#tree stamps save my life tho
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ickachris · 10 months ago
i’ve only been drawing Hannibal shit— I have a problem.
(I have 3 more Hannibal WIPS currently.)
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plainvanillapotato · 5 years ago
Quarantine diaries: its still may 22 2020.
Continuation of my “the 100 diaries” cuz y’all asked for it
Season 1. Ep. 2 Earth Skills
These kids sure have some stamina for people who have been stuck on a space blob all of their life. Ok wait imagine if instead of all these super attractive and fit actors we got the space people from wall-E who barely walk to save their lives. Now that is realistic.
Some bones. Mystery. Intrigue. Clearly not a human skull tho.
*hears jasper screaming* yes lets run toward the danger. I know I know be the hero and save the guy but if we’re living by the “do whatever the hell we want” rule then you bet your ass that I’m not gonna be the hero
Also how did jasper not die cuz really it looked like an instant kill
Side note: I’ve just realized where I recognize Clarke’s mom. She’s that aunt in the game plan.
Thelonious… really? These character names are all over the place. I mean you have regular names like Finn and Abby but then you jump to thelonious and Bellamy?! But who am I to judge? I live in a universe where Elon Musk's kid is named X Æ A-12.
Aww wells...such a nice guy! Did he really just bury those two people all by himself? Like no one else saw him and didn’t offer to help him. But I guess as these are some angsty teens who only care about themselves
Wait...wells also stripped them of their clothes kinda gross but you gotta do what you gotta do
Wow first appearance of a shirtless Bellamy. He’s hot
So I really don’t like this Murphy character. It does not help that the jacket that his wearing, the shoulder pad looks like one of those spiky balls I used to play with as a kid. Ill insert some images to prove this. Like I swear to god I bet that the costume design people straight up cut one of them spiky balls and just slapped that on the jacket
Lol I was really worried there for a moment thinking that Bellamy would actually stop that fight between wells and Murphy. Bellamy is chaotic neutral/evil giving wells a knife for a fair fight
Grounders. I wonder if they had a discussion on what they should call the people that survived on earth cuz i feel like there’s a better name for them but idk what. Also does that mean that the 100 and the ark people are called ‘spacers’
Clarke is being very anal about these wristbands like I understand her reasoning but it’s annoying me rn
This show shows more politics than I thought it would. It’s interesting how the kids take on the traits and characteristic of their parents
Wooow this show is really going with the smart Asian stereotype. Like you’re literally keeping Monty from saving his best friend because his brain is too valuable. please tell me there is more to monty than his brains
Clarke really be out here negging Finn AND Bellamy into a suicide mission to find jasper
Also I find it fascinating that one of the main reasons that Bellamy is the leader of these spacers is because he has a gun. Is this supposed to be reflective of real life?
I watch this show with subtitles on and… they spell Adam as ATOM. Like what? I literally had to look it up on IMDb to see if that was an error but nope it wasn’t
Bellamy is a very possessive big brother. Like I know its out of love but its a bit much and kinda anti-feminist like he treats octavia like a doll
Who is this raven character cuz i really don’t be needing another subplot
“Lockup has been quarantined. There’s some kind of a virus” …. CORONAVIRUS?! Is this show the parallel universe everyone is talking about
For a girl who had very limited social interaction, octavia is very confident flirting. Like for real, she flirts with boys better than I do. Possible the most unrealistic part of the show so far
Are they really setting up a thing between Clarke and Finn like keep it in your pants guys? It’s been like 2 days.  Fuck they are making finn and Clarke a thing. And i bet its that troupe where he’s a free spirit and she’s all uptight and he teaches her how to let loose
Also back to my Star Wars parallel, I think I’ve figured it out. Clarke is Rey. Wells is Finn (the guy friend that loves the main girl but she only sees him as a friend). Finn is Poe (the careless fun guy that contrasts the oh so serious main girl). And Bellamy is Kylo ren (the ‘antagonist’ that actually has a heart). Like guys the friend zone relationship between wells and Clarke is VERY finn and Rey like. Then there’s this scene where it seems like Bellamy is trying to turn wells against finn almost like kylo ren trying to turn someone to the dark side. i know rn its finn and clarke but there are strong reylo vibez between bellamy and clarke 
Now there’s atom and octavia jesus this girl moves faster through boys than i have in my entire life but i guess since she lived under the floor for much of her life she has a lot to make up for.
I find it very American who these spacers think that because they have a gun that they are safe.
They really put jasper, titties out, up there in a tree
You know how Bellamy said that he would do anything to get clarke’s wristband even if that means cutting off her hand so that the arc doesn’t come down….he really could have just let her die when she fell into that pit. But I get it plot and to show that Bellamy isn’t all evil. Also very intense eye contact between Clarke and Bellamy.
So this council meeting...ngl i kinda side with Kane especially with that violent table slap
Yess wells you kill that mutant animal thingy. The “now she sees you” yeah Bellamy no shit. Ofc Clarke is gonna notice wells shooting and killing that animal right in front of her. 
Are they really gonna eat that radioactive animal????? I’m serious when i say i want to straight up vomit thinking about eating that. Guess that its a good thing that i don’t live in this universe. Side note it looks like one of those mutant beast that was in the first hunger games movie.
Oh fuck...raven is finn’s girlfriend. Ofc she is
The scene where finn takes the food without cutting off his wristband and Murphy is like no you ain’t special but then finn is like “i thought there were no rules” cut to Murphy’s face is just like “but he’s got a point tho” then finn just walks off with the music blaring like that was the most badass thing ever (the time stamp for this scene is 39:39)….this show is too much
Bellamy really hung atom for kissing his sister…..no just no this is no okay but I’m kind of too invested to stop watching
Oooo a grounder. Does that mask have any functional purposes? Or like is it purely for intimidation
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this was murphy’s face when Finn said that there were no rules. 
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deeisace · 6 years ago
I haven’t thought of my welsh harry potter au in a while
as is clear, I've not posted a chapter for three and a half years at this point I think
but like.
i’ll put this under a readmore
so, Evans is a welsh name, no? (god knows I know that, seems i’m descended from half of them myself.) so like. Lily is Welsh. (Snape is still northern, but his da’s a coal miner, yeah? maybe? there’s a good seam of that in south wales, too)
also, like, squibs, right? those exist. more’n Argus Filch and Arabella Figg. hey, both those have the same initials!
uh, so, Filch had that paper once, yeah, where he wr tryna learn magic or smth? and was angry to Harry about it? so stands to be such that squibs can learn magic?
what if like, a ‘spectrum’ or smth? like, the govt have classifications cs they’re fuckers, this is a well-known phenomenon, we know this. uh so like, some folks can’t do magic cs uhhh buncha reasons
like how, the Dursleys tryna “stamp out” magic, right? musta been some fucked up reason they thought that’d work.
or like, veins? like, magic has pathways? and sometimes that gets stoppered? for some or other reason, idk.
and right, stoppered magic gotta go somewhere, no? like Dumbledore’s sister, i forget her name. or just in a way that idk, gotta get out, yknow? so uhh, Neville, right? his family “thought he was a squib” til he come to Hogwarts - and he’s shitty at potions cs that ain’t a way his magic can work (and also he’s using his dad’s wand a while, and also Snape is a colossal arse) - but herbology, it can go that way! so it does! or uh, seamus exploding stuff, cs his magic just literally does explode, y’know, like you’ve shook a bottle of pop or smth, til he gets a handle on it.
or, if, if, there’s too much magic for the standard pathways to handle? or it just can’t go the ordinary way or smth? gotta go some place - so Dumbledore can speak Mermish, or Harry (and his grandfather) can speak Parseltongue, or Lily can bring a flower back to life on purpose as a child (have I misremembered that?), or uhhh
like, could be magic being nonsense, on account of magic (that’s just how my brain works, that’s just how your magic works, y’know?), could be ‘exceptional circumstances’ like harry’s stuff what’s goin on with his forehead, could be some event (like Luna or Arianna or Neville), could be physical trauma (like if your hands are burnt t fuck, your wand mayhap not doin you any good, nor the magic pathways/veins in your hands, especially when that is how magic is “”supposed”” to be focused, how folks are generally taught, through the wand and/or hand, y’know?)
and sometimes magic ant goin nowhere, that’s fine and cool right, and sometimes it can need uh magic physio, there’s stuff and there’s other stuff an all sorts, idk
so anyway right, Draco Malfoy has a squib great aunt - Sylvia, who is Abraxas’ sister. she didn’t want to be hid away nor married off to some twat, right, so she fucked off to London and like underground-style organised a school for squibs, so folks can opportunities, cs god knows that ain’t happenin in 1940s wizarding Britain, and to make it legit she goes through the international council or whatever, so’s british govt can’t fuck with her overmuch, cs fuck those fuckers, I mean really
and lily evans’ parents are a squib couple who’ve like, run away fra their (well, Hettie’s) awful family - and Hettie was nee Prewett, yeah, cousin of a cousin of Molly, yeah? and the cousin they share (sorta. family trees, man) is Alys. And she worked for the ministry, and forged their documents in 1953, and had a squib son with this unfortunately bigoted lady, right, and then got together with Sylvie.
and along with Lily and Petunia, Hettie and Alun Evans have a son, I think is name is Mike? Michael Henry? Fuck idk, I forget. Mickey! and he grows up to run an independent equipment/potions shop. if you don’t want to go to Diagon, cs the prices or the bigotry or idk. potions ingredients and single-use stunners (or spells in general, but nothing that’s overly complicated or likely to smash mirrors, or dangerous on account of permits n laws an shit, tho I mean. you could) for folks who can’t cast them themselves, and uhh 
also remus’ mum runs a little bookshop in Nottingham, and his dad isn’t in the picture, thank the lord, and he was gonna go to Sylvie’s right, cs there’s werewolves allowed there (international laws, not necessarily British ones) and also it’s cheaper and uh - but Dumbledore, whose reasons are his own, makes a very generous offer, and, but they can’t provide Wolfsbane, it turns out, a shame it is, and there’s no accommodation or previous incident (what’s the lawyerly word for that?) for allowing the transfer of students between schools, there’s no way now he can go to Sylvie’s, nothing to be done, but it’s okay, mum can try to save for Wolfsbane in the holidays, it’s expensive but she can figure something out, it’ll be okay, and he has his friends now, and he can get his OWLs and his NEWTs, and everything will be okay
and Tonks’ summer job is at Mickey’s, and her dad is a weatherman
and Sirius and Remus are together through the war, and after 1981, 1988, Remus and Mickey get together, and 1993, Sirius expects things to go back to normal, and they don’t and they can’t because that is not how life works mate, time changes (but it is a great healer)
one day in 1988, petunia picks a day and takes the train with the boy from Guildford to Swansea and drops him off at her parents with very little in the way of a by-your-leave, and gets home with just enough time to greet Vernon coming home from work, then as much as possible continues pretending she hasn’t got a nephew, or any siblings, or any parents for that matter. she’s absolutely normal, absolutely.
and and and 
well, that’s mostly as far as I got, off the top of my head
here’s what I've written yonks ago - (x)
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emeraldwaves · 7 years ago
Title: Cacophony Chapter 5 Mikorei Week Day 1: Fascination Read from the beginning Music/Band AU Pairing: Mikorei, side Izuseri, Rating: M Word Count:  4,640
AO3 Summary for Ch5: Suoh continues to helps Munakata experience new things. thanks to @its-love-u-asshole for reading this even tho she super busy! Sorry it took me forever to update this like a jerk
“You killed him.”
“I didn’t kill him,” Suoh grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I took the idiot to a concert. I didn’t murder the guy.”
“I knew you weren’t fond of him but to think you’d go this far,” Kusanagi sighed, dramatically.
“Shut it,” Suoh rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he sat in the chair, waiting for their rehearsal to begin. As much as he hated to admit it, it was odd Munakata was late. He hadn’t been late to any of their rehearsals, and he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who was late to anything. Ever.
“Well you obviously did something. Otherwise, he’d be here. The guy hasn’t been late to any of our rehearsals,” Kusanagi said, speaking Suoh’s thoughts out loud.
“Maybe he’s living life on the edge?” Suoh mused, placing a cigarette in his mouth.
Kusanagi pursed his lips, rubbing his forehead. “I swear, Mikoto…The competition is in a week and a half and we finally found a pianist. I get that he wasn’t up to your damn high standards, but if he quits because you felt the need to scare him off—” Kusanagi was abruptly cut off by the door sliding open as Munakata rushed into the practice space.
Suoh smirked, glancing towards Kusanagi with one eyebrow raised. Kusanagi rolled his eyes, waving his hand at Suoh.
“Ah, I apologize for being late,” Munakata said, bowing as he caught his breath. Suoh watched as Munakata, red-faced and huffing, slipped off his scarf and began to unbutton his pea-coat. Damn attractive prissy boy.
“I’m shocked. The perfect pianist actually did something wrong,” Suoh murmured, though a smirk was still present on his lips.
“Yes, yes, go ahead and chide me all you want,” Munakata sighed, draping the jacket over the back of the chair.
“Nah, I’m impressed,” Suoh chuckled, stepping onto the stage, and grabbing his guitar.
“Only you would be impressed by tardiness,” Munakata scoffed, brushing some of the snow out of his hair. “I simply underestimated how long it would take me to walk here in the snow. It was rather slippery.”
“I was convinced Mikoto had murdered you,” Kusanagi teased, following Suoh’s lead. He picked up his bass, placing the strap over his head.
Munakata pulled the folder of music from his bag, smiling as he walked towards the stage. “Actually Suoh and I had a lovely evening. Quite eye opening,” he said, stepping up onto the black stage.
Suoh watched as Munakata took his seat at the piano. Damn idiot really was far too pretty for his own good. “Mmm. I hope this means you’re gonna play like a human today, instead of a robot.” Munakata turned around, narrowing his eyes at Suoh. Even angry, he looked good, Suoh thought.
“Suoh,” Munakata began, hissing out his name. “I do hope you don’t expect some magical change overnight.”
“And here I thought you were a prodigy,” Suoh teased, before they began to start the song. Listening to Munakata play now, Suoh couldn’t help but glance back at him every so often. It still felt stilted, but slightly less so than it had before. Only slightly, Suoh wasn’t going to admit to any more than that. Shrugging, the guitarist turned his gaze back towards the front, focusing on his own part and singing. Munakata wasn’t anywhere close to Totsuka, but it was better than he had expected after only one day. Munakata was shockingly talented, technical, but talented. The more time he spent with him, the more impossible it became to deny that.
At the end of the set, Suoh turned towards Munakata, watching as he sighed and sat back, resting his hands on the keys. "Better," he grunted, hating the way a gentle blush rose to Munakata's cheeks. "Let's take a break," he said, immediately stepping down off of the stage. The less he had to say to the pianist the better. Suoh sucked at talking to him, and knowing how much Munakata enjoyed talking, the ass would probably start to ask him questions Suoh didn't have an answer to.
Suoh grabbed his jacket as he walked towards the door and yanked it open with both hands, the sliding echo loud in the now quiet practice space. He stepped outside and lit a cigarette, letting it burn down in his mouth.
“Admit it, you like him,” Kusanagi chuckled, now standing next to Suoh as he wrapped his coat around himself, lighting his own cigarette.
"Who?" Suoh grunted, letting a large cloud of smoke escape from his lips.
“Munakata," Kusanagi smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Mm. S'fine I guess," Suoh growled. He didn't have to admit anything. As far as he was concerned, Munakata did his job and served his purpose. Suoh didn't have to like him or befriend him anymore than he already had.
"You took him to a concert."
"He needed to loosen up," Suoh replied. "Wanted him to see how other people play. S'all," he shrugged.
"Alright. I won't push it."
"Besides," Suoh smirked at his best friend. "Even if I did like him, it wouldn't matter," he grinned. "The guy's probably a virgin, and saving himself until he finds 'the one'. Seems like that type," he said, chucking his cigarette butt to the ground to stomp out.
"Nothing wrong with that," Kusanagi shrugged, taking another long drag off of his cigarette
"Wasn't saying there was," Suoh grunted. "I don't want to taint his virgin ass." A gust of wind blew past their faces, the smoke from the cigarettes floating away. Kusanagi let out a snort, and Suoh didn't have to look at him to know the man was rolling his eyes.
"Maybe he wants you to corrupt him," Kusanagi replied, tossing the butt of his cigarette onto the ground. He placed his shoe against the slushy snow, twisting it around as the lit end slowly burnt out.
Suoh tapped the end of the cigarette, dumping the ash to ground. "Doubt it."
"Why don't you ask him," Kusanagi grinned.
"You want me to ask Munakata if he's had sex?" Suoh asked.
"Why not?" Kusanagi grinned.
Munakata's fingers swiped over the keys. Keyboards really were not his thing. He didn't like the lightness of the keys...the way the plastic clicked when he applied pressure. It didn't hold the same weight as the grand pianos he was used to.
The practice space was silent, quiet enough that Munakata could hear his breath echoing in the large hall. Suoh and Kusanagi had gone outside for a smoke, and Yata had run off somewhere. He'd been arguing on his cellphone to the boy he always seemed to be fighting with. Munakata still hadn't quite figured out what their relationship was.
He sighed, wondering if his playing had actually grown at all. Yes, he was experiencing 'new things' by playing with this band, but he wasn't certain it was actually helping him develop as an artist. He wanted to try again at Scepter University in just a few months for the Spring semester, and he wanted to be ready. Though he supposed he couldn't quite 'experience life' in such a short amount of time, but who exactly could put a number on that anyway.
He felt his playing had been rough today, his fingers pushing hard against the keys. Suoh had said to try new things, and even pushed him to to be similar to their style, for the purpose of their competition...and yet, today, it hadn't felt...right. Suoh had said it was better, though he hadn't elaborated beyond one word. Munakata really should've expected nothing less by now. Suoh wasn't the world's best teacher, in fact, he wasn't really a teacher at all. He was horrible at communicating, and Munakata still didn't quite know what he meant.
Slamming his fingers against the keys, he stood up, thinking he could take a walk and clear his head. But just as he did, Suoh slid the door open.
"Break over so soon?" Munakata hummed. There was a bit of a sing-song in his voice, teasing Suoh, though really it was odd he was coming back so fast. Normally a break meant 30-40 minutes of down time.
“So, what’s your deal?” Mikoto asked, ignoring Munakata's question as he walked back towards the stage.
“My…deal?” Munakata’s head tilted, his hair swaying slightly with the movement. His deep purple eyes met Suoh's gold.
“Yeah, you know…why you got such a large stick up your ass?” Suoh snorted.
Scoffing, Munakata folded his arms, turning his head away. “Excuse you.”
“Yeah, sorry," Suoh said, stamping his foot against the stage, hopping up onto it. "It’s more like a tree ya’ got stuck up there.”
"I thought you said I was doing better," Munakata frowned. "Did you lie?"
"Nah," Suoh shrugged, sitting down on Yata's drum stool. "It was better. Your shoulders still looked like they were going to punch your ears, but better."
"What is that supposed to mean, Suoh?" Munakata hissed. He wanted to better himself yes, but the way Suoh handled his strange lessons was so incredibly childish...
Suoh's shoulders raised to his ears. "Tension."
"I do not sit like that."
"It's subtle, but ya' do."
Grunting, Munakata unfolded his arms about to speak up, when Suoh picked up Yata's drumstick, rolling it against the top of the drum.
"You a virgin, Munakata? Ever been in love?"
"Excuse me?!" Munakata asked, taking a step backwards as he almost tripped over the bench of the piano. "Have you?"
Suoh's normally tired golden eyes widened ever so slightly, a flash of pain flickering behind his gaze. He was quiet, still rolling the drumstick, but even then the movement got slower. Seemed Munakata had touched a nerve. "Not important," he said finally. "Gonna assume that deflection means no."
Suoh was apparently smarter than he let on. "The same could be said about your response," he retorted, his face feeling hot. " don't see why you need to know this information about me," Munakata said finally.
"Don't. Just tryin' to get to know you. And you know, a lot artists use a broken heart to really dig inside themselves for emotion when they play," Suoh continued. Whenever he talked so much, Munakata always felt thrown off guard, like he was hearing Suoh's voice for the first time.
"I take it that's what you do," Munakata snapped, knowing it was a low blow. Suoh was obviously quite attached to Totsuka Tatara, the writer of their songs.
Suoh grunted, slapping the drumstick against the hard, white snare drum. "Not important," he repeated again after some silence.
"I don't see why my personal information is important and yours is not..." Munakata continued.
"Just tryin' to help ya'." Suoh shrugged.
"...Well, still, not that I believe it is any of your business, but no. I have not experienced either of those things. I never had time for it, I was too busy with music." It was true, Munakata hadn't experienced love...or any sort of sexual relations. He had spent his teenage years focusing on the piano and learning to perfect his technique; A technique which felt utterly useless on this stage.
"Knew it. Kusanagi owes me ten bucks," Suoh chuckled, spinning the drumstick around in his hand once more.
"Owes you?" Munakata frowned. "I thought you were trying to teach me some kind of lesson, not mock me." He yanked his coat off the back of his chair. "I'm leaving."
"Ah, c'mon, Munakata, lighten up! This is what I meant about that stick thing."
"Stick...thing?" Munakata asked, clenching his jacket hard.
Suoh stood up and pointed to his ass. "Up there."
"I am trying to learn and better myself, Suoh, this is no time for stupid jokes," he scoffed, turning his head away, his cheeks feeling hot.
"Embarrassed?" Suoh let out a deep, prideful chuckle, as though he were beyond thrilled he'd caught Munakata in the lie.
"I'm not," he said, keep his gaze fixated on Suoh, so not to give away his true emotions.
"Just...take the joke," Suoh groaned, covering his eyes. "Look, you really wanna better yourself, meet me here tomorrow night around 9 PM."
"9 PM? But it's a Friday, we don't practice on Fridays. I have a great deal of solo practicing I need to get done. Additionally, I really need to begin working on my new composition," Munakata explained. He couldn't go gallivanting around every night with Suoh, especially when the man was insufferable to be around. He had many things to work on, and his friendship with Suoh was not one of them.
"Yeah, we don't have practice, so you're free right?" Suoh talked, ignoring everything Munakata said.
"Did you not listen to a word I just said?" Munakata asked, his brow furrowing. "Do you plan on taking me to another concert?"
"Tomorrow. 9 PM. I'll teach ya' how to loosen up."
Munakata sighed, once again waiting outside for Suoh. He should've learned from last time, should've known Suoh wouldn't have shown up at 9. He took off his scarf, and re-wrapped it around his neck, covering up his mouth and nose, the hot air from his breath blowing back into his face.
He yawned, and stretched his hands up. It was getting late, already 9:15, and Munakata wasn't quite sure what Suoh had planned for the evening, but he hoped it would wrap up soon. He'd never been one to stay out very late.
Munakata wasn't sure why he kept agreeing to these weird outings, but something about Suoh intrigued him. The red haired man was incredibly obnoxious and Munakata couldn't stand how he acted about some things, and yet he was drawn to him. Perhaps there was a part of him which truly believed Suoh had some magical answer to his problem. The guy's life seemed to be a mess, and actually Munakata had no idea what the man did besides play his guitar, but for some reason, he held the key to unlocking something more inside of Munakata. Or at least that was what he wanted to believe. Plus, he really hadn't had a bad time at the concert, it had been rather nice to experience something new and different.
"Oi, Munakata," Suoh called, cigarette in his mouth. "Ya' ready?" He breezed by him and the door to the practice space, waving his hand up and down.
"Ready for what?" Munakata asked, glancing between Suoh and the door. "Are we not going in there?"
"Nope," Suoh said, tucking his hands his pockets as he scuffed his feet along against the sidewalk.
"Then, where are we going?" he asked.
"You ask way too many questions," Suoh sighed, turning the corner as they made their way down the block. Their feet squished against the messy slush on the sidewalk, the snow had begun to melt earlier in the day with the sun out, but the night brought back the cold, meaning the wet slosh wouldn't be there for long.
After what seemed like many minutes, Suoh finally stopped in front of a door underneath an awning. A bright red light flashed above it, reading only one word: bar. The sign lit up one letter at a time and then flashed the whole word, in a increment of only about three seconds.
"A bar?" Munakata asked.
"Yeah," Suoh said, flashing his ID to the man in front of the door. "I'm buying you a drink."
"Oh no," Munakata said, shaking his head. "You are sorely mistaken. I don’t drink alcohol."
"You don't?" Suoh asked, turned to face him, the tall bouncer blocking a small space between the two.
"No," Munakata urged. Right about now was when he'd be having his late, before bedtime tea, nothing alcoholic.
"You tried it?"
"No," Munakata repeated.
"Well you wanna experience shit right?"
Pulling out his wallet, Munakata showed his ID to the man, following Suoh inside. "I refuse to get drunk."
"S'fine," Suoh shrugged, grabbing a high top table for them near the bar. "Wait here, I'll get you something you might be okay with."
Munakata watched Suoh disappear into the large crowd of people. The bass was loud here too, but in a different way than the concert. This one pounded in his head, reverberating against his eyes. The speakers amplifying the loud twisting sounds of the dance music.
It was hot, sweaty, and the club smelled like a mixture of smoke, alcohol and body sweat. Munakata thought he might choke on the heavy atmosphere, the body heat lingering all around him, even though he was nowhere near the bar or the music. This certainly was a...new experience.
Suoh returned, placing a blue looking drink in front of Munakata, and he placed a small glass of brown liquid down in front of his own chair. "Try that," he said, gesturing to the blue glass.
"What is it?"
"A...blue drink," Suoh said, taking a sip of his own. "Just trust me. It's kinda sweet, kinda sour. You'll like it."
"Hm," Munakata hummed, pulling the drink towards his mouth. He sniffed it, and it smelled almost exactly as Suoh had described. Wrapping his lips around the thin glass, he took a small sip. The alcohol, or what Munakata assumed was the alcohol, was very strong, though it did have a sour taste, making Munakata's lips recoil for a moment. "It's not...terrible," he said. "But...why did you want to take me drinking?" Munakata asked, calling over the music.
"You said you wanted to experience new things, right? I figured you'd never been to a place like this."
Suoh wasn't wrong. Munakata had never actually been out to a bar or a club before. Nor had he tried anything like this drink. It really wasn't horrible. He took another sip, a larger one this time, the liquid stinging his throat as it went down.
"A very strange sensation..." he hummed.
Suoh chuckled, shaking his head. He raised his own glass to his lips, sucking down the brown liquid with ease. Obviously, this was something Suoh had done many times before. His golden eyes stayed fixated on the drink in front of him, sadness washing over him. For a moment, Munakata couldn't help but notice how attractive Suoh was, especially when he wore that cocky smirk, as obnoxious as it was. And when he looked sad, his eyes held a loneliness Munakata found he wished to understand.
He couldn't really figure out why though, and his cheeks felt flushed just thinking about it. He took a deep breath, and took a large gulp of the liquid.
"Oi, pace yourself if you don't wanna get drunk," Suoh grumbled, shaking his head. "You've never had alcohol before and you probably ate hours ago, it might hit you fast."
Munakata didn't really know what Suoh meant, so instead, he changed the subject. "What made you want to play guitar?" Munakata called out over the crowd.
Suoh quickly glanced away, looking annoyed. "Not important," he snapped.
"Hm. I told you quite a few things about myself, don't you think it's only fair you tell me at least one thing about you." Another sip slipped down his throat, the burn stronger that time, perhaps this drink had far more alcohol than he realized. His skin felt tingly, and his face felt hot.
Suoh swirled the drink around in his hand, took a large gulp, finishing off the drink. "You want one more?" Suoh asked.
Munakata looked at the blue drink which was slowly depleting. "Why not!" he shrugged, letting out a chuckle. "Since I am 'experiencing' things."
Suoh stood up from the table, moving over towards the bar yet again. Munakata followed his movements, noting again his attractiveness. He was tall, and his hair was so wild, Munakata couldn't even fathom doing his own hair in such a way. It seemed difficult...but it fit Suoh's gruff persona.
Suoh placed the drinks down on the table, and pulled himself onto the chair. "Totsuka," he said flatly.
"Totsuka?" Munakata asked, finishing off the rest of his first drink as he moved onto the second. "The...pianist before me?"
"Yeah," Suoh grunted.
"What...about him?" Munakata asked, knowing it was a...touchy subject with the red head.
"He's the reason," Suoh said, taking a large gulp of his brown drink.
"That...you play?" Munakata asked, putting two and two together.
"Yeah. He taught me. He started writing these dumb songs. Damn they were so stupid, and he wanted to play 'em...so he gave me a guitar and started teaching me. Sooner or later, we became this."
This. Their band, HOMRA, and yet, Totsuka was gone. Suoh's reason. It all became clear; Suoh had been in love with Totsuka...or well...in love with his music, though perhaps maybe him as well...and when Totsuka was gone, there was no reason for Suoh to play anymore. No wonder he was so picky about the piano.
"Ah...I see," Munakata said, swirling the half drank blue drink in his hand. "I...hope I can do his songs justice then," Munakata said, his purple gaze focusing on the liquid.
"Mmm," Suoh grunted, the noise barely audible as he finished off his drink.
Munakata felt a little fuzzy, the pounding in his head growing stronger. He took the drink and gulped it down, slamming the glass on the table. "Alright," he called out. "I will buy the next ones!" he announced, standing up before Suoh could object. He made his way to the bar, suddenly realizing he had no idea what the drinks were called, but as he leaned against the bar, ready to turn back towards Suoh, a man stopped in front of him.
"You're pretty, for a dude," the tall man said, staring directly into Munakata's eyes.
"Ah, well, thank you!" Munakata said, confused by the strange compliment.
The man raised his fingers, running them over the blue strands of Munakata's hair next to his face. "I bet you'd be a great time for me tonight," he said, leaning closer. His breath smelled strong of alcohol, and his hair was messy, as though he'd been dancing in sweat all night.
"I am...unsure about that," Munakata chuckled, backing up against the bar. The man stepped closer, blocking him in, though Munakata's eyes darted behind the man. If he wanted to, he could duck under his arm, pushing past him and-
"Hey!" A familiar voice called over. "What the hell is going on here?" Suoh's golden eyes looked intense, angry. He stepped next to the sweaty man and glared, wrapping his arm around Munakata's waist.
Feeling dizzy, Munakata felt his arm get yanked forward, away from the strange man as he felt Suoh's face moving closer. Their lips connected, and Suoh's fingers pressed against the back of Munakata's head, keeping him in place.
Munakata blinked, the feeling of Suoh's drunk lips and smokey breath were enough to keep him intoxicated. It made his face feel even more flush, and his stomach flip flopped, turning over on itself. Pulling back, Munakata kept his eyes shut, waiting for the lips to return, but they did not.
"We're leaving," Suoh grunted instead, tugging Munakata's hand in the direction of the exit.
Suoh wasn't sure why he did it. He'd seen the man from afar earlier in the night. The asshole had been drunk, pointed almost directly at them, and Suoh knew he was pointing at pretty boy Munakata. The idiot was a walking target. Beautiful, slightly intoxicated, the man of course had gone in for the kill when Munakata had approached the bar alone.
Munakata hadn't seemed to notice what the man was doing though, and Suoh took it into his own hands to...well, ‘save’ him. He'd wrapped his arm around Munakata's shockingly slender waist, pulled him close, and when the man had taken a step forward, Suoh had possessively kissed Munakata's lips.
And man, for some stuck up virgin, Munakata sure did take to kissing well. He'd opened his mouth, as though he was waiting for the kiss to progress. But instead, Suoh willed himself to pull away.
All night, Suoh had been practically unable to take his eyes off of the blue haired man. He'd looked so damn cute, sucking down the alcoholic beverage for the first time, and he'd seemed so proud when he was going over to the bar. Suoh had watched him leaning forward over the bar and his golden had followed his slender back all the way down to the curve of his perfectly taut ass. His blue hair framed his face perfectly too, the wisps of his bangs flicking out to the side in the most perfect wave. Was everything about this asshole perfect?
And after the kiss, Munakata's eyes had stayed closed, and Suoh was fascinated by the shape of Munakata's mouth and the way his eyes fluttered. His face was so damn flushed, probably from the alcohol and heat, though Suoh secretly wished it was from the kiss too. Maybe...
"We're leaving," he grunted, dragging Munakata outside away from the club.
"What was that?" Munakata said loudly, his ears adjusting to the outdoors.
"Stupid assholes like that were going to hit on your pretty boy face all night. I couldn't keep protecting you," Suoh growled.
"Oya? I didn't need protection," Munakata said, yanking his hand away. "I was actually about to duck under his arm and move around him. He wasn't a very intelligent man, it would've been easy to get away. And yet, you felt the need to kiss me?! Why?! What were you trying to prove!? You could've just pulled me away-"
"Ya' didn't see the way he was looking at ya'. I was-" Suoh stopped, turning around to look at Munakata's frowning face. What exactly was he trying to do? "Forget it...let's just go. I'll walk ya' back," Suoh grumbled, tucking his hands into his pockets as he walked silently ahead.
"Ah yes, all is well now. You said 'forget it', so now we can move on!" Munakata called out. Obviously the alcohol had hit him by now, and he kept talking as the two of them made their way back to the pianist's apartment. "You kiss me, give me my first kiss, for practically no reason, but of course we drop it, because making Suoh talk is far too much effort for his lazy behind," Munakata rambled.
"Shut up," Suoh grumbled, his brow twitching angrily. "Or I'll kiss ya' again just to make ya'."
"Oya, oya!" Munakata chuckled, walking faster to walk next to Suoh. "I think you want to kiss me more!" he teased, which only made Suoh walk faster.
He did not wish to kiss Munakata again. He'd only done it to stop the other asshole from kissing him. The man was insufferable, and completely obnoxious, especially now he was slightly tipsy or borderline drunk.
"I don't," Suoh said finally. "I was tryin' to help," he scoffed, stopping outside of Munakata's apartment building. "Just...helpin' you experience crap."
Munakata chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, you certainly succeeded this evening."
Suoh stared at Munakata's red cheeks. His face was flushed, and his breath was heated enough to make a cloud when he breathed out into the cool air. No, he definitely did...not want to kiss Munakata again. He clenched his fists in his pockets. "Yeah, welcome."
"I suppose I'll see you Monday then," Munakata said, his voice softer.
"Right, Monday."
"Until then," Munakata said, turning away from Suoh to head towards the lobby of his apartment complex.
Suoh let out a long sigh, pulling out a cigarette. He began to walk away, wondering what the inside of Munakata's apartment looked like.
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forsoothsayer · 7 years ago
The Memories In Grandmother’s Trunk by Red Steagall
They came in a wagon from St. Jo, Missouri Grandmother was seven years old I remember she said she walked most of the way Through the rain, and the mud and the cold. She saw the Comanche, they came into camp Not the savage she'd seen in her dreams They were ragged and pitiful, hungry and cold Begging for salt pork and beans. They staked out a claim at the cross timbers breaks Where the big herds went north to the rail. One day a cowpuncher gave her a calf Too young to survive on the trail. Their Jersey cow gave more milk than they needed The calf grew up healthy and strong. She staked him that fall in the grass by the creek And pampered him all winter long. In April her daddy rode into Fort Worth With her calf on the end of his rope. He traded her prize for a red cedar trunk That she filled full of memories and hope. I found grandmother's trunk hidden under a bed In a back room where she used to sleep. I've spent the whole morning reliving her youth Through the trinkets that she fought to keep. There's the old family Bible, yellowed and worn On the first page was her family tree. She'd traced it clear back to the New England coast And the last entry she made was me. I unfolded a beautiful star pattern quilt In the corner she cross stitched her name. I wonder how many children it kept safe and warm From the cold of the West Texas plain. There's a tattered old picture that says "Mom, I Love You" Tho' faded, there's a young soldier's face. And a medal of honor the government sent When he died in a faraway place. A cradleboard covered with porcupine quills Traded for salt pork and beans, Was laying on top of a ribbon that read Foard County Rodeo Queen. Dried flowers pressed in a book full of poems A card with this message engraved, To my darlin' wife on our 25th year And some old stamps my grandfather saved. Of course there are pictures of her daddy's folks They sure did look proper and prim. I reckon if they were to come back to life We'd look just as funny to them. Grandmother's life seemed so simple and slow But the world started changin' too soon. She heard the first radio, saw the first car And lived to see men on the moon. Life on this planet is still marching on And I hope that my grandchildren see, My side of life through the trinkets I've saved The way grandmother's trunk does for me.
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networkingdefinition · 5 years ago
World Quotes
Official Website: World Quotes
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• A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility – Tom Brokaw • A mockingbird has moved into our neighborhood. It perches atop a telephone pole behind our backyard. Every morning it is the first thing I hear. It is impossible to be unhappy when listening to a mockingbird. So stuffed with songs it is, it can’t seem to make up it’s mind which to sing first, so it sings them all, a dozen different songs at once, in a dozen different voices. On and on it sings without a pause, so peppy, even frantic, as if its voice alone is keeping the world awake. – Jerry Spinelli • A world of contradictions, wherein everything is gray and almost nothing is black and white. – David Sheff • After all, a woman didn’t leave much behind in the world to show she’d been there. Even the children she bore and raised got their father’s name. But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on. – Sandra Dallas • All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming. – Helen Keller • • All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. – William Shakespeare • All the world’s a stage. – William Shakespeare • And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. – Roald Dahl • And I realized as I walked through the neighborhood how each house could contain a completely different reality. In a single block, there could be fifty seperate worlds. Nobody ever really knew what was going on just next door. – Janet Fitch • And in truth (as I now see) I had the wish to put off my journey as long as I could. Not for any peril or labour it might cost; but because I could see nothing in the whole world for me to do once it was accomplished. AS long as this act lay before me, there was, as it were, some barrier between me and the dead desert which the rest of my life must be. – C. S. Lewis • And that,” put in the Director sententiously, “that is the secret of happiness and virtue — liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny. – Aldous Huxley • As far as I can tell, dumping soda on people is the equivalent of ‘Hi, it’s nice to meet you’ in this part of the world. Frankly, I think standard greetings work better, but what do I know? – Nicholas Sparks • As long as countries wave chequebooks over our heads, we can never be equal.- Louise Mushikiwabo • As long as there’s pasta and Chinese food in the world, I’m okay. – Michael Chang • At one and the same time, therefore, society is everything and society is nothing. Society is the most powerful concoction in the world and society has no existence whatsoever – Virginia Woolf • At the end of the day, God’s love for me, for you, and for the world is settled at the cross. – Andy Stanley
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'World', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_world').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_world img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be The Peace You Wish To See In The World! – Martin Luther King, Jr. • Believe everything you hear said of the world; nothing is too impossibly bad. – Honore de Balzac • Bilderberger Meeting: The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.- David Rockefeller • But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge. – Mikhail Bakunin • But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin. – Aldous Huxley • But merely accepting authoritarian truth, even if that truth has some virtue, does not bring skepticism to an end. To blindly accept a truth one has never reflected upon retards the advance of reason. Our world rots in deceit. . . . Just as a tree bears the same fruit year after year and at the same time fruit that is new each year, so must all permanently valuable ideas be continually created anew in thought. But our age pretends to make a sterile tree bear fruit by tying fruits of truth onto its branches. – Albert Schweitzer • But paper and ink have conjuring abilities of their own. arrangements of lines and shapes, of letters and words on a series of pages make a world we can dwell and travel in. – Lynda Barry • By all means they try to hold me secure who love me in this world. But it is otherwise with thy love which is greater than theirs, and thout keepst me free. Lest I forgot them they never venture to leave me alone. But day passes by after day and thou art not seen. If I call not thee in my prayers, if I keep not thee in my heart, thy love for me still waits for my love. – Rabindranath Tagore
[clickbank-storefront-bestselling] • Camila was quite incapable of establishing any harmony between the claims of her art, of her appetites, or her dreams, and of her crowded daily routine. Each of these was a world in itself. – Thornton Wilder • Change your thoughts and you change your world.- Norman Vincent Peale • Choosing leaf or flesh, factory farm or family farm, does not in itself change the world, but teaching ourselves, our children, our local communities, and our nation to choose conscience over ease can. – Jonathan Safran Foer • Christianity is a religion in a rush. Look at the world created in seven says. Even on a symbolic lovel, that’s creation in frenzy. – Yann Martel • Come, follow me, and leave the world to its babblings. – Dante Alighieri • Darkness has completely descended onto the landscape and I stood up and stretched my arms above my head and I wondered what it would be like if it were a perfect world. Only god knows. And he is dead. – David Wojnarowicz • Do you dance, Mr. Darcy?” Darcy: “Not if I can help it!” Sir William: “What a charming amusement for young people this is, Mr. Darcy! There is nothing like dancing, after all. I consider it as one of the first refinements of polished societies.” Mr. Darcy: “Certainly, sir; and it has the advantage also of being in vogue amongst the less polished societies of the world; every savage can dance. – Jane Austen • Dona Maria saw that the people of this world moved about in an armor of egotism, drunk with self-gazing, athirst for compliments, hearing little of what was said to them, unmoved by the accidents that befell their closest friends, in dread of all appeals that might interrupt their long communion with their own desires. – Thornton Wilder • Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. – Robert Jones Burdette • Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. – Mark Twain • Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. – Anais Nin • Each friend represents a world in us. – Anais Nin • Earth took her shining station as a star, In Heaven’s dark hall, high up the crowd of worlds. – Christian Nestell Bovee • Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. – Nelson Mandela • Every American should be forced to live outside the United States for a year or two. Americans should be forced to see how ridiculous they appear to the rest of the world! They should listen to someone else’s version of themselves–to anyone else’s version! Every country knows more about America than Americans know about themselves! And Americans know absolutely nothing about any other country! – John Irving • Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. – Leo Tolstoy • Everything in the world began with a yes. One molecule said yes to another molecule and life was born. – Clarice Lispector • Example moves the world more than doctrine. – Henry Miller • Fly away, pretty moth, to the shade Of the leaf where you slumbered all day; Be content with the moon and the stars, pretty moth, And make use of your wings while you may. . . . . But tho’ dreams of delight may have dazzled you quite, They at last found it dangerous play; Many things in this world that look bright, pretty moth, Only dazzle to lead us astray. – Thomas Haynes Bayly • For the air of lonely men surrounded him now, a still atmosphere in which the world around him slipped away, leaving him incapable of relationship, an atmosphere against which neither will nor longing availed. This was one of the significant earmarks of his life. – Hermann Hesse • Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order. – Mikhail Gorbachev • God hates the LUKEWARM GOSPEL OF HALF-TRUTHS that is now spreading over the Globe. This gospel says, ‘Just believe in Jesus and you’ll be Saved. There’s nothing more to it.’ It ignores the Whole Counsel of God, which speaks of Repenting from former Sins, of Taking up your Cross, of being conformed to the Image of Christ by the refining work of the Holy Spirit. It is totally silent about the Reality of Hell and an After-Death Judgment. – David Wilkerson • God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’ – Billy Graham • Gods, I wish the world was full of passive women.He thougt for a moment longer, then scowled. On second thoughts, what a nightmare that’d be. It’s the job of a man to fan the spark into flames, not quench it. – Steven Erikson • Good evening, Lord Corwin,’ said the lean, cadaverous figure who rested against a storage rack, smoking his pipe, grinning around it. Good evening, Roger. How are things in the nether world?’ A rat, a bat, a spider. Nothing much else astir. Peaceful.’ You enjoy this duty?’ He nodded. I am writing a philosophical romance shot through with elements of horror and morbidity. I work on those parts down here. – Roger Zelazny • Half the world cries Half the world laughs Half the world tries To be the other half – Neil Peart • Half the world does not know how the other half lives. – Francois Rabelais • Hatred is like a long, dark shadow. Not even the person it falls upon knows where it comes from, in most cases. It is like a two-edged sword. When you cut the other person, you cut yourself. The more violently you hack at the other person, the more violently you hack at yourself. It can often be fatal. But it is not easy to dispose of. Please be careful, Mr.Okada. It is very dangerous. Once it has taken root in your heart, hatred is the most difficult think in the world to shake off. – Haruki Murakami • He continues to teach because it provides him with a livelihood; also because it teaches him humility, brings it home to him who he is in the world. The irony does not escape him: that the one who comes to teach learns the keenest of lessons, while those who come to learn learn nothing. – J. M. Coetzee • He thought that in the history of the world it might even be that there was more punishment than crime but he took small comfort from it. – Cormac McCarthy • He who imagines he can do without the world deceives himself much; but he who fancies the world cannot do without him is still more mistaken. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld • He will know from and early age that failure is not disgrace. It’s just a pitch that you missed, and you’d better get ready for the next one. The next one might be the shot heard round the world. My son and I are Americans, we prepare for glory by failing until we don’t. – Craig Ferguson • Heaven is important, but its not the end of the world. – N. T. Wright • Hey, what is it with you? Why are you so spaced out? You still haven’t answered me.” I probably still haven’t completely adapted to the world,” I said after giving it some thought. “I don’t know, I feel like this isn’t the real world. The people, the scene: they just don’t seem real to me.” Midori rested an elbow on the bar and looked at me. “There was something like that in a Jim Morrison song, I’m pretty sure.” People are strange when you’re a stranger. – Haruki Murakami • How do you just stop being terrified of getting left behind and ending up by yourself forever and not meaning anything to the world? – John Green • I am too not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. – Walt Whitman • I ate apple pie and ice cream—it was getting better as I got deeper into Iowa, the pie bigger, the ice cream richer. There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoon—they were coming home from high school—but I had no time for thoughts like that…So I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines. – Jack Kerouac • I believe if there’s any kind of God it wouldn’t be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there’s any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it’s almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt. – Richard Linklater • I believe that the first step in the setting of a real external world is the formation of the concept of bodily objects and of bodily objects of various kinds. – Albert Einstein • I brought you in this world, and I can take you out! – Bill Cosby • I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped. – Frederick Salomon Perls • I had come to discover that “safe” was an illusion, a pretense that adults wrapped around their children- and sometimes themselves- to make the world seem comfortable. I had discovered that under that thin cover of let’s-pretend, monsters and nightmares lay, and that not all of them came from places like the moonroads or the nightling cities. Some of the monsters were people we knew. People we thought we could trust. – Holly Lisle • I hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one. – John Lennon • I knew that danger lay ahead, of course; but I did not expect to meet it in our own Shire. Can’t a hobbit walk from the Water to the River in peace?” “But it is not your own Shire,” said Gildor. “Others dwelt here before hobbits were; and others will dwell here again when hobbits are no more. The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out. – J. R. R. Tolkien • I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. – Albert Einstein • I know the outer world as well as you do, and I judge it. You know nothing of my inner world, and yet you presume to judge that world. – Aldous Huxley • I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn, that Bridge was too much for me. – Lawrence Ferlinghetti • I realized up there that our planet is not infinite. It’s fragile. That may not be obvious to a lot of folks, and it’s tough that people are fighting each other here on Earth instead of trying to get together and live on this planet. We look pretty vulnerable in the darkness of space. – Alan Shepard • I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one. An inch. It’s small and it’s fragile and it’s the only thing in the world worth having. we must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us. • I spent centuries I your arms. This time our joining will be controlled by me, and you will revel in the pleasure I can bring you. Throw off the shackles of your distant goddess and come to me. Be my love, truly, in body as well as soul and I will give you the world! – P. C. Cast • I stopped wanting to float away from my life, because in the end my life was all I had. I’d walk the Fairmont campus and look up to the sky and I wouldn’t see myself drifting off like some lost balloon. Instead I saw the size of the world and found comfort in its hugeness. I’d think back to those times when I felt like everything was closing in on me, those times when I thought I was stuck, and I realized that I was wrong. There is always hope. The world is vast and meant for wandering. There is always somewhere else to go. – Nick Burd • I think the way I feel when I look at Evan comes from her. In pictures taken the day she married my dad, she was reckless, laughing, spinning around in circles. She looked like her whole world was him. She looked a kind of happy I can’t even imagine. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be like that. I don’ want to feel the way she did because I know what happens when you do. You love with your whole heart, with everything, and you wake up one morning and kiss someone good-bye the way you always do except you mean it as good-bye forever. – Elizabeth Scott • I trembled to think of a world without stars. No guide for the sailor to trust at see, no jewels to dazzle our sense of beauty […] But all around the globe, the air is so dirty and the lights from the cities are so bright that for some people few stars can be seen anymore. A generation of children may grow up seeing a blank sky and asking, “Did there used to be stars there? – Michael Jackson • I would like to have your sureness. I am waiting for love, the core of a woman’s life.” Don’t wait for it,” I said. “Create a world, your world. Alone. Stand alone. And then love will come to you, then it comes to you. It was only when I wrote my first book that the world I wanted to live in opened to me. – Anais Nin • I would support a Presidential candidate who pledged to take the following steps: … At the end of the war in the Persian Gulf, press for a comprehensive Middle East settlement and for a ‘new world order’ based not on Pax Americana but on peace through law with a stronger U.N. and World Court. – George McGovern • I’d kind of expected that kids who knew about the Real World wouldn’t act like jock dipwads. Guess I was wrong. – Lilith Saintcrow • If all the world must see the world As the world the world hath seen, Then it were better for the world That the world have never been. – Charles Godfrey Leland • If anyone on the verge of action should judge himself according to the outcome, he would never begin. Even though the result may gladden the whole world, that cannot help the hero; for he knows the result only when the whole thing is over, and that is not how he became a hero, but by virtue of the fact that he began. – Soren Kierkegaard • If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies. The sealed world in which he lives would be broken, and the fear, hatred and self-righteousness on which his morale depends might evaporate. – George Orwell • If the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection depends on death, destruction, and violence of the strong against the weak, then these things are perfectly natural. On what basis, then, does the atheist judge the natural world to be horribly wrong, unfair, and unjust? – Timothy Keller • If the history-deniers who doubt the fact of evolution are ignorant of biology, those who think the world began less than ten thousand years ago are worst than ignorant, they are the deluded to the point of perversity. – Richard Dawkins • If there is one beast in all the loathsome fauna of civilization I hate and despise it is a man of the world. – Henry Arthur Jones • If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nations. When there is order in the nations, there will peace in the world. – Sathya Sai Baba • If there was only one tree like that in the world, you would think it was beautiful. But because there are so many, you just can’t see how beautiful it really is. – Betty Smith • If you can’t change the world with chocolate chip cookies, how can you change the world? – Pat Murphy • If you think the United States has stood still, who built the largest shopping center in the world? – Richard M. Nixon • I’m still living it now, every day, living it out in my mind – following the ups and downs, walking the pathways, reliving the moments of our Moonlight World… It’s a day that never dies. – Kevin Brooks • In a perfect world everything would be either black or white, right or wrong, and everyone would know the difference. But this isn’t a perfect world. The problem is people who think it is. – Neal Shusterman • In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. – Michael Jackson • In a world in which there is so much to interest, so much to enjoy, and so much also to correct and improve, everyone who has this moderate amount of moral and intellectual requisites is capable of an existence which may be called enviable; and unless such a person, through bad laws, or subjection to the will of others, is denied the liberty to use the sources of happiness within his reach, he will not fail to find the enviable existence – John Stuart Mill • In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming. Horror he had adjusted to. But monotony was the greater obstacle, and he realized it now, understood it at long last. And understanding it seemed to give him a sort of quiet peace, a sense of having spread all the cards on his mental table, examined them, and settled conclusively on the desired hand. – Richard Matheson • In a world where vows are worthless.Where making a pledge means nothing. Where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words come back into power. – Chuck Palahniuk • In all great works of fiction, regardless of the grim reality they present, there is an affirmation of life against the transience of that life, an essential defiance. This affirmation lies in the way the author takes control of reality by retelling it in his own way, thus creating a new world. Every great work of art, I would declare pompously, is a celebration, an act of insubordination against the betrayals, horrors and infidelities of life. The perfection and beauty of form rebels against the ugliness and shabbiness of the subject matter. – Azar Nafisi • In fact, he sorely hoped that it would happen, because otherwise, the world made no sense, there was no justice, and life was just a tangled ball of chaos. – Christopher Moore • In some corner of the world they are probably still holding regular meetings of the Flat Earth Society. We derive no comfort because important people, vocal people, or great numbers of people agree with us. Nor do we derive comfort if they don’t. – Warren Buffett • In that moment, the machinery of the world lined up. Somewhere a clock struck midnight, and Hugo’s future seemed to fall perfectly into place. – Brian Selznick • In the fight between you and the world, back the world. – Franz Kafka • In the pathway of the sun, In the footsteps of the breeze, Where the world and sky are one, He shall ride the silver seas, He shall cut the glittering wave. I shall sit at home, and rock; Rise, to heed a neighbor’s knock; Brew my tea, and snip my thread; Bleach the linen for my bed. They will call him brave. – Dorothy Parker • Isn’t it true that whatever isn’t determined by our genes must be determined by our environment? What else is there? There’s Nature and there’s Nurture. Is there also some X, some further contributor to what we are? There’s Chance. Luck. This extra ingredient is important but doesn’t have to come from the quantum bowels of our atoms or from some distant star. It is all around us in the causeless coin-flipping of our noisy world, automatically filling in the gaps of specification left unfixed by our genes, and unfixed by salient causes in our environment. – Daniel Dennett • It is … through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth. – Madeleine L’Engle • It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined. – John Green • It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also. You, Mr. Gray, you yourself, with yourrose-red youth and your rose-white boyhood, you have had passions that have made you afraid, thoughts that have filled you with terror, day-dreams and sleeping dreams whose mere memory might stain your cheek with shame. – Oscar Wilde • It is said that the world is in a state of bankruptcy, that the world owes the world more than the world can pay. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • It is your duty to be exceedingly kind to every human being…until ye change the world of man into the world of God. – Abdu’l-Bahá • It takes all sorts of people to make a world. – Douglas William Jerrold • It turns out Dimitri had a friend, who had a friend, and despite the best security in the Moroi world, we managed to get into the Court’s prison facilities. – Richelle Mead • It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. – David Rockefeller • It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to have to paint it. – Steven Wright • It’s hard to let go anything we love. We live in a world which teaches us to clutch. But when we clutch we’re left with a fistful of ashes. – Madeleine L’Engle • It’s just harder out there in the world of the living, and we cannot protect you out there as easily. I wanted to keep you perfectly safe…But there is only one perfectly safe place for your kind, and you will not reach it until all your adventures are over and none of them matter any longer. – Neil Gaiman • Kronos would be 10 times more powerful. His very presence would incinerate you. And once he achieves this he will empower the other Titans. They are weak, compared to what they soon will become, unless you can stop them, the world will fall, the gods will die, and I will never achieve a perfect score on this stupid machine. – Rick Riordan • Let the jerks of the world serve as the perfect example of what you don’t want to be. You’ll be a heck of a lot happier, and in the long run, there’s a chance that other person at work will end up asking what your secret is. Why are you the happy one? In other words, don’t let your thoughts think you. Besides, if you’re really gonna get pissed, don’t waste it on your family, friends, or coworkers, save it for something that really matters. – Willie Nelson • Life and the world, or whatever we call that which we are and feel, is an astonishing thing. The mist of familiarity obscures from us the wonder of our being. We are struck with admiration at some of its transient modifications, but it is itself the great miracle. – Percy Bysshe Shelley • Limited by the world, which I oppose, jagged by it, I shall be all the more handsome and sparkling as the angles which wound me and give me shape are more acute and the jagging more cruel. – Jean Genet • May I propose a Herzog dictum? Those who read own the world, and those who watch television lose it. – Werner Herzog • Maybe you’ll call me someday Hear the operator say the numbers no good And that She had a world of chances for you She had a world of chances for you She had a world of chances Chances you were burning through – Demi Lovato • Men,” he began his address to the officers, measuring his pauses carefully. “You’re American officers. The officers of no other army in the world can make that statement. Think about it. – Joseph Heller • Modern music and artistry would look and sound completely different if not for the groundbreaking contributions Michael Jackson gifted to the world. – L.A. Reid • Money commands everything because that’s our interpretation of capitalism … what kind of world is that? It’s a very uncomfortable interpretation of a human being. We have been turned into robots. – Muhammad Yunus • Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. – Louis D. Brandeis • Neither were you [born yesterday], unless of course I am wrong, in which case welcome to the world, little baby, and congratulations on learning to read so early in life. – Daniel Handler • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead • No ideology can help to create a new world or a new mind or a new human being — because ideological orientation itself is the root cause of all the conflicts and all the miseries. Thought creates boundaries, thought creates divisions and thought creates prejudices; thought itself cannot bridge them. That’s why all ideologies fail. Now man must learn to live without ideologies religious, political or otherwise. When the mind is not tethered to any ideology, it is free to move to new understandings. And in that freedom flowers all that is good and all that is beautiful. – Rajneesh • No longer mourn for me when I am dead than you shall hear the surly sullen bell give warning to the world that I am fled from this vile world with vilest worms to dwell: nay, if you read this line, remember not the hand that writ it, for I love you so, that I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot, if thinking on me then should make you woe. O! if, I say, you look upon this verse when I perhaps compounded am with clay, do not so much as my poor name rehearse; but let your love even with my life decay; lest the wise world should look into your moan, and mock you with me after I am gone. – William Shakespeare • No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else. – Charles Dickens • Nobody has the time to sit down and explain the first world from first principles. – Chris Cleave • Nobody knew my rose of the world but me… I had too much glory. They don’t want glory like that in nobody’s heart – Tennessee Williams • Now that physics is proving the intelligence of the universe what are we to do about the stupidity of mankind? I include myself. I know that the earth is not flat but my feet are. I know that space is curved but my brain has been condoned by habit to grow in a straight line. What I call light is my own blend of darkness. What I call a view is my hand-painted trompe-l’oeil. I run after knowledge like a ferret down a ferret hole. My limitations, I call the boundaries of what can be known. I interpret the world by confusing other people’s psychology with my own. – Jeanette Winterson • O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in’t! – William Shakespeare • Of course there are worlds. Millions of them! Every star you see has worlds, and most of those you don’t see. – Isaac Asimov • On the return trip home, gazing through 240,000 miles of space toward the stars and the planet from which I had come, I suddenly experienced the universe as intelligent, loving, harmonious. – Edgar Mitchell • Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a house across the field from a girl who no longer exists. They made up a thousand games. She was Queen and he was King. In the autumn light, her hair shone like a crown. They collected the world in small handfuls. When the sky grew dark they parted with leaves in their hair. – Nicole Krauss • once you laugh at you own weaknesses, you can move forward. Comedy breaks down walls. It opens up people. If you’re good, you can fill up those openings with something positive. Mabye…….. combat some the ugliness in the world. – Goldie Hawn • Our shared world is humanly unquantifiable and ideologically confused. Which one of them is capable of implementing the most recognizable harm or good? – James Ellroy • Our world will not die as the result of the bomb, as the papers say, it will die of laughter, of banality, or making a joke of everything, and a lousy joke at that. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon • Paris is the only city in the world where starving to death is still considered an art. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon • Pastries . . . can only be appreciated to the full extent of their subtlety when they are not eaten to assuage our hunger, when the orgy of their sugary sweetness is not destined to full some primary need but to coat our palate with all the benevolence of the world. – Muriel Barbery • Perhaps things are most beautiful when they are not quite real; when you look upon a scene as an outsider, and come to possess it in its entirety and forever; when you live in the present with the lucidity and feeling of memory; when, for want of connection, the world deepens and becomes art. – Mark Helprin • Power said to the world, “You are mine.” The world kept it prisoner on her throne. Love said to the world, “I am thine.” The world gave it the freedom of her house. – Rabindranath Tagore • Self respect, Colie. If you don’t have it, the world will walk all over you. – Sarah Dessen • She dreamed of leaving, but she had too little exposure to the world to imagine where to go. – Gregory Maguire • So if the world hates us, we take courage that it hated Jesus first. If you’re wondering whether you’ll be safe, just look at what they did to Jesus and those who followed him. There are safer ways to live than by being a Christian. – Shane Claiborne • Socrates, indeed, when he was asked of what country he called himself, said, “Of the world”; for he considered himself an inhabitant and a citizen of the whole world. – Marcus Tullius Cicero • solitary like a pool at evening, far distant, seen from a train window, vanishing so quickly that the pool, pale in the evening, is scarcely robbed of its solitude, though once seen. *** Here sitting on the world, she thought, for she could not shake herself free from the sense that everything this morning was happening for the first time, perhaps for the last time, as a traveller, even though he is half asleep, knows, looking out of the train window, that he must look now, for he will never see that town, or that mule-cart, or that woman at work in the fields, again. – Virginia Woolf • Some days,’ I say, ‘I feel like I don’t belong anywhere in that world. That world out there. ‘I point to Grant. ‘People walk down our street and people drive down it and people ride their bicycles down it and all of them, even the ones I know, could be from another planet. And I’m a visiting alien.’ And aliens don’t belong anywhere,’ Adam finishes for me, ‘except in their own little corners of the universe.’ Right,’ I say. ~pgs 57-58 Hattie and Adam on alienation – Ann M. Martin • Some people get where they hope to in this world. Most of us don’t. – James Agee • Stranded in this mill town railroad yard while the whole world was converging elsewhere, we seemed to be nothing but children playing among heroic men. – John Knowles • Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the stormy billows of the world. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.- Helen Caldicott • Tell me a story, Pew. What kind of story, child? A story with a happy ending. There’s no such thing in all the world. As a happy ending? As an ending. – Jeanette Winterson • That observation which is called knowledge of the world will be found much more frequently to make men cunning than good. – Samuel Johnson • That was the thing about being on the inside: the world was just going on, even when it seemed like time for you had stopped for good. – Sarah Dessen • The boy was lying, fast asleep, on a rude bed upon the floor; so pale with anxiety, and sadness, and the closeness of his prison, that he looked like death; not death as it shews in shroud and coffin, but in the guise it wears when life has just departed; when a young and gentle spirit has, but an instant, fled to Heaven: and the gross air of the world has not had time to breathe upon the changing dust it hallowed. – Charles Dickens • The future belongs to you. Should anyone insult you, tell yourself this: I am a child of destiny who will unite East and West and change the world. – Adeline Yen Mah • The future is unwritten. there are best case scenarios. There are worst-case scenarios. both of them are great fun to write about if you’ re a science fiction novelist, but neither of them ever happens in the real world. What happens in the real world is always a sideways-case scenario. World-changing marvels to us, are only wallpaper to our children. – Bruce Sterling • the future of the world lies with the yellow man and the brown man now that our erstwhile master, the white-skinned man, has wasted himself through buggery, cell phone usage, and drug abuse – Aravind Adiga • The love of a single heart can make a world of difference. – Immaculee Ilibagiza • The most beautiful highway in the world – Dave Pelzer • The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. – Albert Einstein • The most wonderful and the strongest things in the world, you know, are just the things which no one can see.- Charles Kingsley • The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village. – Marshall McLuhan • The New World Order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all. – Nelson Mandela • The original, shimmering self gets buried so deep that most of us end up hardly living out of it at all. Instead we live out all the other selves, which we are constantly putting on and taking off like coats and hats against the world’s weather – Frederick Buechner • The point is… to live one’s life in the full complexity of what one is, which is something much darker, more contradictory, more of a maelstrom of impulses and passions, of cruelty, ecstacy, and madness, than is apparent to the civilized being who glides on the surface and fits smoothly into the world. – Thomas Nagel • The probability of separate worlds meeting is very small. The lure of it is immense. We send starships. We fall in love. – Jeanette Winterson • The problem of why God created the universe still troubles thinking men; but if we cannot know why, we can at least know that He did not bring His worlds into being to meet some unfulfilled need in Himself, as a man might build a house to shelter him against the winter cold or plant a field of corn to provide him with necessary food. The word ‘necessary’ is wholly foreign to God. – Aiden Wilson Tozer • The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust • The severe schools shall never laugh me out of the philosophy of Hermes, that this visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein as in a portrait, things are not truly, but in equivocal shapes, and as they counterfeit some real substance in that invisible fabric.- Thomas Browne • The supernatural world has always been more real to me than the real world. – Anne Rice • The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. – David Rockefeller • The three of them set out every morning on adventures of their own kind. Once, an elderly professor of literature, Mrs. Taggart’s friend, saw them on top of a pile in a junk yard, dismantling the carcass of an automobile. He stopped, shook his head and said to Francisco, ‘A young man of your position ought to spend his time in libraries, absorbing the culture of the world.’ ‘What do you think I’m doing?’ asked Francisco. – Ayn Rand • The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is – Alan Watts • The world going insane and evil letting slip the birds of war is no excuse for sloppy vocabulary. – P. C. Cast • The world in which we were called to exist was an absurd world, and there was no other in which we could take refuge. – Albert Camus • • The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. – Albert Einstein • The world is a thing that a man must learn to despise, and even to neglect, before he can learn to reverence it, and work in it and for it.- Thomas Carlyle • The world is getting to be such a dangerous place, a man is lucky to get out of it alive. – W. C. Fields • The world is God’s world, after all. – Charles Kingsley • The world is nothing but my perception of it. I see only through myself. I hear only through the filter of my story. – Byron Katie • The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings. – Robert Louis Stevenson • The world is truly beautiful solely in the eyes of a true philosopher. – Kedar Joshi • The world never stops unmaking what the world never stops making. But who says the world has to make sense? – David Mitchell • The world remains ever the same. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • The world tilted slightly sideways. ‘I think I need to sit down.’ The floor seemed like the best option. It was close and he’d already proved that he could hit it. His legs folded. – Tanya Huff • There are some people who will never understand what loyalty means. They could tell you what it was, of course, but they will never know.They will never see it from the inside. They couldn’t imagine a world where something like that was real. – Jim Butcher • There has yet to be a human to survive a span of history without at least one end of the world. – Jonathan Safran Foer • There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy.- Jonathan Swift • There’s something so great about this,” she whispers. About what?” I whisper back. About this,” she whispers. About being outlaws. It’s just you and me—against the world. – Sonya Sones • There’s too much love in the world. Sometimes I think that’s what heaven is—- a place where everybody’s happy because nobody loves anybody else, ever. – Gregory David Roberts • There’s got to be more to life than just living, Foyle said to the robot. “Then find it for yourself, sir. Don’t ask the world to stop moving because you have doubts.” “Why can’t we all move forward together?” “Because you’re all different. You’re not lemmings. Some must lead, and hope that the rest will follow.” “Who leads?” “The men who must… driven men, compelled men.” “Freak men.” “You’re all freaks, sir. But you always have been freaks. Life is a freak. That’s its hope and glory.” – Alfred Bester • These are hard times. The world hurts. We live in fear and forget to walk with hope. But hope has not forgotten you. So ask it to dinner. It’s probably hungry and would appreciate the invitation. – Libba Bray • These stories seem at times to be stories of a long-lost world when the city of New York was still filled with a river light, when you heard the Benny Goodman quartets from a radio in the corner stationery store, and when almost everybody wore a hat. – John Cheever • This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper. – T. S. Eliot • This truth I firmly hold, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding; my life has been a gift, a blessing to the world. – Anthony de Mello • Time is too conceptual. Not that it stops us from filling it in. So much so, we can’t even tell whether our experiences belong to time or to the world of physical things. – Haruki Murakami • To be an artist is to fail, as no other dare to fail… failure is his world and the shrink from it desertion – Marcel Proust • To be simple is the best thing in the world. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • To get back up to the shining world from there My guide and I went into that hidden tunnel, And Following its path, we took no care To rest, but climbed: he first, then I-so far, through a round aperture I saw appear Some of the beautiful things that Heaven bears, Where we came forth, and once more saw the stars. – Dante Alighieri • To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world. – Michael Jackson • To realize that new world we must prefer the values of freedom and equality above all other values – above personal wealth, technical power and nationalism. – Herbert Read • Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others, that these may beg or starve in a fruitful land; or was it made to preserve all her children? – Gerrard Winstanley • We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries. – David Rockefeller • We didn’t Make this World we’re just the Poor Fools who are living in it. – Michael Grant • We must ask ourselves these questions as often as we dare. How will the world change if we do not question it? – Kate DiCamillo • We went to the New York World’s Fair, saw what the past had been like, according to the Ford Motor Car Company and Walt Disney, saw what the future would be like, according to General Motors. And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep. – Kurt Vonnegut • What a strange world we live in…Said Alice to the Queen of hearts – Lewis Carroll • What do believers in the Absolute mean by saving that their belief affords them comfort? They mean that since in the Absolute finite evil is ‘overruled’ already, we may, therefore, whenever we wish, treat the temporal as if it were potentially the eternal, be sure that we can trust its outcome, and, without sin, dismiss our fear and drop the worry of our finite responsibility. In short, they mean that we have a right ever and anon to take a moral holiday, to let the world wag in its own way, feeling that its issues are in better hands than ours and are none of our business. – William James • What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the World. – Albert Einstein • When it’s raining like this,” said Naoko, “it feels as if we’re the only ones in the world. I wish it would just keep raining so the three of us could stay together. – Haruki Murakami • When the world seems large and complex, we need to remember that great world ideals all begin in some home neighborhood. – Konrad Adenauer • When they first kiss, there on the beach, they will kneel at the edge of the Pacific and say a prayer of thanks, sending all the stories of love inside them out in a fleet of bottles all across the oceans of the world. – Francesca Lia Block • With our thoughts we make the world. – Gautama Buddha • Yes, the world may aspire to vacuousness, lost souls mourn beauty, insignificance surrounds us. Then let us drink a cup of tea. Silence descends, one hears the wind outside, autumn leaves rustle and take flight, the cat sleeps in a warm pool of light. And, with each swallow, time is sublimed. – Muriel Barbery • You are an ocean in a drop of dew, all the universes in a thin sack of blood. What are these pleasures then, these joys, these worlds that you keep reaching for, hoping they will make you more alive? – Rumi • You can’t make flivers without steel – and you can’t make tragedies without social instability. The world’s stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about; they’re so conditioned that they pratically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave. – Aldous Huxley • You know what I noticed when I was with Jacob? In your world, people can reach each other in an instant. There’s the telephone, and the fax – and on the computer you can talk to someone all the way around the world. You’ve got people telling their secrets on TV talk shows, and magazines that publish pictures of movie stars trying to hide their homes. All those connections, but everyone there seems so lonely. – Jodi Picoult • You show the world as a complete, unbroken chain, an eternal chain, linked together by cause and effect. – Hermann Hesse • You’ll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race. – George Bernard Shaw • Your heart, Mary Karr, he’d say. His pen touched my sternum, and it felt for all the world like the point of a dull spear as he said, Your heart knows what your head don’t. Or won’t. – Mary Karr • You’re a poem?’ I repeated. She chewed her lower lip. ‘If you want. I am a poem, or I am a pattern, or a race of people whose whose world was swallowed by the sea.’ ‘Isn’t it hard to be three things at the same time?’ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Enn.’ ‘So you are Enn,’ she said. ‘And you are a male. And you are a biped. Is it hard to be three things at the same time? – Neil Gaiman • You’ve got to love yourself with all your short comings, and you’ve got to love the world no matter how bad it gets. – Joan Bauer
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equitiesstocks · 5 years ago
World Quotes
Official Website: World Quotes
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• A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility – Tom Brokaw • A mockingbird has moved into our neighborhood. It perches atop a telephone pole behind our backyard. Every morning it is the first thing I hear. It is impossible to be unhappy when listening to a mockingbird. So stuffed with songs it is, it can’t seem to make up it’s mind which to sing first, so it sings them all, a dozen different songs at once, in a dozen different voices. On and on it sings without a pause, so peppy, even frantic, as if its voice alone is keeping the world awake. – Jerry Spinelli • A world of contradictions, wherein everything is gray and almost nothing is black and white. – David Sheff • After all, a woman didn’t leave much behind in the world to show she’d been there. Even the children she bore and raised got their father’s name. But her quilts, now that was something she could pass on. – Sandra Dallas • All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming. – Helen Keller • • All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. – William Shakespeare • All the world’s a stage. – William Shakespeare • And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. – Roald Dahl • And I realized as I walked through the neighborhood how each house could contain a completely different reality. In a single block, there could be fifty seperate worlds. Nobody ever really knew what was going on just next door. – Janet Fitch • And in truth (as I now see) I had the wish to put off my journey as long as I could. Not for any peril or labour it might cost; but because I could see nothing in the whole world for me to do once it was accomplished. AS long as this act lay before me, there was, as it were, some barrier between me and the dead desert which the rest of my life must be. – C. S. Lewis • And that,” put in the Director sententiously, “that is the secret of happiness and virtue — liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny. – Aldous Huxley • As far as I can tell, dumping soda on people is the equivalent of ‘Hi, it’s nice to meet you’ in this part of the world. Frankly, I think standard greetings work better, but what do I know? – Nicholas Sparks • As long as countries wave chequebooks over our heads, we can never be equal.- Louise Mushikiwabo • As long as there’s pasta and Chinese food in the world, I’m okay. – Michael Chang • At one and the same time, therefore, society is everything and society is nothing. Society is the most powerful concoction in the world and society has no existence whatsoever – Virginia Woolf • At the end of the day, God’s love for me, for you, and for the world is settled at the cross. – Andy Stanley
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'World', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_world').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_world img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be The Peace You Wish To See In The World! – Martin Luther King, Jr. • Believe everything you hear said of the world; nothing is too impossibly bad. – Honore de Balzac • Bilderberger Meeting: The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.- David Rockefeller • But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge. – Mikhail Bakunin • But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin. – Aldous Huxley • But merely accepting authoritarian truth, even if that truth has some virtue, does not bring skepticism to an end. To blindly accept a truth one has never reflected upon retards the advance of reason. Our world rots in deceit. . . . Just as a tree bears the same fruit year after year and at the same time fruit that is new each year, so must all permanently valuable ideas be continually created anew in thought. But our age pretends to make a sterile tree bear fruit by tying fruits of truth onto its branches. – Albert Schweitzer • But paper and ink have conjuring abilities of their own. arrangements of lines and shapes, of letters and words on a series of pages make a world we can dwell and travel in. – Lynda Barry • By all means they try to hold me secure who love me in this world. But it is otherwise with thy love which is greater than theirs, and thout keepst me free. Lest I forgot them they never venture to leave me alone. But day passes by after day and thou art not seen. If I call not thee in my prayers, if I keep not thee in my heart, thy love for me still waits for my love. – Rabindranath Tagore
[clickbank-storefront-bestselling] • Camila was quite incapable of establishing any harmony between the claims of her art, of her appetites, or her dreams, and of her crowded daily routine. Each of these was a world in itself. – Thornton Wilder • Change your thoughts and you change your world.- Norman Vincent Peale • Choosing leaf or flesh, factory farm or family farm, does not in itself change the world, but teaching ourselves, our children, our local communities, and our nation to choose conscience over ease can. – Jonathan Safran Foer • Christianity is a religion in a rush. Look at the world created in seven says. Even on a symbolic lovel, that’s creation in frenzy. – Yann Martel • Come, follow me, and leave the world to its babblings. – Dante Alighieri • Darkness has completely descended onto the landscape and I stood up and stretched my arms above my head and I wondered what it would be like if it were a perfect world. Only god knows. And he is dead. – David Wojnarowicz • Do you dance, Mr. Darcy?” Darcy: “Not if I can help it!” Sir William: “What a charming amusement for young people this is, Mr. Darcy! There is nothing like dancing, after all. I consider it as one of the first refinements of polished societies.” Mr. Darcy: “Certainly, sir; and it has the advantage also of being in vogue amongst the less polished societies of the world; every savage can dance. – Jane Austen • Dona Maria saw that the people of this world moved about in an armor of egotism, drunk with self-gazing, athirst for compliments, hearing little of what was said to them, unmoved by the accidents that befell their closest friends, in dread of all appeals that might interrupt their long communion with their own desires. – Thornton Wilder • Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. – Robert Jones Burdette • Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. – Mark Twain • Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. – Anais Nin • Each friend represents a world in us. – Anais Nin • Earth took her shining station as a star, In Heaven’s dark hall, high up the crowd of worlds. – Christian Nestell Bovee • Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. – Nelson Mandela • Every American should be forced to live outside the United States for a year or two. Americans should be forced to see how ridiculous they appear to the rest of the world! They should listen to someone else’s version of themselves–to anyone else’s version! Every country knows more about America than Americans know about themselves! And Americans know absolutely nothing about any other country! – John Irving • Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. – Leo Tolstoy • Everything in the world began with a yes. One molecule said yes to another molecule and life was born. – Clarice Lispector • Example moves the world more than doctrine. – Henry Miller • Fly away, pretty moth, to the shade Of the leaf where you slumbered all day; Be content with the moon and the stars, pretty moth, And make use of your wings while you may. . . . . But tho’ dreams of delight may have dazzled you quite, They at last found it dangerous play; Many things in this world that look bright, pretty moth, Only dazzle to lead us astray. – Thomas Haynes Bayly • For the air of lonely men surrounded him now, a still atmosphere in which the world around him slipped away, leaving him incapable of relationship, an atmosphere against which neither will nor longing availed. This was one of the significant earmarks of his life. – Hermann Hesse • Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order. – Mikhail Gorbachev • God hates the LUKEWARM GOSPEL OF HALF-TRUTHS that is now spreading over the Globe. This gospel says, ‘Just believe in Jesus and you’ll be Saved. There’s nothing more to it.’ It ignores the Whole Counsel of God, which speaks of Repenting from former Sins, of Taking up your Cross, of being conformed to the Image of Christ by the refining work of the Holy Spirit. It is totally silent about the Reality of Hell and an After-Death Judgment. – David Wilkerson • God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’ – Billy Graham • Gods, I wish the world was full of passive women.He thougt for a moment longer, then scowled. On second thoughts, what a nightmare that’d be. It’s the job of a man to fan the spark into flames, not quench it. – Steven Erikson • Good evening, Lord Corwin,’ said the lean, cadaverous figure who rested against a storage rack, smoking his pipe, grinning around it. Good evening, Roger. How are things in the nether world?’ A rat, a bat, a spider. Nothing much else astir. Peaceful.’ You enjoy this duty?’ He nodded. I am writing a philosophical romance shot through with elements of horror and morbidity. I work on those parts down here. – Roger Zelazny • Half the world cries Half the world laughs Half the world tries To be the other half – Neil Peart • Half the world does not know how the other half lives. – Francois Rabelais • Hatred is like a long, dark shadow. Not even the person it falls upon knows where it comes from, in most cases. It is like a two-edged sword. When you cut the other person, you cut yourself. The more violently you hack at the other person, the more violently you hack at yourself. It can often be fatal. But it is not easy to dispose of. Please be careful, Mr.Okada. It is very dangerous. Once it has taken root in your heart, hatred is the most difficult think in the world to shake off. – Haruki Murakami • He continues to teach because it provides him with a livelihood; also because it teaches him humility, brings it home to him who he is in the world. The irony does not escape him: that the one who comes to teach learns the keenest of lessons, while those who come to learn learn nothing. – J. M. Coetzee • He thought that in the history of the world it might even be that there was more punishment than crime but he took small comfort from it. – Cormac McCarthy • He who imagines he can do without the world deceives himself much; but he who fancies the world cannot do without him is still more mistaken. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld • He will know from and early age that failure is not disgrace. It’s just a pitch that you missed, and you’d better get ready for the next one. The next one might be the shot heard round the world. My son and I are Americans, we prepare for glory by failing until we don’t. – Craig Ferguson • Heaven is important, but its not the end of the world. – N. T. Wright • Hey, what is it with you? Why are you so spaced out? You still haven’t answered me.” I probably still haven’t completely adapted to the world,” I said after giving it some thought. “I don’t know, I feel like this isn’t the real world. The people, the scene: they just don’t seem real to me.” Midori rested an elbow on the bar and looked at me. “There was something like that in a Jim Morrison song, I’m pretty sure.” People are strange when you’re a stranger. – Haruki Murakami • How do you just stop being terrified of getting left behind and ending up by yourself forever and not meaning anything to the world? – John Green • I am too not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. – Walt Whitman • I ate apple pie and ice cream—it was getting better as I got deeper into Iowa, the pie bigger, the ice cream richer. There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoon—they were coming home from high school—but I had no time for thoughts like that…So I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines. – Jack Kerouac • I believe if there’s any kind of God it wouldn’t be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in between. If there’s any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it’s almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt. – Richard Linklater • I believe that the first step in the setting of a real external world is the formation of the concept of bodily objects and of bodily objects of various kinds. – Albert Einstein • I brought you in this world, and I can take you out! – Bill Cosby • I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped. – Frederick Salomon Perls • I had come to discover that “safe” was an illusion, a pretense that adults wrapped around their children- and sometimes themselves- to make the world seem comfortable. I had discovered that under that thin cover of let’s-pretend, monsters and nightmares lay, and that not all of them came from places like the moonroads or the nightling cities. Some of the monsters were people we knew. People we thought we could trust. – Holly Lisle • I hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one. – John Lennon • I knew that danger lay ahead, of course; but I did not expect to meet it in our own Shire. Can’t a hobbit walk from the Water to the River in peace?” “But it is not your own Shire,” said Gildor. “Others dwelt here before hobbits were; and others will dwell here again when hobbits are no more. The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out. – J. R. R. Tolkien • I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. – Albert Einstein • I know the outer world as well as you do, and I judge it. You know nothing of my inner world, and yet you presume to judge that world. – Aldous Huxley • I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn, that Bridge was too much for me. – Lawrence Ferlinghetti • I realized up there that our planet is not infinite. It’s fragile. That may not be obvious to a lot of folks, and it’s tough that people are fighting each other here on Earth instead of trying to get together and live on this planet. We look pretty vulnerable in the darkness of space. – Alan Shepard • I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one. An inch. It’s small and it’s fragile and it’s the only thing in the world worth having. we must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us. • I spent centuries I your arms. This time our joining will be controlled by me, and you will revel in the pleasure I can bring you. Throw off the shackles of your distant goddess and come to me. Be my love, truly, in body as well as soul and I will give you the world! – P. C. Cast • I stopped wanting to float away from my life, because in the end my life was all I had. I’d walk the Fairmont campus and look up to the sky and I wouldn’t see myself drifting off like some lost balloon. Instead I saw the size of the world and found comfort in its hugeness. I’d think back to those times when I felt like everything was closing in on me, those times when I thought I was stuck, and I realized that I was wrong. There is always hope. The world is vast and meant for wandering. There is always somewhere else to go. – Nick Burd • I think the way I feel when I look at Evan comes from her. In pictures taken the day she married my dad, she was reckless, laughing, spinning around in circles. She looked like her whole world was him. She looked a kind of happy I can’t even imagine. I don’t want that. I don’t want to be like that. I don’ want to feel the way she did because I know what happens when you do. You love with your whole heart, with everything, and you wake up one morning and kiss someone good-bye the way you always do except you mean it as good-bye forever. – Elizabeth Scott • I trembled to think of a world without stars. No guide for the sailor to trust at see, no jewels to dazzle our sense of beauty […] But all around the globe, the air is so dirty and the lights from the cities are so bright that for some people few stars can be seen anymore. A generation of children may grow up seeing a blank sky and asking, “Did there used to be stars there? – Michael Jackson • I would like to have your sureness. I am waiting for love, the core of a woman’s life.” Don’t wait for it,” I said. “Create a world, your world. Alone. Stand alone. And then love will come to you, then it comes to you. It was only when I wrote my first book that the world I wanted to live in opened to me. – Anais Nin • I would support a Presidential candidate who pledged to take the following steps: … At the end of the war in the Persian Gulf, press for a comprehensive Middle East settlement and for a ‘new world order’ based not on Pax Americana but on peace through law with a stronger U.N. and World Court. – George McGovern • I’d kind of expected that kids who knew about the Real World wouldn’t act like jock dipwads. Guess I was wrong. – Lilith Saintcrow • If all the world must see the world As the world the world hath seen, Then it were better for the world That the world have never been. – Charles Godfrey Leland • If anyone on the verge of action should judge himself according to the outcome, he would never begin. Even though the result may gladden the whole world, that cannot help the hero; for he knows the result only when the whole thing is over, and that is not how he became a hero, but by virtue of the fact that he began. – Soren Kierkegaard • If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies. The sealed world in which he lives would be broken, and the fear, hatred and self-righteousness on which his morale depends might evaporate. – George Orwell • If the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection depends on death, destruction, and violence of the strong against the weak, then these things are perfectly natural. On what basis, then, does the atheist judge the natural world to be horribly wrong, unfair, and unjust? – Timothy Keller • If the history-deniers who doubt the fact of evolution are ignorant of biology, those who think the world began less than ten thousand years ago are worst than ignorant, they are the deluded to the point of perversity. – Richard Dawkins • If there is one beast in all the loathsome fauna of civilization I hate and despise it is a man of the world. – Henry Arthur Jones • If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nations. When there is order in the nations, there will peace in the world. – Sathya Sai Baba • If there was only one tree like that in the world, you would think it was beautiful. But because there are so many, you just can’t see how beautiful it really is. – Betty Smith • If you can’t change the world with chocolate chip cookies, how can you change the world? – Pat Murphy • If you think the United States has stood still, who built the largest shopping center in the world? – Richard M. Nixon • I’m still living it now, every day, living it out in my mind – following the ups and downs, walking the pathways, reliving the moments of our Moonlight World… It’s a day that never dies. – Kevin Brooks • In a perfect world everything would be either black or white, right or wrong, and everyone would know the difference. But this isn’t a perfect world. The problem is people who think it is. – Neal Shusterman • In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. – Michael Jackson • In a world in which there is so much to interest, so much to enjoy, and so much also to correct and improve, everyone who has this moderate amount of moral and intellectual requisites is capable of an existence which may be called enviable; and unless such a person, through bad laws, or subjection to the will of others, is denied the liberty to use the sources of happiness within his reach, he will not fail to find the enviable existence – John Stuart Mill • In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming. Horror he had adjusted to. But monotony was the greater obstacle, and he realized it now, understood it at long last. And understanding it seemed to give him a sort of quiet peace, a sense of having spread all the cards on his mental table, examined them, and settled conclusively on the desired hand. – Richard Matheson • In a world where vows are worthless.Where making a pledge means nothing. Where promises are made to be broken, it would be nice to see words come back into power. – Chuck Palahniuk • In all great works of fiction, regardless of the grim reality they present, there is an affirmation of life against the transience of that life, an essential defiance. This affirmation lies in the way the author takes control of reality by retelling it in his own way, thus creating a new world. Every great work of art, I would declare pompously, is a celebration, an act of insubordination against the betrayals, horrors and infidelities of life. The perfection and beauty of form rebels against the ugliness and shabbiness of the subject matter. – Azar Nafisi • In fact, he sorely hoped that it would happen, because otherwise, the world made no sense, there was no justice, and life was just a tangled ball of chaos. – Christopher Moore • In some corner of the world they are probably still holding regular meetings of the Flat Earth Society. We derive no comfort because important people, vocal people, or great numbers of people agree with us. Nor do we derive comfort if they don’t. – Warren Buffett • In that moment, the machinery of the world lined up. Somewhere a clock struck midnight, and Hugo’s future seemed to fall perfectly into place. – Brian Selznick • In the fight between you and the world, back the world. – Franz Kafka • In the pathway of the sun, In the footsteps of the breeze, Where the world and sky are one, He shall ride the silver seas, He shall cut the glittering wave. I shall sit at home, and rock; Rise, to heed a neighbor’s knock; Brew my tea, and snip my thread; Bleach the linen for my bed. They will call him brave. – Dorothy Parker • Isn’t it true that whatever isn’t determined by our genes must be determined by our environment? What else is there? There’s Nature and there’s Nurture. Is there also some X, some further contributor to what we are? There’s Chance. Luck. This extra ingredient is important but doesn’t have to come from the quantum bowels of our atoms or from some distant star. It is all around us in the causeless coin-flipping of our noisy world, automatically filling in the gaps of specification left unfixed by our genes, and unfixed by salient causes in our environment. – Daniel Dennett • It is … through the world of the imagination which takes us beyond the restrictions of provable fact, that we touch the hem of truth. – Madeleine L’Engle • It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined. – John Green • It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also. You, Mr. Gray, you yourself, with yourrose-red youth and your rose-white boyhood, you have had passions that have made you afraid, thoughts that have filled you with terror, day-dreams and sleeping dreams whose mere memory might stain your cheek with shame. – Oscar Wilde • It is said that the world is in a state of bankruptcy, that the world owes the world more than the world can pay. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • It is your duty to be exceedingly kind to every human being…until ye change the world of man into the world of God. – Abdu’l-Bahá • It takes all sorts of people to make a world. – Douglas William Jerrold • It turns out Dimitri had a friend, who had a friend, and despite the best security in the Moroi world, we managed to get into the Court’s prison facilities. – Richelle Mead • It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. – David Rockefeller • It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to have to paint it. – Steven Wright • It’s hard to let go anything we love. We live in a world which teaches us to clutch. But when we clutch we’re left with a fistful of ashes. – Madeleine L’Engle • It’s just harder out there in the world of the living, and we cannot protect you out there as easily. I wanted to keep you perfectly safe…But there is only one perfectly safe place for your kind, and you will not reach it until all your adventures are over and none of them matter any longer. – Neil Gaiman • Kronos would be 10 times more powerful. His very presence would incinerate you. And once he achieves this he will empower the other Titans. They are weak, compared to what they soon will become, unless you can stop them, the world will fall, the gods will die, and I will never achieve a perfect score on this stupid machine. – Rick Riordan • Let the jerks of the world serve as the perfect example of what you don’t want to be. You’ll be a heck of a lot happier, and in the long run, there’s a chance that other person at work will end up asking what your secret is. Why are you the happy one? In other words, don’t let your thoughts think you. Besides, if you’re really gonna get pissed, don’t waste it on your family, friends, or coworkers, save it for something that really matters. – Willie Nelson • Life and the world, or whatever we call that which we are and feel, is an astonishing thing. The mist of familiarity obscures from us the wonder of our being. We are struck with admiration at some of its transient modifications, but it is itself the great miracle. – Percy Bysshe Shelley • Limited by the world, which I oppose, jagged by it, I shall be all the more handsome and sparkling as the angles which wound me and give me shape are more acute and the jagging more cruel. – Jean Genet • May I propose a Herzog dictum? Those who read own the world, and those who watch television lose it. – Werner Herzog • Maybe you’ll call me someday Hear the operator say the numbers no good And that She had a world of chances for you She had a world of chances for you She had a world of chances Chances you were burning through – Demi Lovato • Men,” he began his address to the officers, measuring his pauses carefully. “You’re American officers. The officers of no other army in the world can make that statement. Think about it. – Joseph Heller • Modern music and artistry would look and sound completely different if not for the groundbreaking contributions Michael Jackson gifted to the world. – L.A. Reid • Money commands everything because that’s our interpretation of capitalism … what kind of world is that? It’s a very uncomfortable interpretation of a human being. We have been turned into robots. – Muhammad Yunus • Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. – Louis D. Brandeis • Neither were you [born yesterday], unless of course I am wrong, in which case welcome to the world, little baby, and congratulations on learning to read so early in life. – Daniel Handler • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead • No ideology can help to create a new world or a new mind or a new human being — because ideological orientation itself is the root cause of all the conflicts and all the miseries. Thought creates boundaries, thought creates divisions and thought creates prejudices; thought itself cannot bridge them. That’s why all ideologies fail. Now man must learn to live without ideologies religious, political or otherwise. When the mind is not tethered to any ideology, it is free to move to new understandings. And in that freedom flowers all that is good and all that is beautiful. – Rajneesh • No longer mourn for me when I am dead than you shall hear the surly sullen bell give warning to the world that I am fled from this vile world with vilest worms to dwell: nay, if you read this line, remember not the hand that writ it, for I love you so, that I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot, if thinking on me then should make you woe. O! if, I say, you look upon this verse when I perhaps compounded am with clay, do not so much as my poor name rehearse; but let your love even with my life decay; lest the wise world should look into your moan, and mock you with me after I am gone. – William Shakespeare • No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else. – Charles Dickens • Nobody has the time to sit down and explain the first world from first principles. – Chris Cleave • Nobody knew my rose of the world but me… I had too much glory. They don’t want glory like that in nobody’s heart – Tennessee Williams • Now that physics is proving the intelligence of the universe what are we to do about the stupidity of mankind? I include myself. I know that the earth is not flat but my feet are. I know that space is curved but my brain has been condoned by habit to grow in a straight line. What I call light is my own blend of darkness. What I call a view is my hand-painted trompe-l’oeil. I run after knowledge like a ferret down a ferret hole. My limitations, I call the boundaries of what can be known. I interpret the world by confusing other people’s psychology with my own. – Jeanette Winterson • O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in’t! – William Shakespeare • Of course there are worlds. Millions of them! Every star you see has worlds, and most of those you don’t see. – Isaac Asimov • On the return trip home, gazing through 240,000 miles of space toward the stars and the planet from which I had come, I suddenly experienced the universe as intelligent, loving, harmonious. – Edgar Mitchell • Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a house across the field from a girl who no longer exists. They made up a thousand games. She was Queen and he was King. In the autumn light, her hair shone like a crown. They collected the world in small handfuls. When the sky grew dark they parted with leaves in their hair. – Nicole Krauss • once you laugh at you own weaknesses, you can move forward. Comedy breaks down walls. It opens up people. If you’re good, you can fill up those openings with something positive. Mabye…….. combat some the ugliness in the world. – Goldie Hawn • Our shared world is humanly unquantifiable and ideologically confused. Which one of them is capable of implementing the most recognizable harm or good? – James Ellroy • Our world will not die as the result of the bomb, as the papers say, it will die of laughter, of banality, or making a joke of everything, and a lousy joke at that. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon • Paris is the only city in the world where starving to death is still considered an art. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon • Pastries . . . can only be appreciated to the full extent of their subtlety when they are not eaten to assuage our hunger, when the orgy of their sugary sweetness is not destined to full some primary need but to coat our palate with all the benevolence of the world. – Muriel Barbery • Perhaps things are most beautiful when they are not quite real; when you look upon a scene as an outsider, and come to possess it in its entirety and forever; when you live in the present with the lucidity and feeling of memory; when, for want of connection, the world deepens and becomes art. – Mark Helprin • Power said to the world, “You are mine.” The world kept it prisoner on her throne. Love said to the world, “I am thine.” The world gave it the freedom of her house. – Rabindranath Tagore • Self respect, Colie. If you don’t have it, the world will walk all over you. – Sarah Dessen • She dreamed of leaving, but she had too little exposure to the world to imagine where to go. – Gregory Maguire • So if the world hates us, we take courage that it hated Jesus first. If you’re wondering whether you’ll be safe, just look at what they did to Jesus and those who followed him. There are safer ways to live than by being a Christian. – Shane Claiborne • Socrates, indeed, when he was asked of what country he called himself, said, “Of the world”; for he considered himself an inhabitant and a citizen of the whole world. – Marcus Tullius Cicero • solitary like a pool at evening, far distant, seen from a train window, vanishing so quickly that the pool, pale in the evening, is scarcely robbed of its solitude, though once seen. *** Here sitting on the world, she thought, for she could not shake herself free from the sense that everything this morning was happening for the first time, perhaps for the last time, as a traveller, even though he is half asleep, knows, looking out of the train window, that he must look now, for he will never see that town, or that mule-cart, or that woman at work in the fields, again. – Virginia Woolf • Some days,’ I say, ‘I feel like I don’t belong anywhere in that world. That world out there. ‘I point to Grant. ‘People walk down our street and people drive down it and people ride their bicycles down it and all of them, even the ones I know, could be from another planet. And I’m a visiting alien.’ And aliens don’t belong anywhere,’ Adam finishes for me, ‘except in their own little corners of the universe.’ Right,’ I say. ~pgs 57-58 Hattie and Adam on alienation – Ann M. Martin • Some people get where they hope to in this world. Most of us don’t. – James Agee • Stranded in this mill town railroad yard while the whole world was converging elsewhere, we seemed to be nothing but children playing among heroic men. – John Knowles • Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the stormy billows of the world. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.- Helen Caldicott • Tell me a story, Pew. What kind of story, child? A story with a happy ending. There’s no such thing in all the world. As a happy ending? As an ending. – Jeanette Winterson • That observation which is called knowledge of the world will be found much more frequently to make men cunning than good. – Samuel Johnson • That was the thing about being on the inside: the world was just going on, even when it seemed like time for you had stopped for good. – Sarah Dessen • The boy was lying, fast asleep, on a rude bed upon the floor; so pale with anxiety, and sadness, and the closeness of his prison, that he looked like death; not death as it shews in shroud and coffin, but in the guise it wears when life has just departed; when a young and gentle spirit has, but an instant, fled to Heaven: and the gross air of the world has not had time to breathe upon the changing dust it hallowed. – Charles Dickens • The future belongs to you. Should anyone insult you, tell yourself this: I am a child of destiny who will unite East and West and change the world. – Adeline Yen Mah • The future is unwritten. there are best case scenarios. There are worst-case scenarios. both of them are great fun to write about if you’ re a science fiction novelist, but neither of them ever happens in the real world. What happens in the real world is always a sideways-case scenario. World-changing marvels to us, are only wallpaper to our children. – Bruce Sterling • the future of the world lies with the yellow man and the brown man now that our erstwhile master, the white-skinned man, has wasted himself through buggery, cell phone usage, and drug abuse – Aravind Adiga • The love of a single heart can make a world of difference. – Immaculee Ilibagiza • The most beautiful highway in the world – Dave Pelzer • The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible. – Albert Einstein • The most wonderful and the strongest things in the world, you know, are just the things which no one can see.- Charles Kingsley • The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village. – Marshall McLuhan • The New World Order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all. – Nelson Mandela • The original, shimmering self gets buried so deep that most of us end up hardly living out of it at all. Instead we live out all the other selves, which we are constantly putting on and taking off like coats and hats against the world’s weather – Frederick Buechner • The point is… to live one’s life in the full complexity of what one is, which is something much darker, more contradictory, more of a maelstrom of impulses and passions, of cruelty, ecstacy, and madness, than is apparent to the civilized being who glides on the surface and fits smoothly into the world. – Thomas Nagel • The probability of separate worlds meeting is very small. The lure of it is immense. We send starships. We fall in love. – Jeanette Winterson • The problem of why God created the universe still troubles thinking men; but if we cannot know why, we can at least know that He did not bring His worlds into being to meet some unfulfilled need in Himself, as a man might build a house to shelter him against the winter cold or plant a field of corn to provide him with necessary food. The word ‘necessary’ is wholly foreign to God. – Aiden Wilson Tozer • The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. – Marcel Proust • The severe schools shall never laugh me out of the philosophy of Hermes, that this visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein as in a portrait, things are not truly, but in equivocal shapes, and as they counterfeit some real substance in that invisible fabric.- Thomas Browne • The supernatural world has always been more real to me than the real world. – Anne Rice • The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. – David Rockefeller • The three of them set out every morning on adventures of their own kind. Once, an elderly professor of literature, Mrs. Taggart’s friend, saw them on top of a pile in a junk yard, dismantling the carcass of an automobile. He stopped, shook his head and said to Francisco, ‘A young man of your position ought to spend his time in libraries, absorbing the culture of the world.’ ‘What do you think I’m doing?’ asked Francisco. – Ayn Rand • The whole point of Zen is to suspend the rules we have superimposed on things and to see the world as it is – Alan Watts • The world going insane and evil letting slip the birds of war is no excuse for sloppy vocabulary. – P. C. Cast • The world in which we were called to exist was an absurd world, and there was no other in which we could take refuge. – Albert Camus • • The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. – Albert Einstein • The world is a thing that a man must learn to despise, and even to neglect, before he can learn to reverence it, and work in it and for it.- Thomas Carlyle • The world is getting to be such a dangerous place, a man is lucky to get out of it alive. – W. C. Fields • The world is God’s world, after all. – Charles Kingsley • The world is nothing but my perception of it. I see only through myself. I hear only through the filter of my story. – Byron Katie • The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings. – Robert Louis Stevenson • The world is truly beautiful solely in the eyes of a true philosopher. – Kedar Joshi • The world never stops unmaking what the world never stops making. But who says the world has to make sense? – David Mitchell • The world remains ever the same. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe • The world tilted slightly sideways. ‘I think I need to sit down.’ The floor seemed like the best option. It was close and he’d already proved that he could hit it. His legs folded. – Tanya Huff • There are some people who will never understand what loyalty means. They could tell you what it was, of course, but they will never know.They will never see it from the inside. They couldn’t imagine a world where something like that was real. – Jim Butcher • There has yet to be a human to survive a span of history without at least one end of the world. – Jonathan Safran Foer • There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy.- Jonathan Swift • There’s something so great about this,” she whispers. About what?” I whisper back. About this,” she whispers. About being outlaws. It’s just you and me—against the world. – Sonya Sones • There’s too much love in the world. Sometimes I think that’s what heaven is—- a place where everybody’s happy because nobody loves anybody else, ever. – Gregory David Roberts • There’s got to be more to life than just living, Foyle said to the robot. “Then find it for yourself, sir. Don’t ask the world to stop moving because you have doubts.” “Why can’t we all move forward together?” “Because you’re all different. You’re not lemmings. Some must lead, and hope that the rest will follow.” “Who leads?” “The men who must… driven men, compelled men.” “Freak men.” “You’re all freaks, sir. But you always have been freaks. Life is a freak. That’s its hope and glory.” – Alfred Bester • These are hard times. The world hurts. We live in fear and forget to walk with hope. But hope has not forgotten you. So ask it to dinner. It’s probably hungry and would appreciate the invitation. – Libba Bray • These stories seem at times to be stories of a long-lost world when the city of New York was still filled with a river light, when you heard the Benny Goodman quartets from a radio in the corner stationery store, and when almost everybody wore a hat. – John Cheever • This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper. – T. S. Eliot • This truth I firmly hold, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding; my life has been a gift, a blessing to the world. – Anthony de Mello • Time is too conceptual. Not that it stops us from filling it in. So much so, we can’t even tell whether our experiences belong to time or to the world of physical things. – Haruki Murakami • To be an artist is to fail, as no other dare to fail… failure is his world and the shrink from it desertion – Marcel Proust • To be simple is the best thing in the world. – Gilbert K. Chesterton • To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • To get back up to the shining world from there My guide and I went into that hidden tunnel, And Following its path, we took no care To rest, but climbed: he first, then I-so far, through a round aperture I saw appear Some of the beautiful things that Heaven bears, Where we came forth, and once more saw the stars. – Dante Alighieri • To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world. – Michael Jackson • To realize that new world we must prefer the values of freedom and equality above all other values – above personal wealth, technical power and nationalism. – Herbert Read • Was the earth made to preserve a few covetous, proud men to live at ease, and for them to bag and barn up the treasures of the Earth from others, that these may beg or starve in a fruitful land; or was it made to preserve all her children? – Gerrard Winstanley • We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries. – David Rockefeller • We didn’t Make this World we’re just the Poor Fools who are living in it. – Michael Grant • We must ask ourselves these questions as often as we dare. How will the world change if we do not question it? – Kate DiCamillo • We went to the New York World’s Fair, saw what the past had been like, according to the Ford Motor Car Company and Walt Disney, saw what the future would be like, according to General Motors. And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep. – Kurt Vonnegut • What a strange world we live in…Said Alice to the Queen of hearts – Lewis Carroll • What do believers in the Absolute mean by saving that their belief affords them comfort? They mean that since in the Absolute finite evil is ‘overruled’ already, we may, therefore, whenever we wish, treat the temporal as if it were potentially the eternal, be sure that we can trust its outcome, and, without sin, dismiss our fear and drop the worry of our finite responsibility. In short, they mean that we have a right ever and anon to take a moral holiday, to let the world wag in its own way, feeling that its issues are in better hands than ours and are none of our business. – William James • What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the World. – Albert Einstein • When it’s raining like this,” said Naoko, “it feels as if we’re the only ones in the world. I wish it would just keep raining so the three of us could stay together. – Haruki Murakami • When the world seems large and complex, we need to remember that great world ideals all begin in some home neighborhood. – Konrad Adenauer • When they first kiss, there on the beach, they will kneel at the edge of the Pacific and say a prayer of thanks, sending all the stories of love inside them out in a fleet of bottles all across the oceans of the world. – Francesca Lia Block • With our thoughts we make the world. – Gautama Buddha • Yes, the world may aspire to vacuousness, lost souls mourn beauty, insignificance surrounds us. Then let us drink a cup of tea. Silence descends, one hears the wind outside, autumn leaves rustle and take flight, the cat sleeps in a warm pool of light. And, with each swallow, time is sublimed. – Muriel Barbery • You are an ocean in a drop of dew, all the universes in a thin sack of blood. What are these pleasures then, these joys, these worlds that you keep reaching for, hoping they will make you more alive? – Rumi • You can’t make flivers without steel – and you can’t make tragedies without social instability. The world’s stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about; they’re so conditioned that they pratically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave. – Aldous Huxley • You know what I noticed when I was with Jacob? In your world, people can reach each other in an instant. There’s the telephone, and the fax – and on the computer you can talk to someone all the way around the world. You’ve got people telling their secrets on TV talk shows, and magazines that publish pictures of movie stars trying to hide their homes. All those connections, but everyone there seems so lonely. – Jodi Picoult • You show the world as a complete, unbroken chain, an eternal chain, linked together by cause and effect. – Hermann Hesse • You’ll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race. – George Bernard Shaw • Your heart, Mary Karr, he’d say. His pen touched my sternum, and it felt for all the world like the point of a dull spear as he said, Your heart knows what your head don’t. Or won’t. – Mary Karr • You’re a poem?’ I repeated. She chewed her lower lip. ‘If you want. I am a poem, or I am a pattern, or a race of people whose whose world was swallowed by the sea.’ ‘Isn’t it hard to be three things at the same time?’ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Enn.’ ‘So you are Enn,’ she said. ‘And you are a male. And you are a biped. Is it hard to be three things at the same time? – Neil Gaiman • You’ve got to love yourself with all your short comings, and you’ve got to love the world no matter how bad it gets. – Joan Bauer
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