#tricia rambles
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mrswagtastic · 3 months ago
Okay but why do the Tucker family designs go so hard!? Like Laura is gorgeous I think we can all agree, and Thomas is PEAK father design you can't prove me wrong look at that man he's balding he has a sweater what more could you WANT. Also noticed how they both have warm colours hair, but their clothes mainly consist of cold colour idk what it means but yeah. Tricia ALMOST follows this pattern, except her pants are red. Maybe this signifies how she has a more sassy personality and is a bit more hot-headed? (I'm convinced she is). And then the man, the myth, the silly guy himself, CRAIG TUCKER. We all know he is the pinnacle of character design, but also both his hair and outfit are colder colours, except for the yellow bobble on top. This could signify how Craig mostly is monotone and seems to shwve less emotion than others. Idk what this post is but it now exists ig anyways Tucker family PEAK
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angstigone · 4 months ago
as a catholic, I am having the time of my life with all these arcane viktor-jesus comparison
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blackstar044 · 1 year ago
Lady arguing with velvette - Dougie
Velvette - Ike
Zestial - Tricia
Alastor - firkle
I let out an unhinged laughter seeing this LMFAO! Not sure how to quite respond but yeah this was funny. I guess!
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matthewsgreybubbles · 7 months ago
The internet truly is a crazy, weird place. In the TikTok video of that girl rambling on about her weird patchy story about “MGG throwing a dime at her sister’s friend as their tip” bullshit by the way, the man is known to tip 20-30 dollars on ONE coffee alone, but anyway…in the comments in that video, someone says there was some SA allegations against him by some actress named Tricia. I never heard such a thing. So I googled and only ONE weirdly written article comes up, claiming there were allegations against him from 2014 by Tricia Helfer. “Helfer alleged that Gubler had groped her and made inappropriate comments while they were working on a photoshoot together.” I googled this Tricia Helfer and it is the actress that guest starred on 2 episodes of Criminal Minds in 2012. That was the ONLY thing they worked on together. There was no photoshoot. Also, this “article” was written just on June 20, 2024 and from a source I’ve never heard of: https://mellafind.s3.sbg.io.cloud.ovh.net/matthew-gray-gubler-assault-allegations-and-their.html#
People are desperate to drag this man and make people hate him. Like what did he ever do to them? Jealousy is dangerous. It’s the same with all these weird crazy rumors coming out now all of a sudden. Someone hates him and wants to make him look bad.
These rumors don't make any sense, at this point they don't even try to make something believable anymore. They're just trying to take him down by any means- 😭
Leave him alone and focus on the real bad guys please.
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princessconsuela120 · 2 years ago
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Chapter five: Boys Don't Cry—✧
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, cursing, smoking, drinking, vomit
Author's Note: This one took a bit longer, but it's a longer post so I hope you all enjoy. The ending lowkey made me so sad.
chapter art the loml @clownfacepancakes120 & og cover by @silvell
SCHOOL, FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS, FELT LIKE A FEVER DREAM. It was as if my whole life was taking place and school was simply a pit stop along the way. I had spent most of my days in school avoiding Stan and Kyle, and skipping class with Kenny, or Craig, or both. See, before my ultimate pregnancy, which led to the decline in my life status, Kenny Craig had been smoking buddies. Though Kenny would forever be my best friend, Craig was a close second. The monotone boy had voiced on many occasions to me that he “hated me,” but I knew that secretly meant I was his favorite person in this noisy town. Besides his beloved Tweek, who I had spent many occasions third wheeling the two without my consent. Besides, Kenny Craig and I had a special bond in the sense that I was better best friends with both their little sisters than them. Karen Tricia and I had had many many sleepovers, we even shared adorable power puff girl friendship bracelets. Me as Blossom, Tricia as Buttercup and Karen as Bubbles. We chose to go for accuracy over aesthetics.
After telling my family, Kenny had taken me to spend the night at his house, and then the next morning to meet Craig at our spot in the park so I could tell him the news. He was just as shocked as I had been, Tweek nervously stressing my future for me before having a panic attack when he realized I could no longer be his coffee buddy. Craig just looked at me in disbelief, before hugging me. His sure fire way of telling me he'd stay with me through anything, no matter what. Craig was the type of kid who never voiced his emotions, unless they were to Tweek or words of aggravation. But he was by no means the type to stand there and tell me he was there for me and always would be, so that hug meant everything to us both.
“I hate this,” I mumbled, hiding my face in my hands. “I swear I think people are staring at me.” i rambled. It was currently 7th period, only two more classes before school was done for the day, and Kenny Craig and i were skipping. We had snuck out to our spot in the park, and had been sitting there since. I sat in between the two, leaning against Kenny’s shoulder as Craig laid his legs across both our laps, laying his head against the bench's arm.
“No one is staring at you Juno, you’re being dramatic.” Kenny reassured, taking a hit of his blunt, making me sigh. I nodded, agreeing with him momentarily before turning to see Craig staring at me with furrowed eyebrows.
“Craig, stop staring at me!” I shouted, making him raise his hands in defense, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry! I’m just, how did you even get pregnant anyway?” Craig said, staring at me with the same blank high face he had been staring at me with since we sat down.
“Well you see Craig, when a penis and a vagina love each other very much..” I began to explain, a teasing expression on my face as Kenny started poking his finger through his other hand to further tease Craig. He shoved me lightly, making both Kenny and I chuckle.
“Oh fuck off. I know how babies are made stupid.” He growled, making me raise an eyebrow at him.
“Well then why’d ya ask princess?” He rolled his eyes at me, sitting up slightly in his seat.
“Because Peewee, you’re supposed to be the mature one of us three remember?” 
Peewee, a stupid nickname from a stupid boy. Ever since we were kids and would play ‘The Stick of Truth,’ Kenny and I would always be the princesses together, ruling over our kingdom. After Craig had teasingly called Kenny gay one night while we were playing for being a princess, I took matters into my own hands to dub Craig a princess too, so Kenny wouldn’t feel as gay. Craig hated it so much, only for him to end up being the gayest one in the group. I had called him princess ever since. And due to my one and only weakness being my height, he referred to me as Peewee. It really was sweet when you think about it.
“I thought I was the mature one?” Kenny asked, earning looks for both Craig and I. I fake pouted at him, patting his head as if he were a dog.
“Sure Ken, you’re the mature one.” I teased, sharing a look with the boys before we both laughed. Craig and Kenny continued on laughing, but I couldn’t help but feel my heart dip in my chest. I made awkward eye contact with Stan from across the way, he was skipping too. He was alone though, usually he’d have Kyle right beside him but he didn’t. He took a long swig from his beer bottle before making his way away from the school. I sighed, staring at where he just stood.
“Hey, Joey, I was just teasing you I swear.” Craig said, another nickname he usually called me by. Craig claimed he needed to be original. He couldn’t just call me Juno like everyone else, he needed to be special.
“No, I know. It’s okay.” I said, shaking my head to try and erase the image of my saddened brother from my mind.
“Then why do you look all sad?” He asked again, as Kenny gestured towards me with his blunt.
“Need a hit?” He offered, earning a slap on the shoulder from Craig.
“She’s pregnant dickwad.” He grumbled, earning an angry look from Kenny.
“Ow! Just cause she’s pregnant doesn’t mean we should disclud her now does it?” He asked angrily, causing Craig to roll his eyes.
“You’re a dumbass.”
“Well I’m rubber and you’re glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” Kenny teased, taking a hit from his blunt before sticking his tongue out at Craig.
“Okay I didn’t know we were back in the 3rd grade!” Craig shouted, and Kenny scoffed.
“At Least in the third grade you didn’t run your mouth!” Kenny shouted back, before the two boys broke into bickering. This was usually the dynamic between the two, the the bickering was always playful and full of love. Usually their nonsense bickering would end up cheering me up or distracting me,but I just sat there, staring again.
“I'm scared.” I mumbled, whispered even, barely even loud enough for them to hear. But they did, and both boys immediately stopped fighting, and looked at me with equal amounts of concern.
“What?” Craig asked, pulling away from the position he had been fighting kenny in to come closer beside me.
“What are you scared of?” Kenny asked, and Craig sighed.
“I was just kidding, I’m not actually gonna chop Kenny’s dick off.” Craig reassured, making me shake my head slightly with shock.
“Woah, what?”
“Yeah you missed about 50% of that argument spacing out.” Kenny said, both boys laughing before I interrupted again.
“No no, I’m scared for tonight I mean.” I sighed again, feeling Kenny grab my hand before I turned to smile at him. “I’m meeting Mark and Vanessa tonight with my dad. I mean what if they’re like, mean or lame hippies. Or what if they’re pagan cult leaders and want my baby to sacrifice to their god?” I rambled, shaking my head in my hands as Kenny laughed slightly.
“I don’t think they’re pagan cultists. Satanists, maybe, but hey you win some you lose some.” Kenny teased, earning another light slap from Craig.
“What if they don’t like me? What if they judge me, or think I’m dumb.” I continued on my nervous rant, now earning a sigh from Craig.
“You’re not dumb Joey.” He said softly, making me scoff.
“I’m 17 years old and I’m fucking pregnant. I’m pretty dumb.” 
“Not dumber than Craig.” Kenny said, his voice full of sincerity as I let out a light chuckle, making Kenny smile that he achieved his goal to get me to smile.
“Hey!” Craig shouted, about to begin arguing again before Kenny shushed him.
“Shut up dude, this is serious.” Kenny said, making Craig scoff and roll his eyes.
“They’re gonna love you Juno. You’re giving them a literal baby, the gift of life. And if they don’t like you it’s their loss, because you’re amazing.” Kenny said, and Craig nodded along. I could help but pout at Kenny’s sweetness, as both boys pulled me into a hug, sandwiching me between them.
“I love you guys.”
“We can come with you if you want?” Craig offered, making me quickly decline.
“Nah. My dads going and I don’t want you two trying to trick him into giving you free weed again.” We got up to go back inside, as Kenny rolled his eyes, yelling after me with annoyance.
“It was one time! One time!”
MY DAD HAD TRIED TO TALK TO ME THE ENTIRE DRIVE TO THE LORINGS. I didn’t talk back. He could tell I was nervous. We pulled up into their neighborhood and I already felt self-conscious about the fact that I was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and not a princess gown and tiara. Their garage alone was bigger than my entire house, and their lawn was decked in flowers and bushes, not dead grass and old weeds. I didn’t fit in here, this felt very outlandish.
“Hi. I'm Vanessa. You must be Juno and Mr. Marsh.” She shook both me and my dad’s hands. “Hi. Vanessa Loring.” She continued her greeting, and suddenly I realized that she was even more nervous than I was.
“It's Vanessa, right? Is that...?” I began to tease, before my dad smiled awkwardly, interrupting before I blew this before I even walked in the door.
“Thanks for having me and my irresponsible child over to your house.” He greeted, smiling at her.
“Oh, no, thank you. Thank you. Come on in. Can I take your coat or your hat?” She offered, earning a smile as I carefully handed her my jacket.
“Wicked pic in the PennySaver, by the way.” I smiled, taking a handful of the caramel candies they had on their table, handing a few to my dad. “Super-classy. Not like those people with fake woods in the background. Who are they fooling?” I joked, making Vanessa smile, confused by my very extroverted personality.
“You found us in the PennySaver?” She asked, causing me to nod as her husband came down the stairs behind her.
“Hi, Mark Loring. I'm the husband.”
“How do you do? Randy Marsh of Tegridy weed… ha, sorry, caught myself. I am no longer a weed farmer.” My dad said awkwardly, making me smile at Mark and shake his hand as well.
“Yeah, now my dad plays with rocks instead.” I teased, earning a light shove from my dad.
“Nice to meet you.”
“This is Gerta Rauss, our attorney.” Vanessa said, introducing the other woman who was sitting on the couch. She smiled, waving at me.
“And this, of course, is Juno.” My dad introduced me, and I sent the group an awkward smile.
“Like the city in Alaska.” Mark said intrigued, but I shook my head.
“No.” I said quickly, shoving a few caramel candies in my mouth.
“No? Okay. Hon, should we sit down and get to know one another?” 
“I thought I'd get drinks. What would you like? I have Pellegrino or VitaminWater or orange juice with…”
“I'll have a Maker's Mark, please. Up.” I said, gesturing up with my thumb as Vanessa gave me a shocked look. My dad chuckled at me.
“She's kidding. Junebug has a wonderful sense of humor. Just one of her many genetic gifts. She gets it from me.” He mimicked flicking his hair over his shoulder, causing me to roll my eyes.
“So, Juno, first off, how far along are you?” Gerta asked, her voice was very flat and monotone. She could make a wicked career out of voicing those alexa robots, or maybe the siri on my phone.
“I'm a junior.” I answered without hesitation, earning strange looks from the group.
“No, I mean in your pregnancy.”
“Oh, right. Kenny took me yesterday to the doctor, and they said I was 12 weeks. He wished he could be here but uh, family emergency down at the Sodosopa.” I explained, chuckling slightly to myself as I remembered Kenny stealing a handful of free condoms from the doctors office.
“Is Kenny the father?” Vanessa asked curiously, causing me to shake my head.
“No, more of a tortured third uncle kinda thing.”
They all shared a look again, choosing to ignore my strange description before continuing.
“That's great. That's marvelous. So you're into your second trimester?” She asked, making me nod.
“Yeah. Apparently. I'm due on May 4th.”
“Great. My girlfriends tell me that the first couple months are the hardest.”
“I didn't notice it at all, actually. I'm more concerned about… When they have to put that, like, elastic band in the front of my jeans.” I explained, shuddering as the thought clouded my mind.
“I think pregnancy is beautiful.”
“Well, you're lucky it's not you.” I replied to Vanessa, sighing as I thought of how freaking hard this was gonna be.
“Let's talk about how we're gonna do this thing.” Mark interrupted, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.
“What do you mean? Don't I just have the thing… Squeeze it out and hand it over?”
“Mark and Vanessa are willing to negotiate an open adoption.” Gerta explained, this time my dad was the one to speak up.
“Wait, what does that mean?”
“It means they'd send annual updates, photos… Let Juno know how the baby is doing as he or she grows up.”
I know it's a normal thing, and i guess when you stop to think about it it's kinda sweet…but if i have to give up a piece of myself to someone, giving away a child, as much as i know it needs to be done, is so hard. No way could I live with myself being reminded I wasn't strong enough to keep it.
“Whoa, no, no, no. I don't want photos or any kind of notification. You know? I mean, can't we just, like, kick this old-school? I stick the baby in a basket, send it your way, like Moses in the reeds?” I asked, making Mark chuckle slightly.
“Technically, that would be kicking it Old Testament.” He corrected, and I nodded with agreement.
“Exactly. Right?” I nodded with agreement. “Do you know what I mean? Like in the good old days, when it was quick and dirty.”
“Well, then we all agree. A traditional closed adoption would be best for all involved.” Gerta confirmed, and all parties nodded.
“Shit, yes. Just close her on up.” I wish I could have kept a count on how many times I elicited awkward laughs from Mark and Vanessa. It was definitely a lot.
“We would compensate you for all your medical expenses.” Mark explained, grabbing onto Vanessa’s hand nervously.
“Are you looking for any other type of compensation?” She asked softly. It was such a strange question, yet she seemed so ready to give it to me if I said yes. She seemed like such a kind soul, it was extremely admirable.
“What? No. No, I don't want to, you know, sell the thing. I just... I want… I just want the baby to be with people who are gonna love it… And be good parents, you know? I mean, I'm in high school. Dude, I'm just... I'm ill-equipped.” I explained, making Vanessa smile kindly.
“Well, you're doing a beautiful and a selfless thing for us.”
“Vanessa's wanted a baby since we got married.”
“I wanna be a mommy so badly.”
Now I was the one who fake laughed.
“You don't say.” I teased, making Vanessa smile.
“Have you ever felt like you were just born to do something?” 
“Yes. Lorde.” My dad answered, with no hesitation. He looked off into the distance as if he was contemplating his life.
“What?” Mark asked, extremely confused by his answer.
“He means Geology, that’s what he means.” I interrupted, my dad nodding along, worried he would out his secret identity.
“There you go. I was born to be a mother. Some of us are.” She said with her kind smile, as my dad turned to Mark.
“How about you, Mark? Are you looking forward to being a dad?” 
“Betcha, yeah. Every guy wants to be a father… He wants to coach the soccer team...And help out with the science-fair thing, the volcano goes off…” Mark explained, smiling awkwardly. “Yeah. All that.”
“Maybe Gerta could take us through the preliminary documents you've drawn up?”
“Sweet, yeah. Could I use the facilities first? Because being pregnant makes me pee like a Seabiscuit.” They nodded, showing me the bathroom. Even their bathroom was fancy. Vanessa’s perfume cost more than my bed. I couldn't help but take a few sprays with curiosity, before leaving back downstairs. We sorted out more legal shit, to be honest I didn't pay much attention. I fell asleep on the way home, my dad held my hand the whole way.
EVER SINCE I TOLD MY MOM ABOUT THE BABY, she had been very on top of everything I did. Every night when I went to brush my teeth, she’d make sure I took my prenatal vitamins, and check on me. Like I’ve mentioned before, I had one of the best mothers ever. But today it seemed, my bitter twin brother decided to hide the bottle that resided in our shared bathroom. I tried my best not to get mad, he already hated me enough I didn’t need to push him even further. But after searching for him for a while, and Stan refusing to answer, she had started to find it rather hard to keep back her anger.
“Stan fucking Marsh, I know you hate me right now but that doesn’t mean you can just steal my prenatal vitamins okay?” I yelled, opening all the doors to try and find my brother. My parents were out to dinner again, trying to depress after the evening. “If I don’t take these and this baby comes out as a mutant, Mark and Vanessa may sacrifice me to Satan. I’m already at a liability risk that this thing could be ginger.” I made my way over to Stan’s room, surprised to not see him inside. “Stan?” I called softly, opening the door to the garage, to see Stan, throwing up on the floor leant against the wall. I quickly rushed to his side.
 “Stan!” I shouted, feeling fear fill my body. I was completely terrified. Stan’s face was pale white, besides his eyes that were red and puffy, he had been crying. His usual barely visible eye bags were now large noticeable crescents in purple print under his eyes. It’s as if he hadn’t slept since he found out. 
“Oh god. Come here Buddy, it’s okay.” I pulled Stan over to me, taking off my jacket and using it to wipe the bit of vomit he couldn’t clean off of his face. He made a low groaning noise as I did, before his eyes squinted open slightly to look at me.
“I drank too much.”  He mumbled, burying his head into my shoulder, causing me to quickly wrap my arms around him. I looked around nervously, running a hand through Stan’s hair. It was greasy. It used to be greasy, back when he used to struggle most with his depression. I convinced him to talk to mom about getting him to start antidepressants and they had been helping him ever since. His hair had lost its greasiness, and I had started helping him take care of himself. I hadn’t seen him with greasy hair since he started the medication. That’s when I looked to the ground to see his bottle of antidepressants, filled to the top from the last 
“I know Buddy, I can tell.” I said softly, taking a shaky breath to try and hold back the tears that threatened to spill. “Just, here, I’m gonna get you to my room okay, can you walk with me?” 
He nodded as I grabbed his arm, wrapping it around my shoulder to help hold him up. We made our way upstairs to my room, I left my jacket on the ground in the garage, a reminder I needed to clean up Stan’s vomit once he was safely asleep.
“I’m sorry Juno.” He mumbled into my sleeve, hugging my arm drunkenly as he laid down on my bed. I sighed, smiling at him softly.
“It’s okay.” I reassured him, carefully pulling off his shoes. I helped him get out of his shirt, giving him a comfortable one to wear to sleep. Help him take his pants off, then pull the blankets over his body. He wanted to keep his hat, just to hold. I didn’t argue it. I started walking around the room, picking up pillows to make him more comfortable, then gently tucked him in.
“You’re mad at me?” He said, his hands going to hold his face, when he pulled away to reveal fresh tears that had slipped onto his cheeks.
“No, no Stan, I'm not mad. I need you to lay on your side for me, can you do that?” I asked, helping him to move into his side.
“Dads gonna be so mad I drank all his whiskey.”
“It’s okay, I won’t let you take the heat alone. Now do you wanna tell me what happened?” He let out another low grumble, hiding his face in my pillow. I pulled his face away carefully, a fresh cold towel in my hand as I carefully cleaned the extra vomit that was left on his cheeks. 
“Wendy broke up with me.” He winced lightly. “And, and I lost you, and Kyle. Nobody wants me anymore.” I could feel it, I could feel my heart break when his eyes met mine. His big baby blue eyes were filled with so much hurt, so much sadness. He was utterly broken.
“That’s not true Stan. And you’ll never lose me, ever.” I placed a soft kiss on his forehead, brushing his hair from his face in the process.
“I’m a bad friend.”
“Kyle loves you more than he loves himself Stan, you hit a bump in the road, all friendships do.”
“No, I am a bad friend.” He replied sternly. 
“Stan you aren’t..”
“Stop lying to me! Stop telling me I’m wrong! I’m not wrong I’m, I’m shit.” He ran his hands down his face, biting down hard onto his lip, so hard I could see dribbles of blood begin to form when he began speaking again. “I’m a bad friend, I’m a bad brother, I’m a bad boyfriend..I can’t even drink right. I’m nothing. I’m sorry Juno.” His words were incoherent, his drunkenness taking over as he laid wearily in bed. His eyes were half shut, and his mouth hung open. He didn’t know what he was saying, and he probably wouldn’t even remember this tomorrow. But I would.
“It’s okay Stan. It’s not your fault. You’re just a little bruised buddy, it’s okay. I’ll help you heal.”
I ran my fingers through his hair, neatly tucking it away from his face and behind his ears, watching as he slowly fell into a deep sleep beside me. I let out a shaky sigh, getting up to grab a cup of water from the bathroom, and a small trash bin. 
I called Kenny, asked him to bring me two bottles of whiskey and a bottle of vodka from the liquor store next to his house, and was able to quickly replace my dad's liquor cabinet and discard the bottles Stan had cleared. I cleaned up his throw up, took out the trash, including my sweater that was now covered in vomit, and mopped the garage floors. 
I laid the trash bin and glass of water beside my bed, giving Stan a few glances to give myself some comfort with his well-being before turning to go to the living room to sleep. But Stan grabbed my hand, preventing me from walking away.
“Please...please stay.” 
I didn’t say anything in response, just nodded my head, crawled into bed beside him. He quickly cuddled into me, the way we would as children. When life was simpler, and things weren’t painful, and the world wasn’t so cold. I pressed the palm of my hand gently against my closed eyes, not wanting to cry to alarm my brother in his drunken state and took a deep breath before letting myself fall asleep. Stan would be tired in the morning. I am always tired too nowadays.
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pardi-real · 10 months ago
thoughts on the latest update in ch4 of aknk????
i have so many questions right now and i cant wait for the other parts to update 😭
i reaaaaally have a feeling it's boski's turn to demonize this time
also it's really strange that farin looks like his mother tho 🤔 its either they're blood-related relatives or it's really his mother but it's like the same situation with tricia
Hey there! I did read some spoilers for Episode 3 onwards, but I haven't found the motivation to actually read the main story (or other story) in-game past Episode 3 part 1. You might be right Boschi got the spotlight for this episode, from his lineage reveal to that Emperor attire 🤔... he looks so fine with his smooth long hair bruh and that elf looks nice too
That said, the people in the server do have discussion about it. Feel free to join, Akuneko enjoyers! 😄 (Sometimes discussing about other games too-)
Edit: fixed link
Unrelated ramblings ⚠️⤵️
sometimes I just wanna
Lay down contemplating things
gacha games
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These all are this week
Maybe I'll just get back to event story and do that one event story with Lato & Lucas in one event
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zybynarx · 1 year ago
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Another year, another @dcbtv under my belt! 😍
This year, I was paired up with the amazing @rainbowitup and our song was "Dress." Do yourself a favor and check out the story HERE!
As always, I will be adding more ramblings under the "keep reading," so take a peek if you'd like, or just hop on over to the story!
This year, for the bang, I decided to be a little brave and say that I was open to working on any Taylor Swift song. It was becoming more and more apparent that my knowledge of her songs was pretty limited, and that there were a lot more songs that I hadn't heard of just because they never really made it into the radio stations (when I actually listened to the radio that is). I was not disappointed when I got my song and author pairing. I had never heard of this song before this bang, and now it's one that gets stuck in my head a lot! 😂
I'm not going to lie, when I found out that I was paired up with Tricia, I was instantly a ball of nerves. I had heard many people talk about her stories and how wonderfully written they were, and so I was feeling quite a bit of pressure. So much so... that I actually scrapped the first two sketches I came up with for the story. 😅 YUP! What you're looking at up above is V2 of what I initially came up with. Original V1 sketches shown here:
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...Yeah... I suppose they're not horrible... but, again, there was a lot of self pressure I had put on myself, so brain was like, "No! We need to make something better to match the level of awesomeness!" I also at the time had sort of crashed and burned out art-wise because I was working on 3 different art projects that needed 9 different drawings all with very close deadlines... but we don't need to talk about that... 😅
I am very happy with this V2 version that I came up with! There's a part in the story where Cas tells Dean, "I want you to — to eat me out." And after reading that, I just couldn't get this "eager puppy" expression on Dean's face out of my head. 😂 I did my best to share how I imagined the scene went, and I'm really happy with how it turned out!
I decided that since Cas' whole deal is that she's wearing a sexy dress, then it would be kind of fun to have Dean in something a little opposite in color. I found this picture of Jensen at a premiere with his daughter and thought it was perfect!
I just want to wrap this up by giving out some thanks:
Thanks to Tricia for being such a wonderful partner during this exchange! You were so kind and patient as I scrambled around to get my side done. I loved how well you took the song and made a beautiful story out of it! I loved every word I read, and you deserve all of the praise you receive in this story and every story you write/have written!
Thanks to the DCBTV mods who put on this bang again! You were all so kind and helpful and understanding. I appreciated how when I admitted I was feeling a bit over whelmed, you took some time to make sure I was doing ok and always offered to help no matter what. You are all wonderful, and I'm giving you all big hugs! ❤️
And finally, a huge thank you to my bestie Apollo, who helped me with the final stretch of finishing up the main drawing by reading me some of her writings as I worked on the color and shading. Our middle of the night hangouts are always the best! ❤️🤍
Ok, if you haven't gone off to read the story by now... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Go on! Get! It's fantastic and worth the read! Shoo! Shoo! (But if you have read it already and are coming to read this... thank you! 🥰)
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northernparkservices · 6 months ago
gonna ramble about tati in fpsg bc i want to
SO! The Casa Bonita Incident isn't canon here BUT Karen does meet Firkle starting in fourth grade as they share the one class that he regularly goes to. She starts hanging out with the goth kids and Kenny is cool with it bc he knows them through Stan.
After the Freaky Boys gains some new members (specifically Tweek), Tricia and Ike meet during the meetings at Kyle's house. Craig goes to support his partner and Tricia goes bc she can't be trusted home alone.
Ike and Karen are good friends bc their brothers are friends, and it takes one big meeting at Kyle's for the four kids to all learn about each other and form their own little group.
Some individual stuff (mostly Karen):
Karen goes by Ren after being accepted by the goth kids and it's stuck ever since. Kenny will still call her Kar bc he just always has and she's cool with it
Ike harbors a little jealousy that the rest of his family are cool aliens and he's a boring ol human
Karen gets a little crush on Firkle as time passes
Karen has long known that her brother was her guardian angel. When in his superhero persona, she'll call him Mysti
Firkle is wildly skilled with his switchblade and has a caffeine addiction
Tricia is a massive gamer and will bring her Switch when going to Kyle's house so the besties can play Mario Kart or whatever they want that's competitive. Tricia can be very competitive.
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iwanttofeelchaotic · 1 year ago
an attempt at an intro
hello! i’m harlan! i’m a minor, so no nsfw please. i’m aroace, use she/her pronouns. i love talking to people so please send asks. i update my blog theme kinda frequently, so don’t get used to anything.
#writinguntildawn for my writing (i haven’t always used it so for a while it might be better to just search for poetry)
#ishouldshutupnow for when i (rarely) go on rambles
#cross country —might show up between may and the end of october, if you want to follow my season and the antics of my team
and then most other things that i think are important get tagged with like. fandoms and stuff.
books- percy jackson - tamora pierce (author) - the shadows between us - tricia levenseller (author)
movies- newsies (all versions) - the princess bride - parent trap
songs- i wanna feel calm- turn the lights back on - all-american queen
bands/artists bears in trees - billy joel - ben platt
things to do- run! - read/write - watercolor
people- @cigarette-scented-hotel-rooms, O, the chaos crew, my family, phil rosenthal, rick riordan, the smallbone brothers, ben platt, and my tiny hooligan (who is so big now?! not allowed)
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mrswagtastic · 2 months ago
So Thomas Tucker was pretty easily provoked as a kid and so got into a LOT of fights, and grew up quite lonely but ATLEAST he had good parents yay :33. When he grew up he struggled to find a partner, but had a desire for a kid so one day decides to adopt. This is when MY BOY MY SON CRAIG comes into the picture. Cue single father montage of comedic mishaps but he ultimately tries his best. He does a lot of research, goes to single parent groups, and just really wants the best for his boy. A little bit later he meets Laura and aww they're in loooove and it takes a while and she has to be the one to actually SAY ANYTHING because uh he's a DUMBASS ... Also during this baby Craig has to warm up to her and sheee makes him his hat :33 it's a bit big on him but he grows into it it's okay. Also Craig tends to wander off a lot like he refuses to go SOEMWHERE and Laura's like "it's okay just ignore him he'll follow" and they do but then they turn around and Craig's gone and he walked all the way back home insisting they go inside what a guy... (NOT based off of younger me trust). Then after a bit Tricia is BORN and at first Craig is a bit confused and doesn't like her because she's a baby and babies are LOUD and ANNOYING so he just hides whenever she's around lmao but they eventually SOEKWJAT tolerate one another so that's nice. Oh yeah jobs uh Thomas works as an engineer and Laura works at the bank I feel cause why not. Craig actually bonds with his dad ALOT by building stuff together Thomas teaches him it all it's very silly father son stuff :3 and Laura makes stuff like Craig's space costume and his feldspar outfit and I like to imagine maybe she was sick or busy at the superhero game that's why its so plain. Him and Tricia insult each other a lot but they're actually pretty chill together like if SOEKTHING serious happened they'd care and help. Also uhh stripe lore I feel on Red Racer theres a guinea pig puppet (I feel red racers one of those old shitty live action kids shows with eh slightly uncanny looking puppets and occasional animated segments does this make sense) and that's one of Craig's favourite characters, so he started fixating on guinea pigs and researching them like a LOT and eventually started getting stripes :3 (also I feel he got into red racer just cuz when he was little he was having a meltdown or crying or something and it was late at night and Thomas just turned the TV on in hopes of whatever is on will calm him and red racer just happened to be on, and it calmed him so they'd play it more and that's how Craig got super interested in it I think).uhh some more random Craig bits:
- he's fine with the doctors but is TERRIFIED of dentists that's why his teeth suck lol
- he's been friends with Clyde pretty much forever since his parents went to the same groups Thomas did, and he and Richard especially became good friends, so Craig and Clyde would play together a lot resulting in their friendship.
- they then befriended Tolkien SOEKTIMES in kindergarten after he shared some stuff with them and they all played together. Kids make friends very easy huh
- Jimmy joined the gang when he moved to south park on the 4th grade, but that doesn't make them any less close with him
- Craig's obviously gay but I also imagine him to be demiaroace, maybe even fully on ace idk (chat am I projecting too much)
- when Craig has a meltdown, he at first will angrily explode, then run off and completely shut down, having it more internally.
- he likes how his hat feels, but also doesn't want to ruin it so will gently bag the flaps back and forth with his hand
- he eats really plain foods I feel due to sensitive taste buds he's really picky
- he buys the exact same jacket every time he needs a new one and his wardrobe consists of the same pants, plain shirts, and the occasional graphic tee but ONLY red racer or space themed. Also he needs the tags cut off.
- he's really weirdly good at clickers/FPS shooters
Uhh there's more.probably but this might be enough hope you enjoyed the INSNAE.craig lore rambles sorry it's messy I'm on a VERY long bus ride..
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headoverjojo · 5 years ago
I feel that there can be a difference between being impulsive and being heroic. Narancia is VERY impulsive but I see him little heroic according to the general definition. Bruno and Giorno are much more heroic but they showed less impulsiveness in their battles. Could Fugo in the future become more heroic without being impulsive?. Mista is both. And Abbacchio none one. I just realized that they are the two opposite poles XD.
Hi there! Uhm, maybe it’s because I’m even too cautious, but I’ve never seen the boat decision as heroic, but more like a decision taken in a rush :/ 
And with this I don’t mean to say it was wrong. On a moral point of view, Bruno’s decision was right: he wanted to protect an innocent person from an evil one, and it’s absolutely right and corageous. But, always in my opinion, there’s a difference between “stupid” courage and well-pondered courage. Sailing without a plan, basically going with the flow and thinking about what to do right while doing it wasn’t smart. Defending Trish was surely brave and heroic, but the way they did it wasn’t so. Maybe it’s just because I’m not too fond of the figure of the hero who launches themselves in action without thinking beforehand, but sailing like that wasn’t a responsible action, as Bruno, now officially a Capo, had to also think about his teammates’ safeness and, so, in my opinion, he should have first found a place where to hide in, planned their path, and then departed. Maybe, calculating the risks beforehand would have saved them -maybe not Bruno himself, but maybe Narancia and Abbacchio-.
About Giorno’s heroism... I may have opinions that could make fans angry, maybe. I don’t consider him heroic, first of all. I’ve always seen in him a lot of charisma: he was able to draw to his side almost everyone, and in a short time. Through his actions, he was able to “inspire” other characters and to obtain their appreciation and loyalty. But I still don’t think he’s heroic. During his battles, to be honest, Giorno is really impulsive. Let’s take the fight against Illuso as example: Giorno’s decision to purposely being infected by Purple Haze and to bring the virus in the mirror world was a hazard, as he too didn’t know if the snake-brick idea would have worked for real -and, let’s be honest, if not for the plot armor Giorno would have died already against Bruno-. It was a hazard, and it worked, in the end, but still it was a risk too huge. There’s a thin line between heroism and brave stupidity, and it’s a very hazy line, so I can see why it may be seen as heroism (or why it may not be seen as such). We also have to consider that Giorno is awfully young -they all are, in the end- and, without the needed experience, is hard, if not impossible, to think about a clever plan in a desperate and dangerous situation like that. He did what he thought was the only way to save both Abbacchio and Fugo, and it worked; heroism or luck, it’s up to fans.
Fugo’s flaw, in this all, maybe is that he’s too cautious and maybe he should learn to, let’s say, spend less time thinking and troubling himself and acting more. All in all, many chances could be lost if one takes too much time thinking about consequences!
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jettreno · 3 years ago
“if the military is depicted at all [in a film] it [the military] has some level of oversight” this is not true. the dod only has oversight if it is partnered with the film already on the basis that the production wants access to props, shooting locations, personnel for extras, etc. free of charge, which is a really appealing deal to production studios. that means they often DO partner with the dod but that does not at all mean they HAVE to partner with the dod if they want to include the military in their film - it just means they’d have to pay for it if they don’t. the real way to tell if the dod has partnered with a production is to watch HOW the military is portrayed
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faeriexqueen · 2 years ago
Still on my bullshit for a Cinderella AU for Yulma, but if Alma is getting put into a Cinderella role, I am committed to using Sheril as a stepfather again because I know that man’s potential. I did it once with my Snow White AU, and I’d do it again, damn it. XD
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trishmishtree · 2 years ago
Regency gown project: Part I-lost-count
As what is probably going to be the last thing I sew in 2022, I finally finished the bodice of the gown. Kind of. Mostly.
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I’m pinning it in the front and will probably just go with pins for closures for the final dress. I tried button closures for the bodiced petticoat made from the same pattern, and I’ve decided that more buttons on the gown bodice would just be too bulky.
I only made 2 mockups when drafting the sleeve pattern, so I’m happy the process was relatively painless. I have no idea what the correct process for sleeve drafting is, but I just kind of vaguely cut out a shape that I thought would work, sewed it onto the bodice, refitted it until I was happy with it, took a pen to trace out the stitch lines, and then unpicked and cut out the final sleeve shape to trace onto a paper pattern.
As stated in the last progress update, it’s made from a lining of plain modern utility muslin and an outer fashion layer of cotton gauze. The gauze fabric has a floral pre-embroidered border that’s going to go around the bottom of the skirt. The rest of the embroidery on the dress will be done by hand.
There are 440 separate little dots on this bodice, not including the ones that go along the scalloped pattern on the ruffles of the sleeves. I know because I counted how many colonial knots I had to do instead of actually just sucking it up and doing them. The vine on the ruffles is also based on the extant gown, except I don’t think I got the proportion quite right because the leaves look like they’re spaced more closely together on the original gown. Oh well, I guess I’ll just do the vines right when I embroider the waistband.
On the extant dress, the dots and vine work are actually thousands of tiny metal staples, not embroidery. And they were originally silver, not black, but have tarnished over the last 210 years. But I actually really like the look of the darker dots, and the only pre-embroidered fabric I could find that would remotely work for this was the cotton gauze with a navy floral border that definitely isn’t historically accurate, so I’m sticking with navy blue thread embroidery for my dress. Attempting strict HA and making my dress as exact to the original is kind of moot since I’m already taking the liberty of giving this 1810s ballgown an apron-front closure for ease of getting in and out of it, instead of the back buttoned closure that would have been more popular by this decade and that I know for 100% certain the original gown has. Maybe someday I’ll try to make a more accurate replica, if I can source period-accurate cotton muslin and if I’m dedicated enough to attempt to do the entire skirt border embroidery by hand too. (If that ever happens, I might even go for back closures, except I would have to make them hooks and eyes instead of buttons because I 100% cannot reach back there with my right arm. And I’d need to contact the museum and ask if they have more photos of the back of the dress.)  For now I’ll settle for doing a bazillion colonial knots and apron front closures and conjectured side-back seam placements.
Here’s a view from the side to compare to the original museum piece:
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You can’t tell from the front view, but I have to use my hand as a censor bar for the side view today. Mostly because my stays are doing exactly what they’re supposed to. I can’t show you what the stays look like (aside from the tiny sliver you can see through the gap in the petticoat) because they are under bust and my shift is translucent, and that would be even more indecent than me not covering my neckline in the above photo. I’m really happy with my decision to remake the stays. I know I was upset because they’re really wrinkly, but it literally does not matter because you can’t see them anyway. I can’t say I really recommend the Bernhardt stays considering how much of a fuss they were to make and fit and remake and refit. I think I made 4 mockups before I was satisfied, and that’s just really psychologically painful when you sew everything by hand. My final pattern required so much tweaking that the shape doesn’t really resemble the original Bernhardt pattern anymore. That said, it was a good starting point and the finished product definitely does the job.
What was not doing its job today was my shift. The neckline kept bunching up in the back and making lumps through the gown bodice, so I tried to redistribute the gathers. That helped, but then it made my front neckline too low. But if I tried to tighten the drawstrings of the shift, then the shift would feel tight in the bust and flatten out the silhouette. So I had to settle for the lower front neckline, which means I just constantly look like I’m spilling out of my stays. (It’ll be fine. It will all get covered up once I make the front bib that will complete the bodice.)
The skirt also still needs to be embroidered with probably 3000 (not hyperbole) more tiny colonial knots before I can assemble the whole dress together, so this feels like a good stopping place to close out 2022.
Until next time then.
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tetsuwhore · 5 years ago
ma’am, your recent gonna be the death of me i— 👁👄👁🦋 a masterpiece, some very much immaculate content, babe. my heart? going doki-doki real fast. oikawa thirst? QUENCHED. my stomach? all butterflies, love. my head? no thoughts, head empty, only oikawa and how good your writing is. YOUR HAND? in marriage, please 😔🤲💍
das it dudes. tricia has my heart it’s official 😤
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aliferous-ly · 4 years ago
“you know what people who grew up really really hot are missing out on? a personality” TRICIA is the GOAT and she is one of my new favorite streamers
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