#triple-planetary flybys
melissatsanchez01 · 3 years
10 Craziest Space Missions | Shifu Digital
In this video, we are going to talk about the 10 craziest space missions. So before starting this video, please like this video and subscribe to our channel for future updates.  
We've walked on the moon, "roved" Mars, and even launched a probe into interstellar space in the last 50 years - and those are just the successful missions. Many unusual projects have been suggested by spacefaring nations throughout the years, and the vast majority of them never make it to the launch pad. We've chosen some of the most absurd of the bunch to give you an idea of how crazy some of these projects are. So, without further ado, here are six of the most bizarre space missions ever proposed.
Number 10. A blimp on Titan. The Cassini spacecraft provided humanity its first glimpse of Titan, Saturn's largest moon. It is the only moon in our solar system that has been discovered to contain an atmosphere, and scientists believe it could even be home to life. NASA offered a range of potential designs for future flights to Titan, including the Aerover Blimp, a compact helium-filled dirigible.
Number 9. Nuking the moon. During the Cold War, hysteria and seemingly limitless military funding resulted in some of the oddest space projects. The successful launch of Sputnik in 1957 plunged the US military commanders into a frenzy.
Number 8. An orbiting battle station. As previously said, during the Cold War's zenith, the world's two superpowers were fairly trigger-happy. Both sides were devising a slew of ingenious techniques to vaporize us as a species. Needless to say, these super-advanced killing machines weren't limited to a full-fledged conflict on Earth.
Number 7. Mars Defense Force. Did you know that the United States Marine Corps spent 20 years on Mars? At least, that's what Randy Cramer, the self-proclaimed super-soldier, has declared. He was allegedly inducted into a military force known as the Mars Defense Force after completing his training (MDF). MDF was a multinational effort set up by several nations to protect five developing Mars colonies.
Number 6. Triple-planetary flybys. Both the United States and the Soviet Union were interested in manned flyby missions of Mars and Venus in the 1960s and 1970s. Such flybys were possible for the United States thanks to upgraded Apollo mission hardware. A four-man Mars flyby was proposed by NASA's Joint Action Group (JAG) in 1966, which would leave Earth in September 1975, arrive at Mars in 1976, and return to Earth in 1977.
Number 5. Solar Warden. Solar Warden is a secret space program that is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada. It is said to be made up of U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors. Not only is it classified by the US government, but it also operates under the authority of the United Nations.
Number 4. Massive “moon buggies”. NASA tasked General Motors with designing a series of manned lunar vehicles to better navigate the lunar landscape, and the Mobile Laboratory (MOLAB) was a 1965 prototype. The closed-cabin MOLAB was a beast of a rover, measuring 20 feet long and weighing more than four tonnes. The pressurized vehicle was intended to serve as a geological laboratory, with two astronauts able to stay aboard for up to two weeks.
Number 3. Probes to distant stars. Alpha Centauri is 4.37 light-years (26 trillion miles) away from Earth. Nonetheless, Project Longshot involved sending a probe to our nearest celestial neighbor. The vehicle was to be assembled and launched on-site at the space station.
Number 2. Project Moon Shadow. This next wacky space program sounds like something out of a sci-fi film. Project Moon Shadow was a MILAB (military abductions) program that was created to develop genetically enhanced super troops. Here's how to do it:
Number 1. Secret Pentagon Space Program Driven By Fear Of China. The Trump administration recently conducted a conference to assess the growing threat that China and Russia represent to US space systems.
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monstersdownthepath · 7 years
End-Bringer: The Hulks of Zoretha
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CR 16 (x5)
Chaotic Evil Huge Outsiders
Elder Evils, pg. 51~52
Malefic Properties: Dark Visiting, Anathematic Secrecy. 100 miles, each.
Sinister Signs: The Blood Moon; the psychic emanations from the Hulks begins affecting the entire world, subtly influencing the moods of the populace. It begins by the moods of all living, sapient beings dropping down by one ‘stage’ in regards to how they react to other sapient beings they see, such as from Friendly to Indifferent, or from Unfriendly to outright Hostile. Two neighbors that dislike each other may find their tension blooming into fury, while two close lovers may find themselves becoming subtly emotionally distant from one another. Anyone dropped down to Hostile immediately lashes out against the first sapient living being they see, and moves back up to Unfriendly the moment they deal any damage (though they’re not exempt from the consequences of these actions).
As the rituals to wake the Hulks become more elaborate and more common, the Blood Moon causes all living, sapient creatures to make a DC 10 Will save every time they wake up (or every 24 hours, if they do not sleep) or fly into an unstoppable Barbarian rage. This rage only ends when they claim the life of another living, sapient being, leaving their hands stained with what they’ve done. To reiterate, this event affects the entire world. And when the Hulks fully wake? Anyone that succumbs to the rage (now a DC 15 Will save) becomes superhumanly powerful and quick but takes 2 nonlethal damage each round until they succumb to unconsciousness.
The Hulks of Zoretha hail from an alien world that was lost millions of years ago, having stood as statues on our world ever since and awaiting their time of rising. Unfortunately, the civilization that sent them here forgot to send the care package needed to wake the Hulks from their stony state, trapping them in Quiescent Invulnerability; while this prevents them from being damaged or moved in any way, it also prevents them from taking anything but purely mental actions. Note that being stuck as statues does not prevent their Malefic Properties from functioning.
Trapped in this state and unable to do anything but commune with one another, the Hulks now attempt to steer mortals that come within the range of their Dark Visiting towards their goals, blocked by the barriers of language but having learned over time what they need to ‘show’ the unfortunate mortals to get them to comply. The Hulks promise to ‘purify the world,’ and while this is usually left to the interpretation of the victim (who is driven too insane by the Wisdom damage to question it very much, usually), in truth the Hulks simply wish to cleanse all sapient life from the planet to make room for their hundreds of thousands of children. As their bodies are infused with energy through cruel and hideous rituals, the rising of the Blood Moon is something of a prelude to this cleansing quest, getting the majority of the population to kill itself and one another and paving the way for the Hulks.
Not that the Hulks themselves aren’t adept at clearing a path. There are four female Hulks among them, each statistically identical except in regards to a few elemental flavors. There is a red and orange one aligned with fire, a gray and blue one aligned with ice and water, a brown and green one associated with earth and acid, and a dark blue and white one aligned with air and electricity. Each of the Hulks has a slam attack they can strike with up to four times a round, dealing 2d6+25 damage plus an additional 2d6 energy damage depending on which Hulk is doing the attacks, backed up by a few combat feats to make their blows even harder to resist and significantly more damaging.
In addition to being Smash Monsters, the female Hulks can also conjure up elementals aligned with their type once per day, potentially doubling or even tripling the number of threats in the current battle. Anyone in arms reach can also be struck with Waking Nightmares, an ability the Hulks can activate three times per day as a swift action, which not only instantly exposes the target to their Dark Visiting (and the associated Wisdom damage) but forces them to make a Will save or be trapped in a hideous nightmare for 1d6 rounds. The fire Hulk causes the victim to hallucinate monsters burrowing under their skin, making them attack themselves each round. The acid Hulk makes the victim see visions so horrifying that they can only use their standard actions to scream at the top of their lungs. The ice Hulk makes the victim think they’re drowning on dry land, forcing a second Fortitude save each round or they fall unconscious. And the lightning Hulk wracks them with immense agony, imposing a -4 penalty to all of their rolls and causing 2d6 nonlethal damage each round.
There’s also a huge amount of damage loaded into their cone-shaped breath weapon, usable once every 1d4 rounds and dealing 14d10 damage. The acid Hulk usually uses her breath weapon first to punch a hole out of the cave they’re in, giving themselves and their husband more room to maneuver. Ah, yes, their husband... The male Hulk of Zoretha, a figure noted to conform perfectly to the human standards of feminine beauty; a lithe, gorgeous man with pitch black skin, huge draconic wings, and massive spikes that rapidly grow from his forearms.
The male Hulk is much more fragile and less physically powerful than the females, but is statistically twice as Intelligent (at 36 Int; superhuman intellect), can FLY at a speed of 80 feet a round, and has a nasty ranged attack, capable of firing four of his arm spines each round at different targets for 2d6+11 damage and an infusion of Con-damaging poison. As all the Hulks can communicate with one another with their 1,000 foot telepathy network, the male is usually responsible for coordinating his many wives as they lash out at their enemies, giving them a birds-eye view of the battlefield through his eyes as he delivers surgical strikes with his +8d6 sneak attacks delivered by Point-Blank Shot or the ever-annoying Flyby Attack. The female Hulks are scary enough by themselves, but suddenly being shot from behind (or above) by 2d6+11+8d6 damage just makes for a terrible, terrible day.
And as a closing note, the male Hulk can use Hypnotic Gaze up to five times a day as a swift action, holding a single foe helpless in his eyes if they fail a Will save as they can do nothing but stare at him. While this hypnotic hold doesn’t last long enough for the female Hulks to capitalize on, its effects automatically open the victim up for the male Hulk’s Sneak Attack damage. If he fires and confirms all four shots (likely, given that the hypnosis denies Dex and shield AC bonuses), that’s 8d6+48+32d8 damage, which can sometimes be enough to kill characters twice.
And, yes, he does like focusing his attacks on the enemy backline while the wives tangle up the front. (The extra +4 was from Point-Blank Shot, by the way)
Doomsday Scale: 8/10. This isn’t so much for the Hulks as it is for the Blood Moon, its strong and overwhelming signs usually enough by themselves to wipe out entire settlements literally overnight. Given its planetary scale, the death toll before the Hulks even begin walking around can easily climb into the hundreds of thousands. Once they’re fully roused? Millions. It’s impossible to avoid the effects of the Blood Moon even in the Underdark.
The Hulks have their work cut out for them by their signal. Once they clear out a large enough area to begin breeding, it’s not likely there will be an army anywhere large enough to even begin trying to stop them. The cities soaked in blood and strewn with corpses will also make the adventure all the harder for the player characters, who may not be able to handle the sights associated with the horror. Then there’s the mundane but still terrible problem of finding help in a town where everyone is so on-edge that just speaking to anyone is like flicking a lighter under a fuse and hoping it doesn’t light.
And then there’s the not-so-mundane problem of remembering that anything with an Intelligence of 4 or higher is affected by the Blood Moon. Like dragons.
The only thing keeping it from being a 10/10 is the fact that undead, intelligent constructs, and certain magical beings remain unaffected, as it’s a mind-affecting effect. There will be someone to oppose the Hulks.
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topbreakingnews · 7 years
A Close Asteroid Flyby of Earth in October Will Give Scientists Tracking Practice - Space.com
New Post has been published on https://www.topbreaking.news/science/a-close-asteroid-flyby-of-earth-in-october-will-give-scientists-tracking-practice-space-com.html
A Close Asteroid Flyby of Earth in October Will Give Scientists Tracking Practice - Space.com
A Close Asteroid Flyby of Earth in October Will Give Scientists Tracking Practice Space.com Scientists around the world will be watching especially keenly when a house-size asteroid zooms safely past Earth this October. The asteroid 2012 TC4, which is thought to be between 33 feet and 100 feet (10 to 30 meters) wide, will give Earth a close … 2012 TC4: NASA’s Planetary Defense Systems Put to the Test Over Near Miss AsteroidNewsweek Nasa to test ‘planetary defence system’ as asteroid heads to earthMetro An Asteroid Headed Our Way Is About to Test NASA’s Planetary Defence SystemScienceAlert MLive.com –New York Post –Forbes –BGR all 66 news articles »
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