#tridentarii posting 🔮
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
harrow at all times thinks everyone around herare horny disgusting idiot perverts for like…being married meanwhile shes in a psychosexual relationship with her cavalier that can only be described as hatesex if they never had sex and haunted by how much she wants to fuck satan
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
i forgot how much time in htn, harrow will be in the middle of losing her mind and intense emotional turmoil, but make a point to call ianthe a gross pervert
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
Coronabeth and Ianthe through a Cain and Abel lense???
Cain and Abel: basically the story of cain and abel is an important christian story from genesis is they were brothers. they both make offerings to God, but God only respects the Abel��s sacrifice and rejects Cain’s, leading Cain to beat Abel to death with a rock. When God finds out, he condemns Cain to wander the earth. He marks Cain’s head, so that no one can hurt him, depending on the interpretation its either a sign of protection or a symbol of shame.
And I think that in a lot of ways Corona and Ianthe can be seen as a twisting of Cain and Abel. And I think it can be argued either way so here’s my lil breakdown of each interpretation.
Ianthe as Cain- Here I would say the offerings are more beauty and love related. Corona’s offerings, beauty, warmth etc, are accepted and rejoiced in by LITERALLY everyone arojnd her. Ppl flock around Corona, she’s magnetic. Ianthe on the hand, is literally the absolute worst and no one likes being around her (said with affection). ANYWAY! Unlike Cain, Ianthe doesn’t kill her sister. In fact, its a pretty important part of the book that she kills Naberius instead. But I would argue that by killing and consuming and becoming one with Naberius instead of Corona, she is killing Corona. Ianthe is Corona’s world, she is Corona’s life and their relationship and autocannablism is Corona’s what Corona identifies herself with first. Corona and Ianthe have been trying to eat each other and pull themselves into the other skin their entire life. Refusing to do that is killing Corona’s identity, who she believed she was. From there, you can argue that her mark is Naberius in her eyes, a symbol and reminder of the life she took. And like Cain she’s doomed to wander for her sin. For the sin of lyctorhood, the resurrection beasts persue her, forcing her to wander as Cain did
Coronabeth as Cain- I think Ianthe as Cain is a more instinctive interpretation bc of her sadism and murderous instincts but personally I find Coronabeth as Cain really really fascinating.
there are still a couple of ways this can be interpreted. Both Cain and Corona are the older sibling. Corona’s birth is what leaves Ianthe without oxygen, which as Ianthe continuously points out in GTN nearly kills her and that is what I could consider Corona/Cain’s killing of Abel/Ianthe. In this lense we could see Ianthe’s necromantic abilities as the “offering” from Abel/Ianthe that God accepted bc its what drives a lot of the tension between the twins and what Corona/Cain lacks.
but a more interesting view, is one where Ianthe plays a dual role of Abel and God. Abel/Ianthe’s offering is Naberius and Corona/Cain’s offering is herself. Ianthe is the one who refuses Corona’s offering, playing the role of Corona’s God. Ianthe/Abel’s offering is accepted, while Corona/Cain’s is rejected. Ianthe ascends to lyctorhood through her sacrifice of Naberius. while Corona is left horrifed, angry and devestated that her offering isn’t enough. When does she kill Ianthe in this version? Ianthe states that she is doing “all of this” lyctorhood included for Corona, which could be Corona���s killing of her. And like Cain, Corona is then left to wander, joining the BOE but cast oht from her own home. Even then she’s still marked by the protection of Ianthe/God, who wont let her be killed.
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
if coronabeth had instagram she would post a video of an ant being controlled by a cordyceps parasite and be like “me n who?” and then tag ianthe
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
coronabeth tridentarius’s relationship to ianthe is like
i want to finally get away from you and become my own person and i want to crawl into your skin and and sew our bodies together
i want you to eat and consume me and use me. i want you to commit the ultimate sin so that our bodies and souls will become one
you are the worst person in the entire world, i hate you more than anyone and you are the only person in the world i love
i killed you at birth and all i want is for you to kill me at death
you are the real twin and i am the fake or wait i am the real twin and you are the fake twin or wait
we are wrong and everything about us is already wrong and blasephmous, so why am i not the center of your greatest heresy?
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
i am so crazy abt the fact that for corona and ianthe’s whole life, when they argued corona would threaten to kill herself, ending any argument with a threat to finally tether the cord between them and leave ianthe on her own. and then ianthe chose to sever that cord
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
coronabeth and ianthe occupy my mind 24/7 but sometimes i feel like kinda weird talking abt them and their relationship bc i am firmly in the camp that they definitely have a weird romantic and sexual incest thing going on which can come across really weird if ppl dont know or understand tlt. like yeah i think they are definetely incestous and i want to talk about, but not bc i ship it or soemthing, but more so bc i think that its heavily implied throughout the book, deeply consistent with tlt’s themes and deepens a lot of exploration of their chatacters
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
like ianthe consuming babs to become a lyctor is so horrifying, because to corona, it is tossing her aside. they are the most important people in the world to each other and corona cant understand why she isnt enough, isnt good enough to be consumed and become ianthe. corona sees the death and consumption of the the cavalier by the lyctor as the greatest act of love and unity.
but to ianthe, corona is the most important person in the entire world. she’s too important to be used and consumed like babs. she takes babs in her lyctorhood bc she doesn’t love him. the greater act of love is to leave corona unconsumed.
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
i bet ianthe and corona used to play “why are you hitting yourself” all the time with babs as kids
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
what if i said that i think that corona and ianthe should have ascended to lyctor together as a stitched together mass of flesh and bone and blood
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
ianthe being the saint of awe is her continuing to be unable to seperate herself from coronabeth, to me. what we most consistently hear about corona, throughout the books, is that her beauty and shining presence just attract instant and overpowering awe to pretty much anyone seeing her. ianthe, on the other hand, has nothing to do with awe, no one is in awe of her, she’s easily ignored and discarded. she isn’t full of awe at the things around her, shes jaded and cynical. So why is she the saint of awe? bc coronabeth has always been the princess of awe and she is ianthe and ianthe is coronabeth
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
the tridentarii are still tied together with an umbilical cord and the umbilical cord is choking them
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
corona and ianthe are literally avatars of the corruption
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
the house of usher. coronabeth and ianthe tridentarius. you agree.
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
ianthe and coronabeth are like what if you ate your twin in the womb, but actually you didn’t, but now your both missing something essential inside and you are going to do terrible things about it
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bad-ads · 9 months ago
do you think coronabeth wishes ianthes golden arm was made of *her* bone
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