#trigger warning: period
ftmtftm · 7 months
Saw a post that said "y'all don't deserve trigger warnings for this one" in regards to the atrocities in Palestine right now and there is something that makes me so indescribably mad about that.
Most importantly it is so deeply, disgustingly dehumanizing to the people in front of the camera that you are claiming to care for. Using someone else's trauma. Someone else's suffering. Someone else's pain. To in turn traumatize others? To guilt them? To intentionally trigger them because "they don't deserve it"? That does nothing. That does absolutely nothing.
How does stripping someone of their personhood and turning them into shock value trauma porn for the sake of proving a point to other vulnerable people do anything constructive?
What good does that do for the person in pain besides turn their pain into a tool to inflict further damage?
How does that help anyone at all?
"But it's awareness!!"
No it's not. That's not advocacy. That's not "spreading awareness". That's intentionally going out of your way to degrade, demoralize, and guilt people by preying on their sense of morality and using the horrors of genocide as a fucking prop for it. And you are a sick bastard for that.
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thisisxli · 4 months
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Rs: Ryōmen Sukuna x gen-neutral!reader
vein popping, bl0od, graphic,
trichotillomania, m^rder!,
r4pe, c4nnibal!sm, dark-themed,
self-harm, non-con elements,
ptsd, Sukuna is a psychopath,
Reader is losing their sanity
Summary: all is lost when a monstrous king comes to turn your life completely upside down.
wc: 0.5k
Sukuna, who has you in his hold on his throne, traces his nail across your thigh, resting his cheek on his knuckles.
He had two faces, two pairs of arms, and almost a ferociously enormous build. Was he even human?
You hiccuped in his grasp, eye twitching when his nails pricked at your skin. One of your eye's sclera was nearly engulfed in red, the other veins in your eye almost as ready to burst any moment. Your eyes were wide with loss of hair around it, lower lids weighed down by your terrible purple bags.
Sukuna digs his nails into your thigh when your shoulder twitches.
How did you get here? Sukuna terrorized your village. Manslaughter. Rape. Cannibalism. You name it. It happened to be your family that he encountered in the village first, slaughtering every sibling you had and both your parents. He made sure their pain was agonizingly slow and long, making sure they were alive until the end. You had to watch it all. And for some reason, he didn't kill you. He kept you. It drove you mad. You were screaming, thrashing, ripping your hair out, foaming at the mouth.
That was when he clasped his hand around your throat to shut you up. Of course, he made sure he didn't kill you, but he wanted you to shut up. His hand left a mark on your neck for a week. His devoted servant had carried you to his palace. She was a girl, a little older. White hair and cold skin. But that didn't help anything because she had almost just as much blood on her hands as he did. Your voice broke out when both beings stared down at you with blood splattered across their clothes, their faces. Blood was everywhere.
He would call you 'his wife.'
This horrid being had the audacity. After all he's done to you? Terrorizing your village? Killing those you knew? You loved? Watching him eat them? Picking at your insides and stitching you back up together? Raping you until you couldn't scream anymore? Causing tremors and seizures all over your body? Causing all the damage done to your body? That wasn't all, oh no, it wasn't even close to the starting line.
You twitch again in his lap, fingers picking at the skin around your fingernails until it bled. He clicked his tongue, annoyed at your action. "Keep on doing that and you won't have any fingers left to do that."
You slowly start to laugh silently, almost maniacally. He watches you do so. You..
definitely would've much preferred.
He tilts his head, humming when he cups the side of your cheek to push, facing him. His lips twitch up in amusement when he sees your traumatized expression. He grins before crushing his lips against yours roughly, moaning when he feels your tears fall into his hands. This was your life now.
You were his and he was yours.
Your head lolls back, eyes rolled back, bloody tears escaping your eyes, his teeth making way into your chest.
For eternity.
I love Sukuna guys don't get me wrong but realistically, he is not a softie or a lover. He is a hardcore murderer. It's the way someone can go through so much, their mind gets all messed up. I honestly feel bad for the reader, but I guess that's what happens when you cross paths with Sukuna, huh?
I'll most definitely consider a fluff with Sukuna tho.
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charetchi · 2 months
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tummy ache.
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kiestrokes · 10 months
fibromyalgia + period pain means getting cramps in the weirdest places. this cycle it has decided to be under the front of my right rib 🙃 fucking hyper mobility.
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drumlincountry · 9 months
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Heyyyyy uh @staff there's uhhhh. A lotta eating disorder shit here. In fact, 100% eating disorder shit? in your recommended popular tags there? What's with that?
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acceptance-and-love · 4 months
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Tw: Blood and period talk ♥︎♡♥︎
♡♥︎ Periods ♥︎♡
♥︎♡♥︎Normalise the monthly cycle.♥︎♡♥︎
♥︎Many people (boys or young girls) do not know about periods. Either being too young or not having them at all.
♥︎Many look at the cycle with disgust because of how gory and dirty it seems. But what's worrying is the hate people receive for even having periods in the first place.
♥︎Even religious texts believe that periods are unpure and unclean, but in reality, periods are a sign of good health. Periods are clean. Yes, they may be bloody and gross, but they're part of a cleaning process the body makes and are a fascinating part of life.
♥︎Periods can be heavy, sometimes even to the extremes, and sometimes they can be light or not even happen. They hurt and squeeze your stomach, giving pains as faint as nothing to being like you're kicked on the stomach.
♥︎Periods are a natural part of life so don't be ashamed if you have them. Don't be sad you have them. Embrace them instead. Our periods are as individual as we are.
♥︎There are many things out there to help with periods, you just need to find what works best for you.
♥︎There are also many health conditions as well that are based around the same as periods: Endometriosis is a long-term condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
♥︎Respect all who suffer with periods, and stop with the blame of someone's mood being on their period. Yes, hormones go wild during that time, but not all attitudes stem from periods. Stop the stigma and stop the blame towards periods.
♥︎And the pink tax for liners, pads, tampons and other period products is ridiculous. A natural thing got turned into capitalism for people to profit off.
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salamencerobot · 3 months
Oh god is this what periods are like for y'all??? I'm currently laying on the recliner trying not to cry because my lower back just went into 8/10 pain out of nowhere.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
transmasc ask anon!! masculine terms and help with gender affirmation :'))
Thank you for your patience for waiting, Anon! I hope you enjoy this!
and BIG Thank you to my proof reader for helping me with this!! <3 <3
Papas helping their Transmasc Partner with Period pains
Note: I know this is a rather personal subject for each individual, so I tried to keep every response varied from Papa to Papa. I know not everyone shares the same type of preferences, and what works for one person might not work for the other. Please enjoy as I tried to keep it different to suit a few different scenarios and situations! As always, feedback is always super appreciated! :) 
Also trigger warning for references to gender dysphoria and general period talk! 
Papa Nihil: One would describe Nihil as a partner as well meaning but sometimes rather daft. Typically not out of maliciousness, but usually from his own lack of understanding. But what Nihil does know is that he cares about you and hates seeing you not feeling well. Especially this time of the month when it can be the worst physically and emotionally. One day he casually just asks why don’t you just stop your period. If you hate experiencing it and hate the way it makes you feel less masculine… why not stop it? You, understandably, stare at him for the over simplified suggestion. The only thing preventing you from being upset was the sheer genuineness of the question. But before you answer Nihil continues on about how several members of the high ministry use the Clergy’s stupidly good medical coverage to help. “Do you know how many men here stopped their periods? Why not you too, Caro? We use MY doctors!” This is how you found yourself sitting with one of the premiere doctors employed by the ministry to talk about all of your hormone and physical options. Nihil is there with you excited that you were getting steps to transitio
Papa I: If anyone in the ministry is equipped to help you, outside of healer ghouls, it’s definitely Papa. Forget the pills you were going to take, the man has an entire APOTHECARY in your kitchen! Papa is more prepared for your symptoms than YOU are sometimes. He’s the first one by your side with a homemade brew and herbal paste. Anything to kill the pain before it starts. Something you noticed, too, is that during these times Papa tries to be very keen on your mood. He knows sometimes this time of the month just has you very down on yourself. Papa recognizes there is only so much he can do and say as a supportive partner. So there is no shame in asking someone else with more experience to help. Papa one day asks if you’d like to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing you are going through right now. When you say yes you are surprised to find yourself in the office of Papa IV! Who happily is there for any advice or just venting about your shared experiences. You end up making a good friend out of Papa IV, while still being pampered by your attentive partner!   
Papa II: Papa would never admit he’s always ill equipped to help you when you’re sick or in pain. He loves you dearly, but his first instinct is to bark at the medical staff to assist. It’s his way of caring. However, he does know one thing about that type of cramping; and that it can be helped with EXERCISE! And unfortunately for you, he LOVES exercise. Imagine your surprise when you waddled out of bed exhausted and grumpy to find a brand new jogging suit and sneakers laid out for you… you didn’t even know Versace MADE work out gear. “Caro, we are going to the gym.” You stared at him at first in disbelief. You felt like shit and he wanted to WORK OUT? But you had to give in when he insisted and the light exercise made you feel much better! It started with walks, light aerobics, and even Yoga (which Papa was rubbish at but INSISTED on joining you in). At first, this was just a monthly routine that REALLY helped cut down the pain… but you both found yourselves doing more and more. Not just during your times you were in pain, but just going when you both felt like it! Suddenly you were a master at easing your cramps and even started feeling more confident in the way you moved in general! The next thing you know you’re Papa’s favorite boxing buddy and you both couldn’t be happier! 
Papa III: Papa always knows when you’re dealing with cramps. He’s a firm believer that laughter and love are the best medicines! You know the same joke is coming whenever he comes home and sees you on the first day of your cycle. Papa always looks at your slumped form on the couch and yells the same thing he always does. “CARO MIO! MY LOVE! What’s wrong with your handsome face?? Did you hurt yourself falling for me again??” It never gets old! From the beginning, Papa has always been attuned to your needs. His primary focus was always finding ways to make you more comfortable and getting you out of pain. Papa looks for ways to make your cycle a little more bearable and light hearted. No one wants to be in pain for a week! You’ve come to find he likes to bring humor to the situation to help you both be less irritable and know that you are in a safe and comfortable place. He’s happy to get you some pain killers and joke about how the best medicine is cuddling him- charming eyebrow wiggles and all. Papa always feels powerless any time you are hurt or sick, so to him laughter and smiles are the best medicine. That, and sometimes matters don’t always HAVE to be serious. You’ve appreciated that as sometimes you just don’t want things to be a big fucking deal.   
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: If anyone has your back about this, it’s your loveable dork Copia. Because he had been dealing with those same problems FOR DECADES! Granted, he hasn’t had one for a while but he sure as Hell can help! Copia knows all the tricks from before his cycles stopped, and has been a bottomless well of knowledge and support for you! Most of his knowledge has helped you find the right products to get through your cycle without too much mental stress. Before dating him, you didn’t even KNOW you could use a packer to hide a pad! Copia hooks you up with everything you need! Whether it’s advice on keeping your chest comfortable during peak tenderness, the best comfy clothes so you can keep working, or just the best over the counter remedies for pain. He’s your guide and helper through it all! You’re delighted to know everything he recommends works! What’s even better? He’s always there to be as loving or to give you as much space as you need. Copia will even insist that the best cure for pain and hormones is PASTA! Will make you so much! 
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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
I swear to GOD I'm on the verge of writing an incensed paper titled "In defense of hysterectomy". Curse the stupid gynecology bitch who had the balls on her to tell me tHaT's pErFeCtLy nOrMaL. Do YOU bleed for eight days a month? Do YOU have a 50/50 chance of lying there uselessly for a couple days in stupefying pain every time That Time rolls around? Is it impossible for YOU to sleep through a night without waking up in a puddle of your own blood? Do YOU get up at 3 a.m. to wash your blanket, and your sheet, and your mattress, and yourself, and your pajamas, and your bathroom rug, and the toilet? Again, and again, and again? Even WITH a towel underneath? Fuck you. Don't tell me that's normal. I've only ever had my own period to inspect up close, and I know that's not fucking normal. I know it's not normal because the hygiene products that are made for nOrMaLlY-functioning uteruses (is it uteri?) DO NOT. HOLD IN. WHAT MY BODY. PRODUCES. The cramps. The extreme mood swings. This ridiculous amount of blood. Fucking stop telling me it's because I'm a hEaLtHy well-fed young woman in my best years. I do not feel healthy. I feel like a bloody MESS.
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princessdreamss · 1 month
listen idc if yall call me gross bc ur just little people who live in the tumblr app but like
period sex
i have to imagine that long fingers squelching and pumping in and out of me would at least soothe my cramps a LITTLE bit rn. perhaps a little clit suck. just a little
and who would a partner be to deny me that??????? maybe i need to date a vampire
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vivimontesworld · 10 months
I'm so incredibly happy that even though I'm being bad and have been eating and drinking, my weight hasn't changed
it hasn't gone down, but it also hasn't gone up, so win I guess
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feralnightwing · 7 months
period-havers deserve financial compensation because what the fuck is this bullshit. i have been laying in bed for 5 hours now, curled up into the fetal-est fetal position to exist, and i'm expected to get my midterms done no biggie??? fuck you. FUCK YOU.
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I just got my period and I'm in a lot of pain right now so heres a funny meme for you all TW Trigger warning! Period Meme
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liroyalty · 7 months
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FFX!Sue, when she's in a bad mood: just starts casting Death/Mega-Death on normal fiends.
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yutoda-mn · 1 year
Okay rationally I know it's just because I probably have pmdd, and I'm trying to see a doctor and take care of myself, but I really just think everyone hates me before my period starts
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b0ne--r0t · 1 year
I don't really know what to do. Fuck. Spiralling, again? All it took was a little nudge to make me realise how fragile my new found security was. Now I'm crying again for stupid reasons.
One of my old friends who abandoned me came back. Yay! But not yay. Bcuz they didn't really want to talk to me. Instead just sent me a few messages in-between the texts they were sending to my other friend. It's like I was caught between their conversation, until I finally shut up and let them talk for like forty minutes because I could tell neither one really wanted to speak to me. It hurt a bit because I knew the friend who left for six years, and my other friend only knew them for one.
Now they both like each other? It's confusing. I don't get love at the best of times, but I hope it works out for them ig. I've got another, unrelated friend too. And I'm beginning to realise they can't handle me. They Keep on getting overwhelmed by me n stuff. Fuck. It feels kind of shitty. A past friend coming back, but they don't actually really wanna talk to me, they just want to date my other friend. My current BFF struggling to handle me and the way I am. I can feel my grip slipping.
I'm losing fucking control and this can't be fucking happening, I need to starve and purge and cut until it feels better again oh god please just make it feel better.
I'll do anything. Maybe my friends would like me better if I was skinnier and prettier? Maybe if I carved enough flesh from my bones it would be punishment enough that people stayed. Maybe if I bleed enough I'll finally be lovable.
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