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mutant-what-not · 8 months ago
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From Duo Zine by Jacques Floret and Stéphane Trapier
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afterhourstrackthirteen · 1 year ago
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Makeup Artist - Louisa Trapier
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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Dassault will prioritize Rafale jets and UCAVs ahead of FCAS
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/01/2023 - 08:31am Military
The president of the French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation said this week that he will prioritize the production of Rafale fighters in the near future to meet new orders.
CEO Eric Trappier said that the company's supply meets the current needs of the military.
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"The Rafale F5 is currently the main priority of Dassault Aviation, long before the future FCAS combat air system (SCAF in French) and combat drones (UCAVs) such as the nEUROn," Trapier said on August 29.
Trappier said that Rafale jets offer an alternative in favor of France for those who do not want to buy Russian and American aircraft, BFMTV reported.
Saying that they have orders until 2032, he noted that they will focus on increasing the production of Rafale warplanes.
The lowest priority given by Dassault to FCAS confirms the impression given by the company at the Paris air show in June.
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The sixth-generation FCAS under development by Dassault.
The Future Combat Air System (FCAS), the European air defense system on which Germany, France and Spain are working together, is another long-term goal of the company, he added.
Dassault began working on a demonstration aircraft at its headquarters in the Parisian suburb of Saint-Cloud, with German and Spanish teams. Dassault leads the New Generation Fighter (NGF) component of the program.
The FCAS is expected to enter service in 2040.
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Combat drone nEUROn.
But for Eric Trappier, the priority remains the future F5 standard of his Rafale fighter.
"It will arrive after 2030, then there are the drones. So, the future fighter planes will come after that. We are in this for the short term, the medium term and the very long term," explains Eric Trappier.
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Recently, India announced its intention to buy 26 Rafale M for its naval aviation, and another 18 were ordered by Indonesia, bringing total export sales to date to 311 aircraft.
This represents twice the export sales of Eurofighter (151 aircraft), Saab Gripen (102 aircraft including those in long-term lease) and Boeing Super Hornet (48 aircraft).
Tags: Military AviationDassault AviationDassault RafaleFCAS - Future Combat Air System/Future Air Combat SystemnEUROn
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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Cavok Brazil - Digital TchĂȘ Web Creation
Brazilian Air Force
Cavok Brazil - Digital TchĂȘ Web Creation
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glup3 · 5 days ago
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Stéphane Trapier
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vagabondageautourdesoi · 6 months ago
Les vacances de l'Histoire
Sous la direction de François Reynaert, dix journalistes du Nouvel Obs racontent dans Les vacances de l'Histoire les congés de certains personnages puissants.
François Reynaert Illustrations : StĂ©phane Trapier DĂ©couvrez les escapades des puissants Embarquons dans ce pĂ©riple gĂ©ographique aussi bien qu’historique sous la direction de François Reynard qui raconte par Ă©pisodes courts et concis les vacances des puissants. Ainsi, le lecteur dĂ©couvre la diplomatie thermale avec RĂ©mi Noyon dans des villes thermales avec ses 300 000 visiteurs en 1870. Mais

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referenceshoteliers-blog · 9 months ago
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jurnalpost · 2 years ago
Miniatur Rafale Indonesia Dipamerkan di Paris Air Show 2023
Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto menghadiri pameran International Paris Air Show 2023 di Le Bourget, utara Paris, Prancis, Rabu (21/6). Menhan Prabowo mengunjungi berbagai paviliun pameran dan sempat berkeliling bersama Eric Trapier, CEO Dassault Aviation, produsen pesawat tempur Rafale yang akan memperkuat TNI AU. Dalam kesempatan itu miniatur Rafale untuk Indonesia turut dipamerkan. Pada acara tersebut, yang merupakan pameran kedirgantaraan terbesar di dunia, jet tempur Rafale juga menampilkan demonstrasi udara. Pameran yang berlangsung dari tanggal 19 – 25 Juni 2023 ini kembali digelar setelah absen selama empat tahun akibat pandemi Covid-19. Paris Air Show ke-54 ini diikuti oleh 2.500 perusahaan teknologi dirgantara dari 46 negara di seluruh dunia.
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blogfanreborn777 · 4 years ago
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Podzemnik by Cynic-pavel
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whotimbaland · 4 years ago
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focusmonumentum · 3 years ago
Le Théùtre du Rond-Point
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Le Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées ponctue le cheminement d'un piéton les remontant, en un contournement circulaire. Au sud de celui-ci, au sein de l'ancien Carré des Jeux des Jardins des Champs, se trouve le bien nommé Théùtre du Rond-Point.
Tout comme le ThĂ©Ăątre Marigny proche, il s'agissait Ă  l'origine d'un panorama, structure immersive plongeant les visiteurs au centre d'une peinture panoramique se dĂ©veloppant tout autour d'eux sur 360°, d'oĂč sa forme de rotonde. En 1839, l'architecte Jacques Ignace Hittorff Ă©difie en ce lieu un premier panorama en rotonde, qui se retrouvera intĂ©grĂ© aux bĂątiments constituant l'Exposition Universelle de 1855, avant d’ĂȘtre dĂ©truit l'annĂ©e suivante. C'est en 1860 qu'est Ă©levĂ© le bĂątiment actuel, par le grand architecte du Second Empire Gabriel Davioud, prenant pour nom le Panorama National. La Rotonde du Panorama abrita de 1893 Ă  1980 une patinoire cĂ©lĂšbre, Le Palais de Glace. Il fallut attendre 1981 pour que cette rotonde se transforme en thĂ©Ăątre, avec l'arrivĂ©e de la compagnie Renaud-Barrault et leur structure mobile en provenance de l'Ă©phĂ©mĂšre thĂ©Ăątre d'Orsay, en l'ancienne gare d'Orsay, oĂč de grands travaux s'amorcent alors pour y instaurer un musĂ©e national... Jean-Louis Barrault et Madeleine Renaud inaugurent ce nouveau thĂ©Ăątre avec un spectacle qui fera date: L'amour de l'amour. S'y alternent durant la dĂ©cennie suivante piĂšces contemporaines et spectacles extrĂȘme-orientaux, jusqu'Ă  sa reprise par une association dirigĂ©e par Robert Abirached, qui charge l'architecte Jean-Michel Wilmotte de rĂ©amĂ©nager les lieux, les divisant en une grande et une petite salle, crĂ©ant Ă  cette occasion un espace d'exposition, une librairie et un restaurant donnant sur l'extĂ©rieur (comme Ă  Marigny). En 1995, le nouveau directeur Marcel MarĂ©chal remodĂšle la grande salle (d'une capacitĂ© de 760 places), prenant en hommage le nom de Renaud-Barrault. Le ThĂ©Ăątre du Rond-Point est dirigĂ© depuis maintenant vingt ans par le metteur-en-scĂšne Jean-Michel Ribes, dont le cheval de bataille est d'encourager la crĂ©ation contemporaine, ne produisant et diffusant que des spectacles d'artistes vivants, avec une communication originale par le biais d'affiches illustrĂ©es depuis 2004 par le dessinateur de BD StĂ©phane Trapier.
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L'ancienne entrée du théùtre, cÎté jardin, présente encore son portique d'origine, aux colonnes corinthiennes surmontées d'un fronton rappelant la vocation premiÚre de la rotonde, avec un programme pérennisé pour l'éternité, de représentations des grandes batailles napoléoniennes.
CrĂ©dits : ALM’s 
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Christelle Oyiri / Gil Anselmi / Louisa Trapier
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editionsmatiere-blog · 8 years ago
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Stéphane Trapier, 2017
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Ellinor Arveryd by Laura Marie Cieplik for TRANSFERENCE Material Magazine No 34, “The Trans___ Issue” 
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glup3 · 5 days ago
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Stéphane Trapier
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histoiresdecurater · 3 years ago
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Fluide Glacial n°540
Stéphane Trapier > https://www.illustrissimo.fr/illustrator/234
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years ago
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The North Island Lighthouse
Located 10 miles from Georgetown, South Carolina overlooking the Winyah Bay is the North Island Lighthouse. This lighthouse has a history back into the early days of America. Land was donated in 1789 on North Island by Revolutionary War Patriot Paul Trapier but it took till 1801 for the first lighthouse to be built.
It was a 72 foot pyramid type tower made out of Cypress wood that readily grew in the swamps in the area. Along with the lighthouse, a 2-story lighthouse keeper’s house was built along with a tank to hold whale oil. The whale oil was used to keep the six foot wide lantern lit to warn ships of the shoal ridden bay during the many unexpected storms that would slam the little island. Unfortunately the mighty storms won out over the wooden lighthouse and it was destroyed in 1806.
It wouldn’t be until 1811 that a 72 foot brick replacement was built. It stood strong against the bad storms but not against man. During the Civil War, the Confederates used the North Island Lighthouse as a lookout station. Union forces captured it in 1862 but the lighthouse was heavily damaged. After the war, the tower was repaired and heightened to 86 ft. The North Island Lighthouse was a manned station until 1986 when the U.S. Coast Guard automated the light.
It is the manned part of the station that produced the haunted story surrounding the lighthouse. The story is about a lighthouse keeper and his daughter. Though the story is consistent, the year the accident occurred is harder to pin down but most point to the time the second tower was built in 1811.
A widowed lighthouse keeper was sent to the island and he was accompanied by his daughter, Annie. Like most fathers, Annie was the light in his eyes and would help him around the lighthouse and other duties that needed to be done. Since a boat was the only way to get to the North Island Lighthouse, when supplies got low, the lighthouse keeper and his daughter would row across the bay into Georgetown.
On their return trip one fateful evening, a fierce storm blew in unexpectedly. Seeing he was only a quarter of the way from getting home, the lighthouse keeper tied his daughter to his back and swam the rest of the way to shore. The trip through the high sea left him in shock, exhausted and not remembering even getting to shore. Unfortunately when he awoke on the beach, he found his daughter still tied to his back but she had drowned.
From that terrible day to today mariners in the bay have reported a young girl on their ships warning them to “Go Back”. It is claimed that inevitably, even on calm sunny days, an unanticipated storm follow these sightings.
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