#treesy lore
cartooemcanhis · 2 months
Bios for everyones favourite totally innocent cutesy animals!
(intentionally silly and cheesy lol)
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Enjoy these while i procrastinate on the next page lol
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cartooemcanhis · 29 days
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Idk if I've ever said this before, so sorry if I'm a broken record here but, here's my little hc about hibernation in htf!
Pretty much all tree friends hibernate, but it isn't the way actual irl animals do. For treefriends, hibernation is a period of about 1-3 weeks in winter where they feel alot more sleepy, hungry and act mildly more animalistic than usual. The weeks they do it depends alot on the treefriends animal and it varies in length and stuff. It's mostly just a mild inconvenience and it doesn't really affect them much
In easy for you to sleigh Flippy was hibernating so that's why he was in such a deep sleep. Lifty and Shifty knew it was around the time bears hibernate and that's why they chose to target Pop and Flippy (Mime was not planned to be stolen from they just felt like it in the moment lmao)
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
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These boys were definitely toxic yaoi exes bro.. 💔💔
They had a secret forbidden romance and it was hella toxic 💔💔💔
Rat has every disease ever known to mankind and used Mole for info and stuff 💔💔
Their toxic yaoi shipname is "THE" 💔💔
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
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felt like being edgy today
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
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I like to hc they all Co existed. They all knew eachother back in the dinosore days I think.
I don't know why but I think about the era where Cro marmot wasnt an icecube alot. I have alota little stories for him and his long long long long long dead friends 👍
Banjo freaking invented music. He is the reason we have all our silly music people's you should thank him
Random silly hcs I have about early tree friends:
They were alot more animalistic compared to modern treefriends, they're the awkward in-between stage between tree friends and normal animals. They kind of had a (very flawed) society but they still hunted like animals and often ran on all fours.
They hunted and ate small dinosaurs but were mostly considered prey animals (depends on the species of tree friend though really). Big dinosaurs rlly likes eating these guys 👍
Early tree friends were alot more durable than modern ones, being able to take more damage without dying instantly. (Probably because they didn't have the curse yet tbh..)
They had a language, it was actually really similar to the way that the tree friends canonically speak in the actual show, just a little more animal noisey.
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
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I hc the way that most things work in Treesy (the planet I htf takes place on in my au) works alot like the way a child would imagine things in life to work.
A job? Yeah anyone can get it, if they have the qualifications or not!!
A car? Mhm yep anyone can drive a car even if they definitely shouldn't
Math? Almost comically simple there, practically non existent (this doesn't affect a lot unlike the othe things tho)
A city? Oh must be all dark and edgy like in a comic book. Sooo much crime there wowwww
Everythings pretty childlike and simple there, I like everything to feel like a small childs imagination that's been horribly corrupted by an outside force, hopefully i can get that across in the stuff i make lmao
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cartooemcanhis · 2 months
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These guys were in a polycule I think. They all kissed eachother when noone else was looking. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 They were definitely gay for eachother and no one else in the w.a.r knew ‼️‼️🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
Shout out to Kapow we may never be getting mo w episodes but it's so damn silly!!!
Random Sneaky and Mouse Ka-boom hcs for funsies cuz why not👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨
Sneaky basically like never talked and whenever he did it was usually the most out of pocket crap ever that made no sense, either that or something important but usually it was wild lmao
Mouse Ka-boom had a very short temper and was totally the kinda guy to pick fights with guys twice his size (he was so tiny I cannot fathom how small this guy was)
Sneaky did that weird chameleon thing where randomly he sometimes smelled like rotting flesh for no reason and it was always very concerning to everyone else
Mouse ate a concerning amount of food for someone his size, they call him the nibbler‼️
For a majority of Sneakys training they made him wear gear that didn't let him go invisible because they didn't trust him lmao
Mouse wasn't fully deaf, he just had really bad hearing due to explosives (the ear protectors didn't fit his ears 💔). He was almost discharged from the w.a.r because of it but they kept him around because of him insisting he stay
Sneaky knew basically like everyone's secrets in the w.a.r and if he wasn't so quiet all the time would probably be a gossip king
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cartooemcanhis · 2 months
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Tiny map of my hc of the htf world! Theres more than this but these are the important places!
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
Tonight's ramble..isn't really much of a ramble. More like a setup for something epic and silly I plan to do tomorrow!!
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Alrighty so. Ask me about my headcanons for the htf characters PLEASE, gang 💔💔💔 just say a character (maybe also any specifics if you want?? If that makes sense??) and I will tell u a silly hc I got!! I will do any htf character ‼️‼️‼️ please ‼️‼️ I want to share my hcs ‼️‼️‼️ I also am willing to talk about the lore for Treesy, the planet my htf au takes place on 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
Please please please guys I want to yap 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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