gendainotenshi · 7 years
Anytime, Anywhere
The other performances proceeded without a hitch. Unique, breathtaking, and lively, they set the bar high and the mood for the party and had the crowds cheering. 
It was finally time. As Ibuki Mioda stepped off the stage, Gaku Yaotome, Ryuunosuke Tsunashi, and Ten Kujou made their grand entrance.
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The three young men walked onto stage, bathed in the spotlights shining down upon them. Their aura was like that of absolute kings, charismatic and overwhelming and powerful. As Ten took his place in between his two beloved members, he felt a sense of familiarity--like a rush of power as the audience watched with anticipation. He was strongest when on stage--they were strongest when they were all together.
They had several songs in the line-up: SECRET NIGHT, Last Dimension, Wish is Shine on the Sea, and DESTINY were all in the roster for a full half hour, with Leopard Eyes and Let’s★SUMMER! on the backline if there were no calls for encores. But it had been unanimous among the three that they open up with a bang.
The music began. On his right, Gaku spoke to the beat:
"Are you guys ready?" 
On his left, Ryuunosuke followed suit:
"Yeah, we'll go ahead!" 
The spotlight shone on Ten as he stepped forward.
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"Who do you think we are?"
He had missed this rush.
"We are...
Wow look at these guys. They aren’t even performing any Halloween songs. It’s just shameless self-plugging. As long as the song is nice, right?
If you would like to listen to the songs listed, here are the links!: 
Last Dimension
Wish is Shine on the Sea
Leopard Eyes (if you are morbidly curious and see the MV version of this song in the related videos, don’t watch it if you are prone to seizures or epilepsy)
Daybreak Interlude (full version)
Other than that, enjoy!
Thank you to Battler-mun for this opportunity!!
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idolish7center-blog · 7 years
Bookworm & The Beast
A few days after his run-in with the drunken Ryuunosuke, Riku received a generous text about meeting up so he could repay him for any “inconveniences” he may have caused that night. And even though Riku insisted there was no need for Ryuunosuke to go out of his way like this, he wasn’t having it, inviting Riku on a trip into the shopping district the next day they both had off from work.
“I guess it would be rude to say no then...” And so, they arranged the hang-out for that weekend. 
Making his way down to their designated meet-up spot, Riku could only bow deeply in apology as he reached Ryuunosuke’s side, all the while attempting to catch his breath as he appeared a bit disheveled. At least the baseball cap he brought along would hide his bedhead...
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“I-I’m so sorry! I hope you weren’t waiting long, Tsunashi-san! I totally slept past my alarm this morning..!”
Though it wasn’t immediately obvious, one could mistake this generous meeting as a friendly date... not that either of them would even notice.
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spiderbitesblog · 7 years
Application Accepted: Tsunashi Ryuunosuke
Full Name: Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Age: 23 Previous Employment: Idol for TRIGGER under Yaotome Productions, acting, modeling Position You’re Applying For: Decorator Relevant Experience/Skills: Lots of customer service experience, working well under pressure, punctuality, baked for the family/decorated as well (please don’t tell the other members, but I really love baking sweets and I do it in secret…) Do you have a history of criminal activity?: No Are you okay with working with many spiders?: A-ah… that’s a unique question but yes…? Other Notes: If you need my assistance in any other positions or fields, please! Don’t hesitate to ask for my help. I want to do my best when working with you! Icon:
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“More decorators are always welcome! And not the only idol to work here, either. I wonder if you two’d have a lot in common.. ? Regardless, you’re hired~”
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gendainotenshi · 7 years
Back on Track
It had taken a few days of isolation for Ten to recover from the emotional stress of the incident. While he wasn’t completely better, and nightmares of Riku’s hypothetical death plagued him every night, Ten found solace in song and dance, throwing himself into a routine of practice to get his mind off of things.
Ryuu often accompanied him so that they could perfect Daybreak Interlude before Battler’s party. But today, there was something off about Ryuu. His movements seemed heavier than usual, and there wasn’t the usual shine in his eyes. When the music stopped, Ten looked up at him.
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“Ryuu... Are you alright? You look exhausted.”
He stepped closer and reached up to press the back of his hand to Ryuu’s forehead. “You’re running a fever too. I didn’t realize you were sick...”
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ketsuekizero-blog · 7 years
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“My, that’s quite the costume,” Rei hums as he glides over to the taller boy, and promptly holding out a faux beaker filled with some kind of brightly-colored soda. “I would even say a beverage like this would be more fitting for yours than mine.”
Did he just happen to have the soda-beaker, or had he planned this? Who knows, really. Rei is an enigma more often than not.
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actuallymuffet · 7 years
☮ Do you have any pets?
{One cat, one dog, and a snake! Though the snake is really just my brother’s pet.}
♢ What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
{I’m lactose intolerant and can’t eat ice cream ;v; I don’t really like it anyway... but I guess strawberry?}
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gendainotenshi · 7 years
When he saw none other than Ryuu’s face through the window of the bakery, Ten couldn’t help but take a short detour. The smells wafting out from the open door were absolutely scrumptious. Maybe he’d indulge in a donut or two...and his friend’s company.
“So is this where you’ve been sneaking off to?”
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“...Aprons really do look good on you, Ryuu.”
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verdevegan · 7 years
Rock On!
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fandom: idolish7?
Am I familiar with it?
Never heard of it until here...
Do I like the fandom itself?
I know nothing about it!
Who’s my favorite character?
Who is this??? He looks cute!
If I had to choose, who would I roleplay?
This girl looks super cute too!
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shiningpunisher · 7 years
✿ Do you want/have any piercings?
♣ What is your favorite and least favorite thing about your hometown?
my favourite thing... the air is pretty clean here bc it rains a lot, and the weather is usually mild. there are also lots of things to do here and nice places to eat at
my least favourite thing is all the fcking gun violence that’s been going on here lately o
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isolaween · 7 years
May the Party Begin! (Part 1)
The weeks passed faster than anyone could imagine, in the big mix that was the party preparations, looking for the best possible costume and simply dealing with the daily adventures that Hive City had to offer. Fall came and, with it, the festival of colors that the falling leaves bring.
Today is October 4th, a day very anticipated by the citizens. The final touches begin to be made early at the Ushiromiya mansion, as folks come and go to set decorations, bring food packages and set the stage up. Everything must be done by exactly 7:00 PM.
And done it is! When the guests start arriving, they might spot a purple and golden chocobos frolicking around in the garden, far enough from the house to avoid meddling with the masses. Once they open the door, they are greeted by a group of Pokémon at the door. Some are excited, like the jumping Infernape and the squeezy Swalot; others are more for the shy side, like the Pawniard hiding behind the Xatu and the wary Luvdisc; and some are just fitting for the party, like the Mismagius and Gastly trying to prank any who approaches them.
The group hands small prank devices and toys, like bubble blowers and snap n’ pops. They also deliver a paper sheet listing several names with numbers from 1 to 5 below them. It might be wise guarding it.
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After this exquisite reception, those who enter the Ushiromiya mansion will be greeted by a grandious hall, filled to the brim with delicately decorated tables and chairs, several Halloween themed decorations and - of course - several tables with lots of food in them. An Azurill can be seen desperately trying to keep a Munchlax away from it. Outsider help would be appreciated.
A stage has been set against the hall’s windows. Right in front to it, the iconic portrait of the Golden Witch Beatrice gazes at all the guests present here tonight. Perhaps she’s wishing all to have good fun and enjoy the festivities to the max. Perhaps she’s planning to kill them all in a grotesque manner. Who can tell?
People are given some time to arrive, to find a place to sit, get close to others, let loose whatever pet they may have with them (without any powers, just like the guests themselves), or simply explore the hall. A corridor leads to the parlor, where several props can be picked by those without costumes or who want to improve theirs. There’s also the servants’ room, which has been adapted to serve as a medical post in case anyone falls ill during the party.
All other paths around the mansion are blocked, however, with security making sure that the citizens won’t go around breaking down doors or vandalizing the place otherwise.
A couple minutes after 7:00 PM, the lights suddenly turn off. A couple seconds are given for the citizens to get apprehensive of what’s to come, before a couple spotlights turn on at the top of the staircase leading to the mansion’s second floor. (Paper) golden butterflies fill the environment alongside a layer of dry ice smoke, creating the perfect environment for tonight’s hosts’ arrival.
Beatrice and Battler, the masters of the mansion, arrive to give their welcome to Hive City’s citizens at this very special occasion.
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“<HAAAAAAAAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEN!>!! <AAAAAAAAND TRIIIIIICK OOOOOR TREEEEEEEATS>!!!!” A booming sound, followed by applause from an unknown source. Just the sort of bombastic entrance to be expected from the witch couple. 
Welcome, everyone, to our Halloween extravaganza.“ Battler bowed down while bending his arms behind, his vampire cape flowing with the movement. A detailed bat shaped mask adorned his face. “I’d like to first of all thank all of you for having come tonight to enjoy the season with us. It’s not everyone who’s used to celebrating Halloween this early in October!”
“Aaaah, Halloween…” Beatrice sighed deeply. Many guests would probably not recognize her as the woman in the paining had she not appeared here as a host. Her cat woman outfit is spunky but very well done. “The time when the barrier between the world of living and the world of dead is lifted, allowing us to be closer to the spirits and creatures always surrounding us. Can you hear their voices, claiming for fun and longing?”
“I sure can, dear! Just like I can also hear our guests’ excitement over everything that they’re going to experience tonight. For guard my words, everyone…” The man approaches the microphone he’s holding to his lips. “This is the night of fright, when the ghosts emerge from their graves, werewolves howl on the moon, vampires look out for blood-”
“And witches come to paaaaaaartyyyyyyy!!!!” A loud cackle left Beatrice’s lips, alongside the sound of thunder. Contrary to that night 31 years ago, however, no storm wraps this mansion alongside the witch’s ensnare. “You’d better not leave until you’ve done your share of eating and drinking and dancing to your heart’s content!”
“Speaking of eating, we should thank those who allowed us to have such a wondrous selection of appetizers and beverages!”
“A special shoutout to @spiderbitesbakery for the delicious sweets and treats that are pretty much obligatory for Halloween!”
“Also deserving of note is @t-inkerbulls, your place to go for high quality vegetarian and vegan content.”
“Last but not least, @benny-tops-gecko is who you can thank for the alcoholic content in your drinks tonight!”
“Remember: drink with moderation and don’t drink alcohol if you’re gonna drive or are a minor. We WILL card you folks.”
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“Sheesh, Baaaattler, you’re such a spoilsport.” The witch crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks. “Anyway, don’t you think that food is all we have to offer to our beloved guests. We’ve carefully selected a grand number of musical attractions to please your hearing as much as your taste.”
As she said it, a screen at the stage turned on, showcasing a bunch of stars that highlighted as the couple went on mentioning who would stand on the structure soon.
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“That’s right!” Battler nods, then pulls a piece of paper out of his sleeve. “There’s no way you’ll be able to sleep through this selection of stars. Opening the night at 19:30 is none other than the famous aquatic themed idols, the Squid Sisters (@candykraken/ @chargerfest)!!!!”
“Next, at… 20:30,” Beatrice stretched a bit her torso to check Battler’s paper. “an ascending couple of artists, sponsored by the newly opened music agency, @hivecityrecords! I hope you’ll all enjoy the versality of Gakupo Kamui (@utatteru) and Eichi Tenshouin (@10showin)!!!”
“The following number will be held at 23:30. I know, you might be thinking that you’ll be too sleepy to enjoy it well. But trust me, there’s no way that this artist’s heavy metal tunes will allow anyone to catch the slightest nap tonight. Also coming from Hive City Records, Ibuki Mioda (@ibukitten)!!”
“Last, but not least.” Beato raises a finger. “I’ve seen how popular boy bands have become nowadays, that with their entrancing charm on the population - especially on young girls! How could we possibly hold a party without one? Right on 00:30, I’ll present you TRIGGER (@gendainotenshi/ @triggersheroine/ @sobaknight)!!!”
“Of course, this still leaves a lot of time without any music playing. But don’t worry, folks. While our main stars prepare themselves and enjoy the party, we’ll have our illustrous DJ for the night, Otabek Altin (@altxn) to keep us going strong with the best beats of the spooky season!!”
Clapping went on for each of the mentioned people. The duo smiled at their audience, glad that there was little left announcement wise before they got to the main attraction.
“We’d also like to thank everyone that helped set things up tonight, from the decorations to the stage to all the magic wrapping us, and that will keep working throughout the event to assure that everything looks fine to you folks. Let’s salute the hard work of @mediumofthestars, @radicalroot, @4ourleafclover, @pearlfectionate, @nemure​ and @avaloness, not to count @tailoredtokill and everyone else from @dressedtokill-cittastore !!!”
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“Last, but not least, we should be grateful to those helping to keep the safety and order of our environment, so that everyone can have fun without having to worry about their back or losing the chance to grab their favorite snack. Also, to those keeping an eye for everyone’s health and wellbeing as part of the medical team. May you all respect the work of @formidablemudball, @reaperepithet, @themagehero, @sukorpio, @caduceusing and @alternaterealitydetective !!!!”
The couple let the final claps die out before grinning expectantly.
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“And now…” Beatrice made a sign for the crowd to fall silent. “The moment you’ve all been waiting for. You should now turn to gaze at the stage, for there you’ll finally learn about this year’s special event… THE COSTUME CONTEST!!!!”
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spiderbitesblog · 7 years
Notice for Employees
Thanks to the generous payment received for providing the desserts for the Ushiromiya family’s Halloween party ($20,000 per worker involved!), you will be receiving a bonus check at the end of this work week. The check will amount to a total of:
Not every employee played an involved role in preparing the desserts for the party, but it would be unfair if they were left out! Therefore, the total profit was split up among all employees, which accounts for why the bonus is less than the aforementioned $20,000.
Thank you!
@pctrich0r @triggersheroine @monosweet @burndread @ojimatsu @utatteru @pockyfortune
{That should be all the active employees! If I missed you, first of all, I’m so sorry, and second of all, you can assume you got the bonus as well! No real harm done, don’t worry!}
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