mizu1633 · 7 days
Mizu frowned. Somehow, she'd expected this stranger to have more information than he did. For anyone to. But it seemed that almost no one knew what this place was, or why. She raised her head, two fingers adjusting her glasses back a moment, though she wondered, with how strange the people here looked, if they'd care about her demon's eyes, and arched one thin black brow at this man who was so open with his information--perhaps too open, though that was a question for later, she thought.
"What... sorts of things?" Perhaps she could give herself a purpose. Or something very much like it.
"I don't even know. Haven't been here long enough to figure it all out."
He wishes to have more information about this place, but perhaps he can get them by researching more. He will keep that in mind.
"I heard that some people here deal with certain things in this world."
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mizu1633 · 2 months
He frowned, brow furrowing in concern and confusion. A prison, then. Or as good as one.
"What..." She took a deep breath, letting it out, slowly, through her nose.
"What exactly do 'they' need us for? And who are 'they'? I have... business... where I come from."
"You can't," his answer comes immediate to the other's question. "They have you and everyone else here sealed tight." He was so calm in talking about it too. It didn't bother him, it seemed, and it didn't bother him to be a bearer of bad news either it looks like.
"Heard that they send you back when they no longer need you. Though, there's a chance you could return."
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mizu1633 · 2 months
"In this city? Or in this spot in particular?" He frowned, looking at him assessingly. After a moment, she decided that the stranger wasn't a threat to her. "I don't know why I'm in this city. I was on a ship. There was a storm. Then I woke up here."
He looked back up at the structures, expression difficult to read. Privately, she wondered if they were temples to some strange gods, or if everyone in this bizarre land lived in palaces made for lords.
"As for why I'm here...curiosity, mostly. I don't trust this tablet they gave me. And I have no intention to live someplace someone else decided for me." She'd rather sleep in the woods, as she had in the past, though she didn't say that. And she didn't mention Mikio. The memory flashed in her mind and she looked away a moment, wincing as if struck. She traced two fingers across the edge of her left forearm, taking a deep breath and looking back at the stranger, "I need to escape. Do you... know how to do that?"
Constantine lowers his silver blue eyes to where his hand rests. He doesn't blame the guy for trying to reach for his weapon. It's a shame that they take all of that away. If you were a normal human, how would you defend yourself against your enemy without a weapon?
For someone like himself, Constantine didn't have to worry about that.
"It wasn't my intention to sneak up. I'm just naturally a quiet person. But I don't want anything. Was just curious why someone like you is here." For someone who wanted people to mind their own business, he was a curious sort himself.
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mizu1633 · 2 months
The warrior jumped, hand reaching down to slap a bare thigh where a sword should have been. He exhaled, annoyed, "You should not sneak up on people like that. I am not...lost." Not in the way you mean. "No more than any in this strange land are."
He exhaled again, the sound like a hiss, replacing the amber-tinted glasses on his face, "What do you want?"
"Standing here isn't the best choice." Sneaking up to anyone wasn't his thing. Not unless he was paid to do so. Luckily for him, Constantine wasn't here on a bounty to hunt the guy down. Heck, he had only been walking down this specific alleyway for his own reason, really.
"Lost?" And he, too, mirrors what he had seen earlier. His own grey-blue eyes lifted to look at the tall, tall buildings surrounding them. he wondered how the Stars did it. How does each ward and each branch look so different from one another? How did they magically just appear?
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mizu1633 · 2 months
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The warrior stood in a side alleyway of the district she'd been deposited in, frowning up at the impossibly tall structures. Even in the cities like Edo and Kyoto she'd never seen anything so tall. Perhaps this was characteristic of foreign cities, though she knew she wasn't in any of the places Fowler had spoken of.
She quietly wished she'd realised she was going to be swept away like this. The reassuring weight of her sword might have made her feel less lost. She could make--or purchase--another, and use it well, but the blade was hers. Her soul, as Swordfather had put it.
To be without it...
She removed her glasses, rubbing them with the hem of her kimono jacket and narrowing her demon-blue eyes up at the structures. Whatever magic this was, she would escape it. She had to.
What the warrior had lost track of, in his focus, was the street itself. His posture, to an outside observer, made it clear enough that even lost in thought, no pickpocket would be wise to take a chance with his wallet, if he even had them, but that didn't mean the odd man was entirely aware.
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mizu1633 · 2 months
Belated, because I was trying to wait for something else to finish first, but RP call, capping at two. I'd say 'castmates exempt' but I don't got nobooooodyyyyy...
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mizu1633 · 2 months
Heatstroke Mizu 🌊💖
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Full below the cut tumblr please don’t kill me
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She means everything to me, my pookie
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mizu1633 · 3 months
Belated, because I was trying to wait for something else to finish first, but RP call, capping at two. I'd say 'castmates exempt' but I don't got nobooooodyyyyy...
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mizu1633 · 3 months
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mizu1633 · 3 months
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mizu1633 · 3 months
Mizu looked down at the fire, frowning, "I'm not cold."
He followed, stepping carefully onto the rock and trying not to lose his footing, "You're wary of me. Why?"
Solas leaned on his staff. Human. Accent was unfamiliar, so he couldn't place a nation of birth—not that he needed to. A strange land, indeed, and one that he was very much still working to understand.
❝ i am afraid i do not. ❞ He said, ❝ i am a new arrival, and as lost as you are, i suspect. ❞
The spirits of wisdom and insight that he would usually consult seemed to be beyond his reach—a distressing thought, but he was waiting, measured, before taking any drastic action about it. He also had no desire to inform the shemlen of his status as a mage if he did not have to, especially while he was unsure of this man's views on magic. His powers so limited as they were, it may as well have been true.
❝ i am willing to share my fire. ❞ He said, stepping onto a stone that stuck up out of the stream, ❝ but i can offer you little else. ❞
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mizu1633 · 3 months
The stranger who appeared to be a human man at a glance, stepped out from behind the tree, blue kimono top tucked into hakama trousers, the broad hat shielding his upper face by instinct and the amber glasses hidden behind it. "I'm sorry," she, who was currently disguised as he, said, frowning, "This is a strange land to me. I didn't know what--" she caught herself, the frown deepening as a pang of sudden regret ran through her mind at revealing her discomfort with the strange creature, which was so clearly simply a man, deformed by birth as she was, "Who you were." She had had much more difficulty adjusting than the stranger had; the strange tablet in her pocket baffled her in its design and construction, and she wasn't sure what to do with all the steel and glass that rose up from the ground like temples to some long-forgotten gods. "I was on a ship. Bound for a place called 'London'. Do you know how I can return?"
Even if it was a popular stereotype about elves, Solas liked being out in the wilderness. When he dreamed in the Fade, the wilderness was the place where you would find old stories, long-forgotten battlefields and pilgrimages. People sharing stories around campfires on long treks, and the spirits of faith, or purpose, or joy that trailed along in their wake.
A spirit would have been a welcome companion right now, but he'd have to make do with the stream that ran through the forest in front of him, the sound of birds, and —
❝ i can hear you. i would prefer if you did not lurk. ❞
@mizu1633 ( starter call )
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mizu1633 · 3 months
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Seems like my goal is to memorize Mizu so well that I can see her with my eyes shut.
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mizu1633 · 3 months
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Mizu, bewildered by the sudden transportation to relative modernity, hesitates outside the door to her Cotes townhome, then quickly makes her way out of town and into the forest to try to clear her head, chin down so her hat covers her face.
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mizu1633 · 3 months
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Mizu in London 🫡🇬🇧🌊
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mizu1633 · 3 months
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that bitch with the blue eyes really got me [affectionate]
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mizu1633 · 3 months
Me: Mizu’s gender in Blue Eye Samurai is complex and ambiguous even to him/her/them and that’s part of the richness of the story, not a reason for the fandom to get upset at one another or especially at the show creators for saying they envisioned Mizu as a woman struggling to survive in a society hostile towards her racial background and women in general. Mizu’s upbringing was, to put it lightly, supremely fucked up and I respect the show for leaving Mizu’s gender identity and sexual preferences fairly ambiguous because I think they’re ambiguous even to Mizu, who doesn’t exactly lead a life or display an internality in which this question is any kind of priority for Mizu to answer, even if Mizu had a cultural context that gave the tools the answer it, which Mizu does not. Mizu’s relationship with all aspects of their identity, including their race, gender, sexuality is an ongoing question and dialogue being actively explored in the show itself, without a strict conclusion offered, and a conclusion might never be offered, even in later seasons, as Mizu continues to grapple with identity. In this essay, I will…
Also me: Mizu’s gender is revenge.
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