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abstrekt · 1 year ago
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KISSIES!!!! My contribution to the @startrekwintergiftexchange , with Trip/T'pol relaxing for @cornflakesdoesart !!!
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timongerart · 3 months ago
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Sooooo, the Lower Decks penultimate episode had me going insane for multiple reasons. One of the biggest was T'Pol and her 63 year long marriage to Trip. So I drew some snapshots!
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we all know Trip is a big softie and a crybaby so I think he'd cry (for both of them) at both their weddings.
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I think they named their Xindi saga AU son Lorian cause that was T'Pol's dad's name. Just like they named their daughter Elizabeth after Trip's sister. I think they remember them and they wouldn't re-use those names for any additional kids they would have.
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Baby number 2! I think Trip would want to keep the naming tradition of "Charles Tucker" alive but I don't think he or T'pol would care much the gender of the child they give the name to.
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T'Lor takes after his mom. His emotions are more Vulcan (volatile) so he definitely followed the path of logic. He was kind of adrift as a young adult but ended up becoming a mechanic for a number of years before becoming a teacher at a technical school.
Charles "Liz" Tucker IV takes after her dad and joined the Academy out of high school and became an engineer. Unlike her dad and brother though, she found she's much more interested in research and development. She ends up working to design and test new star ships.
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Married 63 Years
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eegnm · 2 years ago
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T'pol's breakfast entertainment
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indignantlemur · 3 months ago
Is it strange that the fact Archer doesn't like Shran in this fic made me sad? Idk... I like to imagine that they continued to be friends, but I also just refuse to acknowledge TATV.
Hey! Don't worry, things will work out. 😉
So, regarding TATV and Emigre, here's what I've done.
✅ = Canon aligned event.
❌ = blatant and cheerful disregard for canon because it was stupid.
(Blah blah blah) = Emigre-specific notes.
Shran leaves the Imperial Guard and has a kid with Jhamel. Tater tot child is one of the first and rare few Andorian-Aenar hybrids in modern memory. (They bond but do not marry into a quad. It's quite the scandal.) ✅
Shran doesn't handle civilian life (and social scandal) as well as he could have and kinda falls in with the wrong crowd. ✅
Shran's new friends are murderous criminals. Oops. Shran fakes his death to draw attention away from his family and disappears. ✅
Criminal ex-friendos are smarter than the average concussed duck - they kidnap the tater tot and force Shran out of hiding. Shran abruptly reappears some time later and appeals to Archer & co for help to save his daughter. ✅
Archer complies, though he has reservations about how sketchy the whole thing is. Rightly so, as it turns out. Things go wrong, as per usual. ✅
Trip DOES NOT die. Trip is seriously injured during the course of events, and has permanent scarring and reduced function in one leg from the explosion - but he does in fact survive. ❌
Tater tot recovered. ✅
Archer and Shran part on bad terms due to Trip's injuries, (which would eventually cause Trip to retire from active duty to be a stay-at-home dad/civilian consultant.) ❌
United Coalition of Planets founded. ✅
Trip and T'Pol marry, because fuck you show writers. They deserved better. ❌
The rift between Archer and Shran isn't so deep that it can never be mended, but Shran wisely gave Archer plenty of space after the incident and focused on his family. There may be opportunities to repair the damage in the future, however.
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belannaswlonkderfulworm · 6 months ago
you ever think about the fact that from trip's perspective t'pol's a milf
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anretc · 5 months ago
Fic: Locked Inside Your Heart-Shaped Box
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Locked Inside Your Heart-Shaped Box (1008 words) by anr Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mirror T'Pol/Mirror Charles "Trip" Tucker III, T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III Characters: Mirror T'Pol (Star Trek), Mirror Charles "Trip" Tucker III, Charles "Trip" Tucker III, T'Pol (Star Trek) Additional Tags: Alternate Reality, Mirror Universe, Sex, Kissing Summary: She needs to put an end to this -- them -- now, before it goes any further. (It should probably bother her to know that she won't.)
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Headcanon that theres a universe were Trip and T'Pol adopt T'Pel. So that you know somewhere in the universe this conversation can exist.
Some Vulcans: Tuvok how can you tolerate being besties with a human.
Tuvok with his best raised eyebrow game: I have a Florida-Man-in-Law
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years ago
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John Keats - You Say You Love [Patreon | Commissions]
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autumnknight · 1 year ago
Getting towards the end of season 4 on my Star Trek Enterprise rewatch and all the Trip/T'Pol feels.
I love them so much.
Happy to say that I'm still a Trip girl even after all these years.
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that-theaven · 6 months ago
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igsshi · 10 months ago
So, I'm in the process of watching the Star Trek Enterprise. Strangely, it's the one I've never watched before. And omg, it's such a storm of impressions! Such diverse emotions. I'm currently in the middle of season 4 (and unfortunately, I know how it's all going to end).
I liked season 1 and 2 very much. This classic light atmosphere, the feeling of something lamp-like and native. Season 3 has become controversial for me, like sweet and sour sauce. Intense, but sometimes sweet and even funny. Season 4 is very ambiguous - there are a lot of really interesting episodes, storylines, but… why do you make the characters SUFFER!? I didn't come here to be sad! It's a Star Trek!
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mortalscience · 3 months ago
I lived through this and I can confirm that 'these are the voyages' was devastating and the fan outcry afterwards could be heard from space. TO THIS DAY if you ask an enterprise fan about that so called finale there is a high likelihood that we will pretend it never happened and say what do you mean? Terra prime was the finale. and that is entirely how we coped. because what they tried to give us was insulting from every direction.
i just thought of Enterprise fans (especially Tripol fans) who watched the show when it was airing and can you imagine loving this show so goddamn much but they're canceling it
and you watch Terra Prime and you end up completely devastated and with tears in your eyes
crying kicking throwing up stabbing the pillow
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timongerart · 2 years ago
Trip and T'Pol's Honeymoon on Vulcan
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^^ for one more slightly NSFW piece
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andruillus · 3 months ago
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trip & t'pol married for six decades everybody say thank you lower decks
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anretc · 1 year ago
Help! I'm currently languishing as a pinch hit in Space Swap and would love it if someone wanted to write some PILOTS! (Kara/Lee), robot!SG1 (Sam/Jack), Dinbo (Din/Bo-Katan), or Star Trek (AOS McCoy/Chapel), and take me off THE LIST. Details here!
I'm also a pinch hit for PILOTS! (Kara/Lee), Dinbo (Din/Bo-Katan), or Star Trek (AOS McCoy/Chapel or mirror!verse Trip/T'Pol) at the Hurt/Comfort exchange. Details for that exchange here!
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Please. 🙏🫶
(Note to self: next exchange -- new pairings.)
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indignantlemur · 2 months ago
Eeeeeeeeee! It looks so good!!! I love the new dividers! ✨♥️♥️♥️✨
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Listed below are the main stories of my Star Trek: Enterprise post canon (technically post-Terra Prime) continuation series, plus all related one shots, multi-chapter works, and spin-offs in chronological order. All works are rated G or T except where noted.
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Pairing: T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Irregular Orbits - Mid January 2155
From the Ground Up - February 2155 – November 2155
One shots/Related:
Rounding the Bases (E)
Mine (E)
Doctor/Patient Confidentiality
Sweet Talk
Intoxicants (E)
Do What You Love (E)
Place Your Bets
Scotch and Chocolate
What We Build Here - December 2155 – July 2156
One shots/Related:
Three/Four Time
Make Me Crazy (E)
Misappropriation (E)
Not Just Any Vulcan
Tea and Logicality
Negative Space
Every Version of Us
For the Duration - July 2156 – January 2160 (Romulan War)
The Place We Call Home - March 2160 - February 2167
Walking the Floor
2164 – Trip's year on Mars (Home Away From Home)
Related: Drove All Night (E)
Built to Last Director's Commentary
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spin off OC series
• Seeing Blue - early 2165
• Under a White Sky - October 2165
• Chosen - March 2166
Striking Sparks (ficlet collection)
Your Body in Electric Blue (E)
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Karveth OC write-up
Monica OC write-up
Karveth and Monica art by @groundzer0s-art
Karveth and Monica art by @indignantlemur
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My Andorian conlang glossary
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