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iriswestsallen · 7 years ago
I'm disinclined to think that she is Joe and Cecile's daughter, but Cecile is pregnant this season not Iris. Joe obviously carries a meta-gene for speedsters so I don't think it entirely outside the realm of possibility. And while the actress is biracial it's also not outside the realm of possiblity for her to have two black parents. If Cecile weren't pregnant I'd be 100% that this was Barry and Iris's daughter, but since Cecile is pregnant it just makes me wonder a bit.
why do you say joe carries the meta gene? cause caitlin said that cecile being able to read minds is cause of the first particle explosion. todd already confirmed the color of iris’ lightning would be important later on aka cause dawn has the same color lightning. and a mix of barry’s too. 
you can worry all you want. that’s up to you but i refuse to. clearly it’s WA’s kid. grant is already excited for season 5 just cause of that plot. do you really think grant would be excited about joe’s kid lmaoo. and do you really think that the writers would waste such a huge reveal on secondary characters and not their two leads?
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ghostcat3000 · 7 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post: SO. I was on the subway yesterday going home and...
or she is totally in yuor fandom or was just enjoying the free smut. hahaha
I don't think there were any names?? Just the usual buzz words lol. Can you imagine? That's not how I want readers to meet me. Going home, tired as hell after work, typing "fucking" with my thumbs and going insane because the phone keeps auto-correcting to "ducking".
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mmtions · 7 years ago
Barry is running late to the CCPD Christmas party. His ugly sweater itches, and he's really not looking forward to the evening, especially when he has an interview with some ridiculous CCPN reporter tomorrow.
But perhaps, upon meeting the mysterious Iris, he can be put in an entirely different mood. Perhaps something wonderful can come of the evening after all.
my secret santa fic! my one from last year is also up and part of a proper ao3 series, so check that out as well if you like!
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freedom-of-fanfic · 7 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post: call the thought police because i’m tired of their...
You know my main take away from therapy was that judging thought or feelings rather than analyzing and understand them was one of the best ways to fuck ourselves up.
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discoplace · 7 years ago
But why am I only just now finding your blog? You have no idea how many times I quote The Good Place while talking about Star Trek Discovery. Great blog seriously, love it.
Thanks! I’m a little concerned that we’re about to run out of content for both shows ... but at least we have reruns and archives until they both return.
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mosylufanfic · 7 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your photoset “thapnbkrsnowvibe: This ™ Look ↳ [13/?]”
what episode was this? they look like they had sex the night before and she told them they could only be friends.
This was the second episode of Season Three, where Cisco was furious at Barry over Dante’s death (and Barry was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), and Caitlin spent most of the episode silently checking in with Cisco and trying to figure out what she could say or do to comfort him.
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sophisticatedloserchick · 7 years ago
trashywestallen reblogged your post and added:
So Iris vs The Thinker I’m loving the idea of this...
Here’s hoping! It does seem like the set up is about seeing what Iris will do in that kind of “no win” situation. Thinker is going to realize he messed with the wrong queen :P
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backtothestart02 · 7 years ago
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Lol. Guys!! 😂 I must resist b/c one is a Christmas (Eve) present, and today is not Christmas Eve. And the other is for the @westallenfun westallen secret santa exchange, so I cannot release it until they have released it on Christmas Day. But, believe me, @trashywestallen @larielromeniel...I WANT TO.
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jewishgarygreen · 7 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post “i just realized that michael, tilly, and ash are/represent the three...”
And Lorca is what the villain?
why would you say this, to me, a lorca blog,
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mmtions · 7 years ago
I know I commented directly on the fic, but I just want to say to you that it was perfect I love it, you did an amazing and the fact that you're one of my favorite WA writers is even better. I love it.
oh gosh honey! thats so sweet for you to say, thank you
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brandxspandex · 7 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post “So how many more episodes until L’Rell and Voq make kinky Klingon...”
i mean i ship it so...
Buddy, who wouldn’t?
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lemedy · 8 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post “SHIORI DID NOTHING WRONG, I MEAN SHE PROBABLY DID A LOT OF THINGS...”
You love Shiori? How I want to know, like legit curious. It's been years since Utena the Revolutionary Girl, but I don't recall Shiori having a single loveable moment.
There are really two major factors in me fiercely loving Shiori:
a)  old fandom days of yore and fandom willing to throw both Shiori and Nanami (and Anthy) to the wolves and declare them The Worst Ever, Completely Irredeemable while also writing essays on how Touga  was a poor misunderstood soul who really was a Good Dude After All and he couldn’t be blamed for anything he did, it was all because he loved Utena!!!!
Yeah, no.
b) Shiori is yes, often awful, but she is also a sixteen year old girl who is a complicated beautiful mess – she’s sometimes terrible but a lot of stems from her massive amount of insecurity and complicated feelings towards Juri. There are words and words you can write about Shiori’s character, but the tl;dr version is: she feels inadequate and it causes her to do shitty things, she does genuinely care about Juri but also blames Juri for those feelings of inadequacy.  
She’s often not ‘likeable’, but she is very human, and I very much love characters like her.
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hedgiwithapen · 7 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post “Cisco, Cindy, Barry, Iris & Wally & 7?”
Cindy had already been a bounty hunter for years and using her powers regularly when Cisco beat her. Julian was convinced that Cindy let him win.
1. I meant experience in “ being held hostage by supervillains” which we have seen happen to cisco multiple times and never to cindy*, which leads to: 
2. it’s not a matter of “ could they beat the shit out of the supervillain” it’s a question of how they would react to being held hostage by one with a civilian and I would feel safer with cisco. I know cindy’s badass, I’m not stupid. this isn’t something i’ve forgotten. it’s just not the perimeters I’m looking at in the case of this ranking.  actually cindy just dropped in ranking because this reminded me of her  focus on villains and how civilians/ innocent bystanders don’t really register for her and I don’t like how that bodes for my chances at getting reassured OR rescued. 
3. Julian is an idiot, who never assumed that, he assumed that cindy /would/ beat cisco. he got his ass proved wrong. 
* referring to dctv cindy. we’ve seen her in the comics but the original ask was not about the comics so that doesn’t apply. comics cindy is actually still in second slot.
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irishfino · 8 years ago
trashywestallen replied to your post “siobhanblank: “if you denounce the Confederacy, you have to denounce...”
Actually there is a an essential difference between say President George Washington and Jefferson Davis --I'd be up for removing stautes of George too, but there is a difference-- George Washington was president of the US and lead the colonies in the revolutionary war. Jefferson Davis was a treasonist and seccessionist against the US. Both were racist, but only one committed treason against the nation these confederates claim to love.
george washington and all the other revolutionists were literally committing treason and attempting to secede from the british empire. and, while independence had been declared and the final signatures added to said declaration on july 4, 1776, the declared, but not yet, united states of america was in the middle of the revolutionary war. a war that would drag on until 1783 when the treaty of paris was signed.
the real difference is that the revolutionists won (by the skin of their teeth) and the south lost.
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asexual-fandom-queen · 8 years ago
ColdWestAllen, "Of course I'm freaking out you're my friend" or "I'm guessing this was a one time thing."
(sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy)
The idle background chatter of friends and colleagues talking, baristas taking orders, espresso beans grinding, milk steaming, swallows Barry’s words as he hunches over his coffee mug and turns the most adorable shade of bright pink Iris has ever seen.
“And then he, um, he left,” Barry stammers. He fidgets nervously with his mug, rubs his thumbs against the too-hot ceramic as he cradles it between his palms.
Iris chuckles despite herself, and Barry finally snaps his head up to meet her eyes. “Barry, you’re freaking out,” she says.
“Of course I’m freaking out,” Barry exclaims, a high, sharp whisper. “You’re my friend and I–” he takes a surreptitious glance around, checking for eavesdroppers, especially with the precinct right around the corner. “I slept with your husband!”
“With my permission,” Iris reminds him with a roll of her eyes.
“And now we’re talking about it over coffee like it’s this totally normal thing,” Barry continues, like she hadn’t spoken at all. “I feel like my entire life has become one of those this is the future liberals want memes.”
Iris shrugs and takes a sip of her latte. More open-mindedness about sexuality and relationships wouldn’t be the worst thing.
“You’re really okay with this?” Barry asks, quiet and unsure, after Iris sets her mug down. “I mean, it’s one thing to agree to something before it happens, but if, once it’s real, it’s too hard, I don’t want you to lie to me. I never want you to be hurt by something I did and then for me not to know about it.”
“Barry,” Iris says, reaching out across the table and placing her hand gently over his where it twitches with nerves. He looks up at her, skittish and unsure, and Iris sighs. “I am one hundred percent fine. Are you?”
Barry nods, sharp and curt, lips pursed, brow furrowed. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I am. I just– I guess I just thought so much about how I would feel while it was happening that I didn’t think about what we’d do after. You know, how things would go back to being the same.”
Iris isn’t sure what Barry means, what exactly he’s struggling with, until he clears his throat and hesitantly says, “I’m guessing this was a one time thing.”
There’s so much hope and anxiety and dread in that one simple statement, Iris’ heart thuds in her chest. “Did you not want it to be?” she asks, her voice quiet and breathy.
Iris doesn’t move her hand, but Barry quickly pulls his from under her touch. “Iris, I would never try and steal Len from you,” he says, nearly pleads, for her to understand. “You have to know that. I couldn’t do that to you. I lo– I love you.”
Iris’ breath hitches in her throat. She and Barry have loved one another since their days in grade school. They tell each other all the time. But the way Barry stumbles over the words now, the pain in his eyes, speaks to the way this admission is different.
Without thinking, Iris rises from her chair. The legs scrape noisily against the floor and Barry flinches, knows he’s been caught out and won’t meet her eyes as he waits for her to walk away.
But Iris doesn’t. She rounds the table and slides into the booth at Barry’s side. He glances over at her and Iris doesn’t hesitate to cup her hand around his jaw and pull him in for a deep, toe-curling kiss. Barry’s hand falls to her waist and drags her in closer as years of repressed emotions pass between the press of their mouths.
“Iris?” Barry pants her name like a question as they pull apart, like she holds all the secrets of the universe in her beautiful, brilliant mind. Iris runs her fingers through the front of Barry’s hair and holds his wide, uncertain eyes with a warm, steadfast stare.
“It doesn’t have to be a one time thing,” Iris says. “I love you, Barry Allen.”
Barry lets out a shuddered breath and kisses her again. They both have tears in their eyes as they separate, in the middle of Jitters on a Tuesday morning, their lives tilting on their axes as the rest of the world continues to spin on like nothighing’s changed.
“You know that Len is always going to be a part of my life, too, right?” Iris checks, gentle but firm. Barry nods, but still, she adds, “I’m not leaving him for you. If you want this to work, it’s something we need to be in together.”
“I would never ask you to,” Barry assures her. Then, he pauses, furrows his brow and bites his lip, a hint of guilt colouring his expression. “Is Len gonna be okay with this? I mean, we didn’t talk about–”
“We did,” Iris interrupts with a sheepish smile. Barry’s eyes sparkle, like it’s the best news he’s heard all day.
“You already thought about this?” he asks, a hint of wonder in his voice.
Iris chuckles. “Why do you think we offered to see if you and Len were compatible?”
A brilliant smile takes over Barry’s face, lights up his eyes and crinkles his laugh lines. “Do you guys want to go to dinner with me on Friday?” he asks.
“Why, Barry.”
The new voice catches Barry off guard, and he jumps in his seat and pulls his hand by reflex from Iris’ waist, but Iris keeps her hand splayed against his chest.
Len watches them, a to-go cup of steaming coffee held in one hand, with a raised eyebrow and the smile of a cat who’s just gotten the cream. A pleased shiver runs up Barry’s spine, and Iris feels it in the tips of her fingers down to her toes.
“We thought you’d never ask.”
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samiii-p · 8 years ago
answering @trashywestallen tag for top 10 songs I’m currently listening to - not sure if its suppose to be in relation to wa … if it does, I guess I’ll list the reason(s) why.
Yuna - Crush feat. Usher this song exudes westallen
Torey Lanez - LUV I immediatly conjure up an image of WA meeting for the first time in a dance hall and dancing the night away 🤷🏾‍♀️
Lauren Hill - Ex Factor
Cardi B - Bodak Yellow
Aminé - Heebiejeebies feat. Kehlani
AAR - Sweat
Donald Glover - So Into You (Tamia Cover)
Miguel - The Valley WA sexytimes anyone??¿
Weezer - Feels like Summer
Alabama Shakes - Dont Wanna Fight CP got me hip to this song
tagging: @crazybychoice2 @mypurpose13 @wowstar98 & whoever else would like to do it.
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