#trevor had been there to show how important jamie was. what would he have done? literally nothing but that does not stop the emotional guil
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crossbackpoke-check · 6 months ago
Looks like that video is about a month & a half after The Trade and trevors broken ankle 😣
re: this video… anon 😭 i had suspicions but it is so much worse to have them confirmed that really was like. trevor’s first Public Appearance without jamie AND post-broken ankle which is traumatic in and of itself no wonder every beat reporter was like ‘oh yeah trevor’s just devastated’
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wouldn’t you be miserable too if your best friend just got traded and your body betrayed you and what if it was maybe all your fault!!!
#bestie thank you so much for fact-checking me 🙏🙏🥰🥰 i love when y’all come in my inbox & answer the questions i yell into the void of my tag#we are Suffering about trevor TOGETHER in this house. if i scrolled all the way to the bottom of my drafts i think i could find even more#heartbreaking content from before The Trade but we don’t need to suffer that much otherwise the penguin cup of tea is really irish coffee#confirms ALL of my theories about miserable trevor leaning into mason for comfort because in some universes that’s THEIR boyfriend who left#liv in the replies#trevor zegras#mason mctavish#need to go lay on the floor about this one folks. do you think trevor said he would only do it if mason came if he could sit next to mason#right at the end where people were rushing out not stopping to talk tired by the end of the line and not even thinking just to guarantee he#wouldn’t get asked anything because he still has a hard time believing it’s real he keeps thinking jamie’ll be there especially w/his ankle#i’m sure he doesn’t have a great time with stairs so he probably will nap on the couch sometimes and that moment right when he first wakes#up to the bang of the door and he doesn’t quite know he’s awake yet and he thinks it’s jamie coming in? heartbreaker right there bud. sorry#ALSO because I can’t say it and leave it alone I almost put that last bit strictly in the tags but like. there’s gotta be some part of#trevor that knows it’s nothing to do with him but still naïvely believes that if he’d maybe been there if he hadn’t been injured things#could have worked out differently if he’d been there and it’s his fault his ankle broke and do you remember all the interviews jamie gave#about how you never think you’ll be traded and how strange it is to be moving and now i need you to take that naïveté times 1000 for trevor#who of course he never even pictures jamie leaving they were building the core together!!! why would they ever get rid of him!! and if only#trevor had been there to show how important jamie was. what would he have done? literally nothing but that does not stop the emotional guil#from enveloping trevor like a rain cloud and making him sit in mason’s apartment with ice cream bowl in hand. holistic treatment l
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gra-sonas · 5 years ago
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On the Season 2 finale of The CW series Roswell, New Mexico, while most of the attendees of CrashCon survived unscathed, many of the beloved characters were faced with choices in their own lives that forced them to make decisions that could set them on very different life paths in Season 3. How any of it will ultimately play out, only time will tell, but for now, there’s plenty of time to speculate while waiting for new episodes.
And in the meantime, we got on the phone to chat 1-on-1 with showrunner Carina Adly MacKenzie about tying up all of the family threads this season, shooting the last two episodes at a carnival, the scene that had to be cut, digging deeper into Max’s alien side, which character is most content with who they are, the importance of the abortion storyline in Season 2, how the plan for Season 3 will evolve, and what fans should make of that shocking final moment.
Collider: A lot of threads get tied up in this season finale, and you really pulled together a lot of the family storylines this season, from the Ortecho family, to the aliens and their family history, to Maria (Heather Hemmens) and her mother, to the Manes men, and even Cameron (Riley Voelkel) and Charlie (Jamie Clayton). Was that something that was always a really apparent theme for this season, or was that something that just happened, along the way?
CARINA ADLY MacKENZIE: That just happened. My only experience, other than working on Roswell, was working on The Originals, which was a show about family, so I think that my storytelling inclination is always in that direction. I also think that the age of the characters, when everybody’s coming into their 30s, that’s when you start to build your family, and you start to examine where you came from and decide where you want to go, as far as the people that you surround yourself with. And so, it just came about organically. I like telling family stories. I think that there’s a complicated nature to the people that you’re stuck with and who you were put here with, and figuring out how they fit in your life and whether they fit in your life is an ongoing process.
These last episodes have a lot going on, between a carnival, a fire, and all of these big things happening. What was it like to set these last two episodes in a carnival, and what were the biggest production challenges in pulling all of that off?
MacKENZIE: Well, I’m glad that we did it when we did it because I don’t think we’d be able to do it in a post-COVID world. Honestly, it was easier than I thought it was gonna be. We had a real carnival team come in and set up the carnival. The cotton candy truck was working and you could go get a fried Oreo in the middle of work. [Michael] Vlamis and I rode the rides, during a break. It was not as hard as it seems. We did have to cut one scene that we shot on the Ferris wheel because it turns out that it’s not that easy to shoot on a Ferris wheel in the daytime. I was like, “But I’ve got so many favorite shows that have Ferris wheel scenes,” and I realized that most of those are in the night because you don’t have to worry about these massive shadows getting cast over your actors, while you’re trying to shoot. But really, it was pretty seamless. Our crew worked really hard. Everyone was in really good spirits and really good moods. We shot all night, on weekends, trying to get that done, but everybody was very happy to be there. It was cool. It was fun. It was a little detour into childhood, riding the Sizzler.
Did you have to entirely cut that Ferris wheel scene that you mentioned, or did you just have to move it to a different setting?
MacKENZIE: No, we had to cut it entirely. After it was shot, we looked at it and it didn’t look like our show. It was a scene between Kyle (Michael Trevino) and Steph (Justina Adorno), so I was sad to see it on the cutting room floor, but it’s hard to strap a camera to a Ferris wheel and send it on its way.
Having CrashCon does pay homage to the original series and their UFO Convention. Was that something that you intentionally wanted to acknowledge?
MacKENZIE: Yeah. UFO Con is a huge part of the culture in the real Roswell, so we definitely wanted to get there, eventually. It was a fun journey, deciding how to tell that story. Comic Cons tend to be inside with a lot of people standing in lines, and they’re not that pretty. So, we wanted to figure out a way to tell the story of this convention, but make it look cool and make it pretty. The carnival idea came up, as a closing night carnival, and it was super fun to film. We had a couple of very, very long, very, very late, and very, very cold nights at the fair, but it was fun for the crew. I think everyone was in super good spirits, and it was a fun way to end our run for the season.
Just when Max (Nathan Parsons) really does have everything that he’s wanted, he seemed as though he was willing to risk it all, in order to keep pushing for answers about his alien side. Why did you want to dig deeper into that, and why is he willing to put everything else on the line, right now, in order to get those answers?
MacKENZIE: When we meet with Max in Season 1, he has very much rejected his alien side. He’s got this whole never be extraordinary rule in his life. Knowing Liz (Jeanine Mason), and being in a relationship with Liz and seeing how inquisitive she is and how much she strives to solve the mysteries of the universe, has really affected him. I also think that, for a long time, he was willing to settle for a life that he was only half living, and seeing Isobel (Lily Cowles), in particular, really come into her own this season, and learn about her background and who she is and who she wants to be, has really influenced him. He’s got a curiosity that he just can’t satiate. Ironically Liz does, too, but their interests are not aligning.
By the end of this season, who would you say is most content in knowing what they need to do next?
MacKENZIE: I think a person who is most content, at the end of the season, is Alex. Losing his father, his renewed relationship with his brother, and the ongoing coming out process that he’s been experiencing, has brought him to a place where he’s figured out a way to be who he is. I think that we’re gonna see him really blossom next season.
I love that you also were able to not only have him find his voice figuratively, but literally, as well, with the song that he sang (called “Would You Come Home”).
MacKENZIE: Thank you. I’m really proud of that song. I wrote it with Leslie Powell and Charlie Snyder, who are really phenomenal songwriters. I’ve been writing songs for a long time, and this is the first time anyone’s ever actually heard one. It was really cool to put ourselves into Alex’s shoes and to direct Tyler in the performance of that, when we were in the studio. I love the way that the montage came together, and I’m very proud of it. I’m really excited for it to be out there. We’re going to release it on all of the various platforms, and all of my royalties are gonna go to the Trevor Project. Hopefully, it’ll do some good for the character and some good for the world, ultimately.
I also have to commend you on the whole abortion storyline this season. Abortion is clearly a topic that TV shows tend to avoid, and when shows do take that risk, they also tend to never say the word. Do you think that this being a sci-fi show and the character being an alien helped, in being able to explore that, or do you think that you would have been able to do that anyway?
MacKENZIE: I think I would have been able to do it anyway. I actually think that it was really important to tell that story in a very human way. The big conflict that came up was the amount of blood that we saw in the episode. There was a suggestion from the network, at one point, where they said, “Can you make the blood iridescent? Can you make it look alien and put the same effect on it that you put on the pods and on the glass?” And I dug my heels in really hard and said, “No, it needs to look bloody. It needs to look ugly. It needs to look like an act of violence. Forcing a woman to essentially perform an un-medically supervised abortion is an act of violence.” And ultimately, I’m really grateful for the studio and the network’s support in that. It was important that it felt very much like a human moment because that’s how we told it. We wanted to say, “Okay, what does this really look like? What does it really feel like, to be a woman in a desperate situation without access to the care that she needs?” I’m very, very proud of that storyline. It was hard and it was scary, but I think that we told it with a lot of love. I was very, very proud of Lily and very proud of Nathan. It was tough, but it was definitely worth it.
I’m guessing that you had a plan for Season 3, before you knew how the world would be changing. Will you be able to hold onto what you wanted to do for the third season, or are you thinking about and re-evaluating everything that you had planned to do?
MacKENZIE: Well, interestingly enough, the writers’ room took a break before George Floyd’s death. When we took a break, we had sketched out an entire season that was built around racism in the police department in this small town. And so, we are looking at that story with new eyes. We’re still gonna tell the story, but the pressure is on, more than ever, to get it right because it feels like the world is tuned into that station right now. So, we’re re-evaluating that, on our storytelling side, and obviously, we are also paying a lot of attention to how things evolve, as far as how we can tell our stories safely. We have a lot of contingency plans for how to sketch out a romance, if characters can’t be touching and kissing, as much as normal. And if we can’t pack our diner and our bar set full of extras, how do we tell stories in those spaces? One of the things that I learned, working on The Originals, from Michael Narducci, who was the showrunner over there for awhile, was that no matter what happens on set, when you’re the showrunner, even if it’s not your fault, it is your problem, and that’s how we’re approaching storytelling. The virus is frustrating. It’s not our fault and it’s annoying to have to re-evaluate the way that we tell stories, but our cast and crew’s safety is really, really important. And so, we are trying to creatively write our way out of a difficult situation, as every writer in town is trying to do right now. As an industry, we’re just gonna have to have to evolve and our audience is gonna have to evolve a little bit. We’ll manage.
Obviously, the end of the finale has a shocking moment, in regard to the aliens. What should we make of that? Is that something that will also be a big part of the next season?
MacKENZIE: Yeah, we’ve got a new character, and he’s around for the long haul, Farmer Jones. He’s gonna have some answers, and he’s gonna really take what the characters think they know about where they came from, why they’re here, and who their families were, and challenge those ideas. Jones’ story of what happened in 1948 is very different from Nora and Louise’s take on the story. We dug into Michael and Isobel’s family in Season 2, and I think it’s time that we do a little exploring with Max and make up for all of that work that Nathan was not doing, at the beginning of Season 2, and put him to work twice in Season 3.
~ CoIIider
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix
So you want to be terrifed. Well, you’ve come to the right place, my friend. Everybody already knows that Netflix is a splendid place for viewers coming in search of all their bingeworthy content. But less appreciated is how satisfyingly scary some of their horror offerings are.
From originals like The Haunting of Hill House to foreign classics like The Returned, Netflix can be a go-to spot for the scariest horror TV shows available to stream. Here is a sampling of the kinds of series that horror thrill-seekers may appreciate.
Editor’s Note: This post is updated monthly. Bookmark this page to see what the best horror shows on Netflix are at your convenience.
The Haunting of Hill House
Shirley Jackson’s novel The Haunting of Hill House is considered one of the most important texts in the horror literature canon. It’s only fitting then that it’s Hill House that Netflix turned to when the time came to make its first big original horror series. It’s also fitting that they turned to Hush director Mike Flanagan to make it happen.
Flanagan’s version of The Haunting of Hill House is quite different from the novel from which it takes its name. This Haunting is a modern story that follows the Crain family as they try to recover from the trauma they sustained as kids living in the terrifying Hill House. Of course, Hill House is still out there just dying to call them all back home. Netflix is going to keep “The Haunting” going with The Haunting of Bly Manor and presumably more to come after that.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The consensus is that The Haunting of Bly Manor is significantly less scary than Mike Flanagan’s original Netflix series The Haunting of Hill House…and that consensus is correct. But there are still plenty of scares to be had in this worthy followup.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor Timeline Explained
By Louisa Mellor
Why The Haunting of Bly Manor Needed a British Script Editor
By Louisa Mellor
Bly Manor borrows elements from the works of Henry James, including The Turn of the Screw, to craft another affecting ghost story. Hill House‘s Victoria Pedretti returns as Dani, a young American woman who takes on a job as a governess to two young children at the titular Bly Manor. Soon Dani and all involved will come to find that Bly Manor holds some serious (weirdly romantic) secrets.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
After the Archie comic universe got a gritty reboot in The CW’s Riverdale, it was only a matter of time before Archie cousin comic Sabrina the Teenage Witch got her turn. Thankfully Netflix stepped up to the plate with the Kiernan Shipka starring Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and even more thankfully…it’s gritty as all hell.
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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina brings witchcraft back to its absolutely metal satanic origins. Sabrina Spellman (Shipka) is like any teenager at Baxter High. She’s concerned about her grades, her social status, and her impending 16th birthday in which she must undergo a dark ritual in which she’ll have to grant her loyalty to the Dark Lord Satan. Such is life for a half-mortal/half-witch.
Ash vs Evil Dead
Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead series (consisting of Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness) are some of the most deliriously bloody and fun slasher films ever committed to celluloid. Surely, however, a TV series made decades later couldn’t possibly bring the same level of thrill, could it?
Wrong! Starz’s Ash vs Evil Dead is another installment of fantastic comedy horror. Bruce Campbell returns as Evil Dead hero Ash Williams, who has done seemingly little with his life since battling the forces of evil (and dead) 30 years ago. That all changes when the dead walk once again and Ash, and some new friends must pick up the chainsaw once again.
Black Summer
In a zombie television landscape largely dominated by AMC’s The Walking Dead, Syfy’s Z Nation found a nice with a more playful, tongue-in-cheek presentation of the zombie apocalypse. In this spinoff, Black Summer, things get a touch darker.
Jamie King stars as Rose, a mother who is separated from her daughter during the height of a zombie apocalypse. Rose sets out on a mission to recover her and in the process builds a group of like-minded individuals looking for something they’ve lost.
Stranger Things
It seems so obvious now but in hindsight there was little buzz about this nostalgic tweenage horror project on Netflix from the relatively unknown Duffer Brothers. Little did we know that the Stev(ph)ens Spielberg and King inspired Stranger Things would be one of Netflix’s biggest hits.
Stranger Things takes place in the fictional Hawkins, Indiana in the mid-’80s. Hawkins is your typical smal ltown American city. The kids like to ride bikes, play Dungeons and Dragons, and tease one another. Little does everyone know that the mysterious government building on the outskirts of town may have opened a portal to another world – a portal that will usher in multiple seasons worth of monster fighting mayhem.
Netflix has beefed up its anime offerings in recent years and one of the first IPs they mined to do so was atmospheric Konami videogame series Castlevania. Originally planned as a film, Castlevania makes good use of its serialized format to pick up the horror story from where it begins with 1989 game Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
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And what a story it is. Wallachian lord (and vampire, obvs.) Vlad Dracula Tepes (Graham McTavish) falls into a mighty rage after his wife is wrongly accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Vlad summons an army of the dead to declare war on the living of Wallachia. The only people who stand in his path are a ragged band of heroes led by Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage).
Haunted is a bit of an odd duck among Netflix’s horror offerings. It was introduced for the 2018 Halloween season, just a week before the juggernaut Haunting of Hill House. As such, it got lost in the spooky shuffle. Still, this is a surprisingly effective take on your classic “tell a scary story” style TV series.
In Haunted, people tell their real life scary stories. That’s it. This is well-trodden ground on long running cable series like Ghost Stories and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Where Haunted differentiates itself is in its shockingly high production values, as witnessed in the ethereal screengrab above. Also, these stories are like…really scary.
Chambers only survived one season at Netflix, proving once again that it’s tough out there for horror television shows. But the one season legacy the show leaves behind is a decently spooky one.
Chambers tells a story that contains a pretty familiar, yet effective horror trope. Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose) receives a much-needed heart transplant from a girl named Becky Lafevre. Soon, Sasha begins to experience troubling visions and begins to unravel a conspiracy that brings her into contact with Becky’s parents (Uma Thurman and Tony Goldwyn).
Devilman Crybaby
Anime has always been ahead of the game when it comes to horror and there’s no better evidence of this than Devilman Crybaby. This Netflix anime is based on a manga Devilman and creates a lushly realized gothic world. 
In Devilman Crybaby, an ancient race of demons has returned to take back the world from humanity. Akira Fudo, a sensitive young lad, decides to save the world the only way he knows how: by fusing with a demon. The resulting freakshow, called Devilman, possesses the powers of a demon but the soul of a human. Now hopefully that’s enough to defeat the forces of evil.
American Horror Story
Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story is revolutionary in quite a few ways. Not only did it help usher in a renewed era of anthology storytelling on television, it also was arguably the first successful network television horror show since The X-Files.
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Best Horror Movies on Hulu
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Best Horror Movies Streaming on HBO Max
By David Crow and 2 others
Like all anthologies, American Horror Story has its better seasons (season 1 a.k.a. Murder House, season 2 a.k.a. Asylum, season 6 a.k.a. Roanoke) and its worse (season 3 a.k.a. Coven and season 8 a.k.a. Apocalypse). Still, for nine years and counting, American Horror Story has been one of the go-to options for TV horror fans.
Scare Tactics
Scare Tactics is what happens when someone looks at the prank camera show format and thinks “What if this but also dangerous and terrifying?” The concept of Scare Tactics is simple: take normal people, put them in elaborate horror movie situations, and film what happens. Awful? Yes. Entertaining? Absolutley!
Shannen Doherty hosted the first incarnation of the show that premiered on Syfy in 2003. Stephen Baldwin took her place in the middle of the show’s second season. Then after a three-year hiatus, Scare Tactics returned with Tracy Morgan at the helm and lasted three more seasons of hilariously cruel pranking.
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Unsolved Mysteries
Any reboot of continuation of the classic ’80s/’90s true crime series Unsolved Mysteries just needs one element to be considered authentic: that music. Thankfully, this modern iteration on Netflix maintains a version of the original’s haunting theme. Beyond that crucial aspect, Unsolved Mysteries honors the original by continuing the formula to great success.
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Unsolved Mysteries Review (Spoiler-Free): True Crime With More Questions Than Answers
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 Review: Reboot Fits a Flatfoot More Than a Bigfoot
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries remains largely a true crime enterprise. The show covers unexplained disappearances, murders, and crimes. But it also spends plenty of time with the truly unexplained: the paranormal. This reboot has covered UFOs and some tsunami ghosts. That, combined with the atmospheric music, makes this a suitably spooky watch.
The post Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix appeared first on Den of Geek.
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carshowz · 7 years ago
There becomes a point in our lives as we grow old and become more mature, a realization sets in. All of the life lessons and experiences that have helped us get to this phase in our lives and your ideas over time have finally come to fruition. The motivation is indescribable, the plan begins to come together, a team is formed and the Ojee Civic SEMA 2018 build is born. What is an “Ojee” and why does a Civic have business being at SEMA?
Let me rewind a bit and give you some history. Ryan Shutt has established himself as a car builder within the import industry by developing a relationship early-on in his career with Honda Motor Company. Building several vehicles for SEMA in the past and touring the country with his builds, Shutt has made his mark, but that is not the end of his legacy. In addition to winning the Dunlop Maxxed-Out Award back to back at SEMA from 2004 to 2006, Shutt has won Best of Show “Full Custom” at the Baltimore World of Wheels in 2005. The FIRST TIME in 40 years an import car has won the World of Wheels highest honor.
Ryan’s builds have been featured in over 18 magazines with 3 cover features. I think it is pretty clear that this is not Shutt’s first rodeo, while having a very successful run at building vehicles for manufacturers and having a winning representation for his sponsors, why stop there? While contemplating whether he should make a return to the scene, Shutt got his second wind, made a few phone calls and gathered up the “Ojee” team and is making a come back.
Dunlop Maxxed-Out Award (SEMA) – Ryan Shutt Back to Back Winner
This come back is not just any come back, it is a mission to represent the East Coast businesses, family and friends who have supported Shutt over the years. How perfect would it be to debut this build at the 2018 SEMA Show?! Some may ask why, why a Civic? To me that adds to the challenge, most will say its an impossible achievement and I would also ask the following question. Is there adequate representation of imports at the SEMA Show? I would personally say, “no”, I know some would argue that answer, with a few known import builders making their presence known at SEMA, while walking around the venue, there are only a few imports that stand out and will truly qualify as a full show build. Hot Rods, Classics, Trucks, Resto Mods by far trump any and all genres represented at the Super Bowl of all car shows.
So coming into SEMA 2018, that gives Shutt motivation to make his mark this year and to continue to build on to his legacy and to continue represent the East Coast Car Builders. Shutt is working with local shops in the area and is using this build to showcase the work of those who have helped him over the years. This is also an opportunity for Ryan Shutt and his Ojee Civic build team to educate the young up-and-coming enthusiasts and to show them the process of building a well-rounded show vehicle.
We took the time to ask Ryan Shutt a few questions, about his history and what his plans are for the future with Ojee Civic. Here is what he had to say…
Ojee Civic SEMA 2018 – Ryan Shutt Interview
The History
CarShowZ: You have a lot of history of building vehicles for manufactures and you are no stranger to SEMA. Can you give us a glimpse into your history and what vehicle builds you have been involved in the years past?
Ryan Shutt: In 2002, I bought a green 1997 Honda Civic, I intended for it to be my daily driver. After attending several shows with the green civic, I decided I wanted to build a show car. I put together a team and debuted the finished product in 2003.
The car toured all over the east coast and gained a ton of media exposure due to its unique design. While attending a show in Daytona, the car was shot for a feature in Performance Auto Sound (PAS) magazine. After PAS mag, we toured some additional shows and happened to catch the attention of the Editor for HCI magazine, who asked to shoot the car for a cover feature.
In 2005, Netimi showcased the car in their booth at The SEMA show. While at The SEMA show, the car caught the attention of representatives at Honda Corporate. The relationship with Honda Corporate grew and I was asked to build a SEMA show car in 2006 which happened to be a pre-release 2 door Honda Civic coupe that was displayed in Honda North America’s SEMA show booth. That car toured with Honda and Circuit City the following year.
As the Civic coupe was on tour, Honda asked me to build a 2007 Honda Fit for release at SEMA 2007. During this time, my ’97 Civic was retired and put into storage. The 2007 Fit toured with Honda and Polk Audio after it debuted at The SEMA show.
In 2008, I had the opportunity to be the first person to have two cars in the Honda North America booth at The SEMA show (the Civic coupe and the Fit).
In 2009, I built a 2009 Honda Pilot that debuted at The SEMA show, once again the vehicle was displayed in the Honda North America booth. I treasure that time and am grateful for the relationships I had the opportunity to build over those years.
CZ: With such a tremendous history and making your mark within the import scene, why build another vehicle now? What is your goal and what message due you want to convey to fellow enthusiasts and to your fans?
From 2009 to 2017, I was busy with life, out of the scene as a builder, and building my business. After moving the car from storage and getting together with the guys, we decided to shake it up and rebuild the “ole orange”.
The industry has shifted since my time and there are some noticeable gaps. Rather than following the trends today, I want to bring out another fully customized vehicle merging hot rod and import. I’m not one to be afraid of doing things differently, thinking outside of the box, or doing something someone told me wouldn’t work, so my message to other car enthusiast is, “build what you like, don’t be afraid of what the haters will say, and enjoy every minute.
CZ: Let’s talk a bit about your build team. The friends and family who are supporting this build. Your social media name Ojee Civic says a lot, as if you are bringing back the “Old Gangsta” team back together. Describe the name and what that means to our viewers and who your build partners are.
First, I’d like to thank everyone including sponsors, friends, family, and most importantly the build teams from my past projects. Without all of their support I’m sure I wouldn’t be where I am today. Over the years, I have realized how important the term “team” is.
After 9 years, there are a number of guys who still choose to sit around with me in the garage and talk cars. We chose the Ojee name because of the cars history and I’m an old Honda builder. Wanting to bring back an old flair to the new scene. I’ll give a shout out to the current team thus far: John @ Speedesign, Shawn @ SS Designs MD, Trevor @ Rebelmedia, John, Jamie, Paul @ Sudden Impact Collision, Jeremy @Pepboys Speed Shop, and Matt @ downtime designs.
CZ: Describe the differences between building a vehicle now compared to the last time you built a SEMA vehicle. From the interaction with sponsors to the aftermarket scene in general.
Building a vehicle now is a different ball game, so to say. For example, I rolled into the SEMA show in 2017 with a formal written proposal as I had done in the past and was ready to shake up the scene, only to find that a number of sponsor companies didn’t quite care about past builds.
The scene seems to be all about who you know, not about a proposed build or what you’re capable of. I also believe the companies are tired of giving away product and getting little in return. Social media has also shifted the scene and marketing is free. The aftermarket scene in general has changed quite a bit as well and honestly “it’s trendy”. There’s a loss of individuality and it all looks the same.
CZ: If you had 1 piece of advice to give to younger enthusiasts who are building a show vehicle, what advice would you give?
Advice for fellow car enthusiast who are building; keep building! When you think something looks okay, push to make it look great. When you think you’ve done a lot of customization, push and do more. When you doubt yourself and wonder what people will think, screw it don’t worry about what people will think. In the end, it’s yours and if you love it that’s all that matters and in this industry you’re not doing it right if you don’t have haters.
Follow @Ojee_Civic on Instagram
Hints on the new build: we have a growing list of top notch sponsors (some old and some new) @awrsbaltimore, @carshowz, @competitionclutch, @gramsperf, @jblaudio, @jrp_online, @kineticautoworks, @kraftwerksusa, @metraelectronics, @mpsmotorsport, @rebel_media, @rpsdentrepair, @skunk2racing, @speeddesign, @ssdesignsmd, @suddenimpactonline, @theabsorberofficial, @vibrant_performance, @john_b81
…and we’ll see ya at The SEMA show 2018!
I have said it before and I will say it again, the Civic was beyond its time back then and can be entered into shows today in 2018 and will be able to compete hands down. With a rebuild coming, the combination of an import build merged with the hot rod flavor will surely gain attention.
Ojee Civic Before The Re-build
Photos courtesy of Rebel Media, Trevor Boone
Stay Tuned
We are excited to be a part of this process and to work with Ryan Shutt and his Ojee Civic team. As stressful as it can be to make everything come together, it’s an amazing test of patience. Like I tell my team, if it was easy, everyone will be doing it. Trevor Boone from Rebel Media sent over some outstanding photos capturing the thought process of the Ojee Civic rebuild and Ryan Shutt. Although this is just the tip of the ice berg, this is a great photo to sum it up:
The thought process of the Ojee Civic re-build
Be sure to follow @OJEE_CIVIC on Instagram to follow the build process, news and more.
Making A Come Back – Ojee Civic SEMA 2018 There becomes a point in our lives as we grow old and become more mature, a realization sets in.
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