#tremere antitribue
drmikhailov · 3 days
CRINGETOBER 2024 Day 2 - Tsundere
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I failed at sleeping lol
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mortifying-macaroni · 2 months
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Doodle dump of my goth & nerdy Tremere - Gretchen 🖤
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dravencroft · 3 months
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Some of the main NPCs from the VtM one-shot I GMed for my friends, set in the city of Davenport, Iowa!
Khadija: Sheriff of the local Camarilla court; Ventrue Antitribu
Thiago: Senescalch of the local Camarilla court and Khadija's worst headache; Samedi
Ife: Leader of the local Chantry and BBEG of the story; Tremere
Lenore: Very inexperienced hunter from the Society of Leopold; Redeemer
Hole: Owner of the Watering Hole, a local diner for truckers and bikers; also owner of a big black cat named Shit; Garou (Metis, Ahroun, Fianna)
Abeni: Trucker, regular customer of the Watering Hole and owner of a truck named Betsy; perfectly normal human, thank you very much
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mekanikaltrifle · 2 years
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In (the World of) Darkness
(Inspired by @cruddyart’s character lineup)
I’ll post some summaries here for you all, just so we’re up to date on everyone (and as a handy quick reference guide if you are ever unsure who these bastards are :D)
(edited to add some links to songs for the little guys. Most have a ‘theme’ and a ‘current vibe’ for where they’re feeling in their relative narrative spot. Most are not super cheerful!)
Top Row (2021 characters):
- Domino Giovanni (formerly Dom Winters), 10th Gen. clan Giovanni neonate. Independent/Clan aligned. Sired in 2006 at age 26. (Game: Alien Hunger/Harbour of Resentment 2006-2009, currently active).
American (origin: Denver, Colorado)
Personal Theme/ current vibe
Result/victim of strange Kindred scientific experiment into curing vampirism, the results of which were lost. Betrayed by their teammates, nearly decapitated before they were enlisted into the Family and Clan Giovanni. Budding necromancer, former Counter-Strike champion.
- Andrew Serafim, 13th Gen. clan Toreador antitribu fledgling. Sabbat aligned. Sired in 2020 at age 27. (Game: Cauldron Crusade/Atlanta Chronicle, 2020), currently active
English (origin: South London)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Part of the winning team in a Sabbat Bat Race, hours after Embrace. Has a ghoul in his long time friend Madelaine Webb. Immensely athletic and dexterous, previously a national-level aesthetic gymnast in life. Insanely tall.
- Glass Man, 13th Gen. clan Nosferatu neonate. Camarilla aligned. Sired in 2003 sometime in his mid-late 20s. (Game: Boston Nosferatu Chronicle, 2007, currently inactive)
American (origin: Syracuse, New York)
Personal theme
Has access to out-of-clan Fortitude, is a trainee assassin and poisoner. Previously was a junior doctor in life. Enthusiastic free-runner, covers his whole body at all times.
Bottom Row (2022 characters):
- Ms Lina Meijer, 10th Gen. clan Malkavian fledgling. Anarch aligned. Sired in 2012 at age 30. (Game: Den Haag Chronicle, 2012, currently active)
Dutch (origin: somewhere in South Holland, the Netherlands)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Embraced in a mass-Embrace of three, became embroiled in a bloody civil war in Den Haag and Rotterdam. Currently hiding out in Malaga in Spain, hoping things will quiet down. Very able combatant. Has a firearm illegally.
- Dr Dani Reyes, 12th Gen. Tremere fledgling. Independent aligned. Sired in 2020 at age 32. (Game: Atlanta Chronicle Part 2/ A.Rubra, 2020, currently active)
Mexican (origin: Guadalajara, Jalisco)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Was originally a ghoul, and then Embraced in a violent manner by Silas via their domitor Atlas. Known to have committed diablerie in the interest of saving an ally’s life and destroying a genocidal maniac. Honestly just wants a nap.
- Mai Le Pham, mortal. Aware of the supernatural, first encounter in 1997. Aged 30. (Game: Cognitohazard, 1997, currently active)
American (origin: somewhere in the desert, South California)
Personal theme/ current vibe
Investigated eerie happenings in her apartment block with a couple others, only to find the place full of Slashers. Befriended a Deviant by virtue of being unfazed by/oblivious to their odd vibes. Was shot in the abdomen, and healed using demonic blood, and then made a sacrifice of her own blood to the ‘angel Gabriel’ to get free of a strange alter-dimension. Currently on a road trip to Phoenix.
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spiritumantophila · 9 months
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🩸🗡️ And nobody believes you now, you're bleeding magic out! 🗡️🩸
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ufochasing · 2 years
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deathandthesoul · 4 months
If it wasn't for his stepdad, Jesse would have been Toreador Antitribu........
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benevolentvampire · 7 months
i just got struck by the idea for a vtm sao crossover au and im-
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eggslamwich · 27 days
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Been listening to alot of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines ambient music while I draw, so of course I combined brainrots and made a vtm au for some jjk stuff (ignoring most of 5e because they gentrified my vampire ttrpg 🥲)
Kenjaku is an extremely old Tremere antitribu and has taken the path of biothaumaturgy, thus the brain transplant cursed technique in this universe. Kenny likely doesn’t have a sire and was part of the big Tremere transgression, still working out the kinks on that, but they tend to take on the identity of those whom have resources valuable to their goals and the Sabbat overall, which is why despite being Tremere they’re tolerated amongst the Sabbat.
During their era as Noritoshi Kamo, they created Choso and his brothers through experimenting with blood magic and breeding ghouls in an attempt to create more powerful revenants, but as is the case in canon that didn’t turn out the way they wanted rip. At some point when they took on Kaori’s identity, they made Jin into a ghoul as well, and he blood bonded with them ❤️
Mahito is a shovelhead tzimisce who surpassed her role as canon fodder and proved to be a prodigy among Sabbat fledglings. Kenjaku took interest in them especially and took her under their wing in guiding her through their new life as a vampire, curious to watch her grow in her disciplines. (And totally doesn’t plan on diablerizing them)
At some point Junpei crossed paths with her, and was tricked by her under the promise of making him a vampire too into becoming their ghoul. The stitches are from places she opened up to see the insides, but they kept them for “aesthetics”, and a benefit of being a tzimisce is you can get all the body mods you want without risk of infection. :D
(I mainly based human mahito off @cursedvibes ‘s depiction of her in his fanfic here)
I’m still churning lore ideas in my head to make every thing better tho, I hope to add more to it sometime uwu
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holly-bearie · 1 year
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*im finally running out of these* only 2 more i think
chandra!!! they're a gurkha on a Mission (not dying again). they went missing (got embraced) during the Anglo-Nepalese war because a Salubri Antitribu wanted a protégé, and now they're hiding out on the East Coast in a cheesy resort city dodging Tremere and tracking low-humanity Kindred
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And I've always been ashamed that I wanna Fall into a dream with my honour desecrated Blood is jaded (Spiritbox - Jaded)
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dravencroft · 2 years
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A quick redraw/redesign of Lazare Téophile, Tremere Antitribu and cunning con artist I played during a Vampire: the Masquerade one-shot session a few years ago. I suddenly missed him so here he is!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 3 months
My trip to Baldur's Gate: Vampire the Masquerade AUs has haunted me all day.
The Dead Three aren't going to translate neatly and should probably be split into different characters covering different aspects of the originals. The Clan of Death is the neatest fit for them overall, but they don't all fit. The Giovanni fit Bhaal best (the Endless Night is basically his ideal, then there's the family money, the fucked up family shit). The scholarly bent of the Cappadocians with the aesthetic of the Harbingers of Skull is Myrkul and followers. Myrkul and Bhaal are too tied to death and undeath, if you take them out of here you lose something. Bane, frankly, is Ventrue with a splash of Lasombra; which does take us out of the box and the succession thing. Luckily their antediluvian is dead as hell as far as anyone can tell, so that's free real estate.
Withers is a fragment of Cappadocius; 'retired' and his one church/clan split in three (they might be pawns though god knows who of); mostly forgotten in the modern nights; seems benign on the surface and then you look closer and he's the world's least trustworthy motherfucker. Jergal has never schemed to eat Ao's soul as far as I know, but I sure wouldn't put anything past him.
Failing that he's the Capuchin... assuming those two are so unrelated, although I'm pretty sure the Capuchin is Lazarus.
Haarlep is hosting the succubus club. I will overlook how much it annoys be that 5e stopped the succubus being strictly tanar'ri for the bit.
Durge: Extremely low generation Giovanni neonate... or Baali, if you want to go ultimate edgelord. Enjoys the principle of Taboo in their necromancy work too much.
Gale: Has an Oblivion-tainted chunk of Mr 'I Can Totally Eat God's Soul and Replace Him' in his chest, so Cappadocian, I guess. Formerly awakened, but he ignored his avatar when it warned him not to touch The Thing and here we are.
Astarion: World's Worst Tremere Wants Dark Thaumaturgy. So he doesn't have to actually study hermetic mysticism to get the rewards of blood sorcery. And also to be free of the pyramid. Cazador should not be a regent, but alas, he won his certamen against Velioth. And also diablerised him. And made a pact with an Archduke of Hell.
Shadowheart: Setite by faith, Lasombra Abyss Mystic by lineage. Is actually kinfolk to the Children of Gaia, but she neither knows that nor would it help her to know that in any way.
Karlach: Abandoned Gangrel fledgling is taken in by Kind Older Vampire who is Going to Show Her the Ropes and Definitely Not Scheming; This is heart-warming and definitely not going to be tragic. (The horns and tail are permanent frenzy mutations).
Wyll: I got Toreador vibes over here. He's got an insanely high humanity rating, but Mizora's a diabolist and Wyll's caught in the net. Haven't decided whether Mizora or, if I stretch, Ulder is his sire. It's probably Mizora.
Lae'zel: Still thinking on that one, but I do get Sabbat crusader vibes. Ventrue antitribu? I think that fits. She's had heavy modification from a deceased Tzimisce pack mate.
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thesixthplaneteer · 5 days
Hi, for the VTM OC Ask Game, I would love to know the following for Harri and Godwynn: 6, 10, 16, 30! Thank you 🙏
Hello! thank you for the ask and sorry it took so long to respond <3
6. What was their relationship to their sire? Were they close in any way or mere strangers? Harri - He was embraced by Ta-Urt, a direct child of Set believing herself to be the goddess of fertility, childbirth, and black magic. She is actively worshipped as a goddess by the Cult of Taweret, a cult within the followers that heavily practices the Path of Ecstasy. Harrakhty was brought in after being able to sneak into her temple and made it as far as the treasure room. At first he was taken as a pet but his deep dive into devotion and acceptance of the cult tenants made Ta-Urt see some potential. She then groomed him for centuries. Convincing him he was Sobek reborn. They were incredibly close with Harri convincing himself he was the favorite of the Goddess and a very unhealthy matronly dynamic that would have made Sigmund Freud blush. She guided and shaped him into the very thing he is today. Godwynn - He was embraced soon after the final battle of the War of Roses. He was injured and in his recovery was unknowingly conversing with the man that would become his sire. Godwynn holds great respect for Walder and they were as close and any packmate and pack leader would be with the knightly fraternity of their mostly Ventrue Antitribue pack but it was very much a commander and soldier relationship. Godwynn preferred it like that. He looked up to Walder and aspired to be every bit of the warrior he was. The only time Godwynn recalls feeling sadness was the night Walder met final death.
10. What is their relationship to that childe if they do have one? Harri - Even as old as he is he has rarely sired with none making it to modern nights. He would find a promising aspirant in the cult and bring them by his side. They would be close, very close, as he guided them through the gates of enlightenment. However at some point he is disappointed by them or his wife decides she let it go on long enough, or they thought they would be able to replace the wife. Ambition seemed to always get in the way of him having a progeny that can last. In modern nights he embraces a ghoul he had for nearly a century. An enforcer/bodyguard type that he has taken strides with to try and make it work out. Godwynn - He has never sired, being far to hard on his ghouls and potential childer. He would build knight and squire type relationships and put them through all imaginable torments to prepare them to become a crusader.
16. How good are they at acting “alive”? Harri - He hangs around mortals enough he can act alive, however he himself is a walking masquerade breach but Obfuscate helps with that. He may be seen as eclectic or quirky but he can act alive. Godwynn - Terrible at it. He only started even using the blush of life in modern nights to appease his Bishop turned Prince. He will do the bare minimum to keep the masquerade, otherwise he makes no effort.
30. Do they have a clan that they do particularly like? Harri - The necromancer clans. Necromancy may hold some secret to bringing Set back so he has always been fond of the clans that now make up Hecata. With the miracles Noa helps him perform in modern nights, they are the top of his like list. Godwynn - Tremere, for all the wrong reasons. He likes the taste of warlock vitae the most and enjoys hunting them. He even developed counter thaumaturgy after a diablerie or two because he enjoys the smug looks faded form their face when they realize their greatest weapon is rendered null. He holds no particle hate for them, they're just fun to hunt. Outside of his own clan he doesn't care at all about the others.
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crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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Thank you all SO much, I am overwhelmed! Who belongs to who in both pictures and below the cut!
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Magpie - Dykeferatu's Nosferatu OC. I am obsessed, I may've adopted her in my head? I love her so much.
Mina - Arcturus's Tzimisce OC! I think they're just gorgeous... was very stoked to be able to draw them!
Quinn - Tzimizce's Ventrue Antitribu OC! I LOVE VENTRUE ANTIS SO I WAS SO STOKED TO SEE TZIM KNOCK ON MY COMM DOOR. Gonna stick all the VenAnti's in a Medieval Times together soon.
Hunter - 6ut's Tremere OC! I was told he's a Southern boy covered in tats and as a Southern Woman with some tats myself I was very intrigued....
Cassidy - Blood-bound's Tremere OC! I was told he has sad tired eyes and he may be kind of baby boy to me now...
Willow - LGBTMI's Toreador! She's so lovely and has a great aesthetics/reference side blog that really helped!
Linden- Spell-Fox's stunning OC! I love their entire vibe, the patterns, the COLORS.
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boghermit · 1 year
Similar survey to the VTMB level one
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