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Anda ada masalah ✔Kelemumur ✔Rambut nipis ✔Rambut gugur ✔Gatal kulit kepala ✔Rambut kering ✔Rambut bercabang ✔Rambut/kepala berbau Whatsapp📲 0173486304 @empayar_pesona @empayar_pesona @empayar_pesona Dorg ada jual 🌴Shampoo Santan🌴 yang boleh membantu selesaikan masalah anda!! 📮 Pos Seluruh Malaysia 👦👧AGENT & DROPSHIP juga Wanted!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 #kamijual #trustedseller #trustedonlineseller #kamijualshampoosantan #shampoosantan #empayarpesona #trustedseller #dropshipwanted #putrajaya #shahalam #johor #kelantan #perak #kedah #terengganu #tranung #kelantan #johor #jb #kluang #kotatinggi #rambutgugur #rambutkelemumur #rambutpanjang #rambutsihat
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Ni lah peneman hakak buat DESIGN uolls. . Korang buat keje ada peneman tak ? 🤔 SHARE la dengan weolls. . Korang dah tengok @nl_advertising buat PROMO sampai 7/1/2018 ? . - Bunting / Banner⠀ - Business Card⠀ - Kad Kahwin - Poster - Sricker⠀ - Fridge Magnet ⠀ Dan banyak lagi lah⠀ ⠀ Jom⠀ ⠀ Call @ whatsapp ye 👇👇👇👇👇👇 ------------------------------------------⠀ Whatsapp / Call / SMS 📲 012 885 2423 📲 012 886 2423 📲 www.wasap.my/60128862423 📲 www.wasap.my/60128852423 https://rhohoxclo.wixsite.com/nladvertising -----------------------------------------⠀ ‼️‼️Untuk order online... anda jangan risau, kami berdaftar dengan SSM tau 😘😘⠀ -----------------------------------------⠀ #sticker #printingonline #stickermurah #anoktranung #onlineservis #nladvertising #rhohoxclo #localdesigner #advertising #kualaterengganu #tranung #terengganu #sayajual #qotd #page #bisnes #ganukita #anokganu #bazarpaknil #label #artcard #kadkahwin #sayajualmurah #flyers #bannerbunting #businesscard #vfest #igreviews #lefest #timorfest (at Kuala Terengganu)
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Photo by Ulf Tranung
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Bekpes ngang orang tranung. #puchong #doayangbaikbaik (at Cafe Masakan Terengganu Asli Uptown Kinrara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVEkz26haK3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Mana2 yang lebih afdhal dari Shafie Afdal...
Mana2 yang lebih afdhal dari Shafie Afdal....
Sokongan kita dalam politik tidaklah sama dengan kita sokong pasukan bolasepak, atau minat kita kepada penyanyi. Bab bola kita boleh ceritalah aku minat Tores, aku tak minat Suarez, aku minat Pique, aku tak minat Sergio Ramos, aku minat Sepanyol aku tak sokong England, boleh sembang lah, itu atas pilihan kita sendiri... atas minat kita, perasaan kita sendiri. Dunia hiburan pun sama... Ikut mu lah nak minat Jamal Abdillah ke, Ibnor Riza ke, Ahmad Jais ke. Tapi dalam politik tak boleh macam tu.... Kita kena tengok realiti yang ada di depan mata.... Realitinya apa sekarang...? Realitinya, hanya Shafie Apdal sahaja yang punya cukup sokongan MP untuk jadi PM.... Dengan lain perkataan, hanya Shafie Afdal sahaja yang boleh jatuhkan Mahyudin, kalau PH mahu jadi kerajaan.... Selain dari itu, tidak ada jalan.
Kita meraung empat hari empat malam mahukan Anwar jadi PM pun tak ada gunanya.... Anwar tidak cukup sokongan.... Ini realiti.... Pilihan yang ada di depan kita sekarang ialah samada kita mahu Muhyidin kekal jadi PM di bawah kerajaan PN sampai habis penggal, atau pun kita mahu PH ambil-alih pemerintahan dengan Shafie Apdal jadi PM.... Itu saja.... Benda lain tak payah sembang lah, tak ada faedahnya.... Ko ceritalah apa benda pun, kesudahannya aku akan tanya, mu nak Muhyidin kekal PM atau nak PH perintah balik...? Itu je... Cerita lain dari tu aku tak minat nak dengar. Berpolitik biarlah realistik dan logik, bukan ikut perasaan dan emosi sendiri.... Kalau ikut perasaan aku, aku nak Salahudin Ayub jadi PM, tapi realitinya Salahudin dari parti Amanah yang cuma ada 11 kerusi di parlimen, parti kecik... Sudah tentu tak cukup sokongan dari ahli dewan rakyat... Kena terimalah hakikat ni.... Tak bolehlah nak keras keng tetap sokong benda yang tak boleh. Lagi pun, sekarang bukan stage kita sebagai pengundi biasa untuk berpolitik.... Sekarang game Ahli Parlimen, Presiden Parti, dan YDP Agong sahaja...... Kita cuma boleh follow, kita boleh ulas saja.... Tak payahlah nak tunjuk fanatik dan taksub sangat, bukan boleh ubah apa-apa pun.... Stage kita ialah PRU-15 tahun 2023 nanti. - Awang Tranung
Wahai Hadi..! Knp kamu bersekongkol dgn para penyamun dan perompak yg seleweng duit rakyat..? Knp kamu bersekongkol dgn golongan yg kamu tlh anggap kafir dlm amanat kamu dlu...? Sdgkan kamu sndri mngatakan HARAM menyokong, tolong, bersekongkol dan bekerjasama dgn golongan itu sebelumnya...? Hipokrit!!! - f/bk
Malaysia’s ‘theatre state’
- more losers than winners...
18th May 2020 in Malaysia, as the Parliament gathered for around two hours, the country stepped backward into history – as rituals were on display in the short ceremony. The norm set by Umno president Hussein Onn in 1976 when he became the country’s third prime minister – to call for a vote of the House after a change in leadership – as well as international democratic standard in parliamentary practice was set aside. Hussien, a lawyer by training, understood the importance of the rule of law and how democratic procedures should follow standards for his leadership to be legitimate. Much can be made over the importance of rituals and spectacle in Malaysian politics. No question, events of the past months have been theatrical to say the least. Depending on the political box you are in, developments have been either a horror show, tragedy, murder mystery or farce. Whatever your view, one cannot ignore that Malaysia’s democratic institutions and practices are sadly under attack. Some may see recent’s sitting as a meaningless show and point symbolically to the masks on the parliamentarians as silencing their voices, the voices of the people. I contend there was in fact more substance in yesterday’s ritual than it would seem.
Substance amidst symbols First of all, the sitting showed that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s current power comes from the Agong. So far, his Perikatan Nasional (PN) government continues to derive its legitimacy from this powerful Malay institution rather than from representatives elected by the people. Second, during Malaysia’s ongoing political uncertainty, the role of the Agong has increased and his speech cautioning politicians shows that he is wielding his power. The Agong made his views of Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s resignation clear – laying blame of Pakatan Harapan’s collapse at his feet. How much of the speech content was that of the Agong or the Muhyiddin government is not clear, but one implication is that this intensifies the battle in Bersatu between Muhyiddin and Mahathir, and also continues long-standing tensions between the royalty and Mahathir. Third, the sitting arrangements seemed in fact to be in Muhyiddin’s favour. If a vote had been called based on the seats – Muhyiddin would have appeared to have a seven-person advantage with 113 MPs for PN, 106 for Harapan rather than 108, as three MPs are still in quarantine and were not able to attend (two from the opposition, Sarikei MP Andrew Wong [DAP] and Miri MP Dr Michael Teo [PKR], and one from GPS, Kota Samarahan MP Rubiah Wang [PBB].) This, of course, assumes that what was shown in the sitting arrangements were in fact how individuals would have voted. In ritual events, what is shown in public is not always what is happening behind the scenes. An actual vote could have started the musical chairs or other forms of dancing – something the Agong wanted to avoid. A subsequent statement by MP Masir Kuhat of Sri Aman from Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) claims he was seated in the wrong place – further calling into question the seating arrangements. Fourth, the problems associated with the opposition leadership remain with Anwar Ibrahim and his party PKR not attending the post-sitting press conference led by Mahathir – this continues to show that the opposition has yet to resolve differences on who will represent the opposition. They are clearly still divided. That theatre show is not wanted and is a bad rerun. Fifth, attention is focused on political power plays – the drama in the parliamentary spectacle rather than on government or governing – exactly as Geertz noted in his study of Bali. What is actually being done to address the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects continue to be treated as inconsequential.
Losers and winners There were winners and losers. Most were losers. By opting for the spectacle, Muhyiddin lost an opportunity to show if he actually has the numbers to form government. He came off weak. The opposition on its part also showed what has been evident - that it also does not seem to have the numbers as well. Malaysia is still caught in its fragmented political divisions in recent months and years of elite-centred polarising politics. Neither side seems to have the numbers to form a stable government. Malaysians lost most of all because their elected voices were silenced, not just by a lack of a proper parliamentary sitting but by the continued political stalemate that has taken hold. One of the most important criticisms of Geertz’s book was it did not take account of the material dimensions of power – placing inordinate attention to cultural dimensions. The 18th May sitting was about much more than a ceremony. There are clear groups whose interests are served in this arrangement. The winners are those who have been able to use their numbers to gain positions, secure deals and leverage on the political divisions. The parties that gained were Umno and PAS – both by being key players in the securing PN’s political fortunes by making up the numbers on PN’s side of the House, but also by having a weakened prime minister at the helm that they can distance themselves from when the time for another ritual comes along – an election. For now, Malaysians will have to wait another few months until the next parliamentary sitting in July. This makes for theatre, but is not a state that serves Malaysia well.- Bridget Welsh,mk
Sumber asal: Mana2 yang lebih afdhal dari Shafie Afdal... Baca selebihnya di Mana2 yang lebih afdhal dari Shafie Afdal...
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X-Men Reviews Teil 20
Before the Fantastic Four Ben Grimm and Logan 1 - 3
Autor: Larry Hama
Zeichner: Kaare Andrews
"Mission to Nowhere"
Logan ist irgendwo in der Nähe von Nevada in einen Sportwagen unterwegs eine neue Mission zu erhalten. Dabei wird er von einem von Ben Grimm gesteuerten Phatomjet fasst gerammt. Logan findet das gar nicht lustig und nimmt wütend die Verfolgung auf. Er dringt in die Militärbasis ein und stürzt sich auf den Gelandete Ben um ihn zu verprügeln. Ein ganzer haufen MPs ist notwendig um die zwei zu überwältigen und in die Brig zu stecken.
In der Brig werden die zwei von den Inhaftierten Soldaten angegangen und müssen sie verprügeln. Kaum sind sie fertig Werden sie von Colnoel Nick Fury ausgelöst. Er führt sie von Tony Stark der sie Informiert das sie Soviet-Union an einen "Ultra-Low Frequency"-Transmitter arbeiten und die beiden nach Russland fliegen sollen und Messen was das Ding tut. Sie bekommen ein Stealthflugzeug und Agentin Carol Danvers die die Geräte bedienen soll.
Während des Fluges bekommt Logan seine wahren Auftrag. Gerade als er ihm liest Werden sie von einen Russischen Geschwarder entdeckt. Während Logan Ben gleich für einen Verräter hält und sich mit ihn prügelt Versuch Carol das schlimmste zu verhindern. Doch die kommandtin des Geschwaderst. Natalia Shostakova (besser bekannt als Natsha Romanoff die Black Widow) durschaut ihre Tranung und eröffnet das Feuer. Was Logan wenigstens davon überzeugt das Ben kein Spion ist.
"Midnight Train to Moscow"
Da die Waffen des Spionageflugzeug nicht geladen sind werden sie schnell abgeschossen und zur Notlandung gezwungen. Dort aktivertv Carol die selbstzerstörung und will mit der Black Box fliehen während Logan und Ben sich den Anrückenden Soldaten unter den Kommandos eines Colonel Malenky stellen.
Die beiden verschießen alle Muntion und stürzen sich mit bloße Fäusten in den Kampf. Werden aber schnell überwältigt. Während Black Widow sich daran macht die selbstzerstörung zu deaktivieren muss sich Carol im Wald gegen Wölfe zu wehr setzten.
Malenky sieht sein Projekt gefährdet und lässt das Red Storm-Metal das den Generator antreibt wegschaffen.
In selben Zug mit den Ben und Logan und gefangerne in ein Lager gebracht Werden soll. Da Logan die Mission hatte das Red Storm zu stehlen zetellten er und Ben eine Schlägerei im Gefangenabteil an und können fliehen als die Wachen eingreifen.
Sie kämpfen sich nach vorne und stelle die Kiste mit Red Storm sicher.
Carol unterdessen hat ein Überwachungsflugzeug geklaut und machte sich auf den Heimweg. Zufällig kommt sie am Zug vorbei und sieht Logan und Ben am Dach.
Unterdessen erfährt Nick von Tony das es nur um das Red Storm ging und alles nur ein ablekungsmanöver sei und keine Rettung für Ben und co geplant sei.
"Connecting Flight"
Logan und Ben schaffen es sich an Carols Flugzeug festzuhalten. Doch ihre Flucht ist kurz da sie von ihren eigen Stealthflugzeug angegriffen auch Black Widow besteigt ihren Jäger und nimmt die Verfolgung auf. Bei den Ausweichmanöver fällt Logan vom Flugzeug und landet am anderen. Er überminnt die Kontrollr und Schaft es gerade noch Ben aufzufangen der ebenfalls von Carol Flugzeug gefallen ist.
Doch da waren immer noch Black Widow und ihr Wingman. Carol steuert ihr überwachungsflugzeug gegen den Wingman und tötet ihn beim Crash. Jedoch stürzt sie ebenfalls ab. Dank Bens Flugkünsten kann Logan sie rechtzeitig aus den Abstürzend Flugzeug holen und an Board des Steahlfugzeuges. Jedoch ist immer noch Black Widow auf ihren Färsen.
Am Boden kommt inzwischen der General Inspector an. Er lässt Malenkey wegen den Verlust des Red Storms verhaften und Ruft Black Widow zurück um das Kommando zu übernehmen.
Am Rückflug meint Logan das Phase 1 abgeschlossen sei und nun Phase 2 starten würde worauf Ben die nerven verliert und ihn angreift.
Die Forestzung des Flashbacks. Hat mehr Humor und ist mehr Cartoonhaft gezeichnet. Ich fand sie nicht ganz so gut wie den Vorgänger. Außerdem sollte sie Grimm, Logan und Danvers heißen.
Story: 3
Zeichnung: 2
Gesamt: 5
Held: wolverine, Ben Grimm, Carol Danvers
Gaststars: Nick Fury, Tony Stark
Bösewicht: Black Widow, Col. Malenky
#comics#marvel#review#wolverine#the thing#carol danvers#black widow#nick fury#tony stark#larry hama#kaare andrews
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Jom anok Tranung pakat rama2 mari juppe MB https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv1xsv5B-9V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m9w30jdc4utu
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Slamming stuttering tongues is just another act in a long history of oppression, writes Tan Zi Hao.
Malaysia has a problem with language, and more particularly its use and abuse.
Footballer Faiz Subri’s recent address in English upon his reception of the 2016 FIFA Puskás Award has stirred familiar debates about language choice and identity politics. His stammering invited predictable reproach. Fortunately, many stood in his defence.
This squabble might seem mundane, but is hardly trivial. Despite 54 years of nationhood, insecurity still strikes at the heart of the nation’s culture. That a lack of language proficiency is something to be ashamed of remains a common symptom of this hang-up in postcolonial Malaysia.
This battle of culture and pride is waged through the politics of language, with Malay and English the two belligerents. If the former represents the national language, the latter is deemed “colonial.” Both languages have locked horns with each other since the period leading to Malaya’s independence, starting with the Barnes report in 1951 (a British proposal to develop a national education system in Malaysia), followed by 1956’s Razak Report (a Malayan education counter proposal).
After independence it was seen in former prime minister Dr Mahathir’s PPSMI (Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English), introduced in 2003, and its substitute MBMMBI (Upholding the Malay Language and Strengthening Command of English). The ongoing scuffle between Malay and English has witnessed a multitude of policy negotiations, street demonstrations, and on a more personal level, language shaming.
In Malaysia, verbally bashing people for their stuttering and broken language use is in fashion. Before Faiz Subri, there was the Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi. His speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 was lambasted not for the content but for his non-fluent English. The inability to speak Malay has also received criticisms, but of a different kind – instead of being shamed for lacking ‘professionalism’, inarticulate Malay speakers are considered less Malaysian.
If speaking English has become an indicator of professionalism, speaking the Malay language signals one’s loyalty to Malaysia. In 2009, Rais Yatim (then Minister of Information, Communication and Culture) sneered at a local journalist during a press conference for prompting a question in English. Without intending to address the question, he publicly shamed the journalist for the choice of language: “Where were you educated, you can’t speak bahasa at all?”
But be it English or Malay, those annoyed by Zahid Hamidi’s English are fundamentally not at odds with Rais Yatim. The premise is quite basic. Language shaming has more to do with ego-boosting than anything else: I speak better Malay therefore I am more authentically Malay/sian than you. I speak better English, therefore I am more professional or intelligent than you. That one’s linguistic proficiency can be used as an index to measure one’s loyalty towards their country, or, to measure one’s professionalism and intelligence, is outrageous.
More importantly, shaming others for the inability to speak the language of a dominant culture only reflects one’s ignorance of the history of language. Language shaming fails to recognise the implicit power of linguistic ideology (those sets of beliefs and values surrounding any language). In the context of Malaysia, both English and Malay are hegemonic languages. In their presence, other languages are relegated to lower status to be discriminated against. Those who do not partake in the dominant culture are immediately marginalised and are placed in a condition where acquiring a second language becomes a priority.
This hierarchy systemically and structurally coerces many to only speak select languages, while other languages and variant dialects are reduced to communal use. Cultural and linguistic hegemonies are usually achieved through a history of oppression. Every dominant language that we now speak is a result of past violence.
English became hegemonic after two world wars and a long history of imperialism. But, the standard Malay language, as a nationalist medium of propaganda, possesses sub-imperialist motivations too. One language dominates at the expense of another. The official “standard Malay,” which is a Malay dialect of the erstwhile Malaccan-Johor-Riau Empire, became “Bahasa Melayu” at the expense of other Malay dialects such as Loghat Utara or Base Tranung.
It is the same with Mandarin and its use in Malaysia. In the 1990s, Chinese national-type schools in Malaysia had an informal policy to discourage students from speaking any Chinese dialects other than the officially-sanctioned Mandarin. A ridiculous fine of 20 cents per word was imposed on students caught speaking Cantonese, Hakka, Hokkien, and other non-Mandarin dialects.
It is important to recognise the sub-imperialist characters intrinsic to any language of a dominant culture. Many grow amnesic towards this oppressive history of language. Too often one is taught to take pride in one’s own language without acknowledging its historic malice.
If those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, it is essential to constantly remind ourselves that shaming Faiz Subri, Zahid Hamidi, or any other stammering tongues, is part of this legacy of oppression.
Tan Zi Hao is a postgraduate student in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. He is also a conceptual artist whose artworks can be viewed at www.tanzihao.net.
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Salam Sejahtera semua 😊 🔥 Kini muncul satu Shampoo yang menakjubkan yang sedang meletup-letup di pasaran. 💥💥💥 🌴 Berasaskan santan dan ▪💯% bahan semulajadi ❎SLS ❎PARABEN ❎SILICONE 💋Kepada anda yang ada masalah ✔Kelemumur ✔Rambut nipis ✔Rambut gugur ✔Gatal kulit kepala Apa kata cuba 🌴Shampoo Santan🌴 ni!!! jom jalan2 ke ig ⚘@empayar_pesona ⚘ SEKARANG!!! Sebarang pertanyaan Whatsapp 0173486304 🛇 No DM PLISS 😉 🛇 No DM PLISS 😉 🛇 No DM PLISS 😉 #kamijual #trustedseller #trustedonlineseller #kamijualshampoosantan #shampoosantan #empayarpesona #trustedseller #dropshipwanted #putrajaya #shahalam #johor #kelantan #perak #kedah #terengganu #tranung #kelantan #johor #jb #kluang #kotatinggi #rambutgugur #rambutkelemumur #rambutpanjang #rambutsihat
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‼️ JANGAN ANGGAP REMEH ‼️ ‼️ JANGAN BELI STICKER NI KALAU MURAH SANGAT ‼️ "KENAPA PRODUK SAYA TAK DE YANG REPEAT ORDER ?" " KENAPA ANDA PERLU MEMILIH STICKER TERMURAH dari kami ? ‼️‼️ SANGAT SESUAI UNTUK _ Majlis Perkahwinan - Produk Makanan - Majlis Akikah - DAN mengikut kreativiti anda --------------------------------- Ramai peniaga kecil anggap perkara seperti ini hanyalah perkara remeh... Untuk mengekalkan dan meningkatkan jualan sepastinya bukan sahaja dari segi kualiti produk tetapi jenama... Sebagai contoh company besar sperti Qu Puteh, mereka sanggup habis duit berjuta untuk memastikan produk mereka sentiasa dipasaran n dsebut2 ramai... Secara x langsung jualan mereka akn bertambah. Walaupun ini hanya sekeping sticker... Tetapi kesannya sangat besar kepada customer d luar sana.. Kerana ini adalah indentiti produk anda... ---------------------------------------- ❌ BUKAN RM0.50 ❌ BUKAN RM0.30 ❌ BUKAN RM0.25 ✅ HANYA RM0.09 ✅ HANYA RM0.09 HANYA TANGGAL DAN TAMPAL , PELBAGAI BENTUK DAN FULL COLOR PRINTING ! Jom DAPATKAN SEKARANG ! ---------------------------------------- ........ JENAMA ANDA ADALAH IDENTITI ANDA ........ Tunggu apa lagi ? Jom komen "NAK STICKER" Whatsapp / Call / SMS 📲 012 885 2423 📲 012 886 2423 ----------------------------------------- ‼️‼️Untuk order online... anda jangan risau, kami berdaftar dengan SSM tau 😘😘 P/S: jika post ini baik & berguna untuk kawan2 anda, sila share.TERIMA KASIH #sticker #printingonline #stickermurah #anoktranung #onlineservis #nladvertising #rhohoxclo #localdesigner #advertising #kualaterengganu #tranung #terengganu #sayajual #qotd #page #bisnes #ganukita #anokganu #bazarpaknil #label #artcard #kadkahwin (at Kuala Terengganu)
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The best Pating Poyok di Kuala Tranung adalah di Kampung Telaga Daing, Seberang Takir. Ikang stock dari Manir, poyok diimport khas dari Jerantut, Pahang. Badang nge ekor RM6.00 Paler RM12.00 Dijaming sehingga menjilak pinggang. Jumaat tutup. Kena mari awal antara 11am - 2pm je sebab abih awal. Talipung lu kalu nok mari ade nombor tebbeng doh tu. (at kg.telaga daing. seberang takir) https://www.instagram.com/p/BooDyJmlAoe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qy1w5794klof
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Antiparos 2017
Video by Ulf Tranung
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Genius Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man,Menteri Alam Sekitar nih...
Genius Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man,Menteri Alam Sekitar nih....
Story kat sini...
Virus corona mudah berjangkit... Cara nak hapuskannya ialah kena putuskan rantaian penularan virus itu... Kaedah yang diamalkan di seluruh dunia ialah lockdown, orang tranung kata social distancing, itu saja caranya.... Dan bagi yang terkena covid-19, setakat ini belum ditemui lagi vaksin khusus yang boleh menyembuhkan. Seluruh dunia cemas dan muram.... Segala aktiviti ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan, sukan terpaksa dihentikan.... Hanya doktor dan pegawai perubatan yang sedang bertungkus-lumus melawan wabak ini untuk menyelamatkan mangsa dan untuk menghalang penularan virus ini..
Pihak polis dan tentera membantu mengawal pergerakan rakyat dalam usaha untuk memastikan rantaian penularan virus ini dapat diputuskan.
Kajian Unicef menunjukkan tidak ada bukti kukuh yang menunjukkan virus Convid-19 hidup dalam air atau sisa2 kumbahan.
Tuan Ibrahin Tuan Man nak buat kajian kalau2 virus corona boleh hidup dalam jamban dan saluran najis.... Adoi. Ustaz, kalau ya pun tunggulah dulu....
Buat apa tu?
Buat kajian Covid 19 Ostad suruh...
Kalau pun menatang covid ni boleh hidup dalam 'tu' ... Tak ada sapa yang nak pi dok berenang kat situ... kecuali walaun dan macai...
Kajian kajian ni bukan keperluan buat masa sekarang... Ustaz duduk di rumah diam-diam sudahlah, kalau nak keluar sekejap-sekejap ada hal penting jangan lupa pakai topeng... itu je. Bila keadaan dah ok nanti, bukan setakat buat kajian virus boleh hidup dalam lubang jamban, kalau ustaz nak ternak virus dalam ladang sawit pun boleh. - Umo Bin Othman
Makcik Kiah kena kencing lagi...
Dalam sesi wawancara bersama Astro Awani topik persoalan 'Dari Mana Datangnya Peruntukan Pakej Prihatin' diumumkan, Menteri Kewangan akui Mak Cik Kiah terima bantuan RM864 sahaja bukan RM4464 seperti disebut PM. Selebihnya apa diumumkan dalam pakej tersebut adalah dari penangguhan bayaran, yang mana tetap ditanggung rakyat dan kena dibayar Mak Cik Kiah.
1. Alhamdulillah dan terima kasihlah kepada Menteri Kewangan, Tengku Zafrul, kerana ikhlas mengaku yang bantuan kerajaan KICA kepada wanita misteri Mak Cik Kiah (MCK) tu RM800 sahaja. 2. Ini sagatlah besar bezanya dengan yang Perdana Menteri "bukan pilihan rakyat" Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin dakwa sebanyak RM4,464 seorang. 3. "Bukan pilihan rakyat" tu bukan saya yang memandai-mandai. Muhyiddin sendiri yang kata dalam ucapan dia Jumaat lalu.
4. Jadi betullah congak sahabat saya iaitu bakinya adalah duit MCK sendiri yang ada dalam sistem kewangan negara macam simpanan, caruman dan hutang. Maksudnya duit sendiri lah. 5. Kecuali pengeluran simpanan KWSP, mudah tunai (liquidity) yang lain tu sementara saja. Lepas tempoh penangguhan, segala hutang kena bayar balik macam biasa. 6. Jadi MCK dan penerima kena faham dan jangan dok joli. Macam Tengku Zafrul kata, duit yang kerajaan ikut celah atap bagi hanya RM800. 7. Itu pun bukan duit dia. Duit kerajaan. Duit cukai kita. Ni dengar cerita mereka dok fikir nak bawa balik GST pula. - A Kadir Jasin.
Tangkap Covid-19 dalam botoi...
Kepada pusat perawatan pesakit yg tangkap virus Kobis19 isi dalam botol tu, buleh tag gua. Botol kaca dan plastik ada lebih nih, made in Balakong. Buleh buka table di Sri Petaling tangkap kobis yg pertama dalam dunia. Pertama sekali, kita pi Sg Buloh tangkap kobis pada Frontliners pasai depa yg paling berisiko tinggi rawat pesakit. Hang ambik hat umoq 50 ataih tangkap kobis masuk botoi, rama2 hat yg muda belaka pas pada gua ja.
Saya telah menangkap dan mengurung (bukan selamanya) convid-19 ke dlm botol. Botol ini saya isi air. Saya simpan dlm freezer bersama dgn botol air lain yang kosong. Selama tempoh 5 hari botol berisi covid-19 tidak membeku sedangkan botol air biasa beku dalam tempoh 6 jam.
Macam2 hal puak hampa nih. Ada ka buleh cakap dgn virus kobis tu jika masih ada lagi dalam badan sila gerakkan tangan. Maka dengan segera virus dalam badan manusia tu gerakkan tangan. Haduiii. Gua tengok pun, bukan virus tu yg gerakkan tangan. Jin yg masih berbaki dalam badan tu yg gerakkan. Masyaallah... hang buat apa sampai mcm nih sekali. Nak buat rawatan tu, buatlah yg betui. Dan kpd Makcik Kiah, harap sabar... duit makcik tu hujung bulan 4 baru dapat. RM10 bilion ja peruntukan yg di beri kpd rakyat melalui maklumat data BSH. Bukan semua rakyat Malaysia yg dapat. Covid19 masuk botoi...Gino Marvela
Nak berjemaah juga...
Rondaan dan pemantauan berterusan yang dilakukan oleh Penguatkuasa agama bersama PDRM hari ini di sekitar Bagan Serai. Seramai 13 org Jemaah telah ditahan oleh polis dan dibawa ke IPD Kerian utk tindakan selanjutnya kerana melanggar Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) Covid 19. Banyak kitab feqah wabaq di zaman silam menyarankan pemerintah melakukan kuarantin memastikan mematikan transmisi virus/kuman di kawasn berlaku wabaq. Antara perintah ini termasuk sembahyang di rumah dan penjarakkan sosial. Di zaman sekarang kewajiban kuarantin terus berlaku. Kuarantin kerna ketiadaan ubat membunuh kuman/virus. Sekarang boleh di serentakkan yakni kuarantin dengan kawalan dan penyedian ubatan sekira nya di ketemui. Selalu nya agak lewat.
Bagan serai ni dekat dengan Parit Buntar..Sini kawasan pekat PAS.. kawasan kulaan..Cuba kita bayangkan.. Jika gambar ini, Bagaimana Polis angkut orang Solat Jamaah pergi ke Balai berlaku dizaman PH ..Agaknya apa Komen orang PAS dan UMNO ? Syukur lah Allah tentukan Kejadian2 ini tak berlaku zaman PH perintah..kalau tak tak tau tak pasai pasai DAP akan dituduh perkudakan Polis..Menteri Agama yg kebetulan MP Parit Buntar akan dituduh tunduk kepada Kapir sampai Solat Jamaah pun ditangkap..! Mohon semua masjid dan surau memberi kerjasama terbaik dan mematuhi arahan Pihak Berkuasa. - f/bk
Muhyiddin Yassin and the runaway train...
Religion, as it is practised in Malaysia, is soul-destroying. If a woman were to discover a cure for coronavirus, many Malay Muslims in Malaysia, would probably say, "Mana tudung? Apa tak pakai tudung? Berdosa..." (Where is your head covering? Why aren't you wearing your head covering? Sinful). If I were to visit a government 'jabatan' (department) dressed in a skirt, without a tudung, all hell would probably break loose. I once accompanied a relative to the Shah Alam syariah court and was rudely admonished by a woman in uniform, when a strand of hair poked out from my scarf. Religion and race have corrupted our thinking and altered our priorities. Give the Malay a microphone and a soapbox to stand on, and he thinks he is God's gift to politics - and he is ever ready to micromanage how you live. Dress a Malay in uniform, and he thinks he is a Field Marshal. The befuddled thinking is not confined to Malay men. The new Minister for Women, Family and Community Development, Rina Harun, and her deputy, Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff, have failed to inspire confidence during this alarming spread of the coronavirus in the country. Rina (photo, below) is conspicuous by her silence on the role of women in tackling the coronavirus threat, while Siti Zailah is fixated on the uniforms of MAS' Muslim cabin crew. What are their solutions for MAS employees who have been forced to take three months of unpaid leave?
Mortgages and house rents have to be paid, as do car and study loans. As money is tight and family members are confined to the house, domestic violence will probably increase. In the current pandemic, most Malaysian victims contracted coronavirus at the tabligh gathering, at the Sri Petaling Mosque in Kuala Lumpur. However, do you hear Jakim, the ulama or conservative Muslim MPs speaking out? The tabligh attendees who have not come forward for testing are probably scared. Many may be refugees or illegal migrants. They fear being deported or sent to languish in camps. Others fear high treatment and hospital fees. Why won't religious leaders use every facility available, such as TV, radio, newspapers, leaflets and social media, to make their appeal? When it comes to finding pork DNA in chocolates, anything is possible. Naturally, Malaysians are angry and will direct their blame to the attendees, calling them stupid and selfish. Instead, they should blame the authorities. Years of controversial preachings have made some attendees think that their God will protect them. They are probably convinced they will not harm others. They don't think they will put other lives at risk. Remarks such as "I only fear Allah and not the coronavirus" show the dangers posed by some radical ulamas. The Ministry of Health (MOH) has been monitoring the coronavirus threat since the first death was reported in December last year. Tests were conducted on people who returned from Wuhan. People were hospitalised and treated. The MOH guideline detailed many critical steps the public should observe.
An attempt to blame the previous government
Today, in an attempt to blame the previous Pakatan Harapan administration, supporters of Perikatan Nasional (PN) blame Harapan for not monitoring this pandemic. They should criticise Muhyiddin and his co-conspirators for plotting the power-grab, on Feb 23, while Harapan's attention was centred on the threat posed by the coronavirus. On March 9, Brunei confirmed that one of its citizens had contracted coronavirus from Sri Petaling, and had also infected five others. Jakim (Department of Islamic Development in Malaysia), and the new Minister for Religious Affairs should have immediately suspended Friday prayers. They didn't. On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus a pandemic. This should have been sufficient for Jakim and the minister, to cancel the Friday prayers on March 13. Instead, the authorities called for the sermon to be shortened. Today, anything involving religion forces all politicians to tread carefully. So, if a Muslim breaks the law, they have to be careful about punishing him for fear of upsetting the Muslim masses. People who have broken into temples and vandalised the premises were said to have "mental health problems". Really? In 2014, the gang rape of two teenage girls by 30 men in Kelantan shocked the nation, It was alleged that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the men. Our government cannot protect children from being married-off, nor can it protect women from sexual crimes or domestic abuses.
When fires or beatings in tahfiz schools caused deaths, the authorities were afraid to punish the culprits. The cases dragged on and on until we forgot about them. Malaysians wonder if children in tahfiz schools learn about national unity, science, mathematics, geography and the world outside their tahfiz tempurung (coconut shell); but the focus in on vernacular schools. The ulamas make people think more about the afterlife than life on earth. They fail to teach Malaysians about compassion, humanity and how to live among people of different faiths and cultures. The solution is easy. Ban Jakim because it destroys lives, both Malay and non-Malay, and it does not promote national unity. Ban tahfiz schools, because they destroy young minds and deprive young people of their futures. Let it be a lesson to all that things done in haste are never done right. Muhyiddin could not wait to grab the reins of power. He and his cabinet lurch from one slip-up to the next. He has just proven to the nation that the group of Malays who fashion themselves "superior" make poor leaders, or even managers. Malay leaders miscalculated the danger of using race and religion to manipulate minds and control people. Now, their fear is, "How can we stop this runaway train?" - Mariam Mokhtar
Sumber asal: Genius Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man,Menteri Alam Sekitar nih... Baca selebihnya di Genius Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man,Menteri Alam Sekitar nih...
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X-Men Reviews Teil 13
"How did I get here? - a prelude to the draco" Uncanny X-Men 428 Autor: Chuck Austen Zeichner: Sean Phillips Inhalt: Deutschland vor 20 Jahren. In einen Schloss in den Bergen vergnügt sich das Zimmermädchen Katrin mit einen Bediensten. Sie sagt er sollte später zu ihr kommen und geht ins Schloss. Dort beginnt sie irre zu lachen und wird zu Mystique. Die echte Katrin sieht sie und erschrickt. Mystique nimmt ihre menschliche Tranung als Raven Wagner an und beruhigt Sie. nebei erkundigt sie sich ob Katrin eh am Abend im Schloss ist. Später ist sie mit ihren Ehemann Baron Christian Wagner in Schlafzimmer und er eröffnet ihr das die Ergebnisse da sind und sie fruchtbar sei, das sie nicht schwanger sei sei seiner Schuld. Er verspricht ihr einen weg zu finden. Später geht "Katrins" liebster zu ihr und lösst damit Chaos aus was Raven irre Komisch findet. Die nächsten Tage versucht Mystique schwanger zu werden. Sie schläft in Tranungen mit jeden der ihr unterkommt und geht zu diversen Ärzten doch nichts hilft. Auf einer Party stellt Baron Wagner ihr Azazel den Präsident eines kleinen Inselstaats in der Karibik vor. Sie verstehen sich gut. Azazel offenbart ihr das ihr Mann unfruchtbar ist und sie ihn aufgeben sollte. In einer Kirche treffen sie sich und sie offenbart das sie ihn will. Azazel will es gleich mit ihr treiben, aber mit ihren Wahren ich. Also in Blau. Später freut sie sich das sie verliebt und schwanger ist. Azazel in seiner wahren Form "bampft" sich zu ihr und sie gibt ihn die gute Nachricht. Er offenbart ihr das er nichts für sie empfindet und es ihn herzlich egal ist das sie schwanger ist. Sie soll zurück zu ihren Mann gehen. Wochen später offenbart Christian Wagner das er von Kind einen DNS-Test will da sie sich mit Azazel so gut verstanden hat. Raven bleibt nichts anderes übrig als Christian zu töten und die Leiche verschwinden zu lassen. Dann kommt es zur Geburt aber das Baby ist Blau, hat einen spitzen Schwanz und gelben Augen. Katrin sieht das Baby und schreit Teufelsbrut. Mystique lasst ihre Tarnung fallen und fragt nach den Baby. Katrin dreht vollkommen durch und das Volk gegen die Dämonen auf. Raven bleibt nichts übrig ausser zu fliehen. Enttäuscht das Azazel ihr Leben zerstört hat wirft sie das Baby von einer Klippe wo es von Azazel gerettet wird. Fazit: Die Gesichte von Kurts Geburt. Die Zeichnungen sind nicht meins, aber ansonsten Grossartig. Bewertung: Story: 3 Zeichnung: 1 Bonus: - Gesamt: 4 Sonstiges: Held: Mystique Bösewicht: Azazel Bodycount: Baron Christian Wagner
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