#treta news
raju-prasad · 3 months
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juniornews22 · 2 years
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Nova namorada de Gerard Piqué foi parar no hospital. Segundo noticias do jornal espanhol, 'El Periódico' a jovem de 23 anos não está sabendo lidar com toda essa pressão, das inúmeras críticas, a sua entrada inesperada no mundo da fama. A jovem estudante teve que ser encaminhada para um hospital particular em Barcelona afim de poder receber cuidados adequados. Acesse o link na minha bio ou nos meus stories para ver matéria completa. Segue @juniorlopescancado no Instagram para ficar por dentro das novidades. #Piqué #Clara #Shakira #polêmica #news #treta #notícias #divórcio #traição (em España-Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDlSrirGsK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nicogotscared · 22 days
🇺🇲: good afternoon, I wish I could say how much I hate americans, because it's true, it's incredible how much I hate them
in this Elon vs Alexandre mess, the gringos started to say some nonsense so ridiculous that it's funny, like, brother, you don't even live here, you don't know anything about my country and you want to tell me that I'm suffering under a communist dictatorship JUST BECAUSE MY COUNTRY HAS A LAW THAT CONDEMNS RACISM????
like, what's up? the fact that racism and fake news are crimes is SO bad for you guys? holy shit, go fuck yourself
🇧🇷: boa tarde, eu gostaria de poder dizer o quanto eu odeio estadunidense, porque é verdade, é incrível como eu odeio eles
nessa treta de Elon vs Alexandre os gringos começaram a falar algumas besteiras tão ridículas que chega a ser engraçado, tipo, irmão, você nem mora aqui, você não sabe nada sobre meu país e você quer me dizer que eu estou sofrendo com uma ditadura comunista SÓ PORQUE MEU PAÍS TEM LEI QUE CONDENA RACISMO????
tipo, qual é? o fato de racismo e fake news ser crime é TÃO ruim pra vocês? puta merda, vão tomar no cu
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piorquecerveja · 8 months
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KAISER 'KAI' HYPERION é filho de APOLO do chalé SETE e tem VINTE E SETE. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DEZESSEIS ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, KAI é bastante CHARMOSO mas também dizem que ele é MANIPULADOR. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
golden boy, filho prodígio, estrelinha, nojentão... chama do que quiser!
paparicadíssimo desde sempre com geral dizendo que ele é o maior
o pior é... ele realmente é mega talentoso no que quer que se preste a fazer
isso tudo gerou um (dos vários) complexo nele, vendo absolutamente tudo como uma competição
a mãe adoeceu quando era muito novo e ele pensou que era uma espécie de castigo de apolo
pensando que, se garantisse extrema glória, apolo curaria a mãe, ele entrou num loop infinito de buscar por 'glória'
após perder a mãe ele sente que perdeu o próprio coração e humanidade também
quando foi pro acampamento seguiu com suas nóias (tinha 11 anos)
cresceu só pra se tornar um baita falsiane manipulador + guerreiro fodão
é daqueles super populares, simpático, amigo de todos, mas um podre de alma
é boylixo, gente! quebrador de corações, salafrário, gaslighter, mó ruim. podem vir para tretas!
HABILIDADES: velocidade sobre-humana + sentidos aguçados
ARMA: sua arma mais característica são as adagas. seja para combate corpo a corpo ou seja para o arremesso. possui um cinto com bolsos mágicos que permite que as adagas que não acertam o alvo voltem para o local de origem, assim como todas retornam quando kai conjura as palavras corretas no fim da batalha.
MALDIÇÃO OU BENÇÃO: benção de atena - como presente por sua estratégia e desempenho em batalha, a deusa o abençoou com vislumbres e previsões do ataque de seus oponentes. ou vem em forma quase que de uma memória, ou como uma sensação e uma certeza do que deve se fazer a seguir.
CARGO: equipe dos curandeiros e líder da equipe azul de arco e flecha.
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kpop-locks · 5 months
Vcs viram essa treta que está rolando entre a Hybe e a Min Hee Jin? E esse rolo da Coreia com o bts?
sobre a heejin vi sim, rezando muito pra não afetar as new jeans negativamente. sobre o bts não procuro nada sobre eles
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laikaflash · 1 year
Etymology of the Three Treasures
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Or: Why were these magic weapons kept in a Buddhist temple named after eras of Hindu cosmology? Well, at least they are in the English localization of Soulcalibur, and consequently, the rest of the series. Bear with me as I overthink some plot devices in a fighting game! First, I’ll give a refresher on which one is what. In clockwise order from the above image from Soul Calibur VI:
The sword: Krita-Yuga is actually the titular Soul Calibur, the antithesis of the evil sword Soul Edge.
The mirror: Dvapara-Yuga has the power to purify anything corrupted by evil energies.
The rod: Kali-Yuga can absorb any type of energy, be it good or evil.
Note the hyphenation.
These are named after three of the four eras (yugas) of the Yuga cycle. The broad strokes of each one in chronological order, and in order of diminishing spirituality, are as follows (at least in Vaishnavism, to be clear):
Krita Yuga, “the accomplished age”. A synonym for Satya Yuga, “the age of truth”. This is believed to be when mankind lived in perfect harmony with the Dharma, which is symbolized by a bull on four legs which stand for austerity, cleanliness, mercy, and truthfulness (source: Vedabase). The Golden Age, if you will.
Treta Yuga, “the age of three” is mentioned here for completeness’ sake. The aforementioned attributes (the symbolic legs) began to dwindle by one.
Dvapara Yuga, “the age of two”. This refers to the two remaining pillars of religion: mercy and truthfulness as people continued to stray further from the Dharma.
Kali Yuga, “the age of strife”. Named for the asura Kali, not to be confused with the goddess Kālī. This is believed to be when vice and sin are at their highest, and the Dharma is on its last leg. It is prophesied that Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu, will end the era with a fiery sword and usher in a new Satya Yuga, beginning the cycle anew.
As I’ve said, this is the theme the English localization went with. Before I get into the Japanese names, I want to point out that I can see the logic behind it. In story, Kilik wields the Kali-Yuga rod, which absorbed a considerable amount of powerful energy from Soul Edge itself, i.e. the Evil Seed. In that same moment, he himself is also possessed by the Evil Seed, which is only contained by the mirror Dvapara-Yuga. In a sense, the Dvapara-Yuga is the last thing between him and the Kali-Yuga, and by extension, his own destruction. The Krita-Yuga, Soul Calibur itself, is the very weapon built to destroy Soul Edge and bring an end to the chaos wrought by the evil sword. The fact that some of Soul Calibur IV’s endings show it ultimately intends to do this by freezing the world in crystal notwithstanding. On the other hand, I think there’s a reason one of the designers intended to convey “a merciless apathy” with regard to Elysium: eschatological figures with swords mean business. (I’m probably applying that retroactively.)
The other thing is that game canon has it that Soul Calibur tends to appear wherever someone is wreaking havoc with Soul Edge. Suffice it to say that it would pick up different names somewhere along the way. Soul Edge is at some points called “the Sword of Salvation” and the “Hero’s Sword”, but it’s clear that these are products of wishful thinking. That was the theory I was working from in the first place; I still think it holds.
The timeline in New Legends of Project Soul places the following at ~800 A.D.: “An elderly man known only as Edge Master gathers the three powerful artifacts once used by a Briton king. He stores them for safekeeping in Ling-Sheng Su Temple.” This is some 300 years after the same timeline mentions the same weapons went missing. I’d imagine that they had to have ended up in India at some point in the intervening years before Edge Master made it to China. While the same timeline all but outright says that Soul Calibur was Excalibur, where the other two figured in that is anyone’s guess.
So, what are the three treasures’ names in the original Japanese? I’ve belabored my other points long enough, so once again:
The sword: Gouhouken (護法剣), literally, “demon-dispelling sword” or possibly “sword in defense of Buddhist doctrine”.
The mirror: Mappoukyou (末法鏡), literally “mirror of the Latter Day of the Dharma”.
The rod: Meppoukon (滅法棍), literally “extremely [powerful] rod” or possibly “rod of the of the law of destruction”.
It didn’t take me long to understand where the localizer(s) were coming from because this as concise as I can get. That and the latter two are just daring me to mix them up when left as is. Maybe tying them to a theme made the names easier to remember. Only one of these is named after one of the Three Ages of Buddhism, and it’s the one that corresponds to the Kali Yuga! Specifically, Mappou, or Mòfǎ in Chinese, it is the third age which lasts for 10,000 years, during which the Dharma declines; at that age’s end, the Maitreya will restore the Dharma through his teachings. (Pure Land Buddhism holds this era to include the present day. Incidentally, in my research on the Yugas, I found quite a few sites with similar ideas about the Kali Yuga. Boy, does that feel familiar...)
A little tangent about the mirror’s design: note how the metal clasps resemble the ends of a vajra, a legendary weapon significant to both Buddhism and Hinduism. In Sanskrit, vajra means both “diamond” and “lightning bolt”, hence its symbolism of indestructibility and spiritual power. Naturally, it’s a major symbol of Vajrayana Buddhism, wherein the lightning stands for enlightenment. (This likely plays into the Himalayan setting of the Proving Grounds stage.) It’s not for nothing that Kilik’s victory animation in SC6 after a critical finish ends with him in a meditative pose, reciting this mantra: “Om vajra dharma Kilik.” I may as well note that his name comes from the Japanese pronunciation of the Sanskrit hrih, variously translated as “conscientiousness” or “self-respect”, one of the virtuous mental factors in Buddhism. The mantra in the Japanese is “On basara daruma Kiriku”. Here’s the latter in Soulcalibur V. Swap out his name for hrih and you have the heart mantra of the thousand-armed Avalokiteśvara. Or it could be related to the bodhisattva Vajradharma. Maybe both?
While in modern Japanese, meppou (滅法) is often used to mean something absurdly powerful, I ended up scrambling to make sure I wasn’t missing anything because I was somewhat literally reading that as “to destroy dharma”. (In my defense, “dharma” is one way of reading the second character.) I suspect the rod’s name may be an allusion to the concept of zesshoumeppou (是生滅法), the law of creation and destruction; in essence: impermanence.
I don’t have a lot to say about the name Gouhouken; the “demon-dispelling” meaning does suit Soul Calibur.
What’s more, the collective name Three Treasures (Sanbou, 三宝) comes from the practice of taking refuge in Buddhism. Generally, this is expressed by reciting a short formula; the metaphorical treasures are the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha (the monastic community as a whole). This may also be called the Triple Gem or something similar, depending on whom you ask.
And I thought I would just be picking up from where I left off in this short post, but if I’m honest, I just think it’s all really interesting.
Remember that the night the Evil Seed possesses Kilik is the darkest point of his life. He was the one chosen to wield Kali-Yuga, which coincides with some poor mad lad (who just wanted his dad back) picking up the wrong sword in Spain, unleashing a surge of evil magic on the world. The only thing that saved him from being a bloodthirsty monster was his sworn sister Xianglian putting the Dvapara-Yuga on him—at the cost of her own life. Again, without the mirror, Kilik would have been unable to regain his self-control, and the Kali-Yuga would effectively become another Soul Edge. Then he wakes up at Edge Master’s grotto with major survivor’s guilt, and his training begins in earnest.
Kilik’s arc in the new timeline emphasizes his struggle to balance and master his cursed side, culminating in him using it to defeat Inferno (with Xianghua delivering the final blow with Soul Calibur). Although the Dvapara-Yuga shatters in the battle, the main story ends on a hopeful note. He may not be completely rid of Soul Edge’s curse, but he leaves the Astral Chaos with full control of himself and one sacred mirror shard to remember it by. Whether he will try to follow in Edge Master’s footsteps this time remains to be seen.
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nvmrgossip · 2 years
gigi ficou sabendo de algum babado da festa?
Mano, vou ser bem sincera, ainda nada aconteceu. Vi muita gente comentando que a festa tá chata inclusive, e eu vou ter que concordar. Galerinha, bora agitar esse rolê! Massss, por mais que ainda nada tenha acontecido (é sério gente, to quase ignorando vocês pra assistir os novos episódios de Gossip Girl), tem algumas coisas que estão para acontecer e eu vou contar pra que fiquem todes atentes.
Vamos começar pelo Tommaso, que é o único que realmente tá entregando entretenimento aqui (pro resto de vocês, observem e aprendam). Ele já começou puxando assunto logo com a ex, Strass, que até aceitou o papinho dele por um tempinho, mas agora já mandou logo a real e botou ele contra a parede (vamos galera, mulheres!). Se o papo vai acabar em briga ou em um remember eu não sei, mas contato que dê em alguma coisa eu já saio feliz. Só que não é só na ex namorada que ele foi dar idéia não! O que será que a Strass ia pensar se soubesse que ele já foi dar idéia na menina nova? É isso mesmo que você ouviram, nosso menino não perde tempo e foi logo dar em cima da recém-chegada, Danbi! E a novata, que pra mim parecia ser meio mosquinha morta foi respondendo a altura, então eu acho que eu tava errada? Espero que sim, já que não é qualquer novato que aparece aqui no meu blog logo na primeira noite, vou ficar atenta nessa garota! Além disso, eu acho que ele deu em cima do Jude também? Eu não espalho fake news, viu galera, então vou mandar a real pra vocês, talvez ele estivesse flertando, talvez ele estivesse brincando, é um pouco difícil de saber quando o Tom tá falando sério, acho que é só o jeitinho dele. Porém, não é só de pegação que se faz uma boa festa, e o Tommaso parece que sabe disso muito bem, porque também foi arrumar uma briga com o Angelo. Por que? Gente, eu não faço idéia, sério! O Candidato Padre tava lá no canto dele e eu to de prova! Foi do nada que o Tom começou a xingar ele! Só sei que eu já coloquei a pipoca na panela pra acompanhar essa treta! Ó padre Angelo, ouça minhas preces... se eles não acabarem se pegando no tapa, que se peguem no beijo. Amém!
Okay, chega de Tommaso por enquanto, risco de egos explodirem.
Pode ter sido só impressão, mas eu to achando que tá pintando um clima entre o Tyler e a Morgana... Pelo menos por parte dele, que ficou todo besta quando viu ela hoje. Mas assim, casal vanilla costuma demorar um pouco pra realmente acontecer né gente, então eu não conto com algo rolando essa noite, mas o ano acabou de começar e eu com certeza vou ficar de olho nesses dois!
Vi também, com esses dois olhinhos aqui, a Katrina querendo dar uma chupadinha na Suzy! Calma gente, no sentido vampiresco da coisa, mas quem sabe as coisas não esquentam, não é? Afinal, a troca de fluídos já tá rolando!
E olha gente, não se acostumem comigo bancando o tinder não que meu foco aqui é fofoca mesmo, mas eu bem ouvi o Damon falando pro Jude que quer levar alguém pra cama hoje! Alguém se voluntaria?
O primeiro vexame da festa já aconteceu também, ai gente, eu to rindo só de lembrar. A pobi da Sisi achou que só o Ben tinha visto, mas eu vi também ela tropeçar e cair do salto, vocês tinham que ter visto a cena! Eu até fiquei com uma dózinha quando ela começou a chorar, mas acabou que só deixou a cena mais hilária!
Enfim, é isso que aconteceu até agora. Bora beber mais gente, quero ver o caos sendo instaurado!
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@tommasogiordano @shiningstass @danbi-ko @jjubat @unholyangelo @sh4dowulf @syrentales @dddevonshire @sisidewan @bennyoh
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grizztheexplorer · 2 years
Okay so I’m reading the beloved little princess manga and some comments are so weird??? The right and left mages are not creeps. They arent attracted to the princess and is weird the comments treta them like “yanderes” or obsessed boys with a girl. They are basically her children. Like she literally rescued them as children and adopted them. Imagine your mom and savior dies and turns up in a new family, and although she remembers you she chooses her new family. I personally would also lose my shit??? Them going against her will is like they said, they hated her and her new family because they felt abandoned by her. Is not a justification but i can understand it very well. I don’t think the writing of the manga in general gets too complex on the psychology, but the idea is very interesting. Yes she looks like a child, but to them she is still like… their mom. When they were fighting the imperial family I literally just didn’t want any side to suffer. Personally i love found families so I wanted her to recognize them too or miss them. Like they are literally her children. Them attempting war is almost basically throwing a big ass tantrum to get their mom back.
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shadowynn · 1 year
Uau eu li o novo capitulo de ILAL ontem 10 minutos depois de você ter postado, o que sinceramente foi um sentimento maravilhoso considerando que eu estava entrando TODOS os dias para ver se havia sido atualizada....e a espera sempre valhe a pena quando se trata de ILAL (precisei de um dia todo para tomar coragem e vir aqui com minhas humildes palavras rs) eu AMEI esse capitulo (ok que amei todos os capitulos) mas esse em particular foi um tapa maravilhoso na minha cara...não só a espera que só alimentou minha vontade de ler mas também tudo, apenas foda-se eu sou uma cadelinha para toda a parte de beijos com Yunho -_- e por que você me deu um gostinho do que eu espero ser o começo de mais cenas como essa com os outros membros no desenvolvimento do relacionamento deles (sem pressão rs) não sei direito como elogiar algo quando gosto muito, ou se aqui é o lugar certo para fazer, mas nossa cara, eu não pude me controlar ksksk PS:eu mal posso esperar pelo proximo capitulo, você é tão talentosa e só posso imaginar 1 milhão de coisas que podem acontecer agora com eles chegando em Taeyang....(espero que muita treta, fluffy, 'kiss and more 😏" e tudo mais que você esteja disposta a compartilhar com nós)
PS2:daqui a alguns dias quando for fim de semana e me der um surto de novo onde só quero ficar de boa na cama com meus gatos comendo porcaria e eu decidir reler totalmente ILAL (apenas por ser maravilhosa e uma das melhores coisas que já li) tentarei mandar uma mensagem melhor para você (espero que não haja problema ksks)
obrigada, beijosss <3
ahhhhh, that's literally the sweetest! i hope the chapter was worth the wait! also, never be afraid or nervous about sending an ask my way, i absolutely love talking to you all and always get so happy when i see a new one pop into my feed :)
i'm so glad you liked this chapter! hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer before mc gets more intimate with the others, but to be completely honest, i'm not quite sure how long that'll be myself. i just kind of go with the flow and based on current circumstances decide whether it's the right moment or not. like with this chapter, i did not go in intending for them to kiss at all. it was supposed to just be a cute stargazing scene, but then the idea struck me and i thought it would be a moment that fit.
and don't worry at all about your message! i think it's the absolute sweetest! i, too, have a hard time wording my thoughts, though, so i do understand! but don't worry, i'm always happy to talk with you all!
sending my love to you!! <33
(also, i had to use google translate with this, so if anything in my reply seems off, i am so very sorry.)
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Akshaya Tritiya
The Hindu lunar month of Vaisakha has an auspicious celebration known as Akshaya Tritiya that occurs on the third tithi of the brighter half (waxing moon phase). Scriptures indicate that today is a very good day for beginning anything new. In order to bring good luck and chase away the shroud of fear and morbidity from their lives, Hindus enjoy buying gold, silver, and other costly commodities and offering special prayers at home. This day is highly revered by hindu seers and astrologers since it falls under the Rohini Nakshatra, a lucky star.
Akshaya, a Sanskrit term, means "never diminishing" in English. People who worship Laxmi Narayana on this auspicious day by going completely without food benefit from endless sunlight and peace in their lives. This day is regarded as a symbol of achievement and a new beginning in Hinduism. This day, known as Sarva Siddhi Day in Hindu philosophy and culture, is suitable for performing any auspicious ceremony or activity, such as a wedding, housewarming, or buying land, a car, gold, or other precious objects. Due to planetary placement in the horoscope, if a person is unable to locate an auspicious time for their wedding throughout the year, they might fix their wedding date on Akshaya Tritiya without visiting an astrologer.
Numerous marriages are performed on this fortunate day in the Indian states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orrisa, and Bengal on the idea that doing so prolongs married life.
Observing Akshaya Tritiya: India, a diverse nation, observes Akshaya Tritiya under several names. While the celebration is known as Akha Teej in Rajasthan and Gujarat, Akshaya Tritiya is better known in Chhattisgarh as Akti. Because the sacrifices, japas, pilgrimages, and homas carried out on this auspicious day yield greater rewards than those carried out on any other ordinary day, it is known as Akshaya Tritiya. 
According to legends from several holy texts, Lord Kubera, the God of Wealth, prayed to Goddess Lakshmi on the day of Akshay Tritiya, which resulted in a favourable downpour of wealth, money, and blessings on Him. The Hindu faith adherents adore Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi on this day for this reason. Hindus worship Laxmi, Vishnu, and Ganesh in the morning after taking a bath. We present the gods with flowers, sweet candies, and basil leaves from the tulsi plant. To finish the puja, we chant mantras, perform Vrata Katha, and light the aarti. Additionally, it will have a positive impact if anyone donates money or provides food and clothing to those in need.
According to Vedic literature, reciting the mantra "Om Hreem Hreem Shreem Shreem Laxminarayanabhayam Namah" 108 times will bring good prosperity.
Legends and Meaning of Akshaya Tritiya: • Three lunar days (tithes) are considered to be the most auspicious period according to Hindu event astrology (Muhurta). One of these occasions, known as Sade-Teen (312) Muhurtas, is Akshay Tritiya. According to astrology, it is thought that the Sun and Moon are in their most exalted positions on this day. • The 'treta yuga' began on Akshaya Tritiya, according to the teachings of the Vedic scriptures, and 'Nara Narayana' also took on human form on this day. This day is customarily celebrated as Lord Parashurama's birthday. 'Parashurama', Lord Vishnu's sixth avatar, is said to have taken on human form on this day according to the Puranas.
• According to another mythology, on this day the Goddess Annapurna (Lakshmi) came from the sea and the Ganga, the world's most revered river, fell upon the planet. • Sage Vyasa began narrating the epic Mahabharata chronicle of the great Bharat war on this day, and Lord Ganesh started writing it down. Sudama, Lord Krishna's closest friend, paid Him a sincere visit on this auspicious day. Without anything to give, Sudama carried Poha (puffed rice) with him and gave it to Krishna, but he never mentioned his lack of resources, despite his intention to do so. Upon his return, Sudama discovers that the benevolent Lord Krishna has transformed his hut into a palace.
According to a story from the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna gave the Pandava queen Draupadi an Akshaya Patra while they were exiled in the wilderness. Later, food was distributed to all the hungry people in that area via Akshaya Patra. • Beginning on this day and every four months thereafter, the temple gates are opened for darshan in accordance with the 2,000-year-old custom of the sacred pilgrimage known as "Badrinath." On this day, the revered "Banke Bihari temple" in Vrindavan also opens its doors for visitors to see "Sri Vighraha," the deity's lotus feet.
• In the Indian state of Odisha, farmers begin tilling their fields, and work on the chariots for the famed Rath Yatra gets underway at the Puri temple. Most people fast on this day and honour Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. • According to the Vedic traditions, Akshay Tritiya is a very profitable day for charitable giving; taking a swim in the Ganges on this day is seen to be very auspicious. Starting a new business, as well as purchasing gold or real estate, on this day is seen to be particularly lucky.
• Hindus also think that doing the Shraadh ritual for the ancestors on this day is very lucky. In the name of the ancestors, one must provide grains such as barley, wheat, grammes, sattu, curd rice, and items made of milk. Then, he must give food and dakshina to a pandit (Hindu priest).
A significant spring event for adherents of Sanatana Dharma is Akshaya Tritiya. Akshaya is Sanskrit for unending. Because of this, the advantages of engaging in any Japa, Yagna, Pitra-Shraddha, or Daan-Punya (gift of money, food, clothing, or other items) on this day never fade and stay with that person for all time. It is believed that purchases of gold, land, and property made on Akshaya Day will never decrease and will instead increase throughout time. Akshaya Tritiya is said to be an auspicious day free from any malefic effects of planets and the ideal day to begin any auspicious ritual or activities, according to ancient literature and Vedic astrologers.
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O absurdo sobre as fotos vazadas de Marília Mendonça
Bem, talvez esse não seja um tema que falarei tanto por aqui, afinal, não tem nada haver com LGBTQIA+. Porém, tem haver com o mínimo de RESPEITO e EMPATIA, já que esse é um dos maiores absurdos que eu já vi.
Caso não estejam sabendo, recentemente vazou no Twitter a necropsia da Marília Mendonça e pelo visto, já virou caso de polícia (FELIZMENTE!). Tem gente até oferecendo pix em troca dessas fotos, cara????
Como eu disse no começo do texto, você pode não gostar da Marília pelo estilo de música dela, sei lá! Mas ela tem vários fãs e o mais importante: ELA TEM UMA FAMÍLIA! Imagina a dor que não dá ver umas fotos assim vazando na internet livremente?
Sem falar que é o Twitter, né? Com todas aquelas tretas de que a plataforma tem uma postura totalmente irresponsável com perfis divulgando fake news sobre ataques em escolas, o que poderíamos pensar? Só quero genuinamente que todas as pessoas que vazaram e divulgaram essas coisas sejam RESPONSABILIZADAS.
Respeitem a Marília e a família dela! Tenham EMPATIA!
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hotnew-pt · 27 days
Mãe de Virginia Fonseca provoca caos em relação com Emily Garcia #ÚltimasNotícias #Brasil
Hot News Ao ver a repercussão do assunto, a influenciadora digital apontou que isso é uma “conversa aleatória”, de 7 anos atrás, trazida à tona 25 atrás 2024 – 11h18 (atualizado às 19h57) Durante o Sabadou com Virginia deste sábado (24), Margareth Serrãomãe da apresentadora, expôs uma treta antiga da filha com a influencer Emilly Garcia. Virginia Fonseca, Margareth Serrão e Emily Garcia…
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subaquinhodecobra · 1 month
E o treta news? Cade? E o new york treta?
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dan6085 · 1 month
The concept of the "end of the world" is interpreted differently across various religions, including Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. Each tradition has its own eschatology (a part of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or the ultimate destiny of humanity).
### **Judaism**
In Judaism, the "end of the world" is generally understood as the Messianic Age, rather than a literal end of the world. Here are some key points:
- **Messianic Age:** Judaism believes in a future Messianic Age, where the Messiah (a future Jewish king from the Davidic line) will come, rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel, and usher in an era of peace and divine justice. The exact timing of this event is not specified, as it is believed to be known only by God.
- **Olam Ha-Ba (The World to Come):** After the Messianic Age, some interpretations of Jewish eschatology suggest the existence of "Olam Ha-Ba," which refers to the eternal state of the soul in the afterlife, a concept that is more spiritual than apocalyptic.
- **No Specific Date:** Judaism does not provide a specific date or prophecy regarding the end of the world. The timing of the Messiah's arrival is considered a mystery and is not something that humans can predict.
### **Islam**
Islam has a well-defined eschatological framework known as "Qiyamah" (the Day of Judgment), which involves the end of the world and the final assessment of all human souls.
- **Signs of the Day of Judgment:** Islamic teachings mention several signs that will precede the Day of Judgment, including the appearance of the Mahdi (a guided leader), the return of Jesus (Isa), widespread corruption, the emergence of the Antichrist (Dajjal), and natural disasters.
- **Resurrection and Judgment:** On the Day of Judgment, all humans will be resurrected and judged by Allah based on their deeds. The righteous will enter Paradise (Jannah), while the wicked will be punished in Hell (Jahannam).
- **No Specific Date:** Similar to Judaism, Islam does not provide a specific date for the end of the world. The knowledge of the exact timing is believed to be known only by Allah.
### **Hinduism**
In Hinduism, the concept of the end of the world is tied to the cyclical nature of time, with the universe undergoing a continuous cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction.
- **Yugas:** Time in Hinduism is divided into four ages or Yugas: Satya Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga (Dark Age). According to Hindu beliefs, we are currently in Kali Yuga, the last and most corrupt of the four Yugas.
- **End of Kali Yuga:** The end of Kali Yuga is associated with the arrival of Kalki, the final avatar of Vishnu, who will destroy the forces of evil, reset the cosmic order, and usher in a new Satya Yuga.
- **Pralaya:** After the end of each cycle, the universe undergoes a process called Pralaya, where it is dissolved and then recreated. This is not the "end" in the linear sense but a transition between cycles.
- **No Specific Date:** Hinduism does not provide an exact date for the end of Kali Yuga or Pralaya. These events are seen as part of the eternal and recurring cycles of time.
### **Summary**
- **Judaism:** The end of the world is tied to the coming of the Messiah and the Messianic Age, but no specific date is given.
- **Islam:** The end of the world is marked by the Day of Judgment, with signs leading up to it, but the exact time is unknown and only known by Allah.
- **Hinduism:** The end of the world is a cyclical event tied to the end of the current age (Kali Yuga) and the concept of Pralaya, with no specific date provided.
Each of these religions offers a different perspective on the concept of the end of the world, with common themes of divine intervention, renewal, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
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sonalimittra1 · 1 month
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Welcome to Treta Foundation! We live in a world filled with challenges, from political division and environmental disasters to social inequality and economic instability, all affecting our well-being. As we transition into the 'Energy Age,' it's crucial to embrace new awareness and responsibility. Treta, a Sanskrit word meaning one of the four ages of humanity, symbolizes our journey from darkness to universal magnetism and ultimately back to the golden age. Representing the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious levels of existence, Treta also signifies body, mind, and soul, and past, present, and future.
At Treta Foundation, we integrate these principles through our pillars of Knowledge, Healing, and Action, offering education, therapeutic support, and proactive steps for personal and societal growth. Join us in creating a better world by exploring our resources, participating in our programs, and becoming part of a community dedicated to positive change. If you or someone you know is dealing with inner child trauma or stress, connect with the best therapist in Gurgaon for expert guidance and support.
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parasparivaar · 3 months
Vaishno Devi Mandir
About Mata Vaishno Devi Mandir in Katra, Jammu 
I visited Mata Vaishno Devi twice. This blog is about my firsthand experiences at the ancient Hindu shrine. Mata Vaishno Devi, the compassionate Mother Goddess, is claimed to grant all of a devotee's desires and wishes. Mata Vaishno Devi is also known as Mata Rani, Vaishnavi, Ambe, or Trikuta.
How was Mata Vaishno Devi formed?
According to Sanatan Dharm aka Hinduism, the powers of the Hindu Goddesses Maa Saraswati, Lakshmi ji, and Maa Kali have combined to become Mata Vaishno Devi during the Treta Yuga, the second Yuga.
Bhudevi, also known as Vasundhara or Bhumi, is the earth goddess. Bhudevi is also known as Sita ji's mother, as she was born on Earth in the Hindu epic Ramayana. Bhumidevi, the consort of Varaha, Bhagwan Vishnu's boar-like third avatar, is also called Varahi.
When Goddess Bhumi was afflicted by demonic spirits that had taken over the Earth, she sought help from the male trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, but was unsuccessful. When the male trinity appeared weak, their consorts, the female trinity of Saraswati ji, Lakshmi ji, and Parvati ji (Maa Kali), stepped in to help.
The feminine trinity of Hindu goddesses combined their most potent characteristics and powers to create the new Goddess Mata Vaishno Devi. She waged war after war until she achieved victory. The trinity was so impressed by Vaishno Mata's powers that they offered her to remain on Earth and defend it permanently.
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Why is Mata Vaishno Devi famous?
Mata Vaishno Devi is well-known for representing crores of people's faith. Throughout the year, crores of devotees visit Mata Vaishno Devi without the use of modern marketing techniques or advertisements. It is one of the most well-known Hindu temples in the world.
The Ramayana Connection of Vaishno Devi
Aside from the aforementioned Bhumi Devi connection between Vaishno Devi and Ramayan, she also has an intriguing story about Shri Ram, Vishnu ji's seventh and gentlest avatar. Much later, Mata Vaishno Devi reincarnated on Earth as the daughter of a Brahmin couple. She had always been a dedicated bhakt, or devotee, of Vishnu Bhagwan. She wanted to marry him when she grew up.
Mata Vaishno Devi would meditate in a cave for hours in order to grant her wish and impress Vishnu ji. Her tapasya paid off when Vishnu ji, as Shri Ram, appeared in front of her. Sri Ram asserted that he was unable to marry Mata Vaishno Devi because he was already married and was searching for his wife Mata Sita, whom the demon King or Asura Ravan had kidnapped and carried to Sri Lanka.  
When Ram ji saw her distress, he promised her that if she could recognise him, he would return to her and marry her one day. True to his word, Shri Ram, popularly known as Lord Rama in the West, returned to Mata Vaishno Devi as an elderly man. She did not recognise him, therefore they could not marry in Treta Yug. 
The Mahabharata Connection of Vaishno Devi
It is stated that before the great Mahabharat war at Kurukshetra began, Arjun prayed to Devi for blessings, as instructed by Shri Krishna, the 8th avatar of Vishnu Bhagwan. Devi was gratified by his devotion and revealed herself as Mata Vaishno Devi. Arjun recites the strotam 'Jambookatak Chityaishu Nityam Sannihitalaye'.
Before the ancient Kurukshetra battle began, Shri Krishna directed Arjun to visit Jammu and seek Maa's favor. In fact, it is widely accepted that the Pandavas built the first temples after Mahabharat at Bhawan and Kol Kandoli. The five stone structures on a mountain near Trikuta Hills represent the Pandeva's brothers.
How to reach Vaishno Devi?
Rail : Mata Vaishno Devi Mandir, a major Hindu sacred site, situated around 13 km from Katra Railway Station and Katra Town.
Air : The nearest airport to Katra is Jammu Airport, which is about 50 miles away.
Bus : Buses to Katra are easily bookable from Jammu. Easily you can book Buses with and without air conditioning are available.
Road Trip : You can travel from Jammu, Phagwara, or New Delhi via a smooth road, like we did. We traveled from Ghaziabad to Phagwara, where we spent two days before traveling to Mata Vaishno Devi. It was an enjoyable and safe road trip. However, be mindful that monkeys may be present on certain roads. 
Which famous people visited Vaishno Devi?
Swami Vivekanand, Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Mahant Shri Paras Bhai ji have visited Vaishno Devi.
Akshay Kumar, a well-known Bollywood actor, too has a fascinating Vaishno Devi story from his childhood.Other renowned celebrities who visit Mata Vaishno Devi include actors Ayushman Khurana, Priyanka Chopra, and Rajkumar Rao, as well as Patralekhaa herself.
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