#trans staticmoth
valentinoappreciator · 2 months
hello everybody did anyone ask for trans!staticmoth? no? well, too bad because i have spent ALL DAY on that!
Media: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Vox x Valentino (as well as very minor Valentino x Angel Dust)
Rating: E for explicit
Word count: 7.6k
Warnings: none apply (although, I guess, referenced / mentioned past (non-graphic) rape?)
Additional tags: trans!Vox (masc-presenting), trans!Valentino (femme-presenting), panic attacks, one mention of Val wearing a collar, multiple orgasms, (light) overstimulation, mentioning / referencing / talking about past rape (non graphic), Heaven and the Angels are FUCKED, side dish of ValAngel (im sorry)... i think that's about it. no slurs are mentioned directly, but they're referenced, if you read between the lines.
Where else to read: AO3. Username: TheWeirdDane. Title: From Rags To Riches
Author's notes: trans!voxval wont leave me alone. I'm so deeply sorry. I tried to use my own experiences in my gender journey for this, but I still apologize if anything was insensitive or done poorly. I am also still learning 😅
Also: minors, do not interact, please!
Valentino, as he so often did, had gone clubbing. The music was loud, and the bass louder still; it was so aggressive that it made his entire being vibrate across the sticky dance floor. The lights blinding and shiny, he occasionally went into an almost trance-like state, just staring into the lights, as if that wouldn’t cause irreparable damage to his already dogshit eyesight. But, well, that was nothing a new glasses prescription couldn’t fix. 
He swayed his hips, bouncing up and down as the music dictated, swinging his arms with the carefully contained wildness of someone who’s entirely used to having four arms, and knows exactly what to do with them at all times. 
Valentino knew he looked like a million bucks, in his figure-hugging, sparkling, diamond-studded bodystocking, his thigh-high, shiny latex boots, and the padded collar cinched tight around his throat. 
He also knew that if someone were to come up to him and ask for a dance, he would deck them. This was his night out. His reprieve. His chance to relax and let loose, without having someone breathing down his neck. 
Accidentally bounding into someone, Valentino’s mouth was halfway through performing an apology - because everything about Valentino was a performance; or, so one would be inclined to think - when he saw who he had bumped into, and his jaw went slack. 
It wasn’t someone he knew, but he knew instantly that it was someone he would die to get to know. 
“Look where you’re dancing, lanky bitch!” the other demon grumbled, only hanging on to their balance because Valentino grabbed the sleeves of their button-up shirt. He had a TV screen for a head, and was dressed in a suit so pressed and straight that Valentino could not take it seriously. 
“I’m deeply sorry, sir,” Valentino purred, and relaxed his vocal cords to let their natural pitch shine through. “It wasn’t my intention. But, you know how it can be. Having four arms and everything.”
The other demon looked him up and down. A smug smile appeared on his screen. Crossing his arms across his chest, his suit creased slightly. 
“I would not know, but I’m sure you could tell me all about it.”
“I’d be delighted to,” Valentino said smoothly, gesturing to the nearby booths. The demon raised a digital eyebrow, but nonetheless followed Valentino when he sauntered towards the red leather. He sat down, produced a cigarette holder from somewhere on his person, and put a cigarette in it. 
Valentino dug between his breasts with one hand, pulling out a shiny, red lighter that he used to light the cigarette. 
“Do you smoke?” he asked the other demon, holding out a pack of fine cigarettes. He waved a hand in a polite pass. “Do you at least drink?” 
“Never pass up an opportunity.”
Valentino grinned, dug between his breasts once more, and pulled out a shiny golden credit card. Stretching it out towards the other demon, he quickly pulled it out of reach. 
“Introductions first, baby, what do you take me for? A fucking reprobate? Name’s Valentino. And yours is...?” 
“Vox,” the other demon said politely, before snatching the credit card out of Valentino’s hand with a speed that Valentino had not expected. He stared at Vox, unable to deny the faint blush on his cheeks. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Val,” Vox then purred, got up, and sauntered towards the bar in such an alluring gait that Valentino was compelled to watch him. His hips were divine, and oh, that ass...!
Valentino smoked his cigarettes and watched the crowd until Vox returned with not one but two martini glasses full of a clear liquid. He raised an eyebrow when one was placed in front of him, then looked at Vox quizzically. 
“Excuse me? What the fuck is this?”
“Well, I thought, since you’re buying, it’s only fair you bought yourself something,” Vox grinned. He put the credit card on the table between them and slid it back to Valentino, who snatched it up with a hand. “You do like martinis, right? Fancy girl such as yourself?” 
Something in Valentino bristled. He was no girl...! But, he would have to admit to himself, that with the way he was dressed tonight, it was only natural that that is what others would assume. The bodystocking that really showed off his figure and pushed up his breasts, the makeup to put any makeup artist to shame, the high-heeled boots. 
He scoffed. 
“Don’t assume things about me based on my appearances,” he huffed, taking a sip of his martini. He hated that he actually liked it. Vox shrugged, mirroring the motion. 
“Right, sorry,” he said over the thin rim of his glass, but with all the attitude of someone who didn’t really mean it, and someone who didn’t care that others knew it wasn’t genuine. 
There was a short pause in the incredibly stimulating conversation where they both just watched sinners go amok on the dance floor. Hopping, dancing, writhing figures blurred into a giant blob of colors for Valentino the longer he stared. 
Eventually, feeling almost dizzy, he looked back to Vox, finding him staring intently at him. 
“What?” he asked gruffly and took another sip of his drink. 
“You’re most curious,” Vox replied. Valentino snickered, cocking an eyebrow himself while lifting his cigarette holder to his lips. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“You strut like a woman. You’re dressed like a woman. You have a figure like a goddamn fucking model. Yet you swear like a hardened sailor, of whom we both know the sex.”
That got Valentino to tense. Well, it was no secret that he yearned for a more... masculine form. Okay, it was a little bit of a secret. Only known to those closest to him. An amount of people he could count on one hand. He couldn’t have just anybody know he was a---- well, that he wasn’t comfortable with his current... configuration. 
“If you have something to say, just say it.”
Vox shrugged again, sipping his drink. 
“Are you happy in your current body, Val?” 
Valentino’s mouth tightened into a thin line. He took a deep drag of his cigarette holder and blew the smoke into Vox’s screen. 
“What’s it to ya, Voxxy? Think you can fuck me into liking my body better, is that it?”
“Oh, I think a lot of things, Val, none of which would be fit for a woman’s delicate head.”
Valentino nearly bit the end of his cigarette holder in two, his sharp teeth gritting against each other. 
“Well, if you’re so terribly clever, Voxxy, pray tell, please, what you could offer me that would make me like my... this body better.”
Vox’s mouth split into a wide grin, and he leaned forward conspiratorially. 
“Well, Val, I think it’s fair to say you haven’t had a real man treat you like you need to be treated.”
“And what kind of treatment would that be, oh mighty one? You think you are up to the task? Ha. Hell, you don’t look like much. I doubt you’re packing anything noteworthy.” 
At that, Vox finally seemed to feel something other than that infuriatingly smug self-confidence. He scoffed, and rolled his eyes almost aggressively. 
“But,” Valentino continued and put a hand delicately on Vox’s shoulder, another holding his cigarette holder by his lips, “if you’re so sure you can, forgive the expression, fuck me right, then why don’t we go home to my place?” 
Vox’s screen flickered slightly. He looked to the side. Squirmed a bit. Valentino grinned widely. 
Oh, now who is the uncomfortable one, bitch? he thought to himself, triumphantly. 
“Now, Val, I didn’t---”
“Oh, what, are you suddenly a coward, Voxxy? Afraid I might discard you like all the others? That you’re not up to snuff? That your pathetic, little cock won’t satisfy me?”
Vox’s expression hardened. He grabbed Valentino’s hand and yanked him down so they were face to face. 
“Fine,” he snarled, got up, and unceremoniously pulled Valentino up from the booth as well. “You’re gonna regret saying that.”
Valentino all but stumbled after him. He might’ve talked the talk, but he wasn’t sure he could walk the walk, when it came down to it. 
Once back in his apartment, Valentino looked expectantly at Vox. He crossed all four arms over his chest, tapping his shiny boot against the equally pristine floor. He hated the way his heart beat in his chest, and the way he actually looked forward to whatever Vox was going to show, and do to, him. He was no common whore, and yet... and yet...! 
Vox just stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck barrelling towards him. 
“Well, Voxxy, I am eagerly waiting for your massive cock and your incredible stamina,” he snickered and crowded Vox against the wall, two hands on either side of his screen. He noticed how Vox’s gaze flickered down to his breasts, and laughed mockingly. 
“Unless that was all talk?” he continued in a more sultry tone, putting one hand on Vox’s screen while another draped itself across his shoulders, a third positioning his cigarette holder close to his lips, and a fourth pushing against Vox’s chest. 
That fourth one gradually crept south, down over Vox’s crisp suit and his flat stomach. 
“V-Val, don’t,” he stuttered, and weakly tried to push Valentino away. 
Valentino kept going. 
“Oh, so it was all talk, was it, huh, baby?” he purred, stroking his hand down over Vox’s hip before going to cup his crotch. 
Just as he did so, Vox’s screen glitched, and he hissed loudly. 
Valentino stared down at him. Blinked once. Then twice. Then a third time, just for good measure. 
“You’re not even hard?” he asked, incredulously. “I should’ve thought you were eager to get with me. You certainly talked like you were!”
“Val,” Vox groaned, looking away when Valentino leaned into his screen. 
“What, I’m not up to snuff? I’m not good enough? Fucking Hell, Vox, I thought---”
But then, in his search to find Vox’s cock, he fondled the demon’s crotch harder, and found his suit pants to be... damp.  
“What, you pissed yourself, too?” he snarled, his temper quickly showing itself. “Are you that much of such a little baby that you can’t handle someone like me?”
Suddenly, Val was pushed backwards, an arch of electricity sparking between Vox’s antennas. His left eye was suddenly pulsing and spinning eerily. 
“Fuck off, Val! Don’t you get it?” he snapped. 
“Clearly not!” Valentino snapped back, pressing his hand harder into Vox’s crotch. “So, why don’t you tell this woman’s delicate head what the fuck I’m not getting?” 
Vox growled, and the claws on his hands suddenly crackled with electricity. 
“Because clearly, I’m not getting cock tonight!” Valentino continued in a harsh snarl, and used a hand to keep Vox pinned against the wall. “Either because you have the smallest fucking cock imaginable to sinners, or because you simply don’thave a----”
Valentino cut himself short when realization hit him. It hit harder than any alcohol ever had, dead or alive. He stared down at Vox, who, for all intents and purposes, looked like he would rather die all over again than be the one to say what Valentino was thinking. 
“You don’t have a cock, do you?” Valentino then asked, bewildered. 
It all pieced itself together in his head. 
Vox was just like him. 
He frowned. Lightly at first, but the more seconds ticked by, the deeper his brows furrowed. 
“You’re... you’re like me.” 
Vox threw Valentino’s hands away from himself. 
“I am nothing like you!” he spat, as if the words, as if the very idea, was poison to him. 
“Come on, Vox,” Valentino said, his voice so gentle it surprised even him. It also seemed to surprise Vox, because immediately, all the anger and frustration drained from his screen. He looked up at Valentino with big eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, shoulders sagging and eyes cast downward. 
Valentino regarded him quietly for a moment. Eyes narrow. Mouth a tight line. 
Vox snorted. 
“Yeah, sure. Why not?”
Valentino pulled out his cigarette pack and plucked one for Vox. He lit it, too, watching with rapt attention as Vox inhaled deeply, immediately choking on the smoke. He coughed and banged a fist on his chest repeatedly. 
“You weren’t kidding when you said you don’t smoke, huh?”
“Why would I?” Vox croaked when he had gotten his breathing under control. Valentino scoffed, amusement tinging the sound. 
“Well, I guess I can respect you for not lying about that.”
Vox let out a snort, stubbornly taking another drag of the cigarette. His eyes closed, and then he slowly slid down the wall. Valentino stared down at him, somewhere between bewildered and enraged. He had been looking forward to Vox fucking him into the mattress. 
With a deep sigh, Valentino slumped back against and slid down the wall, following Vox’s example. 
They smoked quietly for a few minutes. The silence was close to deafening. 
“We can still have fun, y’know.”
Vox snorted and rolled his eyes. 
“You never give up, do you?” 
Valentino snickered, shrugged with one shoulder. 
“What can I say? I’m a hedonist by nature. For better or for worse.”
Now it was Vox’s turn to regard Valentino. He did so with an expression that Valentino couldn’t quite figure out. Was it admiration? Or was it an attempt at hiding how crazy he found Valentino? 
“Pray tell. Fun how?” Vox then asked, prompting Valentino to smirk. 
“You have a cunt. I have one. I’m sure we could... figure something out.”
Vox rolled his eyes, accompanied by an amused sound. 
“What’s something you’ve always wanted to try, Voxxy? I think I have an idea. If, of course, you’re up for it.”
“A hedonist and a mind reader?” Vox chuckled, then sighed deeply with pleasure when he got the smoking down pat, and he felt the nicotine enter his system. His eyes closed. He leaned his screen back against the wall. Valentino put a hand on his thigh, another busy with his cigarette holder. 
He exhaled a plume of red smoke that hung around their heads. 
“It’s something I have always been interested in,” he then admitted, quietly, like it was a deeply depraved fantasy that would earn him a one-way ticket to an even deeper part of Hell. “And, like I said, you’re like me. We’re two sides of the same coin, Vox.”
“What is it? This idea.”
Valentino sent him a long, sideways glance. 
“Take off your clothes. I’ll show ya.”
Vox’s eyebrows lifted. 
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Maybe. But I can almost guarantee that it’ll feel good. If you’ll just allow me to show you.”
“Only almost? Sounds like a weak promise to me, Valentino.” 
Valentino rolled his eyes, but snickered nonetheless. 
“Well, if you don’t want to feel good...” he drawled, starting to withdraw his hand. Vox hesitated half a second to grab it. 
“Show me, then, oh master of sex.” 
Valentino’s lips twitched into a full grin. 
“That’s what I like to hear.” 
Together, they got Vox out of his clothes in record time, and Valentino splayed him out on the ground beneath him. He saw that the reason he hadn’t noticed Vox’s breasts at first was because he had tied them in. Binding, as it were called. He knew of the term, of the practice, of course he did, but he had never had an issue with his own breasts. Well, not in the same way and to the degree that Vox did, it would seem. 
He sent him a curious glance. Vox shook his head, averting his eyes. 
“Don’t... pay attention to them. Please.”
Valentino nodded, and paid attention to other parts of Vox’s body that he hoped would feel better to him. 
“Tell me if... if I’m out of line.”
Vox didn’t respond. He was tense, Valentino could feel that much. 
“Relax,” he said softly, and stroked two hands up and down his sides. He had a slim body that, at another time, Valentino would have loved to throw around and mark. As it were, however, he was gentle. He was tender. He was slow. He was everything he had been denied. 
As the seconds ticked by, reaching to become minutes, Vox gradually relaxed the more Valentino touched him. Valentino kept his word; he avoided the entire chest region, making sure to massage his arms and his thighs instead. Slowly, as the minutes morphed into half an hour, then to an hour, Vox became completely pliant under Valentino’s practiced hands. 
After that, Valentino decided to free style it. He had made sure not to touch Vox’s crotch, but he could smell that Vox was feeling a... certain way right now. He glanced up at his screen; his eyes were closed, his mouth slightly ajar, revealing a bright, neon-blue tongue. 
“How you feeling, baby?” 
“Good,” he rasped, trembling vaguely. 
“Do you want to feel even better?”
“I will need to touch you for that.”
“Please,” came the almost urgent plea. 
Valentino smiled - a seldom, gentle one - and wasted no time in stroking his claws through Vox’s folds, his focus entirely on his face. Vox furrowed his brows in a deep frown, and his mouth inhaled sharply, while his body jerked hard to the side. Valentino immediately pinned him to the ground with his remaining three hands. 
The cigarette holder had been discarded a while ago, now laying forgotten on the floor behind him. A frail wisp of smoke rose from the smoldering tip. 
“Just relax,” he purred, carefully stroking Vox’s folds and paying especially good attention to his clit. “Just relax, let me show you what I can do.” 
“Yes,” Vox whispered, a hoarse, grating sound. He sagged back against the floor again, but one of his hands came up to grab one of Valentino’s. Valentino permitted it. 
Valentino circled his clit. He stroked it gently. He slid his fingers between Vox’s folds, teasing his entrance. Just teasing. It was enough that it had Vox trembling hard. 
“Val,” he croaked suddenly, and Valentino, who had been busy admiring his beautiful anatomy, snapped his attention back to his face. 
“Yes, baby?”
“I feel... weird.” His hand clenched Valentino’s tighter. 
“Weird how, baby? Talk to me.”
“I’m... warm. Inside. It’s like... like electricity through my chords, but... liquid.”
“Yeah?” Valentino urged him on, feeling quite warm himself. It couldn’t be that Vox was a virgin, now could it...? That would just be too good. 
Vox nodded. His chest rose and fell rapidly. Valentino frowned slightly, cocking his head a bit to the side. 
“Does it feel good, though?”
At that, Vox nodded immediately, and quite eagerly. 
“It feels... really good, Val.”
“Okay, good. Thank you for telling me, baby,” he crooned, and continued sliding his fingers up and down Vox’s folds, before focusing on his clit. 
The second his claws made contact with the warm, slightly throbbing bud, Vox inhaled sharply, and jerked so hard he almost bucked Valentino off. 
“Feels that good, huh?” he asked, trying to keep his teasing to a minimum. “Don’t worry, baby, I ain’t even halfway done showing you my magic tricks.” 
Vox bit back a whimper that nonetheless spilled between his sharp teeth when Valentino didn’t relent. He kept stroking and rubbing his clit. Slowly, carefully, not wanting to end the show prematurely. He let his claws tap gently against the incredibly sensitive bundle of nerves, and relished the way Vox’s entire body shuddered. He might have moaned himself, but he would be double-damned and double-dead before he would admit that.
“Now, I’m going to try something,” he warned Vox, who immediately lifted his head to look at Valentino. His eyes were wide open, almost panicked. 
“I’ll keep it to this area, don’t worry, sweetheart, yeah?” he quickly promised. Fuck, why did it matter so much what this dude thought?! Was he growing soft or something?! Pathetic! 
Vox nodded slowly. 
“Lay back down for me, then. There we go. Good boy.” 
Slowly, so slowly that Valentino thought he was going to explode, he laid down between Vox’s legs. He kissed the inside of Vox’s thighs with unending tenderness. The closer he got to Vox’s core, the sharper and quicker Vox’s breathing became. 
“Breathe, baby. Can’t have ya passing out on me,” he joked. Vox whimpered loudly, and put both hands on his screen. Valentino might not be the greatest at reading - and listening to - people, but even he could recognize the way Vox’s breathing spiraled out of control. 
He started hyperventilating, and his legs immediately closed. Alarmed, Valentino lifted his head to look up at him. 
Vox was trembling. Hard. Not to mention, he sounded like he couldn’t breathe, but would die trying. 
“Voxxy?” Valentino said with a frown, moving up to stare directly into the comforting, blue light. “Voxxy, hey hey hey, what’s up, baby?” 
Vox didn’t answer verbally, but he did utter a miserable whimper. 
Familiar enough with panic attacks that he knew what they were, Valentino had never experienced one himself. Not related to sex, anyway. Bewildered, and clueless as to what he was supposed to do, Valentino clutched both Vox’s hands in all four of his own. 
“Hey, Vox, listen to me, babe, okay?” he said. 
Vox shuddered so hard it was near a convulsion. 
Valentino grit his teeth, feeling panic well up within himself, but wanting to quell it before that, too, got out of control. 
“Vox, look, I can’t help ya if you don’t tell me what to do, okay? I’m here, but you gotta walk me through it.”
Vox lifted his trembling hands. Valentino let go, and Vox wrapped his arms around Valentino’s neck. Before he knew it, Valentino found himself wrapped in a loose embrace. Vox’s teeth chattered loudly against his cheek. 
“Okay,” Valentino said softly, bringing his own arms around Vox’s quivering body. “Okay. It’s okay. I got you.” 
“H-H-Hold m-me. Tight. P-Please.”
“Okay, baby, okay,” he whispered, tightening his grip on Vox’s body until he feared he was actively strangling him. However, the tight, warm pressure seemed to be just what Vox needed. It took a while, but eventually, he stopped trembling. He stopped hyperventilating. Instead, he started sniffling. 
Valentino forced himself not to roll his eyes, even though Vox would not be able to see it if he had. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said, without letting go. “I’m right here.”
“I’m... s-s-sorry,” Vox stuttered weakly. 
“Naahh, baby, don’t give me that shit. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
He practically heard Vox swallow before he detangled himself from the tight grasp of Valentino’s many arms. Valentino allowed him to, but only to the point he could still plant a firm hand on his knee. 
Vox sat back on his ass on the floor. His eyes unfocused before they focused on Valentino’s hand. He swallowed again, took a deep breath. 
“Uh,” he started, rubbing his eyes. Valentino briefly wondered how he cried if he was all digital. Then that concern was shoved to the background. Vox. Focus on Vox. 
“I... I guess it’s no use trying to play off as nothing serious, huh?” he joked weakly, glancing up at Valentino. 
“Nu-uh, sugar. Tell me what happened, and who to kill.” 
The last part came out without him having even thought about it, surprising both himself and Vox. The blue light of Vox’s screen seemed to become brighter for a second. Valentino cleared his throat, before he retrieved his discarded cigarette holder and sat across from Vox. 
“Go on.”
“I... don’t know who they were,” Vox started, slowly, as if he needed time to get his thoughts in order. “But it was... one night. I was asleep, as one is at that time of the day, when I heard noise and commotion in the living room. Someone whispering to someone. Man voices. They weren’t keeping quiet.”
Valentino’s red eyes narrowed behind their iconic shades. He knew of rape when he heard it, and already, before he had heard any details, his blood was starting to boil. 
“They talked about what kind of goods they could get from ‘a place like this.’ One of them said it wasn’t about the goods, it was about the principle. That sinners needed to start being more afraid.”
“Afraid?” Valentino interrupted. 
Vox shrugged with one shoulder. 
“I don’t know. They went on to talk about how they couldn’t... wait until Extermination Day. To show sinners that they should be afraid of Heaven, actually.” 
Valentino’s eyes narrowed further, until they were nothing but tight slits. He didn’t know of any regular sinner who didn’t fear Heaven and the Angels. 
“They came into my bedroom.” Vox’s voice cracked. Valentino pretended not to hear, and he certainly didn’t comment on it. “I... pretended to be asleep. That didn’t... stop them. Though,” he said and laughed; a hollow sound devoid of joy, “I guess my shaking like a leaf was a clear indicator I wasn’t actually asleep.” 
Valentino grit his teeth so hard he nearly bit his cigarette holder into two pieces. Again. 
“Not like they cared, anyway. They...”
He swallowed heavily, and Valentino felt a twinge where his heart should be. He squeezed Vox’s knee. 
“It’s okay, baby. I get the picture,” he said softly. 
“They touched me,” Vox said quietly, continuing his detailing. “Laughed at me. Poked and prodded. Called me... names. They said that someone ‘like me’,” here, Vox made sharp and malicious air quotes, “could never cross the pearly gates, so why bother trying? Why should they bother letting me live? Why not... put me out of my misery already?”
Valentino’s hand tightened on Vox’s knee. Vox didn’t seem to notice. 
“I don’t know if they were Angels, or just someone wanting to frame them, or whatever. What I do know is that they didn’t hold back.”
“How many?” asked Valentino through gritted teeth, preparing to do the mental gymnastics on how to kill one Angel, and how to do it however many times necessary. 
“I don’t know,” Vox answered in a dull voice. “Four? Five? There were... many different voices. They all... felt different, too.”
Valentino’s stomach lurched. Warmth raised into his chest. He realized he was seething. And for what? Some skinny twink he didn’t even know? 
You know why, the abyss of his brain whispered. It takes a miserable story to know a miserable story. 
He let out a low snarl and removed the cigarette holder to blow the smoke out and upwards. 
“I’m going to fucking kill them,” he hissed. “Angels or not.”
Vox chuckled hollowly, before moving so that he could slump against Valentino. 
“Like you could. No one knows how to.”
“I’ll find a way,” Valentino promised and brought two arms around Vox. “They have terrorized us long enough. It’s time that someone should take a stance.”
“But, Val,” Vox said, “what can we do? We’re simple sinners. We’re not Overlords.”
“Maybe not yet,” Valentino replied almost immediately. Vox noticeably shivered. His blue light intensified as he looked at Valentino. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t become Overlords.”
Valentino grinned down at him.
“We, baby. I’m taking you with me on the way there. We’re going to be the baddest motherfuckers down here. Everyone will wish they were us. Everyone will scrabble for a touch of us, of what we can do.”
Vox’s eyes shone. Then he did something Valentino had not seen coming; he threw himself at Valentino, straddling his thighs, and kissed him. It was hard, and sloppy, and not at all as graceful as Valentino was used to, but he happily accepted it all the same. 
He brought all four arms around Vox, pulling him flush against his tall, lanky body. Vox’s tongue was thick, long, and prehensile, and it quickly invaded Valentino’s mouth. Valentino snickered breathlessly and allowed it, if only for the few seconds it took for him to push Vox on his back again. 
“Someone is eager again,” he purred. Vox rolled his eyes with a dark snicker. 
“You talk about killing my rapists, and every single one of those sons of bitch-ass 'divine' Angels. Of course I’m eager.”
Valentino laughed loudly, and kissed him again, this time allowing himself to be not so gentle with Vox. He stroked his folds and clit harder and faster than he had before, even going as far as dipping his claws slightly inside Vox. Still being careful with that, though; Vox had just opened up about trauma, and Valentino did have claws. He didn’t want to shred Vox’s insides. 
Well, okay, he did, but not yet. There would come a time for that. 
“Saying horny shit is not all this mouth does,” he grinned, and let his tongue slowly wind out of his mouth. More and more. Vox watched it with wide eyes as it just kept going. 
“Are you going to---” he began, but didn’t get a chance to finish his question before Valentino laid flat on his chest and stomach between Vox’s legs again. Realization hit Vox like a freight train, and he shuddered when his eyes met Valentino’s. 
“Oh, you actually are,” he croaked. 
Valentino snickered mischievously, and let his tongue lap against Vox’s soaked folds over and over again. Vox let out a very undignified noise, and hurriedly slapped a hand over his mouth. 
“None of that shit, baby,” Valentino purred, reaching up to pull Vox’s hand away. “Lemme hear ya.”
Vox shuddered, and his back arched slightly when Valentino put his tongue on him again. With all the eagerness of a dog greeting its owner for the first time in a long while, Valentino licked and sucked on Vox’s already drenched core. He snaked his tongue around the desperately throbbing clit, and closed his mouth over it while flicking the tip of his tongue against it at the same time. 
“Fuck!” Vox shouted. His hands came down on top of Valentino’s head, holding him firmly in place while his hips bucked hard upwards. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, Val, how do you--- how do you even know how to do that with your tongue?”
Valentino took it as a rhetorical question and thus didn’t stop the merciless fondling of Vox’s clit. Nonetheless, he was flattered. If there was one thing he prides himself in, it was his ability to bring people to their knees. Well, metaphorically speaking. 
Vox’s legs trembled fiercely on either side of his face. When they tried to close around him, Valentino used two hands to force them open, and Vox was done for. 
“Val, I’m---” he whimpered. 
Valentino knew, so of course he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked Vox’s clit as if that was his ticket to Overlord status, and even brought down a hand to tease his entrance just as Vox hit his climax. 
It was loud, and it was messy, but Valentino wasn’t about to start caring about that now. His tongue flicked and rubbed his pulsing clit until Vox jerked away from him and pushed against his forehead. 
“No--- no more,” he said breathlessly, followed by a weak laugh. Valentino looked at him. He didn’t stop. Vox gasped sharply when Valentino’s tongue continued teasing him. 
“N-No, Val, I’m---- ahnn, I’m serious!”
“Are ya though?” Valentino purred and suckled lightly on his clit. Vox doubled over, grasping the back of Valentino’s head tightly. 
“Please, I can’t--- take anymore!” Vox gasped. 
“Tell me ‘red’. Then I’ll stop.”
Vox panted and whimpered, but he didn’t say ‘red’, so... Valentino simply kept going.
Vox managed to come three more times in rapid succession before he safe-worded. And, much to his credit, Valentino pulled back immediately after. He cuddled up next to a vaguely spasming Vox. He looked around his apartment. The lights were still on. 
“Not good enough to cause a total black out, I see,” he joked with a wide grin. His face was wet and sticky, and he was desperate for a shower, but he wasn’t going to just abandon Vox. 
Vox weakly hit him in the chest, an even weaker laugh bubbling out of his open mouth. 
“Shut... shut up.”
“Gotta up my game,” Valentino continued, pulling Vox close in a tight embrace. He immediately leaned into it. 
“If you up your game any further, I will cause a city-wide black out. Is that what you want?”
“Yeah. Would be fun to see everybody panic.”
“You’re an ass,” Vox laughed. Valentino snickered. 
“Yeah, well, you’re the one stuck with me now, baby.”
“Woe be upon me.”
They cuddled for a few minutes, something that was exceptionally foreign to Valentino. His clients were usually all about the pump and dump. They never cared for aftercare, or reassurance on Valentino’s behalf. No, rather, Valentino was used to being the whore that everybody wanted for the night, but nobody wanted for the long term. 
Maybe... maybe here was someone different...?
He dared let a flicker of hope burn inside him. 
Then he pushed it away. Yeah, right. He was a whore, not a partner. 
“Baby, do you mind if I take a shower?” he asked Vox while stroking his upper back. Vox quickly detangled himself from Valentino, and somehow, despite that having been what Valentino wanted, that answer filled him with dread. 
“No, no, of course not, go right ahead,” he mumbled sheepishly. Valentino sent him a flirtatious smirk before getting up from the floor. 
Sauntering towards his massive bathroom, he let the act down once he was alone inside. Once alone inside, he knuckled the sink so tight he almost broke it clean off the counter. Staring into the mirror, he grit his teeth harshly. 
“You can’t go around catching feelings for every stupid fucking twink with a tragic backstory you see,” he hissed to his reflection. It was silent, simply scowled back at him. 
He pushed away from the counter forcefully and got out of his clothes before stepping into the shower cabin. Turning on the hot water, he sighed deeply when it cascaded down over his body. Fuck, that was the good stuff... 
Valentino was halfway through his shower, and the bathroom completely enveloped in dense steam, when he heard the clack-clack-clack-clack of expensive, Italian shoes stepping over the white marble. 
“Val?” came Vox’s nervous voice from the door. 
“What is it, baby?” Val answered, trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Someone is calling you. The display says... Angel Dust?” 
Valentino groaned at length and turned off the water. 
“I didn’t mean to look, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, baby, don’t worry about it. Gimme my phone.”
Vox did. 
“Angel, honey,” Valentino said sweetly, pouring honey over his voice, “I’m busy right now. Can this wait until tomorrow?” 
“Please, Val, I just--- I just need you. Just for two minutes. That’s all. Promise.”  
Valentino glanced at Vox through the mist. 
“Angel, baby, I said, I’m busy. I’m gonna call you back tomor---”
“I miss you. I feel like I barely see you anymore these days, Val. What’s going on?” 
Valentino rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Angel,” he said, and a stern edge replaced the sweet honey in his voice, “I will. Call you back. Tomorrow. Got it?”
There was a long pause. He heard a sniffle through the phone. 
“S-Sure. Sure thing, Val. Talk tomorrow.”  
“Good boy.” 
Valentino hung up and then groaned at length again. 
“Who are they?” Vox asked, sitting on the toilet cover. Valentino could hear the struggle in his voice; he was trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Aww, jealous, baby?” Valentino snickered and stepped out of the shower cabin, grabbing a fresh towel. 
“N-No,” Vox answered way too fast. Valentino started drying himself off, his back to the other demon, but was interrupted by two sets of sharp claws on his bony hips. Then there was the warm weight of Vox’s screen on his upper back, just as the claws snuck around his narrow waist and locked together. 
“Don’t lie,” Valentino purred. “It ain’t a good look on ya, Voxxy.” 
“So, don’t lie to me, either,” Vox mumbled. “Who is that... Angel Dust?”
Valentino sighed. 
“I guess you could call him my boyfriend. At least, that’s what he wants us to be.”
“And you?”
“What do you want you guys to be?”
Valentino shrugged and tried to pry himself out of Vox’s embrace. But Vox was surprisingly strong and determined. 
“Aaww, what’s it to ya, baby, hmm? You want to be my new boyfriend, huh, is that it?”
Vox went still, and Valentino knew he had hit the nail on the head. 
“Baby,” he purred, stroking Vox’s hands and arms slowly. “I can’t just throw him to the curb, now can I? Just because I found you? I need to have some principles.” That last part was mostly a lie, though. 
Vox was quiet. Probably pouting, too. Valentino rolled his eyes, not caring if the steam had dissipated enough that Vox could see it in the mirrors lining the wall. 
“Threesome?” he then suggested. Vox scoffed. “He’s amazing in bed, I promise.” Vox scoffed louder, clung tighter to Valentino. 
“Voxxy, baby, please---”
“I want to eat you out, too!” Vox suddenly blurted out. 
This gave Valentino pause. Instantly, excitement coursed through his veins. He had never allowed anyone to eat him out. Not that anyone had had much interest in that, anyway. For most clients, they just wanted to dip their cock in him. 
“Ask me nicely,” he then purred. 
“What? It’s supposed to be the other way aro---”
“Ask me. Nicely. And then maybe I’ll give you the honor.”
Vox groaned. 
“Fuck’s sake, Val, just let me do this for you? Please? You treated me so well, it’s only fair I return the favor. Please.”
Valentino turned around in the embrace, looking down at Vox with a wide grin. 
“I like hearing you beg, actually. It’s a good sound on ya. Alright, fine. You can eat me out.”
“You could sound more enthusiastic about it.” 
Valentino huffed. 
“Do you wanna do it or not, baby?”
“Then get to it.” 
Valentino sat back on the small step in the shower cabin. He spread his legs wide and looked up at Vox, not without a sizable knot in his chest, and trying to ignore the way his breathing was already getting faster. 
“You can take a towel to kneel on if you wanna.”
“So generous,” Vox snickered and grabbed Valentino’s damp towel. He folded it a few times before kneeling in front of Valentino. Then he seemed to hesitate. He peered up at him. 
“I have... never done this.”
“Congratulations, that makes two of us.” 
Vox frowned. Valentino cursed on the inside. 
“You have eaten out before. Val, you can’t lie to me about that.”
“I meant, dumbass, that I have never allowed anyone to do that to me,” Valentino growled. “Now, get to it or get lost.”
Vox took that quite literally, and dove between Valentino’s spread legs to get to work. His tongue was immediately on his folds; lapping, licking, and sucking. 
Valentino had not expected it to feel that good.  
Sure, his female clients always went insane for cunnilingus, and he had always kind of just assumed that they exaggerated their pleasure so he felt better about himself. Because surely, nothing could be that good, right?
This was that good. Sure, Vox’s tongue was sloppy and uncertain, but the pleasure coursing through Valentino was very much that good. It hit him hard and heavy and made him moan loudly. His wings even fluttered. Just briefly, but still. 
“What the fuck, Vox,” he growled and pressed up into Vox’s mouth. Vox grunted and planted his hands on the inside of Valentino’s slim thighs, keeping them spread. His claws dug into the purple flesh, and while Vox was worried about piercing the skin, Valentino seemed to not worry about that. 
Valentino normally prided himself in his stamina. He could last for hours without getting tired or needing a break. But this? Right here, right now, Vox working him like that? He suddenly couldn’t think straight. 
“Fuck,” he cursed and banged his head back against the shower stall, clutching Vox’s screen tightly. His remaining three hands tried to busy themselves with whatever else was in here. Which wasn’t a whole lot. One hand slammed against the glass of the stall as Valentino moaned loudly. Vox didn’t jump, much to his credit. 
He was warm and giddy throughout his entire body, and he felt as though all his arousal was flowing south, forming a tight knot in his lower stomach. It was too good, actually.  
“Fuck, Vox , Vox Vox Vox,” he panted and thrust his cunt against Vox’s screen. His tongue went from licking his folds to instead flick against his clit, and Valentino had to bite one fist to keep quiet. 
“It feels good, huh?” Vox sounded way too smug.
“If you’ve got the energy to make comments, you’re not focusing enough,” Valentino growled, but he was breathless already. He needed... just a little bit more...
“Fuck, Vox, finger me!”
Vox faltered. 
“Val, my claws, they will---”
Valentino growled and grabbed one of Vox’s hands, roughly and rather clumsily placing it by his entrance, bumping against Vox’s face. 
“This is about me, not you, Vox. I said, finger me.” 
He felt Vox shudder between his legs, and, credit where credit is due, Vox began fingering Valentino while also continuing to suck on his clit. Valentino let go of his hand and used his own to hold his legs open.
Vox’s claws did hurt as they scraped against his insides, but for Valentino, that was part of the fun. The pain was delicious, and complemented the pleasure quite nicely. All of it burnt through his veins, threatening to sear his nerve endings, fry him, make him go up in smoke. 
He pointed his toes and gasped loudly when Vox tilted his screen just so, hitting so good a spot that Valentino began babbling inanely.
“Fuck, Vox, that’s it, that’s the fucking spot!” 
Vox groaned and pressed himself harder against Valentino’s cunt. If he was just acting as if he wanted to please Valentino, he was a fucking fantastic actor.  
“Do not fucking stop, you hear me? If you stop, I am shutting you down for go--- ohh fuck!”  
Vox twisted his wrist and sped up his fingers as they thrust relentlessly into Valentino, his tongue running merciless circles around his clit. 
It was, really, inevitable. The pleasure was bound to break, to crescendo. But Valentino was not ready for the sheer intensity of it. Fireworks went off inside his brain and behind his closed eyes. In a way, it was a bit like how he remembered celebrating the Fourth of July back in his living life. Fireworks and an endless supply of drugs and booze. 
Only, this high was better than anything chemical he had tried. 
“Vox,” he choked out, trying to pry the demon off of him. For all his shameless talk and wanton desires, the idea of coming in Vox’s mouth was filthy.  
“Vox, fucking hell, I’m going to come!”
Vox seemed to take this to mean that he should super glue himself to Valentino’s cunt, because he licked him faster and harder, while at the same time curling his claws repeatedly in a ‘come hither’ motion inside him. 
Valentino’s vision exploded in a cascade of colors, and the bathroom was suddenly filled with a cacophony of sounds that he, later on, would flat-out refuse ever having made. The tight knot unfurled and seeped out of him, while he had a hard time breathing. Two hands clutched Vox’s screen tightly, a third was plastered against the glass, and a fourth against the wall of the shower cabin. 
“Vox, Vox, Vox,” he panted, forcing his name past his lips despite barely having enough air in his lungs to sustain himself. 
But, like any other high, the crash set in way sooner than he would have liked. He was still buzzing pleasantly when he let go of Vox’s screen, and Vox sputtered and coughed for air himself, pulling back from Valentino. 
Valentino’s eyes were closed, until he felt Vox’s soothing claws against his inner thighs. He winced slightly when he pulled them out of him, letting them caress his other thigh. 
“You did good, Val,” he purred. 
"Shut up,” Valentino muttered, breathless, and verging on laughing. 
“Naahh. I think I’ll have this looming over you for the rest of eternity, actually,” Vox said smugly. “Unless you become my partner.”
“Business or pleasure?”
“Why not both?”
Valentino considered it for a second. 
“What of Angel?”
Vox shrugged. 
“He’s not my problem.”
Valentino laughed and put a hand on his forehead. 
“God, you’re hot when you don’t give a shit, Voxxy. Fuck it, fine. We’re business partners first, fuck buddies second. Got it?”
“Got it,” Vox grinned and got up. His knees creaked. “What will you say to Angel Dust?”
Valentino shrugged, getting up as well. His ass ached from having sat on the hard perch for so long. Nothing he wasn’t used to, though. 
“Let me deal with him. Hell, maybe we can all have some fun at some point. His dick game is simply unmatched, I tell ya.”
“It better be if you keep him around.”
“Ohh, jealous, Voxxy?” 
Vox squeezed Valentino’s plump rear before giving it a firm slap. Valentino giggled and spun around in a flurry of wings and fur. 
“Well. Don’t worry your pretty TV screen head... thing... about it. Maybe, when you and I are Overlords, we can have him working for us. What ya think about that, baby?”
Vox pondered it for a moment, then grinned maliciously. 
“I like the sound of that. Now, get dried off. We have business to do, don’t we, Val? Some Angels need slaying.”
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hypnoticmoth · 5 months
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When your husband has negative braincells
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moth-bytez · 3 months
more t4t radiostatic :3 1st doodle insp by calam4r1 !!!!!
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lalalalalalakakakak · 4 months
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This (above) is kinda the end of this post.
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Vox 🤝 Pride Month
Vox 🤝 capitalism
Vox 🤝 ugly 1990 advertising vibes
Vox 🤝 Pride Moth
Part 2
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Valentino making a lot of assumptions about Vox's life as a rich white guy and joking about Vox having an amphetamine-addicted wife who poisoned him for being such a bastard. Vox being unable to tell him that he was the amphetamine-addicted wife stuck in the kitchen.
Follow up to this post
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dani-60062 · 2 months
Some doodles I did last night!!
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(Yes ik spelled Aisle wrong..)
So I have this hc with my trans Val AU that Vox still has that 50s straight white man bigotry meaning he thinks he isn’t gay when dating Valentino cuz he “technically isn’t a real man”
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Idk how to draw hands
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lemoncakedoodles · 8 days
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Trans Vox supremacy
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mayashesfly · 3 months
Crack Fanfic Idea:
A passionate fan of Hazbin Hotel who ships RadioStatic dies and gets isekaid into the Hellaverse.
All seems well since they still remember everything from their past life and has the meta knowledge to survive in Hell and avoid soul contracts despite being a new Sinner/Freshly Dead.
However, their Sinner form looks like a RadioStatic fanchild.
The Vees, Alastor and Rosie knows that Vox is secretly Trans and that there are very rare cases of Sinners having a biological child.
At first, noone in the hotel takes note of the Reader's appearance.
After all, a screen head with animal features and hair isn't that uncommon right?
Especially with the influx of new Sinners having parts of their Sinner forms being technology and/or furries.
So the Reader was able to adjust for a while before shit hits the fan.
However, after some of the Reader's powers were discovered, Angel made a passing comment of how their powers seem like a mix of Vox and Alastor's.
And hilarity ensues.
(Bonus points if they also ship StaticMoth so they look like a RadioStaticMoth fanchild)
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galaxytoons · 3 months
fem Vox sketches :3
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danilovzu · 2 months
Doodles I did a few days ago and posted on a different account lol
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He’s trying ok??
So I have this hc with my trans Val AU that Vox still has that 50s straight white man bigotry meaning he thinks he isn’t gay when dating Valentino cuz he “technically isn’t a real man”
(I swear he isn’t trying to offend anyone.)
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prince-liest · 6 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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velvet-games · 23 days
fucked up staticmoth time! (no idea if this is good or not lol; I've never written dead dove-adjacent stuff before)
cw for dub/non-con, (extremely) unhealthy relationship dynamics, acephobia, racism
I wrote vox as kind of a disaster bi that fell in love with everyone in favorite, which I thought would be incompatible with aroace vox, but! I think it's perfect actually.
I present to you:
aroace vox who was rejected by everyone, who never had enough actual romantic/sexual experience in life to realize she'd never felt allo attraction (she does love very deeply, just not like that)
asian vox who feels emasculated by the stereotype that asian men are impotent/undesirable and will fight to the death to prove that he does indeed fuck (she doesn't)
transfem vox who is so unbelievably repressed that she overcompensates by playing the role of a dominant, hypersexual man after death
vox who is so immediately enamored by valentino's attention that she interprets the feeling of validation as love
vox who starts to believe that alastor's criticisms of her must've meant he was just a heartless asshole and never really her friend in the first place
(mildly) sex-repulsed vox who learns from valentino that love and sex are supposed to feel uncomfortable and scary
valentino who implies on several occasions that aroace people aren't real; they're just boring prudes who aren't hot enough get laid! sex is a part of human nature, mi amor; relax, it's all in your head.
sex-repulsed vox who loves valentino anyway, because the moments of genuine comfort and affection are special to her
they'll always be special to her, unfortunately
sex-repulsed vox who is so paranoid about valentino getting bored of her that she discovers her hypnosis powers while trying to convince him to fuck her
he still wants to fuck her, right? she's still worth something?
maybe val never really liked her, maybe he was lying about finding her attractive, but vox can make sure he wants to stay. and it's supposed to feel bad when it happens; it's the least she can do to endure it ...
vox who starts to feel sick to her stomach thinking about valentino touching her, but it's just butterflies. she's just nervous. she's just in love.
vox who gets trigger happy and starts hypnotizing val when he shows any signs of being out of her control
vox who eventually can't tell how much the hypnosis has done and how much of val is actually intact
vox who wants to care about that last part, but who does she have if valentino leaves her?
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hypnoticmoth · 2 months
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Voxtek shark week - day 6 - Beach episode
Just the Vees enjoying a nice time at the beach ~
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kittykatkatelol · 4 months
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@elektriksh4rk4attackxx the meme lmao
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lalalalalalakakakak · 5 months
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flynncorvus · 6 months
Voxxy🦈 - IbisPaintX Plane Doodle
(CW: Shirtless Vox, Trans!Vox headcannon, top-scars) (Edit: Hopefully a higher quality image, unsure)
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Yep I drew this. On a plane. That was in the air. With other people around.
I showed this to one of my friends irl, they asked "How are you so good at artos?!!", and I responded with "IDK! Horny?"
Honestly, fr though.
Anyway, have fun with this, cause I probably will make more messy sketches. Nothing 18+ for a long time, don't worry broshimiskies!
Tagging my besties, and the ones I remember love Vox: @minkschasijasi, @frilled-cheese-sandwich, @goofyroxy, @gabrielsbubblegumbitch
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