Now that the challenge is over, I wanted to surprise one participant with a chibi art commission with the amazingly talented @weetlebeetle. The lucky winner is @tessa-liam! Please get in touch with Nebula ASAP!
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Evie-loution AKA Evie's Series of Appearance Glow-Ups from Elementary School to Berry High
Important fun facts also:
She gets the ombre/highlights in spring of 8th grade as a birthday + early graduation present.
She gets the short haircut at the start of January in 9th grade.
I haven't fully settled on later high school, college, adult, etc. looks for her yet
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Tomorrow's the last day to submit your works! The day after, I will announce a surprise.
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Seasons of Life- A Poem for Evie
Cover photo from dreamstime.com stock photos
Fandom: High School Story (Original Trilogy)
Pairings: N/A
Characters: Evie Ayana (female HSS MC)
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Additional Tags: Poetry, Free-Verse Poem
Word Count: 672
Summary: A poem dedicated to the biggest change in Evie's life and what it sets off for her.
A/N: This is my first poem. It was inspired by this lovely piece that was made for me by @gmsrrn98. Using season-themed metaphors for Evie was so perfect that I ended up writing this.
@choicesficwriterscreations | @lover-also-fighter-also
Tagging for events:
@hss-appreciation-events Day 1: Meet our MCs/OCs + Day 2: Fresh Starts and Growth
@choicesjanuary2025 | @loreofyore New School + New Town/City
@choicesmcappreciationweek | @rosesnink Day 1: Straight A Students
Summer was gone. And with it, so was the familiar warmth of her old home, her old friends, her old school.
All the beautiful, colorful leaves that surrounded her, that she was familiar with, that had grown onto her…. now all gone. All stripped from her by the harsh, swirling winds. Leaving her empty, lifeless, lost, alone. Yet she had also shedded many pieces of herself that were now old and dying, leaving her bare and seemingly lifeless and empty… but ready to grow again. Soon enough, she would bloom with new blossoms, but still maintaining who she was at her core, all the way down to her roots.
Ripped from her home, ripped from her stability… ripped from her roots, her tree, the very place from where she was grown. Swept away by the cold, harsh winds and jostled about to a strange new elsewhere. Yet she was also freed from a restrictive life, freed from being bound down to one single place on the tree, and swept away to a life possibly more exciting.
The calm, earthy greens of her old school had faded into brilliant juicy reds, crisp golden yellows, bold tiger oranges. The greens were more familiar, more grounding… but admittedly, they could get boring after a while. The reds and yellows and oranges almost seemed more dry, more somber, like the colors of the sunset… but they were also exciting, invigorating, and most of all, a refreshing change of pace.
The change is so unusual, so chilling, so jarring, so terrifying. But this new stage of life is necessary. And as she leaves behind this previous stage, Autumn simply greets her. It is kind to her. It welcomes her. Tells her “Hey, you must be new! I love your look!”, and then captures a yearbook photo of her standing in front of the majestic mascot statue of her new school. Cementing that perhaps she does have a place in this new world.
She steps into the harsh cold and the welcoming warm simultaneously, just as she did on the day of her birth. It was always cold at first. But soon, Spring would arrive, and she would bloom with new branches, new blossoms, new loves. All more bold and vibrant than ever before. And oh, how she wants to hold onto them forever.
But she couldn't hold onto it all forever. Some of it, maybe, but not all of it.
Summer was free, it was fun, it was bright. But sometimes it would scorch her. And thus the crisp and cooling Autumn would be all the more welcomed.
But the cold bitterness of Autumn and Winter were not gone. They would never be truly gone. They would return soon enough. She would go through it all again. It wouldn’t be the same as the last, but she would still find herself shedding older, dying pieces, to make way for new growth. She would still find herself ripped from her comfort zone, and expanding her boundaries. Again and again.
This wasn't necessarily new, this was how it has always been. It was just somewhat different each time. Some Winters would be more freezing than others. Some Summers would be more burning than others.
No matter how many times she's done this, it would still be difficult for her to get used to. Even when the world wasn't being as harsh towards her, kinder towards her... there were going to be moments where it would be painful– moments where it would be scalding, moments where it would be bitter, moments where it would be just plain exhausting.
But she would learn how to cool herself off. She would learn how to warm herself up. She would learn how to manage the unkind weathers. Sometimes with more difficulty, sometimes with more ease.
No season was perfect. No season was “better” or “worse” than the rest. But Evie would make the best of each one however she could.
This is life. And Evie would make the best of all of hers.
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Riley and Basia Ryenne enjoy a picnic in the snow.
For Choices January 2025 Challenge, prompt: winter coat
@choicesjanuary2025 @loreofyore
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There's a surprise coming at the end of the month, so make sure to submit your creations! I'll be accepting submissions until February 5.
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Rolling On Forward (HSS fic, Aiden x MC)
Seasons of Life - A Poem for Evie (HSS poem, MC)
Evie-loution AKA Evie's Series of Appearance Glow-Ups from Elementary School to Berry High (HSS edits, MC)
Evie-loution Headcanons (HSS headcanons, MC)
First Meetings (ID fic, Cas x MC)
flowers for friends (BOLAS fic, MC)
Riley and Basia Ryenne enjoy a picnic in the snow (TRR, TRH edit, MC & OC)
A Night to Remember (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
First Date (COP fic, Trystan x MC)
A Not So Chance Encounter (OH fic, Tobias x MC)
Strictly Professional (or not...) (OH art commission and fic, Tobias x MC)
Poe & the Purring Tyrant (OH fic, Tobias x Casey)
Clara and Her Nutcracker (D&D fic, Ernest x MC)
Lamrian's Sleeping Beauty (NB fic, Nik x MC)
Winter Wonderland (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
After the Party (OH fic, Sienna x OC)
Alternate Universes (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
Snowed In (OH fic, Ethan x MC)
Unexpected (COP art commission, Sebastyan x MC)
Happy New Year (BOLAS art, Tyril x MC)
@storyofmychoices/ @lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt
Happy New Year (OH art commission, OH MC)
A New Year to Remember (OH edit, Insta fic, Bryce x OC)
Love Springs Eternal (BOLAS fic, Mal x MC)
Happy Birthday, Thomas! (RCD art commission and fic, Thomas x MC)
Alex Spencer (RCD art, OC)
Marabelle series, chapter 18 (TRR, Liam x OC)
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Marabelle Series
Officially Yours
Chapter – 18
Choices – The Royal Romance, Book 3, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F! OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M! OC Daniel from NYC Drake Walker x F! OC Melanie Smithson. Leo Rys x Katie Rys
Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo, gun violence
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement with sprinkles of Canon
Chapter Summary – Arriving in Cordonia, Riley Brooks, Melanie’s high school friend from New York City, U.S., joins the horse ranch as a veterinarian-in-training. Sparks fly when she is introduced to Melanie’s boyfriend, Drake Walker. Neville Vancoeur meets his fate. Liam and Sophie embark on a journey to the Mediterranean.
Music Inspiration: I Don’t Wanna Wait, David Guetta, OneRepublic
Words: 5.5k
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue/content for this chapter and series.
A/N4: Thank you @ladylamrien for this picture prompt!
A/N5: My submission for: @choicesjanuary2025, new beginnings, prompt 13 - New relationship; one word prompt; New year, prompt 10 – breath, 11 – connection
Officially Yours
Cordonian Royal Palace, Throne Room
The expansive polished marble floors of the antechamber were illuminated by the warm glow of intricately crafted chandeliers suspended from a high false ceiling. The Kings guards stood at attention near the grand doors leading into the throne room.
Liam, followed closely by Bastien, walked briskly down a private corridor leading into that antechamber. A man on a mission, he walked with an air of unwavering confidence.
Memories of the many times he had followed his father and watched in stealth from the alcoves as nobles received an audience from their king, flashed in his mind.
His father always used the antechamber to his advantage.
When the nobles petitioned the king, father was in the position to personally witness each and every behavior and attitude. He gained an insight into what they were like – a window to view their hidden motives.
Liam had seen the subtle power dynamics unfurl in this very room, the balance of persuasion and the art of diplomacy that his father had mastered. It was in this antechamber that young Liam learned the essence of rulership—not just in grand declarations, but in the quiet observations of human nature. The marble floors and the chandeliers provided a backdrop to the lessons that would shape his future. As he approached the throne room, he felt the responsibility of his father's legacy.
The prince was now the crown prince and soon to be king.
These thoughts swirled in Liam's mind as he made his way through the antechamber, each step weighed down by the expectations placed upon him. He could not help but reflect on the quiet strength and discernment his father had displayed in this very room, a silent mentor in the art of governance. The moment was heavy with the anticipation of his own legacy forming, a delicate balance of continuing his father's teachings while forging his own path. The gleaming expanse of marble beneath his feet felt like a mirror of his own resolve, solid yet untested, as he approached the threshold of the throne room where his destiny awaited.
"Just a little to your left, son, so you can better see the main entrance," his father would say when he saw me watching from my hiding spot.
Whether the noble was belligerent or friendly, or how quickly they would push his cause or cower for the sake of their ego. I was never supposed to inherit the throne, but my father made sure to train both my brother and myself for when we had the opportunity to ascend, nonetheless. And it seems now I finally will get to step into his shoes.
His father sat on the king's throne as Liam approached the dais.
“Hello, Father." Liam bowed slightly in respect.
“Liam," his father acknowledged, as he looked at his heir intently.
"You wished to have a private word with me?" Liam looked into his father's eyes, sensing the gravity of the conversation that was to unfold. He admired the way his father always carried the weight of the realm with such resilience and wisdom.
Constantine took a deep breath, his gaze softening momentarily as he regarded his youngest son, acknowledging the significance of this private counsel.
"Liam, what we decide here will shape the future of our kingdom. It is not merely about the actions of one man, but about the message we send to all who look to us for guidance and justice."
"Yes, Father," Liam replied, his voice steady.
"This has weighed heavily upon me, especially since my advisors and I did not foresee this, and I blame myself for what has befallen this fine young woman" Constantine nodded in reflection.
Liam drew a breath, not certain where this line of reasoning would go.
"I take responsibility," Constantine said.
"Lord Neville Vancoeur is from an old and respected house who has never showed signs of unrest with other members of the court. While he should be punished severely, if we banish the Vancoeurs from Cordonia we may ignite further discord which we cannot afford at this moment."
Constantine let out a heavy sigh and continued.
"Lord Neville Vancoeur has caused much sorrow and shame upon himself, but not his father and family. For their service and loyalty to the crown, they shall remain in their land and hold on to their titles," King Constantine announced.
Constantine stood and began to pace back and forth.
"It would behoove me to discuss how best to treat the future Earl of Cormery Isle. " Constantine continued.
"To deprive their House of its land, wealth and title would send a grave message to the nobles not aligned with you," he began.
Liam met his father's gaze, feeling the weight of the decision they were about to make.
"Father, I understand the complexity of this situation and the balance we must maintain. We need to show both justice and mercy, but also ensure the stability of our kingdom," Liam asserted.
Constantine nodded, a mixture of pride and solemnity in his eyes. "A wise perspective, my son," he said, pausing in his pacing. "We shall address Lord Neville's actions with the gravity they deserve, but we will also protect the integrity of the Vancoeur family and our realm."
Liam felt a resolve solidify within him. "Then let us proceed with a measured approach, one that serves both justice and the greater good of Cordonia," Liam concluded, feeling the mantle of leadership settling more firmly on his shoulders.
"Furthermore, if Lord Neville's crimes are treated with leniency, we would not look well to the people and your popularity will take a further tumble. After you assume the throne, the key will be to restore the people's faith in our leadership.
"With your advisement I see the path forward." Liam nodded, still looking to his father.
Constantine smiled as he regarded his son with pride, "You're ready."
"I am." Liam nodded and approached the dais, turning the chair around with the ease of familiarity. He placed a hand upon it, the chair's surface cool and sturdy.
He looked back at his father as Constantine nodded with approval.
"Now, send him in," the King commanded to the guards. Liam's pulse quickened with the prospect of facing Neville for the first time since the charity polo match.
Constantine turned to go but suddenly stopped.
"Oh. And Liam?" Constantine paused, considering his words.
"Yes, father?"
Constantine teased, “don’t mess up your proposal tonight because quality queen material is precious and rare.”
Liam chuckled lightly, feeling a rare moment of light-heartedness from his father's jest. "I'll keep that in mind, father," he replied, his gaze returning to the throne room's grand doors.
As the guards moved to obey the King's command, Liam centered himself, readying for the confrontation ahead. The grandeur of the throne room seemed to fade into the background as he focused on the task at hand. This was more than a mere trial; it was a test of his leadership and resolve.
The heavy doors creaked open, and Neville, with an air of arrogance, entered the room. Liam's thoughts briefly flashed to Sophie, her gentle smile and unwavering support a source of strength for him. He could not afford to lose his composure now—not when so much was at stake.
Taking another deep breath, he felt a calm determination settle over him. ‘Face him with the dignity of a king,’ he reminded himself, his pulse steadying as Neville approached with a smug expression, clearly oblivious to the gravity of the situation.
"Your Highness," Neville greeted with a bow that dripped with false humility, his eyes betraying his arrogance.
Liam did not waste any time. "Your behavior is an absolute disgrace," he declared, his voice firm and resolute. "A Cordonian gentleman would never treat a woman the way you treated Lady Taylor, a noblewoman, a daughter of the House of Ramsford."
Neville's smirk widened, crossing his arms defiantly. "No, not a true gentleman," he retorted, his tone mocking.
Liam's fists clenched, but he kept his composure. "What were you thinking, Lord Neville? That you could do anything you wished and escape consequences because of your noble title?" he demanded, his gaze unwavering.
"And to say and do such derogatory things about a member of court? Words spoken against my chosen consort, whether or not I am king, are considered treasonous and punishable by banishment or death." Liam paused, his anger veiled and controlled, but palpable. "Tell me. Was it worth it?"
Liam stared down at Neville, the weight of his authority heavy in the air. This was his moment to prove his mettle as a leader, and he would not falter.
Liam glanced down, clenching his fists in his lap.
Neville's face reddened and the facade crumbled, "Worth it? If it means ridding us of that common tart?”
Liam leapt to his feet and strode to grab Neville by the collar and slammed him against a nearby pillar. One arm reined Neville's throat steadily, the other firmly in place on his shoulder, immobilizing him.
"How dare you say that!" Liam's voice was deep and dangerous, full of fury that could not be ignored.
Neville's face suddenly went white, as he felt the intense anger and irresistible force emanating from Liam. He struggled but found that he could not move at all.
"I... I..." Neville's tongue began to knot. He had never seen Liam so angry. For the first time, he realized that he was in front of a man who was not just a gentle, friendly prince, but the future king, with absolute power and strength.
In Liam’s mind, he challenged his thoughts ...
If I weren't being held in check by a lifetime of restraint, I could...
No. Sophie has dealt with this, and she has asked me to follow through in a way that does justice to the ideals she stands for. It would not be doing her honor if I killed Neville with my own two hands.
Liam pushed Neville up on the pillar again and released the strangling hold of the forearm pressed against his neck. Neville stumbled to his feet, his knees buckling and his hand pressed tightly against his throat as he caught his breath.
"Your arrogance, selfishness, and contemptible behavior have no place in Cordonia," Liam snarled, his voice steely and cold.
Neville, cowed by Liam's demeanor and restraining his anger at the same time, wisely stayed silent, a look of despair slowly appearing on his face.
After being removed from court,
Neville was banished to his estate, stripped of his title, and confined to his lands indefinitely. The Vancoeur family, in their desperation to still be in royal favor, offered their total allegiance and cooperation. Constantine ordered them to comply, but there would always be suspicion and distrust that would follow them for years to come.
And, although Liam knew it would not completely heal the scars left on Sophie, at least she was avenged and her name honored, her integrity and strength being still unblemished.
As Liam walked down the long, opulent hallways of the palace, the tension in his body loosening with each step. A faint sense of satisfaction crept into his heart, knowing he had done what Sophie would have wanted, and more.
Sophie descended the grand staircase of the palace, her sleeveless, A-line summer dress flowed behind her as she headed toward the royal dining room.
The aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted vegetables filled the air, making her stomach rumble in anticipation. As she stepped into the dining room, her face lit up with a genuine smile. Seated at the grand mahogany table were Daniel and Max, chatting animatedly. Daniel noticed her first and stood up, his ever-charming grin widening.
“Squirrell! Finally, someone to balance out Max’s questionable humor,” Daniel teased, earning a playful scoff from Max. Max leaned back in his chair, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Ignore him, Sophie. He’s just jealous that I’m the life of the palace.” Sophie chuckled as she took her seat between them. “It’s good to see you both here. I was beginning to think I’d be dining alone.” Daniel poured her a glass of sparkling water. “Not today. We figured you could use some good company after everything that’s happened lately.” The three of them shared laughter and lighthearted conversation as lunch was served—a feast of grilled salmon, roasted vegetables, and a choice of desserts that Sophie eyed with delight. For a while, the weight of royal responsibilities and recent events faded, replaced by the warmth of friendship and camaraderie.
Hana stepped into the elegant dining room, her soft, flowing dress swishing gently with her movements. She glanced around the room, a warm smile spreading across her face as she spotted Sophie chatting animatedly with a tall man dressed in a crisp white shirt and dark trousers. Beside him stood another man with an easygoing charm, his broad smile lighting up the room. Sophie turned as Hana approached, her eyes brightening.
“Hana! I’m so glad you made it!” she exclaimed, pulling her into a warm embrace. “Of course,” Hana replied softly, her melodic voice carrying a note of excitement. “You know I wouldn’t miss a chance to spend time with you.” Sophie beamed and turned to the two men. “Hana, I’d like you to meet my friends. This is Daniel,” she gestured to the first man, “and this is Maxwell.”
Daniel stepped forward first, offering a polite nod and an easy smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hana. Sophie speaks highly of you.”
Hana felt a slight blush creep up her cheeks as she shook his hand. “The pleasure is mine, Daniel. Sophie has mentioned you as well—thank you for always looking out for her.”
Daniel chuckled, his eyes glinting with warmth. “She makes it interesting. She’s a force to be reckoned with.”
Before Hana could respond, Maxwell bounded over, his energy almost tangible. “Hana! It’s so great to finally meet you!” he said, his enthusiasm infectious. He extended his hand but quickly decided on a cheerful hug instead.
Hana let out a soft laugh, surprised but not uncomfortable. “Maxwell, it’s nice to meet you too. Sophie told me you’re the life of the party.”
“She flatters me,” Maxwell said with a wink, “but it’s true.”
The group laughed, and the atmosphere became lively as they fell into easy conversation. Maxwell’s humorous anecdotes and Daniel’s quieter but equally engaging remarks quickly put Hana at ease.
As the afternoon went on, Hana found herself charmed by Daniel’s thoughtful insights and Maxwell’s contagious energy. Sophie watched her friends with a smile, happy to see Hana seamlessly integrating into her close circle.
The sun was beginning its slow descent, casting a golden glow over the royal stables as Sophie, Hana, Maxwell, and Daniel stepped outside. The scent of fresh hay and the soft nickering of horses filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere.
Marabelle stood next to a wooden fence, in her glossy black coat shining in the sunlight. Sophie reached out to gently stroke her muzzle, her affection clear. “She’s as beautiful as ever,” Sophie said, her voice filled with warmth.
“She’s magnificent,” Hana agreed, admiring the horse’s elegance.
Before Sophie could respond, the sound of approaching voices drew their attention. From the far end of the stables, Drake appeared, his usual rugged demeanor softened by the sight of the group. Walking beside him, Melanie was a confident young woman with a warm smile, her auburn hair catching the sunlight. Walking alongside them them was a dark-haired woman, a woman, Sophie noted a sharp style hinting at a New York, big city style.
Standing beside Sophie, Mara suddenly appeared beside Sophie.
“Where did you come from? I thought you were still inside the palace!”
“I do my best to stay out of my charges’ ways. But seeing as this is your first excursion outside of the palace, I wanted to confirm that your security is intact.”
Sophie smiled softly, “thank you, Mara. Prince Liam was adament that I needed protection at all times.”
“I know it can be hard to let your guard down after what the court has been through...but just remember, I’ve got your back from here on out.”
Sophie felt a sense of reassurance at Mara's words, knowing her security detail was always in place. “Thank you!”
“Just doing my job, my lady.”
With a grateful nod, she turned back to the group.
Drake raised a hand in greeting. “Well, well, looks like we’re not the only ones enjoying the stables today.”
Sophie turned and smiled. “Drake, Melanie, it’s good to see you.” Her gaze shifted to the third member of their party. “And you must be Riley?” Sophie extended a hand, which Riley took with a firm shake.
“Nice to meet you, Sophie,” Riley said with a bright smile. “Melanie’s been telling me all about life here, and I have to admit, I’m intrigued.”
Melanie laughed softly. “Riley’s been trying to convince me to visit New York again, but I thought it was only fair to show her Cordonia first.”
Turning to her friends, Sophie encouraged them to join her.
Hana stepped forward gracefully. “Welcome to Cordonia, Riley. I am Hana Lee.”
Maxwell, ever the entertainer, flashed his signature grin. “And I’m Maxwell Beaumont, the life of any party you’ll ever attend.”
Riley laughed, clearly charmed. “Good to know. I’m going to hold you to that.”
Daniel gave a polite nod. “Daniel Barrett. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
As the group exchanged introductions, Marabelle nudged Sophie, drawing Riley’s attention.
“Is that your horse?” Riley asked, stepping closer.
“Yes, this is Marabelle,” Sophie said with pride. “Would you like to meet her?”
Riley’s eyes lit up. “I’d love to.”
As Sophie guided Riley to meet Marabelle, the others fell into easy conversation. Drake leaned against the stable door, seeing the scene with his typical reserved demeanor, while Melanie and Hana discussed the beauty of the Cordonian countryside. Maxwell, as usual, kept the mood lively, regaling the group with tales of his adventures, earning smiles and laughter from everyone.
The royal gym was a quiet sanctuary, tucked away in the palace’s lower levels. Liam strode in, still wearing the weight of his meeting with Neville. He had hoped an intense workout would help him clear his head. After changing into gym shorts, he noticed the faint hum of machines and the rhythmic clinking of weights that echoed through the spacious room.
To his surprise, Leo was already there, effortlessly lifting weights. His older brother looked as casual as ever in a loose t-shirt and gym shorts, his carefree demeanor a stark contrast to Liam’s tension.
“Well, well, look who decided to grace the gym with his royal presence,” Leo teased, setting down the dumbbells.
Liam smirked but didn’t respond at once, heading toward the treadmill. As he started jogging, Leo joined him, leaning casually on the machine next to him.
“So,” Leo began, “how’d your meeting with Neville go? He seemed like a real piece of work at the polo match.”
Liam exhaled sharply, his jaw tightening. “He hasn’t changed. Still as arrogant and entitled as ever. He thinks he can dictate terms just because he’s part of an old noble family.”
Leo chuckled. “Classic Neville. Always a legend in his own mind.” He paused, his tone softening. “But seriously, don’t let him get under your skin. You’ve got enough on your plate without dealing with his nonsense.”��
Liam nodded, his pace quickening on the treadmill. “I know, but it’s not just about him. It’s about what he stands for—everything I’m trying to modernize in Cordonia.”
Leo gave a wry smile. “Well, at least you’re fighting the good fight. Meanwhile, I’m over here trying to figure out how to be… not a Neville.”
Liam slowed his treadmill, glancing at his brother with a raised brow. “You mean because of your decision to abdicate?”
“Yeah,” Leo admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Katie’s helped me see things differently. She’s… grounded me in a way I didn’t think was possible. For the first time, I feel like I’m not just running from something, but toward something.”
Liam stepped off the treadmill, grabbing a towel. “She sounds like the perfect partner for you.”
“She is,” Leo said, a rare seriousness in his tone. “Which is why I want you to officiate the wedding.”
Liam froze mid-swipe, surprised. “Me? Officiate your wedding?”
Leo grinned. “Who better? You’re the future king, and you’re my brother. It would mean a lot to me—and to Katie.”
Since Leo and Katie were married by a Justice of the peace and on a cruise ship, Regina had insisted a more formal venue in Cordonia.
Liam studied his brother for a moment before a smile crept onto his face. “I’d be honored, Leo.”
Leo clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, bro. Now, let’s get back to the workout before you get all emotional on me.”
The two brothers shared a rare laugh, the weight of their royal responsibilities momentarily forgotten as they fell into an easy rhythm, pushing each other through their sets. The gym had become more than a place to work out—it was a space for understanding and camaraderie between two brothers navigating the complexities of royalty and life.
Sophie waved her farewells to the group, as Mara led Sophie back to the palace.
Sophie took in the scenery around her, the rich tapestries and intricate architecture of the palace a stark contrast to the casual farewell she had just shared. Walking alongside Mara, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Every step brought her closer to the core of royal life, the heartbeat of the palace where decisions were made and legacies were forged. As they passed through the opulent hallways, Mara's steady presence was a comforting guide. They rounded a corner and entered a quieter wing, the air filled with a sense of history and gravitas.
Mara led Sophie down a corridor adorned with portraits of past monarchs, their stern gazes seeming to follow her every move. The soft glow of candlelight created an ambiance of solemnity and anticipation. They paused before a large, ornately carved door. Mara gave her an encouraging nod before opening it, revealing Liam's study.
“I thought it was time you saw this,” he announce in greeting, opening the door and gesturing for her to enter.
“My love, come on in,” Liam said with a grin, opening the door wide for Sophie to step through. The room is a cozy blend of modern and vintage, with chic wooden panels, stylish furniture, and walls adorned with contemporary art. Shelves packed with books line one wall, while a sleek desk with a laptop takes center stage. Sunlight poured in through large windows, adding a warm glow to the room's comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
Sophie’s breath catches as she steps inside. “It’s beautiful,” she murmurs, running her fingers along the edge of the desk.
Liam watched her intently, his eyes warm. “This room has seen countless decisions that shaped Cordonia. Today, it’s where I want to share something important with you.”
They sit on a small leather couch near the fireplace. Liam reaches for her hands, his touch steady and reassuring.
“I met with Neville earlier today,” he begins, his voice calm but firm. “After the incident at the polo match, I demanded accountability. Neville is no longer a member of court and has been banished to the Cormery Isle. He will no longer stand for Cordonia in any official role.”
Relief flooded Sophie’s face, but her brow furrowed. “What about…his behavior? Will he face further consequences?”
“He’s been banned from participating in any future events, and an official apology will be issued to you,” Liam assured her. “His actions were unacceptable, and I won’t tolerate anyone harming you.”
Sophie squeezed his hand, her heart swelling at his protectiveness. “Thank you, Liam. It means so much to me that you stood up for me.”
His gaze softened, as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Always, Sophie.”
As they exited the palace, Sophie noticed a fleet of royal cars waiting. Liam helped her into one, and they’re soon enroute to the airport.
“I thought we were going to Italy,” Sophie remarked, a hint of disappointment in her tone.
Liam chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Patience, my love. Italy can wait a little while longer. I promise, tonight will be worth it.”
At the airport, the royal jet was ready to whisk them to Portavira. Once there, they were to be escorted to the royal yacht, a stunning vessel gleaming in the Mediterranean sun was in wait.
Once inside, Sophie marveled at the yacht’s grandeur as it sets sail. The warm sea breeze ruffled her hair, and she leaned against the railing, gazing at the horizon.
Liam joined her, slipping an arm around her waist. “I thought this would be the perfect setting for a little surprise,” he said cryptically.
As night falls, the yacht’s deck transformed into a magical haven. String lights twinkled above, and a candlelit dinner is set up with an unobstructed view of the stars over the sea.
Sophie turned to Liam, her eyes wide. “You did all this?”
“For you,” he replied, his voice full of emotion.
After dinner, Liam stood and took her hand and led her to the bow of the yacht. The Italian coastline glimmered faintly in the distance.
“Sophie,” he began, dropping to one knee as he held a small velvet box.
Her hands flewo to her mouth, tears pooling in her eyes.
"Sophie, the day I met you, I knew there was something special about you. Something different from anyone I've ever met. I'm drawn to you, the sound of your laughter, the mischievous twinkle in your eye when you are plotting something. Sophie giggled when Liam raised an eyebrow in jest.
You are so selfless, willing to do things to help others even when it goes against what you want to do. You fight for what you want and have determination beyond measure. Your strength and beauty astound me, and my heart races every time you touch my arm. I feel every movement you make as if it is a current flowing through my veins.
There are nights when my thoughts run wild with all the things I would like to share with you, a world to be conquered, side by side. But tonight, in the peaceful serenity and light of the moon and sea, there is only one question on my mind.
Sophie Taylor, will you be my wife and queen? Please marry me, I am and will always be completely and forever yours." Liam swallows hard, his jaw tight, fear showing in his eyes.
"I will! Yes. A thousand times yes!" Sophie cries out. She watches with tears running down her cheeks as Liam slides the ring onto her left finger and he stands, drawing her to his chest. She hugs his neck and draws his mouth to her. She can barely breathe. His hands explore the curve of her back and slide up the length of her spine. Liam's kiss is insistent, demanding and unrelenting.
She runs her fingers into the waves of his hair, kissing him softly with her entire being. Her skin tingles in anticipation of his caress. His breath mingles with hers, the sound of his breathing in her ear. He breathes her name, moving his mouth along her cheek to her lips. He tastes her and it's enough.
He pulls away and brings her down to earth with the whisper of his lips close to her ear. "Do you realize the gift you just gave me, Lady Sophia?"
"The best one I'll ever receive," he continues as his kisses fall like raindrops on the nape of her neck, his breath sending tremors through her body.
"Well, now that I've got a hold of you, Liam, I have no intentions of letting you go any time soon."
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Alex Spencer ❤️
I tried adding a little color, but my colored pencils apparently don't color over pencil. I'll have to try different ones. But for now, here we are. Latest attempt at art!
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The plan was to wait to post this until Cloudless Climes was further along. The reality is that it's laughable I thought I could hold out so long.
When Sebastyan first showed up, I was hooked immediately. I didn't consider him and Emma a viable romantic pairing at first, but their dynamic intrigued me. Now, they're my favorite (and okay, only) COP AU ship. I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, all right?
A big thanks to artbyainna on IG for this gorgeous, gorgeous piece!
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Snowed In
Premise: There’s a winter storm pummeling Boston and a polar vortex bringing arctic air and….
Fandom: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Format: Text & Pic Fic + Prose Words: 785
A/N: I meant to post this on Sunday evening just as a snowstorm hit Boston since the fic is set in real time. But, I got busy vegging on the couch. lol Submission for @choicesjanuary2025 prompt "snowfall"
Part 1: The Snowstorm


Part 2: The Wind Down
Winter was a bitch. Nothing could make Cassie Valentine change her mind about that.
If the snowstorm that pummeled Boston wasn’t bad enough, the weatherman was now chirping much too cheerily about the blast of arctic air descending upon them.
Before clocking into work earlier in the day, Cassie had to gingerly navigate the slick road and icy sidewalk from the T to the staff entrance at the side of the hospital.
Lately, she and Ethan had been driving to work together. But today, their schedules hadn’t aligned, leaving her to miss out on the warm comfort of his luxury sedan.
Maybe she should cave and buy a car—or have her parents send her old Cayenne down. She just hated driving in Boston, with its horrendous traffic and aggressive drivers. The subway, ride-sharing or letting her husband chauffeur her around suited her just fine.
Cassie grabbed a snack from the attending’s lounge, glanced at her wristwatch, and calculated that she had just enough time for a power nap in her office. Rather than tackling the stairs to the seventh floor, her exhausted legs opted for the elevator.
She had been run off her feet for the past twelve hours, but now it was two o’clock in the morning — that in-between time when the hospital fell quiet before interns and residents began their pre-rounds.
Letting out a loud yawn, Cassie reached inside the coat closet for a throw blanket and pillow she kept for those occasions when she needed to be on call. Lowering the blinds of her glass-walled office, she settled onto the couch and closed her eyes.
Her brain was wired, though, and sleep eluded her. After ten minutes, she gave up and unlocked her phone for some joy scrolling (her version of doom scrolling) on Picta.
She laughed at her friends’ comments on recent posts, replied to ones she’d missed earlier, and switched to the latest celeb gossip feeds.
Between trying to guess the subjects of blind items and commiserating with other fans over their favorite singer’s breakup, she didn’t hear the office door slide open.
“Can’t sleep?” Ethan asked, stepping in and joining her on the couch.
He gently lifted her legs and placed them across his lap, sprawling wide with his legs outstretched and his head resting on the back cushions.
“You look like hell, babe,” Cassie teased, taking in the dark circles under his eyes and the overgrown scruff along his jawline.
Ethan made a face but didn’t respond.
“The snow’s tapered off,” he said, stifling a yawn. “We can head home as soon as the roads are clear.”
“I’m leading morning rounds and have consults scheduled in the afternoon,” Cassie said, sitting up and leaning her head on his shoulder. “It’s easier if I stay here tonight.”
She nestled against him, pulling the throw blanket over both of them, and sighed as his warmth surrounded her.
Cassie could feel sleep creeping up on her, her eyes drifting shut, when Ethan chuckled, his deep voice rumbling beneath her.
“So, you hate the storm, the polar vortex, and wish we were back in Hawaii, huh?”
“How is it that you never comment on my Picta posts, yet always know exactly what’s going on?” Cassie retorted, angling her face to meet Ethan’s smiling eyes.
“Because I’m… what did you call me once? Ah, yes. Your Picta Stalker,” he laughed. “Whenever I’m bored, I just scroll your feed. You’re more entertaining than anything else on that infernal app.”
Cassie rolled her eyes. “I know you mean that to be flattering, but why do I feel insulted instead?”
Ethan shrugged, jostling her in the process. She wrapped an arm across his stomach, her fingers curling lightly against his side.
“I hate winter,” she murmured sleepily. “Let’s blow this joint, move to Hawaii and live off my trust fund.”
“You’d hate it,” he stated matter-of-factly. “You were jonesing for work after three days on the beach.”
“I was an idiot then. I’ve learned my lesson now.”
“That’s the polar vortex talking,” Ethan quipped.
“Oh, shut up,” Cassie muttered.
After that, a comfortable silence stretched between them, neither feeling the need to fill the quiet with words.
“This is nice.”
“What is?” Ethan asked, his voice rough with sleep.
“This. Us. Just doing nothing,” Cassie said. “When we first met, I don’t think I ever imagined we’d be here like this. Not just together, but quietly comfortable. It’s nice.”
She could hear Ethan’s slow, even breathing as he drifted into sleep and wasn’t expecting a response.
Still, her heart skipped a beat when he murmured under his breath, “It’s more than nice. It’s perfect.”
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @justyourusualash @lady-calypso @kyra75 @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @snoopdogcone @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @loreofyore
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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flowers for friends
MC: Va’or WC: 200 Prompt: New Friendship
divider by @/bernardsbendystraws from [this] post
Each grape was a uniform stormy blue color, perfectly ripened. Each had a slight spark of lightning when eaten, though never amounting to anything more than a minor zap on the tongue.
Its flowers, frozen with magic, were a strong, blue hue and its striking scent had persevered letting the fragrance of thunder and heavy rain roll off the flower in faint waves.
Years of fiddling with the best of the crop, of vigilant note-taking and thorough testing, had all been leading up to this wonderful, magical harvest –the ultimate culmination of un’s diligent work.
From here, only the best could serve as the perfect gift to an ethereal friend.
Carefully maneuvering the forest floor, Va’or strained un’s ears for the vague sounds of faerie ravelry. Those not fae were never meant to find the same place twice but, Va’or hoped, un would be the first exception.
As un’s ears caught the light tones of cheerful, mischievous merrymaking, un rolled to a stop, eyes captivated by the stunning sight before unk. Magic danced across un’s skin, dashing between the trees and drawing un’s attention to the person Va’or had come to meet: an irresistible elf as beautiful as life itself.
divider by @/bernardsbendystraws from [this] post
An edit of the flowers <3
divider by @/bernardsbendystraws from [this] post
a/n: So… this idea hit me like a truck. I wanted it to be longer than the stuff I’ve been doing so I aimed for a double drabble (<- and succeeded if I may add!) It’s a little gift from my mc to yours, I really hope you like it Jewel <3
divider by @/bernardsbendystraws from [this] post
tagging: @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor @choicesjanuary2025
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Happy Birthday, Thomas!
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: > 700 Rating: General: no warnings, just fluff
Synopsis: Alex helps Thomas celebrate his special day.
Look at how precious these babies are!!! ArtbyAinna (IG) always captures these two so brilliantly! Every piece is just so beautiful!
The faint flicker of the small candle on the gourmet cupcake cast a soft glow as Alex stepped into the dimly lit theater. Her smile grew further as she paused to watch Thomas adjust the projector. His movements were precise and well-practiced.
Their home theater had been his pride and joy. He had spent years adjusting it, adapting it, and growing it. As their lives changed, so did their theater. The once practical space had become softer. Couches for lounging replaced some of the traditional seating. The posters that hung shifted from golden age masterpieces to their own work over the years, and now the added animated feature at the request of Felicity and Vincent. Right now, their chosen frame displayed a Paw Patrol poster; hanging next to it were the twins' drawings of Bogart joining the team.
The hum of the project coming to life pulled her back. She moved closer, her melodic voice guiding his attention to her.
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you—"
"Did we not already cover this earlier?" He interrupted with a raise of his brow.
She continued with a little "shh" and back to the song.
"Happy birthday, my dear Thomas,
Happy birthday to you."
"I recall us already celebrating with cake earlier," he insisted. He had never been one to indulge in too many sweets or birthday festivities at all. He was looking forward to the quiet evening they had planned and the large bowl of popcorn with jalapeños waiting for him.
"Yes, but this cupcake is special and chosen specifically for you." She began handing the plate to him but pulled it back slightly. "But first, you must make a wish." Before he could protest, she continued. "You don't have to believe in it, but do it for me." She pressed a kiss to his cheek, handing him the plate.
"Okay," he agreed, his gaze never leaving her.
As he accepted the dessert, he took a moment before blowing out the slowly dancing flame. There was no reason for grown adults to still make birthday wishes. This is something he would leave to his children... and Alex, who saw magic in everything. They were different in that way—and yet, he admired her in a way he couldn't explain. And in that, somehow, her belief gave him a flicker of faith. He closed his eyes and blew out the candle as he made his wish.
A delicate smile filled his face as he opened his eyes, meeting hers again. "I have succumbed to a frivolous tradition. I hope you're happy."
"Immensely," she kissed his lips gently. "Now, to understand why this cupcake was chosen especially for you, you'll have to take a bite. You don't have to eat it all—I know you're waiting for your popcorn, but try it."
Thomas exhaled softly through his nose, inspecting the beautiful cupcake before biting. His eyes widened as the flavor profile washed over his taste buds.
"Whiskey Caramel," she smiled at his delight. "Two of your favorite things, or at least, one of your favorites and one of mine," she teased. "Addi and I were checking out a new bakery and, when I saw this, I knew you needed to try it. So, what's the verdict?"
He considered the complementary flavors that melted on his tongue. It was a delightful combination, one even he could enjoy. "The caramel brings in some sweetness that pairs well with the warmth and smoky whiskey, especially in the buttercream frosting. However, the cake could be moister with the addition of a touch more whiskey."
"More whiskey?" Her brow rose curiously. "Predictable. Good thing I have a bottle of your favorite scotch awaiting you once the movie begins."
"I love you," his words were quiet, filled with an appreciation he still marveled was his. For a moment, he simply held her gaze, grateful for the path his life had taken to end up in this moment with her beside him. There were times when he still paused in disbelief that this life was his. It was not one he had anticipated or expected; and, yet it was everything he needed.
Her hand cradled his jaw, her thumb brushing tenderly across his cheek. "I love you, too. Happy birthday, my love."
Thank you for reading. This was a last minute fic so there were no edits or revisions. I've been feeling so self conscious about writing lately that I haven't been able to write, but when I went to post the art this little fic came to life so I'm not second guessing it, just sharing it out. I hope you enjoy it. Please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. 💛
PS— (My) Thomas's birthday falls on national popcorn day and I just love that for him. hehe
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Alternate Universes
Premise: Ethan has rules about decorum at the holiday party.
Fandom: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 910
A/N: This is based on a visual prompt sent by @jerzwriter. Submission for @choicesjanuary2025 prompt "connection"
The Edenbrook annual holiday party was in full swing. The atrium had been transformed into a dazzling winter wonderland with snow-capped decorations adorning the reception desk.
Red and green streamers hung from the railings while gold and silver tinsel draped across the windows. At the heart of it all stood a towering Christmas tree, its elegantly trimmed branches stretching toward the glass-domed ceiling.
Tapping her toe to the cheerful melodies floating through the air, Cassie Valentine sipped her champagne. Her eyes scanned the edges of the room in search of her husband.
Ethan Ramsey had a habit of lingering on the sidelines, observing the crowd like an eagle surveying its territory—reluctant to leave his perch unless absolutely necessary. Parties and glad-handing donors weren’t his style, but they were a requirement of the job.
So, she almost spilled her champagne when she saw him in the middle of the party, smiling, of all things, and chatting with a couple of big wigs from one of their largest insurance partners.
Who was this imposter?
She strolled over to the trio, reaching Ethan’s side just as he shook hands with the executives and turned away, a faint smile still lingering on his lips.
“Having fun?”
“Hey, there you are,” he said, enclosing her hand in his. “The team did a good job with the party.”
Cassie quirked an eyebrow at the uncharacteristic praise. Really, who was this man?
“I need a real drink,” Ethan said, waving away a server carrying a tray of champagne.
“Oh, thank god,” Cassie said, letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding as she followed him to the bar. “You were smiling. It was scary.”
Ethan paused mid-step and turned to look at her. “My smile is scary?”
“No!” Cassie rushed to assure him. “Your attitude, however, is giving me Twilight Zone vibes.”
“What’s wrong with my attitude?” he demanded, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m being social, making sure the donors are happy and the partners satisfied. I’m doing my job.”
“Yes, and that’s great. But why?” Cassie asked suspiciously. “You hate ‘look how great I am’ donor parties.”
“Whiskey, neat,” Ethan said to the bartender.
He grabbed his drink, took her hand and then stomped off to a quiet corner behind the Christmas tree.
Cassie waited expectantly as he took a sip and exhaled loudly, rolling his neck.
“If you must know,” Ethan muttered, staring into his glass, “Naveen’s been coaching me on my people skills. My homework”—he emphasized the word—“was to practice them at this party and reflect on how amenable donors might be when I ask for resources with a smile rather than a frown.”
“Huh.” Cassie wasn’t sure how else to respond. She wanted to tease Ethan, but he already looked uncomfortable with his confession. Besides, it was a sound plan.
Still, she couldn’t let it go just like that. “What else has Naveen been teaching you?”
When Ethan looked at her askance, she pressed on, gazing up at him with a coquettish smile. “For example, what’s his view on co-workers hooking up at holiday parties? It is the season of giving, after all.”
“I don’t need lessons on my sex life,” he scoffed. “Besides, everyone knows you don’t hook up with your co-workers at the holiday party. That way lies disaster.”
“Please,” Cassie laughed, a teasing smile playing on her lips. “You banged me on your desk during the Hopeful Hearts Gala when we were dating. In a glass-walled office, I might add, where anyone could have seen us.”
“I lowered the blinds!” Ethan protested, though he couldn’t help but grin at the reminder.
They shared a heated look, the memory of that night sparking vividly between them.
“Anyway, it was for Valentine’s Day, so it doesn’t count as a holiday—not according to the Gospel of Cassie Valentine.”
“Fine.” Cassie cut him off with a playful wave of her hand. “Let’s pretend I’m a wealthy donor with money to burn. I make you an indecent proposal, and you’re tempted by both my beauty and my wallet.”
“How mercenary of me,” he said with a roll of his eyes, his hand sliding to her back as he pulled her close. “How about we just be Ethan and Cassie? Two co-workers who fell in love, got married, and lived happily ever after.”
“Boring,” she pouted, tilting her head back to look at him. “How will we live out our AUs if we don’t play ‘Let’s pretend’?”
“Our what now?” Ethan asked, frowning in confusion.
“Alternate universes,” Cassie explained with a grin. “You know, scenarios that differ from our relationship canon. Like, what if I were a ballerina, and you were mesmerized the moment you saw me? Or,” her eyes lit up, “I was an FBI agent sent to rescue you from a sinister gang in Brazil? Oh! And there’s the one where we met in college, sparks flying from day one. You tried to push me away, of course, but I was persistent.”
When Ethan gave her a skeptical look, Cassie leaned in closer. “Our love story spans universes, babe.”
He smiled softly, framing her face between his hands, his mouth hovering just above hers. “I clearly need lessons in imagination. Care to teach me?”
“Lesson one,” Cassie whispered against his lips. “Kiss me.”
Ethan didn’t need any further instructions. Their lips met, and for a moment, all other universes faded away.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @justyourusualash @lady-calypso @kyra75 @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @snoopdogcone @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @loreofyore
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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Lamrian's Sleeping Beauty 🌹
Female Main Character: Alexis (Alex)
Pairing: F!MC×NikRyder
Summary: Once upon a Fairytale...
Word Count: 3.1 K words
Rating: General (Fairytale AU, Fluff)
Warnings: none
-> My complete Nightbound Masterlist <-
Choices Nightbound Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @mikaelsrose ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @artbyalz ; @bri1234 ; @loreofyore ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; @choicesjanuary2025 [Prompt: First Kiss / First Love / First relationship]
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: Inspired by Disney The Sleeping Beauty 🌹👑
Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far away lived Elric, the King of Lamrian. The fae king fell in love with a beautiful human named Jacqueline.
One night, as the moonlight filtered through the castle windows, King Elric found himself immersed in a dream filled with shimmering light. In this ethereal vision, an elderly woman behind a veil and golden eyes with a powerful voice. She promised him that soon, the couple would be blessed with a precious little miracle, filling their lives with joy and wonder.
The very next day, the king's lover, Jacqueline found out that she was expecting. The couple rejoiced they couldn't believe it. It was a dream come true.
Months went by and everything was going perfectly. Jacqueline's body was strong, the baby was healthy. Everyone in the kingdom was excited. The day finally came, and the child was born. A beautiful baby girl with silvery hair was presented. The new parents were so overjoyed that tears of joy filled their eyes.
They named her Alexis, and from that moment on, she filled their lives with joy and warmth. Her presence was a radiant light that brought them together, and they loved her deeply, pouring all their hearts into nurturing and cherishing her.
Yet, one fae stood in opposition to the arrival of Princess Alexis... Her young stepbrother, Tialo. Consumed by jealousy, he plotted to ensure that the princess would never experience happiness, determined to preserve his status as the sole heir to King Elric.
"I will not accept this child into my family, just as I refuse to accept Jacqueline as your romantic partner, father. That bastard child will never know love," Tialo, the cursed fae child, asserted firmly.
"Tialo, you're my son. How could you do this me and Jacqueline?!! Even your mother, Thalissa openly welcomed her."
"Yes, my son. We're family now. Let's welcome the newborn together.", Tialo's mother, Lady Thalissa wished.
With a surge of anger, the jealous boy suddenly appeared in the darkened sky, his figure silhouetted against a backdrop of roiling black clouds. Jagged bolts of lightning illuminated his face, casting eerie shadows that danced across his features. The air crackled with tension as the storm brewed around him, thunder rumbling like an angry beast. Below, the king and his partner stood transfixed, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief, as they witnessed the manifestation of the boy's jealousy, an unstoppable force of nature threatening to unleash chaos upon them.
He hovered above the guests, his face twisted with malice.
"I curse this child on this day," he boomed, "When she touches a spinning wheel on her 25th birthday, she will prick her finger and fall into a sleep-like death..."
Elric, Jaqueline and everyone else shaked in fear. How could they stop this curse and protect the child?
Suddenly an old, wise lady appeared who was known as The Fate. She had watched everything in silence, and now it was her turn to speak.
"I cannot undo the curse," she said, "But I can modify it. The princess will prick her finger on a spinning wheel, but she will not die. She will fall into a sleep-like death until her true love's kiss."
The father and mother were are little relieved now when they heard the new twist in the curse. They could keep their daughter safe. They could keep her away from spinning wheels. At least, that's what they thought...
"No matter what you do," the Fate informed, "The princess will prick her finger on a spinning wheel. But don't despair, for there will be a way for you to protect her. When the princess turns 25, the curse will come true. On her 25th birthday, you must isolate her in a tower. With no spinning wheels to be found, she will be safe."
Elric and Jacqueline didn't want to imprison their daughter, but they saw no other choice. The Fate's advice seemed the only way to keep their beloved Alexis safe.
And with that, there was a decision made. They ordered that all spinning wheels be burned and hidden. On the eve before her 25th birthday, the princess would be brought to a high tower in the middle of the forest, far away from the kingdom.
"This is for the best," the king tried to console himself. "We will keep Alexis safe and the curse will be broken when she meets her true love."
"But Elric, that's ridiculous. Do you really believe in the Fate? There is no way she will meet her true love just like this."
"Jacqueline, my love. I truly understand your worry, and it breaks my heart to see my shining star away from us. We'll find a way, but for now, this seems to be the safest step. Do not worry, Lady Thalissa and the other fae will take care and protect our Alexis there."
But Tialo was not happy. Despite the king's best efforts, he watched closely from the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. He bided his time, knowing that the curse was still in effect. All he had to do was be patient and wait for Alex's 25th birthday.
As the years passed, Princess Alexis grew up in the tower, unaware of the world outside of the curse laid upon her. She lived a simple life, entertained by stories and the presence of a group of fae who had taken care of her since her birth.
"Garrus, I'm heading outside for a little walk. I'll be back soon.", the young girl called out.
The princess went on a stroll in the woods. There she met a handsome stranger who caught her interest. She stood a few meters safely away from him and couldn't stop daydreaming. He was young and muscular with an athletic body, and his blonde hair whipped back.
"Wow, he looks so good."
Eventually, the young man noticed her presence and called for attention.
"Oh... Hello. I was about to leave.", she apologized as her cheeks turned into a soft pink shade.
"No, wait. Please don't leave. And don't apologize. I was just curious and... I was interested to know your name.", he nervously confessed.
"Is there a name to put on your lovely face?", the mysterious man asked as he started to feel attracted towards the beautiful, young woman in front of him.
"Alexis. But you can call me Alex. What about you?"
"Nik. Nik Ryder."
Nik studied Alex for a moment and admired her slender figure, her beautiful eyes, and her rosy lips until their gazes met again. There was an awkward pause. It was as if the air around them was charged, and for some reason, all the noise from the outside felt distant. He broke eye contact to look down at her and he couldn't help an amused smile.
"May I ask why were you looking at me like that before?"
"Oh, sorry. I just... I haven't met many people outside yet. Especially men. But you seem quite interesting." she tried to explain without letting him know how attractive she found him.
The man seemed surprised, but also very pleased by her words. He smiled while taking another step closer so they were now standing only a few inches apart. She didn't move away from him, and both stared into her eyes.
"And I find you very lovely, Alex.", he dared to confess. The man always had difficulties to show his feelings, but she seemed special.
With a little time, the young couple got to know each other very well and spent some time together. They went for a stroll, listened to each other's stories, and then decided to play hide and seek.
"Come and find me, Nik."
"Gotcha.", he called as he sneaked from behind her, which made her first gasp and then giggle.
Her laughter and smile filled his heart. If only this moment would last forever. They spend the rest of the day outside enjoying themselves.
On the day before Alex's 25th birthday, her parents visited her tower, their hearts full of anxiety. They had done everything they could to keep her safe, but they knew the curse was still out there, perhaps waiting to strike.
As the night approached, the parents said their goodbyes to their daughter, hoping this wouldn't be the last time they would see her. They left, the tower became quiet, and the princess went to sleep, unaware that the next day would change her life forever.
As the sun crept below the horizon, The evil watched from the shadows. Tonight was the night. All the pieces were falling into place.
Dark magic was in the air. The evil stepbrother knew that everything was going to plan, and couldn't wait to reap the reward.
The sky darkened, and the moon rose high. It was the eve of Alex's 25th birthday. The time had come. Tialo revealed himself in the night. A dark shadow with an evil smile.
He approached the tower, his green eyes fixed on the top, where the princess slept unknowingly. After all these years, this was his chance to make the prophecy and his curse come true...
"This was going to be too easy...", he sneered.
He entered the room silently, his footsteps barely making a sound. The jealous boy crept towards the sleeping princess, feeling the curse tingling at his fingertips.
As the moonlit shone through the window, the evil fae stood over Alex. The princess slept, unaware of the danger lurking close by.
Tialo smiled, savoring the moment. He looked at the spinning wheel at the corner of the room and approached it. His eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he prepared to put his wicked plan into action. The boy gently touched the smooth wood of the spinning wheel. His long fingers traced the sharp metal spindle, and he could feel the magic of the curse coursing through it.
With a sly smile, the fae touched it and the wheel came to life. It whirled around in the pale light, spinning fast and with an almost sinister hum. The hum grew louder as the wheels picked up speed. Alex stirred in her sleep, but she remained blissfully unaware of what was taking place. The spinning wheel spun faster and faster, the metal spindle a silver flash in the dim light. The fae watched the smirk still on his face, waiting for the right moment to strike. The spindle whirled, spinning with a deadly grace. The young fae leaned in a sick grin on her face. The tip of the spindle spun in a blur, getting closer and closer to the bed. The room was quiet, almost holding its breath. Even the hum of the spinning wheel seemed to pause. Only inches away from the sleeping child. The one who cursed the princess watched with anticipation, his eyes narrowed. This was it. After all these years, the curse would finally be fulfilled.
As blood fell from Alex’s finger to the spinning wheel below, the room seemed to hold its breath. The villain's grin grew wider as his revenge finally achieved.
"Yes. Yes!! Yes!!!! Finally..."
Then, in an instant, the curse took effect. Alex, as if under a spell, began to fall. Her body slumped, falling into a sleep like death.
"This will be your life for an eternity, halfling," the fae sneered. "And there's nothing anyone can do to save you."
He left the room, his wicked work was done. The curse was fulfilled, and Alex was doomed to sleep until her true love's kiss awoke her. But would true love ever find her?
And so, the young lady stayed in the tower, asleep in a deep enchantment. The king and queen, devastated by the curse and could do nothing to wake her. The evil had won, and all they could do now was hope and pray.
The years passed, and the legend of the sleeping princess spread far and wide. People spoke of her beauty, the curse, and the hope that one day, true love would find her.
Yet, despite the curse, there was a glimmer of hope. Tales of a hero, the Prince of Swords who would journey through the treacherous lands. This prince, they said, would not be deterred by evil forces. He would fight through dangerous challenges and creatures to get to the princess and break the curse.
With the hero's journey through the harsh lands, he eventually reached the tower. There, against all odds, he was able to climb up to the sleeping beauty's room. There he finally discovered the sleeping princess. Her beauty untouched by the years. He approached her bed, a mix of nervousness.
"Damn, the sleeping princess is Alex??! God, she's still hella beautiful. Just like the last time I saw her."
The young man closed his eyes, his lips a mere inch away from the hers.
"Hmmm, only a true love's kiss can wake her. Could I be the one? Even if not, a try is worth it. I just hope she'll awake soon. Nobody deserves this. If I find that bastard who did this..."
Taking a deep breath to calm down, Nik closed the distance between him and the sleeping beauty. When his lips touched Alex's in a gentle, tender kiss, it seemed like time freezed and the world seemed to hold its breath. For a moment, nothing happened, but then, slowly, slowly her eyelashes fluttered open.
"Holy light, did I just...?"
The princess stirred, her gaze slowly focusing on the stranger before her. She blinked, disoriented and still confused.
"Hey, it's me. Nik. We met in the woods. It's been so long.
"Nik? Nik Ryder?"
"Jesus, you remember me!! Yeah, it's me. I'm lucky we meet again. And I kinda missed you, Alex.", Nik shyly confessed as he gently stroked her silvery hair.
He helped the young princess sit up, supporting her as she adjusted to being awake again after so many years. She gazed around, taking in her surroundings.
"And how long have I been asleep?"
The man held her hand, his voice gentle.
"Many years. I heard about the curse but never thought it would be you. You've been asleep for a very long time, but you're finally awake now. The curse is broken, and you're free."
"Curse? How did the curse break?"
Nik smiled softly, his silvery-blue eyes never leaving hers.
"With a kiss. Only a true love's kiss. It broke the curse and awakened you from your deep slumber, my lady."
"True love? Did you kiss me?"
"Yeah, sorry. I... I think I have fallen in love with you, Alex. I never thought that I would ever feel that way or even be capable of breaking the curse. But since that day I met you in the woods, I couldn't think about anything or anyone else than you. I love you, Alex. Princess or not, you're the one."
"My beauty comes from my fae genes, I guess. And I feel the same about you since the beginning. I love you too, Nik. Love at first sight."
"Really? But you're royalty and I'm no fancy prince or noble. Just an ordinary guy."
"True love can make anything possible, Nik. Like breaking this curse. And I want only you, my love."
Nik and Alex watched each other as the love between them grew stronger with every passing moment.
"And now..." the prince said, bringing Alex's hand to his lips and kissing it gently, "It is time for us to live our lives together, free from the shadows of curses and despair."
When the young man and the princess approached the kingdom, the word spread like wildfire that the princess had been rescued from her magical slumber. As the young couple reached the gates, the people gathered and their faces filled with joy and wonder at the sight of their awakened princess.
King Elric and Jacqueline streamed tears of happiness down their faces and rushed to embrace their beloved daughter. They held her tight, their voices filled with relief and gratitude.
"Our daughter," the king said, his voice choked with emotion. "Our beautiful daughter is awake. We thought we'd never see you again."
"Father, Mother...", she sobbed.
"Our dear child," she whispered. "You have no idea how much we have missed you, how much we have wept for you. But now, you're awake, and you're here with us, safe and sound."
"Nik saved me."
The parents discovered the mysterious man a few feet away and their expressions filled with sincere gratitude.
"We owe you a debt of gratitude, young man," the king said, his voice filled with appreciation. "You brought my child back. You have rescued our daughter from her cursed sleep. How can we ever thank you?"
"No thanks are necessary, your Majesties," he said. "I did what I had to do to break the curse and awaken the princess. Seeing her free and reunited with you is enough for me."
Princess Alexis rushed towards her hero to kiss him. The man was taken aback for a moment, his cheeks flushing a faint pink.
"Uh... Princess..." he stuttered, a mixture of surprise and joy on his face.
"Sorry, I just... um, wanted to thank you," she said, her eyes sparkling. "For everything you've done. For rescuing me from that cursed sleep."
Nik, still a bit thrown off guard, managed to compose himself and smiled gently at the princess.
"There's no need for thanks," he said. "I'm just glad I was able to help, to break the curse and bring you back to your family. And... to you."
The princess smiled back, her heart fluttering with a newfound affection for the brave man who saved her. The king and his wife looked on, their faces filled with warmth and happiness at the budding love between their daughter and her rescuer.
The kingdom rejoiced at the return of their awakened princess. A grand celebration was held, with music, dancing, and feasting. The streets were filled with laughter and joy as the people celebrated the end of the curse and the beginning of a new, brighter era. Amidst the festivities, Nik and Princess Alexis found themselves stealing glances at each other, both of them unable to deny the growing attraction between them.
It took some courage for the young lady until she joined him to ask for a dance.
"Nik, may I have this dance with you?"
"I'm actually a bit rusty and not that good at dancing. But I'll make an exception, gorgeous," he answered happily, offering her his hand. "It would be my honor to dance with you, Princess."
"Thank you, Nik. Call me by my name and don't worry... I won't let you fall."
As they took their positions on the dance floor, Nik gently took Alex's hand in his. The warmth of their touch sends a jolt of electricity through them both. The music swirled around them, and they began to move in sync, their bodies flowing together as they waltzed across the dance floor.
"Okay, Krom, you know that never happened, right?", Nik criticized Krom's rewrite of the Sleeping Beauty.
A group of friends gathered together in Garrus's bar in New Orleans, called the Graveyard Shift, to wind up, have drinks, and chat. Tonight, Krom, their stone troll friend, was sharing his new written work with his companions who he considered as his heroes and his inspiration. His last work was "Beauty & Beast".
"Well, I love your story. You even mentioned me, Krom darling.", Garrus praised the stone troll before planting a quick kiss on his gray, stony cheek, which slightly turned into a soft shade of pink.
"Don't listen to Nik, Krom. I enjoyed your story. You made me a happy princess with a cute love story between me and Nik. And my mom living happily together with my father. I love it!", Alex encouraged him.
"But it never happened like this, rook. Tialo is younger than you."
"Woah, stop. Krom did nothing wrong. Yes, Tialo is younger than me, but he was already born before me. He's a fae, and fae alter differently and more slowly than humans. Which makes me older than him. A little complicated, I know."
"But Alex, the story..."
"Hey, Krom is the writer. Let him get creative and write whatever he wants. Come on, he even made you the hero of the story.", Alex argued with his boyfriend while she cuddled further for a hug.
"Well, true. If there won't be any stories of my failures, this man has nothing to worry about. But no publishing, cuz I have a reputation to hold. Or at least change the names.", the hunter requested which Krom would have agreed anyways.
The stone troll wrote a few such stories about the group, which were never meant for the public. Only for him and his beloved friends. Only for them and none other. With love.
Why Alex and Nik in the Sleeping Beauty? 🌹
Since birth Princess Aurora from Disney - The Sleeping Beauty and my Nightbound Main Character, Alex were seperated from their royal family and later, found out the truth of their parents and social status at their birthday. And then... they found true love.
Like Aurora, Alex loves the nature and its animals. She might be only a half-fae but she is still a fae, and fae are bound by nature.
Aurora and Alex live in a world full of magic and their lovers fight evil creatures. They would do anything for their beloved, even risk their lifes. And these men even united her with her family.
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Thank you to @icecoffee90 for this prompt sent to me 250 years ago! lol I had an idea while driving today, and I'm glad I had the time to write it down!
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Tobias x Casey Carrick (F!MC) Featuring: Jackie Varma, Samantha Carrick (F!OC), and Pietro, original cat. Rating: Teen Words: 1,076 Summary: Jackie stops by for a visit with a gift in tow, but Pietro has some opinions about it.
A/N: I didn't think this could fit a prompt for @choicesjanuary2025, but then I realized Winter Coat did it! :)
Jackie rushed up the steps to Tobias and Casey’s townhome, doing her best to juggle a bottle of Malbec under one arm and a gift bag under the other. A sinister grin came to her lips as she reached the landing, where she pressed the doorbell over and over again. Casey appeared in an instant, little Samantha on her hip.
"Seriously, Jackie!" She grimaced. "Ringing one time was sufficient; you didn’t need to do it a dozen times! What if Sammy had been sleeping?"
"Relax, MacTavish!"
"Carrick..." Casey corrected.
"Whatever..." Jackie dismissed, stepping into the vestibule, the cold of the Boston winter radiating off her body as she hung her coat in the foyer and turned back to her friend and mussing Sammy’s hair. "I called Tobias five minutes ago, so I knew Samantha was awake. I just wanted you to answer the door quickly so I wouldn't freeze to death out there! Besides, I thought it might ward off your demonic beast."
Tobias stepped into the small space as if on cue, furry little Pietro nuzzled in his arms. "Are you blaspheming my precious little boy again? Or are you referring to me?"
"Yes!" Jackie scowled, staring daggers at the at the little feline, but Pietro turned away, uninterested.
"I come bearing gifts," she said, raising the wine and gift bag over her head as she strutted into the living room.
Casey placed Sammy on the floor, delighted as she watched the toddler immediately crawl over to Pietro.
"A gift? What’s the occasion?” Casey asked.
“It’s Friday, and I’m blessing you with my presence. You’re welcome,” Jackie smirked, kicking off her boots. “You said you wanted to get more books for Samantha, and I found this at that used book store we go to in Cambridge.”
Tobias gave Jackie a bemused look as Casey pulled the book out of the bag. “The Complete Works of Edgar Alan Poe?” he laughed. “I mean, I like it, but you understand Sammy is one, right?”
“I’m aware, but I figured if you’re going to let this satanic furball run the place, you might as well lean into the vibe, and nothing says ‘gothic chaos’ like Poe.”
Pietro lept onto the couch gracefully, draping himself beside Jackie like an expensive throw. His blue eyes narrowed at her, who instinctively held up the wine bottle as if it were a shield.
“Relax, Lucifer,” she muttered. “I’m not here to dethrone you. I know my place!”
Casey shook her head with a laugh. “Jackie, you’re so dramatic. He’s literally doing nothing.”
“He’s plotting,” Jackie countered. “Look at him. He’s not a cat; he’s an evil genius!”
Tobias sat on the arm of the couch, lovingly stroking Pietro’s head. “You really have it out for this little guy, huh?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jackie said, rolling her eyes. “Last time I was here, he knocked my phone off the counter while maintaining direct eye contact with me. That’s not a pet. That’s a criminal mastermind!”
Casey chuckled. “Why don’t we pour the wine? Or did you bring that for some ritual intended to exorcize our beloved pet?”
“Well, now that you mention it,” Jackie smirked, picking a chip out of the wooden bowl on the coffee table and popping it into her mouth.
“So, what do you suggest we read to Sammy before bed tonight?” Casey asked. “The Raven? Or The Haunted Palace?”
“I don’t know; why don’t you whip out a Ouija board and have your furry beast decide?”
Pietro stood up and stretched before meandering over to inspect the book with the air of a curator evaluating an unworthy addition to his collection. Then, with one swift movement of his paw, he sent it tumbling to the floor.
Jackie gasped, pointing accusingly. “You see?! I told you! He’s the devil!”
Tobias burst out laughing as Casey picked up the book. “He’s not the devil,” Casey laughed. “He's just curious.”
Pietro rushed over to Jackie, landing on her lap with confidence.
“No. No, no, no," Jackie cried. "Get him off me! Get him off, now!"
“Oh, come on," Casey grinned, rubbing Peito’s head as she took a seat next to her friend. "He’s trying to bond with you.”
“This isn’t bonding. This is a power move. He’s trying to establish dominance.”
"That's not true," Tobias laughed, slinking into an armchair. "I know all about establishing dominance, and that's not how you do it. When Casey and I are..."
"TOBIAS!" Casey and Jackie yelled simultaneously, sending a frightened little Peitro scurrying away.
"TOO much information, babe!" Casey scolded, but Jackie’s eyes were full of relief.
"Whatever, if it got Beelzebub off my lap, I’ll endure your kinky sex talk. I hope you know that cat’s going to kill you in your sleep one day,” Jackie said, keeping an eye on him as he cautiously reentered the room. “They'll write a story about it. ‘The Fall of the House of Carrick,’ maybe... You know, I should try to get movie rights to that now."
"Mmh," Tobias nodded, putting down his glass of wine. "Smart financial move!"
Casey rolled her eyes. “You’re both insane.”
“Perhaps,” Jackie shrugged. “But you’re blind to the evil you’ve welcomed into your home. But don't worry, I’ll be here for the aftermath. I’ll take care of Sammy and all, you know, for the sake of the movie rights.”
"Much appreciated, Jackie," Tobias laughed. ���We’ll be sure to leave you the cat in our will.”
“Don't you dare!”
The night went on with the usual revelry that occurred when Jackie visited. Eventually, she ended up on the floor playing with Samantha as Pietro stood watch nearby. When it was finally time to leave, she looked down at the cat, now lounging atop the book Jackie gave them.
“I see you, Satan," she glared. "You're reading the book to get ideas!"
Pietro meowed sharply, accepting the challenge.
“Enjoy the book,” Jackie called to Casey and Tobias as she headed for the door. “And maybe consider getting an exorcist while you’re at it.”
Tobias turned to Casey with a laugh as soon as the door shut. “So... do you want to tell her we're considering getting a second cat?”
Casey shrugged. "Nah, if we do, let's wait and surprise her. But one thing is for certain now."
"Oh, yeah," Tobias smiled, sitting next to Casey and wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "What's that?"
"If we get another cat, we’re definitely naming it Poe!"
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfic
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