Pre-Japan Guide: Booking Hotels, Plane Tickets, etc.
I apologize for my lack of updates here in my blog. I was seriously heartbroken that I can’t go back to Japan anytime soon because I fell in love with it and I didn’t want to function for a while. But school will soon start, so I should do this before I get busy.
You now have your passport, and you now have your Japan Visa. What do you do next? You choose dates on when you’ll go to Japan! Do you have a flexible schedule and just want to score the cheapest, earliest available flight? You can check out Google Flights to see the cheapest days and airlines. Please note though that sometimes, prices from Cebu Pacific and/or Jetstar are not shown here. This is really helpful for me since I was able to know which dates are relatively cheaper than others even though I still had to check Cebu Pacific’s website to compare the prices.
While doing this or before looking for flights, you can also book a hotel for free through Booking. I actually booked a hotel even months before (even though we still haven’t applied for a Visa) because you can cancel it for free for up to 3 days or more (depends on the place) before the reserved date. It was really a lifesaver that I was able to book my preferred dates because when I was trying to look for another date, it’s already full. So when I was purchasing the plane tickets, I just looked for the cheapest airline on my selected dates.
We booked tickets from Cebu Pacific because from our computation, it is cheaper than Jetstar at that time. What’s really nice about it is that the Php 1,620 travel tax can also be paid already when you’re booking through their website with minimal fee, so you don’t have to line up at the airport to pay that tax when you get there.
Just visit the Cebu Pacific website to book your flight. We paid through card (I applied for a Metrobank Prepaid Mastercard) and the itinerary and official receipt was sent through e-mail. You can also pay through 7-11. For the complete payment options, click here.
One week before your flight, you can already check-in through their website or through their mobile app and you’ll be given a temporary boarding pass. You can print both your itinerary and boarding pass just to be safe (we didn’t need to show those at NAIA though).
You can also add more baggage until 4 hours before your flight and you can pay that additional fee through your card. I am not sure if there are other modes of payment for the additional fee.
Having a checklist makes everything easier. When you’re packing, you need to know what you’ll bring so that you won’t forget anything and you’ll feel at ease during your entire flight. Also be mindful of the airline restrictions on items you want to bring on your carry-on bag. You don’t want to have a problem once you’re there because it will be such a hassle.
As we wanted peace of mind when we’re traveling, we opted to rent a wifi device from Flytpack. I will make a separate review about this. To preempt my post, I will tell you that I loved the device because the wifi was really fast and reliable and it lasted for a day with 3 devices connected. We didn’t lose our way (at least not badly) because we were always connected.
Bring a pen. You will need it, always.
Here are more things that I found useful to bring:
eye mask
wet tissue/hand sanitizer
mints/candy (you won’t be talking a lot for hours, so hello smelly breath)
passport organizer (we kept our passport, itinerary, hotel info, pen, and some money here. It was really handy to have everything in one place.)
refreshing eyedrops
The check-in gates open 3 hours before your departure. Be there early so that you can check-in your luggage earlier and you will have a lot of time to eat, rest, or roam around. If you haven’t paid the Php 1,620 travel tax yet, go to the travel tax counters first to pay. The departure area is on the 2nd floor of NAIA Terminal 3.
Since we already checked-in through their website, we just went to the “bag drop” counters of Cebu Pacific. If you don’t have any checked-in bag I think there’s a separate counter for that where they’ll already give you your actual boarding pass.
When we were lined up to check-in our bags, we were given these cards from Bureau of Immigration which you’ll have to fill out prior to going through immigration as you’ll have to give it there.
After checking your bags in, if you want to eat and it’s located at the 3rd floor of the airport, DO NOT GO THROUGH IMMIGRATION YET. If you do, you can’t go out anymore and you’ll be forced to choose a place to eat from a limited number of fastfood/restos. Jollibee is located at the 3rd floor so buy your food there or eat there before going through immigration.
Line up at the immigration, give the card given earlier which is already filled out, your passport and boarding pass. They’ll ask questions to ensure that you’re not a victim of human trafficking and all those security questions. As I was with my 2 sisters, the officer only asked my sister when we’ll be going back to the Philippines which she confidently answered. No more questions asked. I think the officer took a picture of each of us and that’s it. Note that when it was our turn, all three of us approached him to show that we’re traveling together. Oh, I just remembered. As he saw that all three of us approached him, he asked if we were sisters.
Once inside, you can look for the gate where you need to wait or roam around and shop if you want. Just be there at the gate at least 45 minutes before your time of departure.
So when we boarded the plane, we were given those cards which we need to fill out for customs purposes. Just fill it out so that you won’t be minding it once you get to the airport.
We walked reallllyyyyy far from where the plane landed to the Immigration part. We lined up there, and there were many Japanese employees who assisted us so that we know where to line up. They will also tell you to remove the passport cover.
Once it’s your turn, you’ll be asked to give your passport and they’ll get your fingerprints. I forgot which finger was asked but you’ll see once you get there. After that, they’ll tell you where to line up in which you’ll give the immigration card you earlier filled out. They won’t ask any questions. They’ll just look at your passport and the card. After that, you’ll have to go down to get your checked bag if you have a checked-in bag from the carousel. I was surprised that my bag was already on the floor. I guess there were too many bags and they just picked some bags to put down already. It was a good thing for me because I didn’t need to carry that heavy bag! Haha.
After getting your bag, you can now go out! You’ll give your customs card and they’ll ask you if you have anything to declare (they’ll just confirm it) and if you said that you don’t have anything to declare, they’ll let you pass and you can go out and meet your friends or family, or search for the location of the train or bus!
Our cousin and uncle picked us up at the airport so we just looked for our cousin, who was just standing in front of us (really different from the Arrival area in NAIA) and we went out!
Departure (NRT-MNL)
You need to avail of the web or mobile check-in of Cebu Pacific for really fast check-in.
When we went there at least 2 hours prior departure, there was a looooong line at the check-in counter. It’s a good thing that we already checked-in so I just looked for the bag drop counter and THERE WASN’T ANYONE IN LINE THERE. Like, we walked through around 60 people and checked-in ahead of them just because we used the web check-in. The staff there just asked for a screenshot of the temporary boarding pass, but I showed him the printed one because I printed it.
In just 5 minutes, we were able to check-in our bags. It was so convenient! I wonder why those many people didn’t do a self check-in. It can be seen that’s more convenient because you don’t have to line up anymore.
After that you can roam around the airport, shop, or eat with your family or friends. Then you can now go through immigration. At the immigration, they just got our passports and stamped it and we went to our designated gate. You just have to know your gate number and follow the signs - you won’t get lost if you follow the signs!
You just need to follow everyone and go through the carousel to get your checked-in bags if you have any, then go out the “Nothing to declare” aisles if you don’t have anything to declare. You don’t need to fill out anything anymore!
There you go! I will update this post if I remember that I missed something. For questions, you can always go through my Ask, go at my Instagram which is @traveltheworldwithme07, or comment below using Disqus. I will be posting more soon!
(Posted on July 13, 2017)
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