venacoeurva · 1 year
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Commission of Nerevar looking a lil lovestruck for @trickstarbrave ! I wonder who he’s lookin at
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soundwavefucker69 · 1 year
minty my icon is me but also its a silly little gag version of me who is one of the strongest beings in existence but chooses to live as a menace instead. he's a dragon. keep up with the times.
you never told me your fic was a self insert.
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ojamayellow · 1 year
what is your favorite color and least favorite color? (also sorry for rapidling unfollowing and following you tumblr makes the buttons too close together)
i love purples and blues!!
Don't really like maroon :/
(also all good I recall doing the same to you a few times)
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unknownhomosapien · 7 months
Honestly, i LOVE people, who love particular characters in games or films so much they knew about them a lot and doing stuff.
I'm literally reading some post of them and like "huh? these characters are actually dope?", and starting to like it, and I'm sure if not these people, i would definitely missed a chance to become that person, who also gonna admire it.
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aladaylessecondblog · 2 months
Severed Destiny, pt. 11
Summary: Haj-deek leaves Tel Fyr and stumbles upon the Erabenimsun camp. They give her a task to complete to be named Nerevarine, but it leads to something much more than she was expecting.
Haj-deek stayed another couple of weeks, finding herself extra curious to see what exactly Divath Fyr expected her blood to do to the corprus patients. Or rather, the "serum" he was making from it.
"A few drops and I have the beginnings of something wonderful," Divath said on the morning, "I chose one of the patients to receive your blood directly--one of those that is worst off. The samples I took from him yesterday show a slight reduction in the presence of corprus...not a rapid decrease, but enough that it's noticeable. Progress is progress, after all!"
"Is it too soon to say there could be a cure?"
"Much too soon," he said, "But the fact that there is a noticeable reduction is a miracle in itself. I'll be working on a serum for those with more severe cases, of course, but receiving a direct transfusion - giving your blood directly - seems to be the fastest treatment...so far."
She thought for a moment.
"Maybe you should try giving my blood to those who are...newly brought in? The ones whose infections haven't gone so far?"
"Hrm...I had been thinking of that..." Fyr stroked thoughtfully at his beard, "Give me one more sample, and I shall do exactly that. My stock runs low...and I know you will not stay much longer. I hope to see your immunity pass, and then be reflected in their blood, such that I can pass it from them to another--but I can see I am boring you."
"It's not that you bore me," Haj-deek replied quickly, "It's only that I don't understand."
She shifted a little uncomfortably.
"Have you considered writing a book...maybe a series, on this treatment? You've taken notes, of course. A record put together could be useful, so if this treatment is successful, things could be given...timelines, perhaps, or...it could be helpful somehow. I'm sure. Uupse would be able to give a description of how they act after, given she's the one seeing the most of them day-to-day. "
"I have kept quite extensive notes...but a book?"
"I know Telvanni generally don't like sharing secrets, but--it's not just this treatment, a lot of what you're doing could be beneficial. The magnifier tool, the blood drawing tool...it could help fund things...I'm sorry, I know I'm rambling."
"No, no, that's a good idea." Divath Fyr lifted a finger and almost immediately turned back around to scribble it down. "I suppose you'll want a credit? Though if I mention you're the source of my serum, it could lead to the Temple being...unhappy with you."
"Vivec trained me, and seems to approve. I'm surprised you didn't hear about that, but...you've been busy."
"I stay busy," he replied, waving his free hand absently, "After all, there's a lot to work through here. Even if I never saw you again you've given me a wealth of things to work on."
That felt good...she did like the feeling of knowing she'd helped.
Haj-deek gave one more sample of blood, after which Uupse insisted she wait a few days before actually leaving. Giving one's blood tended to make one weak, after all. The morning of Haj-deek's departure Uupse questioned her as they served the breakfast porridge out, wanting to be sure she was feeling well.
"No faintness? Dizziness? Nausea?"
"None of that, I swear. I'm fine."
"Have you been eating fish like I told you, to strengthen your blood?"
"Of course I have." She gave a laugh. "Strong as ever."
"You children all think you're invincible," Uupse said with a little smile.
After giving Yagrum his breakfast, the next was the corprus patient that had hugged Haj-deek. He seemed to perk up on sight of her, and his mouth twitched in what might almost be called a smile.
"This one will miss you when you go," Uupse went on, "It's been...good to see any of them interested in anything that's not wandering or moaning."
"I wish I knew why."
"The mind will make strange associations and decisions when it is this far gone. I've said it before, but...he must think you're some friend or relation of his. You fit some part of someone important to him so his mind simply...decides that you must be that person. If he isn't trying to grab you or jerk you about it's best just to pretend that you are who he thinks you are. It keeps them happy when you do things like that."
"It's still strange, but if you really think it will work..." Haj-deek handed the bowl of porridge to the patient. He ate quickly, and then looked back up at her.
After a moment's hesitation he reached a trembling hand up to her face.
There was a tense moment, at least from Haj-deek and Uupse's point of view, but it passed quickly. The swollen hand lowered to one of hers and lifted the one on which she was wearing the moon-and-star.
"That means I'm the Nerevarine," she said carefully, "Isn't it pretty?"
"Mmm....mmmma...." The patient was trying once more to speak, and the thinnest black trickle began to spill from its eyes like a steady stream of tears.
"No, no, you don't need to say anything. It's alright," Haj-deek replied. "Alright?"
"Mmmm..." The patient touched the ring with his other hand, and looked at her again. "Maa....maa...ther..."
He shook his head and started trying harder, though the trickle was growing thicker. "Ma...ma....ma-ther..."
"I think he's saying mother," Uupse said in a soft tone.
The patient nodded eagerly, and Haj-deek cast a glance back up at her as he spoke again.
"Mo-THER!" The patient finally grated out.
"Yes, it was my mother's ring," she said in what she hoped was a kind tone. "I'll have to be going soon, you know. But if you like, I can come back to see you."
She hadn't really minded taking care of the victims. She liked helping people, and given what Divath Fyr had told her she was doing these poor folk a world of good.
The patient nodded in his eager way again, and looked back down at the ring. The stream of black fluid slow, and Uupse handed Haj-deek a rag to clean the mess of it from his face.
"There, all better," she said with another smile.
"What do you think you'll go for first? The Erabenimsun?" Uupse took the dirty rag and put it aside.
Haj-deek paused, and thought. "That makes sense. They're the closest tribe...but I've also heard they're the most...unfriendly."
"Not of late. Han-Ammu is not so unfriendly as his predecessor, and I'm sure you'll find him more agreeable than your mother found things to be when she made her trip there years ago."
"That's good to hear, at least."
She would take whatever good news she could get. Vivec would probably tell her to come straight back, but...
...but it couldn't hurt to speak to the Erabenimsun. They were close, and likely their favor, whatever it would be, wouldn't take her too far off the trail.
One last visit was made to Yagrum, who had himself been a recipient of Fyr's 'serum' and seemed to be better in some way she couldn't quite define.
"Remember what I told you," he said, "And be careful."
"I will be," she nodded. "And...thank you. You've been helpful for...I'm sure I won't know until I see my father, but..."
Deep breath.
She wanted to stay, but as she'd thought to herself in Ebonheart - she knew she could not. There was no way back, and if she tried, things would only get worse.
The only way out - is through, Vivec's words from some lesson or another came back to her then.
And so she left.
The trip to the camp itself was more taxing than actually speaking to Han-Ammu. The blight winds had kicked up in a major way, so Haj-deek put on her helmet. Sunchaser absolutely refused to come out from under her cloak.
She made her argument to the wise woman Manirai, who seemed somewhat suspicious of her, but nonetheless directed her to the ashkhan.
"Another Nerevarine?" He asked, "Well, it didn't take as long as some of the elders say it took between the last two. You want me to name you Nerevarine?"
Haj-deek nodded. "I already have the ring, but...it will make things easier if I follow the same path as m--the last one."
He gave his own nod. "There's a task I was about to send a group to deal with...some I have asked to look into the problem have been too superstitious to enter the tomb."
"The tomb?"
"On the very corner between the Arethan and Alas tombs," Han-Ammu went on, "There was a rock slide and a doorway into a tunnel appeared. The first investigation of it showed that it was an abandoned family tomb...but then they noticed...symbols..."
A pause.
"They realized it was a House Dagoth tomb that had been buried...covered up, and refused to go back in. The spirits are no doubt angry at the intrusion, but at the same time the problem has to be dealt with."
"What problem, exactly? The spirits don't usually leave their tombs."
Something leaped inside her. A House Dagoth tomb. She'd thought there were none that actually existed anymore. But if this one was what Han-Ammu was saying it was--
"Simply collapse the entrance again, in whatever way suits you best, and I'll name you Nerevarine."
Collapse it, hide it, cover it up.
It didn't feel right, not at all, but she nodded anyway, and after getting directions to the tomb, turned to leave.
Back into the blight storm, which was harder still to get through. Sunchaser was trembling the entire way beneath her cloak. Something was spooking her more so than even the storm between Tel Fyr and the Erabinmsun camp, and she couldn't figure out what it was.
The poor thing was just a beast, though, and she figured it must be that. Sunchaser must fear conditions that made it harder to fly...or levitate, as it was.
She had to grope against the rocky walls to find her way, and nearly stumbled into the Arethan tomb thinking it was the one she was looking for. She very nearly went in hoping it would be a respite from the storm, but thought--she was close enough, why not keep going?
Something told her keep moving.
Her mother's ashes had never answered her. Would THESE?
She kept moving, keeping an eye out for danger or anything that might attack her, but the constant whoosh of the storm was all that her senses picked up. How much farther? Maybe the ashkhan had lied to her, maybe this was a chance for him to be rid of her. Maybe he was exactly as unfriendly as she'd heard--
And then, suddenly, she fell. Her hand reached for something to hold to and found nothing beneath it. She stumbled, and tumbled down a slope, and when she finally stood again there was an overwhelming feeling of oppression.
Of silence.
Of misery.
Once Sunchaser calmed down there was no sound but the heavy silence that covered them like a blanket.
"Hello?" she called out. The word echoed, and she fumbled for a torch to light. Once it was ready she lifted it, and looked around.
There was no answer.
She'd tumbled into some sort of tunnel between the different alcoves, and there was dust, grime, and spiderwebs everywhere. Looking into her bag again she took some sea glass and set a few chunks of it on the floor. The light of her torch caught on them nicely, and satisfied, she stood back up.
"Hello?" she called again.
Faint, so faint she could later not be convinced she'd heard it at all, there was finally something.
A sound of someone crying.
She walked forward, looking into the first alcove on her left, that lead into a room with a pit of sorts filled with ashes. As she knelt by the pit she saw several ghosts, or specters, approaching from the back of the room. At once she was afraid--reaching for her dagger, thinking the worst--but after a moment's thought she came up with something to say.
"I'm one of you!"
The specters stopped. Haj-deek pulled her hand away from the dagger and into another bag, producing a bit of pretty sea glass, which she laid on the edge of the pit against the ashes, as she had done so many times with her own mother's.
"I...I offer this bauble," she said in a shaky voice, "In reverence of my ancestors."
She folded her hands, and prayed as she had done for her own mother's ashes, as she had heard others say they did. Surely this would calm them down? If this was the first time the tomb had been visited since it was collapsed...they would have seen no one in all that time.
Guide me in what comes ahead, so I might know what to do to save my father.
It felt...it felt as though she were being watched. Never in all the time she had done this for her mother's ashes had there ever been this sensation of being seen, this feeling of not being alone.
She left the room without trouble, feeling a shift in the air as she moved. Minute, but noticeable all the same. A similar offering was left in the next room, and the next. As she moved along, however, she noticed she was being followed by some of the ghosts.
Who? was the only clear thing heard. Who?
"My father," she said, "My father was--is--one of you, and my mother...died having me."
As she approached the last and largest room, some of them drew closer. As the door opened, one of them--she couldn't quite tell who--spoke again.
(The relief was overwhelming. Family. They were family, in some way or another...she had a FAMILY.)
What is your name?
"H-Haj-deek. It's argonian...because...because I...was raised by argonians."
And then, amidst all the somber feeling, there was a sudden snap and change.
Damn lizards, naming one of our children in their tongue!
"My father doesn't know about me yet, I...I came to ask for...for guidance on how to help him. He's..."
Who is he?
First one voice, then several, then a veritable crowd, in what sounded like every possible age. Visible and invisible, they were surrounding her, swirling about her, clinging to her.
She stepped further into the room, utterly overwhelmed by the sound and weight of all those voices.
And then, finally, one last voice. Strong, like a wizened old woman.
Who is he?
"V....Voryn Dagoth," Haj-deek stuttered. She turned towards the pit of ashes before her, and saw a ghost rise from it--spectral robes, long hair, an air of absolute authority...and a face very similar to the one she saw nearly every time she looked in the mirror, albeit with a few obvious mistakes like sharper cheekbones and a softer chin. Was the Dagoth face really so strong it showed in every generation?
The woman, whoever she was, carried herself with the utmost noble superiority.
"In life I was Morvani Dagoth, the lady and head of House Dagoth. This," she gestured to the ash pit below her, "Is where many of the heads of our house were burned."
She turned to look at the ashes and bones, and then back towards Haj-deek.
"You are Voryn's child, you say? Well," the woman said, "That is a bold claim, child. I won't believe it until I see your face. Remove your helmet."
Haj-deek obeyed automatically, and lifted her helmet off.
"Well." The woman's face shifted, and a grim smile appeared. "There is no denying it now, is there? You are certainly Voryn's get. And what has my son to say about this?"
My son. So this woman was...her grandmother?
(You have FAMILY!)
"H-he doesn't know." Haj-deek started to kneel, but the woman stopped her with a quick, "No."
"You are a Dagoth, child. You need not kneel."
She took out a pearl from her bag, the last she had, and lay it on the small altar at the pit's side.
"Now tell me, why do you bear a name of the lizards when you are my son's child?"
"My mother--loved him, but...but didn't want to be part of his evil. She fled south and...and birthed me in the Argonian Embassy. They...gave me one of their names, and raised me."
"I see." The woman's gaze narrowed. "And my son? Does he know?"
"I don't know. I don't think so."
"You must make him aware, then."
Haj-deek took a deep breath.
"I always wanted a daughter, but was favored only with sons," the woman's voice grew gentler, "Approach, child."
She took a few steps forward, and the woman lifted her ghostly hands to Haj-deek's face. Morvani studied her for a few more moments, and then lowered her hands again.
"My son is a stubborn thing, he always has been. It is why I chose him to lead our noble House when my end was near. He had the strength and will to lead the others. But then...those cursed Tribunal betrayers convinced the king that Voryn was not to be trusted."
"Vivec wants to fix things now, but--"
"Now?" the woman was suddenly outraged, "That upjumped whore wants to fix things NOW? Now that he has had our House obliterated? Now that there is nothing for him to lose by raising you up again? Where is our justice for what he and his ilk have done? Where is the restitution for the destruction of our House?"
"Vivec," Haj-deek found her mouth suddenly dry, "Seems to think he has already suffered it."
Here she explained what she'd been shown and told, as far as Baar Dau's fall and the Red Year.
"He SHOULD lose his power. He should lose EVERYTHING, for what he's done to us."
"But for him to do that, I would...I would have to kill my father. I would have to..." Haj-deek took a deep and shaky breath. "Every move I could possibly make seems like the wrong one. Other dunmer always say - pray to your ancestors for guidance if you don't know what to do. What should I do, then? I can't kill him, or Vivec for that matter. If either of them dies Baar Dau destroys the city it hangs over and causes Red Mountain to erupt."
(She wanted not to be a pawn in anyone's plan, but the way OUT seemed too impossible to find without some guidance. And even Vivec was vague about what exactly she was meant to do.)
A few tears leaked out, and she didn't even try to stop them. Morvani observed this with an impassive stare, and after thirty seconds or so spoke up. "Stop your crying."
Haj-deek took a deep and shaky breath, and didn't look up.
"You are certain this is the only way?"
She nodded shakily. "Almalexia is...is...unstable, from what Vivec told me. Sotha Sil he's not sure of. If...I think he...might think my father's an easier bet for change than either of the other two despite...despite everything. Despite the corprus, the religion that he's...c...cultivated. If he falls, so does the rest of Morrowind. More than that, I don't know."
Morvani seemed to think.
"And he cannot craft this change himself. He needs you, the chosen of Azura?"
"I'm not the chosen of Azura anymore." Haj-deek gave a weak and weepy laugh. She felt half-put together, unstable, and yet...at least there, she felt more secure about it. The tomb was full of death, but the dead were all her family, and she fit there. "She wants my father dead too."
"Well. I never put much stock in worshipping her," Morvani huffed. "And now I have more reasons. Here's what you're going to do."
Haj-deek looked up.
"First of all - you're going to swear to me, here and now, that you will not harm Voryn Dagoth unless in self defense, and if it comes to that, you will not kill him."
"I--I will swear that. I do swear it." It was hasty, she knew it, but she didn't want to harm him.
"Secondly," and here the woman's tone softened, "You will not let yourself trust too much in the offered friendship of Vivec. He convinced Nerevar that my Voryn wasn't to be trusted and then stabbed him in the back, you should not rush to give him the chance to do it again...Nerevarine or not, he cannot be long trusted."
"I have the ring, so--and I didn't have a choice until now. I..."
"Listen to me, child." Morvani's tone stayed firm, "Voryn is not himself, which means YOU are my best chance to restore House Dagoth. If you are intent on this course of action with Vivec, I am not letting you do it alone. Are you listening?"
"Thirdly. You will tell me why Vivec thinks my son is more changeable. Did he do something?"
"That part I don't know," Haj-deek said, "He...I think he gave me some kind of power, but..."
"I'm not supposed to use the words until it's time to speak them." Haj-deek pulled back and turned to the dust on the wall, and traced in it, AE GHARTOK PADHOME CHIM AE ALTADOON. Then she looked back to Morvani. "Vivec said when the time came to use these words...and I don't even know what they do."
The woman studied the words in silence for two or three minutes.
"I've seen mention of this...CHIM...now and then...but never did I think..."
"He apparently learned it from Molag Bal, if the tales are true," Haj-deek said quietly. "And...I get the idea...that it didn't give him what he wanted."
"Of course it didn't. If you want something, you must have a reason for it, or it will never give you what you seek. You cannot get what you can't define. Now--tell me why you want to save your father."
"So I can finally have one," Haj-deek drew herself up a bit, "The argonians did their best, but...I want a family, some people I can point to and say, 'that is my House.' I want what other Dunmer have. If I succeed here..."
"And that is as good a goal as any, with firm purpose." Morvani gave a slight smile. "You will make your journey, and when you come to my boy you will do everything possible to drag him out of whatever darkness has seized him. Do not rely on this supposed power if you don't have to...use it as a last resort."
"That...was the idea. I don't know what this power is...how it will work, if it even WILL work."
"And that is why it is the last resort."
"But how do I persuade him, then?" Haj-deek asked.
"You start by going to him and stating you wish to be acknowledged as his blood; with your face there will be no denying it. You learn about him--I will tell you what I can but I know very little of what he is now."
"And then?"
"You fight. You fight for him - for us," Morvani said, gesturing broadly toward the rest of the room, "For all those of us who can no longer fight for themselves."
A moment of relative silence passed. Haj-deek bowed her head slightly.
"Now, let me see..." The woman's tone shifted again, all brisk and business. "We must give you a name."
"A name? But I have a name."
"You have a name of the lizards, not a proper name fit for the child of a Great House." A smile crossed Morvani's spectral face. "I did always want a daughter...I had many names in mind...but I was only given sons."
A slight pause.
"You swear to spare your father's life, and to do all that you can to restore House Dagoth?"
"I swear," Haj-deek said quickly. "I will spare my father's life and do all that I can to restore House Dagoth."
Damn Azura, she had never done anything but harm to the family. What use was a daedra or a god who did nothing for her supposed favored one? She had already cast Azura aside but somehow this vow made it feel more, well, just more.
"Then I welcome you into my Great House," Morvani said. "Whatever name you go by to the rest of the world - to us you are now Dagoth Sunnar. A blessing come in our darkest hour."
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freepaleatine95 · 1 month
Please stop and listen to our painful story and help me save my family
Help me get my father and mother out and secure their lives
“The tent was their only shelter. Its winter wall was made of threadbare fabric that did not protect them from the cold or the summer heat. Inside, they lay on a thin mattress, two beaten corpses. My father and mother still suffered from diabetes and high blood pressure. They woke up every day to The sound of chronic pain and dreams that relax with every breath.
@straycati @thunderstruck9 @haflacky
@catasters @90-ghost @northgazaupdates
@northwezt @northernsiberiawinds
@palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide
@galacticpoop @trickstarbrave @ash-angelic
@palestinegenocide @riding-with-the-wild-hunt
@punkitt-is-here @thesblu
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @marnota
@gay-yosuke @foolish-edworm @floof-ghostie @nativehueofresolution
@apollodalizard @popo-salad @olovelymoon
@fallenangellostfeathers @fallahifag
@andypasta @freewatermelon0
@fingernailathome @freepalestine-xo-blog
@freeplaidknightkid @freepalestine-xo-blog
@amosnaomi @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether
@amazingphil @zain-leen1993 @zain-gaza
@zombzgutzz @everythingfox @catcrumb
@catherinebronte @90-ghost @amosnaomi
@amanita-rubescens @quadruple-agent
@catasters @nabulsi @fairfieldfarmer @sar-soor
@el-shab-hussein @palestinegenocide
@northgazaupdates @ibtisams-deactivated20240709
@commissions4aid-international @communistchameleon @fallahifag @ripe
@rainbowgazes-archive @cottoncandiescupcakes @soulmvtes
@ms-mxyzptlk @thenewgothictwice
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URGENT: Adoption Request: Tawfik has 280 hours to pay his tuition.
If he doesn't, he will have wasted USD $2,500 on registration fees he won't be refunded for.
I don't have the time right now to focus on fundraising like I did in the recent past. Tawfik and I need YOUR support to make this happen. Even if you can't donate, I highly encourage you to adopt this campaign, promote it, keep track of updates, and/or share with others. You can write your own post or spread this one. If you adopt this campaign, I'd appreciate if you left a reply for our peace of mind.
My other promotions
Updated: Sep 23
Member(s): @tawfikblog, @90-tawfik
Verification: @/90-ghost
Payment methods: PayPal, Venmo, Google Pay, credit/debit. Here is his Paypal campaign where you can donate as little as $1.
Summary: Tawfik's campaign needs to reach $5,000 USD so he can enroll in online university classes for the semester.
Current progress:
USD $ 1,087 2,245 / 5,000
(short term / 18,860)
Campaign details:
Tawfik is a software engineering student in Palestine trying to continue his education by enrolling in online classes at an Egyptian university.
He already raised roughly USD $2,500 in late July through a now closed Paypal campaign and paid the school as an application and reservation fee. This is nonrefundable.
Now he needs to pay $3,000 for tuition by Sep 30 in Egypt, set at 12am.
Accounting for additional costs, his campaign would need to reach $5,000 (see math section below)
He needs to make ~$350 every day to reach this goal in time.
Please let me know if I screwed up the calculation somewhere.
He needs to make ~$350 every day to reach this goal in time.
Tawfik has already spent the $1,052 already earned to care for his family, so it is excluded from my calculation for now.
Assuming 300 donations needed to get an additional $3k, Gofundme will take 2.9% ($87) and $0.30 per donation ($90). After that, his bank takes 12% ($339), and he ends up with $2,484.
So to cover additional fees, he'll need around an extra ~$700 (which is subjected to fees as well.
$3,000 + $700 + $1,052 (campaign money he already used) = $4,752
To be safe, I've rounded this up to $5,000.
Tagging random ppl. I'd really appreciate a share and donate if possible. Want off my 'mailing list'? Please message me!
@autisticsupervillain @voidofnothingmusic @gaysebastianvael @klezmurlocs @ploppymeep @trickstarbrave @see-arcane @bathroomcube @aners @griffworks @deepspaceboytoy @skipppppy @maester-cressen @sliceofdyke @samwise1548 @anissapierce @aalghul @sneakerdoodle @loverbearbutch @miwtual @receivingtransmission
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waled-family · 2 months
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Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. A Father for Adam, Hala, and Nay. I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born. Recently, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a war of genocide like no other. I am now looking to leave the Strip, me and my small family, to search for a life like living in peace. Away from wars, After losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, The only hope i have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing im looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children far away from war... Thank you in advance.
Link to support Walid and his family - buymeacoffee click here
Link to support Walid and his family - PayPal click here
@theropoda @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @catd3m0n @nativehueofresolution @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams-blog @nabulsi @vetted-gaza-funds @sayruq @ripe @sar-soor @fairuzfan @straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost @northgazaupdates @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide @galacticpoop @trickstarbrave
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runno-san · 3 months
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@buttercuparry @sayruq
@90-ghost @blackpearlblast
@queerstudiesnatural @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc
@pollo-con-vodka @northgazaupdates2
@zentrodada@insomniac-jay @mayameanderings @theautisticcentre @jellyfilledeyes @jellyjays @nogender-onlystars @desi-pluto @moonage-gaydream @refrigeratedboombursts @julieemarine @jelmet @genderfluid-bat @a-confused-ranger @imreallyonthishellsite @dead111111111111 @error-core-animations @yukii0nna @tuxedkitt @a-hypnos-v @st4r-fire
@hametsukaishi @malcriada @brutaliakhoa @feluka @appsa @aces-and-angels @buttercuparry @three-croissants @akajustmerry @wellwaterhysteria @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @journalsforpalestine @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @timetravellingkitty
@vetted-gaza-funds @sayruq @ripe @sar-soor @fairuzfan @straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost @northgazaupdates @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide @galacticpoop @trickstarbrave
@theropoda @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @catd3m0n @nativehueofresolution @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams-blog @nabulsi@northgazaupdates2
@punkitt-is-here @pcktknife @blackpearlblast @flor4zul @opencommunion
@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe
@whatisgodtoanon Believer
@ibtisams-blog @buttercuparry
@wlwaerith@vetted-gaza-funds @sayruq @ripe @straycatj@thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @northgazaupdates @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide @galacticpoop @trickstarbrave
@theropoda @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @catd3m0n @nativehueofresolution @northgazaupdates2
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family-aya · 2 months
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In one of the simple neighborhoods, a little girl lived with her family. She dreamed of a beautiful life full of colors and laughter. She dreamed of going to school every day, playing with her friends in the parks, and building a bright future
But war was looming on the horizon, destroying everything it touched. One morning, my daughter woke up to the sounds of shelling and explosions. Fear resided in every corner of our humble home. Despite all this, my daughter is trying to stay strong, helping me prepare food for our family. She sat next to the stove, carefully placing the wood and watching the burning fire, her tears falling silently down her cheeks
The dream that filled her heart with happiness gradually began to fade, to be replaced by fear and sadness. My child was trying hard to hold on to a glimmer of hope, but she was aware that the war was robbing her of her childhood and dreams. With every piece of wood she put in the fire, she felt more heaviness in her heart. She wished that life would return to normal, if only for a moment, so that she could live as children live in other parts of the world, far from the sound of cannons and the pain of separation. Save my children by supporting me and spreading my campaign
@straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost @northgazaupdates @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide @galacticpoop @trickstarbrave @ash-angelic @palestinegenocide @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @thesblu @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @marnota @gay-yosuke @foolish-edworm @floof-ghostie @nativehueofresolution @apollos-olives @apollodalizard @popo-salad @olovelymoon @fallenangellostfeathers @fallahifag @andypasta @freewatermelon0 @fingernailathome @freepalestine-xo-blog @freeplaidknightkid @freepalestine-xo-blog @amosnaomi @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @amazingphil @zain-leen1993 @zain-gaza @zombzgutzz @everythingfox @catcrumb @catherinebronte @90-ghost @amosnaomi @amanita-rubescens @quadruple-agent @catasters @nabulsi @fairfieldfarmer @sar-soor @el-shab-hussein @palestinegenocide @northgazaupdates @ibtisams-deactivated20240709 @commissions4aid-international @communistchameleon @fallahifag @ripe @rainbowgazes-archive @cottoncandiescupcakes @soulmvtes @ms-mxyzptlk @thenewgothictwice @thishartominefeelz@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @acepumpkinpatrick @just-browsing1222 @gaza @palestine @13ag21k @the-bastard-king @boyvandal-blog @apsswan @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mangocheesecakes @fallahifag @sealuai @palipunk @malcriaada @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @acepumpkinpatrick @nabulsi @fairuzfan
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walid-family · 2 months
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Hello, I am engineer Walid Al-Qatrawi. I am 34 years old. A Father for Adam, Hala, and Nay. I have lived in the Gaza Strip since I was born. Recently, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a war of genocide like no other. I am now looking to leave the Strip, me and my small family, to search for a life like living in peace. Away from wars, After losing all means of life in Gaza and everything I own, The only hope i have is your support so that I can get my family out of Gaza as quickly as possible to save my family again outside the Gaza Strip in peace.
The only thing im looking for is a happy and peaceful life for my children far away from war... Thank you in advance - Link to support Walid and his family click here
@theropoda @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @catd3m0n @nativehueofresolution @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams-blog @nabulsi @vetted-gaza-funds @sayruq @ripe @sar-soor @fairuzfan @catchymemes @commissions4aid-international @fairyfans @communistchilchuck @commonpeopleshirts-blog @freewatermelon0 @freegazapalestine-blog @palestinegenocide @straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost @northgazaupdates @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide @galacticpoop @trickstarbrave @ash-angelic @palestinegenocide @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @thesblu @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @marnota @gay-yosuke @foolish-edworm @floof-ghostie @nativehueofresolution @apollos-olives @apollodalizard @popo-salad @olovelymoon @fallenangellostfeathers @fallahifag @andypasta @freewatermelon0 @fingernailathome @freepalestine-xo-blog @freeplaidknightkid @freepalestine-xo-blog @amosnaomi @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @amazingphil @zain-leen1993 @zain-gaza @zombzgutzz @everythingfox @catcrumb @catherinebronte @90-ghost @amosnaomi @amanita-rubescens @quadruple-agent @catasters @nabulsi @fairfieldfarmer @sar-soor @el-shab-hussein @palestinegenocide @northgazaupdates @ibtisams-deactivated20240709 @commissions4aid-international @communistchameleon @fallahifag @ripe @rainbowgazes-archive @cottoncandiescupcakes @soulmvtes @ms-mxyzptlk @thenewgothictwice @thishartominefeelz
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cayemm · 3 months
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revenge for @trickstarbrave :> !!!
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smkndfbb · 2 months
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artfight attacks that i managed to do this year yippee
laesse for @keevee
godryn for @unknownhomosapien
steren for @trickstarbrave
ty everyone for ur attacks and sorry if i didn’t do revenge on u i had to speedrun this in a week😭
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ojamayellow · 1 year
What is ur favorite bird kit
Princess Parrot, Emu, Cassowary, Budgie, Kiwi, many ducks, all Cockatoos, many parrots, Rainbow Lorikeet, Kookaburras, Wedge-Tailed Eagle, Roadrunners, Peaceful Dove, Australian King Parrot, Pale Headed Rosellas, Honeyeaters, Olive-Backed Sunbird, Electus Parrot....
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unknownhomosapien · 2 months
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beautiful steren AND REVENGE for @trickstarbrave
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aladaylessecondblog · 7 months
Working on Fallen Star, and am almost proud of this line I just wrote:
The part of her that was Nerevar absolutely wanted this, of that she was certain. Wanted to touch Voryn, hold him, feel him - within and without.
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