buyer education classes.     Did you know that more people will get education when buying a car than when buying a home? The classes are non-promotional, free, and meant to give home buyers a head start on the information they need to buying a home, and taking advantage of the state loan programs that are out there to HELP people buy a home!    Real Estate & Lending is all about 'verbiage' as we are 'taught' scripts to make things sound good for you, when in actuality...it may not be that great at all.  We do go over all of that, and try to make everything as clear as possible considering it starts off as mud.  :-)  As instructors of the classes we are volunteers, so while we HOPE that you will call us to help  you with your homebuying adventure, by no means do you have to.  :-)Buying a home, especially your first home, is such a big thing that sometimes it is hard to wait when we get the bug.  Buying a home is still the American dream, and gives us roots in a community.  It is the place where we raise our children, plant our gardens, paint our rooms, and show our personality.  A house isn't just a place of four walls and a door, but a home....and a place of dreams.  Knowing all of this as we do, when it comes to buying a home, patience isn't always our biggest virtue!    :-D     The second step in the home buying process is talking with a lender to  help you get pre-approved for a loan.     The reason why we say that talking to a lender is your second step is because while you don't go grocery shopping without knowing how much is in your bank account, you should never go looking at homes without knowing how much you can afford.  A lenders job is to pre-approve you for as much as they can, but that doesn't always mean that you can, or that you should, spend that much on purchasing a home.  We all have lives, and you don't want to be housepoor.  Make sure that you know your budget, and what is a comfortable amount for you to spend monthly on a mortgage.  Remember to make sure that you have enough for small things like eating out (ok....if you have my family it isn't a 'small' thing at all to eat out!), going to the movies, maybe going on a family trip....and let's not forget buying groceries and gas!  Also...as a homeowner, now you have other additional expenses and potential repairs to put aside for.  I always tell all my clients to put aside some money from every check into a 'special' account at a banking institution that you don't regularly frequent.  Maybe it is a credit union across town that is only open for 4 hours a day, but make sure you don't have a checkbook or a debit card for it.  It doesn't have to be a lot of money....maybe only $10-$20 per check, but this is your 'rainy day' fund...or really, the funds for any home repairs that will, eventually, come up.  Being a home owner does mean being prepared for home repairs that always happen at the worst possible time!  Home Warranties really are your best friend when buying a home...and yes, this is different than Homeowners Insurance (aka Hazard Insurance).  That will be a topic for another week. :-)     The rule of thumb though is to make sure that when you are looking for homes, after you get pre-approved, to make sure you are looking at homes with your buyers agent that you can afford, and not max out your budget!     Remember that not all lenders can access the downpayment assistance loans, so make sure that you are going through someone who can.  If you have any questions about that, please feel free to call, or email, Chris Berg @ Pinnacle Mortgage...503-320-0925 (he is local), and [email protected] .       When getting pre-approved, make sure to ask your lender if your pre-approval has already gone through the manual underwriters.  We are seeing more, and more people lately who, thinking they are pre-approved, go out and find a home, only to find out days before signing, that the manual underwriters are declining their loan!  This is terrible as this means that this family who have already packed up, given notice, and are ready to move....now have no loan, and therefore, no home!  I don't want that to happen to any of my clients, so as a buyers agent, when I am speaking with a lender, I always ask their lender if the buyers loan approval was sent to the manual underwriter, or if it is just a computer approval.  Having your pre-approval go through the manual underwriters, instead of just a computer approval, does take some more time, usually up to a week more, but in the end it is always better to be safe rather than sorry!     Please remember that your pre-approval is only good for 90 days, and yes, you will have to update it at the end of the process...usually when your file goes to underwriting for the final documents to sign.  Please continue to pay your bills (on time), please do not change work hours, please do not go out and buy appliances, do not get a personal loan for 'stuff for the house', do not go buy a car/truck/boat/etc.  If you have any questions, please talk with your lender first as all of these things can cause your loan to be declined...at the final step....which is awful for everyone.  Your pre-approval is NOT set in stone....  A pre-approval is a snap-shot of your 'current' financial situation, and if that changes...so can your pre-approval.  Your financial situation will be looked at by a myriad of different people, and scrutinized about 2-3 times by the underwriters...which are actually the people with the power.  Please remember to talk with your lender and real estate agent...we are here to help!  :-)     A pre-approval is good for a monthly mortgage payment amount...not a purchase price.  Your interest rate can not be locked in until about 30-45 days from closing/keys.  What this means is that the interest rate you are quoted at the time of pre-approval is merely a 'guesstimate'.  This part is always a bit strange, but your lender can't even start your actual loan process until you have a signed around contract on a home...signed (and agreed to) by the person with the legal authority to sell that home.  If interest rates go up in the process of buying your home, and your rate is not locked in, then your monthly mortgage payment will change...and so can your pre-approval.     Your buyers agent, and your lender should work together, and communicate with each other to help you through this process!  I know I say this all the time, but we work for YOU!  By working together we help you achieve your goal of your own home where you can kick your shoes off, turn on some football (ok, maybe that is just my house!), and relax!  A buyers agent and a lender should work together as a team, communicating with each other, and with you, every step of the way....that is what we are here for!  :-)   I also asked Chris Berg for some information on this email...There are three forms of approvals that you will see when you purchase a home. Prequalification, preapproval, and approval. A prequalification is not worth the paper it's printed on and most if not all sellers will not except a prequalification when you make an offer on a home. The reason for this is that a prequalification is basically just checking your credit but not verifying income or down payment or any of the other thousand things that can go wrong during the transaction. A preapproval covers all the things they seller needs to see. Not only does it verify your credit but also verifies your income, tax returns, W-2s, down payment, employment and address history, and rent payments. A preapproval is what you need in order to make an offer on a home. An approval is generally not achieved until you were under contract on a home. It verifies all the items in a preapproval but also includes the appraisal and preliminary title report on all borrowers and sellers. In order to get a preapproval you need to bring your lender your last two years tax returns, W-2s, last 30 days pay stubs, ID, and two months bank statements if you have a down payment. If you are seriously considering buying a home a preapproval, with most lenders, will not cost you any money and will allow you to deal with any issues well before you spend the money to make an offer on a home. No animals were harmed during the writing of this email. Thank you,  Chris BergMortgage Advisor with Pinnacle Capital MortgageMLO-198082503-320-0925 [email protected] Information is power,  and as always...May the odds be ever in your favor out there....  If you are looking for a real estate agent, I would love to be able to help you.  If you have any questions, or comments please get a hold of me anytime.  You can call, text, email, or even facebook me.  Please remember that while I mean these emails/blogs to be helpful, and educational, I am still hoping that you will call, or email me as I would be honored to help you with your home buying, or home selling adventure!  :-)    As always....this is just a quick overview.... again...and I can't say this enough...please remember that your agent is NOT a salesperson, and should not be acting like one.  Real Estate is not really about houses, it is about relationships.  Your agent, and your lender work for YOU.  You drive the bus...we are merely GPS to help you get to your goals.  Like the classes, this weekly blog email is to help you with your home adventure.  The goal is to be informative and non-promotional.  :-)  We are, however, hoping you will call and want us to help with your adventure.   Thank you again for your business and your referrals!!  ...and thank you for referring these classes to your friends, family, and co-workers.   ....disclaimer...if you have already purchased a home, or would no longer like to receive these emails, please let me know and I will be happy to remove you from any further mailings...   Upcoming Topics: What do I need to buy a home, Hiring a Realtor...questions to ask, What if I don't have a Down Payment? .....  &....What does an Agent do for me? Debt to Income Ratios....What is this? Last Week:  Why take a home buyers (or sellers) class? Have a great day, and I will talk to you soon,   ;-D   Tracie DeMars   Real Estate broker   Re/Max - Van Mall   360/ 903-3504 cell   360/ 882-3600 fax   www.traciedemars.com   [email protected]       “Interested in free and non promotional home education classes?  Go to www.freehomebuyerclasses.com for local upcoming home buyer and home SELLER classes, or facebook: Tracie DeMars Real Estate for my home buyer education blog.” "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be."       - Shel Silverstein, American poet, cartoonist and composer, (1930 - 1999
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jovirealtyinc · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Vancouver Real Estate Market as a First Time Home Buyer
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Introduction: What Does it Take to Become a Homeowner in Vancouver?
Vancouver is one of the most desirable places to live in Canada. But buying property in Vancouver can be a daunting task, especially for first-time home buyers. The real estate market in Vancouver is highly competitive and the cost of housing is high. In this article, we'll discuss what it takes to become a homeowner in Vancouver, including navigating the real estate market and understanding the various costs associated with owning a home. We'll also provide tips on how to make your dream of homeownership a reality.
How to Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage and Find the Right Lender for Your Needs
Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is an important step in the home buying process. It helps you understand your eligibility as per the bank stress test and based on your downpayment it gives you a better idea of what kind of loan you can afford. A first time buyer in Canada has the privilidge to pay just 5% on the first $500,000 which comes to $25,000 + 10% of the top amount ( Let's say condo costs $900,000) then 10% of $400,000 is $40,000. So total mandatory down payment to the bank is $65,000. When you buy a second home, you need to put down 20% of purchase price.
Pre-approval helps you shop in the right direction and saves your time and your Realtor's time too. With the right lender, you'll have access to competitive rates, flexible terms( Variable interest or fixed interest) and personalized service. Jeevikka, has a team of mortgage helpers who work efficiently and ensure you get the best interest rate and service. 
What are the Typical Closing Costs & Fees Associated With Buying a Home in Vancouver?
Buying a home in Vancouver is an overwhelming process but the Realtor you choose can make it seem effortless. Knowing what closing costs and fees you should expect to pay when purchasing a home is important for budgeting and planning purposes. There are a variety of closing costs associated with buying a home in Vancouver, property transfer taxes, lawyer fees, truck moving fees, strata move in fee and sundry expenses. Fortunately, with an experienced real estate agent like Jeevikka Shah, you can get help step by step right until you move into your new home. Contact her today! 
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prafton12 · 3 years
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approvedvancouver · 4 years
How to get truck loans with bad credit in Langley?
As we hear that, Many truck buyers want to apply for a truck loan with bad credit. Yes, it is happening because Approved Vancouver is here to helped people with every type of credit and get approved for reasonable loans. We also provide you the personal attention to analyze all factors surroundings bad credit truck loans Langley and carefully match your needs with your lenders. To get more details contact us at 6043855500
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fastcanada · 3 years
Car Title Loans Vancouver Offers A Best Car Title Loans
Car Title Loans Vancouver are a type of short-term secured loan for people who own cars, trucks or vans. You can borrow up to $45,000. These loans are given by title lenders with collateral value in the form of the vehicle's title and registration. For more information, visit our website: https://fastcanadacash.com/area-served/car-title-loans-in-vancouver/
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seven51fog · 3 years
Premier League - Scores & Fixtures - Football - BBC Sport
Fa premier league today - Premier League Live Scores, Stats & Blog | Matchweek 30 | /21
Customising cars for the Premier League stars. On-loan defender Dawson to join West Ham permanently. Who is playing with a smile on his face and who made me think I was seeing things? Leageu all Premier League results. View all Premier League scores. View all Premier League fixtures. League Table Team P W D L F A GD Pts 1 Man City 31 23 5 3 66 21 45 74 2 Man Utd 30 17 9 4 58 33 25 60 3 Leicester 30 17 5 8 53 34 19 56 4 West Ham 30 15 7 8 48 37 11 52 5 Chelsea 30 14 9 7 46 30 16 51 6 Tottenham 30 14 7 9 51 32 leatue 49 7 Liverpool 30 fa premier league today 7 9 51 36 15 49 8 Everton 29 14 5 10 41 38 3 47 9 Aston Villa tovay 13 5 11 42 31 11 44 10 Arsenal 30 12 6 12 40 35 5 42 11 Leeds 30 13 3 14 47 48 -1 42 12 Wolves 31 fa premier league today 8 13 31 41 38 13 Crystal Palace 30 10 8 12 32 48 38 14 Southampton 30 fa premier league today 6 14 39 53 36 15 Burnley 30 8 9 13 24 40 33 16 Brighton 30 7 11 12 33 38 -5 32 17 Newcastle 30 7 8 15 30 50 fa premier league today 18 Fulham 32 5 11 16 24 42 26 19 West Brom 30 4 9 17 25 59 21 20 Sheff Utd 30 4 2 24 17 52 fa premier league today More to explore.
How Man City are battling history to land the quadruple There have been more than previous attempts by 15 different English clubs to win the quadruple - will Manchester City become the first to visit the website it? Match of the Day Top 10 podcast: Hard men.
Premier League Scores & Fixtures
How did hometown hero Wilder's Sheff Utd love affair fall apart? Result: How you think Here League table will finish. Is Directory on the way out at Man City? Backheel nutmegs and fish and chips - Raphinha's stunning start to life at Leeds. Try these Premier League quizzes. Big West. Cup Series. Xfinity Series. Camping World Truck Series.
ARG Prim. Aust AL. Aust Bund. Brasil A. Chilean PD. Colombian PA. ENG Champ. ENG L1. Fa premier league today L2. Greek SL. Irish PD. La Liga. Liga MX. Fa premier league today 1. Paraguayan PD. Russian PL. Serie A. Swiss SL. Turkish SL. Uru PD. Afr Cup. Algarve Cup. Argentina Supercopa. Belgian Super Cup. Bundesliga Playoffs. C Nations.
C Fa premier league today Champ. C U20 Champ. C W Champ. Copa Lib. Copa Maradona. Copa Rey. Copa Sud. DFB Pokal. Dutch Shield. England Shield. Euro Cup. Euro Qual. FA Cup. France Trophee. German DFL-Supercup. Gold Cup. Int'l Champ Cup. Italy Supercoppa. Lg Cup. Recopa Sudamericana.
English Premier League Schedule
SheBelieves Cup. Spain Supercopa. U17 WC. U20 WC. UAE Super Cup. UEFA Nations. World Cup. Anaheim Ducks. Arizona Coyotes. Boston Bruins. Buffalo Fa premier league today. Calgary Flames. Carolina Hurricanes. Chicago Blackhawks.
Colorado Avalanche. Columbus Blue Jackets. Dallas Stars. Detroit Red Wings. Edmonton Oilers. Leaggue Panthers. Los Angeles Kings. Minnesota Wild. Montreal Canadiens. Nashville Fa premier league today. New Jersey Devils. New York Islanders. New York Rangers. Ottawa Senators. Philadelphia Flyers. Pittsburgh Penguins. San Jose Sharks. Louis Blues.
Tampa Bay Lightning. Toronto Maple Leafs. Vancouver Canucks. Vegas Golden Knights. Washington Capitals. Winnipeg Jets. PGA Tour. LPGA Tour. Champions Tour. Korn Ferry Tour. European Tour. Aston Villa. Leeds United. Crystal Palace. Manchester Utd. Leicester City. West Ham. West Brom. Sheffield Utd.
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Taylor, @taylorswift
This is us!  Wife,Husband and Furbaby Daisy. We started our journey together in 2009 when we first started dating and I excitedly found your ‘Taylor Swift’ album wedged between Linkin Park/Green Day in his truck while we were driving,  playful conversation started along with MAJOR off key singing and the rest is history! We never got to attend your earlier tours as we lived on Vancouver Island in Canada and the closest big city was Vancouver. We eventually moved to Edmonton.
Since then…
Red Tour (dating), a couple of months after the tour (September 9) we got engaged and married that following September! We listened to ‘Today Was a Fairytale’ that night, being drunk in love and SO HAPPY! Magic was DEF. part of our day❤
1989 Tour (married yay!) we attended 1989 twice in our city! We spent so many fun nights together trying to come up with fun costume ideas/posters for the shows and again, through your music grew even closer!
Your music has helped me through so much in life and still cant find the right words to express my gratitude. You are like a sister to me, and even though we have never met - your music has been there for me when I needed it most and still is to this day. Your music was with a broken girl, abused, damaged and alone trying to find her way in this world rather than ending it all. Your music was then with a woman, who finally found her best friend, on the most important day of her life, when she said I do & started mending her life long wounds. That SAME WOMAN who literally just last night, was screaming ‘This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things’ with her Romeo she met in 2009 driving in his Chevy truck.
I don’t know if you will get to see this, but I will keep trying to (Swifties help me out lol). Jeff, Daisy and I (Soréya) look forward to spending our forever together having you as the soundtrack to our story! ❤
Reputation Tour Edmonton?? *just saw the tour locations and I’m sobbing rn, I really hope you come to Western Canada bc we can’t afford to go to Toronto :(!!!! Unless we take out a loan or something, which well -lets be honest we might consider if there’s no more dates O.O
@taylornation @tree-paine @taylorswift
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