#trate de ser open mind :/
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kraisb · 3 years ago
HONEST HOUR. tendrías una relación abierta?
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creo que sí, depende de muchas cosas. si es que la persona me gusta mucho, quizá no quiera compartirla. 
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aurora-daily · 6 years ago
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Interview by Daniel Megarry for Gay Times Magazine’s issue #497 (July 1st, 2019).
Norway’s eu­phoric-pop con­nois­seur on fighting climate change through mu­sic and why big­ots will al­ways lose in the fight against love.
There re­ally is no other artist quite like Aurora. When we meet the 22-year-old Nor­weigan on a rainy day in Lon­don, one of the first things she (quite glee­fully) tells us is that she styles and trims her own hair with a pizza cut­ter. It’s ex­actly the kind of quirky, DIY ap­proach to life we’ve come to ex­pect from Aurora, who si­mul­ta­ne­ously ex­udes a child­like sense of won­der and a wis­dom well be­yond her years. Much like lis­ten­ing to her mu­sic, chat­ting to Aurora is a calm­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, but one that also pro­vokes thought and stays with you long af­ter the record’s stopped spin­ning. Right now, she’s pre­oc­cu­pied with the state of the en­vi­ron­ment, stress­ing that our gen­er­a­tion is the one that has the power to de­stroy or save the earth, a mes­sage that pen­e­trates the lis­tener’s mind on A Different Kind Of Hu­man, the cine­matic sec­ond ‘step’ (or half) of her new al­bum. While Step One was in­tro­spec­tive, Step Two sees Aurora look­ing out­wards, mak­ing noise and ques­tion­ing how we can fix things be­fore it’s too late.
“Peo­ple are so afraid of be­ing po­lit­i­cal, es­pe­cially in pop mu­sic,” she muses, “and that’s why I want to make good, in­tel­lec­tual, emo­tional pop mu­sic that can reach out to peo­ple and speak about something im­por­tant, and re­mind us of something other than all this stuff we don’t re­ally care about.” She’s also pas­sion­ate about Pride, be­ing part of the LGBTQ com­mu­nity – although like many young peo­ple, she prefers not to put la­bels on her­self – and en­cour­ag­ing love, which she says will “save us all” one day. As her new record con­tin­ues to win over fans and crit­ics, we sat down with Aurora to find out how be­ing at one with na­ture shaped her unique out­look on life and mu­sic, why it’s “not even worth lis­ten­ing” to ho­mo­phobes, and how her track Queen­dom is an an­them for all the queers of the world.
Con­grat­u­la­tions on the al­bum re­lease. How are you feel­ing now it’s out in the world?
Well the day it was re­leased, I ac­tu­ally cried a bit at midnight...
Happy cry­ing though, right?
Yeah, happy cry­ing. But also re­lief that you can truly let a lit­tle part of your life go, and then you have so much space the next morn­ing, it’s ridicu­lous how big a dif­fer­ence it is for me. Step One was very sensitive, whereas Step Two is much more pow­er­ful, and so I wanted to split this al­bum into two parts be­cause of the very dis­tinc­tive moods and per­spec­tives. I had one emo­tional jour­ney I wanted to bring peo­ple through, but it was very clear which songs be­longed to which step. Step Two is me think­ing, ‘What can I do for you? What can I do for ev­ery­one else?’ It’s about re­ally ac­knowl­edg­ing that we’re co­ex­ist­ing to­gether with the peo­ple around us and with na­ture.
Na­ture is a big theme for this al­bum, es­pe­cially the dam­age that we’re do­ing to the planet. Is this something that worries you?
I think about it a lot, es­pe­cially now that we know so much. We are in­vent­ing new, much more en­vi­ron­men­tally-friendly ways of do­ing things all the time, and we al­ready have a good replacement for plas­tic wa­ter bot­tles. We have the tools, but peo­ple refuse to use them, which re­ally frus­trates me. We have no ex­cuses any­more be­cause we have the knowl­edge, the in­tel­li­gence, the money, the power. We have ev­ery­thing ex­cept for the will, maybe, or the en­ergy to do it.
I think some peo­ple find it hard to think that far into the fu­ture. If it’s not an im­me­di­ate threat, they don’t care. But it will come even­tu­ally.
It will come, and maybe within our life­time, be­cause things are al­ready hap­pen­ing, and we are re­ally dam­ag­ing the planet. I think in gen­eral, our nat­u­ral way is to be em­pathic and to care, be­cause I be­lieve we are good. That’s what I have to be­lieve. But to give ex­tra meaning and ex­tra per­spec­tive to your life, and to be a part of something bitter than your­self – that will change us. It makes us happy, I think, to be a part of something bitter than us, to re­alise we are part of a team. It’s this beau­ti­ful thing that hap­pens when we fight for something that should be im­por­tant to us all. We have a choice now: Will we be the gen­er­a­tion that de­stroyed the world, or will we be the gen­er­a­tion that saved it? That’s what I care about right now.
You clearly have a re­ally strong con­nec­tion with na­ture – why do you think that is?
Well, I didn’t like school, I al­ways knew I was different, I didn’t know where I fit in – all of that shit. I found a lot of com­fort in my­self and I was my best friend, but peo­ple didn’t un­der­stand me and I felt like it was my fault – and for all the peo­ple out there who feel the same, the world is so much bitter than what you think, and one day you’ll go out and you’ll be able to give the world something spe­cial that hasn’t been given be­fore, that’s why peo­ple like us are made. So I didn’t know where I be­longed, but I knew when I was in na­ture. When I was there I felt like I was given time to be a philoso­pher, I dis­cov­ered the power of my own mind, and I fig­ured out my problems. I re­alised what I could change and what I couldn’t change, and it re­ally made me a bet­ter and hap­pier hu­man. I’m very in­spired by that, be­cause what na­ture has given to me, I want to give to peo­ple who don’t have na­ture on their doorstep as I had. I think that’s the biggest in­spi­ra­tion I want my mu­sic to of­fer peo­ple, that sanc­tu­ary and the feel­ing of be­ing safe and at home. Safety is such an im­por­tant emo­tion that isn’t ob­vi­ous to a lot of peo­ple.
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Do you find it quite di cult to nav­i­gate things like so­cial me­dia and stream­ing, which are ob­vi­ously so im­por­tant for artists to em­brace now?
Yeah, I do. I find it re­ally over­whelm­ing, ac­tu­ally. It’s hard to have ac­cess to ev­ery­thing all the time, be­cause then ev­ery­thing loses some of its value, it just be­comes noise, and it be­comes hard to define what’s pre­cious. I don’t re­ally use lots of stream­ing ser­vices, be­cause I don’t like hav­ing ev­ery­thing avail­able. I like buy­ing what I want and I lis­ten to that again and again. I of­ten take long pe­ri­ods off, which I think is healthy. There was a time in the be­gin­ning where my fans, or my sup­port­ers – the word fan is such a weird word, be­cause we’re all just peo­ple who love mu­sic – they would make so­cial me­dia pages, and they would write things like, ‘Sorry I haven’t been ac­tive lately, I have so much to do’, and it just broke my heart. Why would you say sorry? Who cares? It’s lovely that you want to share things, and you have things to say, but don’t feel guilty. So I also try to spread that to my­self and oth­ers, that it’s im­por­tant to take time away. Even if you have art to share, it be­comes bet­ter if you’ve been out­side and got­ten the in­put that will help you do something amaz­ing. You need that time off. It’s re­ally im­por­tant.
You’ve spo­ken about hav­ing a girl­friend in the past. Do you iden­tify as part of the LGBTQ com­mu­nity?
I haven’t re­ally thought about it be­fore, but yeah, I guess I have to say that I do. I knew that it was my right to love who­ever I wanted to love, and I’m very pas­sion­ate about that. I’m very sensitive to reading the news, I find it very dif­fi­cult, and some­times they try to fool us and make us think that the world is such a hor­ri­ble, dan­ger­ous place be­cause peo­ple like to read about aw­ful things, but it’s not. The world is re­ally good. Hu­mankind is such a com­pli­cated and aw­ful and beau­ti­ful cre­ation, and it just blows my mind some times... and then I re­mem­ber that we have love. Some­times you fall into a hole, and you ques­tion ev­ery­thing that’s go­ing on, but ev­ery time I re­mem­ber we have love, and that’s go­ing to save us all one day. Ev­ery­one who brings hate to­wards the LGBTQ com­mu­nity, they will die, but love will not die. So it’s al­most not even worth lis­ten­ing to them. They try to pick a fight against love, which is quite ridicu­lous, be­cause they will never win. As long as peo­ple have love in them, love will ex­ist.
We’re mov­ing to­wards a world where la­bels don’t mat­ter as much any­more, and peo­ple can just be them­selves. I feel like that ties in very well with you as an artist.
I think so too. But also I think if peo­ple want to define them­selves be­cause it strength­ens their sense of com­mu­nity or be­long­ing, that’s fine. There can be many rea­sons why peo­ple want to define them­selves, or define something un­de­fin­able. If some­one wants to define me or put me in a box, that’s fine, be­cause you can have feet in all the boxes. But I don’t feel like I have to define any­thing about my­self, and it’s so gor­geous the way we are mov­ing to­wards that free­dom. I think if you go back a long, long time ago in the ages of gods and monsters, we were even more open. We’ve been there be­fore, where sex was sex, and love was love, and ev­ery­thing was just about feel­ing good, be­cause that’s quite simple re­ally. It’s very beau­ti­ful and it al­lows peo­ple to truly be­come fan­tas­tic, be­cause peo­ple are given no roles, they are just free, and then truly amaz­ing things can happen.
Your song Queen­dom is very much about fe­male em­pow­er­ment, but it also seems like a queer an­them...
Oh ab­so­lutely, that was the seed of the flower, it was the main in­spi­ra­tion behind it. I don’t think we can save the world be­fore we know our value, and it’s hard to know your value when some­one is try­ing to tell you that what you are is not right – that’s so de­struc­tive and so point­less! So it’s very im­por­tant for me that peo­ple know their worth, and their potential. When peo­ple feel ac­cepted they be­come so good. I’m re­ally pas­sion­ate about Pride, it’s very im­por­tant to me, be­cause it’s such an ob­vi­ous bat­tle. It’s very ob­vi­ous for me to know that I’m on the right side of his­tory, and it’s so easy to be pas­sion­ate about it when I know that we are right.
You’re al­ready work­ing on your next al­bum. Will that be Step Three, or something en­tirely differ­ent?
I will re­lease a Step Three at some point, one day. I haven’t told any­one that be­fore! I’m very ex­cited. But for what I will do next, I’ve told you a lot about it al­ready in track eight, A Different Kind Of Hu­man. That tells you quite a lot about where I will be go­ing, and I’ve hid­den some hints here and there. I know the ti­tle, I have the order al­ready, I know the con­cept – and I’ve al­ready started. I ac­tu­ally started in Jan­uary. I feel like I can’t rest, I can’t sleep. Some­times I find it hard to fall asleep be­cause I have ideas, and I get adren­a­line from the thought of mak­ing new songs. I just want to make mu­sic, and I’m re­ally mak­ing sure that I have the time now that I’m so hungry for it. One day, a time will come where I don’t want to make mu­sic, I’ll want to do something else, but for now I’m re­ally grab­bing the chance. It’s very fun.
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Uchi :( no pensé que me dirías esas cosas. yo creo que aveces uno ve lo que quiere ver y no lo que es de verdad. tienes que ver más allá de las personas. no los conozco, solo en fotos pero hasta ahí se notaba que habían algo más. algún día te diré quien soy ajjajaja me gustan ser nn jijijiji
pucha si se, trato de ser open mind, y no tomar decisiones a la ligera, trato de ver todos los puntos de vista, y bucha creo que fue la decisión correcta, jajaja siento que quieres que trate de ver que me equivoque. ya espero que de verdad algun dia me digas quien eres jajaja es extraño contarle tantas cosas a alguien que no se quien es, pero no se, siento que se puede hablar contigo de lo que sea.
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