#tried to give you a fairly open-ended prompt there; weirdo ronin standing at the edge of an alleyway staring at a random building
mizu1633 · 2 months
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The warrior stood in a side alleyway of the district she'd been deposited in, frowning up at the impossibly tall structures. Even in the cities like Edo and Kyoto she'd never seen anything so tall. Perhaps this was characteristic of foreign cities, though she knew she wasn't in any of the places Fowler had spoken of.
She quietly wished she'd realised she was going to be swept away like this. The reassuring weight of her sword might have made her feel less lost. She could make--or purchase--another, and use it well, but the blade was hers. Her soul, as Swordfather had put it.
To be without it...
She removed her glasses, rubbing them with the hem of her kimono jacket and narrowing her demon-blue eyes up at the structures. Whatever magic this was, she would escape it. She had to.
What the warrior had lost track of, in his focus, was the street itself. His posture, to an outside observer, made it clear enough that even lost in thought, no pickpocket would be wise to take a chance with his wallet, if he even had them, but that didn't mean the odd man was entirely aware.
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