1001 Domino Nights
Author: lucidscreamer
Rated M • Published 2008 (Last Updated 2012) • Word count 64k
Yugi Mutou had never believed in magic or genies... until he solved a mysterious, pyramid-shaped puzzle and Atem appeared. And then, all Yugi wished for was to spend a thousand and one nights (or, y'know, forever) in Atem's arms. Too bad the rest of the universe had other plans for them.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/208927
Admin's notes: this is 100% the fic that revived my current ygo phase. I was off in another fandom, reading a genie!fic and couldn't stop thinking about *this one* that does it so so so well. It is so good to re-read even now, and even though it's incomplete, what is done is just *chef's kiss* perfection. no one does it better. the plot is riveting, the developing relationship between yugi and Atem is believable and satisfying and i'm gonna stop writing so that you can go and read this right now
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Haunted House Sweet Home
By InkFlavored (@ink-flavored)
Rated T • Published 2019 • Completed 2020 • Word count: 185k
Yugi doesn't believe in ghosts. He never has and, up until now, he thought he never would. But when he moves into his new apartment, things start disappearing, doors start slamming, and an ancient crown has it out for him. He's forced to face reality: he's living in a haunted house. But will he be "living," there for long?
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19331713
Admin's notes: This was the first fic that gobbled my brain whole when I came back to yugioh after a very long break. It is such a fun, wild ride with the best mix of modern life dashed with historical fiction, supernatural shenanigans, and domestic fluff.
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