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My thyla flower!
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New Game!
Reblog with your favourite comfort book/fanfic/audiobook and tag 7 mutuals
When I'm feeling down, I read the Hunger Games - odd choice maybe for most people I guess, but I know the pages and scenes so well and it always feels like home :)
Tagging @binguystan @captaincarriekathryncoffee @transcakestate @captainbookwyrm @1-800-get-sherlocked @ineedbackgroundmusicinmylife @more-like-reyna @thegirlwiththepuffhat
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Vulcan art! Join Starfleet!
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💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 🥺🌼💕 - no pressure ❣️
Aww that's so sweet obiwansjedi! Ok. 5 random things.
1. My ultimate goal is to go to space. It's not a realistic goal or a goal I specifically work towards achieving but I would literally die to go to space and I know "I would literally die" is used a lot and has lost its value but it's true I would happily die if it meant I could go to space just once. :)
2. I'm petrified of roller-coasters. Not that I'll be thrown off, but that I'll get a heart attack. I'm a perfectly healthy young person but 🤷‍♀️ still
3. I have two dogs whom I love more than anything in this life I would not hesitate to stab anyone who'd hurt them, repeatedly with a rusty dagger
4. I consider myself to be very critical of mainstream media (I'm on tumblr instead of instagram after all) and my tastes aren't usually in line with what's cool or trending or whatever - but fuck it if I don't love taylor swift. Just love her music.
5. I should wear a sign that says "please ask me before you touch my hair". Yes it's big and curly and I don't mind you touching it but just ask first smh
Tagging some people: @obiwansjedi @captaincarriekathryncoffee @janewaystolemyheart @katlovefanfic @transcakestate @totallyforgotyouwerehere @thesadchicken @1-800-get-sherlocked
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S2E4, Invasive Procedures
God, where do I start with this episode? First of all, let me begin by saying that it was ENTIRELY Quark's fault and idk why the station doesn't do something about him because both Jadzia and Dax could have literally died and this isn't the first time Quark's agressive capitalism has crossed the line and hurt people. Fuck you, Quark.
And damn, have Klingons really demeaned themselves... they were hired by a Trill to steal a worm? What happened to honour? Smh.
Basically, was a crazy episode from start to finish. Pretty on-brand for star trek.
Tagging @katlovefanfic and @transcakestate - let me know if you don't want to be tagged in the future, it's no problem at all :)
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S2E5, Cardassians
Although this episode was a bit of a slow one, I think it was amazing for raising some really profound questions. I'd never considered before that there might have been Cardassian children left on Bajor, and that they'd be raised in a world that hated their species. I'm all for hating the Cardassians but the kids have done nothing wrong and don't deserve to hate themselves for what their parents did. It lowkey broke my heart when they sent the Cardassian boy to live with his father on Cardassia because we could see how much he loved his adoptive parents on Bajor :(( but I feel that being raised on Cardassian-hating Bajor would have later really started to affect his psyche, maybe even lead to a form of self-hatred, so I guess it was all for the best.
On a lighter note, I got to see Garak and Bashir being Husbands™️ - fam they don't even NEED a coffeeshop AU, they are one already😂
Meeting at the same table; knowing each other's drinks, Bashir being the only one Garak confides with??? And you're telling me they're not married???
@transcakestate @katlovefanfic
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