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The Ship a certain Tag keeps seeing, aka a Crossover Ship: Mabel x Evil Morty
Some created/collected dialogues that explains them:
"Nothing in nature lives in solitude, and somehow, there is some small comfort made that you are not alone in your grievances. You don't have to live lonely."
"Both meant to be doomed, but never managed to be doomed together."
Evil Morty: "I hate that you walked into my life, and I hate that I followed."
Mabel: "What's the hardest part of waking up and going to do your tasks?"
Evil Morty: "Finding the will to live."
Evil Morty: "I spent all of my time trying to find the one, but I didn't need to search for it, you were here right by my side this whole time."
Evil Morty: "I know it would end in a tragedy, I know there's a slim to no chance of it happening the way I want it to be and I know I would repeat this whole cycle all over again. I know it won't work, I know it won't work, I know it won't work... but I have to try."
Mabel: "Couldn't you pick anyone other than me?"
Evil Morty: "Believe me, I've tried."
Inspired from a post "Because in a strange way, you are better at what I do without even trying."
Evil Morty: "There are infinite possibilities where there is a happier and better version of what I am, but you still choose me, every time."
Mabel: "You were a wonderful experience."
Evil Morty: "You were... Everything."
Evil Morty: "Ready to face the unknown?"
Mabel: "With you? Always."
Evil Morty: "You've seen my true self and haven't run away."
Mabel: "They called it doom, I called it salvation."
Excerpt from a poem "You showed me how our love can transform the darkest, coldest realm into the happiest of homes."
"There'll never be, in another life where they're given the chance to try again, it's all gone now, all that's left are memories of what was and there'd never be room left for a what could be."
Evil Morty: "You are my normal, my home, for now I have something to return to, and to return for."
Mabel: "Love is the law, and your hatred is taught."
Evil Morty: "If you wanna break my cold, cold heart just say 'I loved you, the way that you were.'"
Evil Morty: "If there is even just a single timeline where I live long enough until my deathbed, where I am happier and safe with you, I would do everything in my power to reach for it, even if it takes an eternity."
Evil Morty: "I want to ruin your life, and when I'm gone, an empty hole that'll never be fixed is left."
Evil Morty: "You watch the display of fireworks, with fully focused eyes on a lifetime spectacle, while I remain a second thought, always by your side, as I watch you."
Mabel: "Can you kiss me like in the movies with our eyes closed and like it's the last thing you'll ever do?"
Taken from an old anime "Whatever happens, happens."
An original quote "She is destined to be a star, she shines so brightly, when only by herself."

So I think this was bound to happen at one point, since I've been posting about the ship since June was it? Although I'm not trying to convince you guys to ship it at all, but you can read why I do so and you can find a way to respect it and if you have like criticisms about it, maybe I can admit that it is a good point that I didn't initially have thought of or address it too.
Yes, if you aren't sure what I'm talking about in here, it's about the Evil Morty and Mabel ship, which you can say, boo what is a M/F ship doing here!!! Get it out I don't agree with this ship because it goes against my headcanons!!! Well I'm sorry to say that our headcanons don't match with each other and that's fine! You can scroll away or even block me if you don't want my art and this idea clogging your tags cause you think it's embarrassing or you dislike it overall or in general with no reason because it's your feelings. it's not something I can be in control of so I'll just respect it.
I don't care how many people see this, I just needed to write it down because it's been stuck in my head and I never thought to explain why to anyone? Kind of a missed opportunity for all these times I've been just shoving all the art of it without even bothering to stop to tell what is it about the ship I liked, so here is the compilation! I would add and edit more as I finally compiled those that aren't spoilers to my AUs and the general vibes I get with this ship.
I sent this at my discord I only added a few more details about it so here it is!
I thought their dynamic a lot like, "Oh yeah they'd just randomly talk about the most existential and philosophical topics ever and the branches to topics that are random, may be related to the real world to things they've watched and lose the original topic in the process, Mabel mostly asking the questions which prompts him to answer however and whatever he could." I had the headcanon that Evil Morty's aesthetic was a STEM student goth academia with an evil scientist mix while Mabel is more of the decora and harajuku fashion alongside chaotic academia. Their energies may not match now but with constant interaction I'd like to think they'd end up adjusting and giving as good as they get, and the type to excitedly share about the new things they find whether a realization, story or concept. Mostly enthusiastic rambling on Mabel's side while Evil Morty would phrase it as a random fact in life that is serious and needs a discussion but it's relatively the same thing, communication goals!
I'm honestly confused on how they would've pined for each other because I never thought of it, I just went "Oh yeah they're together" like established already and then proceeded with that, but then now I have to justify, and most of my thoughts are "Maybe when he realizes that just because she has this cheery persona doesn't mean that's all she is, the fact she kept helping him time and time again in her own endearing way and wanting to be his friend even though he's been spraying water at her to go away and actually tried being harsh but she just responded with a rebuttal that catches him off guard which is a "point taken", I think he'd just get tired and accept her as a part of his life now but because of that single choice he did, because he started answering back, because he started opening up, because he grew comfortable with her, she already knows quite a bit about him, and he does feel a little lonely, so why not give it a try?"
Like a "You're not that bad, you're still annoying, but you're not so bad after all." Mabel sets his perspective to a twist and that he needs to find the profound in mundane or crazy.
One argument I thought about why Evil M would consider Mabel as someone he can date, I feel, is because he also is kind of lonely, besides relating to her a lot, they're like two lonely people who banded together and because I feel Mabel is also refreshing of a take because she's optimistic but she has that realism in it too that a lot of the cartoons usually lack in, the depth, and also because they both provide balance in the dynamic, especially in growing the things they lack at, Evil M with healthy coping mechanisms and socializing with a lack of agenda, basically teaching him communication, and enjoying life and the adventures because there'll be something new on the table, like giving him a difference in perspective that he needs to hear and being mindful and understanding other people because truthfully who he knows and studied so well is Rick's mind, that doesn't mean other characters he has them figured out either, that's why he sensed a threat in Summer, also because of the fact he mostly isolated himself and 'wants to be left alone' although humans don't work that way and he can't just program it out of himself, because Rick definitely tried that before and it must've ended disastrous.
For Mabel, it's the consequences of her actions, thinking or planning forward, more realism to her own actions and responsibilities, also giving her more reason to utilize her logic than just her own emotions, she also needs someone other than just Dipper in her life that she feels she can rely on and who she finds that she has some values that she can match with though in others she clashes, basically teaching her compromise(Evil M learns that too) since the lesson wasn't properly given to her satisfactorily but I think it gets addressed in a comic, which, okay, still part of canon but it mostly gets glanced at.
Also another thing to add about Mabel and Evil M, as I did say, they match each other's freak, which means, yeah they're both fucking weird and I'm pretty sure they don't care they are weird and accept each other as being weird too. Yeah and they feel like the world would never truly understand them and they find that: "Oh a person similar enough with me but still different enough from me that I can still have something to learn from them!" Like another thing of why they liked each other so much is "Wow you understood me and listened to me?"
Especially with how Evil M is still relatively a Morty, he had issues with people not giving a fuck about him so he just did not give a fuck back but then there's a person out there that decided to actually care and not because he gave her anything, but because she thought he was interesting and thought to approach him. And so she gave him something, and I know his first thoughts in this was to possibly use her, like "Oh she might be helpful in this situation" but she's just so damn surprising and infuriating at the same time because she can fuck shit up for him(this is why he doesn't like involving himself with others, they're too unpredictable) because I think she's both oblivious and really aware of what he's trying to do.
But then he's so fucking lonely and doesn't want to admit it and not going to lie Mabel acts sorta like a Prime Morty who's both aware of the dangers of an adventure but also can find ways to enjoy life that he envies and wants to have and it's not like he wants to interact with anyone else because that would mean sharing more to more people and so Mabel could suffice.
Also most people in the real world are so insufferable especially since their perspective to him is unappealing or lacking or so close minded that he really can't find interest in any of them, but Mabel? Well she always has something to say and catches him off guard, so why not just interact with her? Then yeah they ended up getting closer and since he's like "Well I could trust you with some information" and somehow he finds that he actually could with her, since she cares a lot about her friends and that she's agreeable at times but also conflicts with him and that's refreshing to him that she isn't much of a people pleaser as the others are.
Like finding out they could go with each other through thick and thin also they're both painfully human in a cartoon like world and makes mistakes also they are actually scared children who grew up too quickly and are really just wanting to get a piece of their normal back like yeah it may be from trauma but it also is because they just found out they work so well together. Also ngl they're actually big fucking drama queens Evil Morty just doesn't want to admit that he's a cringe theater kid too. (Hmmm 4th wall break wonder what that is /silly)
Like "I could never figure you out even though we empathize with each other's experiences, and that will always make you so appealing to me on how similar we are but we're two worlds apart." They're also like Rick and Evil M dynamic, when one is lacking this the other makes up for it! That and when they make effort, THEY WILL PUT EFFORT IN THE THINGS THEY DO.
Also what I really love about the whole if they'd be in a relationship and it's because Mabel would teach Evil M about love because she has it in spades, literally out here appreciating the little things and the big things and wanting to spend time with someone, but also because he spent most of his time surviving and now he has free time to do something else well why not do something because you want it and I mean, you have all the time in the world now. And also because I feel love is something that Rick never gave him, so then him loving someone is something he can call his own, fully, and not attached to something he got from Rick. Besides you know, fucking off to somewhere else and building a civilization where his needs are met.
And Mabel is very chatty, and likes spending a lot of time with someone if she loves them, and sure she may be the first to fall in love but Evil Morty like I said, would fall in love harder, because of how much time they end up spending time together, it's like impossible not to since she takes up most of his time, and he lets it happen. He probably ended up liking her romantically anyway because she's oh so stupid and smart and gives good ideas here and there and also cause she's genuinely nice to him.
Like I'm pretty sure if I made love logical it's gonna destroy the whole point of it being a mystery and most people don't know why it's so illogical too. Literally Mabel bounces back because she got a good support system and she's emotionally more fulfilled in life and now she wants to give Evil Morty a glimpse of what she sees despite the truth being fucking harsh.
This connects to my headcanon and semi-analysis about Evil Morty in the infodump where he's basically a depressed loser trying to distract himself saying he doesn't need anyone but humans don't work that way. My earlier ideas which kick-started this one was basically me viewing Mabel to Evil Morty as Diane is to Rick as Betty is to Simon and if people do even watch the Rick and Morty Anime, Elle is to Morty Prime.
Little fun facts about them, Evil Morty has actually done several drunk driving incidents, and Mabel is based on Pinkie Pie. His nickname for Mabel is Aelita which stuck to him, but has a rather dark implication of a starlight being seen for the last time.
Mabel doesn't care if the laundry had already been done and her wardrobe is the size of Sofia the first, SHE WILL STILL END UP BORROWING HIS FEW OUTFITS HE WEARS REPEATEDLY FOR MONTHS ON END.
Evil Morty doesn't actually like cooking(he just cooks to live) but it ends up with him having to learn how to cook properly although Mabel straight up eats through almost anything(she has eaten sand, dirt, and a plastic toy before). Mabel has driven before... Let's not get into detail what happened to the poor car.
He kinda knew she liked him, it's so obvious he doesn't even doubt it anymore, he just watched her try to confess to him but it always conveniently gets interrupted by the fourth wall(it got a little tiring so he had to set things straight once and for all, they have a unique dynamic to me because I think him as oriented aroace, so his feelings are like the equivalent of queerplatonic, but Mabel has romantic attraction to him, they just kinda settled into not being official, it's just how it is and it's not like they need to confirm, they just simply are).
I think they're pretty jealous people, if they ever have anything to be jealous about, I think their relationship is so far healthy(it was a really long talk about the questionable shit he did), the only worries they have about each other is like... Logically speaking, if any one of them dies.
Also my explanation for Evil Morty's actions that may or may be debated you guys can add more information I think so. Which would be down below this paragraph.
So like we know how evil Morty isn't that all that interested in power himself, he only uses it as a means to an end in the citadel, and I'm saying this that he only likes to reach his end goal most of the time, he would do ANYTHING, for that goal, and in here, the end goal was... Clearly going to be something, because okay, Evil Morty is a little bit aimless since it's kind of working as a multiverse to him which is without a Rick, and sure he's thriving, that's exactly what he wanted, but the thing now, is that he's absolutely clueless what to do next.
He can relax, he can do that, he has peace, yes, but the itch of every human being is there, the want or the urge to complete something new, because there's always going to be a new thing they will do after the next big thing they have done, the world doesn't stop just because you completed it, and that's where Evil Morty is lost on, he's in a world without Rick as the center, now what? He can be normal now, he tried that, he tried so hard being semi normal himself, but then it never worked out. So then all he yearned now was for a new experience, he already reached the top, sure, what's the point in that?
Another mountain conquered he had said, maybe all he needed was a distraction, and more, this is like the dilemma of immortality all over again, and I just love adding philosophical topics like that. He is to just be that person who's so tired that he is desperate to escape from one thing, like desperately running away from something and sure he does it but then I feel like it would come back and bite him again. Like okay, smartass, what next to? He tries to do the things that he wanted to do that he couldn't with what Rick has prohibited or restricted him to do by circumstances or explicitly told him, but then because of the environment he was raised in, it never gets erased.
He's the Rickest Morty for a good reason, he's like Rick, I think he knows that deep inside that he is. He's still broken by Rick, the things that are in the inside, they AREN'T healed.
Anyway, it's kind of said that Rick and Morty is like showing the dark side of improvement and I really liked that aspect of the show because it isn't easy, you get repercussions even though what you're doing for is yourself, and it's not like life cares about it too much to know that you're busy for it. And this, Evil Morty is improving, but at what cost? He did everything, should he have lost instead because it felt more like a pyrrhic victory if anything. What people forget is that he's a child, living in the hands of an abuser that was everywhere in his life, everything he knew, now it's gone and over, he's free isn't he? He finds threats to himself, eliminates it, which is what happened in the Season 7, Episode 5, he got the omega device. All he wants is leverage against people and to be left alone, but because of this freedom he chased so hard.
He's just surviving, mostly, at least what most of his life is, he doesn't admit that he's bored, and tries to distract himself — going somewhere, collecting materials, he knows he can just make an endless supply of them if he wanted and if he could, I just think he CHOSE NOT TO, because then he'd have nothing left to do. He found himself in a cage in freedom, being so free it's stifling and empty, it's too free with no limitations. Give someone an instruction to create the world and they wouldn't know what to do, they're overwhelmed by what they could essentially take that they never stopped to think, well, what do they want?
And... does it really matter? I think he's lonely, like incredibly so, and maybe nihilistic too, since that's what Rick kind of taught him in life, and since he did scan many of the Ricks' brain, he definitely knows that.
He probably doesn't know why he's living either, and even though he tries to further himself away from humanity, he's always going to be human anyway. He's so unbearably human else he wouldn't have escaped Rick, be done with dealing with him, he knows he's been wronged by them too many times to count. So he left the central finite curve. He cares for himself, at least.
So he survives, even if that's the barest minimum a human should give themselves. He's been given worse cards that he's satisfied with just so little. He's just wanting to find a purpose in a harsh world that doesn't care to give you one. He's been rebellious, at Rick, at people who've annoyed him and bothered him, maybe pure spite may keep him alive, but until when he realizes, well what's all this for? I think it was a blessing, to remain ignorant, because to me it feels like, you're either the rest of everyone, knowing less, or you just end up like Rick knowing more and feeling so alienated, feeling like a God or wondering, always wondering on an answer that'll never be answered.
He's the embodiment of "I put so much effort into this, I dedicated my entire life for this, that if I fail, what else is there to do?" Does he badly need therapy? Actually yeah, most people just call him an edgy bitch but he's kind of like every human there is after finding out nobody knows what they're actually doing and we're just getting more and more information but we truly don't know what to do with it, we just try to benefit from it. That guy's worth is equivalent to the plan in motion he placed in season 1, "What am I if I couldn't do it." And "What do you mean that's all there is?" "You fool, it's always been like that."
I rest my case, you guys can just take this as you will. I guess I adored it due to the potential it had also the tropes I could link to this that I think fits a lot of those that are common or even favored by people, the most common one yet is the opposites attract! Which was one of my main ideas for this ship. Also if you know MBTI, this is also a reference to the ENFP and INTJ duo. It could be romantic and it could be platonic that you make it to be but I kinda just want to see them in a setting where they're interacting which would never happen so fanart and fandom can just carry it instead!
Also ships I have compared or found similarities in though not exactly fully similar so you can envision it much clearer through examples: Pinky and Brain, Nana and Hachi, Furina and Scaramouche, Mitsi and Victim, My Melody and Kuromi, Shadow and Amy, Robin and Starfire, Miss Heed and Dr Flug(somewhat), Damian Desmond and Anya Forger, Galinda and Elphaba, Momo Ayase and Ken Takakura, Druig and Makkari, Hades and Persephone, Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung, Homura and Madoka, Tobey McAllister and Becky Botsford, Saiki K and Teruhashi Kokomi, Eru Chitanda and Hotaro Oreki, Mamoru Chiba and Usagi Tsukino, Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams, (Kinda funny) Lucy Wilde and Felonius Gru. Maybe I would add more information in the future in this same post but that's most of my thoughts on the matter. Okay byeee~
Link to their playlist which were mostly recommendations: EvilMortyabel playlist

#mabel pines/evil morty#EvilMortyabel brainrot#EvilMortyabel#evil morty#mabel pines#gravity falls#rick and morty#evil morty/mabel pines#my roman empire because I built this for months#not this post#but the ship in general#golden retriever and black cat#the sunshine strong and heroic girl and fucked up white boy who lacks vitamin D#traumabuddies they just don't know it yet shhhh#someone once described it as#Girl who has a terrible track record for her crushes meets Boy who has horrible relationships with people he dated#they just both have terrible luck in romance... or in general#The 'Nothing matters in life...' and '💖Nothing Matters in life!!!💖' typa shit duo#kinda enemies to lovers cause they deffo clashed a bit at their opinions#they should die painfully and fully aware of what is happening as they slowly lose the light in their eyes /affectionate#intj x enfp#cheerleader x scholar#'I do all my homework when it is announced' and 'wait there was homework?'#“We have chemistry!” “I don't even go to school"#listener x yapper#hero x villain#ADHD x Autism
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Several Sentences Sunday!!
Tagged by @steadfastsaturnsrings @inell who both shared AMAZING stuff y'all should show some love!! 💚🩷
The doppleganger fic is my entire existence right now lol. I have a solid plan, and I'm about halfway through it!! With any luck at all, I can get this done soon. Have some of the oblivious boys ranting about the other oblivious boys:
"God, they are hopeless," Buck declares. "Who's hopeless?" Hen asks as they reach the top of the stairs. "Buckles and Noches," Eddie says. Hen raises her eyebrows and snaps her book shut. "And uh, just how are they hopeless?" "Eduardo definitely has a thing for Ethan," Eddie says. "And Ethan definitely has a thing for Eduardo," Buck says, "but-" he holds up a finger- "he doesn't know it." Hen slumps back into the couch cushions with an exasperated groan. "I know right?" Eddie and Buck say in unison. A loud thunk echoes through the loft. All three turn to the source of the noise: Chimney with his forehead thumped against the dining table. Beside him, Ravi has his head in his hands. “You guys feeling okay?” Buck asks. “I think we're suffering from a collective psychotic break,” Chim mutters, his voice muffled by the table. “So… how did you reach this… revelation?” Hen asks, looking between Eddie and Buck over her glasses. “It's not rocket science,” Eddie scoffs, flopping down into the nearest armchair. Buck squeezes in beside him rather than sitting in the other available chairs. They're pressed together from ankle to shoulder. “Come on, it's obvious,” he states. “They're always together, they're constantly touching in some way-” “-and they even finish each other's sentences,” Eddie adds. Buck nods in agreement. Hen's eye twitches.
(tags under the cut! As always please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@lover-of-mine @tizniz @loveyouanyway @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz @ronordmann @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus
@thekristen999 @monsterrae1 @diazheartsbuckley @wildlife4life @misshiss727
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny @eddiesfagstache
@lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92 @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter @snowviolettwhite @hermioneindisguise
@nonspeakingkiku @eddiedisasterdiaz @drunkandsupportiveeddie @traumabuddies @epicbuddieficrecs @disasterbuck
#911#buddie#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 abc#fanfic#9-1-1#buddie wip#911 wip#the doppleganger fic#Maggie writes#several sentence sunday
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Okay, we absolutely talk about the main 4 kids as friends (the triplets and Webby), but why not these 4 as their own group?

I raise you…The B-Team!
I think one of the brilliant things about this foursome is how great each would be in a duo, no matter who you pair them up with.
Configuration 1:
Lena and Violet-Sisters and fellow magic enthusiasts.
Boyd and Gosalyn-Besides the fact that they were added into the friend group a bit later on, they’re both kinda superhero-adjacent (Boyd with Gizmoduck, Gosalyn with Darkwing), plus they did work together in the finale.
Configuration 2:
Lena and Boyd-Both came from abusive pasts, and were helped to overcome it. #TraumaBuddies Plus, I think they’d both be super protective of each other, in a big sister-little brother kind of way.
Violet and Gosalyn-Despite their obvious differences in personality, they both thrive on danger and the unknown. See this post by @writebackatya for a better explanation.
Configuration 3:
Lena and Gosalyn-They’re both total bad Bs. And I see them both having a very dry sense of humor.
Violet and Boyd-They’re both Junior Woodchucks, they’re both nerds, and both had an episode focusing on their dynamic with Huey (I cannot talk enough about the three of them as a trio, though. #StreamThePowerofThree)
But yeah. Lena, Violet, Boyd, and Gosalyn would be an interesting quartet together.
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wip wednesday
tagged by @sibylsleaves @rogerzsteven @wildlife4life @ebdaydreamer @bidisasterbuckdiaz @theotherbuckley @wikiangela @daffi-990 @tizniz
muah thank you lovelies! my bucktommy wip is slow going but it's coming along! honestly utterly breathless over these two and it's hard to concentrate asdfghjkl
It's strange and new and fun and exciting, being kissed like this. Being kissed like this by another man. Being kissed like this while that man is on top of him.
Usually, in Buck's experience, kissing has just been a stepping stone, a lead up, nothing more than the simmering action that leads up to sex and then dissolves amidst slapping skin and shaky moans and quick orgasms.
Occasionally his partner would kiss him afterward, a slack pressure meant to communicate thanks for the good time, and even when he was in serious relationships those kisses still had a fleeting essence about them.
Not with Tommy.
Tommy has kissed Buck over and over and over. Against the door. While they tripped up the stairs. During the awkward, thrilling motions of taking their clothes off. Through smiles and laughter and sighs and whimpers.
And still even now, with Buck spread open and quivering beneath him, the two of them breathless and lust drunk, when there's no real need or graceful ability to kiss, Tommy kisses him.
He kisses and kisses and kisses Buck, all stubble and strength and sensuality, and Buck has never felt so wanted, so desired, so cherished. Like maybe his mouth is just as good as the rest of him. Like all the other parts of him matter to Tommy just as much as his cock.
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @canonbibuck @bibuddie @shitouttabuck @chronicowboy @911onabc @spotsandsocks @devirnis @bvckandeddie @lover-of-mine @colonoscopys @wh0re-behavi0r @traumabuddies @transboybuckley @rewritetheending @athenagranted @try-set-me-on-fire @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @messyhairdiaz @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @bi-buckrights @saybiwithme and anyone else who wants to share!
#bucktommy#evan buckley#tommy kinard#911#911 abc#911 fic#bucktommy wip#buck x tommy#ryan writes#wip wednesday
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you strip me down into nothing (show me what i've been missing)
—if you love fwb, this one's for you!
author: screamingcolours | rated: e | words: 28k | ao3 link
“You could sleep with me.”
It’s Buck’s turn to choke on his drink.
“Wh—what? That’s not funny, Eddie.”
“I’m not joking.”
“Okay,” Buck says, slowly and looking at him with so much confusion, like he’s expecting a catch. “Why? Why would you offer to do this?”
That’s the part where Eddie should have a thought out answer about how this makes sense, because they’re both single and trust each other with everything or whatever, and maybe it wouldn’t be a lie.
But the truth is, he’s looking at Buck right now, on the verge of some kind of breakdown over sex of all things because he needs to be told he’s good and loved and needed, and Eddie will be damned if he’s not going to give him that.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Eddie offers to sleep with Buck ~for science~, they become friends with benefits, and Eddie takes way, way too long to pick up on what it all really means.
—kels reasons to read—
delicious smut
them being oblivious idiots made it even better
#buddie#buddie fic#evan ‘buck’ buckley#eddie diaz#fic rec#911 abc#fwb#getting together#oblivious pining#smut
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@lonelychicagos posted a prompt talking about an anonymous website that eventually led to the Hotchniss reunion and I took it and RAN. Here is what I hope to be part 1 of a multichapter fic. I also despise tumblr formatting nd i’m on mobile so apologies.
Here is the original prompt!
The Phoenix and the Rocket
She doesn’t know why she does it. She chalks it up to Penelope’s unwavering, relentless, quite frankly annoying efforts to get her to make friends. Or maybe it was Dave’s prodding comments about her home life. Probably Tara and JJ’s mischievous scheming during BAU drinks or Luke’s teasing. Could have been becuse of Reid’s statistics and prattling about her age and how ‘lonely people are more likely to experience depression’. Bastard. She gave him more paperwork than anyone else. Perhaps it was the jealousy that flairs in her chest whenever she watches Matt interact with his kids or when her phone pings when Derek sends a picture into their group chat of Hank standing for the first time.
Although, if asked, she’ll say it’s the wine.
Her therapist was the one who brought up the forum in the first place. “It’s a great way to meet with people, Emily” The woman told her softly towards the end of their first session. “People who have unimaginable trauma, like yourself.”
So that was how Emily Prentiss found herself on a Saturday night making an account to sign into the website ‘TraumaBuddies’. The name alone left a vile taste in her mouth, which she squished down with another gulp of red wine. It was a website where strangers can willingly dump on a public forum, opening themselves up to a conversation. Therapists have called it revolutionary ; No one helps the traumatised like the traumatised
She spends hours combing through different stories of the horrible trauma people have endured. One or twice, she comes across familiar stories that she’s almost certain we’re victims of cases her team (both past and present solved.) Her heart tugs when the username ‘KatieJacobs235’ pops up. Emily reaches out to her personally, messaging the girl who would be no doubt in her 20’s by now, more nausea swirled in her stomach at the passage of time, and types a message she hopes would be comforting.
It was the next post that made her stop scrolling entirely. The horrors the user ‘RockyRacoon’ (The Beatles song made her snort) went through was unbelievable. If Emily hadn’t seen or even been through the shit she had , she would call bs and move on.
A serial killer who got his wife, his son been the target of another, a bomb and losing another woman he loved when she died alongside countless of other trauma dumps in one go. That was incredible and inspiring to live through.
She blames the wine for the fact she didn’t draw up the similarities sooner as she types a message out.
PhoenixPren : You are inspiring. Take it from someone who’s seen a lot and been through a lot. Everything you have been through has made you stronger, and I - for one- am proud of the fact you’re still around. May I ask some questions?
And she hits send.
Getting a ping on his laptop at 1am on a Saturday night from that goddam website his 16 year old son signed him up on was the last thing Aaron Hotchner expected. He wasn’t even the one who wrote it, Jack did it for him, and as such never actually expected anything to come of it.
“Dad, It’ll be good” Jack had said. “You can talk about everything anonymously. It might be helpful to write it all down.”
He hadn’t though, content in leaving the one post up there. Jack had said everything he would have said, anyway.
It had been hard for both of them. Being the target of serial killer would damage people well enough but the target of a second one was downright ludicrous.
When they emerged from Witsec, their old names mixing with their new - Frank and Max - and their old life threatening their new one, Jack had fell back into routine immediately. His first contact was his aunt, then his old friends. It was good, Aaron thought, that he was able to settle in. The nightmares still persisted and there were demons around every corner but Jack took his mothers genes and held his head high, going along with the flow.
Aaron couldn’t. He couldn’t return back to that life - to them, the bau, to the woman who packed up her life from another continent solely to save his ass and because he had asked her to, to Aaron. He briefly entertained the idea of picking up the phone, wondering deeply if she experienced the same identity crisis he put himself through, after he forced her into a similar situation.
He didn’t though, and he stayed hidden like a coward.
No one had opened up dialogue on the website, the ex-agent chalked it up to intimidation, until now, 3 months after it was posted. More intrigued and bored than anything, Jack was out for the night with friends, Hotch clicked the notification. His ever present frown deepened at the username, his brain fruitlessly searched for what had sparked recognition.
When nothing ultimately came up, Aaron sighed. He read over the thoughtful message multiple times, debating on a response. Jack’s words echoed in his brain. It’ll be good.
What has he got to lose?
PhoenixPren : May I ask some Questions?
RockyRacoon : Thank you for your kind words. What would you like to know?
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
#great now i have a writing bug#i hope this is okay#i rlly like it so far i’m gonna continue it!#criminal minds#emily prentiss#aaron hotchner#hotchniss#hotchniss fanfiction#criminal minds fanfiction#tell me what you think!#The Phoenix and The Rocket
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tag list pt 2 💕
@lilbuddie @damagedfletching @laundryandtaxesworld @revenge-of-the-assbutt @bucknerdycore
@longerthanexpectedexistence @scknight05 @greenfairrryy @i-am-married-to-my-fandom-blog @lin27
@wolvesofinnistrad @smilingbuckley @i-am-a-teabag-cause-i-can @traumabuddies @crimsonwildcat-blog
@yuna-dan @hobbitnarwhal @languageiswine @comeon-intothemadhouse @walkinginland
@daleks-in-221 @alex1424 @graysondiaz @bucksbignaturals @judehendr1ks
@buckley3avengers @smurfenijsje12 @wikiangela @mooshkat @nilefreemans
@weekend-dreamer7 @zouisalmightie @buckley3avengers @mynexthusband @teamstark-winterfell-tony
@kinardbuckley @ilikethe-internet @hippolotamus @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @uncovermyeyes
@j-fury @wildchildkyo @between-two-fandoms @staytinysuibian @smartoneamia
Chapter 5 of this can't be love by prettyboybuckley
23.7k | 5/? | Explicit | Chose Not To Warn | Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz/Tommy Kinard
Chapter 5 "Tommy, hey," Eddie says, putting on a smile. "What're you doing here?" "Figured you could use some company after, you know, the other day," Tommy replies, holding up the beer so it's in Eddie's line of sight.
Buck may be an omega, but he’s lived most of his life since presenting as a beta thanks to strong suppressants. Despite having vowed to never date an alpha, when Tommy asks him out, Buck can’t resist.
Eddie had come to terms with knowing he would never have a chance with his best friend. When Tommy starts dating Buck, Eddie quickly becomes jealous, though after a while he feels confused. Who exactly is he jealous of?
Tommy falls for Buck harder than he expected, but he doesn’t want to lose Eddie as a friend. After something happens to Buck, he starts to think that maybe none of them have to choose.
OR: three men slowly but surely fall in love with each other despite societal expectations - things get complicated
Read on ao3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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WIP Wednesday!!
Tagged by @tizniz @inell @exhuastedpigeon who all shared WONDERFUL stuff y'all should absolutely show some love!! 🩵💚
Since a lot of people expressed interest in Clipboard Buck's sexuality quiz, I'm sharing some of that 😊. Haven't had a lot of time to write today, had to take pupper to the vet for his shots (he's okay! A little mad about it, but he's kinda dramatic lol). Anyway, this fic is slowly coming together. I'm hoping it won't take super long, but ya know. Have one of my favorite parts:
"So you're..." Hen trails off. She's biting back a smile that screams I knew it. "I don't know what I am," Buck shrugs. "For the longest time I thought how I felt was just... normal." "It's not abnormal," Hen assures him. She rounds the coffee table and sits on it. "That's what Maddie said," Buck sighs. "All I know is I am definitely not straight, and I want to know what I am." "You don't have to pick a label," Hen points out. "I never did," Chim says before taking another bite of celery. The entire team looks at him, varying degrees of surprise on their faces. He looks around the group. "What? I'm not straight. This can't be news to you." "I knew you were flirting with Eddie his first shift," Buck declares at the same time Hen says "it's not news." Eddie raises his eyebrows and grins at Chim, who honest to God blushes. "I was being friendly," Chim insists. "You were being a possessive golden retriever trying to mark your territory, I... didn't want him to feel unwelcome, that's all." "Aw, thanks, Chim," Eddie says, patting his knee. "Or was it Asian Fabio?" Chim shoves at him. The force throws Chim off balance and he falls against Eddie's side, knocking him into Buck, who half collapses across the couch like a line of ridiculous dominos. Hen cackles and Bobby scrubs his hands over his face with a long suffering sigh. By some miracle, their coffees- and Chim's celery and peanut butter- escape the mess unscathed. Chim scrabbles up and takes a seat beside Hen on the coffee table, glaring at Eddie like all that was his fault. Eddie sits up and takes Buck's hand, pulling him upright. "Oh, so you help Buck but not the guy who wasn't afraid to flirt with you?" Chim balks. "I've always been the favorite," Buck says with a cheeky grin, knocking his shoulder against Eddie's. "Before we end up calling an ambulance to our own firehouse," Bobby says, "have you thought any about the label you might want?" Buck sighs, his shoulders dropping. "I've tried. It's all really confusing and I've read articles about each one that might apply to me until the screen went blurry." "Why don't you do one of those quizzes they used to put in magazines?" Bobby suggests.
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @thekristen999
@actuallyitsellie @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter
@nonspeakingkiku @eddiedisasterdiaz @drunkandsupportiveeddie @traumabuddies @epicbuddieficrecs
@tofanasmuse and anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
#911#buddie#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 abc#fanfic#Maggie writes#clipboard Buck fic#buddie wip#911 wip#wip wednesday
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Reblog with Tags:
@bisexual-buck @homerforsure @bigfootsmom @mellaithwen @djdangerlove @rogerzsteven @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @justfangirlinghere @smallandalmosthonest @xunandran @underwaterninja13 @favouritealias @smurfenijsje12 @honestlyeddie-im-bi @lillathelegend @paigewinchester67 @thegingerparty @princesseddiediaz @babygirl-eddie-babybi-buck @louhearted @traumabuddies @laurennnnn21 @sickeningly-sweet-honey @devirnis @bewilderedbuckley @bibuckbuckley @fandomqueen6754

Tell Me It's Not Too Good To Be True
Buck had texted Tommy in their group chat that they were going to be late when the negotiations pushed them into their first hour of OT. Tommy had replied with a quip about the last one home buying dinner. Eddie had pressed down on the message until a little heart popped up on the side. Then the hostage-taker had agreed to let first responders in to rescue a wannabe hero who’d been bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot for over three hours.
BTHB Prompt: Pistol Whipping for BTHB Fics and @badthingshappenbingo
Rated: G | One Shot | Words: 9,690 | Eddie's POV
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tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @tizniz and @sibylsleaves
thanks darlins <3
here's some of my big bang fic which i can start sharing now yayyy! ive lovingly dubbed it my eddie + wanting fic
For the first time since Eddie buried himself in Buck’s neck like a child, he turns away from the other man in shame.
Buck makes some kind of noise, a little hurt whine that makes Eddie’s heart shrivel up in his chest, but Buck doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t try to get Eddie to look at him again. He just gets up from the table and pads softly to the kitchen then comes back with a full glass of water which he sets down in front of Eddie.
Eddie swallows thickly and smacks his lips a little, suddenly so terribly aware of the dryness of his mouth. This small act–the tender care of it and the show of how well Buck knows him–is enough to get Eddie to lift his weary eyes and gather enough strength to twist his expression into a question.
“Drink,” Buck says quietly, gesturing to the glass with a wave of his finger. “Crying like that–I know how thirsty it can make you.”
He doesn’t know how Buck does it. How does he say something so simple but so meaningful? How does he acknowledge what he witnessed without making Eddie feel horrible or pathetic while also letting Eddie know that he’s not alone?
If there were any tears left in him, they would tumble out now, probably in even bigger sobs, all catastrophic and heaving, but there’s none, so Eddie just nods and picks up the glass.
The stark, brisk cold smoothness of the water against his dry, tattered mouth is so good. Eddie drinks and drinks and drinks, large gulps that make his lungs burn because he can barely breathe.
“Slow,” Buck admonishes.
Eddie obeys, grateful for the care but more so for the orders, because at the very least that’s something he can do, he can follow orders and at the end of the day he just wants someone to tell him what to do so he doesn’t have to decide, so he doesn’t have the option of fucking up.
tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @shitouttabuck @canonbibuck @bibuddie @bvckandeddie @devirnis @spotsandsocks @loserdiaz @bi-buckrights @monsterrae1 @lemonzestywrites @try-set-me-on-fire @lover-of-mine @sunshinediaz @jeeyuns @spagheddiediaz @transboybuckley @traumabuddies @saybiwithme @messyhairdiaz @bekkachaos @fiona-fififi @butchdiaz @bigfootsmom and anyone else who wants to share!
#911#buddie#buddie wip#911 abc#eddie diaz#evan buckley#911 fic#eddie+wanting fic#buck x eddie#ryan writes#tease tidbit tuesday
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🗝 please tell mary about olivia she's your traumabuddy she's here she understands
Locked Lips
“Somehow, the House convinced her that we were all dreaming- having nightmares. So… so I woke up with a screwdriver up against my neck like, like you’d,” he mimed a stabbing motion upwards.
“She thought that she could wake me from the nightmares that way. By killing us- me. And she had these awful, awful migraines and I think she had those in her nightmares too, because one night she- we sent her away but she came back and she. Sh-sh-she threw herself off the staircase. Her whole head just-” he opened his jaw, but nothing more would come out. For now, it was enough.
He dabbed at his eyes with his sleeve and made a sort of sigh that could have been a sob.
“She didn’t mean it."
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ok so i wrote a little thing. I saw this prompt and was like 👀 so here’s 500 words of an opener? idk if i’ll flesh it out but i couldn’t resist
You’ve got Mail!
She doesn’t know why she does it. She chalks it up to Penelope’s unwavering, relentless, quite frankly annoying efforts to get her to make friends. Or maybe it was Dave’s prodding comments about her home life. Probably Tara and JJ’s mischievous scheming during BAU drinks or Luke’s teasing. Could have been becuse of Reid’s statistics and prattling about her age and how ‘lonely people are more likely to experience depression’. Bastard. She gave him more paperwork than anyone else in retaliation. Perhaps it was the jealousy that flairs in her chest whenever she watches Matt interact with his kids or when her phone pings when Derek sends a picture into their group chat of Hank standing for the first time.
Although, if asked, she’ll say it’s because of the wine.
Her therapist was the one who brought up the forum in the first place. “It’s a great way to bond with people, Emily” The woman told her softly towards the end of their first session. “People who have unimaginable trauma, like yourself.”
So that was how Emily Prentiss found herself on a Saturday night making an account to sign into the website ‘TraumaBuddies’. The name alone left a vile taste in her mouth, which she squished down with another gulp of red wine. There was something unsettling that the word ‘buddies’ was chosen out of all the synonyms for friends. It was a website where strangers can willingly dump on a public forum, opening themselves up to a conversation. Therapists have called it revolutionary ; No one helps the traumatised like the traumatised.
She spends hours combing through different stories of the horrible trauma people have endured. One or twice, she comes across familiar stories that she’s almost certain we’re victims of cases her team (both past and present solved.) Her heart tugs when the username ‘KatieJacobs235’ pops up. Emily reaches out to her personally, messaging the girl who would be no doubt in her 20’s by now, more nausea swirled in her stomach at the passage of time, and types a message she hopes would be comforting.
It was the next post that made her stop scrolling entirely. The horrors the user ‘RockyRacoon’ (The Beatles song made her snort) went through was unbelievable. If Emily hadn’t seen or even been through the shit she had , she would call bs and move on.
A serial killer who got his wife, his son been the target of another, a bomb and losing another woman he loved when she died alongside countless of other trauma dumps in one go. That was incredible and inspiring to live through.
She blames the wine for the fact she didn’t draw up the similarities sooner as she types a message out.
PhoenixPren : You are inspiring. Take it from someone who’s seen a lot and been through a lot. Everything you have been through has made you stronger, and I - for one- am proud of the fact you’re still around. May I ask some questions?
And she hits send.
You've Got Mail AU set after Hotch and Jack gets out of WitSec.
Emily signs up for an anonymous emailing website, either a dating app or something to help people with trauma and matches with Aaron. Of course, she doesn't know it's him. They click and connect, and the next thing they know, they email each other almost every day.
They decide to meet and Emily sees Aaron for the first time in years. She doesn't realize it's him that she's supposed to meet, though. Not to mention the fact that she's still mad at him for going MIA and not reaching out after they got released from WitSec.
idk what happens next because im too lazy to write this one but if anyone wants to pick this story up please please pLEASE do 😭
#i did a thing#idk if i like the thing#also i hate tumblr formatting sm#but here you are#criminal minds#hotchniss#emily prentiss#aaron hotchner#idk if i’ll finish this#maybe if there’s enough interest?#hotch x emily#criminal minds fanfiction
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The Phoenix And The Rocket
Chapter 5 / 8-ish
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Emily Prentiss, at the insistent of her therapist, signs up for a Trauma ‘dumping’ site. She never expected that her Dump would connect her back to her old boss and the man she’s been in love with for over ten years.
Also the man she’s absolutely furious at for leaving
We’re moving spectacularly fast yall, i’m the one writing and i’m like 🫣 slow down guys
Edit : Since publishing I have been made aware that the term ‘Trauma Bonding’ is actually an abuse tactic and doesn’t mean ‘bonding over shared trauma’. Would like to make it clear that was a very strong mistake on my part and I apologise deeply for any offence.
Read below the cut
She's not surprised when Dave walks in her office when the case ends and they're home five days later, two glasses in one hand and a bottle of Jack in the other. She manages a smile at him as he shuts the door and sits up to pluck the bottle up.
"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Dave asks, teasing but Emily can detect the concern. "Who the guy is?" After her outburst at the precinct, he knew there was more to the story.
After the thing with Mendoza ended badly, Dave was Emily's sounding board. He was there for her in lieu of any of the girls as a drinking buddy, an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on.
Emily didn't have a father growing up, he ran out the second he could, and Dave has worked his way in, settling in her heart and filling that hole in her life. It's not a secret they have a relationship further beyond colleagues. He's her father figure in all walks of life and she's his daughter.
His favourite child out of all of them, if you will.
The concern he's showing her now is that of a father panicking about his daughter not of a colleague probing into another's love life.
She's told her girls, and they've most likely already relayed the information to Garcia so eventually the correct story is going to go around so she may as well confess her sins now.
Emily sighs and swigs the drink to hold of her reply. "I don't know" She admits finally. Seeing his confused expression, she looks down, fiddling with her glass. "It's an anonymous website" She tells him. "It's called TraumaBuddi-"
"TraumaBuddies" Dave finishes off, nodding. "Heard of it, it's where you unload all your shit right?"
"Yeah" Emily laughs slightly at his words. "Yeah it is. Some of the stuff on there is heavy" She breathes, shaking her head. "But uh. Yeah this guys story was intriguing so" She shrugs and finishes her first glass quickly, just after he took two sips of his own.
"So what is it?" The man asks, intrigued.
Emily pauses, wondering not for the first time if by telling a story that wasn't hers to tell would be betrayal. Dave seems to read her mind, for he nods and backs off.
But Emily decides to tell him everything that Rocket has told her. She can't hold it in any longer, and almost vows that she'll send Rocket an apology once Dave leaves.
She tells him all the details of his story but leaves out anything else. Dave gets told that Rocket's wife was killed by a serial killer but not that Rocket got a piercing on his ear when he was 15 and dared to by the girl who later became his wife. He gets told that Rocket had been stabbed more than 5 times but not that his favourite hobby is fishing because of the way his son laughed when the Bass he caught fought back. He gets told about how Emily talked him through the multiple identity crisis but not that Rocket's favourite movie is Interstellar.
"Wow" Dave laughs when she finishes. Emily is breathless by the time she spews all that out. There is more sneaky glinting in his eye that makes Emily want to scream. "Two serial killers, a car bomb, losing the love of his life?" He shakes his head and drains the rest of his whisky. "If I didn't know any better I'd say this 'Trauma Buddy' was Hotch" He says before standing and disposing of his glass.
Emily freezes mid pouring. His words echoed around her. "Hotch?" She laughs though it was shaky. Dave just looks at her suspiciously. "That's impossible" She shakes her head, resuming her task of pouring a healthy dose.
Another shake of her head and pathetic laughter. "Because it is, Dave" She insists through gritted teeth. A fume of anger sparks in her chest that she doesn't think is fair but also doesn't attempt to push away.
"Okay" The old man shrugs. "Don't drink any more of that bottle, Bella" He warns like a father on his way out of the office. "You drive here."
"Relax, dad" Emily grumbles. "I took a cab" He doesn't hear her as he exits the office otherwise he'd have been forcing her in his car.
Emily sat alone, making no move to follow him, and drank a further two glasses. Dave's words made her lose herself in thought.
It can't be, right?
It was an hour later when the cleaners showed up and the lights shut off that Emily got moving. One of the janitors flashes her a friendly smile, too many late nights in the office was the cause of that, as she leaves. Her hands itched towards her phone as she waits for her cab.
A serial killer who got his Ex-Wife.
Foyet and Haley.
A Car Bomb that made his hearing go fuzzy.
NYC and Kate.
Another serial killer targeting his son.
Scratch and Jack.
Rocket checks all the major boxes.
Emily curses loudly and angrily upon entering her house. She throws her satchel forcefully, stomping towards her laptop. She wonders how in the hell she missed it? Is she that stupid? What kind of profiler is she to not read through the subtext. She slams her fingers on the keyboard, logging into that stupid website and immediately going to Rocket's page.
With every new sentence she grows more angry and resentful until one made her pause.
"After my wife died, I moved on. But just two years later, I experienced the same heartbreak again when I lost the woman who I had grown to love. She didn't know that, of course, when she left but I lost her all the same. She came back briefly for around 7 months but decided to leave again.
In the span of a year I lost the love of my life twice.
In the span of three I had lost two."
It couldn't have been Hotch.
Emily would've have known - Garcia would have blabbed the second it happened - if something that detrimental happened while she was away. In Paris or London. It couldn't have happened while she was here and she just didn't know about it.
It couldn't have been Hotch.
With a sigh of relief, Emily begins typing out a new message.
PhoenixPren : Hey Rocket! I see you haven't replied to my last message is everything okay?
She starts moving around, not one to wait for a reply, when her laptop pings almost instantly.
RockyRackoon : Hello. Sorry for not replying sooner, Max and I are moving house and it's been hectic. How are you, Phoenix?
She smiles, ignoring the warm feeling in her chest, and shrugs as if her partner can see her.
PhoenixPren : Max? Is that your son?
She types and deletes that message a few times before ultimately sending it.
PhoenixPren : And I'm okay.Ish. We have a rough case at work
RockyRacoon : Oof makes me glad i'm retired.
RockyRacoon : And yes, He's my son. He's 16 nearly, we're moving closer to his maternal aunt.
Emily grins at the personal details Rocket shared. Then her smile wavered. Jack Hotchner would be 16 and Jess still lives around here, somewhere, JJ saw her in a grocery store a few months back.
His name is Max, Emily.
She couldn't tell whether she was happy or disappointed at that.
Mid typing out a polite congratulations / good luck reply, Sergio suddenly shoots out of her workspace making papers fly everywhere.
"Sergio!" She scolds, exasperated. "What is up with you lately?" She shakes her head, putting a hand on her beating chest. She ignores the pest as he mewls for her attention, dropping to her knees to pick up the papers. Emily can't even tell you what half of them are and spends a while just reading over them with furrowed brows.
Until she gets to a paper that only she has and that she should have destroyed.
A letter of resignation, another of recommendation followed by two fake IDs.
Aaron and Jack.
Frank and Max.
Emily buckles, falling to sit awkwardly on her hip as she gasps. No fucking way. She scans each ID thoroughly, lingering on Jack's - Max's - for far too long.
Well now she was fucked.
A ping on her laptop made her whirl around.
RocketRacoon : Actually, Max's aunt lives in Alexandria, Virginia. Isn't that your neck of the woods?
She could scream.
With shaky hands, she types slowly.
PhoenixPren : Yeah. I'm in Dupont Circle.
RocketRaccoon : Oh, only 20 minutes away.
Emily is still on her knees on the floor, using her couch as a table.
Don't do it. Please don't ask. If you ask I cannot say no.
RocketRaccoon : This may be a bit forward, But would you like to get coffee? We arrive Friday Morning.
Ah, he did it.
Emily was typing before she could even think. The possibility that it was that man was making her act upon impulse.
PhoenixPren : Given that my team and I aren't on a case, absolutely. I know a great cafè in Alexandria. Rise and Grind.
She recalls, briefly, that R&G was his favourite coffee place but he never could get it because he lived in Quantico, almost an hour out.
RocketRacoon: I know the place. See you there, Phoenix.
PhoenixPren : How will you know it's me?
RocketRaccoon : I'll know.
Aaron stares at the computer, heart beating fast and filled with dread. Jack is next to him on the couch, waving his broken arm around like he could magically fix it.
He didn't know what the fuck just overcame him.
Inviting her out for coffee?
Where the fuck did that come from?
He removes the glasses from his face, wiping his hand over it tiredly. He groans lowly, making Jack snicker. The trees rustle harshly, mockingly, in the window making him shoot a glare out.
"Mom thinks you're funny to" Jack muses, smirking at the window. Aaron rolls his eyes and closes his laptop after Phoenix doesn't reply.
"Mom can shut up" He retorts, resisting a smirk of his own when the trees shake harder, as if Haley was yelling at him. She probably was, if he could delude himself that far.
Jack snorts. "That's you told" He says, switching the channel on the tv. "Told you dating is okay."
Aaron groans again and puts the laptop on the floor in front of him. The coffee table is gone, sold in a yard sale they had two days ago. The rest of the nicknacks and furniture around the room baring the couch has either been sold or packed away. They fly out on Thursday night, the cheapest flight times he could find, with the rest of their stuff meeting them throughout the weekend.
It's taken a lot of effort. Jack is in his sophomore year at school so Aaron has had to deal with admin pulling him out, then actually finding a house that's moderately close to another school, vetting the school and seeing which is best for him but also trying to find a house that's close enough to Jess but far away from any of his old teammates.
And that's hard enough in itself when you haven't had contact with any of them so you don't even know where they are living.
So yeah, moving across the country is a little hectic.
"Jack" He scolds. "It's not a date."
"You've been chatting up a woman-"
"I don't think you can call it chattin-“
"You've been chatting up a woman" Jack repeats as if his father hadn't spoken. He smirks as he remembers the woman's user name but wisely chooses not to comment. There's a reason his dad didn't tell him it was Miss Emily, so he won't push. "Flirting a lot and then you ask her out to coffee? Sounds like a date to me dad"
The trees rustle as if to back up his point.
Aaron rolls his eyes. "No it was a moment of madness fuelled by you and your mother's" He points to the tree. "Meddling tendencies." He stands and puts his laptop away in the bag in top of his suitcase. "It is not a date, I'm merely going to meet and thank this woman for helping me. Now, Are we playing Mario Kart or what?" He asks pointedly.
Jack side eyes the window again as Aaron leaves to find the game in one of the boxes. "I don't think we meddle" He says to the ghost of his mom. "Do we?" The trees shake again and Jack takes it as if she's shaking her head. He carefully watches the doorway. "It is who I think it is right, mom?" He asks softly. "Be still if it is." The child that still lives inside him holds out the imagination that the nature outside really is his mom, still with him.
The trees shake gently a few times before the wind miraculously dies down. Jack breaks into a wide smile as Aaron comes back with the game in hand.
"What?" His father asks suspiciously.
Jack just shakes his head. "Nothin" He replies nonchalantly. The tree backs him up with another shiver, making Aaron roll his eyes and start the game with no other thought cast to his ‘date’.
Word count :2200
tag list : @lonelychicagos @84hotpockets @serqueljisbon @loriprentiss @velvetblackness @castielryan
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#criminal minds#emily prentiss#aaron hotchner#hotchniss#criminal minds fanfiction#hotchniss fanfiction#hotch#agent hotchner#agent prentiss#the phoenix and the rocket
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people always talk about Charlie + Dennis's friendship as if it's based on pity or it's one sided but... they love each other and they really are best friends! as mindy lahiri said on the mindy project: best friend isn't a title, it's a tier. Dennis even says in s2 that "his gang" is mac & charlie.
i LOVE them!! i used to not understand their relationship until a few months ago when i finally had the #traumabuddies revelation and now i can’t get enough of it
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thank you my darling!!!!!🥺🥰🥰🥰💛
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