#tricera tops
duckingwriting · 7 months
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?"
Thank you so much for the ask! I have so many WIPs I've just pulled one original and one fanfiction.
Original I'm kinda cheating on the "one". I'm going with the Jur-ass-ic series which at the moment has 2 but I have at least one more part of the series but it may just be a short side story sooo...
Currently the overall series is about another world/dimension where our legends of dragons and our dinosaurs come from. The legends of dragons being shape shifters is true, but they're actually dinosaurs. And because I'm a sucker for fated mates(I'll give that trope up when it's pried from my cold dead hands along side there was only one bed). The first one, Tricera-TOPS, follows a scientist who was studying some metallic orbs that turn out to rip portals between worlds. She is transported into this shifter world where she meets her fated mate. The second one, You Spino me right 'round, follows another person who just wanted to get xirself some coffee. Xir's fated mate is the "bad" guy(asshole that really just wants to be left alone) from the first book. The 3rd part that may just be a short story follows a pack of raptor shifters who share a fated mate.
There is language barriers, possessiveness, protectiveness, miscommunication, all in good fun.
For fanfiction let's swing with my Simon/Jayne Firefly A/B/O AU.
Simon, an omega, has been on suppressants for his entire adult life. He runs out. He wants to go get more and Mal makes him take Jayne for safety. Well unfortunately Simon falls into heat. And in the process imprints on the safest person around, Jayne. So the crew gets to deal with the fall out of that and instincts going a bit wild.
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biomic · 5 months
Top five individual pieces of Sentai mecha?
fuck it all. top 10
10. gaomadillo
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9. buster animal rh-03 rabbit
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8. topgaler
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7. tyramigo
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6. gao gorilla
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5. hurricane leon
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4. tricera
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3. god kamakiri
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2. magi mermaid
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1. haruka :)
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justhilary123 · 3 months
His Tricera-Bottoms!: Episode 63
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One prehistoric day, Mickey welcomes us to his backyard Dino park. And then, we embark on a Dino Safari together. We rev up the engine on our safari Jeep so we can get going, after finding the right button we started our Dino safari.
Mickey spotted some dinosaur eggs and noticed something behind the eggs. But, when we took a closer look, we saw a Rubber Chicken-Saurus! Then, we saw a baby ankylosaurus. It was a cute little Dino. Mickey tells it that when it grows up, it’ll weigh ten thousand pounds. Wow! That’s as heavy as a big truck. Then, we continue looking for more dinosaurs.
Mickey roars so that a dinosaur in the yard would roar right back. But, his roar surprisingly attracted more dinosaurs. And then, Mickey spots a triceratops and then, he told a joke, "What does a triceratops sit on?", "His Tricera-Bottoms!", and then, Mickey saw what looked like a dinosaur bone, but, it turns out it was Pluto’s toy bone. Then, Mickey saw a T-Rex and he played fetch with the T-Rex. But, Mickey’s throw accidentally knocked the camera over. But, not to worry, we’re still here and Mickey thought the camera turned off and then, we saw a Pteranodon. It was a lot of fun going on a Dino safari with Mickey.
If you’re a big fan of Jurassic Park, or better yet, Dinosaurs, "Dino Safari", is the one for you.
Mickey is in top form here. Throughout this entire vlog, Mickey wore a prehistoric hat from "Digging for Dinos", he also wore a safari Jeep. When we’re about to head off on a Dino safari, Mickey accidentally pressed the wrong button, but, when he finds the right one, we began our Dino Safari.
When Mickey spotted some dinosaur eggs, he also saw a Rubber Chicken-Saurus. And the baby ankylosaurus is so cute. As Mickey continues looking for more dinosaurs, he roars so that a dinosaur would roar right back, but, his roar surprisingly attracted more dinosaurs. And then, he spots a triceratops and Mickey told us a joke, leading us to his funny, but, best line in the entire vlog, "What does a triceratops sit on?", "His Tricera-Bottoms!"
The crazy part was when Mickey played fetch with a T-Rex, after he found Pluto’s toy bone. But, Mickey’s throw accidentally knocked the camera over. And Mickey was glad we’re okay and he thought the camera turned out.
And with that said, let’s take a look at some prehistoric screenshots.
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So, here’s our prehistoric mouse. He looks like he’s all ready for today’s Dino safari.
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Our Dino safari begins with us seeing some dinosaur eggs.
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Here’s the Rubber Chicken-Saurus!
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Mickey sees a baby ankylosaurus and it was so cute. It’ll weigh ten thousand pounds when it grows up. That’s as heavy as a big truck.
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Whenever I think of this vlog, my mind immediately goes to the part where Mickey roars so that a dinosaur in the yard would roar right back, but, his roar attracted more dinosaurs. I didn’t see that one coming and neither did he, I suspect.
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Here’s Mickey telling us a triceratops joke, "What does a triceratops sit on?", "His Tricera-Bottoms!", and to think that to this day, this would be the kind of joke Freyja doesn’t get.
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Mickey then sees what looks like a dinosaur bone, but, realized that it’s just Pluto’s toy bone. Then, a T-Rex appears and Mickey asked if it wants to play fetch in which the T-Rex complies with. Ya know what’s gonna happen next…
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Mickey’s throw accidentally knocked the camera over. Mickey walks over and reacts, "Whoa! Uh oh! You still there? I thought the camera turned off.", just horrific for the sake of being horrific.
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And of course, here’s the Pteranodon. She’s such a good girl, ain’t she?
Closing Line: "Till next time we can play, have a Dino-Riffic day!"
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paleopinesofficial · 6 months
nvm the joke was lamer than I thought so a pun instead. what do you call dinosaur twins? Pair-odactyls!
A tricera-top level pun 😉
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jellycatsdaily · 1 year
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Jellycat of the Day | 30th August 2023
↳ Duffie Dino | 2018 Retired Design
"She's the tricera-tops!"
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regaliasonata · 5 months
The Tyrannozord is still mad that Conner still doesn’t realize she’s a girl.
She threatens any guys he tries to flirt with on his college campus, karma works around 👌🏾😭🔴🦖
Personalities for the other zords
Ptera(Yellow): Female, very informative but doesn't like most humans.
Tricera(Blue): Male, Happy most of the time, compared to Ethan he's not really smart
Brachio(Black): Unknown for now, very quiet and observing.
Dragozord(White): Male, like Top-Galar in Abaranger he speaks in third person but is very smart
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captainmvf · 8 months
OCs and what their Fossil Fighters vivosaur team would be bc I am bored and have brain worms-
Hi! This is exactly what the title says. This is also going to get a bit long. Also these are just the ones off the top of my head, I'll come back to this again if I have more Thoughts.
Carta Mantua:
Tried to get some space-themed and white-colored vivos in here but her ace would be a T-Rex Lord with a Silver Leg Alectro and a Silver Body Aopteryx for support. I'll also give her a Frontier Coatlus and Papygon.
Golden Time
A mix of time-themed vivos and some regal eastern ones. She would love sauropods. Frontier Toba would be her ace. Silver Arm Krona and a Ryden for support.
Tried to get in some good support vivosaurs and wishing star motifs. I think small triceras would be her favorite. Silver Head Proto, Silver Head Mihu, and Frontier Ajka would be a great team.
Ice Flame
Needed that mix of fire and ice for her so she's getting a Yango, Silver Head Jiango, and Silver Body Kentro team. She'd not much of a believer in ace vivosaurs so she balances out her team into any and all formations.
Fire Angel
I wanted to give her a whole team of fire birds but they can't fly so she's getting fire type pterasaurs! Frontier Ptera JP and Silver Leg Sungari for support. Dimorph Ace would be her ace (haha). She's blind and not too picky on colors so she would choose miraculous fossils by how powerful it would make her vivosaur.
Candy Corn Vampire
No bat vivos. :( Sad! Anyway, tried to get some funky Halloween ones. A Breme and Silver Head Hopter for support. His ace is the Silver Body Zino of course of course.
Oblivion Starlight
She was really hard to pin down, but I decided to make her a Neutral specialist. Silver Head Brachio, Silver Head Mihu, and a Penta would be her main team, but she'd also have a Neo and Silver Body Tophis on rotation.
Deathly Toll Bells
There are no Greek vivos to add but she would have a Seidon. A Silver Head Stygi and a Frontier Mapo would also be on her team. She'd also have Kaishin up her sleeve if she wanted a serious battle.
Lady Law
She'd try to make a balanced team I'd say. No clear ace but she'd have a Paki, Silver Body Dikelo, and Silver Head Tanstro. I wanted her to have some 'weird' vivos.
I think Perry would enjoy a team of little guys to be her little helpers. Compso and Coelo for support and a Dacerus for her ace. She's not big on silver fossils, only gold ones.
Gave them a unicorn as their ace: Omias. Silver Head Parium and a Silver Arm Elasmoth for support. Didn't want to give them a dream/sleep themed team so much but I think they should have a Silver Head Jara, Silver Arm Nigo, and a Squirth in rotation.
Mary Blüde
She would most like get a 'patchwork' team that wouldn't look like it matches at first but actually has great support. A Silver Leg Tro and a Hibigon would be on her support. For a touch of regality she can have a Giga Allo for an ace. She always keeps her ace in the front like an axe so it can always deal heavy blows. She'd get a Lythro along the way.
Scarlet Frost
Water type specialist all the way! The more icy the better. Silver Arm Thalasso would be a good pick. Silver Leg Oloro would also be a good support and Frontier Cryo would be her ace.
Went with a punk theme and vivos that had a 'metal' aesthetic going on. Her ace would be a Silver Leg Cheirus and she would also have a Silver Body Breme. Later on she would be able to get an O-Raptor Fiend and Diplo.
Had to really scratch my head but I decided to give her a team of 'underdogs' for theming. A Silver Body Shanshan and a V-Raptor for support and an Aeros as her ace. I wanted all her vivos to be capable of super evolving, but the Shanshan was perfect for theming and the whole Tarbo/classification situation fits well with her story.
No goat vivos so she's getting a full fire team! She'll have a Guan as her ace and a U-Raptor and Peloro for support. She'd try to make all three balanced.
Ti Gold
No prehistoric bears- Sad! Let's give them a Silver Head Megath, B-Brachio, and Frontier F-Raptor. I also think she would be able to make a team out of Z-vivosaurs.
Madeleine Marionette
I really wanted to give her a deer but I went more with her fear-inducing color pallet and nature. She gets a Megalo of course of course and a Silver Head Krypto. Let's also give her a Silver Arm Nasaur for cute factor.
He needs a creepy team full of Z- and B-vivos in my opinion but I think realistically he should have the 'average' kind of vivosaurs. So let's give him a Spinax as his ace and Edapho and Stego for support.
She gets an unruly Titanis for her ace and two tanky vivosaurs for support: a Silver Head Pachrino and a Tricera. She'd super evolve her Tricera given the chance.
Going to give him a 'dog' vivo and make his team based more on his three friends (Shiela, Yippee!, and Ghostworx). The easy answer would have been to give him three Dinomatons. He'd have a Silver Head Hoplo as his ace and a Silver Arm Orno and a Silver Head Dunkle.
Creepy deer all the way. Silver Body Ceros and a Silver Head Synthos for support. I'm also giving them a B-Rex.
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anemonequeen · 2 years
so you're telling me that this tricera tops?
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tricera top going fast #dynomyte #dinosaur #pixelart #gamedev
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evindias · 8 months
Yamaha Tricera three wheeler unveiled with a n unique style
Japanese automotive company Yamaha has unveiled a three wheeler electric car as the the Tricera at Japan Automobile Show in Japan,2024. It is a three wheelers car that comes with two wheels in the front and one is rear side. The car top spot is open. The vehicle is designed for personal mobility to deliver an “unparalleled feeling of freedom of an open-top car but also a new Kando-filled driving…
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duckingwriting · 3 months
Find the word tag
I was tagged by @winterandwords here
I'm no pressure tagging: @mrbexwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @sarahlizziewrites, @oh-no-another-idea, @mthollowell-writes, and leaving an open tag
Your words will be - Club, Pink, West, Fun
my words were; none, less, more, and all
none - yet to be named Simon/Mal firefly fic(for once not an A/B/O story)
"Alright, since when do you carry Doc?" Jayne finally couldn't seem to contain himself anymore.  "Couple months after we left you guys." Simon ducked his head, pulling his ear a bit. "Haven't needed it often but..." "Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." Zoe nodded her head in what Simon took as rare approval.  Simon kept his attention mostly on Mal, keeping him steady on the Mule with  Zoe while Jayne finally turned his attention back to the path he was driving. "Aint no good if you can't shoot none." Jayne huffed. "I've practiced." Simon admitted. Jayne snorted as if he did not believe what was said.
less - from You Spino me right 'round
Vitale had not finished his hunt earlier. And he thought that if he showed his mate he could provide for him then perhaps he would be less inclined to bolt. Once his mate knew that Vitale would be a good mate in turn, he hoped his mate would simply settle down and they could work no figuring out how to communicate with one another. But he could not take his mate hunting with him. His mate was too soft. Too easily made into prey himself. But he needed his mate to stay here. In the den where it was safer. He did not know if he could get his mate to  obey though.
more - from Tricera-TOPS
His mouth opened and a strange sound left his mouth again. This close Kathrin realized the horns she had previously thought was black were more iridescent, color shifting as he tipped his head. Every time he made a sound a large stone that was suspended from some kind of woven cord at the base of his throat glowed. Most of his scales were were a dark, nearly black green, however his head was a deep golden color with bright blue streaks up his frill. Matching blue curled around his chest and both his hands and feet were a gold that matched his head.
all - from my A/B/O Avatar fanfiction - TW/CW - mentions of sex and cussing
"What do you mean?" Something in Norm's tone told Jake the other avatar driver knew exactly what he meant. "I'm pretty sure we fucked. Maybe mated." Jake chased the foggy memories in his mind. If he was honest he wasn't sure how reliable his memories were. He thought they had connected their tswin, thought he remembered feeling Tsu'tey more than just physically. "...I hope not." Norm's voice was soft and his gaze full of pity. "Na'vi mate for life." Jake's laugh was forced even to his own ears. "I'm probably wrong. After all I'm just a dumb jar head. Probably missed something. And it's not like my memory is fully there at the moment."
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poshstory · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Matchbox Jurassic World Dino Rivals Tricera-Tracker.
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pupstop · 10 months
Tricera-tops among dog toys, this fun Dino Egg is stands up to strong chompers! DURABLE CHEW TOY: The Dino Egg Treat Dispenser is designed to withstand the abuse of most “power chewer” dogs. DISPENSES TREATS: Help your dog fight boredom by filling the Dino Egg with kibble and dog treats. The toothed opening helps retain treats, creating a greater challenge for your dog to get at the goodies…
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pronounsrus · 3 years
Dinosaur theme works too !! *^^* -🩹 anon
oki dok!
couldnt find the post where the anon submitted some ^^;
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Dinkie Dino is finally an adult T-Rex. Cut it real close because that battery is almost completely drained. ( on that note, I realize now I never owned a v-pet long enough to see it's battery die when I was a kid. At least not that I remember. )
You'd think it was super easy to get a T-Rex given the instructions were just to feed it only meat, but I guess Burgers don't count as meat, and I ended up with another brachiosaurus baby.
I still need to draw the last stage for Tricera tops but I do plan to get back to drawing, but now I can just draw the whole life cycle for T-Rex in one go. With that, though, I've raised all possible forms of Dinkie Dino on the original V-pet, and I can put it back in the box when the 1st comes, and pull out a new non digimon v-pet. I do love Dinkie Dino though, so I will run it again for fun someday, I even want to get my hands on other dinkie pets!
( sorry, no pic because the battery is so bad it wouldn't show up anyway. )
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Valentine's Day prompt?
Buck being super romantic and buying eddie a big bouquet and fancy chocolate. It's not really a prompt but eddie deserves flowers.
For you, my love. 
Buck and Eddie have a date. On Valentine’s Day.
This wouldn’t be such a big deal if the last time Buck went on a Valentine’s date didn’t end up with him in the hospital because he choked on a piece of bread. He really, really doesn’t want to repeat that experience again, thank you very much.
To say that he’s nervous... well, he’ll openly admit that he is. He’s been nervous all week because Eddie is the one who asked him out. It wasn’t just your run of the mill “Hey, Buck, do you want to hang out on Valentine’s day this year? Like as bros?”
No, God isn’t that kind. Buck could handle hanging out as bros on Valentine’s day, no problem.
Instead, the other night, after Christopher had gone to bed and they were chilling on the couch with a couple of beers in hand, Eddie asked him if he would be his Valentine.
Part of Buck wants to claim that Eddie was under the influence of alcohol, that it was a joke, that Eddie wasn’t serious about it.
But then Eddie got nervous when they were on shift together next. Whenever they were alone, just the two of them, Eddie would ask where Buck wanted to go, if he wanted the date to be fancy or not, just trying to figure out what they were going to do on their Valentine’s date.
On their first date.
Look, Buck isn’t going to come out here and say that he’s been in love with him since the day that he and Eddie met. He’s not.
Buck and Eddie have a date. On Valentine’s Day.
This wouldn’t be such a big deal if the last time Buck went on a Valentine’s date didn’t end up with him in the hospital because he choked on a piece of bread. He really, really doesn’t want to repeat that experience again, thank you very much.
To say that he’s nervous... well, he’ll openly admit that he is. He’s been nervous all week because Eddie is the one who asked him out. It wasn’t just your run of the mill “Hey, Buck, do you want to hang out on Valentine’s day this year? Like as bros?”
No, God isn’t that kind. Buck could handle hanging out as bros on Valentine’s day, no problem.
Instead, the other night, after Christopher had gone to bed and they were chilling on the couch with a couple of beers in hand, Eddie asked him if he would be his Valentine.
Part of Buck wants to claim that Eddie was under the influence of alcohol, that it was a joke, that Eddie wasn’t serious about it.
But then Eddie got nervous when they were on shift together next. Whenever they were alone, just the two of them, Eddie would ask where Buck wanted to go, if he wanted the date to be fancy or not, just trying to figure out what they were going to do on their Valentine’s date.
On their first date.
Look, Buck isn’t going to come out here and say that he’s been in love with him since the day that he and Eddie met. He’s not.
Bucks not exactly sure when he fell in love with Eddie.
It wasn’t love at first sight by any means. No, that would have been too easy.
He didn’t wake up one day and decide that he loves him.
It happened slowly, like the way that snow melts at the top of the mountain, turns into a stream that turns into a creek. That creek turns into a river that floods its way through valleys and rips its way down waterfalls.
For Buck, it started out small. It might have even started as a flurry in the sky, minuscule and cold. Then, as the seasons changed, it warmed and, slowly made its way out to sea.
It probably would have been a little easier to process if it was love at first sight or if he just woke up one day and knew that he was in love with Eddie.
Maybe then he wouldn’t have taken quite so long to come to terms with it. Maybe if he had just known, he wouldn’t have spent so much time second-guessing it. Maybe he would have been able to tell him sooner.
The thing about Eddie is he’s thoughtful in ways that Buck has never experienced. He invites Buck along on adventures with Christopher. He invites him over just because and makes sure that Buck is comfortable. He pulls Buck out of his comfort zone, and if he’s honest he didn’t realize he had very many of those left.
Eddie leaves Christopher with his Abuela when he thinks there’s something going on with Buck, especially now, after the lawsuit. He sits down with him over beers and he has this inexplicable way of making Buck feel seen and heard.
If Buck thinks about it long enough, Eddie has shown him throw small acts of love how he loves him. Whether or not it’s a familial type of love, Buck isn’t sure.
What Buck is sure about though, is Eddie made the first move. He’s not the type of person to try to one-up Eddie, by any means, but if Eddie is going through the effort to make the evening special, then by God, is Buck going to try and make it special too.
Maybe, just maybe, Buck is thinking too hard about everything. Maybe this isn’t love that he’s feeling. Maybe the date is just a stupid joke. Maybe Eddie doesn’t actually like him, he just doesn’t want to be alone on Valentine’s Day... again.
Look, Buck also doesn’t want to be alone on Valentine’s day. It’s hard enough having to walk through Target and see all of the shelves lined with red and hearts and enough chocolate to put someone in a coma.
There is a good rebuttal for this being a stupid joke, too. Eddie isn’t cruel. Buck knows Eddie, on a deep and fairly intimate level. You don’t spend years of your life working with someone in such close proximity and not pick up on a trait like that.
If it isn’t love, then what is it?
Look, Buck cared for Abby, sure. He had feelings for Ali that felt pretty close to love. He loves his sister, he loves his team, his family.
Whatever he’s feeling, he’s not sure he’s ever felt it before. These feelings are for Eddie.
He just hopes that Eddie feels the same.
So, Buck gets dressed up. He puts on a white button-down shirt, his best pair of slacks, (that he recently got tailored, thank you very much), and a red tie. He puts on a nice pair of dress shoes that have been sitting in his closet for a while and an overcoat just to complete the look.
Was this too much? It felt like, with Eddie, this could be too much.
Oh well, he was dressed. He wasn’t going to wear sneakers out on their first date, even if he didn’t know where they were going.
On his way over to Eddie’s, he stops at the store. He gets two obnoxious bouquets of flowers, one for Eddie and one for Carla, who is watching Chris tonight. He picks out some chocolates and picks up a few cards, with every intention of writing some sort of over-the-top, cheesy message in them. They deserved it.
He also picks up a stuffed dinosaur that’s holding a heart that says be mine for Christopher, because he immediately thought of him when he saw it and the kid deserves to be spoiled every now and then.
He checks out at the store, then hops in his Jeep. He pulls out a pen from his work bag and pulls out Christophers card first.
Chris, I think you are dinomite, and you make my heart saur Love, Your Bucky
He adds a few little hearts on the envelopes and puts Christopher’s valentines together in one bag before he moves on to Carla’s card.
He pulls out Carla’s card, which simply says I LOVE YOU on the front because it’s Carla. He could tell her that he loved her without it being weird. Carla was Carla and she made sure that everyone in her life knew that they were loved. He loves her to the moon and back. She’s been there for him through it all. He can only imagine how thrilled she is to be watching Chris tonight so that he and Eddie can actually go on a date, like she’s been hinting at for the last year or so, bless her.
Carla, Thanks for being there through it all. Thanks for always being a constant light in all of our lives. I hope you have a great Valentine’s day. You are the tricera-tops Love, Buck.
He kinda wants to stick to the dinosaur theme with Eddie, he’s just not sure how. He could just do something that’s cheesy in general, but he’s not entirely sure what to put. The card itself isn’t too sappy. It has two little cactus’ on it that says stuck on you, which he thought was pretty cute and not over the top. There were some that had full-on love declarations, and he was ready to throw the idea of getting Eddie a card completely out the window until he saw this one.
Buck was stuck on Eddie. He had been since he met him, but especially since he and Ali broke up. Eddie was there. He was there through his leg injury, he was there, pulling him out of bed after the embolism. He was there even after Buck almost lost his kid in a tsunami.
He sat there for a few minutes, trying to decide what to write on Eddie’s card. What works but isn’t too over the top? What will Eddie find cute and thoughtful?
Dear Eddie, I guess you can say that I’ve been stuck on you the last few years. You and Chris mean a lot to me, and I’m excited to actually go on a date with you. Looking forward to more in the future. Love, Buck.
P.S. You can thank google for this awful dinosaur pun (it was UNDER KIDS DINO PUNS I SWEAR). you give me a massive T-rextion.
Maybe the last part was a little too much, but it was Eddie after all. They share inappropriate jokes from time to time and Buck thinks he’ll think it’s funny.
He puts Eddie’s card and chocolates in another bag, then drives to the Diaz house.
He pulls into Eddie’s driveway beside his truck and heads up to the door. His palms are a little sweaty and he’s nervous. More nervous than he actually thought he’d be.
He doesn’t even make it to the door before it’s opened for him.
“Bucky!” Chris says with the biggest grin on his face.
“Hey, Superman, Happy Valentine’s Day,” Buck says and hands him the small bag of Valentine’s he got him.
“For me?” He asks, happily taking it.
“Yep,” Buck assures and steps into the house.
“Well, don’t you look nice,” Carla says with a grin, coming to help him with the door.
“These are for you,” he hums, handing Carla one of the bouquets.
“Oh, darling, you didn’t have to get me anything,” she says, taking them with a smile.
“Oh, and I got you this,” he says and hands her the bag of chocolates and the card he got for her.
“Thank you,” she says with a smile, walking into the kitchen with him. “He’s still getting ready.”
“Okay,” Buck says, feeling his cheeks flush pink.
“You look very handsome,” she tells him and pats his cheek.
“Thanks,” he says, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Do you want me to let him know you’re here?” She asks like she could sense how nervous he was. Why did Carla have to be so damn perceptive? He loves her.
“No, no, I can do it,” he says, but immediately regrets it. Was it weird to go into Eddies room to tell him that he was there? Should his mouth be this dry? Should he be this nervous?
Carla gives him a gentle push, and that’s all it takes for him to head in the direction of his bedroom. The door is shut, so he knocks on it.
“Come in,” he hears Eddie say from the other side, so he pushes it open and leans against the door frame.
“Hey,” Buck announces his arrival.
“Hey,” Eddie says, turning around with a smile on his face.
Eddie looks... he looks amazing. Buck can’t help but let his gaze linger over the suit that he’s wearing. It’s dark grey, the perfect contrast to Buck’s black, and he’s wearing a tie that is red and black striped, just hanging, waiting to be tied. The whole look is... it’s doing things to Buck.
“Wow, you look amazing,” Buck says before he horribly embarrasses himself by just staring. By the looks of it, Eddie is just as caught up in Buck’s attire.
“So do you,” Eddie says, reaching up to smooth down a few stray hairs.
“Thanks,” he replies with a soft smile. “Oh, here, these are for you,” he says, offering out the treats that he brought him. “There’s, uh, there are flowers in the kitchen for you too.”
“Buck, you didn’t have to buy me flowers,” he tells him earnestly, setting the gift bag on his dresser so that he could finish getting ready.
“I know, but I wanted to,” he says, then steps into his room to help him with his tie.
“Dad! Dad, look at what Bucky got me!” Chris says proudly, holding out the dinosaur Buck bought.
“Wow, míjo, that’s awesome,” Eddie says with a smile, then turns to give Buck an affectionate look. His heart melts a little for it.
“Thanks, Buck!” Chris says, coming into hug his legs. Buck lets go of Eddie’s tie and moves down to hug Christopher.
“Of course, buddy,” he smiles.
Eddie looks into his bag and pulls out the card. He smiles at the chocolates and sets them down on the dresser, pulling out his card.
He looks at the front of the card for a moment, then glances at Buck with a fond, loving expression before he opens it. His smile grows a little wider, and then he snorts, presumably when he reads the comment Buck wrote on the bottom.
“Thanks, Buck,” he says and pulls him into a hug.
“Of course, Eds,” he says, hugging him back.
Christopher pulls Buck out into the living room after that, so that Eddie can finish getting ready. It doesn’t take him much longer, seeing as though he was mostly put together, minus his shoes and his tie. Buck stands up when Eddie comes back into the living room, and ruffles Christopher’s hair.
“You ready?” Buck asks, looking at Eddie.
“Yeah, let me just grab my keys,” he says with a smile.
He grabs his keys from the island in the kitchen, then comes back with a grin on his face.
“What?” Buck asks, smiling back at him.
“Nothing, just the flowers,” he says, gesturing back. “Sunflowers are my favorite.”
Buck looks down at his feet, smiling bashfully. “I know.”
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