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trendosuk · 1 year ago
Shari Jordan - Step-Mom to America's Most Infamous Serial Killer
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In the chilling annals of true crime, the name Jeffrey Dahmer sends shivers down the spine of anyone who hears it. Known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster, Dahmer’s heinous crimes shocked the world and continue to be a subject of morbid fascination. But lurking behind the infamous serial killer’s story is a lesser-known figure, someone whose life was forever altered by her connection to him — Shari Jordan, Jeffrey Dahmer’s stepmother.
As the horrifying details of Jeffrey Dahmer’s crimes emerged, Shari Jordan faced not only the trauma of her stepson’s actions but also the overwhelming intrusion of the media into her life. The world watched in disbelief and horror as the extent of Jeffrey Dahmer’s crimes was revealed. Shari, through no fault of her own, found herself in a maelstrom of public attention and scrutiny.
In the wake of Jeffrey Dahmer’s arrest and subsequent trial, Shari Jordan’s life was forever changed. The stigma of being associated with one of America’s most reviled criminals haunted her. She withdrew from the public eye, seeking solace in anonymity and attempting to rebuild her shattered life. The trauma she experienced was immeasurable, and the scars ran deep.
Want to satisfy your curiosity about the topic of Shari Jordan? Immerse yourself in the full article to acquire a profound understanding of the subject matter.
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trendos · 9 months ago
Stride With Strength
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Stride with strength T-Shirt by Trendos
A vibrant t-shirt design with the text "Stride with Strength." Each word bursts with a different color, like a rainbow breaking across the chest. It's perfect for those who want to make a statement with a touch of colorful inspiration.
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 11 months ago
New Audio: Trendos and Viralli Share a Hypnotic Banger
New Audio: Trendos and Viralli Share a Hypnotic Banger @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Featuring members who hail from Czechia and Germany, Trendos and Viralli is a EDM production and DJ team, who manage to be restlessly prolific, releasing several songs a month. Their latest single “Blood Rave” is a woozily hypnotic, euphoria-inducing banger featuring tweeter and woofer rattling thump, glistening synth stabs and enormous hooks and drops. Sonically channeling The Prodigy and deep,…
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444names · 1 year ago
quenya names + quenya names with all accents removed and all vowels replaced with "E"
Adollese Ainussicem Alcel Alercari Alindy Alinweded Allië Altarnë Ambalmeng Ambarianst Ambechien Amereete Amieler Amirer Andencáno Anduanta Angeleber Anyar Arace Arave Arelpë Arinar Arper Arted Aucards Aucava Bernië Bluer Breelles Briontië Butelve Calaia Calambarte Calarned Canwë Caree Carie Cassiginds Cavise Ceeglomerd Ceembarcir Ceeróna Celdacil Celdacir Celendil Cemeruss Cends Cengs Cerderdele Cerefereen Cerenwifts Cerinemirë Ceruhitë Cheettare Chess�� Cirasse Clangahter Clans Clecemerd Clendi Cleng Coarion Coussour Cundórë Dafin Damar Daren Deledy Delmalme Delmes Dered Doron Drionisil Earne Earte Ecere Ecirildes Edmon Eeelpeo Eemeldeck Eenden Eendóriume Eengee Eengenda Eenst Eerelove Eeten Eevick Elcar Eldesters Eldil Eldore Eldómë Eleberto Eleeng Eleeve Eleme Elesecere Eleven Elpeeter Elpelled Emeeno Encat Endel Endeltarë Endick Endorel Enduingwa Endónë Enellon Enent Enerds Enereldórë Enewete Enews Engend Enneler Entard Entareendë Enteldeer Entring Epeteende Ercarix Erdembel Ereerumbar Ereht Erekerin Erend Ermer Erriondë Erucol Erukyel Eshist Esteeqee Esten Estrinér Etancantur Ethessë Ethley Ethwe Evelenere Evenge Eventar Everee Everessege Facánords Faindesse Fainwe Faitë Falarion Farmenet Fasse Fassë Feaver Feeshel Fendamacon Fendeete Feneleen Fenelen Fenereente Feneths Ferds Ferme Ferwey Fingezer Folder Foonds Forme Formenewe Foroneer Forñor Frened Frukyen Fírigheste Galtarmen Gelon Gelond Gembeleng Gerexarmë Germa Golled Grelwe Grenceng Handernor Hands Hanelesto Hanelven Heelpë Heenwë Heercel Helderee Helor Henge Hercen Herne Hernes Heronnar Herrámë Herukoren Hesseere Hesseme Hesta Hientar Hirisil Holkaing Hriondo Hromenenis Hrose Hyeeeces Hyern Hyete Imingee Indand Ingwelvelf Ircle Irinds Irstere Isseld Isteres Jewengezed Jewer Laherdecer Lambar Landendil Lanye Larro Lastarri Latary Ldele Lecer Leeleng Lefeteler Lemee Lemen Lendendi Lentë Lepvelva Lerde Lesselcar Lesto Levalal Limang Lingeed Loftyer Lorondon Lorow Losser Lowever Lundelend Lunte Macilindo Mambeteree Mands Manksgen Mantë Manónë Maride Marta Mecengallë Meldë Mendamide Mender Mendiévar Menelendo Mengesseel Mereenge Milleen Mings Miondo Mirer Mourestman Mussen Nambar Namees Naras Naverende Neegolke Neldenca Nembard Nenótë Neratuar Nerengber Nernee Neser Nesseed Nesser Nessë Nesto Netee Newvar Nommisi Nondelemp Nontár Noreppede Norler Nornente Norñoll Nárinands Návindecen Númena Númirst Núnar Ofarperme Oldant Onded Oneht Onótë Ordari Ordië Oreme Orgol Oring Parage Pelma Persumbeen Pewne Pherwë Phestrene Pired Plearn Pleester Pollostar Preleeve Preneds Pritarte Qeeds Qeenenna Qeerem Qeetener Qeeve Qeeven Quamide Queng Quentár Quest Quetereght Reenderu Reenenda Referd Regrer Rendeling Renote Renónë Retyeldë Ridentë Rindil Rodusk Rohil Romee Romylers Rondee Rímar Rónastehed Secelefer Secen Secer Secto Selyendo Sener Sentamarn Senwë Serdar Sernenden Shaitë Shannan Shede Sheelk Shete Shiril Silmir Smendómë Sornë Sparo Speeng Spennan Steen Stele Stive Stment Sturce Suffeet Sumotteet Súlinussed Tandes Tarne Tarnilles Telcamirre Teldo Temylande Tendeleek Tendë Tereghte Terelee Terem Terster Theamone Theelpilme Theldil Thfuler Thwee Tiond Tirin Treendeen Trendo Tressent Turcanelf Turna Tyeldereep Túnalaitë Túron Unceleeng Uncermanna Untar Unúna Vaita Valate Valdomen Vantere Varquen Vatale Velee Velenter Velleverni Vemerfer Vennótë Verdereel Vessë Viévals Votereld Vánanwessë Weeneldë Wendecer Weren Wessë Wilingelfs Woree Yamire Yendel Yeter Yetil Yénow Ñorgemeng Ñorinya Úvalma
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jesusux · 2 years ago
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Lyn May para Trendo (2023)
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jadipose · 1 year ago
How are the boobs right now? Breasting?
yeah they are flo+pped do+wn o+n my belly o+ut o+f the neckline o+f this shirt... they're so+ big and ro+und, go+d, I'm trendo+us. I do+n't like to+ co+mpare myself to+ animals usually, but I feel like a co+w....
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snow-20 · 1 year ago
Hello everyone, please, my friend, subscribe, support me, work for your computer, explore, and join my group to complete my joy. Thank you.
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trendobytes · 2 years ago
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codenewbies · 2 years ago
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Trendo - Multipurpose HTML Template
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roselbellrafferr · 2 years ago
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Един изключителен човек - Сребрин Ватралов. Един от най - добрите ИТ предприемачи. С него се запознахме на събитието, което организирахме за стартиращи предприемачи “ StartUp”, какви прекрасни времена бяха. То�� беше един изключително вдъхновяващ лектор. Бяхме и в офисите му в Пловдив. Това е човек израстнал в дом за сираци и доказал, че “ Американската мечта” може да се осъществи и в България - “ Българската мечта”. Живее на квартира, но е обиколил почти целият свят, защото е много духовно извисен и е осъзнал, че най - важното в живота е живота, интересните хора и всичко, което се случва тук и сега. Радвам се, че имам такива приятели. Създал сайтовете Pomagalo, Garbo, Gepime, Romans, Trendo, desk.Bg, portolan.Bg, bgmafia.com, travel, widom и др. Когато го попитах, защо е създал сайт като Gepime, защото знаете репутацията му и аз не намирах смисъл в съществуването му, той ми отговори “ Ами разбирам, че на теб ти е странно и чудно, защото сигурно имаш много обожатели, от които не знаеш как да се отървеш ( true 🙄😅), но има хора, които трудно си намират партньори, а всички имаме нужда от топлина, обич и човешки допир. На което аз нямаше как да отговоря и ме убеди с едно изречение. А знаете, че обичам да споря 😃с аргументи, докато не стигна до същността на нещата. . . #it #itentrepreneur #entrepreneur (at Bulgaria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcOa4UqMj4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trendosuk · 6 months ago
Beware of Extreme Diets - The Cautionary Tale of Irena Stoynova
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When faced with a serious diagnosis like non-Hodgkin lymphoma, it's natural to seek alternative treatments. However, for Irena Stoynova, a strict juice diet turned into a nightmare. Guided by an influencer promoting holistic cures, Irena devoted over two years to this extreme regimen, hoping to heal herself naturally.
Instead, she lost 20 kilograms, became severely weak, and experienced alarming health issues like fluid in her lungs and hallucinations. By May 2023, her condition was so critical that she was rushed to the hospital, where she finally agreed to chemotherapy.
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lemonsqueezeswim · 4 years ago
Creación de Tendencias
La palabra “tendencia” es empleada para designar movimientos emergentes de la sociedad, estos también son llamados subterráneos al ser casi imperceptibles. Puede emplearse tanto para señalar temas complejos como los temas cotidianos que llegan a ser mundanos. 
Es una predisposición al comportamiento adoptado temporalmente por un grupo social, este lo percibe como socialmente apropiado, de acuerdo al lugar, situación y época. Existen para que la sociedad pueda crear un conector entre lo que los consumidores hacen, dicen y visten en el presente y que probablemente en unos años seguirán haciéndolo. A su vez, la existencia de las tendencias ayuda a los negocios a minimizar gastos y riesgos al predecir lo que el consumidor busca. 
Son predecidas de 18 a 24 meses antes de que salgan al mercado, actualmente las agencias de predicción de tendencias más importantes son: WGSN en Londres, Promostyl en Francia, Fashion Snoops en Estados Unidos y finalmente, la agencia que ha evolucionado llegando a su auge es Trendo en México. 
Las tendencias permiten que los diseñadores conozcan más al consumidor, para así, crear el producto correcto en el momento correcto. Actualmente una tendencia contiene tres macrotendencias que a su vez, cada una contiene una visión, el consumidor o mercado, estampados, textiles, texturas y superficies, inspiración siluetas y una paleta de color.
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vampirehades · 5 years ago
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444names · 2 years ago
spanish surnames BUT excluding "z" and including "e"
Abeana Aceira Acere Achate Achero Aferela Agenario Agerrena Aguendo Alcate Alcejo Aldensta Aldes Alegas Alineles Almescon Amales Andarre Anecio Anedo Aquelo Arabeda Arbahe Arcedra Areno Arochante Aroquero Arquer Arredo Arres Arrivello Arrobarte Arvero Aspellano Averon Bales Balite Bancen Bandego Banes Baolertua Baque Bares Bariega Barmeno Baruero Barvireon Batequi Bearias Bechas Bedrui Begun Beibas Bejos Belar Belas Belieto Bellaldo Belvo Benderra Bentes Bequi Berando Berasco Berasuana Berayor Berio Bermencho Berras Berrerdas Berro Bespies Betaba Bitanesia Blamade Blange Blomores Bones Breas Brental Brerruste Breta Brigueroa Bristeles Brude Cabela Cabrea Cacrivela Calbaluel Calegan Calerdo Calovelas Candrille Canocedo Canteja Canteon Cantes Carena Careraudo Caresmena Cariques Carrela Carreyda Cartafe Casecor Caser Caseroa Caspe Castache Caste Castre Catel Ceantoya Cebonto Cedra Celna Cenarria Cendre Cendros Centilor Cesca Ceveris Cheverlo Chojive Cingoredo Clarrenis Cobelas Coberres Cocena Conte Coresto Correta Correvas Cresibes Crujures Cubea Cubireyra Cuceda Cueles Cuero Debia Decassina Decio Delandin Delas Delevero Dellado Delles Dellon Delmanar Delmelado Delmeno Delovida Dencon Depeno Depes Derero Deriero Dersate Devas Deverra Dopero Dovarea Duserre Ecaro Ectos Egame Egaminto Elano Ellada Endurbado Entigo Erino Escampos Everon Evreyno Fabarey Fagostel Fauianges Favensuan Faviner Felacha Felartia Felorbero Feontro Ferdias Fieria Fortea Fragonte Franecha Fredelua Frejado Freras Frues Fuere Fuero Fueveda Garoseta Garterego Gavaleche Gentin Gonte Grade Grantea Gudel Guecto Guelano Guento Guero Guirete Guriemino Hechia Henta Herata Herna Herrio Hestan Hierosa Hueiradia Hueranos Huijeda Ibreta Irencin Ireno Italles Jatejo Jaudelfio Jelasan Jernes Julobarey Jurreta Labela Lanes Lanones Lapaldego Larres Lasero Lenda Lenes Lengo Limeras Linave Linte Livares Lleocia Llerra Llestoy Lonties Loperin Luperro Lusevel Macenavin Macisnela Maeno Maescocas Maleolas Males Manes Manocento Mantel Manter Maredes Margues Marres Marte Maste Matalente Maurte Menad Menca Mencigon Menda Menga Meniviro Menoa Merea Meroche Mestelon Milleo Mirerrata Mirey Monde Monerda Monses Montea Morcheno Morey Morrineta Mortesta Negos Nescas Nevia Nicens Niscace Nocaves Noviela Nuelleras Ocenciana Ocendia Ochave Ococeas Oldeler Omairante Oranetta Orcanes Oriellos Orridren Oyore Pabero Pacelo Padean Palbenar Palves Panespa Panterasa Pardarcer Parel Parnostes Parte Pastesta Pecenta Pechero Pedelado Pegas Pelares Pello Pelosla Pente Pepompin Perciega Perdada Perdelix Perelaida Perijo Perman Perra Perricas Perritiva Pescas Pinaverin Pinoviet Pinte Prantel Pregudino Preja Prellegra Pulejo Pumances Puporiego Pérer Quena Quera Questel Queta Quevad Queves Ravilles Recel Recoso Redos Regale Reides Relarra Remboa Reperia Rerserros Reruna Retebion Riesquel Riete Rilles Riscades Roiglejo Ronciegas Rontesco Rontiveno Ruberavas Rubilicea Ruencas Sabare Sague Sande Santale Santejos Sarte Satilver Saudioste Saviero Secas Selara Senavola Senovo Sentale Sepuelles Seronrria Seros Serta Sogarever Solose Soroste Sotel Tabidrede Termondo Terro Tiega Tielate Tisinter Tosallens Tralea Trendo Tricena Tumena Turquel Urega Urieray Urquel Vanes Varedon Varres Vates Velafo Velami Velano Velartido Vellal Vellona Venera Veraya Vernas Veroncho Videndo Viedo Vieloa Vierana Vierme Villego Villes Vindredo Virame Virelavea Virena Vuerdo Yerrosta Yravate
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happyhotspur · 6 years ago
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These two 😂😂💖
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