#trr john deere green
flutistbyday-1 · 3 years
JDG update
I'm editing JDG for clarity and to rid of errors. I'm going to re-upload it. Starting that today. Expect lots of notifications.
Love, Red.
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flutistbyday-1 · 4 years
John Deere Green: Chapter 11
Soooooo uhhhh don’t hate me—
I’m so sorry that this took so long. If you don’t know, I took a spill in April that made me bed-bound for six weeks and my mental health took a nosedive. I’m trying to get better, and part of that is writing.
Unbeta’d cause 🤷🏼‍♀️
Word count: 1539. Short! I know.
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Riley’s heart began to pound as she pulled up to Liam’s house. Her heart ached. She felt bad for how she acted around Drake. It wasn’t fair to anyone, especially Liam.
Liam was at the top of the porch stairs when she pulled into his drive. She could see the concern on his face.
Riley parked in her usual spot and waited for Liam. He opened her door and immediately pulled her into a hug.
Riley inhaled his cologne and wrapped her arms tightly around him.
“Are you okay?” Liam whispered. “You worried me.”
“Much better now that you’re in my sights,” Riley said as she backed away from Liam. She nodded her head at her car. “Grabbed you a burger.”
“You are a gift from heaven,” Liam gushed as he swooped into Riley’s car.
Riley laughed. “Come on. Let’s go eat and I can tell you all about that text.”
“So what’s up, Riley?” Liam asked before he shoved more fries into his mouth.
Riley chuckled at him but sighed deeply. Tears stung her eyes. The guilt was eating her alive. “Well, as you know, Drake and I have gotten close lately.”
Liam nodded.
“Last week, I found him in the drive after he’d had a long day and we went to a bar. We played a drinking game, and I got drunk. One thing led to another, and... I kissed Drake.” Guilt was eating Riley alive. She was crying as she spoke. “I’m so, so sorry, Liam. I don’t know why I did it, but it felt right until Drake looked at me. I feel so bad,” she rambled. She was looking down at her hands that were tangled in her lap.
She and Liam sat face-to-face on his bed. He was quiet while Riley talked.
Liam thoughtfully wiped the grease off his hands before putting one under Riley’s chin and lifting her face. “I know, Riley. Drake told me the next day. He said it was all him and not to be mad at you.” He smiled sadly. “I knew you’d tell me when you were ready.”
Riley’s lower lip quivered. “You knew? You aren’t mad?”
Liam moved the food and trash onto his nightstand before taking Riley into his arms. He pulled her onto his lap. “Darling, you have gone from a long-term relationship in New York to an engagement that is short for established couples. You’re allowed to feel dazed. You’re allowed to mess up.” Liam pulled Riley close to him. “I don’t care as long as you don’t do it again.”
Riley nodded and snuggled into the crook of Liam’s neck. “I won’t kiss anyone but you. Promise,” she giggled.
“Good,” Liam said as he looked down at his fiancée. “Love you,” he smiled.
“Love you too,” Riley said as she leaned in to kiss Liam.
Riley snuggled into Liam, all thought of food behind him. He wrapped his arms protectively around her.
“Are you ready for next week?” he asked.
Riley nodded. “Yeah. I feel like I’ve known you forever and this was just meant to happen.” She smiled dreamily. “You’re my own Prince Charming,” she giggled.
Liam acted offended. “If anything, I’m a King.”
This sent Riley into a fit of laughter.
They spent the rest of the evening talking about their wedding, their families, and their future. When Riley left that night, she was more than confident that Liam would never hold that kiss against her and that she was, indeed, marrying the right man.
Liam had bought Riley a 60-acre property on which a gorgeous two-story Victorian-style farmhouse set, draped with a wrap-around. There was a small “in-law” house behind the main house, a swimming pool, a barn, a greenhouse, several flower gardens, and land that had already been tilled for farming.
Liam surprised Riley with pictures of the house and property the night after she confessed her sins of kissing Drake, and she had tears of joy in her eyes as Liam scrolled through his phone.
“It’s more than perfect, Liam,” she sighed as she leaned into him.
“Anything for you, my love,” he responded.
Riley’s bridal shower was on a Wednesday— who would have thought that her social status as Liam’s fiancé meant that she could reserve a fancy hotel on a Wednesday and people would show up?— and almost one hundred women were in attendance. On a Wednesday!
Riley only recognized a handful of the women at her party: her bridesmaids and some of Liam’s friends.
Kiara was dutifully making rounds and introducing Riley to women of her status or just below, in Kiara’s words. You don’t need to know everyone’s names, Riley. Just the ones who will help you find charities.
Riley desperately tried to hold onto reality, but it was hard when one didn’t feel like they belonged. I’m just a waitress from New York, Riley whined to Hana. A waitress who fell for one of the most eligible bachelors in America, Hana had retorted. Riley sent death glares to Hana as she danced away, claiming to do some maid-of-honor duty or something like that.
Riley was glad to see that Madeleine was in attendance— she’d grown close with the woman. She wasn’t nearly as bitchy as some had claimed, and honestly, with the way Leo broke her heart, Riley didn’t blame Maddy one bit.
Madeleine smiled at Riley from across the room, a “come save me from this person” smile, and Riley was more than happy to cooperate.
Riley walked to Madeleine and made a noise of distress, clutching to Madeleine’s arm. “Madeline, my florist just called and said that the roses for my attendants will be more pink than red!” Riley made her voice waiver for dramatic effect, and the woman Madeleine was speaking with let out an honest gasp.
“How horrible!” The woman gasped.
Maddy nodded solemnly. “I’ll call them at once, Riley!”
Madeleine walked away like she had a purpose and Riley looked at the woman. “I’m so sorry, ma’am, you know how us brides can be.”
The woman clasped Riley’s hands. “To a bride, every detail is important. You go fix your flower fiasco, Riley.” The woman nodded in affirmation and Riley nodded back.
“Thank you,” Riley said.
Truth be told, she didn’t even know what colors her flowers would be, or even what kind. Hana and her mother had planned every detail. Riley had given them an idea of what she wanted and found her dream dress. The rest was on the Dream Team, Riley called them.
Riley’s bachelorette party was okay— Riley wasn’t a fan of the party scene.
Hana had ordered the bridal party to bar-hopping, and everyone was buying shots for Riley. Thankfully, most of the patrons were too drunk to notice that the shots the bartenders were pouring were water instead of vodka.
It was nearly two AM when Riley broke down and called her fiancé. She wasn’t drunk by any means, thank you very much, but she had just enough of a buzz to miss Liam.
Riley stumbled out of the bar and plopped on the curb before calling Liam.
He answered quickly. “Riley? Love? Are you okay?”
Riley giggled. “I’m fiiiiiiiine, Liam. Just bored.”
Liam could hear the pout in Riley’s voice. “Isn’t Hana keeping you company?”
Riley snorted. “Hana is playing tonsil hockey with some stranger.” She gagged.
Liam laughed. “How drunk is she?”
Riley whined. “Stop talking about Hana and talk about me!”
This earned another laugh from Liam. “Okay, what about you?”
“Well, for one, I miss you. And, two,” Riley said, but didn’t continue.
“And, two?” Liam prompted.
“I don’t know. I forgot. Come get me,” Riley said pitifully.
“Where are you?”
Riley craned her neck to see the sign of the bar. “Kismet.”
“I’ll be there in five.”
It was the night before the wedding. All of Riley’s things had been moved to her future in-law’s house— they’d stay in the big house until a property had been established for them in a small town just south of Cordonia, Valtoria.
It was just a 15-minute drive from the Rhys homestead, close enough for Liam’s parents to rely on him, but far enough for the couple to find independence.
Riley paced in Hana’s front room. It was well past 11 and Riley should be asleep, but she was just so damn nervous.
Things had been going well with her life. Too well.
Riley was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Riley,” Hana murmured. “I promise everything is going to be okay.”
The knot in Riley’s gut tightened as she shook her head.
Riley pulled out her phone and glanced at the notification bar. She could just call Liam as he said, but he’d probably be asleep by now and—
Her spiraling was stopped by a sharp knock, knock, knock at the door.
Riley’s eyes snapped to Hana.
Hana shrugged. “It’s probably Liam checking on you.”
Riley didn’t consider who else it could be until she had flung the door open, a stupid grin on her face.
The grin fell when she saw who it was.
“Hello, Riley. I think it’s time we talk,” Justin said as he pulled Riley into his arms for a crushing embrace.
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flutistbyday-1 · 4 years
John Deere Green Chapter Eight: (500 Miles)
⚠️⚠️This story and its contents contain material not suited for sensitive viewers. This story is not meant for anyone under the age of 18. If you are reading this, you are agreeing you are over 18. This warning serves as a blanket trigger and content warning. Cussing, rape, abuse, miscarriage, adultery, death, and other dark subjects will be mentioned. This is your FINAL WARNING.⚠️⚠️
Word Count: 2454
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Lots of love,
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The next day, Liam woke at 0600 sharp, half an hour before his alarm was set to ring. He bounced out of bed and dressed quickly. He chose slacks and a black button-up, knowing that he would be photographed.
Leo had given Liam the number of the photographer and videographer that he had used for his proposal. Leo joked and said that Liam was stealing all of his ideas, but Liam told him about the water tower. Leo joked about how Liam shouldn’t show up his older brother.
Liam had purchased well over 100 roses, as well. He, his family, and friends had painstakingly taken every petal off the roses to lay on the path— he didn’t want fake petals for Riley.
He wanted to have candles on the sides of a path to a pond where he and Riley could see the water tower clearly. He would have big lanterns with the words, “Will you marry me” written on the side, highlighted from behind with lights at the head of the path. There was a pond at the end of this path; two willows gracefully framed it. There would be lanterns hanging from the branches and Liam would get on one knee there.
Drake called Liam a show-off, but Liam shrugged and said, “only for the best.”
Twenty minutes. Hana was coming with Riley in twenty minutes. He was going to be engaged by the end of the night. Holy shit!!!
Liam had invited everyone from his and his father’s social circle for the engagement party. There were going to be close to three hundred people at this party— the entire county was anxious to see Leo and Liam celebrate their upcoming nuptials. Their weddings would be the talk of the country, as well. The Rhys’ were a prominent family not only in the south but the entire US.
The upper class of the farmers would all be in attendance— The Beaumonts from Ramsford, the Nervarkis from Lythikos, the Vancouver’s from Domvallier, the Amaranths from Krona, the Ebrims from Portavira, and the Therons from Castelsareillan. Their prominent citizens from the towns would also be in attendance.
Liam paced on the front lawn. People were already arriving, the band was already playing, and Riley would be here soon!
It was a gorgeous summer evening. It wasn’t too hot, thankfully. There was a light breeze that floated across the Rhys grounds, carrying the smell of the food and sounds of easy conversation.
Liam was going to wait until sunset before whisking Riley away to the pond. That way, the candles could illuminate the path. He hoped to plan it just right so that the lanterns would shine brightly, too.
Hana was impatiently tapping her foot in the foyer, waiting for Riley. Riley had changed her dress six times and puked twice.
“We’re going to be late if you don’t come out here this instant!” Hana cried.
She heard Riley stumbling around in her room, the sound of Riley slamming her bedroom door, then the sound of heels clicking on the tile.
“Jesus! I’m coming!” Riley yelled back.
Riley sported a floor-length, black dress that was very Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It was a mermaid-style gown, no sleeves, high neckline, and a slit up the side. She wore a pearl necklace and dangly silver earrings. Her hair was in an elegant updo.
Hana gasped. “Riley! You look beautiful.”
Riley blushed. “Thanks. I know Liam is going to propose tonight, and I want to look the part.”
Hana laughed lightly. “You sure do look the part. Come on. Let’s go!”
Hana wore a tea-length red dress, strappy sandals, and her hair was half up, ringlets curling around her face.
She almost bounced in her seat the entire ride to Liam’s house.
They pulled up the drive and were greeted by a valet stand at the mouth of the driveway.
Liam was at the stairs, waiting for Riley. He was a gentleman and opened Hana’s door first. Riley knew to stay until Liam came to her.
Liam swept open Hana’s door and offered her a hand. She took it and gracefully exited. Liam took her hand to his lips after bowing slightly. “It’s so good to see you, Hana.” His smile was genuine.
Hana winked. “It’s good to see you, too, Liam.” She proceeded to give a valet the keys and headed inside as Liam made his way over to the passenger side.
This is it! He straightened his posture and opened Riley’s door. She offered him her hand and exited the car. Unlike Hana, it was not graceful. Her foot caught on the hem of her dress, and she stumbled ever so slightly. Liam wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Oops,” Riley giggled as she looked up at Liam.
“If you wanted a hug, all you had to do was ask,” Liam teased.
Riley squeezed her arm around Liam. “Good to know. How about a kiss?”
Liam leaned down and kissed Riley chastely, much to her disappointment. When they pulled apart, Liam held Riley at arm’s length to look at her.
“I love the dress, Riley. It’s a flattering shape,” he commented as they began walking toward the backyard.
“Thank you,” Riley murmured. Her heart was pounding in her chest. When is he going to propose? I won’t be able to eat until he does! “Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress and Breakfast at Tiffany’s is an amazing movie.”
“I agree,” Liam said as they approached a server with a tray full of champagne flutes.
Riley took in the sight before her. Liam had gone all out, and she knew it was for her. There were several white tents, all with three round tables underneath. The tables sported white, lace tablecloths. Each chair had a pink slip. There were vases in the middle filled with pink roses.
As Liam plucked two flutes from the tray, Riley approached an empty tent. There were nameplates, but she couldn’t make out names. Before she could proceed any further, Liam laced his arm with hers and pulled her away.
No need to spoil the last surprise of the evening, Liam thought. Amanda’s flight should be touching down any moment and she should be here just after sunset. Just in time to celebrate her daughter’s engagement!
Liam tugged Riley in the direction of people. “Do we have to?” She whined.
Liam laughed. “Yes, darling. If you’re going to be. Rhys, you must be good at politics.”
“How is talking to people politics?” Riley was still whiny.
Liam turned to Riley and kissed her on the cheek. “You must talk to people and figure out what they want from the way they look at you. For instance,” Liam subtly pointed at a woman next to a man, “That woman, Kiara, is trying to get a trade deal from Bertrand. Do you see how she leaned forward? She’s not interested, but she knows that if she butters him up just right, he’ll crack.”
Riley nodded, even though she wasn’t quite sure.
Liam chuckled. “It’s okay, love. You have an entire lifetime to figure it out. Ah, here we are,” he said as they approached a redhead. He leaned over and whispered, “Just remember, her bark is worse than her bite.”
The redhead looked up. “Liam! How good it is to see you!” Her eyes shifted to Riley. “And you must be the woman who stole his heart?”
Her tone was sniveling and it made Riley bristle. Riley smiled politely and stuck out her hand for Olivia to shake.
Olivia grasped it, hard, and pulled Riley in for a hug.
“If you break his heart, I’ll break your neck,” Olivia hissed.
Riley wrapped her arms around Olivia and squeezed a little too hard. “From what I heard, you’ve already broken his heart. Maybe I should break your neck?”
Riley pulled back and was rewarded with a stunned look on Olivia's face. Riley leaned in and whispered one last thing: “I’m from Brooklyn, Livvy. You’ll have to be scarier than that.”
She smiled brightly as Liam looked between the two of them. Riley shrugged and whisked off to find Hana.
“What was all that about, Olivia?” Liam demanded.
Olivia shook her head. “She’s not afraid of me, so I’ll give her that.” She smiled sadly at Liam. “She’s a great woman, Liam. I can already tell.”
Olivia turned and walked away.
Liam didn’t have time to ponder what was said because the sun was starting to dip in the sky.
His eyes wandered until they found Riley next to Hana, Maxwell, Bertrand, and Kiara.
Riley stormed up to Hana and finished her drink in one swig.
“Uh, what’s up, Ri?” Hana asked as her eyebrows shot up.
“Olivia’s a bitch.”
The lady that was talking to Bertrand laughed. “You could say that.” She gasped. “Oh, no! Where are my manners?” She smiled at Riley. “I’m Kiara Theron. I’m from Castelliarian.”
Kiara approached Riley to shake her hand.
“This is Bertrand and Maxwell Beaumont from Ramsford,” Kiara pointed at the brothers. Bertrand, too, stood forward to shake Riley’s hand but Maxwell hugged Riley.
Maxwell smiled. “I know Riley! We met at her job!”
Riley returned the hug. She liked Maxwell.
“So, Riley, what brings you to the south?” Bertrand asked.
“Just needed a new start, I guess,” Riley laughed. “Happened to find Liam in the process.”
The group chuckled.
“I think Liam found you, Riley,” Bertrand offered. “I’ve known him since the day he was born and I’ve never seen him like this.”
Riley looked Bertrand in the eye. She could tell he was being honest.
Just then, Liam approached. He greeted everyone before turning to Riley.
“I was wondering if I could steal a moment of your time?” Liam asked as he offered Riley his arm.
Riley smiled brightly as she set down her empty champagne flute. “You can’t steal what is freely given, Liam.”
“If you’ll excuse us,” Liam said to the group.
The couple walked in silence for a few minutes before Riley spoke.
“Where are we going?”
Liam smiled to himself. “You’ll see.”
The only sound was of their feet on the ground.
They approached a path and Liam stopped, turned to Riley, and took her hand. “I have a surprise for you.”
Riley raised her eyebrows.
Liam held up a blindfold. “Put this on.”
Riley’s heart began pounding again. “You aren’t going to kill me, are you?” She squealed.
“What? No! Why would I—”
Liam could see the terror in her eyes. “Okay! it’s okay, Riley!” He wrapped her in his arms and waited for her to calm. “No blindfold. But you have to promise to keep your eyes shut.”
Riley dutifully placed her hands over her eyes and Liam guided her down the path.
The candles were lit, the petals were scattered, and the lanterns were in place.
The sun had dipped just low enough to make the candles shine, but it was still high enough to see the water tower.
Liam guided Riley to the clearing. “Stay here and don’t open your eyes!”
Liam pulled out his phone and confirmed the photographer and videographer were in place. He then lit the candles in the lanterns.
He was nervous. His heart was pounding. His hands were sweating— Ew! What? He thought as he wiped his hands on his pants. Come on, Liam. Get your act together.
He turned Riley so she faced the water tower.
“Riley, I’m going to be cheesy for a minute.”
Riley giggled. “Okay, then.”
Liam placed his hands on top of hers. “There’s an old song, “John Deere Green”, by Joe Diffie. It talks about two kids who fell in love at first sight.”
Riley was silent.
“Open your eyes,” Liam whispered as he took his hands from hers.
Riley’s mouth dropped open as she saw the water tower. “Liam, it’s—” she couldn’t find the words.
“Still not enough?” Liam offered.
Riley shook her head. “I love it. Thank you.” She stood on her toes to kiss Liam.
This time, it was not a chaste kiss. He held one arm behind her back and one hand was on her head. He kissed her deeply and passionately.
Riley pulled back, breathless. She smiled at him.
“While that song reminds me of us, and helped inspire tonight, that isn’t our song,” Liam said with a smile.
“Oh, and what is our song?”
“500 Miles”,” Liam stated. “I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more just to be the man who falls down at your door,” Liam sang quietly.
A tear streaked down Riley’s cheek.
“There’s more, Riley,” Liam whispered as he took Riley’s hand. “I loved you from the moment I saw you at the store.”
Riley blushed. “I’m still sorry about the soda.”
“Don’t be, love,” Liam murmured. “I knew that you were supposed to be in my life that day. As the fates would have it, you were my waitress on the night that Leo and I decided to do what was best for our family.
“Riley, Leo and I had decided that we would marry whoever was the best for our family. We would marry the person who could help our farm. Madeleine was born for this life— she could be a queen in another life. And you, Riley? You surprised me when you helped me with that horse.
“You have surprised me at every turn, Riley. First, you agree to go out on a date, and then, you help a man you barely know foal a horse. You agree to a second date. And then, when I told you how soon I had to be married, you took it in stride.”
Liam counted the reasons on his fingers.
“I can only hope to be half the man you deserve, Riley.”
He placed Riley’s hands back over her eyes and moved them so that the photographer could see the lanterns behind them before he got down on one knee. “Keep your hands over your eyes,” Liam whispered.
Riley nodded.
Liam got down on one knee, ring in hand, and began singing again:
“When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be.
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.
When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you.”
More tears fell from Riley’s eyes.
“Open your eyes, Riley.”
Riley’s eyes Snapped open and she saw Liam before her. Happy tears streamed freely.
“Riley, I promise you that I will love you with everything I have for the rest of my life. If you let me.”
Riley held her breath.
“Riley Alexandra Brooks, will you marry me?”
John Deere Green
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flutistbyday-1 · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
John Deere Green Ch 3
Riley took in his appearance for half a second more before making her way to the pair. The clicking of her heels alerted the two; Liam’s head shot up and he instantly became slack jawed at the woman before him.
Be still, my beating heart, Liam thought to himself. He straightened himself, pulled his jaw off the floor, and walked over to Riley. Holy shit, just when I thought she couldn’t be more attractive.
Wacky Drabble 37
Riley sighed deeply as she walked toward her bedroom; her quarters, far away from the King’s. In her hand, she clutched a paper, a note. A note that simply said, Come back to me, love. Please.
The darkness of the halls mimicked her inner thoughts; Riley was in a dark place in her mind.
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