#trr mc x oc
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kristinamae093 · 6 months ago
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Here Comes The Sun Chapter 21. (Expected later this week.)
Liam let out a forceful huff of air. “Whatever animosity you hold with my father is with him. Kyla wasn't involved and she's done absolutely nothing to you! She's trying to be your friend but you're engaging in high school drama — it's petty, juvenile, and it needs to stop. We are fucking adults.”
Riley sighed, her face mimicking the color of a ripe Cordonian ruby. “Do you really not get it? He accepted her like it was nothing, yet I —”
Liam held up his hand to stop her. “Do you not get it? He was a different person then and acted on an impulse driven by fear. Had you come at a later point in life, maybe things would be different, but that wasn't our destiny. We are both exactly where we're supposed to be.” As the statement left his mouth, he smiled; in the past, these ‘what if’ scenarios drove him crazy, wondering what could have been if the circumstances were different. Now, the only thing flashing through his mind was Kyla and a bright, vibrant path forward.
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Ghosted Chapter 13, Family Ties. (No ETA)
“No, you — you’re not my father, not anymore. You threw my mother in my face so much, but look at you! What you’ve become would disgust her!” Liam seethed. “I should banish you right now for lying and betraying your own flesh and fucking blood. Do I mean anything to you?!”
“You mean everything to me, son.” Constantine held his hands up in surrender but remained calm as a cucumber. “And I understand your anger, but I need you to listen to me for a moment—”
“Fuck. You.” Liam growled. He got into Constantine’s personal space within an instant and grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him to his feet. “I hope you rot in hell, you spineless piece of shit.”
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justcallmefox89 · 9 months ago
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Twenty-Three
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Return to Cordonia
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Liam restlessly drums his fingers against the armrest of his seat, occasionally darting irritated glances towards Callum and Drake.  Pangs of anger and jealously shoot through him as he watches the two interact; his chest tightening as his observes the tender way Callum treats Drake, as if he is something fragile and precious.
Callum tucks a soft blanket around Drake then slouches lower in his seat, allowing Drake to comfortably pillow his head on Callum’s shoulder.  Callum presses a soft kiss to the top of Drake’s head before picking up a battered paperback and starting to quietly read out loud.  Drake’s eyelids begin to flutter, and his breathing becomes deep and even as he quickly drops off to sleep.  Callum tenderly smiles down at him and resumes his reading silently, remaining as still as possible to avoid disturbing Drake’s sleep. 
If they weren’t currently 40,000 feet above the Atlantic ocean Liam would have thrown himself out of the plane without a second thought, anything to escape the painfully sick feeling he gets seeing Drake and Callum together.
Someone slides gracefully into the seat next to him, temporarily drawing his attention away from the two men. 
“I took the liberty of making you some tea,” Hana murmurs, passing him a steaming mug.
Liam inhales the fragrant steam and takes a sip, the scalding tea burning his tongue and temporarily distracting him from his misery.  “Thank you, Hana,” he says, smiling at her gratefully.
“How are you?” she asks, concern shining in her brown eyes.
Liam takes another sip of tea, trying to collect his thoughts.  “This is a situation I never expected to find myself in,” he finally admits.
“I doubt many people do,” Hana replies, stifling a smile.  “I don’t envy you, Your Majesty.  Madeline is furious.”
Liam stretches in his seat, picking out a familiar head of blonde hair sitting several seats ahead of him.  He shrugs, unable to muster enough energy to care about his fiancée’s anger.  “It’s no secret that our marriage isn’t a love match,” he sighs.  “I’m not sure what she expects from me.”
“Probably for you to not openly stare at Drake and Callum as if you’re a jealous lover.”
The king turns his head to stare at Hana, shocked at her uncharacteristic boldness. 
She nervously tucks her hair behind her ears and clears her throat.  “Her pride is hurt, Your Majesty.  No matter the truth of your arrangement it is important to her that the two of you appear to be a loving and committed couple to the public.”
“It’s getting harder and harder to pretend,” he admits, slumping back into his seat.  “I see those two together and I remember every wonderful moment I’ve had with them, and I can’t help but imagine what kind of future we could have together.”
He speaks without thinking, unwittingly admitting to his previous relationship with Drake.  Hana smiles to herself, happy to have her long-standing suspicions finally confirmed, but allows the moment to pass without comment.
“But then I remember how easy it was for Callum to give up, to walk away from me without a fight,” Liam continues.  “And I see how easy it was for Drake to just fall into his arms and I feel… betrayed.  I’m furious, Hana.  With both of them.  And I don’t want to be, but I can’t help it.”
Hana levels him with a disappointed look and he squirms under her gaze.  “I would hope you know both of them well enough by now, especially Drake, to know that none of this is easy for them.  It wasn’t easy for Callum to leave Cordonia, but at some point he had to prioritize his well-being over the chance you might choose him.  For you their relationship came out of nowhere, but Drake was Callum’s rock during the social season, sometimes even more than myself or Maxwell.  They understand each other in a way we never will, because in many ways they will always be outsiders in court.  They bring out the best in each other.  Drake grounds Callum.  And Callum makes Drake free.”
Liam frowns, silently ruminating over her words.
Hana sighs, softening her tone.  “I understand that you’re angry, and that’s fair.  But you need to understand that you played a part in all of this too.  You decided to prioritize your duty to Cordonia, and you have to accept all the consequences that follow.”
“You know better than anyone that I didn’t have a choice.”
“There is always a choice, Liam.”  Hana tentatively lays her hand over his and gazes at him earnestly.  “Drake and Callum chose happiness, it’s not too late for you to do the same.”
“I…” Liam hesitates, the very thought seems overwhelmingly daunting.
Hana squeezes his hand reassuringly.  “I will remain your friend whatever you decide, Liam.  But bear in mind that if you do marry Madeline you run the chance of losing them both forever.”
“I know,” he whispers sadly, glancing over towards the pair.  Callum has joined Drake in slumber; his cheek rests on the top of Drake’s head and he smiles faintly in his sleep.  “I know.” 
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jerzwriter · 9 months ago
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Event Prompts
Jacqueline's Return - Nik Ryder x F!MC by @ladylamrian
Open Heart:
Miracles - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC by @liaromancewriter Who am I? - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC by @coffeeheartaddict2
The Royal Romance/The Royal Finale:
All For Love - F!OC & M!OC - @rosesnink
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choicesfrog · 2 years ago
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The Royal Romance (OC)
Name: Eloise Park
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/Her
LI: Hana
Hobbies: Dancing, Reading, Playing Piano, Painting
Eloise is the sixth child of the Park clan. Though she’s somewhat of a middle child, she definitely wasn’t lost in the shuffle. Similar in personality, temperament, as well as having similar interests to her grandparent and one of her mothers, she was doted on as much as if she were a youngest child.
Eloise is prim, proper, and loves all things pretty. As a child, she was probably a bit overdressed for school, but she loves wearing fancy dresses. She’s also a voracious reader and learned to read at age four. She started piano and dance lessons not too long after. When she was in high school, she began taking ballroom dancing lessons.
Eloise also learned a lot of proper royal etiquette from her grandparent. While not born into nobility themself, they did grow up as a member of a wealthy British family before coming to America. In a lot of ways, Eloise was more prepared to be part of the social season than her friend Elaine. In fact she ended up helping Elaine out when she could (so that job wouldn’t fall solely on Hana).
Instead, she ended up following her to Cordonia because to Eloise the whole premise of her supposedly meeting a prince and a random noble offering to sponsor her seemed super sketchy, and she wanted to make sure her friend wasn’t getting into something more dangerous.
Due to her grandparent’s family having a long history and being widely spread through both Europe and the states, Eloise claimed to be a part of that family, and it was enough to allow her to travel along with the rest of the nobles. Of course Elaine, Liam, Hana, Maxwell, and Drake knew the truth, but they promised not reveal her secret. She was very upfront with all of them. She was also quite upfront about not trying to win Liam’s hand. As a lesbian, she had no interest.
Eloise was not a fan of most of the other ladies at court, especially after what happened at the coronation, and though they knew of her dislike of them, she maintained a civil and polite relationship in public. In private, she avoided them. Out of everyone, she really only respected and got along with Kiara. She admires Kiara’s ambition. Eloise also knows French, and she and Kiara had a bit of fun having conversations in it when they wanted to speak in private. Eloise is wary of Olivia, and outright disgusted by Madeleine’s treatment of Hana. She was indifferent towards Penelope until she learned that she was part of the plot against Elaine.
What Eloise didn’t expect was to fall in love during her time in Cordonia. She was immediately attracted to Hana, but she wasn’t sure if Hana felt the same way. She also knew all the pressure Hana was under from her parents to win Liam’s hand, so she decided not to push things and was happy to befriend her.
Eloise also was able to quickly figure out that there was a lot more to how Hana’s parents treated her than she was letting on. The isolation, the abuse, being forced to earn their affection all reminded her of how her grandfather described his upbringing before he was disowned from his family. Eloise wanted to help Hana to get out of her bad situation, but she also knew it wasn’t easy. She just let Hana know she was there for her if she wanted to vent, cry, or just escape her problems for a while. While she was glad Elaine encouraged Hana to stand up to her parents, she also knew that could make abusive situations worse.
Spending time with Hana, she realized they had a lot in common. Both had a love of reading, flowers, and playing the piano. At Olivia’s estate after Hana played for her, Eloise played a song for Hana. The two of them spent the rest of the night laughing and playing together. They became very close during the social season and spent time swapping book recommendations, talking about music, watching shows together (there was so much Hana had never seen, and Eloise was the one who showed her some of the dance movies/competition shows she mentioned studying when she had her dance battle with Maxwell). They talked about their hopes and dreams and everything in between.
There were little romantic moments shared between the two. Some handholding, gentle reassuring touches here and there, and they even waltzed together a few times. Nothing had progressed very far until Hana was forced to leave at the end of the season. After sharing their first kiss together, and having such a heartfelt confession of their feelings, Eloise was determined she’d see Hana again. She almost flew to Shanghai, afraid that Hana’s parents wouldn’t let her come back to be one of Madeleine’s ladies in waiting.
The two continued to grow closer and spent even more time together during the engagement tour. Eloise became very protective towards Hana and kept a close eye on her, especially after Madeleine admitted to wanting to “break her” (Eloise came very close to slapping her to wipe that smirk off her face), and after Hana’s falling out with her father. She spent time with Hana trying to find a place for her to stay and helping her think about what she truly wanted from life.
Hana and Eloise both decided to move to Castelsarreillan and eventually moved in together. The two became engaged during the Unity Tour and were married about a year later. Hana and Eloise meet with Kiara often since they live nearby, and travel to the capital to see their friends there. They sometimes go to visit Eloise’s family, and sometimes her family comes to them. Hana still has a very rocky relationship with her parents, and she’s taking the time to heal. She occasionally will call or visit her father, but it’s on her terms. Hana isn’t quite sure if her relationship with her mother is something she wants to continue.
Hana and Eloise enjoy a happy and quiet life, Hana working at a library and Eloise teaching dance lessons to children. They both also teach piano on the side. They plan on having at least two children, as they each want to experience pregnancy, but they could expand their family beyond that.
A few more random facts:
Hana was Eloise’s first everything. She was really glad she didn’t have to say anything about her first kiss because she hadn’t had one yet. Though Eloise had several crushes growing up, she never acted on her feelings.
Since Eloise grew up with several other lgbtq+ family and friends and lived in a generally very accepting community, she came to terms with and became comfortable with her sexuality pretty early on. Once Hana felt more comfortable admitting she was also interested in women (I headcannon her as bisexual), Eloise was there to support her and answer any questions she might have.
The night of the coronation, Eloise painted a portrait of Hana as something to remember her by during their time apart.
Like most of her family, Eloise is a big cat person.
Eloise can speak English, Spanish, French, and also knows a little bit of Latin.
On rainy days, Eloise and Hana like to snuggle together under a blanket and read.
Eloise’s family was very worried about her with everything that happened in Cordonia, but since she’s rather stubborn, she insisted on staying to help her friends. That didn’t keep them from calling her daily to check on her.
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Throwback Fic #2
The Antique Mirror🪞
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I wanted this to be my last submission for  @speedyoperarascalparty​​   creepy campfire tales.   However, I could not contain this story to the proper word count. I actually have to say, I really have enjoyed writing the creepy and the weird with  these stories I created during this challenge.  But I do have to give her thanks for tagging me in this idea because it did push me into the “creepy” world, and I kind of like it here.   So I’m calling this my creepy campfire tale 2021 fail. 
Update: thank you for still letting me submit it.   
I used the characters for Mia’s World which is a  cross over between a non - royal TRR and The Freshman series. 
This can be read as a one shot  but if you would like to learn more about my character Mia, this is where her stories can be found.  
Book One:  Pop’s Place
Book Two:  Mia’s 🌎 World
A/N:  This is not a completely original idea for me as I got bit by Netflix in a bit of the story influence here.  If you have seen Locke & Key on Netflix  (which I highly recommend) you will see some influence or my interpretation of the keys, without them actually being keys sprinkled throughout: The Mirror Key, The Identity Key, The Head Key, and The Memory Key.  There is also an episode of the Flash where Iris is pulled into a mirror world so you’ll see influences of both here.  
A/N2:  I had three endings for this series, two were totally DW inspired, but I overruled those both, and decided on the ending the lovely @dcbbw​​​  talked to me about. Thank you dear friend.  
The Book:  TRR x The Freshman Pairing:  Mia x Jaiden (TRR MC x M!OC) / Emily x Chris Word Count: 4641 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Profanity, sexual innuendo.  
Summary: Mia and Jaiden buy an antique mirror from a flea market but bring something even more sinister into their home. 
Mia, Chris, and Emily belong to Pixelberry, all others are my own characters to help us tell our story.
 Song Inspiration for this chapter cute for this couple:  Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer
I don’t own rights to the music or lyrics quoted below.
Original Post: 10/27/21 at 7:27PM EST.
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choicesficwriterscreations · 5 months ago
October Creator of the Month: Tessa-Liam
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Please welcome this month’s Creator of the Month: @tessa-liam
Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists. The writer or artist is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTMs can be found here.
Tumblr Blog Name: Tessa-Liam
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Tessa
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played?
Christmas 2017, I was scrolling FB and saw an ad for Choices featuring The Royal Romance Book 1. I downloaded the app and started reading TRR right away.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I was hooked on that series and was waiting for a new chapter to release. I was desperate for more and my sister suggested that I try searching Tumblr for fanfiction in 2021.
3- How did you pick your blog name?
Liam was my LI, so I joined his name with mine!
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!
My very first post was the masterlist to @ao719's series ‘The Invitation’. I found her treasure trove of Liam Rys/TRR stories very quickly! I couldn't get enough!
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both?
I write fanfiction. I wish I could draw…the best I can do is create moodboards.
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I started writing my own stories for Choices pretty much at the same time I found the app. Publishing those stories started with prompting and encouragement from Anitah [@ao719] & Emmy [@txemrn]. I posted my first on October 28, 2022, ‘October Weekend Retreat’. I have also written for ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘Twilight’ & ‘The X-files’. These stories are all published on AO3 with other pseudonyms
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
My favorite book(s) to read and create for: The Royal Romance Series. Favorite = book 3
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
I do still like it! The changes I would make…I would add more ‘Would You Rather’ questions and dialogue.😁
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created?
My favorite: ‘All is Fair in Love & War’ …and I won an art commission (my center pic) for it from CFWC, by ArtbyAinna (IG).
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I am always honoured whenever anyone takes the time to read, comment, or share my stories!🥰
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Definitely angst❣️ I love writing/drama about a group of characters in a series with various sub plots and relationships over time.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Yes! My OC Sophie Taylor from Marabelle.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Writing…Definitely 😏 smut! ….but practice makes perfect, right!? 😉
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Oh geez, so much!? My one drive is well stocked! 😂
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first?
Yes! My sister. No, not necessarily…I know she reads AO3, cuz she posts there too!
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? Are there any writers that influence you?
Anitah @ao719, my fellow Liam stan definitely inspired me to write TRR stories here on Tumblr. She is a phenomenal writer!💖
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series?
Marabelle …it's still a W.I.P. right now and I have so much story to tell!
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art?
I have started a framework for a novel and have created storyboards for it.
19- What other hobbies do you have?
I love horses and am learning dressage. Reading, writing, politics.
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to)
I adore royalty in real life and follow news on William & Kate. They toured Canada in 2016. I was in Victoria, BC on vacation when they were here, but I couldn't get anywhere near that area of the city. 🤷‍♀️
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choicesjanuary2025 · 1 month ago
Rolling On Forward (HSS fic, Aiden x MC)
Seasons of Life - A Poem for Evie (HSS poem, MC)
Evie-loution AKA Evie's Series of Appearance Glow-Ups from Elementary School to Berry High (HSS edits, MC)
Evie-loution Headcanons (HSS headcanons, MC)
First Meetings (ID fic, Cas x MC)
flowers for friends (BOLAS fic, MC)
Riley and Basia Ryenne enjoy a picnic in the snow (TRR, TRH edit, MC & OC)
A Night to Remember (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
First Date (COP fic, Trystan x MC)
A Not So Chance Encounter (OH fic, Tobias x MC)
Strictly Professional (or not...) (OH art commission and fic, Tobias x MC)
Poe & the Purring Tyrant (OH fic, Tobias x Casey)
Clara and Her Nutcracker (D&D fic, Ernest x MC)
Lamrian's Sleeping Beauty (NB fic, Nik x MC)
Winter Wonderland (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
After the Party (OH fic, Sienna x OC)
Alternate Universes (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
Snowed In (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
Unexpected (COP art commission, Sebastyan x MC)
Happy New Year (BOLAS art, Tyril x MC)
@storyofmychoices/ @lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt
Happy New Year (OH art commission, OH MC)
A New Year to Remember (OH edit, Insta fic, Bryce x OC)
Love Springs Eternal (BOLAS fic, Mal x MC)
Happy Birthday, Thomas! (RCD art commission and fic, Thomas x MC)
Alex Spencer (RCD art, OC)
Marabelle series, chapter 18 (TRR, Liam x OC)
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choicesaugustchallenge · 7 months ago
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In alphabetical order by prompt. Will add more each week.
Beach Date
Lilah Rose - CoP Art by @lilyoffandoms
Only Her (Thomas Hunt x OC) - RCD/HWU Fic by @theartoflovingthomashunt
"Being in love is like a rollercoaster and a stroll on the beach rolled into one."
A Little Jealous (Tobias Carrick x MC) - OPH Fic by @jerzwriter
Eternal Summer
Bryce x Luna - OPH Art (Bryce Lahela x OC) by @lilyoffandoms
When Sparks Fly - OPH Fic by @liaromancewriter
Late Night Talking Inder the Stars
Bonds of Sea and Fire Part 2 - Blades Fic (Tyril x MC) by @missameliep
Mono~poly Chapter 4: Moving On - OPH Fic (Tobias Carrick x MC) by @jerzwriter
Laying on their chest while watching the sunrise
Detention VII.V: A Brush of Magic - TE Fic (Beckett x MC) by @storyofmychoices
Outdoor Movie Night
Classic Cinephiles - OPH Moodboard by @choicesfanaf
Pool Party
Ajay x MC - HSS:CA Art by @mydemonsdrivealimo commissioned by @peonyblossom
Road Trip
Snugglin’ Inn - OPH Fic (Ethan x MC, Bryce x OC, Tobias x MC) by @jerzwriter
Skinning Dipping
Trystan Thorne - CoP Art by @lilyoffandoms
Summer Heat
Something New - WtD Fic (Eli Sipes x MC) by @jerzwriter
Summer Holiday
Summer Getaway - OPH Edit (Sienna Trinh x OC) by @liaromancewriter
Summer Romance
Jun x Emilia - TDG Art (Jun Seong x MC) by @weetlebeetle commissioned by @storyofmychoices
Summer Wedding
I Thee Wed - OPH Edit & Fic (Ethan Ramsey x MC) by @liaromancewriter
Mono~poly Chapter 5: Beautiful Days - OPH Fic (Tobias Carrick x MC)
Turning The Page Chapter 14: Make You Mine - TRR Fic (Liam Rys x MC) by @tessa-liam
Lincoln x Vax - ILW Edit/Gif by @kilvalir
The Garden Part - OPH Edit (Tobias Carrick x MC) by @jerzwriter
First Day - OPH Fic & Edit by @liaromancewriter
Dr. Sienna Trinh - OPH Art by @lilyoffandoms
Luna Auclair - OPH Art by @lilyoffandoms
Multiple Pairings - Multiple Books Edits by @cadybear420
Daenarya x Maiele - Blades Art by @lilyoffandoms
Through the Pain - TDG Fic (Jun Seong x MC) by @storyofmychoices
Too Hot To Handle
Angelina: The Girlfriend - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Crystal: The Skinfluencer - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Farah Sabri - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Medhani: The Doctor - TDG Art by @storyofmychoices
Ripley Reese - ID Art by @lilyoffandoms
She’s Hot (Ade) - BB Edit by @aesthetic-aag
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choicesjanuary2024 · 1 year ago
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Listed in alphabetical order by artist name. If I missed adding one on this list, or missed reblogging, please let me know.
Chronicles of a Crimson Summer 11 (ID Fic & Edit, Cas x MC)
Songs that describe my pairings (ID & It Lives Songs)
Starlit night (WtD Fic, Troy x MC)
chosen family (CoP Fic, Trystan)
hello, goodbye ~ jimmy rose (CoP Fic, Jimmy)
laplace’s angel (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
meeting at a crosswalk (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
slam poetry (MAH Fic, Stevie x MC)
A Different Fate - Final Chapter (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
A Little Mess (OPH Edit, Tobias x MC)
A New Perspective (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
A Tipsy Winter Tale (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Clucking Amazing (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Different Destinations (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
If the hat fits… (CoP Fic & Art Commission, Trystan x MC)
It Always Starts Somewhere…. (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Pen-sive (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Pietro & Azul (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
Stress Reduction (OPH Fic, Tobias x MC)
The Morning (WtD Fic, Eli x MC)
Trystan’s 2023 Holiday Recap (CoP Edit, Trystan x MC)
Twenty-Five (WTD Fic, Troy & MC)
A Prince for the Holidays (Blades Fic, Aerin x MC)
His Barbie, Her Ken (Nightbound Fic, Nik x MC)
Loyal to be Royal (Nightbound Fic, Nik x MC, Garrus x MC)
Daddy’s Girl (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Making It Work (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Miami Nights: Before and After (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
New Year Wishes (OPH Fic, Ethan x MC)
Whatever It Takes (OPH Edit, Ethan x MC)
Alex as the Winter Princess (Nightbound Art, MC)
Aerin x Raine (Blades Art, Aerin x MC)
Aerin x Raine (Blades Art, Aerin x MC)
Ash Clark (ILITW Art, OC)
Captain Pandrosion Elara (AtV Art, Sol, Meridian, Kepler, MC)
Casey MacTavish (OPH Art, MC)
Coffee Date(s) (CoP Art, Trystan x MC)
Detective Lilah Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Ethan (OPH Art)
Gabriel Rose (CoP Art)
Imtura Tal Kaelen (Blades)
Inspired by Mal x Daenarya (Blades Art, Mal x OC)
Kajsiab (Alpha Art, MC)
Kieran (TCH Art)
Lancelot x Guinevere Silhouette (Guinevere Art, Lancelot x MC)
Leaf, King of Birds (TCH Art)
Lilah Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Luca O'Rinn (ID MC)
Mal Volari (Blades Art)
Marianna Howard (Desire and Decorum Fanart, OC)
Nia Ellarious (Blades Art)
Nora Rose (CoP Art, MC)
Sabastyan Thorne Case File (CoP Art)
Saini Rusanen (ID Art, MC)
Tatum x Aubrey (FA Art, Tatum x MC)
Together We Win (Blades Art, MC)
Trystan (CoP Art)
Tyril Starfury (Blades Art)
Wallace (Blades Art)
Happy New Year (RCD Fic & Art Commission, Thomas x MC)
Helios - Emma’s Arylu (TE Art, Familiar)
#plantlove (OPH Fic, Bryce x OC)
Post Christmas Bliss (RCD Art Commission, Thomas x MC)
Spread Joy #841 (Blades Edit, Mal)
Tuneless Wonders (TE, Fic & Art Commission)
Valax (Blades Art)
Hades of House Nightbloom (Blades Art Commission, MC)
I Wasn’t Built For Iceland (AME Fic, Carson x MC)
We’ll Figure It Out (Untamable Fic, Kit x MC)
In Her Arms (CoP Fic, Vasili, Juliana)
The Skies (Blades Fic, Imtura, Ventra)
Turning the Page (TRR Fic, Liam x OC)
A 2AM Christmas Tree Farm [1/2] (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Babysitting the Demonic Duo (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Home without - Part One (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Progression (CoP Fic, Trystan x MC)
Tabloids, or a story in 5 headlines (CoP Fic, Trystan x Emma)
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rosesnink · 8 months ago
Red Threads of Fate (That Bind Us Together), Arc I- Black Thorne, White Rose (Pt. 1)
Author's Notes
Je suis back!! After months of not touching this series due to rl craziness, I'm back with COP stuff babey!! This arc will be an interesting one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. That being said, read the warnings and bon appetit!
English isn't my first language, so please forgive any typos/grammar mistakes
Some parts of the fic will look like they're highlighted. This is an editing errors due to my Word doc crashing many times, losing excerpts because my computer crashed. I know it's annoying, but please try to ignore it and enjoy the read
If you want to be tagged in my COP writing, let me know!
If you want to read more of my ILITW, TRR & D&D stuff, check out my masterlist!!
Summary: Nerea has been in Drakovia for a while, yet she feels very lonely. Meeting a certain Thorne will be eventful... to say the least
Word Count: 2.9k
Category: Romance, coming of age
Pairing: Vasili Thorne x F!OC, Sebastyan Thorne x F!OC (eventually) Marguerite Thorne x F!OC (Nerea Rose) (eventually), mentions of F!Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Neera Rose)
Rating: T
TW: There is a suggestive scene at the end, as well as mentions of discriminations against Romani people, reader's discretion is advised
Book: Crimes of Passion
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Two months, six days, a hundred and two minutes and seven hundred minutes.
That’s how long Nerea Rose had been in Drakovia, and not one friend she had made. Sure, there were groups and people she had things in common, but she didn’t seem to have her crowd.
If one didn’t count Juliana Georgescu, but everybody got along fine with the countess. What a life she must lead, Nerea thought. Nevertheless, it seemed that power and wealth had a price, for her mothers had found her a suitor. The Crown Princess, no less. Absorbed in her own thoughts, she bumped into someone, dumping coffee and books all over the place. A small curse in Drakovian was spit, and Nerea did her best to apologize in an accentuated Drakovian “My apologies, I did not see you at all! Please, let me help you—,” She froze in place when she caught sight of the brown skin, dark eyes and glasses “Y-Your Royal Highness! Do forgive me—,”
A thread of apologies began between them both “It’s alright,” he answered in perfect English “I was quite absorbed myself. I did not hurt you, did I?”
“I could ask you that myself! Good heavens, your jacket is ruined! Here, let me…” He put his hand on hers and smiled reassuringly.
“I wanted to get rid of it eventually. I should’ve seen you—,”
As she collected her last book, when she saw the face of the poor man she trampled, recognition and shame came upon her “Oh my, I’m so sorry, Prince Vasili, I should’ve known—,”
He chuckled “Do not fret, I should’ve seen where I was going as well. I suppose we were both distracted.”
She shook her head “No, I should’ve seen where I was going, and now my latte is all over your surely expensive coat!”
He helped her up “Nothing a good rub won’t fix. Please, allow me to walk you to class and buy you a new latte. My treat.” He smiled, and my, what a beautiful smile that was.
“I can’t ask you that—,”
“I’m offering. Besides, I’m afraid my espresso is all over your beautiful dress too. My lady mother would be mortified if I maimed such a beauty. You are…? A beauty like yourself must have a name.” He extended his hand.
“Nerea. Nerea Rose.”
His grip was firm, yet gentle and warm, welcoming even. His eyes swept her before they too widened in recognition “Ah, I’ve heard about you! The American genius who has been travelling throughout Europe’s best universities. Your thesis on the advantages and abuses of AI was formidable. Truly a work of art. My siblings got tired of my gushing about your nuances and the way you expressed it. Not even professionals ten years ahead of you could’ve explained it as well and as richly as you.”
She blushed deeply and bit her lip “I’m glad someone appreciated it. I’m afraid my father didn’t understand much ‘technological mumbo jumbo’ and my sister couldn’t even finish it because the language was too complex.”
He smiled “Shame. It’s a true work of art. Do tell me, what brings you to Drakovia?”
“Well, since I’ve dipped my toes in technology and martial arts, I was thinking of getting a masters on Classical Languages: Latin, Greek, Ancient Egyptian, the works.”
Vasili looked at her, delighted “I am a humanist myself. Not many scientific minds appreciate the arts and humanities. Science may give us answers and make us advance as humanity, but it is art that nurtures the soul.”
Nerea smiled fondly “That’s what my mother used to say.”
Vasili frowned “’Used’?”
Nerea fidgeted with her fingers “She disappeared. Police assumed since she was a Romani—despite her ID clearly stating she was Andalusian—she just escaped with a lover, which she would never do.”
Vasili made a face “To hear the injustice in America is one thing, but that is too far.”
“Not to mention blatantly racist. But it was long before I could even have a conscience, so there isn’t much to do save do her proud, wherever she is.”
“You already have.”
She looked at Vasili, touched by his words, but before she could say something, the professor called “Ah, Miss Rose! Do come in, we have been waiting for you.”
“Your Highness—,”
“Please, just Vasili.”
“Very well, ‘just’ Vasili. I’ll see you around.”
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During the small recess, as she walked around the campus, enjoying the small sandwich she made and the unusual sunny weather in the cold Drakkos, she spotted a little boy with gorgeous green eyes towards her. She smiled at him “Hello, sweetie! Are you lost?”
She noticed he held a bonbon, and made a gesture to give it to her. She chuckled “That’s sweet, darling, but I can’t. It’s yours.”
The boy insisted, his eyes making that face that made her melt. She sighed, defeated “All right, all right. I’ll take it. May I give you a thank you huggie?”
Wordlessly, he hugged her and she smiled, and a minute later, he took off to his bewildered mother. She gave her a smile. Just because this wasn’t the first time that a child smiled at her or even went as far to go to her didn’t mean it was strange. A good strange, but strange nevertheless.
“Nerea!” Juliana called.
She turned around and strid to the countess, who seemed to hold court with a few of her classmates. Many of them observed her curiously “What was all of that about?”
Nerea shrugged “I don’t know. It’s not the first time, but it’s still… odd.”
While Vasili did not have many friends, the ones he did were genuine and quite interesting. It was nice, hanging out with people who were as smart or nearly smart as her, not feeling for once like she once set the room quiet with a scientific joke.
As she observed her new group, her eyes stopped on Juliana, and as she talked and interacted, something in her body woke. For a moment, she lost her breath and one voice in her head told her that something terrible would happen to her. Then, it was gone.
When she opened her eyes, Vasili had steadied her and looked at her concerned “Are you alright, Nerea?”
“I… It’s nothing. Silly stuff of mine.”
“It didn’t seem like nothing.” He insisted.
“I just… I got a gut feeling that said that something terrible would happen to Juli. Stupid, right?” She chuckled, brushing it off.
They all looked at one another, obviously creeped out. She excused herself, going to the bathroom. After taking a few deep breaths, she washed her face, and that’s when she observed that Juliana had followed her.
She turned around, and observed that the countess observed her closely “How often do you get these gut feelings, Nerea?”
“Not very often. Only when a tragedy is bound to strike.”
Instead of looking at her like a madwoman, she leaned close, intrigued “Such as?”
“Before my mother disappeared or my Uncle Jimmy died, I got the same gut feeling. I suppose I also know when someone’s trouble.”
She nodded “And you got a feeling that I may be in trouble?”
She shrugged, “I suppose. I know it sounds ominous, but it’s yet to fail me.”
She placed a hand on her shoulder “I will keep it in mind. Thank you, Nerea. You’re a good girl.” 
As they came back, they had begun a debate about what prompted the child’s behavior. “…That was amazing! Children are a great judge of character. Has it always happened?”
“Since I turned sixteen, yes. I suppose I’ve always had a wide maternal side and connected well with children. Many stared at me when I’m out, for some reason.”
Vasili added to her surprise “That is a scientific proof that you are beautiful. I’m afraid I’m not children’s favorite prince.” He shrugged, “Trystan and Bas are.”
One of their friends clapped the prince’s shoulder, remarking that he was the group’s favorite by default. Nerea shyly said “Just because children don’t tend to look at you doesn’t mean that you aren’t handsome. It’s… what, one fact among many? I’ve seen gorgeous people who were awful to children.”
Vasili looked at her with interest before smiling “You have a point. You’ll fit well amongst us, Nerea.”
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Christmas finally came around the corner, and Nerea had packed everything when she decided to look outside the window… to find it all covered in snow, even some cars! She turned on the news as the weather guy kept talking about how it’d be snowing like this throughout most of the winter, making it impossible to get out of the country. Her phone ringed, and of course, her flight had cancelled due to said weather. Sighing, she sat down and put her head in her palms, letting out a grunt of frustration.
Just then, Vasili called her. He rarely called, preferring text over call. She picked up, intrigued “Hello?”
“Nerea! I suppose you’re on the plane back to New York?”
“Nope. My flight got cancelled due to the weather, and I have nothing but yoghurt and ramen on the fridge. Why do you ask?”
He cleared his throat “Well, I was on the way home when the snow trapped my car, and your house is just above it. Perhaps I could… crash in there? Until they clear out the road, that is.”
She flushed. For months now, she had developed a complicated crush with Vasili, and the idea made her flustered “O-Of course! I’ll open the door for you. It’s—,”
“Portal 26, second floor, door 3B. I remember, Nerea.”
She smiled “Good. See you then. Hope you like cheap ramen.”
She hung up, looking at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair and spraying the special ‘Amor Amor’ perfume by Cacharel and putting on some lip oil before going to the kitchen, pretending to be preparing dinner.
The door closed behind her, and a snow-covered Vasili stepped into her view, his glasses foggy and covered in specks of snow, as well as his coat and boots. She beamed for a minute before giving him her usual friendly smile “Please, take off your shoes and coat! The heater is right there,” she pointed “and the guest room is next by mine. It’s not a palace, but it’s comfy. Can you tell me if there’s warm bedsheets there?”
Vasili obeyed the host, leaving the damp shoes by the door and hanging the coat and craned his head to the small but cozy guest room. He called out “All clear! Thank you, Nerea. I didn’t know who else to call.”
“You’re my friend. I’m happy to help. Please, sit.”
It was then when she took off her eyes from his face and noticed the large bag. She raised her eyebrows “What is that?”
“Ah, well, Marguerite had asked for Thai takeout, but I suppose that is no longer an option…”
She smiled “I love Thai. Here, let me plate it.”
“May I help?”
“Sure! Cutlery is in there.”
They both plated the Thai food and went to her desk, which was a gateway to the kitchen, and chatted animatedly about what they had been looking forward these holidays. Soon, they exchanged holiday-themed childhood stories “…Poor Nina. Swallowing snow sounds unhygienic.”
Nerea laughed “Curiosity killed the cat indeed. Despite my warnings, she didn’t listen, and we had to hospitalize her. Ever since, she listened to me more often. Well, as often as an eleven-year-old could.
They chuckled “Your sister sounds like quite the character. You must miss her.”
A pang of sadness washed over her “Very much. I’m bummed I can’t see her now. It’s… my first Christmas outside the US.”
Compassion could be read all over Vasili’s face “I can’t imagine how hard that must be. Is there any way I may be able to make it amenable while I’m here?”
She shrugged “It’ll be weird, to not cook an entire feast for the family. We always spent time with my father, sister and the Ginovesis. I’d make my special dish of huevos rotos, followed by migas and my stellar homemade turrón. I do have the ingredients here, but not an audience.”
Vasili gave her an amused look “What am I, Nerea, chopped liver? I’d be happy to be your audience.”
She shook her head “I can’t ask you that.”
“You’re not. I’m offering.”
She smiled widely “All right. But you’re helping, mister! Number one rule of the Rose Christmas; you want to eat; you have to earn it!”
He teasingly made a military salute “Aye aye, Captain!”
For two hours, they cooked, an intimate synchrony between them that neither could explain as the food was made, a certain unaddressed intimacy between stolen glances, the occasional hand brush, and how each looked at the other’s body. Especially the lips.
At last, the food was made, and they dug in, and Vasili seemed to hold back a moan of delight when he tried the huevos rotos. “Mm. The richness of the egg, the meat and the softness of the egg yolk is simply divine, and the spices really give it a kick. You truly are a talent at everything you do.”
She blushed “Thank you. I was nervous that it wouldn’t be to your tastes…”
He chuckled “I may be a royal, but I am capable of appreciating the simple things in life. And this is too delicious to ignore because the ‘commoners’ eat it as well.”
Nerea smirked “It has been a while since we’ve considered royalty some sort of demigods.”
“Thankfully so.”
They clinked their glasses, Riojan wine sparkling red “To family.”
“And those close to your heart.”
Smiling wide, they drank and kept talking and exchanging tales “You’re telling me that Patryk dared Kaspar to put on the prime minister’s underwear and streak across the building in it? No offence, but gross.”
“Not as gross as mudpies. That poor guy.”
“Hey! In my defense, he cheated on me!”
Vasili looked at her intensely “A crime indeed. Such a shame that beauties like yourself don’t get appreciated. If you were mine—,” His eyes shoot wide, and he cleared his throat “Apologies. It seems like the wine made me overstep.”
Nerea must’ve been affected by the wine, for she surprised herself when she blurted out “If I were yours, what would you do?”
He took her hands in his, an intense look on his face making her gasp “I’d worship you day and night. I’d give you the world. Every other woman would cease to exist.”
“Vasili, that is—,”
The strong wind slamming open the window interrupted the moment. Bolting up, the both rushed towards the window, where both forced it closed and panted, the effort being visible, as well as the tension of the moment.
“Whew! I need another glass after that.”
“I’ve had enough alcohol. I could use the turrón, though.”
She let out a breath “Coming right up.”
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The morning after, Nerea had overslept due to the many glasses she ended up drinking. She remembers Vasili taking her to her bed, taking off her make-up and pulling the covers so she wouldn’t be cold.
She woke up and, remembering she had a guest, quickly brushed her hair with her fingers and checked her breath. Smelled like wine, of course. Taking a mentos from her drawer, she looked for something cute yet discreet. Ignoring her headache, she lifted her head and tried to have a pleasant smile on her face.
Coming out of her bedroom, the sight before her gave her heart flutters: Vasili had his shirt half-open, his hair was messy, and he was making breakfast. It smelled delicious. He seemed to notice her presence and smiled widely “Nerea! Please, do sit. I’ve made the liberty to make, ah… what do you call it? Pankays?”
Nerea chuckled “Pancakes, and it smells divine.”
He gave her a wry smile “I’ve decided to give it a Drakovian twist. It’s not as good as yours, but I believe it is how it’s done.”
He gave her the plate, and their hands brushed again. He cleared his throat “Look, about last night, I didn’t want to overstep, but… I like you, Nerea. Very much. You draw my eye like no other, and of course, you don’t have to return my feelings, but—,”
“I do return them,” she interrupted.
His gaze lifted, what it seemed like hope “Truly?”
Armoring herself with valor, she struts towards him and gave him a small peck. For a moment, he was surprised, and next thing she knew, he was kissing her passionately, a throaty moan escaping him. Next, her hands were on his hair and shirt, completely forgetting about breakfast. She chuckled “I probably reek of alcohol.”
“I rather like the taste of cherries and wine. A very sophisticated mix,”
He lifted her up with surprising strength, and she chuckled as he kissed her neck, gently dropping her to her bed. He looked at her like he was a hungry man and she was his last meal on earth. Taking off his shirt, he climbed towards her and whispered “Do you want this?”
She nodded frantically “Yes,” her voice was hoarse with desire.
He smiled devilishly “It is a good thing we haven’t eaten yet. What am I about to do is not fit for a full stomach.”
Their lips locked again, and as the sun came up, only them and their rampant tension seemed to exist for a few hours.
As in that day, Nerea didn’t feel so alone in Drakovia.
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10 notes · View notes
peonierose · 1 year ago
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☁️ (Fluff) | 🎭 (Angst) | Series 📚 | 📱 (Text Fic / Social Media) | 🔥 (NSFW) | Ⓜ️ (Mature) | 🃏 (Teen) | 🌈 (LGBTQ+)| 🎨 (Artwork)| 🎁 (Gifts from friends)
Open Heart
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Set after OH ended
Pink Lemonade - Part 1 - ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: A surprise waits for Luna. What has Bryce in store?
"Love me Tender" ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna are newly minted parents and weren't prepared of struggling to put their twins to bed. Will they succeed?
Las hijas de Luna ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It’s time for Luna and Bryce to welcome their twins into the world. Will there be any complications? Or will the birth go without a hitch?
Don‘t call me Angel ☁️ | - Characters involved: Luna Auclair (F!OC - OH), Bryce Lahela (M!MC - OH), Tobias Carrick (M!MC - OH, Maxwell Beaumont (M!MC - TRR) and Bertrand Beaumont (M!MC - TRR)
Summary: Luna helps Tobias to polish his image. Will she be successful?
Losing Game (4/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have worked things out. But there is still one visit to make before Bryce and Luna find closure.
Losing Game (3/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce visited his dad in prison and now he and Luna are oceans apart, but after a scare during his surgery he can only think of one person to call.
Losing Game (2/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce comes back from visiting his father in prison. Though he didn’t tell Luna. Will things work out between them? Or will they drift further apart?
Losing Game (1/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary:  Bryce visits his dad in prison. How will that go? Will they reunite or will they stay apart forever? 
Summer‘s Kiss ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna and Bryce enjoy a bit of alone time together by Manoa Falls.
I‘m a Sucker for You ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela
Summary: Bryce and Luna spend some time on Valentine‘s Day (even though they’re not the biggest Valentine’s Day fans). With one or two presents in between.
Rosé all Day ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC), Evie Auclair (F!OC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC), Meilani Leahi (F!OC) and Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary:  It’s Maxines birthday on February 14th, but Luna knows that Maxine doesn’t like Valentine‘s day. So she and the girls spend some quality time together. Drinking eating, and playing some games.
Looks like Pizza to me ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC), Evie Auclair (FOC), Skyler Auclair (M!OC)
Summary: Luna, her cousins Soraya, Evie and Sky make pizza and debate if pineapple belong on pizza or not. Who will win the debate?
Cake by the Ocean ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Before Bryce and Luna get a special surprise before their cake testing. Are they ready for this next step in their relationship?
A Pinch of Pink and Blue...This one's for you ☁️🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have the talk about trying for kids. Are they ready for that yet?
Go Blonder ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce makes a bet with Jackie. What happens if he loses?
I Do ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Hayley. Valentine-Ramsey (F!MC)
Summary: Bryce, Luna and their friends and family were invited to attend Ethan and Hayley‘s wedding.
My Love won't let you down ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Skyler Auclair (M!OC) and Evie Auclair (F!OC)
Summary: Soraya is heartbroken. Luna, Bryce and Luna's cousin Sky and Evie help her go through it.
Paint Wars ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna turn painting into an afternoon of fun.
A new Chapter ☁️ 🎭 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC) and Dylan Yu (M!OC)
Summary: It’s prom night for Keiki, but it’s not exactly how she pictured it would go.
'How were we ever strangers...' ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna wants to ask Bryce to marry her, not knowing Bryce wants to ask her too. Will they get a chance to ask each other?
By a Landslide ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna take a trip to Hawaii, though they have a tough decision to make.
Just Temporary ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce heard some nurses talk badly about Luna and there was no way he wouldn't defend her.
'I'll love you through the Madness, babe' ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It’s Henry's anniversary, Bryce's best friend. Someone at work made some nasty comments and Bryce got into a fight. Luna tries to cheer him up a bit.
Go with the Flow ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce gets Luna to try out surfing. It doesn't go as planned.
Always & Forever ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna decides to get a tattoo. But she's scared to get one alone so Bryce goes with her.
"Wild Blue" ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna has a photoshoot for a good cause with Bryce's help she's not scared to do the photoshoot.
Only Love ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce shows Luna how to french braid, since she can't do it.
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Cinnamon Sugar ☁️ | - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Summary: Maxine go out on their first date. How will it go? Will sparks fly or will it be a flop?
Bittersweet Symphony ☁️ | - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Summary: Maxine’s & Adams relationship goes a step further. Will they become official? Or will it take them more time?
Kintsugi ☁️ 🎭 Ⓜ️ | - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Summary: Maxine has trouble with anxiety and depression. Adam shows up to help her through it. As well as her best friend Luna.
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Dates and Other Catastrophes - Part 1 -
Wildflower ☁️ | - Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
Summary: Keiki who still struggles with trusting guys and entering a new relationship after Dylan broke her heart. That's when she meets Koa. Will she give him a chance or will she let her fear of getting hurt win and therefore miss out on a great connection with Koa?
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Blue Lagoon: ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It‘s Bryce’s bachelor party. Let’s see what he and his friends were up to.
Nightmare before Christmas ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have a debate if Nightmare before Christmas is a Halloween or Christmas movie.
Hau’oli la Heleui ☁️ 📱- Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC) and more
Summary: Luna, Bryce and their friends and family celebrate Halloween.
Viva Las Vegas ☁️ 📱 🌈 | - Soraya Auclair (F!OC) x Meilani Leihi (F!OC)
Summary: Two beautiful people are getting married and start a new chapter in their lives.
Pumpkin Spice ☁️ 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC) and more
Summary: It’s fall time meaning Luna and Bryce celebrate Halloween with their friends and family.
Pink Champagne - Part 2 ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC) and more
Pink Champagne - Part 1 ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC) and more
Summary: Luna and her friends celebrate her birthday and her bachelorette party. Going away on a trip to Greece. 
Best asked question ☁️ 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC), Maxine Moore (F!OC), Evie Auclair (F!OC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have very important questions to ask.
My number One ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC)
Summary: If Luna and Bryce were a Disney couple which one would they be?
Sunshine ☀️ - ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela, Maxine Moore, Grace Auclair, Skylar Auclair, Soraya Auclair, Evie Auclair
Summary: Luna, Bryce, their family and friends celebrate Brian, Luna's dad's birthday.
Mother's Day - 📱| - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela, Maxine Moore, Grace Auclair, Skylar Auclair, Soraya Auclair, Evie Auclair and more
Summary: Just a few picta edits for Mother‘s Day 💐 Enjoy 😊
Bittersweet - 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela and more
Summary: Bryce and Luna spend their last couple of days in Boston with their close friends. 
Homecoming Part 2 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela and more
Summary: It’s Bryce’s Birthday. Meaning celebrating and opening presents.
Homecoming Part 1 - ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela and more
Summary: It’s not only Bryce and Luna moving back to Hawaii…it’s also Bryce’s Birthday on April, 16th (Yes, I took my own birthday and used it for Bryce’s as well)
Shamrock Kisses - ☁️ 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC), Maxine Moore (F!OC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC) and Hayley Valentine (F!MC)
It's a wrap 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Luna Auclair
Summary: It’s Saint Patrick’s Day and the group‘s celebrating 🥳
L-O-V-E - ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC)
Summary: Bryce, Luna, Keiki and their friends celebrate valentines day.
Let them eat...healthy? 📱 | - Characters involved: Bryce Lahela, Luna Auclair, Keiki Lahela, Maxine, Dylan Yu.
Summary: Bryce tries to motivate everyone to eat more healthy.
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❗️On Hiatus ❗️
Nightbound vs. Hänsel & Gretel
Introduction Ⓜ️ | -Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) and Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC)
Chapter 1: Wake up Little Susie Ⓜ️ | - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) and Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC)
Summary: Hänsel and Gretel two amazing supernatural hunters are working on a new case that leads them to New Orleans and to old friends. So let the good times roll.
Chapter 2: Strange Encounters Ⓜ️ | - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC), Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC), Nik (M!MC), Katherine (F!MC) and Garros (M!MC)
Summary: Hänsel and Gretel arrive in New Orleans and meet some old friends. Will they be able to help them with the case?
Chapter 3: Unexpected Ⓜ️ | - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC), Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC), Grey (M!OC), Vi (F!OC) and Vine (
Summary: Hänsel and Gretel are now in New Orleans. Looking for clues. They’ll encounter someone new. Friend or Foe?
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That's Amore 📱 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC), Sofia Russo (F!MC), Robin Flores (M!MC), Jenny (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Summary: Emma organizes a trip to Italy for her husband Sam, their kids, her best friend Jenny, Robin, Sofia and Addison.
Once TNA & OH Crossover (AU)
Sam Dalton (M!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC), Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) and Robin Flores (M!MC)
Summary: Addison has stage four ovarian cancer. So Sam and Addi seek a consultation with Dr. Ethan Ramsey at Edenbrook. Will they make it in time?
Part (1/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC) x Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Part (2/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC) x Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Part (3/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and Ethan Ramsey (M!MC)
Part (4/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), Robin Flores (M!MC), Ethan Ramsey (M!MC)
Part (5/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), and Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Girls Night
Sam Dalton (M!MC), Emma Anderson (F!MC) and more
Summary: The girls have a fun night together, but things don’t go as planned.
Chapter 1 - What's the Secret password - Ⓜ️ | - Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and more
Part 2 - Party like you mean it - Ⓜ️ | - Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and more
Part 3 - Streaking past your neighbors house Ⓜ️ | - Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and more
Part 4 - Epilogue - You & I Ⓜ️ | - Addison Dalton (F!MC) x Robin Flores (M!MC)
The Tell-All
Robin Flores (M!MC)
Summary: Robins Tell-All interview with Serena Knight. Told from his point of view.
Part 1 - Ⓜ️
Part 2 - Ⓜ️
Summary: Robin spends thanksgiving with Sam, Emma, Jenny and Addison.
Bite Me - Gabriel Adalhard and Cas Harlow
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Moja Ruža - ☁️ | Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Peppermint Kisses | Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Summary: It’s Christmas time and Rose and Trystan spend some time with their family and friends, when their quality time gets interrupted by a pickpocket. Can Rose and Trystan solve the case?
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Week 1: All Smiles and Giggles - Luna Auclair (F!OC - Open Heart)
Week 2: Picture this - Hänsel & Gretel (OC‘s - Nightbound)
Week 3: Kala Kala - Luna Auclair (F!OC - Open Heart)
Under Construction 🚧
Other Fics
Both are good 🌈 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Raleigh Carrera (M!MC)
Colab with @aallotarenunelma
Aallotar's A/N: This project started exactly a month ago, as my great friend Peonie and I were complaining about the lack of fictions about friendship. We discussed and chose a great pair of friends across the Choices universe. Since then, everything has fallen into place, so this fiction is an entry for the Let's Hear it for the Boys event by @choicesficwriterscreations , as well as for the Bi Awareness Week hosted by @choicespride ! This is a labour of love and a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll enjoy it! 💛
Peonie's A/N: I’ve worked on this project with one of my favorite friends, they’ve become one of my closest friends and this is our project. Hope you’ll enjoy this story as much fun as we had writing it 😍💚😚
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Set after Open Heart ended
Under the Mistletoe ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary:  Luna and Bryce spend some time with their friends Ethan and Hayley and the open heart gang in Boston. 
Neon Lights ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna, Bryce and the Open Heart gang go mini golfing. Who will win?
Home is where the heart is ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It’s Christmas time. Luna and Bryce get visited by Ethan & Hayley. But it looks like Luna gets to fangirl a little first.
Last Christmas...I gave you my heart ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna and Bryce spend their first Christmas together.
Chapter 1 - It's getting...green and merry in here
Chapter 2 - Underneath the Christmas tree
Chapter 3 - Unwrapping Presents
Luna Auclair & Bryce Lahela
On the dance floor - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Luna Auclair - OC of the month July - @choicesficwriterscreations
Asks Luna and Bryce
Luna‘s guilty pleasures
Teddy Bear
NSFW Dream
Auclair Family
Auclair Family Tree
Luna Auclair (F!OC) - @choicesficwriterscreations
Auclair Triplets
Gifts from friends - Edits & Art work
Secret Santa by @ladylamrian
Grey (M!OC - NB) @bayleedraws
April 16th (Another great birthday gift) - @annieruok94
Birthday Gift by @cariantha
Maxine & Adam by @loveliemadness
Luna Auclair 💚 Bryce Lahela by @cariantha and @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Bryce & Luna by @messprongs
Making Waves - @cariantha
My little artsy Luna Auclair (F!OC) - @inlocusmads
A beautiful birthday gift by my amazing friend @mysticalgalaxysstuff
Bryce Lahela (M!MC) - @weetlebeetle
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kristinamae093 · 3 months ago
Happy Wednesday! 🖤
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Here Comes the Sun - Chapter 26 (Expected this weekend, along with chapter 27).
Catch up here.
Liam took the opportunity to pull his father a short distance away. “What did you do?” He snapped.
“What do you mean?” Constantine feigned innocence.
“I can see it written all over your face….” Liam regarded him carefully. “You did — something.”
“Well, I… May have set up a small surprise for you and Kyla…” Constantine trailed off in a high-pitched voice, his vision locked on the ground.
“What? What does that mean?”
“Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, now would it? Even kings must have patience, my boy.”
Ghosted Chapter 14 - Secrets in Stone (Expected within the next week or so)
Catch up here.
“Holy shit…” Drake gasped as he took in their surroundings. “How did we never find this?”
“I have no idea… I think the better question is, how did someone else find it?”
“They didn’t, Li. Someone knew this shit was here and how to access it — nobody just stumbled upon this.” Drake shook his head. “There's no fucking way.”
Liam stepped toward the bed and lifted the pillow to his face. He inhaled a deep breath and a floral fragrance invaded his senses and sparked some kind of recognition. “Do — do you think she was here?”
Tagging - @choicesficwriterscreations
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justcallmefox89 · 10 months ago
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Twenty-Two
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Callum and Liam battle it out and Drake chooses a side.
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“Drake, I want you to consider moving to New York after Liam’s wedding.  To moving in with me.  To being with me.  Only me,” Callum says calmly, speaking to Drake but staring directly at Liam.
A crimson flush creeps up Liam’s neck and he scowls at me.  “You cannot possibly be -”
Liam whips around to face Drake.  “What?”
I can’t help the smirk that creeps across my face at Liam’s outrage.
“I think that maybe Callum is right,” Drake says, taking a deep, calming breath.  “You’re going to be starting a new life with Madeline, and you’ll eventually be having kids… so maybe it’s time for me to start putting myself first.  Doing what’s best for me.”
“And you think Callum is what’s best for you?” Liam demands.
Drake meets his gaze head-on.  “Callum puts me first.  I would have a future with him, a real one, with a family and kids and little league and not having to hide.  With Callum I would finally be enough.  So yeah… maybe he is what’s best for me.”
Liam’s outrage is palpable, so thick in that air that I can practically taste it.  And it is fucking delicious.
He clocks my grin and scowls at me.  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?  Driving a wedge between me and Drake?  Forcing him to choose between us?”
I rock back on my heels and snicker.  “I’m harder than astrophysics right now darlin’, can’t lie.”
“You are such a bastard,” Liam hisses, slamming his palms onto the countertop.
“Ooh… let it all out Your Majesty; tell the class how you really feel.”  I can feel my grin turn a little sharper and my eyes narrow.  This fight has been a long time coming and I’m more than ready.
“You have always been selfish,” Liam spits out.  “Never willing to compromise, never willing to give an inch because you were always convinced you knew best.  All you had to do was swallow a little bit of your pride, but you clearly didn’t care about me enough to make even the most basic sacrifices - ”
I bark out an incredulous laugh.  “You, you of all people, are going to try and lecture me about sacrifices?  About compromise and caring enough?  You spoiled little shit; when have you ever sacrificed anything in your entire life?  Tell me two things you have ever sacrificed for me and Drake?  Go on, I’ll wait while you think.”
Drake gaze flicks worriedly between us.  “Maybe we should take a time out and get some rest before we get into all this,” he says soothingly.
“I have greater worries than mere feelings; a literal country depends on the choice of my future spouse,” Liam says, talking over him.
“Don’t try to make this about Cordonia,” I scoff.  “This is about Constantine and what he wants.  You would be a perfectly capable king no matter who you married.”
“Given your gene pool I understand that you probably don’t know what it feels like to have an accomplished father with high expectations - ”
“Keep talking and I’m gonna punch you in the fucking mouth,” I warn him.
Liam rolls his eyes.  “Charming.  I don’t know what I thought it would be like to finally be back with you again, but the more time we spend together make me think that whatever relationship we had before was a mistake.”
The barb stings, working it’s way into my heart like an insidious shard of glass.  “Get out of my house,” I say quietly.
“Callum,” Liam says, taking a hesitant step towards me.
“I said get the fuck out of my house!” I scream, my eyes burning with the tears I refuse to let fall.
Not in front of him.  Never again.
“Fine.”  Liam stalks towards the door, stuttering to a stop when he realizes Drake isn’t behind him.  “Drake?”
Drake moves next to me, taking my shaking hand in a show of solidarity and support.  “I’m staying with Callum,” he says quietly.
Liam clenches his jaw, his fury evident.  He turns his back on us and storms out, slamming the door behind him. 
Drake winds his arms around my waist and rests his forehead against my shoulder.  “I got you,” he whispers.  “I got you.”
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Masterlist 1: B - M Blades of Light & Shadows - Murder at Homecoming Blades of Light and Shadow
Aerin Valleros x m!human!mc - ART - @lilyoffandoms for @aria-ashryver Eros/Philia
All The Kisses - ART - Mal Volari x F!MC - @cammarada C: @storyofmychoices Eros
Crossroads - FIC - Aerin Valleros, NB!elf!MC - @storyofmychoices Philia
Daenarya x Miele Fanart - F!MC x MC - ART - @lilyoffandoms for @storyofmychoices Philia/Ludus
Imtura tal Kaelen x f!orc!mc Fanart - ART - @lilyoffandoms for @trappedinfanfiction Eros
A Whitetower Festival of Friendship and Love - FIC - Mal Volari x F!MC - @dutifullynuttywitch Eros/Pragma
Woven Threads & Winding Roads - FIC - @aria-ashryver for @thosehallowedhalls Eros/Philia/Pragma
Woven Threads & Winding Roads Parts 3 & 4 - FIC - Tyril Starfury x f!human!mc - @aria-ashryver for @thosehallowedhalls Eros/Philia/Pragma
Hide Me In Thy Wounds - FIC - Gaius Augustine x F!MC - @gaiuskamilah Agape
Crimes of Passion
The 2AM Christmas Tree Farm - ART - m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @lilyoffandoms for @thosehallowedhalls Eros/Philia
A Bronx Valentine - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @jerzwriter Eros/Philia
Of Cloudless Climes and Stary Skies: Chapter 3 - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Home Without Part 2 - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls Eros/Philia
An Interlude of Grief - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Love is Dead (Or Is It?) - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls Eros
Moments of Truth - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x M!MC @thosehallowedhalls Philia
Second Chances - FIC - m!Trystan Thorne x M!MC - @thosehallowedhalls Philia/Ludus/Pragma
Tabloids, or a story in 5 headlines - FIC - Trystan Thorne x F!MC - FIC - @thosehallowedhalls Philia/Ludus/Eros/Pragma
High School Story
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart - ART - @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420 Eros/Philia/Pragma
Evie and Aiden Prom Photos - EDITS - @cadybear420 Eros/Philia/Pragma
Rolling on Forward - FIC - @cadybear420 Storge/Philia/Eros/Pragma
Holywood U
Cafe Whispers & Scone Kisses - FIC - Addison Sinclair x F!MC - @storyofmychoices Ludus
Immortal Desires
Immortal Desires Edits - EDITS - Cas/Cassie Harlow x Gabe/Gabriela Adalhard - @aria-ashryver
Répondez, S'il Vous Plaît ! 3 - ART - ID OCs - @lilyoffandoms for @aallotarenunelma Eros/Philia/Ludus
With Love From the O'Rinn Family - EDITS - Cas Harlow x Gabe Adalhard x M!MC - @aria-ashryver Philia/Storge
Laws of Attraction
Date Night - FIC - Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc Eros
Multiple Stories
Immortal Desires, It Lives in the Woods, It Lives Beneath, It Lives Within, Murder at Homecoming
EROS: Passion in Other Ways - TRR/RCD OCs- ART - @mariemarieohcontrary Passion/Philia
Pairing Inspired Playlist - PLAYLIST - Multiple Pairings - @aallotarenunelma Eros/Philia/Storge/Pragma
Murder at Homecoming
Let Me Be Your Valentine, St. Valentine - FIC - Donovan Navarro x NB!MC - @aallotarenunelma Eros/Philia/Ludus/Pragma
Masterlist - Part 2
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choicesoctober · 1 year ago
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This week will also include the final half week. I’ll add to it as people contribute.
If I missed your’s please let me know and I will get it on the list. Same, if I missed reblogging your contribution. I have stumbled upon some by chance so please do let me know. Tumblr is tumblring.
Fic: Indigo Blood (ID, Cas x MC)
Fic: Hunger Pains pg-13 (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Art & HC: Marya Moonglory (Blades, OC)
Fic: Pumpkin Love (OPH, Tobias x MC)
Fic: Tricks and Treats (COP, Trystan x MC)
Edit: Better Luck Next Year (OPH, Tobias x MC)
HC: Halloweeen Costumes (Multi)
Fic: Duty & Pleasure (NB, Nik x MC)
Fic: Toward the Future (NB, Nik x MC)
Art: Conner x Tenebris (ILITW, Conner x MC)
Fic: Crimes Drabble (COP, Trystan x MC)
Fic: Blades Drabble (Blades, Nia x MC)
Art: Troy x Saeed (WTD, Troy x MC)
Intro: Neera Rose (COP, MC)
Edit: Meet My MC - Reese O’Malley (ID, MC)
Edit: Bianca & Co. as Choices Characters (HWU, Multi)
Edit: Meet My MC - Issac Vance (ILB, MC)
Edit: Lisa Valentine & Aria Sheridan (HWU, Multi)
Edit: Ethan Ramsey in my HC (OPH, Ethan)
Edit: More Jackie Redesigns!! (RCD, MC)
Fic & Art: Birthday (TRR, Drake x MC, OC)
Edit: Too Many Clothes (OPH, Ethan x MC)
Intro: Meet My MC - Arielle Park (PM, MC)
Edit: Lily Spencer (BB, Lily)
Fic: A Day Off (COP, Trystan x MC)
Art: Love & Respect (Blades, Mal x OC)
Edit: Nyx (Baldes, OC)
Edit: Nyx (Blades, OC)
Intro: Nyx Selenastra (Blades OC)
Fic: Nyx x Aerin (Blades, Aerin x OC)
Edit: Aerin Redesign (Blades, Aerin)
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choicesficwriterscreations · 2 months ago
CFWC F/AtoW: Jan 5 - 11, 2025
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Love Springs Eternal ✒️ | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @storyofmychoices
Emma Plushie Doll 🎨 | F!MC - @cadybear420 C: @loreofyore
Painkillers ✒️ | Juliana Georgescou - @spadesofgrass
Waiting For You ✒️ | Ernest Sinclaire x F!MC - @bluelovessss
Could be Our Last Night on Earth 🎨🔥🏳️‍🌈 | Estela Montoya x F!MC - @marmolady
Last Night on Earth ✒️🔥🏳️‍🌈 | Estela Montoya x F!MC - @marmolady
Mary Plushie Doll 🎨 | F!MC - @cadybear420 C: @mercedesdecorazon
King of the Casa 📱 | Tobias Carrick x F!MC, Multiple Characters - @jerzwriter
Love In Every Heartbeat (Series) ✒️ | Rafael Aveiro x F!MC - @rafasgirl23415 Chapter 23: Kisses from Maldives Chapter 24 – Out Of Difficulties Grow Miracles 
No Tea 📱 | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Forevermore (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️ | King Marquise (Liam) Rys x F!MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 11: Somber
One Handsom Devil (Series) ✒️ | Drake Walker x F!MC - @onehandsomedevil-trr Chapter 19: Cordonia in Crisis
Princesa Real 3 (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77 Chapter 4: Llamado a la unidad Chapter 5: Fortaleza interior Chapter 6: El eco del caos
Two 2 Tango (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️ | Maxwell Beaumont x F!OC - @tessa-liam All is Fair in Love and War, part 2
MC Line up 🎨 | F!MC - AVSP, CoP, FA, TPS, TRR - @mariemarieohcontrary
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