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jimfostercoc 4 months ago
Pauline W. Chen, transplant surgeon and author of "Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on Mortality," talks about an experience she had in medical school that transformed her. 聽The full interview from a 2007 episode of "Conversations On The Coast with Jim Foster" can be heard now wherever you get your podcasts. 聽
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drfaisaldar123 3 years ago
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Early diagnosis of #HepatitisC can prevent liver damage, but it can be fatal if left untreated.#LetsFightTogether
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drninad 4 years ago
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Dr. Ninad Deshmukh stands amongst the elite list of Best Liver Transplant Surgeon in Pune. He has more than 15 years of experience in Liver Transplant surgery Book an appointment now for liver treatment in Pune.
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gastroenterologistinpune 6 years ago
#Hepatitis is a disease which may not show any symptoms at all in some cases. However, if one has severe hepatitis, then symptoms can range from dark urine, pale stool to unexplained weight loss. If you notice any of such signs in yourself, then you must consult a doctor immediately 饾棭饾椂饾榾饾椂饾榿 饾棬饾棪:- http://bit.ly/2xHUucN #Hepatitis #hepatitis #Hepatitis2019 #hepatitisc#HepatitisBVirus #hepatitisa #HepatitisFree#liversurgeon #livertransplantation#transplantsurgeon #punedoctors #gastroenterology#punediaries #health #population #drprasadbhate#hospital #liver #cancer #donor #liverrecipient#transplant #organdonation #surgeon#becomeadonor #liverdisease
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surgery-tours-india-blog 6 years ago
Liver Transplant in India with Surgery Tours India
Are you looking at the Best hospital for Liver Transplant in India? Surgery Tours India We provide the Best Liver Transplant Surgeons and hospitals in India
WhatsApp or Call: +91-8882921234 | +91-9730001540
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drfaisaldar123 3 years ago
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Save someone鈥檚 life by donating your organs. It鈥檚 a service to 聽| 聽www.faisaldar.com
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jimfostercoc 6 years ago
Chen: Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on Mortality
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drfaisaldar123 3 years ago
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It has always been up to us to stay healthy and fit, avoiding the risks of suffering from various diseases to the best of our efforts. Saying NO to sedentary lifestyle helps us prevent several diseases including #fattyliver.#LiverDiseases #liverawareness #livercare #fattyliverawareness #healthyliver #junkfood #fastfood #sedentarylifestyle #liverfailure #livercancer #livertransplant #transplantsurgeon #Professor #FaisalDar #drfaisaldar https://faisaldar.com/
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drfaisaldar123 3 years ago
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#PancreaticCancer often doesn鈥檛 show any symptoms until it reaches its advanced stages, a reason why there aren't any early signs of the silent disease.#pancreaticcancerawareness #pancreaticcancerawarenessmonth #pancreas #pancreatitis #pancreaticcancerresearch #symptoms #faisaldar #ProfessorFaisalDar #ThePioneer #liver #livertransplant #transplantsurgeon #Pakistan
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drfaisaldar123 3 years ago
Mohsin Kamal has a 10-year long history of #fattyliver. Now, due to his deranged LFTs (ALT), he seeks an advice from Professor Dr. Faisal Dar related to using certain medications.#patientquery #Facebook #FacebookLive #liveinteraction #liver #liverdisease #LiverCirrhosis #LFT #ALT #livertests #livercancer #sideeffects #professor #drfaisaldar #ProfFaisalDar #transplantsurgeon #livertransplant
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drfaisaldar123 3 years ago
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#ViralHepatitis is a common health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. #Pakistan stands second only to #Egypt with world's highest prevalence of #HepatitisC.#october #livercancer #livercancerawareness #liverdisease #Hepatitis #livertransplant #liver #liverhealth #liverhealthmatters #awareness #liverfailure #livercirrhosis #liverpatient #transplantsurgeon #doctor #healthcare#faisaldar #professor #proffaisaldar
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